American Idol 2006

By story guy

Published on Mar 13, 2006


American Idol is property of the FOX network, and is copyrighted material.

This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

AMERICAN IDOL 2006 -- Part 4

The guys were just finishing up from the American Idol where Will was voted off and all the guys were depressed. Ace, Chris and Elliott were especially upset, but wanted to put their feelings aside in order to support Will who actually was pretty positive. Ace asked Chris what they wanted to do for Will before he goes back to Texas. Chris said, "You know, why don't we have a dinner and party for him with all the guys that we have met since the show began having 18 finalist." Elliott said, "Chris you are a genius. That is why I f'ing love you. You always know what to do in a bad situation."

Chris said, "Well Ace are you in?" Ace said, "Sure that sounds like it will be fun." Elliott said, "I will do the inviting and getting everything together for this dinner. I believe that we can have it in a private party room at some restaurant or hotel. We will make it casual so that everyone does not have to go get a tux or suit. Plus it is crazy hot around here so I would want to be comfortable." Chris said, "Yes, the last time I was in a monkey suit was for my sisters wedding and what choice did I have? My wedding was not a formal event. In fact, my wife and I had a clambake. It was a lot of fun." Elliott said, "God, sometimes I forget that you are married." Chris said, "Yes me too..." Ace said, "You know we could invite Simon, Ryan, and Randy. What do you think?" Chris said, "Sure why not. The more the merrier. I think that they all liked Will."

Elliott went to talk with Bucky to let him know the plans of the party.

Bucky was like all over it. He has not partied at all while in Los Angeles and since he was close to getting voted off, he wanted to have as much fun as possible. Bucky said he would help out by getting the other guys to go. Elliott thanked him and went off to find the guys that were already voted off the week's prior.

Elliott got on the phone and started to make his phone calls. He called Sway, Patrick, David, and Bobby, who was like a kid in the candy store. He said, "Well of course I will come to little Will's party. I will make a splashy entrance trust me."

Elliott reminded Bobby that this party is for Will and not for him. Bobby said, "Oh I know honey, but I was just giving you a little preview of what I intended to do." Elliott decided not to argue, but just gave him the information that he needed to know for the party and hung up.

Elliott was now all finished with the invitations for the idols, but now needed to ask Simon, Ryan and Randy. He walked over to where the judges hang out and knocked on Simon's door. Elliott figured that he should start with the hardest sale first. Simon opened the door and roared "Don't you know that I am not to be bothered while off camera?" Elliott said, "Ah, yes Simon sir, but I wanted to invite you to a party on Saturday night to give Will a little going away party." Simon said, "Oh which one was he? Let me think? Um, he was the one with the crazy smile? No, he was the old dude? No, he was the little chicken geek? No. Well quite frankly I don't remember him."

Elliott was perplexed that Simon did not have the courtesy of knowing all the Idols, but it truthfully did not surprise him. Elliott said, "Bobby Brady." Simon said, "Oh that little dweeb? You want me to take a Saturday night to spend with little Donny Osmond and the rest of you?" Elliott was getting angry and said, "Look Simon. I am just inviting you. If you decide to lower yourself to hang out with us on Saturday that's fine, if not, that is fine too. We will have fun no matter what.

Elliott was stunned by that conversation, but hoped that going to Ryan's room would be more successful. Elliott knocked and Ryan came to the door. "Yes, what can I do for you, Elliott?" Elliott told Ryan about the party and asked him if he wanted to come out to celebrate with the rest of us. Ryan said, "Man that sounds fun, but I have a pedicure appointment that I cannot get out of...sorry. Maybe next time and slammed the door on Elliott.

Elliott thought well damn them. He went to Randy's door and knocked. Randy opened the door and said, "Yo dawg, what do you want?" Elliott gave the same party information that he gave to Ryan and Simon. Randy said, Yo dawg that sounds fun, but come on you know that Saturdays I am busy and certainly don't have time to hang out with people that I have been cooped up with all week long. Elliott said, "Well you have the information should you decide to come anyway." Randy said, "Alright dawg, how about getting out of my room now so I can get back to doing what I was doing." Elliott asked Randy what he was doing. Randy said, "Yo dawg, I don't give out my personal life. Now go on."

Elliott left Randy's office and went back upstairs to where everyone else was hanging out. He saw Chris and Ace over in the corner talking. Chris looked up and saw Elliott and had him come over to them. Chris said, "Dude, what is up with you? You look upset and sad." Elliott said, "Well I went to ask Randy, Ryan, and Simon to come to the party and they blew me off." Ace said, "They did, you lucky stud." Elliott said, "No crazy, they did not blow me off, they told me to get lost." Chris said, "That is too bad. So you think they definitely won't come?" Elliott said, "Well, I did give them the information, but who knows with those overgrown egos. They pretty much think were little people."

Ace said, "Well screw 'um, we are going to have a great time. I am psyched about this party." Elliott asked if all the other guys were coming. Chris said, "All of them said they would come out at least for awhile." Elliott said, "Oh that is great. Will is going to love this."

Chris, Ace and Elliott continued to discuss the party details on what they would like the party to be. Will came in the door and saw that the guys were talking and went over to them and they immediately stopped talking. Will said, "Hello what's up?"

Elliott said, "Well Will, we were just discussing something and it does not concern you right now."

Will said, "What. I am being ignored of information because I was voted off?" Ace said, "No Will, it is not like that. Just be cool." Chris said, "Ya Will, don't worry about it."

Will just looked at them with those puppy eyes and walked away. Chris said, "Elliott maybe we should tell him about it." Elliott said, "No I want this to be a surprise." Ace said, "Damn did you see the look he gave us. If he could have killed us right then, he would have." Elliott kinda laughed and said, "Don't worry, he will find out what we are up to very soon."

The producers told everyone that they did a great job and would not need to be back to the studio until Monday morning for a practice. Everyone started clapping and was really happy about four whole days off.

Elliott was still steaming about the three judges being such asses to him earlier. He decided that he needed to go back to see Ryan. Elliott knocked on his door and Ryan answered the door, rolled his eyes, and said, "Oh what now?" Elliott said, "You know Ryan, you can be a jerk sometimes. We were just asking you to come to a freaking party and you told me to go to hell. What is up with you?" Ryan said, "Look, I am flattered that you want me to go to Will's party and I may show up, but don't think that I don't have a life outside of Idol." Elliott said, "I know that, all were asking for is one night."

Ryan said, "Look, I will give more thought to this and see what is going on and may stop by." Elliott said, "Ok, that is fair, I guess." Elliott asked Ryan what he had planned for tonight. Ryan said well I was going to pick up something to eat. Why?"

Elliott said, "Well I thought maybe we could hang for a bit." Ryan said, "Sure, why don't we go get something to eat." Elliott said, "Cool. That would be great."

Ryan and Elliott left Fox Studio and went to Ryan's car. Elliott could not believe his eyes. Ryan was driving a Ferrari Enzo. Elliott said, "Holy shit Ryan, I can't believe you have this car. You must have spent a fortune." Ryan said, "Well I work a lot and wanted to buy myself something nice." Elliott said, "Damn, I hope to someday be able to afford something like this." Ryan said, "Well you are doing pretty well in the competition so far so you never know." Elliott said, "You just gave me more inspiration."

Ryan laughed and said sometimes that is all it takes. You have to be hungry. You want to have it.

Ryan said, "You cannot care about anything else, but winning. You cannot let personal feelings get involved or you will fuck up. Trust me. I have been there.

You can have fun, but when you get on that stage you have to have your mind clear and professional."

Elliott said, "I am pretty serious on stage so I can handle that. Thanks for the words of wisdom." Ryan said, "Just never forget that and let your guard down."

Elliott was beginning to understand Ryan more. He was a professional who has become very successful in many mediums. Elliott hoped that he could have half the success.

Ryan drove into the restaurant and went up to the valet. Ryan got out of the car and handed his keys to the valet and gave him a hundred dollar bill. Elliott could not believe that. For him, one hundred dollars was a weeks worth of groceries. Ryan and Elliott went into the restaurant and the waiter immediately came over and welcomed them to the steak house. Ryan told the waiter that he wanted a table for two in a quiet corner. They were taken to a table in a back room where Ryan would not have to worry about people coming up to him during dinner. Elliott started looking at the menu and suddenly got sick. Elliott said, "Ryan there is no way I can afford this place. I mean the cheapest meal is 150.00." Ryan said, "Don't worry about it. It is on me. Besides, that is not the meal.

That is only the steak. If you want anything else it's extra." Elliott looked at Ryan in disbelief. Ryan said, "Look Elliott order what you want. The food is good here that is why I brought you." Elliott said, "Thanks Ryan and just continued to scan the menu."

Elliott decided on a t-bone, baked potato, salad, and some broccoli. In his mind, he ran up the bill and it turned out to be $310. He could not believe it. Never in a million years did he think that he would be eating here with Ryan. He was so happy.

Ryan asked Elliott what he liked to do for fun. Elliott said, "Well since being here, I have went clubbing. I really enjoyed that. Chris, Ace, Will and I went out last weekend we had a blast." Ryan said, "Where did you go?" Elliott said, "Actually, I don't know where it was or what it was called. Ace took me." Ryan said, "Oh really.

Ace told me that he went to The Factory a few weeks ago." Elliott said, "He did?" Ryan said, "Yes he did and had a great time. So is that where you guys went?" Elliott said, "Well I am not sure, but it could have been because Ace said he went before." Ryan said, "Well Elliott isn't this interesting. I would never have known that you were gay." Elliott said, "Well Ryan, you learn something new everyday." Ryan said, "Look man do you want to go after we eat?" Elliott said, "Uh sure, but I had no idea that you were gay Ryan."

Ryan said, "Ya right like I am gay. No I am metrosexual and proud of that title." Elliott looked at Ryan and said, "Yea right. Metrosexual that is just some made up name that people make up to avoid using homosexual." Ryan said, "Hey man, I told you what I am and if you don't believe me so be it. Do you want to go to the club or not?" Elliott said, "Yes definitely." The food came and they ate and enjoyed themselves.

Ryan and Elliott went back to the car and drove to the club. It was packed tonight.

Although this time, they don't wait in line. Ryan is immediately told to go in and Elliott followed him in. The place was hopping. Ryan asked Elliott if he wanted a beer. Elliott told Ryan that he did and they head over to the bar. Elliott asked Ryan how often does he come here. Ryan said, "Well, I come down here monthly just to check out the DJ mostly." Elliott did not believe Ryan at all and knew that he could get Ryan to dance.

Elliott asked Ryan to dance and he immediately said Ok.

They go out to the dance floor and Elliott was impressed with Ryan's dance skill. He was flawless in his moves. No wonder he is asked to host so many things.

Elliott dances around Ryan and moves up on his back and starts to feel up Ryan. Ryan actually did not pull away so Elliott continued to feel Ryan's back and went down and started to knead his ass. Ryan moaned and leaned against Elliott. Elliott started to hump Ryan in the ass while Ryan was moving against Elliott. Elliott put his arms around Ryan and started to feel Ryan's stomach and abs area. Elliott went down to Ryan's dick and started to feel around Ryan's crotch. Ryan turned his head and started to nibble on Elliott's neck. God Elliott was in heaven. Elliott never thought that he could get Ryan so quick. Ryan tuned around and started to hug Elliott while dancing. Ryan started to feel Elliott's dick and was pretty impressed by it. Ryan asked Elliott if he wanted to get a room.

Elliott said, "Fuck ya Ryan. I would love too."

Ryan left for a minute and came back with a key. Ryan said there are rooms upstairs that they can use. Elliott said, "Alright let's go up." Ryan and Elliott go into the room. Ryan shut the door and locked it and immediately went to Elliott and started to kiss Elliott.

They go into a French kiss while Ryan starts to take off Elliott's clothes.

Ryan starts with Elliott's shirt and took it off over his head and threw it on the floor.

Then Ryan went to Elliott's nipples and started to suck on each one. He started to bite each one and sure enough Elliott's nipples became erect. Elliott put his head back, closed his eyes and just enjoyed his nipples being raped. Ryan continued to kiss down Elliott's stomach and got to his belly button. Ryan started to tongue his belly button. It felt really good to Elliott.

Ryan went down on his knees and started to feel Elliott's crotch and started to lick his dick through his jeans. Man, Ryan was doing a great job that Elliott was actually feeling his dick being sucked even with clothes on. Ryan finally started to unbutton Elliott's jeans and starts to suck on Elliott's dick through his underwear. Elliott's dick was so hard from Ryan that he actually thought that he was never as hard before.

Ryan lifts the front of Elliott's underwear and starts to suck on Elliott's dickhead. Ryan was an expert cocksucker he was able to twist and turn so that Elliott's dick was twitching. Elliott was going crazy with lust. He was jumping up and down from pleasure and Ryan was still able to control his sucking. Ryan pulled down Elliott's pants and underwear and started to deep throat Elliott's dick. Elliott put his hands behind Ryan's head and started to push his head harder against his dick. After fifteen minutes, Elliott had Ryan stop and had Ryan stand up. Elliott started kissing Ryan and said, "God Ryan, that was hot." Elliott did not wait for a response. Elliott took off Ryan's shirt and started to suck on Ryan's huge nipples. They were beautiful and Elliott enjoyed playing with them with his tongue and teeth. Elliott got down on his knees and ripped open Ryan's jeans and pushed them down with his underwear and looked at Ryan's 9 inch hard piece of beef. He put the head in his mouth and just started licking around it. He was so excited to have Ryan in his mouth that he just went for the blowjob. Elliott was almost afraid that this was a dream. With both of them naked, Ryan asked Elliott if he wanted to take a shower.

Elliott said, "Sure. Why not."

They walked into the bathroom and Ryan turned on the shower. They both got in and started kissing with the water cascading down their bodies. Ryan got down and took Elliott's dick in his mouth and started sucking really hard. Ryan really like Elliott's dick even though it was a bit bigger than his and thicker around. Elliott's dick was 10.5 inches a meal for sure. Elliott told Ryan to stop because he had to piss and Ryan said, "Hey no sweat. Go for it." Elliott asked Ryan if he was sure and Ryan said, "I would not have said that if I was not sure." Ryan got off Elliott's dick and in a few seconds Elliott started to piss all over Ryan. Ryan opened his mouth and the yellow stream went right into his mouth. Ryan found this so erotic. Elliott started to piss on Ryan's nipples and even around his dick area. He told Ryan to turn around and he pissed on his ass and even a bit on his asshole. Ryan turned back around and put Elliott's dick in his mouth to get what was left of Elliott's piss. Elliott was shocked that Ryan would drink his piss, but Elliott had never experienced that before.

Elliott went down to Ryan's dick and took it in his mouth. He could taste his urine on the dick and actually did not find it that nasty like he thought he would.

Elliott asked Ryan to turn around and he ate Ryan's asshole out to get more of the piss.

Elliott was finding this very interesting and exciting. Elliott asked Ryan if he could return the favor. Ryan said, "as a matter of fact, I need to piss right now". Elliott said, "Oh man, this is going to fucking great. Let her rip Ryan." Elliott got down on his knees and anxiously waited for the event to start. All of a sudden, Ryan's dick started to spray piss out of his dick.

Elliott put his mouth over Ryan's dick and just drank down the warm drink that he was being served. Elliott found the taste intriguing and tasty. Ryan was going to take out his dick, but Elliott would not let it go. Elliott wanted to taste very last sip. Finally, Ryan ran out and he pulled Elliott up from his knees and they kissed. Ryan was so much in lust that he immediately had Elliott turn around.

Ryan stuck his dick against Elliott's asshole and just stuck it all the way in. Elliott squealed, but really enjoyed Ryan's dick in his ass. Ryan started to pound the shit out of Elliott's ass. He was pulling his dick all the way out of Elliott's ass and then pounding it right back into the hole. Ryan started to fuck Elliott faster and faster.

Ryan started to scream and told Elliott he was cumming. Elliott felt Ryan's seed going in his ass and it felt nice. Finally Ryan was done and had Elliott turn around and Ryan finished Elliott's blowjob. Ryan did not have to suck much longer before Elliott was yelling out, "Fuck I am in heaven and started cumming all over Ryan's mouth and face. Ryan's mouth was open so Elliott took his dick head and followed Ryan's lips while the last reminisce went out of his dick. Elliott picked up Ryan and they french kissed awhile.

In a few minutes, Ryan said, "Alright Elliott, I will be at the party on Saturday night."

Elliott said, "Yes!!!"

That is all for part 4. I will be working on part 5. Hopefully everyone is enjoying the story and will be sending me some suggestions on where to go now. Thank you for all the e-mails of support.

Next: Chapter 5

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