Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 20, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the stars

Among the Stars

Chapter 22


The Boys made sure Cody and I were up at 7. Little did they know that Disney CEO Bob Iger was giving us all star treatment. I wasn't surprised and neither was Cody. The most comical part of it was when they went next door to rouse a sleeping Billy, Emily and Granny Mae. I got hilarious when they got Billy Jr. and little Mae stoked and ready.

By 7:30 am a grumpy Billy and half asleep Emily were at our suite door with two hyper kids. Granny was ready to get a move on. The older boys were hyped and trying to rush us. We were trying to get everything together for our little ones. We checked through the list, diapers, powder and ointments, jars of puree food and milk and of course extra clothing.

"All right you two mongrels instead of rushing Jason and Cody how about helping them?" Granny scolded the two teens. They jumped to it.

By 7:45 we were going across from the towers to the monorail. Cody was walking beside me as I pushed the twins in their double stroller. We got a lot of smiles and a few pictures taken. This was actually the first time our children will be exposed completely to the public. Cody and I were proud Dads when they received the compliments from strangers. Some not realizing who I was.

"Mom look its Lance Knight." Said one young teen girl pointing at me. She of course was referring to my Character on my Disney Show, Another Day. When I played a young child singer. Very similar to Hanna Montana to the point where Mylie and I sometimes did quest appearances on each other's shows.

That of course attracted attention to us. It wasn't bad though. I signed a few autographs and did a few selfies and we made it too the monorail by 8. Our teens of course ate up the attention. They got by association.

When we stepped off the monorail we were met by mickey mouse and a late teen girl who gave us special tags that allowed us to bypass lines if we wanted too. Mickey mouse of course was the big hit with the younger kids of our group with the exception of Riley. She started crying when he came near. JC just looked at her as if to say; 'what the fuck girl. It's mickey mouse.'

"Dang that girl was hot.' Said Duke looking back at out greeter.

"She was pretty but she was more interested in JC and Riley." Said Luke.

"Chicks always like babies. They attract them." said Billy.

That's all Duke needed to hear. He asked to push our little ones. Cody and I just smiled and Luke just shook his head. Billy laughed. "Saved you guys from having to push that thing all day."

"True but that won't last when he finds out that they can't go on most of the rides." I predicted.

"Never thought of that. I guess you're stuck without doing the rides yourselves then." Said Billy.

"You forget that I spent a good part of my childhood here and in Anaheim so there's no rides I haven't been on. Cody can do them though." I said smiley at Cody who was frowning at the idea of not doing any rides.

"So are we just going to stand here while people point at Jason and take pictures or are we going to move?"

"I think we need to find somewhere to get some breakfast first." Said Granny. The adults all agreed with that much to the chagrin of our teens.

"Let's go to Cinderella's Royal Table then." I said smiling.

I lead the way up Main Street. I had to laugh at Duke because as much as he was grumbling about having to eat breakfast before he did the park his stomach was saying different with its growling. We got to the end of Main Street and crossed the bridge into Fantasyland. It didn't take us long to get into the castle and to the Royal Table.

While growing up at Disney during the summers and vacations I would always start my day at the Royal Table for breakfast and sometimes lunch or dinner. I was pretty much a regular. I didn't recognize any faces at first. Then I saw my favorite waitress.

"I can take four of you right now." Said the hostess.

"We will wait then until there is enough seats for all of us then." I said smiling.

"Well you won't be able to sit together. Our tables only fit six people." She said smiling.

I wanted to smack that smile off her face. It was fake. I knew it and she knew I knew it. This was not the Disney I grew up with. The people who worked here enjoyed working here and there smiles were genuine. This woman was a pretender. Sure I could play the celebrity card but I don't play that game unless it's something important. This was not one of those times.

"Jason! Oh my goodness. It's be so long." Said my favorite waitress, Carol. I got swooped up in a big hug.

"You must be Cody. Oh my your handsomer in person. She said to Cody. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the hostess put it all together.

"So, who's with you sweetheart?" she said to me after she fawned over Riley and JC.

"I have them Millie." She said to the pretender hostess when she tried to intervene.

Carol lead the nine of us, our little ones and the ever present security guards to a table. She had a waiter add another table and bring out two high chairs. Promising to be back to catch up she left us to the young awestruck waiter. We all ordered our breakfasts. When we were nearly done Carol came back. You could tell she was annoyed.

She told me that the only reason Millie had the hostess job was because she was the manager's daughter. She also told me that the manager reamed her out for seating me. I looked over towards Millie and saw her talking to an older man in costume. Pointing over too me. He started over towards our table.

"Carol, shouldn't you waiting tables?" he said interrupting me in the middle of my sentence.

"I am on my break David." She said smiling but her tone saying different.

"Well take it elsewhere. You're not here to socialize with friends. You should be glad you have a job here at all." He said unsmiling and growling. That was all I could take.

"Excuse me sir but I don't think that was appropriate." I said standing up.

"I don't think this any of your business boy." He said putting his hand on my shoulder trying to push me down into my seat. Tony was there in a flash and removed his hand.

"Sir, if you touch him again, I will personally break your hand." Tony said to him smiling. I actually believed Tony would do just that too.

"I have to ask you to leave." He said to us. Carol protested.

"It's alright Carol. I have a meeting with management this afternoon regarding the filming. I think I need to inform them of how unfriendly Cinderella's Royal table has become." I said whiling looking at the manager.

"Kid, if you think that you can intimidate me you are sadly mistaken." He said as we walked out.

"Sir, you must pay your check." He said grabbing my shoulder. Mistake. Tony quickly had his arm behind his back and applying pressure to the palm of his hand with his thumb. The guy was in serious pain.

"I warned you not to touch Jason Chris." Tony said the manager, then let him go.

It was then that the man realized who I was. he tried to bend over backwards. I think if I asked him to wipe my ass he would have. I found that very insulting. I hate when people like him are nice because of who I am and not what I am, a patron of their establishment.

"Either way Mr. Martin, I will be talking with management about your way of running this place. For someone managing an any place it what is the happiest place on earth you sure no how to make it barely tolerable in this restaurant." I said, not bothering to hide my annoyance and dislike of him before leaving a two hundred dollars on the table and leading my group out.

"Remind me not to piss you off Tony." Said Billy to Tony.

"You'll remember Billy. Hopefully not too late though" He chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder.

We told the teens we'd take the little kids so they could do the older rides. We asked them to meet us around 12:45 at the carousel so I could make my meeting. We then went separate ways. Billy and Emily and their kids went towards Liberty Square the twins towards Tomorrowland and us deeper into Fantasyland.

At 12:45 we met the twins. They took Riley and JC who were asleep while Cody and I went off to make the meeting. Cody and I then went off to make the meeting. We arrived at City hall near the train station and waited. We weren't hard to find because of the crowds pointing at us. The park manager and the entertainment director shook our hands and introduced several of the others who were in the parade for tomorrow. They were not all in costume. They suggested that we leave Riley and JC at the Baby Care Center. Tony protested until he was told he could stay with them there. I smiled when Tony readily agreed to that. He loved those two. We dropped them off at the Center. Usually it's not used as a daycare but under the circumstances and at the authorization of the big bosses they were happy to do it.

We went over the parade route. They also went over to the stage and asked what songs I would sing. I told them and they seemed glad it wasn't my more adult ones. At their suggestion they urged Cody and I to leave the kids there at the day care and enjoy a few rides. I also told them of my experience at Cinderella's Royal Table. To say they were not happy was an understatement.

I wasn't that thrilled over the idea. After a little coaching and flirting from Cody I agreed to it. I called Tony and the management called the Baby care center and authorized it. From what they told us they were more than thrilled to hang on to them and Tony.

Cody and I headed over to space mountain and the Astro Orbiter. Then went to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, where we stopped and grabbed something to eat. From there we went over to Liberty square where we saw Billy and Granny standing in line with his kids. We had him join us. They were only one row ahead of us. Sure we could have jumped line but it didn't seem right. Emily had gotten a head ache and went back to the hotel to lay down.

I laughed as Cody freaked out at points. "It's bad enough that your laughing but that little guy in the car ahead of us is too." he said pointing to a car ahead of us. "He really seems to be enjoying himself." I kept my mouth shut.

At the end of the ride Cody got out as the car ahead of did. When he saw no little boy getting out he went to look in the car. No one. He then started townds the teen's that got out of the car but I grabbed him. It was then that I told him the story of the Disney's haunted mansion ghost. He looked shocked though he believed me. After all he lived in Lynnwood and its little ghost or ghosts. This was also much to the amusement of Granny who mercilessly teased Cody. Much to mine and Billy's amusement.

We off to Splash mountain and got soaked. Billy insisting that he should be in the middle with his daughter and granny with Jr. Cody and I got off the ride drenched. Our shirts clung to us. I noticed that there were a lot of girls and a few boys gawking at the way the shirts clung to our bodies leaving little to the imagination. I smiled. I had to admit that seeing Cody's shirt almost see through and clinging to his hot body was a turn on.

We ran into the boys around five that night. They look exhausted. We decided to call it early. We had half the summer to see the rest of the park and resort. So we headed back to the resort. Cody told them about the Ghost experience. The twins laughed at him and teased him for thinking it was real. That is until I told him the story. Then they wanted to turn around and see if they see him too.

Cody and I put our kids on the floor with their toys and plopped down onto the sofa. I rested my head on his shoulder and he placed his arm around me. I dozed off for a good hour. We decided to eat at the Sand bar. We strolled over and were seated in about fifteen minutes.

We sat and ordered our food. Emily was still quiet and only talked when talked too. She had been quiet since the trip started. She also would look at Billy at times with a look that was not that of a loving wife. I put it away as she was just tired lately. I made a note though to mention it to Cody later. That of course was forgotten when we got alone that night.

Cody was very amorous when we got our nightly shower. I had to admit I didn't mind it much either. Something about sex in the shower being a huge turn on. I won't get into details but needless to say there's nothing hotter than being fucked by Cody in the shower. Especially when he has your back pinning against the tile wall and your legs are wrapped around his waist while he fucks and shoots inside of you while water is cascading down on you. To make it even better he carried me to bed dick still hard inside of me and did a slower repeat in bed.

The next day I was up early and out after a passionate good bye to my husband and kissing our sleeping children on the foreheads. It was 4 in the morning. I met the Disney escort outside my hotel. We drove over to the park where I was rushed into the park. We went over the parade route and by six I was on the castle stage. I performed the song I was I doing with the band they gave me. along with a few Disney characters. By 7:30 I was done with the sound and practice set with the band and characters.

I met C0dy and our group at the hotel restaurant. I noticed that Emily wasn't present. When I asked about her I was told she wasn't feeling well. I offered to have the resort doctor take a look at her. Granny shook her head saying it was offere3d already but she refused to see one. I left it at that. I made a mental note to check up on her later.

We took our time going over to the park. I didn't have to be there until eleven so Cody and I just strolled around. The boys, Billy and all the kids, including ours, pushed by Duke went to see the walk through attractions. Granny decided to stay with us. We stopped at the Hall or Presidents.

"I'd swear that whoever did President Obama sounded just like him." Said Cody as we left.

"He better sound like him. I hate to think that he didn't sound like himself when he recorded the speech." I answered.

"Yeah I don't know why they put that Darky in there. He shouldn't be in there with god's children." Said a definite southern voice behind us. We turned around and saw a young woman hold a baby and three toddler girls close to the same age around her. She had to be around my age or younger.

"Young lady, you dare to say those bigoted words and invoking God among them. Not to mention I front of your children. You should be ashamed of yourself." Said Granny Mae.

"I was talking to them." she said pointing at Cody and me. She noticed us holding hands. "Oh God, you be fuckin' fags. Stay away from my daughters. I don't want you to give them the Aids and rape them."

I was waiting for Granny to slap the girl. Instead she burst out laughing. "your ignorant girl. Maybe if you spent more time in school and less on your back you'd know how stupid that comment was."

Granny laughed even harder when a few around her started to laugh also. The girl started to scream obscenities. Unknown to her though that a cast member had called security. They were quick to respond and escorted her and her brood of children away.

"So much for the happiest place on earth said a mid-thirty something father holding on to his son's hand.

"I don't know that kind of made me happy." Cody said.

"Your Jason Chris right?" he asked me.

"The one and hopefully only. The world's not ready for two of us." I said smiling and shaking his hand.

"I don't know man. The world might be better if there were a few more people like you." He said.

"Thanks.' I said. I signed an autograph and took a few pictures with him his son and Donald duck and had to run off to get to the parade starting place. Cody and Granny went off to meet up with the rest of the crew.

My co-star for the movie, Sofia Carson, was to be on the float with me. She was pretty, talented and friendly. Though I have never met her before now. I knew her reputation and heard her sing and perform in the few movies the studio sent me.

We enjoyed the somewhat long in the heat. She was funny and genuine. I pointed out my family to her and she grinned and waved and urged them to join us. Much to the ire of the parade director. The only ones to jump up with us were the teens. Duke flirted and Luke blushed at his flirting. They may be identical in looks but their personalities were opposite.

The four of us got off the float and ran to get to the castle stage. We made it with ten minutes to spare. There weren't any dressing rooms other than one big one behind the stage. Not being modest I stripped off my shorts and got into my jeans then my changed shirts. I saw some of the others looking at me but who cares.

I went out and waited for my cue. Once I got that and the music for my song Some People started I stepped out with Sofia holding hands. We were flowed by all the Disney characters coming out holding hands and dancing behind us. I smiled when I saw Cody, Granny and Riley, JC, Billy, the teens and toddlers.

When I started to sing JC's attention was right on me. he kept trying to get out of the stroller which pissed off Riley. She hit him but he ignored her and just stretched out his arms towards the stage and me. Cody had no choice but to set him free of the belt holding him. Before he could pick him up he was off walking towards the stage area. I was so shocked he was walking I almost missing my line.

Cody ran after him and got him right as he reached the stone wall. He scooped him up and JC started screaming. When the song ended instead of the rehearsed lines I was asked to speak I changed up. Mostly because of a screaming JC.

"It's great to be here in the very place that my career started. I'd say this is the happiest place on earth but I think right now my son JC would argue that point right now." I said pointing to the screaming child. "If you folks and hopefully Disney World doesn't mind I am going to try and make him happy too." I went on as walked down the stairs where Cody met me with a now just sniffing JC.

When saw me walking down towards him he stopped his crying and started reaching out opening and closing his hands. I reached out and took him into my arms. "What can I say folks? As many of you know being a dad is a full time job. Though I think he just wants to get used to being on stage for his future career who knows right? I said the crowd laughed.

"One of my happiest moments about being a Disney kid was that Another day was filmed here. I got to live every kids dream and grow up at Disney World. I couldn't tell you how many times I rode the rides and visited the shops and other attractions in my free time. I think if a collector ever went to my house and saw all the different Disney memorabilia they would go insane." I said holding JC on my left hip and trying to keep the mic from him.

Keeping the mic from JC was not easy and the several times he got hold of it made the crowd laugh. "Looks like JC's trying to tell me I am talking too much. Should I sing another song kiddo?' He squealed. "I take that as a yes."

I then went into a melody of Disney songs which will be used in the movie. I danced as best as I could with JC until I was able to pass him off to Cody who was now just off stage. I did two more songs and that was it for that set. I gave Sofia a hug and we then joined Cody. Where I introduced them to each other.

"I don't know who is lucky one. You or Jason. Your both studs. I'd say what a waste but somehow didn't think you two are wasting anything." Sofia said laughing.

"Your right with that." Cody said pulling me against him. "even though my stud here smells like an arm pit right now." He added kissing my cheek. To add insult to injury JC covered his nose and mouth when I reached up to swat Cody. This brought a laugh.

"Ok I can take a hint JC. Just remember this when I have to change your next diaper." I said poking him in his belly and getting goggles. "I am gonna head back to the hotel shower and change. I'll call you on where to meet up with you." I said I kiss Cody on the lips then JC and Riley.

Duke asked if he could go with me because he wanted to download his filled up camera. I nodded and we headed off. I jumped into the shower while Duke down loaded his camera which was full of girls. The boy was definitely a horn dog. I came out and dressed in shorts and a tee.

I went to his room and stood there shocked. Duke was sitting at the desk with his shorts down and shirt off. His hand was stroking up and down on his cock. I had to admit he was big for a fifteen-year-old. I stepped back quietly and walked towards my room.

I waited a few minutes. "Are you about done?" I called out as I walked towards his room. When I arrived at his door he was standing there shirtless still.

"Let me put on a dry clean Tee shirt first he said as reached in and grabbed one. He started to put one on.

"Clean off your stomach first Duke." I said nodding to his cum covered belly.

He blushed. And ran to the bathroom. When he didn't come out right away I went in. he had tears on his face as he sat on the closed toilet. I pulled him and gave him a hug. "Embarrassed huh?" I felt him nod yes.

"Dude, don't be. Cody and I still beat off every day and still have sex. I'd be worried if you didn't. I won't say nothing to anyone even Cody." He nodded and washed his face. still somewhat embarrassed but I figured he would forget abo0ut before the end of the day.

We left the room. I stopped at Billy and Emily's room and knocked. There was no answer. I let myself in with the extra keycard I got from Billy. The suite was empty. Figuring she went out for some air I shrugged it off.

"I called Cody and we met him, Granny and Billy at Cinderella's Royal Table at just before five. Duke wanted to hang with his brother and the little ones. I gave him another two-hundred in twenties and he went off after calling Luke to find out where they were.

We went in and were greeted by Carol. I smiled when I noticed her tag said she was now manager. We were seated quickly and we were happily served by a much happier staff. Carol stopped by and told us that the big man himself came by yesterday just before dinner.

"He was furious When Martin tried to explain that he didn't know I was a special celebrity. He went off on him." She said smiling and quoted him 'I don't care who it was. Everyone who comes here is a celebrity and is special. No one will ever be treated like that. As far as cast members are concerned you never talk down to them, not alone in front of our qu7ests. You can get your check at the next pay period. Until then do not step on to the Disney world property.'

She hugged me and went off to greet other patrons. "She must know you pretty good babe." Cody said sipping a beer he ordered.

"Since I was eight hun. We filmed here at the park and on a sound stage nearby. When we had scenes in the magic Kingdom I would stop here for my meals. Carol would always be here. I have to admit I loved it."

"You must know the park pretty good then." Said Granny.

"I know every nook, cranny and crack." I said as I finished my beer.

We ate our meals and everyone gave Carol a hug. She whispered something into Cody's ear. He said something. In which she answered making Cody blush. We headed out. I couldn't help wonder what made Cody blush like that. It took a lot to make him blush.

"Okay, I may be nosey but what did she say that made you blush?" I asked him. My nosiness got the better of me.

"I dint blush." His southern twang coming out which told he knew the opposite. I just looked at him with my Bullshit look. Which made him sigh.

"Dang babe, she just told me if I hurt you she'll hunt me down and cut off six inches of my thang. I told her that would still leave me four. She then said that's why Jason's smiling." He said blushing again.

"You asked for that sweetheart." I said laughing and kissing his cheek and wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's true though that big dick of yours does make me smile a lot more. Though it's your kisses I crave." I whispered. He kissed me fully on the mouth in the middle of Cinderella's castle.

"Gross, nasty fags." I heard a teen age voice say. I was about to go off when I heard "Ouch Billy that hurt."

I looked at Billy and he was looking evil at Duke. "I was only jokin' Billy. Geeze."

"That ain't jokin boy. That's insultin'. I don't ever want to hear that word from your mouth again or I do more than smack your head boy." Billy said to Duke.

"Okay, I am sorry I guess you're right." Duke said looking at his feet.

"no guessing about it. now let's get a move on I want to check out some of these stores." Billy said picking up and tired Jr.

I did the last parade which was always my favorite with the lights. I then did the second concert. I sang the National Anthem while behind me the fireworks went off. I did another patriotic song that was originally sung by Lee Greenwood. By the time I finished the fireworks were done and there were some tears among the crowd. The next day I had to go early again this time for makeup and costume. I would do as many scenes with the animated character as I could before the park opened. Cody and Billy was going to take twins and the little ones to Animal kingdom while I filmed.

I didn't know what to expect when I was doing the scenes. I was told to look at a ball that was at the end of a stick when I needed to look at the animated charter, which wasn't there. It wasn't that hard but I have to admit I felt weird doing it. The few scenes we did that morning before the park opened must have been good. because he called it a take.

I had then to switch costumes and do some morning shoots in the same hot costume which was like some of the costumes I have seen the cast members wear around the park. Very fifteenth century. Very princely.

The basic story was a story book off spring of one the Disney royalty, Prince Channing, is looking for happy ever after. Not being able to find her in Fantasy realm he traveled via the magic mirror to this world and came to Disney world to find her. Which he did being, Sofia's character, Kelly Horan. It takes some convincing on his part but they both get their happy ever after together.

There are lots of songs which we both recorded. I had to lip sync them while I walked around through the park. It took half the morning to get the first take. Mainly because it had been a long time since I have done any lip sync.

By noon we were given a two-hour break. I decided to go back to the room. Cody had text me that they left the four youngest ones with Emily. I stopped at her room and no one was there. I went to our room thinking they were there. When I went in and searched and called and they weren't there I didn't panic. They probably just went down to eat.

I showered and went out into our bedroom. I opened the closet and that's when panic hit me. Tony was laying in the bottom of the closet tied up and knocked out. in his chest was a dart. I pulled the dart out of his chest. I ran to the bathroom and filled a glass with water and threw it in his face. he started to come to.

I grabbed my cell phone and called Cody. Somehow threw hysterics I was able to tell him that the kids were missing. At first he wasn't panicking because they were with Tony and Emily. Tony then awake enough grabbed the phone.

"Cody get your asses back here now! That crazy preacher and Emily took the kids." He hung up he went to the hotel phone and set the alarm in motion. It had only been a half hour so there was still a chance they could still be in the resort. My phone lit up half a second later with an amber alert and pictures of the four children. also a description and names of Emily and Poultry.

*I sat down on the bed, still with only a towel around my waist. I was afraid to speak or talk. I was scared of what was going to happen. I just wanted my babies. The hotel security was there as was the CEO of Disney by the time Cody, Billy and the Boys showed up. Cody was fighting with Tony over the kid's disappearances.

"Stop you two. Cody, Jason needs you and you need him." Duke yelled at him as he sat next to me with his arm around me. Cody knelt before me and I just leaned in and let him hold me. All I could think of was the Landenberg baby and how they found the baby dead. Please not my babies. I prayed as clung on to Cody.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 23

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