Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Aug 2, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the stars

Among the Stars

Chapter 31


I woke up the next day around noon. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom my wood pointing the way. I turned on the shower and stepped into the cold water that turned warm. Not surprisingly Cody got in behind me his with his own morning wood. I started to pee. As Cody stood there and watched me. I looked up and he smiled groggily. "Good morning babe, " he stated. He leaned forward and kissed me as I shook off the last drops. He reached down and grabbed my now softening cock. I got hard, almost immediately. "You're so sexy in the morning babe."

I smiled and turned towards him, with the water spraying down us I grabbed his cock and knelt down until his cock was pointing to my chest. I looked up and smiled at him. He looked back and smiled. "I have to pee babe." He told me "I was horny I wanted that cock in my mouth."

"So pee," I said.

He raised his eyebrow and smiled sheepishly at me. I felt the warmth of his stream hitting my chest. This wasn't my normal thing, but for some odd reason, this turned me on more. He moved back and forth covering my chest with his steady warm fluid. I was so turned on I didn't realize I was stroking my cock until I felt myself near an orgasm. I stopped stroking and waited to cool off.

Cody puts his hand on the back of my head. "Suck my cock baby."

I didn't need any more urging. I leaned forward and sucked his cock into my mouth and into my throat all the way down to the root. I buried my nose into his thick blonde bush. He was holding my head now with both hands as he started to fuck my face. "You like that big cock, don't ya babe." He said lustily.

I nodded my head and moaned when he pulled it out of my mouth. He slapped it across my face. "Want this cock baby boy?" I nodded yes. "Tell me how bad you want it," I smiled. This was a new game for us. Usually, it was passionate lovemaking this was downright sexual gratification.

"I need your big beautiful cock. Please feed me that cock." I begged him.

"Suck my balls bitch." He said. I licked and then nipped one. He jumped back and gasped.

"Call me BITCH again BOY and when I suck your cock I'll use my teeth." I said as I crawled over and sucked his balls gently into my mouth one at a time. "Point well taken babe," he said as he caressed my cheek, his left nut in my mouth.

As much as I enjoyed sucking on his balls I wanted his cock in my mouth and ass. It was time to take back control. I let his balls pop off my mouth. I pushed Cody backward against the wall aggressively. I leaned forward and went down on his cock. He attempted to place his hands on my head, but I held them down. I knew if he wanted he could break my grip, but he passed on with it. I licked and sucked on the shaft and head.

I moaned as I examine his cock drooling precum that I quickly slurped up only for it be superseded by another stream of juice. I drew him down until he was sitting on shower floor I straddled him and kissed him, thrusting my tongue into his hot mouth as I lowered myself onto his cock.


I moaned as I felt my cock go inside Jason's tight hole. He took it all and more if that was possible. I felt my cock jerk as it bottomed out. "You like this tight hole don't you, jarhead?" He whispered into my ear as he began to slowly ride my cock.

"Yes, sir. I love that perfect tight hole. My cock is made to satisfy it." I groaned again.

I was close and I recognized it. So did he. He would start slow, then fast, then stop. He would then grind my cock and begin all over again, he would take me close to climax and would stop only to get me close to the brink once more. He was driving me crazy with lust. I finally couldn't take it anymore and surrender.

While keeping my cock in his hot hole we shifted postions, I moved Jason onto his back, I grabbed his ankles and lifted them up towards his head exposing his pinkish/brown hole. I swear it winked at me. I sank my face into the hole and I stared sucking and tongue fucked it until Jason was writhing under me. I pulled away and put the head of my now precum slimy cock against his hole. I put some pressure against his pucker and the head went in slightly but not entering it. "Want my cock babe?" I said, barely getting the words out. I wanted to feel his hole around my cock so bad it twitched telling me to shove it in. "Fuck me Cody. Give me your fuck pole." I moaned in sexual torture.

I smiled and looked down and saw his cock twitching a drooling juice like an open faucet. I pushed my cock into his hole he moaned and shoved back against it until my balls were resting on his ass. I let go of his ankles and he rested them on my shoulders. I leaned forward, raising his ass up as I did so and kissed his mouth. He responded slightly, he was in a sensual and sexual fire.

"You're so fucking hot Jason." I moaned and started to pull out and bottom out again each move sent shivers through his body and incoherent words out of his mouth. I was hitting his magic button. I pulled out and bottomed out again. On the third time, his body shook and his pucker clenches my cock. "Ah, ah, ah." Was the only thing he could say as his cock spewed out the biggest load I ever saw. When he was done coming I moved again.

I closed my eyes and started to pound his ass, my balls slapping his ass hard. I opened my eyes and he was looking at me. His eyes watching me and focusing but he was still in a sexual haze. He began to clench and UN clenches his ass around my cock. "Oh baby, I love you," I screamed as my balls emptied their contents inside him. I kept going a for a few strokes after I shot my last bit of cream inside him

I pulled out and looked at his hole. I watch as my cum was dripping out. I leaned down and sucked out my love juices.

Jason cooked us a delicious Greek brunch of Potato and Feta cheese omelet. Serve with bacon on the side. I loved it when he cooked. I knew it was something he enjoyed doing too. On the days we gave Mrs. Kane off, he cooked. Sometimes it would be simple. Most of the time, though it was some palate loving Greek dish.

While I was cleaning up the dishes his cell rang. I didn't hear the whole conversation. When he got into the kitchen, he looked at me and grin sheepishly. I knew it was more political stuff automatically. I always put up a bit of a fuss, but the truth was I was proud of him for doing what he did. I despised that man as much as he did. Though I was Pro-Sanders and he was on the fence, but when it came down between Hillary and Trump it was a no-brainer for us.

"They want me to do a thing with Anderson on CNN."

"Who does?"

"Hillary and Company."


I sat in the Library, staring at the camera we had set up and connected to my desk computer. I had the TV on and the volume at a good level. On it was Anderson Cooper. I listen to Katrina Pierson give off the normal Trump redirect.

They showed a clip in Trumps rally or whatever earlier today saying that maybe Hillary should go to jail.

"During the convention when they chanted send Hillary to jail. Donald Trump said no, let's just beat her in November. Now he is saying that maybe they should. Why the change?"

"Well, She lied and committed treason with those thirty thousand emails. She should be locked up. She should be held to the same accountability as anyone else."

"Jason, why do you suppose he switched direction on this?"

"Because he realizes he is losing in the polls.'

"Jason doesn't know what he is talking about. Mr. Trump is ahead in all of the Polls."

"Excuse me, Ms. Pierson. I was talking I didn't interrupt you, so do not interrupt me. It may be strange to you dealing with Donald Dump but it's called common good manners. As I was saying he knows that he is going to lose come November. The only way he can win if no one is running against him. The thing is that people are starting to realize that he actually has no idea how the government works."

"I really think that Jason needs not even be here, he really has nothing to contribute." Said Katrina Pierson.

"First off, the only people I call a friend or respect call me Jason to my face. Since you are neither It's Mr. Dawson-Chris. Hello, I am here for three key reasons. One I can think with my own mind and an American citizen, which more than I can say for you. Secondly, I am here because I actually got something intelligent to say. Again, more than I can say for you. You can only repeat what you have been paid to say. And lastly, I am on here because I am in no way afraid, intimated by his grade school name calling and idiotic rhetoric. In short, He can't bully me with thirty-eight billion I could do the bullying of him, though, but I am not that childish."

"Moving along. Jason your speech was unscripted. All those present on CNN said "it was one of the most powerful speeches." This included both Republican and Democrat. Nevertheless, Donald Trump tweeted, the princess's speech is a sham. No one could think that fast not alone the princess. He later repeated this earlier today at his rally." I watched the rally he was his normal babbling self. I had seen it earlier and thought it funny.

"I can tell you it was unscripted. Mostly because he never once looked at the monitors and as you saw Jason kept moving. How do you react to that Katrina?" I watched as she smiled like a mannequin.

"He is lying and is a total fake. He, as Mr. Trump stated in the past lip synced most of his concert tour. Then why would it be any different this time? He is worth billions and calls Mr. Trump a con. To get all that he has he got it by conning people with lip-syncing music. For all, we know it may be another Millie Vanilli and not even his music. We don't even know where he was born. He is Arabic. He could be a spy for all we know."

"Ok, I am going to be rude and interrupt you, but I can't sit here and listen to this idiot talk crap. I never lip-synced in a concert. My music is MY music and performed by me, unless written for someone else. I did not ever con anyone like That piece of crap running for President under the Republican banner. I made my money by being bright and proficient at what I do. I earned my first million without a loan for my daddy or my Granddaddy. For the record, I am not Arabic I am Greek descent. As far as your other accusations I hope you can back them up." I stated calmly, though I desired nothing more than to pound her plastic face.

"I decline to sit here and be insulted by Mr. Chris."

"As my grandpop said if you can't stand the heat. Don't put your hand in the frying pan." I said, smiling at her.

"Fine I will just sit here and keep quiet."

"Now to address the accusations regard my speech last night. I wanted to speak from my heart and I can't do that if I am reading it. I believe if you're really speaking from the heart your thoughts become clear, coherent and easy. About the Dumpster saying Hillary should go to jail. In my opinion, he should go to jail on several accounts. Fraud for his so-called University Pyramid Scam. Then there's the fact that he told the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton's email and find the security clearance emails. In my opinion that treason against our country, but we all knew the self-centered republican who controls the senate won't do it.

"Thank you all for your insights."

"My pleasure, for the most part, Anderson."

"We'll be back."

Not a few seconds after I signed off the computer my cell phone rang. "Hello?"


"Hit the Trump campaign directly for five," I told the lawyer.

I looked up and saw Cody standing there smiling. "Baby watching you tear into that cunt turned me on."

"Everything turns you on bro." Said Billy pushing his way past Cody.

"Not everything. You don't." Cody answered.

"That I am glad about." Said Billy placing a couple dozen pieces of paper in front of me. I had asked him to look at a few good purchases to extend my auto collection and to have someone make an inventory of the contents in the storage area of the sub-basement.

"Possibly we should sell it off to the picker fellows on the TV." "

If you want to go ahead, you keep the money, though."

"Naw I'll give it charity."

February 1st, 2028


My Dads were curled up on the sofa with drinks and talked while they stared at the fire. The past few months have been busy and the rest should be good for them. Daddy rested his head on Dad's shoulder and sighed. I smiled at them as Daddy reached up and turned Dads head and they kissed each other. I loved watching them at times like this they both acted like schoolboys the way the kidded each other.

Even when Daddy was getting ready to go on camera or the stage Daddy and Dad would tease each other, but now it's all different. They are all pretty much the same, though. They teased each other relentlessly. They still enjoyed each other and they both loved Uncle Harry. I knew Uncle Harry loved them as well. Though because of the way things are now Uncle Harry can't be around as much unless on official business.

This house was great, but I like the Compound better. I think back to when we were kids, Riley and I used to race around and ride our bikes in the big foyer until we were caught by a parent or Mr. or Mrs. Kane. If we were to be caught by anyone we would rather have been caught by Grandma Kane she would tell us no riding our bikes in the home and then get us some cookies. I decided to go down to the kitchen and get some cookies.


I smiled at Cody "Ever wonder what he is thinking about when he stares at us like that?"

"Sometimes babe, but I know it's nothing mean. It's not in him to be mean. I just wish Riley would treat him better."

"Yeah, I do too, but she is at that age where having a brother with autism, however just a mild case like JC's is embarrassing."

"I understand that, but JC is a Genius intellectually. She has no problem getting him to help her with her homework." Cody sighed softly.

"I know Cody," I said, resting my head back on his shoulder while was he rested his head against my head. I agreed with him. This was an ongoing conversation between us and a few arguments too. Though JC was intellectually advanced, emotionally he was eight. I cuddled in closer to Cody as he put his arm around me. I hear a knock at the door.


"Mr. President, I'm sorry to disturb you, but we have a crisis."

Sighing, I went up and walked towards the doorway. "Babe, can you make me some of your mocha? It may be a long night."

I sighed, as I had a very good idea what the problem was. Vladimir Putin has been posturing for the past fifteen years. Over the past three months, he has been moving troops towards the Ukraine, which has been in a constant turmoil because of Russian interference just like they did twelve years ago in our election. In my campaign Putin and Russia, where a big part of my platform.

Now it was time to put that plan into action ...

Thanks for editing Rick!

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Next: Chapter 33

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