Amsterdam Thermos Nuit

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Aug 11, 2014



This is a work of gay fiction containing scenes of sex between consenting males. If this offends you stop reading now. If you are under age stop reading now. If it is illegal to read this in the country where you live, stop reading now and move. This work is under copyright to the author and can not be used or reprinted without the author's written consent.

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Amsterdam Thermos Nuit

I had flown to Amsterdam from Miami after having a hot adventure on the airport train with a hispanic kid and a leather man.My lover had died a few years earlier and left me well off. I took early retirement,unable to deal with the pain of the loss. Settling in south florida wasn't easy. There were two kinds of gay men-old,well off,and young hustlers. I became friends with both but never had sex with them. I let the hustlers know I was not buying only window shopping. the older guys pretty much ignored me,figuring I was competition for the young hunks.

After 6 months I booked a cheap ticket to Amsterdam. On the double decker commuter train,the upper level,there were only three of us. The leather man was about 40 years old with a fine body,showing through his open vest. He began to grab his jean covered cock.rubbing it to full hardness. By now we were sitting close,with those two across the aisle from each other and me one row behind them with a full view of the action. The cute hispanic kid lost no time in moving to kneel in from of the leather guy,taking out his hard cock and sucking down to the root. I freed my own stiff bone. Both saw itand motioned me over. Sadly, we knew we had to stop as we got closer to the city. The kid got off and we rearranged ourselves. We were both going to the end of the lie,the airport. He was on his way to Leather weekend in San Francisco and I was bound for Amsterdam.

The flight was surprisingly not full so I had three seats to myself and was able to sleep for 5 of the 9 hours. Arriving in Amsterdam in mid morning I went straight to my guest house,a gay hotel owned by two friends. I got oriented then was filled in on what to expect during my week there. They had given me their own suite on the first floor. It had a small patio for sunning. I thanked them and set out for a tour of the city's sights. By happy hour I had visited all those familiar places my lover and I had seen on our trips to Europe and in particular,Amsterdam. I decided to check out 2 of the infamous bars with active backrooms. I must've been giving off negative vibs since no one seemed interested in me. I then decided that a nap and a fine dinner would be the highlights of my first day.

Dinner at an Iberian place was indeed excellent. Afterwards I spent some time just walking around that beautiful city. I ended up at the Stablemaster bar. They were having their usual naked party so I checked my cloths and took my tab to the bar for my first free drink. It was slightly crowded,just enough to rub against people if you wanted to. After flirting with the bartender I went to the end of the bar and took a seat along the wall. A tall,blond nordic looking number walked into the bar,got a drink,and proceeded to the back to sit next to me. It didn't take long before we were holding each other ,and not by the hand. We got into the spirit of the place and put on a full out show for everyone-sucking and fingering each other. I felt a thick, long cock push against my back

As expected a crowd soon gathered around to watch us and encouraged us. Now the rule of the bar was that you could mess around but no anal was allowed out in the open. So we stopped short of that and took a break. Free drinks,beers,soon began to appear in front of us. We talked for a while as we drank our way through the beers. The bartender brought us two shot glasses which we downed. He told us that we were the hottest couple he'd seen in a while. My new friend was a flight attendant and we explained that we weren't a couple and had just met in the bar. He was stunned! The other patrons would come by and pat our butts,sometimes fingering us or pulling on our cocks.

Closing time,for us at least,came around one in the morning. Since were both slightly sloshed he suggested a trip to the night sauna-Thermos. It was a bit of a walk but we decided to go there rather than back to his place or mine. We talked and sobered up as we walked. It turned out that he flew regularly from Amsterdam to the east coast of the US.

When we checked in and put our cloths in a locker we decided to split up and explore the place. By now that shot came back to haunt me.It was absinth! Adding to the total darkness of the place was my own mental darkness. At one point I met my friend from the stablemaster. He was in no better shape. We sort of guided each other around until we ended up in the maze. He quided me to an open,padded area at the center of the maze. I lay back intending to give that shot time to wear off. I could see dark shapes moving around the platform. Someone began to massage my shoulders,someone else began on my legs. Soon I felt a lubed finger being pushed into me and a bottle of poppers was pushed under my nostril. It was very strong. I heard my friend whispering to take another hit and I did. He lifted my legs up and in one quick motion entered me. Pumping me harder, moaning, he told me how good and tight I felt on his cock.He didn't take long before pulling out. He moved behind my head and pulled both my legs open for the next guy. I lay there for what seemed like hours taking one man after another, never really seeing their faces.

countless men later I was sober and well fucked. I had been filled in both ends. I went to the shower where I ran into my original friend. He asked how I felt,if I was sore? Amazingly I wasn't and felt fine. He turned me around in the shower,gave me another hit of poppers and pushed his again stiff cock into me for one final fuck. Before leaving we had a coffee. It seems he had a flight in few hours to New York. We exchanged our contact information.

I headed back to my room. I slept late the next morning when I awoke and stumbled out for coffee, my friend,Josh, showed me the closed circuit tape of my return. It was a shock.I did not look great! Josh then surprised me by telling me of all of my adventures at Thermos. It seems he and his lover had an open relationship. When he saw me come into the sauna he decided to watch out for me. He told me that he was the one who first put the poppers in front of me to ease me into what he knew was going to happen. He was the second guy to fuck me and told me how tight I was. He stayed there to make sure I was ok before he left for the hotel. He told me that he and his lover had admired my body for years as I visited with my lover. This was the first time I was there alone. I didn't explain about my lover's death. It would just bring back too much pain for me. We made plans for the three of us to have dinner at the restaurant across the street since they both were off for the night. Dinner was good but dessert was better. We all shared that big bed in the room,fucking there and out on the patio under the stars. We celebrated my return to Amsterdam with a bottle of champagne and a nite of sober,good sex. At one point both of them took me at the same time.

It was raw, pig sex. We rutted and sucked. We ended with a sex sandwich and i was the meat.I fucked Josh as his lover fucked my willing hole.

I remained for two more days in Amsterdam. I didn't revisit the sauna but did enjoy some great sex. Josh introduced me to some other guests,leather men. They took me to an after hours bar party. But that's a tale for another time.

Well, guys I hope that this little story provided some stimulation for you. Maybe you too will visit Amsterdam and have an adventure of your own. Don't forget to send a donation to to keep this site going and providing hours of pleasure.

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