Amys Beginning

By amy dancer

Published on Jul 5, 2007


I got up late on Sunday morning. I thought about what I'd done last night, and had a think about it. Did I enjoy it? Very much so. Would I do it again? Very much so. I went to the bathroom, sat down for a pee, it seemed like the right thing to do, as I was wearing a pink chemise of Julie's and went down to get some breakfast. Mum was already up and out, and I think Julie was still in bed, but she did drink more than me. After having something to eat, I decided to have a bath, and put some bubbles in it.

As I wallowed in the bubbles, I wondered if I after today I would be a girl again, and decided that I would, but had no idea how. Would Nicky mind me being Amy, and how would Julie and Mum feel about it? I knew Julie liked me being her sister, but would mum want another daughter? How would Nicky feel if I saw her brother again?

Well, no point worrying about it right now. I lifted a leg out the water to look at it, totally smooth as I ran my hand along it and felt my new Brazilian. I had P.E. tomorrow and decided to skip it, say I didn't feel to well or something. I let my hand go over my dick and balls, feeling how smooth they were. I was so happy when they grew, and now here I was having shaved them off.

I couldn't help thinking about blowing Lee and I was soon stroking away, surprised that I was hard now, but not that hard while sucking him. Strange, as I was really turned on at the time.

With one hand stroking my dick, my other on my balls, a finger touch my ass and it made me wonder what it would feel like to have sex with him, but I couldn't work out how I could do it and he would never know my secret. My finger just played with my hole, running back and forwards over it. There was no doubt in my mind what I was about to do. I was so horny, I had to know what it felt like, so a finger went in, slowly.

It felt really good and before long I had 2 fingers in, and both hands working full time. My back was arching and I was totally in the moment. I wanted to cum just from my finger in me, so I soon stopped stroking and both hands down there, one helping the other do the work, and then 3 fingers in. I was getting closer to cumming I just knew it.

There was a knock at the door, then it opened and Julie walked in.

"Can't you keep the noise down when you're jacking off in the bath?" she said, then sat on the loo and had a pee.

I didn't know where to look, or what to do with my hands as I could hear the tinkle of water. Julie looked at me and said, "No need to be embarrassed we were in a cubicle last night and it didn't bother you then." I didn't reply as she wiped herself and stood up looking at me.

"My god, you were having a wank weren't you!" And she sat on the edge of the bath. "So, what were you doing? Using your fingers?" I nodded. "Feel good?" I nodded again.

She stood up. "Stay there." and she left. I slowly took my fingers out, frustrated that I hadn't cum, I was so close, when the door opened and she walked back in. She knelt down by the bath then put a dildo, not a big one, but bigger than me, about the same size as Lee, maybe a bit more on the edge of the bath. Then from her other hand, she put a bottle of lube next to it and smiled at me, stood up and left.

I was laying there looking at it. Do I or don't I?

I did.

Later that day, Nicky cam round, by now I was just lounging about the house, Julie was doing her course work and I was just dressed in a pair of her baggy jeans and sweat shirt, when Nicky came round. She wanted to talk to me and I guessed it was about Lee, so we went to my room and talked. He hadn't told her what happened other than he saw me and we went to the club together.

Nicky told me that Lee wanted to take me to the cinema tonight and asked her for my number, but she wouldn't give it. She wanted to speak to me first. She wanted to know if I wanted to have a date. I was more concerned how she would feel about me dating him.

"I don't mind, I just don't want either of you to get hurt, I mean, it's not like you too can have sex." she told me. I wasn't going to tell her about me and the dildo in the bath. It hurt at first, it was so big, but I guess my fingers must have made it easier. Once it was in, I didn't want to take it out. I spent an hour in the bath, re filling it once just so I could enjoying it.

"I know you two have kissed, but you're period story will only last till the end of the week, and by then, it's either sleep with him, or blow him." I couldn't help blushing and she noticed. She looked at me and I knew she wanted to know, so I told her, but no details. She had to hear it from my lips.

"So you'll have to see him tonight now." I was pleased, as I wanted to try a date on my girly weekend. It would round it off nicely. Nicky went home to tell him, and I told Julie. She just rolled her eyes, told me she's too busy to help right now and to see what I wanted to wear. The plan was I would go to his, then he would drop me home.

I walked round to Nicky's at about 6. Mum was really supportive about it, I think she was more excited about it than me. Julie helped me choose what to wear and had some good suggestions. I was wearing a pair of skinny hipster jeans tucked into my boots, my white babe thong. A Black tight tee shirt with Angel in silver written on it which showed my stomach and the white bra. Topped off with a red leather short jacket and my clutch bag.

For my make up, Julie had helped with it, making my eyes stand out more and my pink lip gloss matching my nails. I was nervous, but the clip of my boots on the pavement sounded great! Just before I left, Julie slipped a condom in my pocket, "just in case". Not tonight, My mouth maybe, but nowhere else.

I rang Nicky's bell, but her mum answered. "You must be Amy, come in. Lee's still getting ready. Nicky's in her room, go on up." I thanked her and went up. As I got to the top of the stairs, Lee came out the bathroom, wearing just a towel. God he looked good. I said hi and walked to him to give him a kiss and he put his arms around me, letting the towel fall.


Nicky opened her door and we broke off, and he grabbed his towel and ran. I giggled and went into Nicky's room.

Lee knocked on her door about ten minutes later and said he was ready and would be downstairs. Nicky told me to make him wait.

We got to the cinema and it was my choice of film. I really wanted to see the latest action one, but somehow thought it would be wrong. We'd already stopped off so we could make out in a car park, and yes I gave him a blow job. I was getting really good at it, but this time, because I was sitting next to him, his hand weren't just over my bum, he also felt me up. I was really worried about getting hard and him feeling it, but he didn't and neither did I, or at least not too much.

I choose a horror film, and had to pretend to be scared, thinking it's what a girl would, plus it gave a chance to hold him. When the obligatory sex scene came on, I kissed him and stroked his cock, it was hard. I wanted to suck him again, but there were to many people in the cinema.

After the film, as we walked out, right in front of us was my Drama teacher. I prayed he wouldn't recognise me, but as we walked into the light, he looked right at me and I knew he had. It didn't help that Lee decided to kiss me right then, and I couldn't help but kiss him back. I looked at Mr Knowles but he was already walking away with his wife. He looked back at me at one point and just nodded, gave me a small smile and mouthed "ok" at me. I nodded back and he was cool about it.

I knew I would have to tell him about this but at least he seemed cool. I was pretty sure he wouldn't say anything.

Me and Lee were back in the car park again, in the back seat with him laying on top of me and my legs open. I could feel his hardness pressing against me even the heat of it through my jeans. I knew I wanted him in me, but no way was I going to do anything about it. I was scared of him beating me up if he found out. As we kissed his hand was rubbing against me and I thought I was going to cum, even though I wasn't fully hard. I rolled him over, and got on top of him, I didn't want to cum in his hand.

I undid his trousers and got him out to play with him.

"So, what do you want me to do with this?" I asked coyly.

"please?" Was all he said, and all he had to say, so I did what he wanted me to, and what I needed to. Kneeling on the back seat next to him, my head bobbing up and down, my lips around his hardness, my tongue lapping at his length. I could feel him building up, and was more surprised that I still felt like I was going to cum.

I didn't want to stop, and felt myself start to cum, just as he did. Did I like the taste of his cum? No. I LOVED IT!

As we both calmed down, I was embarrassed about cumming, and kept his hands away from me, even though I really wanted him too. I took a drink from the bottle of water he'd picked up at my suggestion from the cinema, then kissed him.

"I can't wait till we have sex!" he told me. I wanted to do him right then, but decided it would have to wait. Shortly after he dropped me at home, and my panties felt really sticky from my cum. We'd arranged to meet next weekend and I knew that would be a problem for me.

I went in and both mum and Julie wanted to know about it, but I really didn't think mum needed to know that I was having sex. They said they had a surprise for me, but I wasn't really in the mood, I just wanted to get changed and go to bed. I had school tomorrow and a teacher to speak to, but Julie took my hand and lead me to my room, with mum following. In my room my wardrobe was open and had some new clothes in it.

"I had a clear out, and thought you might like them." Julie told me. She given me skirts, tops, dresses and shoes. A lot of shoes. Way more than I thought she had. "Sarah dropped off some stuff as well." I wanted to know why they done this, it was only meant to be for a weekend nothing more.

"I like my sister and want to spend more time with her." Julie said. "And I think Lee might want to see more of you, I saw you both kissing from the window." Mum added. I told them I'd sleep on it. And they both left.

After getting undressed and cleaned up, I went back to my room and climbed into bed. Under my pillow was a present from Julie. The dildo and lube.

I smiled as I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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