An Act of Kindness

By Charles Cox

Published on Jul 21, 2018


Honestly, the thought of being intimate with a young boy never entered my thoughts. Sure, I found twinks to be sexually stimulating but never in my wildest dreams would one hit on me. I had believed for the longest time that I was "undateable". That I wasnt goodlooking at all. Im tall with shoulder length dark blonde hair, green eyes and a heavy build. Last I checked, I weighed 320lbs. I had moobs, no ass and my dick was the size of a vienna weenie. Who the hell wanted that?

I had done some shopping at the local mall and decided to stop by at the local mexican restraunt. It got excellent reviews so I figured why not? Truth be told, I was feeling kinda down. One of the handsome young studs I had been chatting with online and had begun to have feelings for, dropped me like a rotten tomato. To add insult to injury, a group of highschool boys sniggered and laughed in record shop I was in. The beautiful hostess showed me to my table. She smiled as I sat down.

"Pedro, your server will be right with you".

I smiled and nodded. Most of the servers I saw were handsome. In their twenties and thirties. Dressed in black shirts and black dress pants. Suddenly my attention was drawn to the door. The same group of guys who made fun of me in the record store stood there. They saw me and one or two of em pointed.

"Hope theres still food left!" I heard one of them mumble in my direction as they passed by.

Another jab to the heart. I remained calm. I didnt want them to see me cry. I was so engrossed, listening to them clammer on that I didnt even notice someone standing beside me. I looked up and my pulse quicked.

"God! Let this be Pedro!" I thought as I stared into those soft brown eyes.

He was about 5'6 with short spiked black hair, brown eyes, smooth olive skin and from the way his uniform hung on him, probably ripped. He smiled showing a mouthful of braces. He looked to be all of 18 or 19.

"What can I get you my freind?" he asked in a deep sexy voice with a slight accent. I looked over the menu. Before I had a chance to order, they started again.

"Hey! Amigo! He dont need no food! Hes fat enough already! We're starving!"

I felt my bottom lip tremble. "I um.. Ill just have some ice water with lemon for now".

Pedro smiled at me and nodded. Then his handsome face changed to pure hatred as he looked at the group of boys. I could hear them continue and they made sure I could hear them.

"Damn! How can he even find his dick under all that fat!" one of them exclaimed. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I could not and would not cry hear!

"Um Pedro?" he smiled.

"Im not hungry. I will pay for my water." He frowned.

"No Senor! Stay. I will ask them to leave!" I shook my head.

"No, they have a right to be here too!" I took a 20$ bill out and handed it to him.

"Thanks for everything!" he tried to protest but I made him take it. As I headed for the door I heard him lay into them.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you hurt him like that?"

One of the boys started to protest but Pedro shut him down.

"I want you boys to leave now and if you ever come back, I will have you banned from the whole mall!" I heard clapping as I walked out the front door. Score one for Pedro!

To Be Continued...

Hope you guys liked part 1. Part 2 will be from Pedros perspective. Remember, its never ok to make fun of or shame someone just because they look different. We all deserve to be loved. Let me know what you thought of part 1 at and as always, be sure to support Nifty.

Next: Chapter 2

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