An Awakened Heart

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Jul 16, 2011


An Awakened Heart


Daniel Running Water

Sequel to a Heart's Legacy

Chapter Two

Previously in chapter one:

Together Roaring Thunder and his son walked and talked as they headed for Yellow Hawk's lodge.

"Have you told him of your secret; for I can see the love that is between you, your eyes betray that which is in your hearts."

"Gah-ween father, for I was about to...but you came first," Yellow Hawk said, watching his father's eyes to see if he approved of their love.

"That I would not do, for he would not look kindly on you Yellow Hawk for deceiving him. Love him in secret but do not share your secret just yet. What if he rejects your love after hearing your secret...that would bring about the worse of all shame to you," he told him, watching Abe as he pulled his own loincloth on.

"I thought that all men accepted this fact," Yellow Hawk said, looking intently into his father's eyes.

"Only those whose skin is red openly accept it my son. Get to know this powerful chief before you surrender not only your heart but your secret also."

"Ay-uh my father, for again you have proven how wise you are to your son," Yellow Hawk said, hugging his father warmly before he stepped into his own lodge.

Now chapter two:

As the sun began to break on the horizon, Strong Bear rode along beside Roaring Thunder to Fort Powell. After much thought, Roaring Thunder decided it best that Abe and Yellow Hawk remain behind. But Strong Bear knew that this chief made such a decision to keep him and Yellow Hawk apart.

"What kind of man is this Colonel Parker," Strong Bear asked, wishing not to mention his love yet for Yellow Hawk.

"He is a man of great heart toward the people with red skin," he replied, happy that Strong Bear had not insisted on Yellow Hawk accompanying them. "He feels the pain that we feel for having our land taken from us. I wish that I could say the same for his lieutenant. Lieutenant Cal Williams is a man with evil in his heart and I fear that he is aligned with Josh Temple."

"Have you expressed your concern over this Lieutenant Williams to the colonel?"

"Gah-ween, for I doubt that the colonel would believe me because the man is married to the colonel's daughter, Beth."

"Ay-uh, it is best to keep such thoughts to oneself," Strong Bear said. "I too would hold my tongue concerning this."

Soon they were approaching the fort and Roaring Thunder waved to the sentry that stood guard at the fort's gate.

"What brings you to our fort, Roaring Thunder," Private Mathew Davis asked, his eyes darting from Roaring Thunder to Strong Bear and then back again to Roaring Thunder.

"We have come to hold counsel with Colonel Parker, this is Chief Strong Bear of the Turtle clan," he said, introducing Strong Bear to the young private.

"Howdy chief," Mathew said, smiling warmly at the chief and extending his hand up to Strong Bear.

"Howdy...what does this word mean," Strong Bear asked quietly of Roaring Thunder.

"That is Private Davis' way of greeting and welcoming you," he explained.

"Howdy," Strong Bear replied back, accepting the man's hand in friendship.

Nodding to the private, Roaring Thunder led the way to the colonel's office, which was a loan cabin in the center of the fort's parade ground.

"Good afternoon Roaring Thunder," Colonel Parker said as he stepped from his office.

Colonel Parker was a tall man and quite muscular. His long golden blond hair was tied back in a ponytail, revealing his handsome face, which was beginning to show his age of fifty-five.

"I see that you have brought another warrior with you that I have not met yet," he said, his eyes taking in Strong Bear, who was dressed today in fringed breeches and a buckskin shirt, which also had fringes along the arms and across the chest.

"I would have thought that you would be with that handsome son of yours, Yellow Hawk," he said, causing a surge of jealousy to rise in Strong Bear's heart.

"Not at this time my friend, he is watching over my village's affairs while I am away," he said, dismounting his horse along with Strong Bear. "This is Chief Strong Bear of the Choctaw Turtle Clan," he said and Strong Bear held out his hand in friendship to the colonel.

"I heard that a new tribe moved onto land close to your village," he said stepping forward and accepting Strong Bear's hand in friendship. "I welcome you Strong Bear...come along my friends and let us smoke and then talk," the colonel said, leading the way into his office.

"I look forward to getting to know you better, Colonel Parker," Strong Bear said as he and Roaring Thunder followed the colonel into the building.

" me Seth, Strong Bear," he said as he motioned to two large overstuffed leather chairs and walked around his desk to sit in an equally comfortable chair.

The room was large with an oak desk sitting in front of the large stone fireplace where a fire burned. One wall was lined with shelves which held many books and memorabilia that the colonel had collected over the years. The opposite wall had a door in the center, which Strong Bear concluded led to the colonel's private quarters.

"Ah, Lieutenant Williams, please join us," Seth said when the man entered his office. "This man is Chief Strong Bear," he added as he introduced Strong Bear to him.

When Strong Bear looked into the man's eyes, he saw the evil that lived in his heart.

"Is he the culprit that's been doing the raiding and killing white settlers," Cal asked, glaring down a Strong Bear and causing the proud chief to rise.

"I can assure you lieutenant that neither I nor my people have ever led a raid on whites. I am a man of peace as was my father before me," Strong Bear said angrily, hating to accused when he had never give any blue coat reason to suspect him of such treachery.

"It seems coincidental that after your people show up, we begin to have raids and death, when we never had a problem before," he said, his eyes boring a hole right through Strong Bear.

"I am sure that you know perfectly well who the culprit that carries out such raids is," Strong Bear fired back, his angry eyes meeting and holding with those of the lieutenant.

"Now Cal, do you think that Strong Bear would come here of his own accord, if'n he was guilty of the crimes that you accuse him of? Now let us smoke and then we shall all talk," he added, pulling from a desk drawer, a pipe.

Cal gave Strong Bear a look, that if looks could kill, Strong Bear would be dead, and Strong Bear returned the looks, knowing that he not only did not trust this man, but he, being one to see a man's worth, disliked him.

After they had smoked the pipe, they relaxed back in their chairs and began to talk.

"So tell me Strong Bear, why did you move your people to Wyoming?" the colonel asked, lighting a cigar and taking several puffs before resting in an ashtray.

"My people were lied to concerning the land that your white leader chose to place us on. There were no buffalos and the land poor for growing our food."

The colonel nervously cleared his throat, knowing quite well what the land in Oklahoma was like, having spent a tour of duty in Oklahoma. He was also aware of the shady dealings that Washington had made with the Indian, and he sympathized with them.

"I can understand how you feel, for I was a young soldier when I severed in Oklahoma and wondered why anyone would want such desolate land as that which was given to you."

"Ay-uh, the land that is given to the people with redskin is that which no white eyes want," Strong Bear said, noticing how Cal smirked and Strong Bear wanted to choke the evil man.

"Well all that I ask of you and your people is to live peaceably with people of both white and redskin," Seth said.

"That is all that I ask, for the right to hunt and live in peace, my friend," Strong Bear said, admiring Seth even more now than before.

"All I know is that since your mangy savage people moved here to Wyoming, there has been nothing but killing and raiding amongst the white population," Cal said bitterly.

"That is not entirely true, for there have been raids and killing on the people with redskin also," Roaring Thunder said, in defense of the Indian. "And that had happen long before the Turtle Clan came to Wyoming."

"I totally agree my friend, for long before Strong Bear moved his people here, several Sioux tribes have been attacked, with many left behind dead, and not just its warriors, but also their women and children," Seth said, running his finger around his tight shirt collar.

"One of these days sir, your softness on these savages is going to cost you your life," Cal said, suddenly standing and totally disregarding his father-in-law's rank.

"You forget just who you are talking to lieutenant," Seth said, standing and pulling rank on the man. "Now if you cannot behave according to the rank that you hold, then I would suggest that you leave," he added, his eyes showing the hurt and anger that he felt.

"May I then please be excused, sir," Cal asked bitterly.

"Yes you may," he said and both men saluted each other before Cal turned and hurriedly exited the cabin.

"One of these days old man, I am going to put a bullet right through your heart," he muttered to himself once he was outside on the porch.

"I'm sorry Strong Bear, sorry that you had to endure such rudeness."

"It is not up to you to apologize for the ignorance of another," Strong Bear said, offering the colonel his hand in friendship once again. "One thing this chief admires and respects is a man of heart and you have shown much heart for the people with redskin."

"I believe in what the bible says my friend, that all men were created in God's image and..." he was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Enter," Seth said and the door opened to find a young boy of about sixteen or seventeen winters standing there.

His hair was the same color as Cal's hair and his eyes an icy blue. When the boy saw someone new, he smiled warmly at Strong Bear.

"Ah, my handsome grandson, Kyle," Seth said watching his grandson set down a tray of refreshments on the desk. "He is Cal and my daughter Sarah's son," he added. "Kyle, this is Chief Strong Bear of the Choctaw Turtle Clan."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance sir," Kyle said and extended his small hand out to Strong Bear in friendship. "It is always a pleasure to see you my chief," he added when he turned his eyes warmly to Roaring Thunder, whose eyes showed a love for the boy.

"As it is always my pleasure young brave," Roaring Thunder said as he ran his eyes up and down the boy's slender body.

Kyle was wearing buckskin breeches also, but they seem to be too tight for the boy, as if they had been made for him when he was younger and smaller. Roaring Thunder noticed today how they hugged his small, hard ass just right and his manhood lay limply down his leg. He smiled at the lad.

"I have something that I promised you young brave in my saddlebag on my horse," he said and turned to the colonel. "Roaring Thunder will leave you both to talk and get to know one another better while I take the young brave outside and give him his gift."

"Of course Roaring Thunder, I would very much like to get to know Strong Bear better," Seth said, but it was Strong Bear that saw the exchange of looks between his chief friend and the boy.

"I have missed you my chief," Kyle whispered once they outside of the cabin and walking toward the stable.

"Ay-uh, for I have missed you also my handsome one," Roaring Thunder whispered back, following the boy, as Kyle led the way to where he had tethered the chief's horse just inside the barn.

Once they were hidden from the eyes of the soldiers, Kyle flung his body into Roaring Thunder's arms, their mouths met in a kiss and their hands roaming over each other's body.

"I have so missed our times together Roaring Thunder," Kyle said as he unbuttoned his own shirt, exposing his creamy white chest and taut nipples to the chief.

Roaring Thunder lowered his mouth down to a nipple and eagerly sucked and nibbled on it, causing Kyle to gasp in ecstasy.

"I too have missed you Golden Hawk," Strong Bear said, using the Indian name that he had given the boy.

"Show me my lover," Kyle said as he dropped his breeches, stepped from them and lay on a blanket in the hay that he had purposely spread there earlier for them.

Kyle watched eagerly as Roaring Thunder pulled his shirt up and over his head, tossing it aside. Kyle could tell by the rise of the chief's manhood that he was eager to give his love to the lad, for it strained against his buckskin breeches.

"How my body yearns for yours my lover," Kyle whispered, holding his hands out to the chief, pulling him down on top of him, Roaring Thunders throbbing cock pressing against the boy's abdomen.

"Ay-uh, as so my body yearns for your warmth," he whispered back, spreading the boy's legs with his knee and sliding his length deep into the lad.

Kyle gasped when Roaring Thunder's manhood slid deep into his sheath and he began his rhythmic strokes within him.

"Love me my chief and give me your seed, it has been way to long since we have been together as this.

Kyle raised his head and ran his tongue around the taut nipples that stood proud on Roaring Thunder's copper colored chest, nibbling them gently and causing Roaring Thunder to groan deep from the pleasure.

"Golden Hawk ignites a fire within his chief that no one else, not even my wife could ignite," he whispered against the boy's full pink lips and kissed him heatedly, his thrusts now urgent.

Wrapping his legs around the chief's waist, Kyle met thrust for thrust as they moved ever closer to that precipice of rapture, where both would willingly fall over as their bodies surrendered their seeds.

Kyle knew how much Roaring Thunder loved him, for he loved the powerful chief as much. He was jealous of the chief's wife, because she had her husband each night when Kyle had to steal fleeting moments with the man.

"I love you Roaring Thunder...I would like nothing more than to be your mate and share your blankets each night making love," he whispered, feeling his seed rising like a volcano from within. "I am close my love...are you also?"

" seed is about to flow...I was waiting for you, Golden Hawk," he whispered, his breaths quick and his heart racing as his climax approached.

Kyle's eyes rolled back and his slender hips rose furiously to meet those urgent thrusts of his lover. His head was tossing side to side as he clung to Roaring Thunder's shoulders.

"Aieee," Kyle yelled, his seed shooting forth between their sweat covered bodies.

"Aieee," Roaring Thunder crowed when he felt the swelling of his cock when Kyle's ass tightened around it.

He thrust one last time deep into the heat of the boy, stopping and blasting his seed deep into his inner bowels. Urgently, rapidly, Roaring Thunder's thrust resumed, spilling more of his seed into the lad. Kyle clung to his lover, his small hands digging into his chief's ass, while his pelvis rose to meet the man's eager thrusts.

Panting hard, their hearts pounding just as fast, Roaring Thunder rolled off the lad and unto his back. Kyle turned on his side and faced the man that he loved, running his finger around the taut brown nipple.

"You are going to ignite the fire once again my sweet Golden Hawk," Roaring Thunder whispered, feeling the blood flowing once again to his shrunken member.

Kyle rose, pulled Roaring Thunder's leg apart, and then knelt between them, lowering his mouth down to the shrunken member. His lips wrapped tightly around the man's cock and slid slowly down on it, relishing how quickly it rose to its full size within his mouth.

Roaring Thunder ran his fingers through Kyle's golden locks, pulling his mouth further down on his throbbing manhood. Kyle moaned in delight, turned his body while he continued to suckle on the cock, placing his erect manhood into the chief's waiting mouth.

His round, hard ass moved quickly as he fed his cock to the mighty chief, all the while sucking feverishly on the chief's cock. Roaring Thunder's hands were clamped tight to the boy's pearly white mounds and a single finger delves deep into the boy, massaging his tender nub.

"I'm going to shoot my seed," Kyle warned, lifting his mouth from the chief's cock and then resuming his eager sucking.

"Mmmmm," Roaring Thunder moaned and soon tasted the sweetness of Kyle's seed as it spewed from his throbbing cock.

"Mmmmm," Kyle moaned, now tasting his chief's offering in mouth, his ass thrusting downward as Roaring Thunder's pelvis thrust his own cock upward, both feeding each other their seeds.

"Unless war is what you want with Seth, I would hasten to hide that which you are doing," Strong Bear urged, causing Roaring Thunder and Kyle to quickly rise to their feet, their manhood still oozing the last of their seeds.

"Roaring Thunder did not hear Strong Bear enter the stable," Roaring Thunder said as he quickly pulled on his breeches and shirt.

"The boy's grandfather is but a moment behind me," Strong Bear warned, watching the boy as he too, hastened into his clothes.

Needing a diversion until Kyle was fully dressed and the blanket hidden, Roaring Thunder hastened over to his horse. He pulled the special bow and a quiver of arrows that he had made just for Kyle from where they were attached to his saddle.

"Are those for me Roaring Thunder," Kyle asked, coming over to stand beside his lover and running his slender fingers over the carvings on the bow.

"I hope you have properly thanked Roaring Thunder for his gift to you, Kyle," Seth said as he walked through the door, seeing how much his grandson loved the gift.

"Ay-uh, Golden Hawk has surely shown his appreciation to his friend Roaring Thunder," the chief said, smiling warmly at the lad. "Now all I ask is that he be allowed to come to my village soon so that I can teach him how to use this bow."

"I think that he might like that...wouldn't you son," Seth asked and Kyle nodded his agreement, but not to learn the bow, but to be able to spend more time with the man that his heart belonged to.

"Roaring Thunder shall come for you in two sunrises," he promised and Kyle could not help himself as he flung his lean body into the chief's strong arms.

They both stood tightly together hugging, the sight warmed Seth's heart, knowing that his grandson took after his mother and not his father.

"But what about father," Kyle asked, pulling away from the chief's embrace.

"You just let me worry about that. I shall go to your mother and secure permission for you, but I want you to keep this secret from your father. I do not like his hatred for the Indians; for I fear that it shall bring about his demise one day."

"If only he could allow himself to know them as I do, then he would find them a people of much love and peace." Kyle said as he gazed up into the eyes of the man that to him meant more than his own father, and even Seth could see the love and admiration that his grandson held for the chief.

"Until then my Golden Hawk, do as your grandfather says," Roaring Thunder said and then mounted his horse as did Strong Bear.

Following beside the two chiefs as the led their horses from the stable, Seth and Kyle stood smiling as they watched the two proud men ride away. Seth looked down at his grandson and found a tear rolling down his cheek and it confirmed what he thought about the boy.

Kyle had always been what Seth called a mama's boy, not taking or liking things that most boys his age liked.

"You're in love with Roaring Thunder, aren't you," Seth whispered, his observation catching Kyle off guard.

"Grandfather, I..." Seth interrupted the boy.

"There is no need to say a thing my sweet boy, your eyes speak what your heart feels and your mouth unwilling to confirm. I don't really understand the kind of love that apparently Roaring Thunder, shares with you. But I will not condemn it either my pretty one, for love is love and your secret is safe with me," he said and lowered his head as he kissed the top of the lad's head.

"Truly can accept the love we share," Kyle asked, looking up at his grandfather and his tears flowing freely now.

"Like I said sweetheart, love is love and I can see how deeply you both love one another. My only concern is his wife, what would happen if she ever found out that her husband loved another, and that other was a white boy," he asked, concern for the boy's safety his first concern.

"We are very careful when we are together in our special way, grandfather," Kyle said, hugging his grandfather warmly.

"Just be careful sweetheart, for it would break this man's heart if'n he were to lose you," Seth said, pulling the boy's face up to look at him by a finger place to the boy's chin.

"I shall grandfather," he said.

"You shall what," Cal said as he came up to the two, a wondering look in his eyes as he glared first as his son and then Seth.

"I promised to do some chores for grandfather, father," Kyle lied, knowing that his grandfather would understand his need to lie.

"Then I recommend that you get your ass in gear and get them done," he ordered, ashamed of how his boy was more sissy than manly.

"I did not know that you were of two spirits also," Strong Bear said as they slowly rode back to Roaring Thunder's village.

"Ay-uh my friend, but I also love my woman. Golden Hawk makes love with a fire and passion that my sweet woman does not. He makes this old heart of mine come alive again," he said smiling, as his mind recalled the love that they had just shared.

"Then you can understand when I say that I wish to have Yellow Hawk for my mate," Strong Bear said, knowing that this was the perfect time to discuss his love for Roaring Thunder's son.

"Gah-ween my friend, for it is not up to me speak of this, he is a man and must decide for himself if you are what he desires. I shall not stand in the way if you are the one he chooses to spend his life with," he added causing a warm smile to come to Strong Bear's lips.

"I thank you my friend, for I feared that you would not understand the love that Yellow Hawk and I shared." Strong Bear said, confident that now he could pay a bride price to Roaring Thunder and then wed the boy."

"I still fear that what you so happily think is surely to come to pass, may not be my friend."

"And why does my friend speak this as if he knows something that Strong Bear does not?"

Strong Bear searched the chief's eyes and he could see many secrets lying in them, but were they past secrets or did they concern Yellow Hawk he wondered.

"I shall let my son discuss your future with you, for when it comes to him and you, it does not concern me," he said and then kicked the flanks of his horse and galloped off with Strong Bear following him.

Later that evening, Cal sat in the hideout cabin of Josh Temple, surrounded by many men and renegade Indians.

"Are you crazy man, one does not go against Roaring Thunder's village and live to speak about it," Josh said, hoping to make Cal see reason in what he had asked of him.

"We go when he is out on the hunt with his warriors, for the village shall not be as protected as when he and his warriors are present," Cal reasoned.

Josh kneaded his chin as he carefully thought about what Cal had just said; wondering what was propelling his comrade to make this decision.

"Is it the fact that it just another bunch of Indians that is feeding this hatred for Roaring Thunder, or do you have a personal vendetta against the man?"

"I hate all Indians," he nervously glanced over at those that sat angrily gazing at him and swallowed the lump that seemed lodged in his throat. "I surely did not mean present company," he said, running his finger around his shirt's collar...nervously.

"Then you are in if we ride against the Choctaw?" Josh asked, keeping his eyes on Cal.

"I'll ride, but I have got to be careful...what with my position at the fort," he said.

"I don't give a damn about your position Cal, you are either with us or not. If you are then you are riding right along with us, if not then I don't think you will like that choice much either," he said and Cal knew what that option was...he was as good as dead.

"Fine lets ride but not until the end of the week, I got to ride down to another fort and should be back in two days," he said.

"Then in two days I expect your sorry ass to be here and prepared to ride and no damn excuses why you can' it?"

"I got it and I'll be here," Cal assured him before leaving.

Abe and Swift Sparrow walked beside the river, they had walked far from the village so that their privacy could be assured. Once they had found a secluded spot, Abe took Swift Sparrow into his arms and kissed him with a kiss that spoke of his need and desire.

Swift Sparrow stood back and Abe watched, his heart racing, as the handsome warrior slowly...seductively, removed his loincloth and moccasins.

Stepping forward, Swift Sparrow pulled Abe's shirt up and over his head and once freed, tossed it to the ground. He knelt before Abe and while his eyes met and held Abe's, Swift Sparrow removed Abe's breeches.

Abe's mind raced with sensuous thoughts, none of them about Caleb when their bodies joined together and their mouths met in a kiss that was not only hot, but also urgent and sensuously demanding.

Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, once they lay on the softness of the grass, their moans merging as though they were of one heart and mind. Holding Abe's legs up, he placed them against his shoulders and then thrust his manhood deep into the heat of Abe's sheath. Abe gasped from the sudden invasion but soon surrendered to the passion and ecstasy that Swift Sparrow's manhood gave him.

Swift Arrow thrust in, pulled out and then thrust his throbbing length back in. Abe's body reacted, as Abe wrapped his legs around Swift Sparrow's waist and his hips rose and fell, matching each urgent thrust with like kind.

"Yes my handsome lover...take me," Abe whispered, his mouth but a breath away from Swift Sparrow's mouth and his eyes closed in ecstasy.

Abe's eyes popped wide open, he gasped a sudden breath when he felt Swift Sparrow's manhood withdraw and he began kissing and nibbling as he moved slowly down Abe's muscular body. He suckled each tender nub before trailing kisses down Abe's rippled stomach and not stopping until he reached his destination...Abe's manhood.

Every nerve ending was on fire with the passion...the ecstasy of the moment and it felt that each place that Swift Sparrow's tongue touched became a blazed with liquid fire, consuming his every thought.

"Oh my sweet man...your tongue is setting my entire body on fire," Abe gasped out, his head tossing to and fro from the intensity of the passion that he was feeling.

When Swift Sparrow's mouth fully engulfed Abe's manhood, Abe thrust his hips upward, burying his length deep into his lover's mouth and throat. Swift Sparrow's hand gently squeezed Abe's balls as his mouth moved rapidly up and down the length of Abe's swollen and throbbing cock.

"I'm close damn close," Abe stammered, feeling his cock swell with anticipation of his release.

"Mmmmm," Swift Sparrow murmured and continued to suck.

Unable to hold back his climax, Abe wound his fingers in his lover's hair and while holding Swift Sparrow's head to his groin, thrust upward, spewing his seed deep into his warm throat.

Heaving frantically, Abe's hips thrust upward until he had no more seed to give his lover. Releasing Abe's cock from his mouth, Swift Sparrow moved quickly to his lips and with fire in his lips, he kissed Abe as he plunged his cock deep into his lover's heat.

Methodically and feverishly, Swift Sparrow plunged...withdrew...and then plunged again until he felt his cock swell, knowing that his release was soon.

"Aieeeeeeeee," Swift Sparrow crowed, thrusting urgently...rapidly...filling Abe's heat with his seed.

Abe dug his fingers into the hardness of Swift Sparrow's ass, urging him deeper into his heat.

"Yes...harder...deeper my love," Abe begged as his hips rose and fell, matching his lover's thrust with his own.

Still riding the sweetness of their lovemaking's afterglow, they clung tightly to each other, their mouths joined in a torrent of kisses.

"I love you so damn much Swift Sparrow...I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Abe whispered against his lover's lips.

"Ay-uh my handsome one, I too love you with every beat of my heart. Soon we shall go to our chief and have him marry us," he said, causing Abe to fight back the tears that threatened to rush from his eyes, but a few escaped.

"What is this...Walking Tall cries over this?"

"I cannot help it Swift Sparrow, you have made me so happy. When I took Caleb as my mate, I had thought that it was forever and yet, when he left me for Running Water, I thought that I would never find another to love and love me. But the love that I have for you is so intense and strong, it'll last eternity."

"Ay-uh...forever my Walking Tall," he agreed and captured Abe's mouth with a kiss that was all consuming.

Again, Swift Sparrow felt the renewed passion flood their manhood and he pulled Abe on top of him.

"Make love to your husband," he whispered to Abe, his eyes blazing with the fire and passion that he was feeling.

Abe looked down briefly at Swift Sparrow, and while their mouths met in a fury of kisses, he thrust his cock deep into the warrior's welcoming sheath. Abe's body blanketed Swift Sparrow's, his thrust methodical and urgent as he plunged endlessly into the warmth of Swift Sparrow.

Swift Sparrow smiled, knowing how pleasurable it felt to have the heat of a lover's sheath surrounding your cock. With his fingers fiercely holding Abe's muscular ass, his legs wrapped possessively around Abe's waist, he met thrust for thrust with his own, feeling the swelling of his own manhood rising, signaling another trip to paradise.

"Harder...deeper my handsome one," Swift Sparrow urged and spewed his seed between their entangled bodies as a torrent of ecstasy flooded his senses.

Feeling the tightening of Swift Sparrow's heat, which surrounded his own cock, Abe thrust furiously deeper and harder into the warrior's sheath, spewing his seed and filling him completely as he succumbed to the rapture of the moment.

"Was it as fulfilling for you as it was for me," Abe asked, gazing down into the euphoric haze that flooded his lover's eyes.

"Ay-uh and much more because it is you that is loving this warrior," Swift Sparrow sighed, still overcome by the bliss of their shared climax. "Ay-uh... so much, much more," he sighed.

Strong Bear and Roaring Thunder had entered the edge of the village and although he was weary from the day's activities and Strong Bear needed Yellow Hawk. It was all that he could think as he rode back to the village. He wanted nothing else but cuddling and making love to him. Tonight he would not let Yellow Hawk deny what their bodies demanded.

"We will make love and this time you won't deny your future husband the pleasure of your body," he whispered as his eyes moved about the village in search of Yellow Hawk.

Stopping in front of Roaring Thunder's lodge, a brave took charge of their horses once they had dismounted. Still looking around for his lover, Strong Bear's heart felt the disappointment of not seeing his handsome young face when his eyes could not find him.

"I can see how your eyes search for my son," Roaring Thunder said smiling.

"Ay-uh my friend, for I expected him to be welcoming us once we returned."

"He's at the river bathing," the brave that had taken charge of their horses said.

Nodding a thank you to the boy and then nodding farewell to Roaring Thunder, Strong Bear walked hurriedly toward the river.

Hoping to catch Yellow Hawk naked, Strong Bear moved stealthily through the trees and bushes, his eyes searching for his lover. When he arrived at the river his heart sank, for nowhere was Yellow Hawk to be seen, but the sound of water splashing caught his attention and Strong Bear moved further down the river and found his lover standing waist deep in the water...surrounded by the crimson color of his blood...

"Gah-ween...surely you are not injured," Strong Bear said with alarm in his voice, causing the young warrior to turn abruptly around to face Strong Bear.

Moving from the water, Yellow Hawk knew that he was not only caught naked, but his secret was to be revealed to Strong Bear.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Strong Bear suddenly stepped backwards, away from Yellow Hawk and his mouth hung open in shock.

"Gah-ween Yellow Hawk...what is this that I see?"

"Please my love...please don't cast your eyes on my shame," Yellow Hawk whispered, his head hung down and his shoulders slumped. "I cannot bear what I see in your eyes Strong Bear," he added and then grabbed his buckskin towel and ran away crying in shame.

To be continued...

Chapter three will be quickly following chapter two my faithful readers. I do hope to hear from you and see what you think about this chapter.

Thank you,


Next: Chapter 3

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