An English Boy in New York

By Verhaal Vandermens

Published on Feb 22, 2011



You have to be of legal age to read this, also make sure you aren't breaking any laws by doing so. This story will contain underaged

homosexual relationships between two boys and possible scenes of a sexual nature. If you find that this type of material offensive or you otherwise decide not to need this sort of thing in your life, then you should go elsewhere and perhaps reconsider the location you are looking

for stories, as seriously... you are in the wrong place.

All people and events in this story are fictional. Any similarities to other people or events is purely coincidental and not to be taken literally. On the other hand, New York City does exist and forms the basis of at least this chapter. Subsequently, such places that exist in real life New York City will find themselves making a cameo as you can't visit NYC without seeing the sights.

However I have taken a liberty to actually create some imaginary places in NYC that do not actually exist. You will not find them if you go there, and they are only there for the purposes of this story. Smash Music is purely fictional and and similarity to other references is coincidental and unintended. You have been forewarned.


This part start off with a pretty graphic sex scene, at least it was when it was in my head. I wasn't sure if I wanted such gratuitous scenes in a love story, but in the end I decided to go with my initial thoughts and stick with the sex. See what you think. The rest of this chapter takes our two protagonists onto a new plane of adventure, which I was also hesitantly deliberating about whether I should take the story off at such a dramatic and possibly clichéd tangent, but there was only so much cuddling across NYC's tourist areas you guys could probably take, so I decided to drop it in some zest.

Sorry if you find this chapter a bit choppy. It's late at night and I wanted to get this finished today. I also lack a trusted proof-reader and there's no time for me to do it myself. I just hope it flows ok.

Also thanks to all the people leaving feedback for the previous two parts, your emails were a delight to read and an inspiration for me to keep writing. Feedback is welcome and I will try to respond to your emails :-)

An English Boy In New York – Part 3 By Vander

I wasn't used to sharing a bed. Not that I was complaining, it was still the best thing ever to share your bed with some Angelic Adonis that you only met a few days ago. Was it only that long? It had felt much longer than that. I remember the instant I woke up that morning. I was on my belly facing Remy as he silently slumbered. My left hand had somehow migrated into the curved cavity under his chin where his own left hand embraced it lovingly, like a child would hold a stuffed bear. I also realised that the weight on my legs was actually Remy's right leg stretched across both of mine and his right hand was draped casually over my back. I wondered if he had slept like this all night.

I dared to move my head to take a look at the alarm clock in the room. It said 9am. I had slept well and felt pretty refreshed, though I thought I needed a shower after yesterday. I was starting to feel a bit grungy. It was a dilema, I never wanted to disturb the sleeping angel that was wrapped around me, but I felt compelled to get up. My thoughts kicked in and I imagined me and Remy in our own house, me getting up leaving his sexy self in bed. I would go down to the kitchen and cook eggs and soldiers and bring them up to him with a glass or orange juice so he could eat in bed while I watched on lovingly.

Remy's eyes cracked open and he took a deep breath as he awoke from his slumber. The first sight he saw was me and my wide grin.

"Mornin'" I said cheerfully.

"Mah!" Or at least that's what I thought he said as he tried to change mode from sleep to awake. Remy gave a big yawn and stretched his limbs, finally freeing up my body from its loving embrace. I rolled out the way and flexed the muscles to make sure they hadn't got too stiff. They weren't, so I assumed that we'd changed position enough times that I never got stiff from sleeping in the same position.

"Sorry if I wriggled about too much," Remy said apologetically. "Been doing it since childhood."

I smiled back at him. "It's okay, I'm the same. Can't stay still, I have to find the cool spots." I swivelled out of bed and my feet his the pile of clothes we abandoned in our tired retirement into bed last night.

"Shower time." Remy said bluntly.

"Me first!" I abandoned politeness and made a dark for the shower. I figured that since I was up first I had first dibs.

"Who said anything about being second." He said to himself, but loud enough so that I could hear. He followed me into the bathroom.

I turned as he entered and I nearly laughed when I saw him in his underwear. His hair was sticking every which way but the right way.

"Oh funny!" Remy pouted. "Have you seen yourself lately?" Remy jabbed his thumb to the open doorway. Behind the open bathroom door was the wardrobe, which coincidences of coincidences was a full length mirror.

I winced at the reflection it gave back to me. I was just as bad. "Ah well. No one outside the movie world can wake up without a hair in place."

Remy wasn't thinking along those lines any more, in fact he was getting

ready for the shower. I watched him as he slid his underwear down, mesmerised into speechlessness. He paused when he was about to reveal the prize. I thought he had suddenly gone all bashful when I realised that he only paused because of the obstacle he now faced. Navigating the waistband of his boxer-briefs over the growing semi hard on he sported. Finally, the boxers were down and I got my first view of naked


Remy's naked form was better than I could have expected it. He had a few hairs on the base of his cock unlike me, who was still waiting for my first sproutings much to my annoyance. That wasn't what really snagged my attention but the smooth tube of flesh that was of a similar

size to my own, when semi-hard at least. From what I could see, he was at least six inches long, but much thicker than myself and his uncircumcised head was much bigger, you could see the outline of where it joined the shaft, which was slightly thinner and the thin vein that ran along the top.

"Hey" Remy called. I realised he had caught me staring. "Strip!" He commanded, smiling, either ignoring me blushing or wanting me to join in.

I stripped, albeit nervously. I hooked my thumbs around my waistband and tugged them down and over my own hard-on which unlike Remy's wasn't

at half mast, it was at full salute. It wasn't abnormal, it was the morning and most boys at thirteen get morning boners. I think I read somewhere that your sexual impulses go up at night and it wasn't until after you really wake up that the chemicals in your blood return to normal levels. Or something like that. All I knew was that sleepiness was being replaced by horniness. I stepped out of my boxers and stood there in front of him with my 6 incher jutting out at a right angle form my body.

I was proud of my dick. It was the same width all the way from tip to base with only a few slight contours on that hinted of the veins and flesh under the skin. I was uncircumcised like Remy. For some reason I had got it into my mind that he would be circumcised. Not that it mattered, I had no preference. It was the person attached to the dick that mattered mostly. The dick was just a pleasure centre.

Now I was naked, the hard part was over and I could feel my nervousness ebbing and confidence growing again. I gave Remy a naughty smile.

"Nice." He said as his eyes scanned my body. His own dick was throbbing now, he had also gone past the point of morning hard-on into a full on lust-driven boner.

I smiled in appreciation and turned. I didn't want to let my eyes leave that milky smooth body, but I had to locate the shower controls which I found and twisted. Water sprayed out into the shower cubicle. I adjusted the temperature to a nice temperature and held out my hand, offering it to Remy.

He held my hand and we both stepped inside the shower, pulling him close to me I found our hard dicks struggling for space. With him being slightly taller my own dick slid underneath his and between his legs, nestling itself in his perineum. His dick slid upwards and trapped itself between our tummies as we fought to get as close to each other as we could.

Water cascaded over us, washing the last remnant of sleep from our bodies. All that remained now was two lovers locked in a sexual embrace, together as one. I was pressed up again the naked body of my lover with my dick throbbing between his legs. I leaned my head closer and kissed him on the lips. I had to close my eyes this time as the water form the shower was cascading over our faces. It was strangely erotic to kiss with water falling over your face. Once you got over the sensation that you are drowning and that you can actually breath okay its really quite fun. I actually laughed mid kiss it was so tantalising. Remy was smiling so much he had trouble kissing properly. His hands roamed my body until they finished their exploration on my bum, where he kneaded the flesh and pulled me in closer. His hands massaged further and further into my crack and then finally he gently dragged a finger across my hole causing me to shudder in pleasure.

He stopped rubbing my hole with his finger and pulled away form the kiss, separating our bodies. He reached and grabbed for the shower gel and squeezed a dollop onto his hand.

"Just let me do this." He said and started to lather up my body. At first his hands worked fast, getting the soapy froth everywhere it could reach, using more of the shower gel as required to get up a good froth. He rubbed his hands under my arms down my back, over my bum cheeks and down over my legs, but I knew he was purposely avoiding my sensitive areas for last.

He finally started to rub the soap into my navel and then gradually he got lower and lower until he reached the base of my cock. He then wrapped his soapy hand around my shaft that was so hard by this point I thought it would have popped, it was verging on painful, but it felt oh, so good. After my shaft was soaped up his hand scooped the soap gently around my sack and then behind into the crease between my legs. I spread my legs a little for him to get better access and his hand just brushed my hole ever so slightly I gasped in pleasure. His hand went further as his middle finger rubbed at the hole, I was on my tiptoes, my body almost begging him to go further, but he was already at his stretch. Instead he got down on he knees and reached behind me, lathering up my crack from the rear, dragging his fingers back over the hole.

What he did next was electrifying. The water had washed the soap from my dick and it was still throbbing, almost white in colour since I had barely a tan. His hand grasped my shaft and gently pulled the skin back revealing the shiny purple head to the open air. I felt so exposed and at the mercy of my lover that I moaned a little through the sheer pleasure of it all. Then he licked the tip.

I had never sucked a dick before, or even received a blow job from anyone, but my mind had frequently put myself in the position of getting or giving many many times, but this... this was what dreams are made of, those little sparkles of electricity and joy that tell you that this is how one was supposed to live. Or what to live for. Just a simple lick to the head of my cock nearly sent me over the edge. I had a momentary surge of shame that I would shoot and it would all be over. I never and all that did come out was a moan from me.

Taking that as a cue, he enveloped my member into his mouth and immediately started swirling his tongue around my hardness. I had to grab at the shower walls to steady myself. If it was at all possible I felt myself swell even more inside him as he created varying vacuum pressures in my dick that I had never even considered in my fantasies. He tried to go deeper on me, but I saw him gag. He wasn't a deep-throater, which was fine by me. I never really saw the fascination with the so-called deep throat, I much preferred the attention on the dick than the depth it could go.

His hands snaked around and started to play with my hole, that was still slightly soaped up. His finger played with the hole and due to the soap, he managed to slip a finger in up to the knuckle. It didn't hurt as the soap has loosened me up a little. In fact it was extremely erotic as the finger pushed deeper and massaged me from the inside. He found my prostrate and was now rubbing his finger all over the gland causing me to gasp and moan. I never considered myself a moaner during sex, but it was the passion that was built up inside me and couldn't go anywhere besides my dick, which was already full of blood, so it came out as moans and squeaks or pleasure.

I could feel an immense pressure building up, I knew what it was of course, but this felt more powerful than I had ever envisioned before. "Remy, I'm gonna..." I couldn't finish. Remy's administrations on me suddenly increased, his finger in my hole drilled deeper and harder, massaging my gland and his sucking became more intense and faster, his head bobbing on my dick like a piston. I came, and I came. I thought my balls were being pumped out my dick I came so hard. I was just starting to get a bit concerned that I was still cumming when finally the spasms stopped and the pleasure died down to the occasional jerk as my dick spewed out the last contents of my balls. I looked down at Remy and his lips were still clamped on my dick. I must have cum a lot as I could see trails of the white liquid trailing down the corners of his mouth. The finger popped out off my ass and I felt suddenly empty back there. Remy continued to lick at my softening cock, lapping up the last few dribbles that oozed out the tip.

Remy returned back up my eye level. He kissed me deeply and I could taste what I could only assume was my seed on his lips. Then as my tongue probed deeper I realised that he had hadn't even swallowed yet. I was sticking my tongue into a pool of my own cum and Remy's saliva in his own mouth. For some reason I was incredibly turned on by this I started to tongue him with more passion as the cum slowly dribbled from his mouth into mine. My swallow instinct too over and I must have swallowed a mouthful before I could pass it back. I had never tasted my own cum before, at least not in that quantity before it was a strange, but not unpleasant taste that seemed to catch the back of my throat as it went down.

We finished our kiss and our faces parted. We laughed about the string of semen that span the space between our lips before Remy licked his own lips and broke the string. I made a mental note. He liked cumplay. I'm pretty sure that Remy was making his own mental notes on what I liked. That thought also enticed me, but now it was time to return the favour.

I knelt down on the shower tray and peered back up at those delicious brown eyes as they smiled down at me. I looked back at the cock that was pointing straight at me. For some peculiar reason, chiefly horniness, I wanted it in my ass. I wanted his cock to ream me, but I knew that for this morning at least, that would have to be postponed. At least until they could get their hands on some lubrication. Soap was no good, it was fine for a single finger, but it couldn't be used to fuck with, it wasn't good for the ass insides.

I could see a little pearl of precum appearing at the opening of his cock head. The skin was already pulled back slightly showing me a glimpse of the pink helmet that lay underneath. I ran my finger over the spot of precum and over the exposed part of the head, then brought the precum coated fingertip to my mouth. I licked the finger. It was silky and only tasted slightly of, something. Being only encouraged by my first taste of someone else's bodily fluid I cleaned my finger with my tongue. I saw another droplet of precum forming on the end of the head again. Another mental note, he was a heavy precummer. I leaned in and let the drop fall onto my tongue, savouring the taste properly this time. It was kind of sweet and not as salty as I was expecting. Another drop formed on the end and I had an idea. I gathered the sizeable droplet onto my fingertip and in a similar fashion as to what he did to me, I placed it under his perineum and directly onto his hole and started to massage it. His dick pulsed another drop out, which I lapped up eagerly this time. The second drop I gathered onto my finger again and added to his hole. This time there was enough lubrication for my finger to slip inside and for the first time I had my finger inside someone else, my lover. His insides were just as smooth as my own were, but warmer. So much warmer than my own ass, perhaps because it was my body and this was his, either way it was a new experience.

Like myself he had no hair around his hole and the rest of my fingers that weren't using his hole was massaging his crack while I enveloped his member with my mouth. I tried to go as deep as I could, just to experiment and found myself gagging. I wasn't going to try that again anytime soon, but I suddenly understood the desire. It was a need to consume as much passion as possible, I wanted to get the whole dick inside me to make him more of a part of me, if you understand what I'm saying. My tongue massaged the head as my lips pushed back the skin. I could feel the silky texture of the dick head and the pulsing tip that was still leaking out precum onto my tongue.

Remy gasped, so I took it as the sign I was doing okay for my first dick suck. It wasn't long before I got into a rhythm of bobbing and then massaging and giving a tongue bath and then going back to bobbing. I could feel him get close and he tried to warn me by patting my head, I ignored his pleas as he had done to me, and I reciprocated. I bobbed faster and faster and drilled my own finger faster. Even though he hadn't cum yet, I still had to swallow a few times just to get the precum out the way. Then he erupted and I suddenly realised that my mouth wasn't as big as I thought, or rather that it wasn't used to taking liquid at the velocity that this came out at. It hit the back of my throat and I swallowed on impulse, nearly choking. I pulled off the writhing dick before it had finished and he gave a couple of squirts onto my face. I did the first thing that came to my mind, I clamped my mouth back over the erupting geyser and continued my administrations until I could feel no more cum dribbling out of his quickly softening cock.

"Oh god, that was awesome." He said breathlessly. "Look at you?" He said as he smiled warmly. As I stood up he dragged a thumb across one of the streaks of his seed on my face and then slipped the thumb into his mouth and sucked it clean. "You look so sexy with my cum on your face." And he leaned in and licked me clean.

Before now, the thought of having someone's cum on my face would have made me a bit uncomfortable. But now I know that your perspective changes completely when the cum belongs to a person you trust completely. The cum is no different than kissing or sharing a drink at lunch, except you wouldn't want to have someone's cum one your face at lunch. People might start talking. In a way the exchange of fluids was like affirming our love.

We finished our shower with it ending in me soaping him up as he did for me, except without the fancy fingerwork on my ass and the heavenly blow job. We even dried each other off and got dressed, it was like we were a regular couple that had been dating for months, despite the face we had only been together for a few days.

"Hey guys guess what?" Connor came charging in through the connecting door and paused when he saw the pile of yesterdays clothes on the floor.

I looked around sharply at the intrusion just as I had slipped my t-shirt on.

Connor pursed his lips. It was reminiscent of the look my mom gave me when I had forgotten to do a chore, or perhaps tidied my room.

"You slept in the same bed?" Connor asked, raising his eyebrows.

"What makes you think that?" Remy said, sitting on the other side of the bed pulling on his socks.

Connor pointed to the mound of clothes where we had strewn them last night. "I don't need to be a detective to see that these clothes were tossed out of that bed," he scalded. "And I also see that this is the only bed not yet made, the other one still looks like it did yesterday. "

It was true, the other bed was still immaculate. It was clear no one had slept in it at all, the covers were still all wrinkle free and no one in their best bed-making skill can remake a bed like that without an iron.

There was a click at the front door and it opened a fraction, it stopped and I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh no, tell him it'll be about 10 minutes." Came the voice of Connor's mother.

Now I know mothers everywhere have a certain skill that lets them know when something is up. I made a quick decision and leapt onto the unused bed belly first and grabbed at the covers heaving the tucked-in edges out and twisting the quilt into a heap. Unfortunately momentum took me ove to the other side of the bed and onto the floor, followed by the bed covers.

"Sure thing Mrs. Wright. I'll tell the driver to wait." A male voice responded to Mrs Wright then trailed off. The hotel room door swung open.

"Ethan? Are you okay?" Mrs Wright asked as I wrestled with the covers trying to find a space I can get my head out.

"Yes Mrs Wright." I announced from inside the mass of quilt and blankets.

"Okay, well then. I've been trying to get you lot up for the past 30 mins, I'd given up banging on that door." She said.

I finally found a gap in the mass of material and stuck my head out of the pile. She had her hands on her hips.

"Since you are all so full of energy today, there has been a change of plans." She announced and turned her attention onto Remy. "Remy, your father is in town and has asked that you go and see him."

Well that was a surprise, and not just for me. The look on Remy's face told me he had never expected that.

"Connor. Don't think you are getting away that easily, sunshine. I've got two tickets left for Ellis Island and we're going to use them." I saw Connor's face fall. Mrs Wright turned and faced me. "When you can untangle yourself from your bed, I have asked Mr Acres if you can accompany Remy, since we have limited tickets. If you want to see the immigration museum perhaps there will be time later in the week." She checked her watch. "Oh my, Remy and Ethan, the car is waiting downstairs in five minutes. Connor, go get ready." She walked out of the room leaving a pretty shell shocked trio in her wake.

"Oh." Was all Remy could say.

Connor nodded in agreement. "You lucky buggers. You get the fun and I get the immigration museum." He shrugged and flapped his hands in frustration.

"Sorry, dude." Remy said. "Maybe I can ask my dad if you can come too."

"Nah." Connor said forcing a smile. "You've not seen him in a while so you should go. I did promise my mom that I'd visit museums with her if she took me to New York. I best start paying her back. Best time as any I guess, at least I get to see the Statue of Liberty."

"Thanks, you're my favorite cousin." Remy smacked him on the back. Connor waved to me and left back through the connecting door.

After untangling myself from the covers and piling them back on the bed and cleaning up our clothes, we trotted off down the elevators and across the foyer to the main entrance. Or rather I followed Remy, who seemed to know exactly what he was looking for, and what car.

I probably would have walked straight passed the car, because sometimes when someone says 'car', you expect a thing with four doors and four wheels that is pretty much car sized. Sure I was pretty stoked up that a car was coming to pick us up. However, the car that Remy trotted up to was not what I was expecting. The sleek black lines just went on forever and the crisp pressed uniformed chauffeur that held the door open of the limousine was something out of a blockbuster.

"Mr Acres, a very warm welcome." The uniformed man nodded curtly at Remy, then at me. "And a warm welcome to you, sir." I smiled and nodded back at him and then followed Remy into the back of the limo. I sat down on the plush leather interior and looked at Remy for an answer. The door closed with a dull 'thunk' and the driver too his seat.

"I know. I've not yet told you about my family." Remy said with compunction.

"A limo?" I said and smiled. "This is..." I tried to find a word that fitted the situation. "Awesome."

Remy smiled gently. He was worried about something.

"Hey, everything is okay isn't it?" I asked, seriousness taking over my emotions.

He slid over to me and grabbed my hand. "Yeah, it'll be okay. Look..." It was that word that always preceded something you didn't want to hear.

"My family is kinda..." He was stuck for words. "Strange." Perhaps that wasn't the most descriptive word he could have used, but I let it pass. This was his moment. "My dad runs a company with my brother and my uncle. If my dad is in New York that means that my family will also be here."

I could see how this might be uncomfortable. "Do they know?" I asked hoping that the question was as blatant as I was trying to make it sound.

"Huh? Oh yeah, they know all about me being gay. My uncle is gay so its no big deal." He shrugged of that idea easy enough. "I'm worried about you being comfortable." He paused. I waited for him to continue. "You see my family know me. Even if we pretend that you are a friend they will know, they will somehow see that we have something going on, me and you. They will press and press until we crack."

Okay, that wasn't entirely unexpected. So in other words I had to decide to be out and proud with my boyfriend, or delay the inevitable. The choice was a no-brainer, a scary one, but a no-brainer nonetheless.

"I see." I said thoughtfully. "We'll just have to be ourselves then." I held his hand up to my lips and kissed it. Remy smiled and eased up.

"My sister is going to go crazy." He said leaning back in the leather chair.

"Huh?" I replied.

"She keeps on asking when I'm going to get a boyfriend. She thinks you'll be her GBF and go shopping with her." He laughed.


"Gay Best Friend, the current fashion fad at the moment. Every girl has to have a gay friend so she will seem more popular."

"Oh yuck." I blanched.


"What about your dad?"

"Oh he's fine. Having a gay brother himself means he got over the whole gay thing before I was born. I'm the youngest, so I don't have to worry about much, except defiling the family name."

Things were getting interesting. Who was this family of his?

"So you know where we're going then?" I asked peering out of the window as I the car took peculiar turns down the one way streets.

"Yeah, well I know where we're going, but not exactly where it is." Now Remy peered out the window. "It's the Smash Music tower."

"Oh." I said intrigued. "Your dad works there?"

"No. Yes, well sorta." He faltered. "He owns the place." He said it to the window as if it was an every day thing to say. The fact that he told it to the window told me that he didn't know how I would react.

Now Smash Music was big. It was one of the worlds largest entertainment companies in the world. They had TV studios and even hosted their own awards ceremony for music and TV. I had seen it on TV back in England.

I was in the car with the owners son. No, I was in love with the owner of Smash Music and he was in love with me. I thought I should be excited, but for some reason I was scared. I had previously assumed that Remy's last name, Acres, was as related to the Smash Music Acres family in as much as the Wright family was related to the Wright brothers.

"Ah, Acres." I said, more to break the silence than anything. "But you seem so normal."

He slowly turned to face me. Our gaze locked for a few seconds then he laughed. I laughed. It was the absurdity of it all. He looked into my eyes and I tried to give him the most sincere gaze back.

The laughter died down. "Don't judge me, because my family has a lot of money." He pleaded. "I never told you before because you won't believe the amount of people that try to be my 'friend' because of who I am."

"I'd never judge you." I told him truthfully. "I feel as strongly for you now as I did before you told me." I smiled and held his hand in both of mine. "I understand you waiting to tell me."

It didn't take us much longer to reach the Smash Music tower; it was pretty close to south Central Park , but I wasn't too sure exactly where as the car had travelled down the labyrinth of one way streets to the point that if you aren't travelling the regularly you could easily lose your sense of direction.

The building was a glass towered structure that wasn't the tallest building, but it certainly wasn't modest. The glass had a blue sheen that oozed design and class and right at the bottom was a scrolling banner over the doorway that said "Smash Music – New York City". The car pulled up out of the front and the driver duly opened the door. We filed out onto the sidewalk and I took in my surroundings. People passing by were stopping in their daily routines and to see our limo and possibly get the fleeting glimpse of someone famous. When they realised it was just two ordinary looking boys, they continued onwards or faked glances at their watch or phones. I kind of wished I was famous in a way, to have to push through the crowds of people to get into a building, fans screaming my name grasping at my clothes as I pushed my way against the tide of people. Okay, perhaps not. Fame brings its own problems, privacy being one of the things that goes first.

"Welcome young sirs," Came a over-zealous greeting.

A middle aged man in a gaudy suit eagerly jogged down the stairs with his hands clasped together. I have never consider myself to have a good grasp of gaydar, but in this instance it was going off like siren. It wasn't just the lime green lined suit that grabbed my attention but the way his elbows seemed to be permanently glues to his waist and all his gesticulations finished with his hands clasped together in front of his chest with a wild grin. This man was clearly either very gay, or just a nutcase at the least.

"Uncle Bill!" Remy responded. Oh, I hoped it wasn't a blood relation. The man hugged Remy tightly. It wasn't a man's hug. Gay. Definitely gay.

A thought struck me then as I judged this man in front of me and I felt a pang of shame come over me. I have only just seen this man and the second he opened his mouth I had pigeon-holed him, I had never even gave him a chance. I wondered for a moment how many people judged me like that. Do I look gay to other people? I had never looked at myself from another perspective and the thought worried me. I am gay, obviously, do people know I am gay when they look at me? Do I scream raving homo to every passer by. I never thought I did, but does this man think he looks gay?

"Oh, Remy, I've not seen you since you were a boy; my how you've grown up." He grabbed Remy by the shoulders and thrust him backwards and looked him over. "Still as handsome as ever though, have you found your soulmate yet? You can have pick of the world you know, you should..." He never got to finish his sentence as Remy had jerked his head in my direction. "Oooooh, you brought a little friend over." He let Remy go and stepped over to me, his hands clasped in excitement.

I took an instinctual step backwards, not quite sure what there was to fear from this over-happy greying man. As much as it irked me that he called me little I was just going to put it down to his natural exuberance. He offered his hand to shake, which relieved me somewhat that I wasn't going to get the life squeezed out of me. I shook the hand, which was surprisingly soft and gentle.

"This is Ethan." Remy took the offensive after seeing the concern in my eyes. He stepped over and took my arm, pulling it out of the hand-shake. He slipped his hand into my own and comfort washed over me as if it was a conduit for all my uneasiness to pour out of me. I felt save, invulnerable now Ethan made his claim on me. Remy's Uncle looked first at Remy and then back at me.

His grin stretched across his face then he opened his arms and scrunched us both against his chest. "I knew it." He said. "You two were made for each other." I silently disagreed with him, how would he know.

He started to walk towards the entrance of the tower with his arms around each of our shoulders, with one of us on each side of him, forcing our hands to part. We went up the few steps and into the lobby which was quiet, but not devoid of life. There was a number of soft sofas littered around the reception area and against the far wall was a long desk with a single person typing away at a computer. There were a few people going about daily chores like carrying papers or talking quietly on their phones.

When we approached the reception Remy's uncle diverted us away from the desk and into a double set of doors. He punched in a code and pulled the door open. "Oh Jonathan, my dear. Take these boys up to Harry's office, he is expecting them, there's a darling." He said to a casually clad guy in his twenties. I learned later he was a media intern, but at this particular moment in time, he was just another nondescript person who worked in the building.

He took us into the elevator which took only a few seconds before it pinged. "Mr Harry Acres office." It was almost refreshing to hear a voice that sounded particularly bored with his duties. The elevator pinged and the doors slid open into a smaller reception area. All three of us stepped out. "Dana there are two boys here for Mr Acres."

The secretary, or receptionist or whoever she was flipped through a booklet or a diary on her desk before speaking. "Oh yes, he's inside. He's expecting you." She smiled warmly. All of a sudden I was feeling very nervous and overwhelmed. I felt like I was about to be judged by some strict rich guy that never got anywhere by being nice to anyone. I braced myself for a grilling.

Remy took my arm by the wrist and led me into the room. "Come on, trust me, this will be easy."

I did feel a bit more at ease, but nothing could have stopped me from being overwhelmed. I mean, look at the situation; I am a normal boy, or at least a normal gay boy who's fortune was to go to New York, but not only was I to fall in love on that same trip, but I was to find out that his family owned one of the biggest entertainment empires in the world, and I was about to meet him. That sort of thing only happened in the movies or incredibly clichéd stories. This was real, and I was about to enter the domain of paparazzi and fast cars. I suddenly decided that I needed to pee, and just as fast pushed the thought aside as some sort of side effect of nerves.

Remy pushed open the door and strode in defiantly with his eyes leading the way forward. Inside the room was an office about half the size of a tennis court. At one end was a ornate wooden desk with a thin almost borderless flatscreen, a keyboard and mouse. I could see no sign of a computer tower. Whatever they were connected to was professionally installed, and not just a box under the desk. However, what struck me as odd was that there was no one in the room.

"Figures." Remy said and sighed and dropped my hand.

I turned my head and looked at him. He turned and smiled at me warmly. "It's a clone of his Chicago office. Look." He strode over to a cabinet and pulled open one of the wooden cupboards and revealed a refrigerator stocked with drink. Surprisingly not all of it alcoholic. "Pepsi?" he asked holding a can out to me.

"No thanks." I croaked, nervously looking about.

Remy's face softened seeing the my uneasiness. "Hey." He said softly, and put a hand on my cheek. "I can imagine this is all a bit intimidating, but it's just a façade." He waved his free hand about the office. He ran his hand through my hair. "You'll see, everything will be just cool."

"Oh that explains it then." A gruff masculine voice pierced the silence of the room. If I never had good bladder control I would would have peed myself there and then. No one ever wants to be caught in an intimate caress by their boyfriend, especially not the father of one. Even Remy pulled his hand away quickly in surprise.

"Wha...!" Remy exclaimed, I felt him start as the hand retreated from my head.

The man laughed. I wasn't sure where he had appeared from but wherever it was, it wasn't the door we came through.

"So, this is the reason why you asked him to join you?" The man said in his deep baritone voice. The voice was full of command. It reminded me of Brian Blessed's voice. "Lets see you, boy." He said to me. I faced the man and tried to look not scared, but not cocky. I heard Remy sigh behind me. I never thought of Remy as the defiant kid before.

"Dad, stop being a Pratt." Remy whined at his father. "This is Ethan. And I love him."

Mr Acres raised his eyebrows and laughed again, his face softening a hundred-fold. "I gathered as much when I saw you all over him. Welcome Ethan, sorry for the scare. And you..." He flicked his attention onto Remy so fast. "You should have called your mother to let her know where you are. You can't leave it to Majorie to let her know where you are all the time." He sighed. He wasn't so imposing any more. He still had that imposing presence, but it was somewhat softened. I kind of realised that the commanding aura must have been his crutch to vault him to the top of the business empire, while still maintaining a loving family. I had respect for him, with a bit of fear mixed in. "And what the hell is a pratt?"

"It's English for idiot." Remy said smiling.

"Very funny." His dad shook his head. "Not."

"So what are you really doing in New York?" Remy quizzed his father.

"Well, I heard that my son had finally pulled," He ruffled my hair, but still directed his attention at his son. "So I had to see for myself, and Charlie was already here. I wasn't about to unleash him on you two yet. I do have some conscience." He walked around the room and plopped himself down in a big executive chair.

"Ethan. Take a seat." He casually motioned to the seat on the opposite side of the desk to him.

I nodded my acceptance of his offer, my voice still refusing to work properly. I saw down and I heard the air in the seat puff out the sides. I could smell leather; these weren't cheap seats from a local furniture store.

"Remy, your sister is in 'Studio-7' could you please go and make sure she isn't up to no-good?" Remy gave a pained expression. He was going to leave me here to whatever fate this man had in mind for me.

"One question first." Remy held one finger in the air. "How did you know about me and Ethan?"

His dad smiled and clasped his hands in a steeple, his elbows on his desk. "The Acres hotline. You should know that, nothing gets past me."

I felt Remy's comforting hand on my shoulder. I think he was apologising for speaking about me as though I wasn't here, but to be honest, I had nothing to say, but wait and respond to anything that was required of me. I was in the presence of a powerful man. I was intimidated.

"Dad, do not give him the inquisition like you gave mark." Remy said to his dad sternly.

Mark? My paranoia got the better of me and I shot a look to Remy, raising my eyebrows in question.

"Bethany's boyfriend, my sisters boyfriend." Remy cleared up the confusion and then focussed his attention back to his father. "I don't care what you think, I'm not going..."

His dad held up one solitary hand. The meaning was simple. Stop talking.

"Remington." He said formally. "I admire your defense of the boy, but this is my right as your father." My attention was snapped back to Mr Acres. I was getting fearful, I was about to be judged by the judge, jury and executioner.

"Your right as my father should be to care, not to pick out who I like." Remy was angry. I was just plain confused. "We should walk out of here right now and go back to the hotel."

Remy was getting hyped up. I'd never seen this side of him before and a sick feeling was welling up inside of me. I stood up form my chair. My legs were shaking. I glanced from son to father and back to son.

"Remington, go downstairs, now." His father remained calm.

"No." Came the defiant reply from Remy.

Mr Acres sighed a long breath and closed his eyes. Was he about to blow up? His voice was calm and regulated. "Remy." He paused before adding in a softer voice. "I promise."

Remy's face softened, and he glanced at me apologetically. I had to fix this.

"It's okay." I said placing my arm on the side of his bicep. "What's the worst that could happen?" I smiled, more through nerves than anything else. "We can still be together, right?"

Remy nodded. "I know. Be strong okay. Don't let him bully you." Mr Acers snorted. Remy rolled his eyes and backed up towards the door.

I turned to face the judge once again,. He simply nodded to the chair, and I sat back down.

The door into the room clicked closed. Now it was truly me and him.

"Okay." He began shifting his weight in his chair. "That was an interesting bout of devotion there."

I pursed my lips.

"Nervy kid, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir." I replied. What else could I say. No? If I had said that it would have been a blatant lie. Although I thought I should at least elaborate. 'Don't let him bully you', Remy had said. "I've never been in an office like this before."

Mr Acres laughed through his nose. The laugh was similar to Remy's laugh but this had more of a rumble in it.

"How do you know you are gay?" The first barrage was on its way from the judge.

"Uh... well." I faltered, wasn't expecting that question, though not sure what I was expecting. 'How's the weather in England? Hardly. "It's irrelevant." I said diplomatically.

"Why's that? You are in love with my son, and you are a male, are you not?" he logic was impeccable.

"Simple." I replied. I had my answer ready. "Homosexuality is the love of people of the same gender. Boys loving boys. I'm not Homosexual now. I'm Remy Sexual."

Well okay, it sounded much cooler in my head, now I just felt like I had just escaped the loony hospital. I blushed.

"Really?" He laughed genuinely. "That's a very idealistic way of putting it."

"Sorry, but I can't see past him." I had to stick with my point, no matter how silly it first sounded.

"What if you find yourself losing interest in him eventually because of some silly quirk he has that really irritates you?" He fired at me.

"Those aren't silly quirks, they are just small parts of what makes him, him."

He nodded thoughtfully. I was surprised he wasn't writing it all down. "May I ask you a question?"

"Please do?"

"How did you know that your wife was the one you wanted to be with?" I was playing him the same card back. Asking him the same question seemed like a good way to get him to think of the answers he needed.

"Good question." He said. I beamed. "I didn't. All I knew at the time was that I was in love, it wasn't until much later that I decided that I wanted to spend my life with her. I never stopped loving her though." It sounded legitimate enough. "Although you and Remy have only known each other for a few days, right?"

"Right, but sometimes you know. Sometimes you are just so compatible that something happens between the two of you and you go from wanting to be happy, to wanting them to be happy."

Mr Acres nodded. "I understand. I was young once too." He leaned back in his chair. "I've seen people hurt through love. My brother came out when he was twenty-four. So much pain he caused my father, of course, not my brothers fault, he just had a tendency to fall for the ones that just wanted to use him." His eyes softened and became more human. "I have 3 children, Ethan." He spoke more casually now, more like a friend than a commander. "Michael, who is soon to be married to a beautiful Italian woman, and then there is Bethany, she's only fifteen, but she's right in the middle of dating. I suppose I am overly harsh on her. Fathers always are on their daughters. Some men only have one thing on their mind."

He was opening up to me. Why? I hadn't the faintest idea.

"Remington though, the youngest. He told us he as gay when he was eleven, can you believe that? He said, 'Dad I want to marry a boy.' It was surprising, but I was ready. I think I treat him different to the others. I can't treat him as I do Michael, and I certainly can't treat him like Bethany, god no."

He was monologuing and I was getting bored. I didn't fancy a 101 in family ethics. I had a gorgeous body waiting for me downstairs that was no doubt worried about me.

"Mr Acres?" I interrupted him. "Whatever you are doing to raise him. Keep doing it." I had to end this here and now, I wanted Remy. I hadn't been away from him that long since we met, and I was getting irritable. Was this Remy withdrawal? "I'm his guardian, he's my angel. I love your son and I'm going to be in his life for a long long long time."

I realised I was stood up and leaning on the desk. I was getting heated. "Do I pass the test?"

Mr Acres smiled warmly and nodded. "Yes." He chuckled. "I had already spoken to Connor's mother about you two, she says you are quite enamoured with each other."

Oh crap had she seen us holding hands at some point?

"And by the way." He said after standing up. "She said you two looked adorable all cuddled up in bed."

I went crimson. She had seen us in bed together. She had lied about banging on the door all morning, she must have walked in seen us all wrapped up together and then left. Holy crap. It was a good job we were wearing our underwear.

Mental note: Lock the hotel room door when there's a chance for nookie.

Another crippling thought struck me. What if she had come in while we were getting acquainted with each other in the shower? We wasn't exactly quiet.

Mr Acres gave a guttural laugh. "Don't worry, she had a gay brother too."

That's right, Mrs Wright and Mr Acres are brother and sister. Connor had mentioned that he had a rich aunt and uncle in America. Who would have thought I'd be here talking about being in love with their son, or nephew, or cousin. I felt overwhelmed again, but rather than feeling nerved I felt exhausted.

"Go find Remy. I know he cares for you a lot. It wasn't like him to get to defensive over anyone like that." We both stood up, and Mr Acres offered his hand out for me to shake. "Call me Harry." He offered. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll call me Dad."

End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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