An Evening Out

By Bob Aganoush

Published on Mar 14, 2004


An Evening Out, Part 1 by Bob Aganoush Copyright 2004, Bob Aganoush

Please send comments to

Everybody has sexual fantasies. Some people are fortunate enough to be able to fulfill some of them, others choose not to, and still others never take the risks necessary to experience them. Not all fantasies are meant to be played out; knowing which ones to risk trying can be difficult to discern.

My wife Sarah and I had for many years talked about sharing our sex lives with another person or couple. Sarah was very bisexual, and had been exclusively with women for many years before we met (I like to joke that I "saved" her from lesbianism, and she often referred to herself as a "wasbian"). We both enjoy reading erotica together, as well as the occasional porn video, and we both found ourselves turned on most by stories involving women together or a threesome among two women and one man.

These thoughts had remained as fantasies for many years, primarily because of the hurdles posed by children, jobs, family commitments, and the like. Even without those hurdles, I doubt we would have turned fantasy into action earlier in our relationship, because we were not emotionally secure enough to try it out earlier. But we finally reached the stage where the hurdles were low enough, and we were emotionally and sexually secure enough, that the fantasies began to evolve into discussion of possibilities.

The more we discussed the idea of sex with another person or persons, the more we both realized we wanted to give it a try. We weren't sure how to go about it, or exactly what to expect, so we went into it with an open mind. After surfing the web a bit, we discovered a few swingers websites, posted a profile on each, and began corresponding with some couples.

Besides being interested in sex with other people, there was another part of our sex life that we had been exploring. For about a year before deciding to embark on swinging, Sarah and I had been experimenting with dominance and submission, or D/s. I had known for a long time that I had a submissive side. I was always turned on by stories and videos that portrayed strong women who asserted their control over men (as well as other women). I had never shared this feeling with Sarah, though I suspect that she had begun to realize how I had felt based on my response to specific stories and videos.

It was not until about a year ago that Sarah began to playfully assert control over me while we were having sex. It started with her teasingly telling me what to do to please her, and as she quickly realized how turned on both I and she were by this play, it escalated to the point where she was into full femdom mode. She would tie me up and force me to service her sexually, with occasional "training" sessions where she would spank and verbally humiliate me into submission. Our D/s was not so much about punishment, however, as it was about her asserting control (and my giving it up) in order for me to please her sexually. It was a practice that we've seen referred to as "sensual dominance."

In many of our D/s sessions we would spend much of the evening with me paying attention to her body, which could include starting with my bathing her in our oversize bathtub, moving to giving her a nice warm oil massage, and then on to an intense session of bringing her to orgasm every way imaginable. If I did a good of pleasing her, she would reward me by allowing me to masturbate in front of her. And if I did an especially good job, I would be rewarded by being allowed to have sex with her. The D/s sessions were not an everyday thing with us, they were something we engaged in occasionally and were very special to us. Most nights (or days, as it were) involved more vanilla sex between the two of us. We were definitely not into 24/7 D/s, as were some people we had met online. Children, job responsibilities, and other things made it impossible for us to pursue it, and to be honest, neither of us was truly interested in a 24/7 relationship like that. But we certainly did enjoy it in the bedroom.

So as our discussions about swinging became more concrete, we obviously discussed just what role the D/s should play in it. We decide to be somewhat circumspect in our profiles on the swingers sites, because we didn't want to turn off any couples or women. You would be surprised how many profiles say that the person or couples are not into "BDSM," though it is not always clear what that means to people. Through conversations with people online, we determined that the majority of people respond to the BD -- bondage and discipline -- or SM -- sadism and masochism -- in the term BDSM. To Sarah and I, however, it was the DS that was at the center of our sexual role playing. We decided not to mention anything about D/s in our profile, and we would see how things progressed as we met people.

We had a number of responses to our profiles, and messaged some people -- both couples and single women -- on our own. We were primarily interested in finding bisexual women, as sexual contact between the women was going to be an important part of the relationship for us. Our experience on these sites, I suspect, was similar to that of many others. Ninety percent of the contacts that we made led to nothing; either we realized that we weren't compatible, or more commonly, the other couple really weren't interested in swinging but were on the site for the titillation factor or to collect nude pictures of other people.

Some of the connections we made did turn into actual meetings with people, and some of those meetings turned into "dates." We had some good experiences, where Sarah and I really connected with the couple on both an emotional as well as a sexual level. And we had some not-so-good experiences, but the one thing we always tried to do was learn from the experience.

One thing we had not had any success in finding was a single woman with whom to play. Many couples on these sites refer to single bisexual women as "unicorns," because they are as rare as the mythical animal. But like other couples, we kept searching and messaging women in the hopes of finding one to bring into our bed.

After about a year on the sites, we saw a newly listed profile for a woman who called herself "FunnGrrll." She didn't live too far from us, and was about the right age (we tended to stick with people around our own frightfully-close-to-middle-age range). There was not much information in her profile regarding her likes or dislikes, and just one picture that didn't show very much of her, but we figured "what the hell, we've got nothing to lose," so we went ahead and composed one of our witty little messages and fired it off. Based on our previous experiences (can you say "struck out" in 47 different languages?) we did not have very high expectations.

Like many others we messaged, we didn't hear back from her so we removed her from our "friends" list and went on with our lives. Then about two weeks later, we had a message in our inbox on the site. When I looked at it I saw it was from FunnGrrll. I quickly opened the message, expecting to find the familiar "Thanks, but not interested" message that we considered to be one step above those people who never replied at all.

But much to our surprise, I found a short note thanking us for our message, explaining that she had been out of town on vacation, and that she would be interested in finding out more about us. She shared her Yahoo ID and invited us to look for her online for a chat. I had Sarah come over and read the message over my shoulder. She was surprised also, but not particularly optimistic given our lack of success in this department. But she said, "Well, go ahead and look for her online and see what she sounds like." I tended to instant message more than Sarah, who had little patience for it, so I was the one that usually made the first contact with couples we met on the swingers' sites. I replied to FunnGrrll, giving her our Yahoo IDs and first names, and telling her I would look for her online.

I sent a request to add her to my friends list, and Sarah did the same. I didn't hear back from her in a few days, so wrote her off and figured we'd never hear from her. And then about five days later when I logged on to Yahoo I received a message that FG (as Sarah and I now referred to her) had accepted me and added me to her friends list, as she had Sarah. I checked to see if she was online, but she wasn't. I messaged her anyway, in case she was signed on in invisible mode, but didn't get a response.

A couple of days after that, after we had put the kids to bed, Sarah was on the computer checking her e-mail. Her computer beeped and she saw the flashing icon that indicated somebody was messaging her. She clicked on the icon, and up popped a window titled "FunnGrrll." The window said, "Hi Sarah, Jill here." Sarah called me over to the computer to read over her shoulder as she began to chat with her. They chatted for awhile, engaging in the getting-to-know-you kind of banter that we had gotten very familiar with over the last year. Most of these initial contacts led to nowhere, but we had learned that it was a requisite step in finding another couple or person online.

As Sarah and Jill chatted, aided by my occasional question I suggested to Sarah, they got to know each other a bit more. Nothing too deep at the outset, but they exchanged enough information to determine that there may be a possibility of a connection among the three of us. After awhile they signed off, Sarah shrugged and said, "Well, we'll see," and we went back to our activities.

The next day I looked to see if Jill was online, but couldn't find her. I checked the next few days (as a college professor, I tended to spend long periods of time in front of my computer), but never saw her online. I concluded that she was one of those people who either was never online or always signed on in invisible mode. After a few more days of this, I checked in with Sarah to see if she had heard back from Jill at all. She said that in fact she had, and that she and Jill had chatted for a short while every day so far. I was surprised, but not stunned, and decided she was just somebody who liked to chat with women. We had been very upfront from the beginning that we were only interested in her as a couple, and that Sarah did not play alone, so I wasn't too worried about this.

I asked Sarah what they had been chatting about, and she replied, "Not much, the usual chitchat, getting-to-know you kind of stuff. But I think she would be interested in meeting us, and she definitely seems to have some interests in common with us." I was a bit surprised to hear this, simply because I had assumed we would never find a single woman interested in us, and had little hope that Jill would be our unicorn. So I said to Sarah, "Great, I'm all for it. Is she willing to share some pictures?" Sarah said that Jill was supposed to send some in the next day or so, and when she did, Sarah had promised to share some of ours (we had only body shots in our profile; we were careful not to share pictures with our faces until we got to know somebody a bit).

The next day, I was in my office working on grading papers, when I received an e-mail message from Sarah. There was no text in the message, just a subject line that said, "Take a look." After making sure my office door was closed (didn't want any pesky students coming into my office and looking over my shoulder) I opened it up and found three attachments. Clicking on the first, I opened a jpeg file that contained a picture of a blonde woman who appeared to be in her late 30s or early 40s. She was not what many people would describe as pretty, but she had the kind of look that both Sarah and I liked -- short hair, with a look that some people would describe as "dykey," and she definitely would fall onto the "cute" page in my book. It was, in fact, a look that Sarah carried off quite nicely. She always joked that she could still walk into a lesbian bar today, after almost fifteen years of being a "wasbian," and do very well for herself. And I would never dispute her on that.

In the photo, Jill was dressed in a very pretty, somewhat formal black dress with spaghetti straps that clung to her and showed off her body quite nicely. Again, I would suspect that most people would look at her body and not find her very attractive or sexy, but she had a look that I knew Sarah liked as much as I did -- not really fat, but very well rounded with great curves in all the right places, a figure not unlike Sarah's. Needless to say, I was quite intrigued about the possibility of getting together with this woman. I was trying not to get too excited, however, because there had been plenty of other people with whom we had traded pictures, and the contacts had amounted to nothing.

I clicked on the next attachment, and up popped a photograph that clearly was taken on a nude beach. This one showed just the top half of her body, which was naked, with a big smile on her face and sunglasses covering her eyes. She had a beautiful set of breasts -- quite large, yet not overly so, with very prominent nipples. In fact, her breasts were very well proportioned to the rest of her upper body. Once again I was struck by the fact that most people would look at the picture and think of her as overweight, but I found her incredibly sexy and arousing. She clearly was a woman who was quite comfortable with her body, enough so to be lying there on a nude beach with a figure that was far from model-perfect.

With anticipation I clicked on the third attachment. I could see that this photo was from the same nude beach, but this one was taken from a few steps back, so that you could see Jill's entire body. She was lying on her side, and the shot was taken from behind with her looking back over her shoulder. She had the same wide smile on her face, and the perspective provided a wonderful view of her ass -- like the rest of her, nicely rounded, not too large, but definitely one I would like to get my hands and lips on. I looked back at the previous photo, and again at this one, and was struck by how nicely proportioned she was. Everything from her smile down to her muscular legs seemed to fit nicely together, even though I knew that many would look at her and scoff that she was too overweight.

I replied to Sarah's message, saying "Great -- when do we meet?" Much to my surprise, just a couple of minutes later, I got a reply from her saying, "This Saturday night." I was shocked, and immediately picked up the phone and called Sarah. Before she said, "Hello," I asked, "For real?"

Sarah replied, "Yup. The kids are going to Rob and Marcia's for a sleepover and we're meeting her for dinner in Maywood." Maywood was a town about 15 minutes from us, about halfway between where we lived and she lived. Rob and Marcia were our best friends; they had two kids the same ages as ours, and Rob was a fellow professor at the university. We often shared childcare duties in arrangements like this, though the two of them had no idea what Sarah and I were doing when we left our kids with them.

While excited at this news, I was trying not to set myself up. We'd had too many of these meetings where the people we met turned out not to be anything like the couple we had been messaging with, or worse yet, they looked nothing like the pictures they had sent us. But nevertheless, I said to Sarah, "Okay, we'll see. I hope she doesn't turn out to be psycho," with thoughts of Glenn Close and Fatal Attraction swimming through my mind.

The rest of the week dragged on as I looked forward to Saturday night. Sarah and I talked quite a bit about what it might be like. We had certainly had experiences as swingers, but all had been with other couples, and this would be the first time we even got to meet a single woman. While some people had a rule that they wouldn't play on the first date, we didn't stick to that, and had met some couples that we had sex with the first time we met them. We didn't know how things would play out with Jill, but figured we would just play it by ear and hope for the best.

Finally, Saturday night arrived, we dropped the kids at our friends' house, and we headed out for Maywood. As we were pulling out of the driveway, Sarah said, "Oh, by the way, did I tell you that Jill is into D/s?"

I shot her a quick glance, trying to keep my eyes on the road and not kill us on the way to our first meeting with a unicorn. "Ah, no, you neglected to mention that. How did you find that out?"

Sarah replied, "Well, you know, when we were chatting about what we liked, I asked if she was into anything kinky. And she said that she liked to be dominated on occasion."

I said, "Really?", just a little bit astounded that my dear wife had neglected to mention this little fact. "Anything else about her you'd like to share with me?" I asked.

"No," she chuckled, "nothing else really important, I just thought you would be interested to know that about her."

I certainly was interested in that little tidbit of information. For the year that we had been swinging, Sarah and I had yet to find another couple who was interested in D/s. We had discussions with some about the topic, but never found anybody who was really into it like we were. One couple said they'd give it a try, but before we had the chance to try anything, they backed out. We had great sex with some of these couples, but still kept thinking that it might be fun to play around with D/s with another couple. So when Sarah let it drop that Jill was into it, I was quickly interested and excited at the same time.

"Did you tell her the nature of our relationship, that you're dom and I'm sub?" I asked.

"Of course," she replied, "Don't you think she would have asked?"

As I thought about this for a split second, I realized it was a pretty stupid question on my part. Anybody who is into D/s and talks about it with others very quickly inquires as to whether somebody is a top, a bottom, or a switch.

Anticipating my next question, Sarah said, "She said she'd be interested in trying it out with us. And I told her we certainly would be, too."

While Sarah and I had talked about the possibility of playing with D/s with another couple or person, we had never really gotten far enough along in these discussions to talk about the specific possibilities of how this might work. So I was not quite sure I was ready to jump right into this with Jill, but Sarah clearly was interested in giving it a try and, speaking for the two of us, told Jill this.

If we did engage in D/s with Jill, I knew what my role was going to be -- that of the submissive. It was unclear to me where Jill would be in all this, for Sarah had said that Jill liked being dominated on occasion. But did this mean Jill was a switch? Or just that when she did fool around with D/s, she preferred to be the bottom?

Next thing I knew, we were at the restaurant. Sarah and I had been here before, in fact, had met other potential swing partners here. It was a relatively quiet place with widely-spaced tables that was conducive to intimate banter. We walked in, did a quick scan of the room, and spotted Jill sitting facing us in a booth near the back of the room. We nodded to the hostess, gestured toward that table, and started walking in that direction, Sarah first, then me.

As we approached the booth, Jill spotted us, flashed us a big smile (the same one I had seen in the photographs from the nude beach), and stood up. She gave first Sarah, then me, a quick hug and peck on the cheek while she said, "Hello, so great to meet you finally." She scooted back into the booth, and I waited for Sarah to get into the other side and slide over. Much to my surprise, Sarah slid in next to Jill, and pointed to the other side, saying, "Bob, why don't you sit over there." I was frozen for a second, but quickly recovered, saying, "Sure," and slid into the booth facing the two women. I wasn't quite sure what Sarah was up to, but figured I'd just go along for the ride.

Our waitress showed up with some menus and an inquiry regarding our drink orders. Jill already had a glass of wine in front of her, so Sarah and I each ordered one for ourselves. The three of us made small talk for awhile about the usual topics -- the weather, politics, travel, etc. It turned out that the pictures Jill sent us were taken on a beach in the Virgin Islands that Sarah and I had visited.

As we carried on the conversation, I got a good look at Jill. I decided that the pictures we had seen really didn't do her justice; in person, she was even sexier. I know some people may find that hard to understand -- how could a woman sitting clothed in a restaurant look sexier than in a naked picture of her -- but it was true. She was wearing an emerald green top, cut low enough to show off her ample cleavage, that went beautifully with her short blonde hair and what I could now see were deep green eyes. She had dangly gold earrings that danced when she laughed and nodded her head. And that smile -- every time she flashed it, I was struck by how engaging she was. I realized as I was sitting there that I hadn't even taken notice of what kind of pants she was wearing when she stood up to greet us. I had been so locked into her smile and face, that what she wore below the belt never registered. And from my side of the booth I couldn't see.

At the same time I was watching Jill during the conversation, I was gauging Sarah's reaction. We had been together long enough that I could read her as easily as a third grade textbook. And I could tell that she was into Jill as much as I was. When we meet potential swing partners for the first time, I can tell right away what Sarah thinks about them. She's always polite, and respectful, but I know if she's not interested. This time I could tell she was past interested, and into intrigued, probably because of Jill and who she was but also because of the general possibility of having a single, bisexual woman join us for the first time.

As we finished our wine, ordered another round, and ordered our dinner, we were getting very comfortable with each other. The booth was private enough that we could carry on a quiet conversation about what our sexual interests were. Sarah did most of the talking for us; I hadn't realized at first that this was going on, but as the conversation ensued, I realized that she was being a bit more assertive. This was somewhat of a new pattern, because normally, when we met with a couple, there was much cross-conversation. But with just one other person joining us, it was more one-on-one. She described our love of sex, told a little bit about the evolution of our D/s relationship, and mentioned some of the things we liked to do while she was domming me. I added a few comments to the conversation at times, but for the most part, let Sarah carry the show.

Jill shared with us more details about what she was into. She was into submission, but only with women; she had never had a D/s relationship with a man. When Sarah asked her why, she replied, "I think it has something to do with trust. For some reason, I am able to trust women and give myself up to them, but I'm not able to do that with men." She seemed to spend as much time in relationships with women as with men; while she did not do a lot of swinging with couples, she said that when she did she enjoyed the men as much as the women. She related how she had been married at a young age, during college, but realized early on that it had been a mistaken relationship and was divorced less than five years later. Since then, she seemingly had been happy with a series of relationships with both men and women.

As dinner came, we turned back to conversation about the mundane, though it was quite clear that the earlier discussion about sex was hanging over the table. Another round of wine accompanied dinner, and by the time the dinner dishes were cleared, we all agreed that we should stop or we'd never be able to drive away safely. We decided to order dessert and coffee (tea for Sarah) in order to give the alcohol a chance to seep out of our bloodstreams.

As we waited for dessert, Sarah took the initiative to bring the conversation back to where it had been before dinner, and she did so in her typical no-nonsense manner. "So Jill," she started, "are Bob and I going to get to know you a little better?" As she said this, I noticed she removed her left hand from the table and dropped it down on the seat next to her. I couldn't see for sure, but I was pretty certain that the hand was now on Jill's leg. I raised my eyebrows just a bit, and looked at Jill to gauge her reaction.

Without skipping a beat, Jill replied, "I hope so, I'd like that very much. I've had a wonderful time tonight, and would like this to continue." It was unclear to me what she meant by "continue," but what I did know was that I liked the direction the evening was heading.

Sarah slowly scooted out of the booth and stood up, declaring, "I need to use the ladies room. Jill, care to join me?" Jill hesitated for just a second, and replied, "Yes, I will, thank you." I watched her scoot out to stand by Sarah. It was at that point that I was reminded what she was wearing in addition to the green blouse -- a rather short, above-the-knee, black skirt. While on the rack I would have thought it would not have been right for her, as she wore it it looked great. Her legs were muscular, but not too large, and she was able to wear the relatively short skirt and look great in it. I surmised that when Sarah's hand dropped down from the table, it had landed not on Jill's skirt but more likely on her bare thigh.

As the two women headed for the ladies room, I downed the last of my third glass of wine, and wondered what was going to happen tonight. As I described earlier, Sarah and I had played on a first date with a couple before, but since this was the first time we'd met a single woman, it seemed like all our previous experiences held little relevance for what was likely to occur tonight.

While it seemed like a long time the two women were gone, I knew it was only a couple of minutes as I saw the two of them making their way back to our table. I could have sworn that Jill looked a little flush, but I was sure it was only my overactive imagination (and libido) playing tricks on me. She scooted back into the booth, followed by Sarah, just as the waitress arrived with our cake, coffee, and tea. I noticed that Sarah seemed to be sitting even closer to Jill than she had been earlier. As she picked up her fork, I saw that her left hand was again down below the table. I tried to lean forward to see what was going on, but the table was too wide for me to see without standing up and being just a bit obvious about the whole maneuver. What I could see, though, from the slight movement in her upper arm, was that her hand seemed to be moving forward and backward slightly, and knowing my wife as well as I did, I guessed that she was lightly stroking Jill's thigh. As I glanced at Jill's face, I was now convinced that there was indeed a slight flush to her face.

My curiosity had gotten the best of me, so I tried to figure out how I could see what was going on. I contemplated the old dropped fork trick, but decided that was just too obvious. So I borrowed one from Sarah's book. I politely excused myself, saying I was going to visit the men's room. I knew this would take me past them, and as I walked by, I glanced over. Sarah was calmly eating her cake, and there was Jill's skirt slightly hiked up, given Sarah ample access to stroke Jill's bare thigh. I smiled to myself and headed to the men's room to do my business (why waste the opportunity, I figured).

As I returned, Sarah was no longer touching Jill. The two of them were smiling, as if there were some kind of private joke they were enjoying. I sat down, and Sarah turned to me said, "Well Bob, in your absence our new friend and I have cooked up a plan for tonight."

Again, it was my turn to raise my eyebrows, and say, "Oh really, and what would that be?"

"Jill has graciously invited us back to her house. She has a hot tub that she thinks we would like very much," she replied.

Needless to say, this was sweet music to my ears. Logistical arrangements are always a challenge for us, especially on a first date. We have young kids at home, and while we have no problems getting babysitters, we're generally not able to play at home. So when we meet somebody who has free run of their house, it just makes things that much easier for us. While there have been plenty of times where we've checked into cheap motels on short notice, we always prefer the comfort and privacy of somebody's home.

"Sounds good to me," I said. "Whatever you women want, I'm happy to go along."

Sarah retorted, "Just the way a good sub should be, Bob." She turned to Jill, and said, "Don't you think so, Jill?"

I was a bit surprised, because Sarah generally doesn't refer to my submissiveness in public like that. But I decided discretion was the better part of valor at that point, and I kept my mouth shut. Jill replied to Sarah, "Absolutely," with a slight grin on her face.

We finished our desserts, paid the bill, and headed out the door, Sarah first, followed by Jill, then me. Jill hadn't put her coat on yet, so I had a good look at her ass in the short skirt, and I liked what I saw. It was tight around her shapely ass, and my mind immediately started imagining the things I would like to do to it, a very similar reaction to when I had seen the naked picture of her just a few days earlier.

As we left the restaurant, I helped both women on with their coats, and Sarah said, "We'll follow Jill in our car, dear." Jill gestured to where she was parked, and we headed for our car and pulled up behind her. She pulled out onto the road, and we followed. As I drove, I smiled and inquired of Sarah, "So what did I miss during the bathroom trips?"

She smiled back slyly and said, "Nothing you need to know about at this point, sweetie. We're just going to go to Jill's, get in the hot tub, and take it from there." Somehow I suspected the arrangements were a little more concrete than that, but I knew my wife well enough not to push her. If she didn't want me to know, no amount of pleading would extract the information from her.

It only took about ten minutes to get to Jill's house. She pulled into a driveway next to a modest, Cape Cod-style house in a wooded area. We parked, got out of our car, and followed Jill into the house. Inside it was tastefully decorated and neat, and on the first floor I could see a kitchen, dining room, and living room in an open configuration. There was also a closed door to another room, that I surmised was a bedroom or office, and stairs to the upper floor. There were sliding doors from the living room on to a large deck that held the aforementioned hot tub.

Jill took our coats, hung them up, and went into the kitchen to grab an open bottle of wine out of the refrigerator along with three glasses. She brought them out to the dining room, and before she could say anything, Sarah, said, "So, who's ready for the tub?" I thought it a little odd that she'd be saying this -- after all, wasn't it Jill's position to invite us in? But I kept my thoughts to myself, and once again reminded myself to just go with the flow. I replied, "You know me -- I'm always up for the hot tub." Sarah and I have one ourselves, and on the rare occasions that we've been able to get the kids out of our house, we have used the opportunity to entertain couples in our hot tub.

Jill too said that she was ready, so without further hesitation, Sarah started taking off her clothes. This wasn't unusual; Sarah was always comfortable with being naked in front of other people (she rarely wore a swimsuit in our hot tub, nor did I), so I was quite used to seeing her disrobe at the drop of a hat. As I suspected earlier, Jill was also quite comfortable with her body. She placed the bottle and glasses on the dining room table, and began taking off her blouse first. Not wanting to be the odd man out, I joined them in shedding my clothes.

As I began unbuttoning my shirt, I was glancing at Jill out of the corner of my eye as she mirrored my movements with her blouse. At this point I wasn't looking at Sarah at all; I always liked this part of when we played with a couple for the first time. I found exciting that chance to see a woman naked for the first time as she took off her clothes, one article after another, showing me the various parts of her body undressed and unencumbered by blouses, skirts, or pants. With Jill I could see that this was going to be quite a treat.

As she completed the last button of her blouse, she took it off her shoulders, revealing that beautiful pair of breasts I had seen in the picture. She wore a lacy silk, peach-colored bra, which she quickly discarded as she reached behind her to undo the clasp and dropped it down her arms. Her breasts were even more beautiful in person, as I had suspected. It was quite clear that even though she was somewhat of a large woman, she kept in good shape physically as evidenced by the way her breasts hung on her chest. For their size, they didn't droop at all. Each was topped by a lovely, incredibly smooth nipple, a dull red in color, in the center of a perfectly circular and pale milk chocolate-colored areola. As I admired her breasts, I did catch a glance of Sarah admiring them along with me.

By this time I was completely naked, having wasted no time getting out of my pants and silk boxers. This can be an awkward moment for a man; as had often happened in the past, I was completely erect, stimulated both by the scene unfolding in front of me, as well as by the anticipation of what was likely to come. All the other times, I at least was able to share the embarrassment with the other man, who inevitably was in the same obvious state of arousal as was I. Nevertheless, I stood there politely in all my glory waiting for the two women to catch up to me.

Jill appeared focused on her task at hand, and did not seem to be taking notice of me. She quickly unzipped the side zipper of her skirt, slid it down her legs, and stepped out of it, laying it on one of the dining room chairs. She was wearing matching silk panties in the same peach color as her bra, and she slid these down her legs also. As she turned to place them on top of the pile of clothes on the dining room chair, I got a glance at her lovely ass. It was even more than I could have hoped for. There was a nice roundness to it, with a soft crack starting a few inches below her waist and making its way down to clearly define the two cheeks. As she turned toward me, I could see a characteristic of her appearance that was not discernible from the photographs on the nude beach. She was shaven completely clean in her pubic area, just as was Sarah (who often had me shave her as part of my submissive duties). Jill flashed me an impish grin, turned to Sarah (who by this time was equally unclothed), and said, "Well, let's go."

Jill grabbed the wine, and each of us grabbed a glass. She slid open the door, and we went out to the deck. The night was a little cool, as it was still early spring, so we didn't dawdle on getting into the tub. I could see that it was very private back there; there were only woods behind us, and even in the largely denuded trees I couldn't see any lights from neighboring houses. The way the house was positioned, neither of her neighbors could see the deck from their houses. She quickly threw off the cover of the hot tub, remarking with a big smile, "I was sort of hoping we might end up here, so I heated it up before I left for the restaurant."

She poured each of us a glass of wine, we placed them into the built-in cupholders, and hopped in. I've always loved hot tubs, especially at night when the air is cool. The warmth on your body, in contrast to the cool air surrounding your head, is a wonderful feeling. The three of us sat there for a few minutes, each of us in a seat, just enjoying the relaxation, not saying a word. There were no noises, other than the rare car passing by on Jill's not-very-busy street, until she started the jets of the tub. It was almost, but not quite, a full moon; you could just make out a sliver of darkness encroaching on what was otherwise a beautifully lit circle. This far out in the country, there were what seemed like millions of stars twinkling all around the moon.

I had closed my eyes, and was taking a sip from my wine glass which was within easy reach. The wine and the sound and feel of the bubbles in the tub combined to relax me enough that I was no longer at the same state of arousal I had been at in the dining room. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and saw that Sarah had moved over and was sitting in the seat next to Jill, both of them directly across from me. She had her hand behind Jill's head, and was lightly stroking her neatly cropped hair. Jill's eyes were closed in a state of reverie, and she seemed to be enjoying the attention.

After a few minutes of this, Sarah said to Jill, "Come here, my pet." Jill's eyes snapped open, and she turned her head and looked directly into Sarah's eyes.

"Yes, sweetie, come over here closer to me," Sarah continued. Jill did as commanded, scooting even closer to Sarah, until their arms and legs were touching each other. Sarah took her hands, and placing them on either side of Jill's head, turned it toward her and began kissing her.

I was watching all this carefully, enjoying the sight quite a bit. I was getting aroused again, and quietly sipped my wine as Sarah's kisses became deeper, and Jill started making little moaning noises. They continued this kissing, with Sarah's hands continuing to stroke Jill's hair.

After a few minutes, Sarah pulled back, and said to Jill, "Look into my eyes, pet, and don't break eye contact." Jill did as she was told, and Sarah removed her hand from Jill's head and began to lightly stroke one of Jill's nipples, which were just at the water line. The same moaning noises continued to emanate from Jill, audible even over the noise of the hot tub. As Sarah's stroking gained in intensity, Jill began to close her eyes and throw her head back, the arousal quite evident in her reaction to Sarah's touch.

Seeing this, I knew exactly what Sarah was going to do -- I had been in Jill's position enough to know what was coming. Sarah quickly grabbed hold of Jill's other nipple with her other hand, squeezed hard, and said, "No! I told you to look into my eyes. You won't stop doing that until I tell you, do you understand?"

As she felt the sharp pull on her nipple, Jill's eyes shot open and she again focused on Sarah. She quickly said, "I'm sorry."

Sarah replied to her, "What did you say?" Jill repeated, "I'm sorry."

Sarah squeezed the nipple once again, evoking a widening of Jill's eyes, and said to her, "Try again, pet, I still don't understand you."

At this point, something must have clicked in Jill's mind, and she quickly said, "I'm sorry, Mistress Sarah." As she did so, a small smile came across Sarah's face, she released the one nipple, and continued to stroke the other. She said to her new submissive, "That's much better, my sweet, I'm sure you will remember the proper way to address me next time."

Jill fought hard to maintain her concentration and continue to look into Sarah's eyes, but I could see the great difficulty she was under. After a few more moments of this, I saw Sarah's other hand drop down into the water, and a second later, a sharp "Oh" emanate from Jill's lips. Because of the bubbles I couldn't see what Sarah was doing, but I could make a very educated guess based on Jill's reaction.

Sarah again admonished her, "Keep looking into my eyes, my pet, or you will be punished." Jill did all she could to comply, but was fighting a losing battle. In some ways I envied her; I was merely a spectator to this display of dominance and submission, and I wished that I could have been the one being dominated by Sarah. But in another way I was intrigued, never having seen Sarah do this to another person, and I enjoyed the opportunity to watch what was transpiring.

This continued on for another few minutes, the two women gazing deeply into each other's eyes. I could tell from the look on Sarah's face that she was greatly enjoying this, and there was no doubt that Jill was equally enamored with it. To her credit, Jill persevered through the difficult circumstances to maintain her concentration, even though I suspect that she was perilously close to an orgasm as the slight movement of Sarah's arm confirmed that she was stroking Jill underneath the water.

And then, just when I thought Jill could hold on no longer, Sarah stopped, saying, "That's enough of that for now," and reached back and grabbed her glass of wine and began drinking it. Jill had a look on her face that was a cross between astonishment and frustration. I was right in surmising that she must have been close to an orgasm, and was shocked to have been brought to that brink and not be allowed to go over it. Before she could do anything else, Sarah chimed in and said, "And oh, by the way -- I don't want you to touch yourself either. You're my pet for tonight, and I will let you know when you can orgasm my dear." She then turned to me, and said, "And of course Bob, the same goes for you -- you will not come until I give you permission, is that clear?"

Hearing Sarah speak my name I snapped out of my own reverie, and quickly replied, "Yes Mistress Sarah." I knew the drill as to what was expected of me.

After finishing her wine, Sarah announced, "Okay, pets, it's time for us to get out. Jill, would you please get me a robe and towel?" Jill replied, "Yes, Mistress," and quickly scrambled out of the tub, and into the house, returning in just a few seconds with a nice terry cloth robe and large bath towel. I climbed out of the tub and waited. Jill held the robe open as Sarah climbed out of the tub and briefly toweled herself off, and wrapped the robe around her. I could see Jill shivering in the cool air, but if Sarah noticed, she didn't let on. She walked toward the house, slapping both of us sharply on our asses, and said, "Come along pets." The two of us said in unison, "Yes, Mistress," and followed along behind her.

We went up the stairs, Sarah correctly deducing that the bedroom and bath must have been on the second floor. As we came to the second floor, I saw that the entire floor was a master bedroom suite. The bedroom was huge, with a king size, four-poster bed, and a large picture window looking out on the woods in the backyard. As we were still dripping, Sarah said to us, "Why don't you two pets go in the bathroom and get dried off. Don't dawdle, though."

Jill and I did as instructed, moving into the bathroom which was very well appointed with a large Jacuzzi and tile floor. As we toweled off, we looked at each other wordlessly. Even though we heard Sarah going down the stairs and returning shortly after, we were fearful of conversation, as Sarah was clearly in control now. We concluded without discussion that it would be best to complete our task and get back to the bedroom as quickly as possible.

We put the towels back on the rack, went into the bedroom, and saw Sarah lying on the bed, the covers pulled back, flipping through a magazine. I noticed that there was only a single lamp on, next to the bed, and that she had lit a half dozen or so candles that were placed around the room. She was still in the robe, but it was open around her so that we could see her naked body. As I described earlier, Sarah's physique was very similar in nature to Jill's -- a little on the large side, but with wonderful curves, prominent breasts, and an ass that I just loved. She was lying there, with her shaved pussy quite visible to both of us. We were not sure what to do, so we just stood a few feet inside the bedroom from the bathroom waiting for the next instruction. Luckily, it was warm enough in the house (Jill must have still had her heat on) that I was no longer feeling the effects of the cold air after getting out of the hot tub.

After a few moments of this, Sarah put the magazine down and turned off the light. My eyes quickly adjusted to the candle light, so that I could still see quite well. She continued to gaze at us, and said, "Aren't the two of you quite a pretty sight. You, Jill, with your womanly curves, and you Bob, with that stiff cock sticking out straight in front of you." She was absolutely right, on both accounts -- I knew that Sarah found Jill quite attractive, and there was no doubt there was something sticking out in front of me.

Sarah continued, "Now, just what am I going to do? Two playthings to choose from, I've never had to deal with this predicament before." Just hearing these words aroused me even further. I could only guess at what was going to happen, but one thing I knew for sure: the rest of the evening was going to be orchestrated by Sarah.

Continued in Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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