An Unexpected Layover

By Valerius Catullus

Published on May 5, 2020



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An Unexpected Layover

I still wasn't sure whether to be glad or nervous about the situation we found ourselves in that night as we returned to our hotel. This was the first time the university where I worked had had this scholarship competition for young aspiring writers and I had volunteered to help run it. Was that a great way to travel for free or a foolish whim I would come to regret? This trip, my first time in France since I was an exchange student making day trips in from Germany, had started out just fine. We saw the sights in Paris, got to eat at authentic French restaurants and drink authentic French wine. We enjoyed the museums and even some music and theatre performances. Then came the airline strike back home in the US, followed quickly by a solidarity strike by airlines in France and now we were pretty much stuck.

The scholarship was a joint effort by the Department of Modern Languages and the Department of Literature to reward outstanding achievement by teenagers between 13 and 19 who had a talent both for writing and for foreign languages. Kids from all over the country had been chosen, mostly from the Eastern Seaboard with a few from the West Coast, Chicago and New Orleans. The big competition was in Paris where the 100 finalists would compete for various lesser prizes and one would get a full ride to Tunkahannock University. I went as a sort of extra body for the Department originally, since I was not involved directly in teaching any of the candidates. Most of them had gone with their parents or some other relative but about a dozen, more than anticipated had had to be chaperoned by members of the faculty of which there werent't quite enough mentors for. And that's how I ended up being personally responsible for Remy. He and I had gotten pretty close during their course at TU and I wouldn't really have to do anything. Since my trip was free, I could even afford to bring my wife Kristen along and she was giddy with excitement the whole time.

We had started the trip with a tour of historical sites and museums and the final part of it in the Hotel Vendome where the competition was held was only the last 4 days. The first strike coincided with it and in the confusion, the hotel double booked people so that Remy had to share a room with us. Evan that could not diminish the excitement for Kristen and when Remy won the scholarship we were all ecstatic. By now both strikes were on, but we figured out that if we went to Basel Airport in Switzerland, we could fly to Canada and then go home overland. We booked a room in a hotel in the town of Colmar, not too far from the border. Since we all got along fine, we got just one room even though that meant yet another few nights of no sex while we waited for space on a flight.

I should explain that I genuinely liked Remy and we got along great on a personal level, and not only in the superficial ways that academia can sometimes bring a professor and student together. The program he was in brought him into contact with normal TU college students as well as high school students from all over and most of them seemed to like him. He had a very easy-going nature and could easily charm those around him. His amazing intellect was made approachable and down to earth by that very charm. Most of the girls were drawn to him and found him so non-threatening that he could hug them, kiss them on the cheek and be quite physical without causing them any discomfort. The fact that he was very obviously not straight might have helped with that, yet all but the most backward and homophobic of his male classmates and acquaintances felt at ease with him too.

Remy's physicality with people was not an affectation or an excuse to get close. It was a cultural inheritance from his French mother and her side of the family whom he had had plenty of contact with growing up. Although he grew up in the US and was half-American, his dad had been out of the picture for years and so his mother's culture and mannerisms greatly influenced him. Knowing this made the other faculty members give him a good bit of leeway for his lack of respect for personal space, both at his high school and at the university. Our first conversation happened when my colleague Delphine was in my classroom one evening and Remy came in to ask her a question about a French literature class he was taking with her. That had led to a discussion of French loanwords in German and I was so impressed by his knowledge at such a young age that we kept meeting here and there to chat on campus. He showed up early and left late for his evening classes so he easily wandered into my office, the dorms and even the backstage area of the theatre to indulge his need for conversation. With time, our talks went from academic matters to personal tastes in art and music, to things like sexuality and personal relationships and we came to trust each other as friends.

Being away from the other faculty members and contestants provided a very welcome relief from American expectations of propriety. We had had to keep those up in public even in Paris but the hotel room had afforded us a chance to talk as just friends and Kristen had started getting closer to Remy too, since they had so many tastes in common with food, music, art and other things. Now as we strolled through the Little Venice district of Colmar, enjoying the little cafes along the canals, we could be openly friendly in public. Here no one knew us, no one cared what connexion we had. We were just three friends, moving from cafe to bar to bar to cafe, drinking wine, eating some light appetizers and enjoying this blazing hot summer's day. Technically, the drinking age in France was 18, but it was not a taboo like in the states, and as long as it was kept moderate and we behaved decently, nobody gave a second thought to a 15 year-old having a glass or two.

I say no one cared that we were together, but that is not the same as no one noticing. I can't really say how much of the attention was meant for me. I'm not bad looking, but also nothing amazing. The best thing about my looks is that I don't look anything close to my 45 years. I have a full head of light brown wavy hair that I keep somewhat long, I'm not fat but also no gym rat. I'm in decent shape except a stomach that is just far enough from flat to give away that I like my beer and wine. That summer I was quite tan from being in the sun of an unusually hot August, and I'm the kind of man who, even while shaving, will have a five o'clock shadow by noon. The main assets I've always had for attracting admirers are my smile and my eyes, which are a brown so dark as to be almost black. Kristen said getting lost in them is what made her set her sights on me 20 years ago.

There is no question that all the men around us couldn't help but notice Kristen. She had long dark hair of a shade near jet-black, straight and shining in the sun. Her dark olive skin and classical features made her Italian background obvious, and her striking blue eyes were such a contrast to her colouring that few people could look away easily. She still had the beauty and sex-appeal that had first drawn me to her 20 years ago, but the thickening of her hips, ass, thighs and tits made her an even greater joy to watch than she had been then. That day she was wearing a blue tank dress that matched her eyes and high heels of the same colour. She had the same talent as most French women for walking in heels on cobblestone streets without faltering, an ability she had gained studying in France and Italy years ago. The dress was skin tight and showed off her curves in a way that drew every male eye when she walked.

Remy drew the attention of all the women, teenage girls and most of the men with his shining beauty. He was neither short nor tall for his age, about 5'7" and therefore a couple of inches taller than Kristen and a couple of inches shorter than me. His hair was a honey blonde, curly and rather wild, but in a way that made it looked long and tousled rather than just unkempt and big. His skin was a golden tan colour a bit darker than one would expect with that hair. His eyes were a dark green with the sort of long lashes any girl would envy and his full lips were made to be kissed. He was slim and his face still completely smooth. Something about the way he walked and the way he spoke just drew attention to him. He had a presence far larger than his small frame. He seemed to just radiate light on that warm summer day and I kept furtively stealing glances. I tried to keep Kristen from noticing but she did, and seemed intrigued rather than bothered by it. The boy took full advantage of his androgynous good looks, even wearing some makeup to subtly feminize his looks even more.

We headed back to the Hotel Bartholdi, where all three of us were sharing a room. The very affordable little hostel had private rooms and plenty of space, but no air conditioning at all. From the moment we walked in, I knew the ceiling fan was doing nothing but moving hot air around, and the only window gave us a view of the blank wall across the alley, the wrong direction to let much air in. Remy and I both immediately took off our shirts in the stuffy little room as we all sat on the bed to chat and continue drinking for a while, just enjoying the feeling of having nowhere in particular to be for a while. We laughed and joked and had a good time, not realizing how drunk we were getting and that we were losing our inhibitions. We started leaning into each other more and touching more. I mentioned that we should be getting to bed soon and we hugged each other and said good night. Remy kissed first Kristen, then me as we said it. It was normal good manners in France to greet or say goodbye to someone with a kiss on the cheek, and that's what he did with her, though the hug lingered abnormally long and close. With me it was different. These past few weeks, we had taken our leave of each other with kisses that lasted a bit longer and moved progressively closer to the mouth. On this trip they had been on the mouth, but we had been pretending they were just friendly. This time we started with a soft kiss on the lips, then another, then a third and before I knew it I was passionately kissing him, exploring his mouth with my tongue, and he was kissing back, his body pressed to mine, both slick with sweat. I caught a glimpse of Kristen staring at us with her mouth open, but smiling rather than upset. When we broke apart, she tried to act like nothing unusual had happened.

"It really is late and we should get ready for bed" Remy said nervously as he started to walk away towards the bathroom, where he had his bag in the closet.

"Or maybe it's going to turn into one of those Italian goodbyes like my friends and family always had that keep going for just one more round," replied Kristen with a curious, mischievous smile on her face.

We kicked off our shoes and Kristen complained about not being able to take off anything else in the stifling heat. She made a joke about it being yet another disadvantage of being a girl. Remy went into the bathroom and came out changed from jeans into the extremely short cotton shorts he sometimes slept it, carrying on the joke and gloating about how little he could get away with wearing, despite it still being miserable in the room. He sort of danced his way across the room showing this off, spun around when he got to the bed, and half-tripped, falling directly onto my lap, which got him laughing. I had just been staring at how Kristen's dress rode even higher on her thigh when she crossed her legs sitting down, and I was hard from the frustration of having to abstain all this time and I was wearing thin linen pants because of the heat, so suddenly having his tight, barely clothed ass on my lap made me involuntarily gasp, tense up and push into him. He settled in closer to me, steadying himself by putting an arm around me and ground his ass into my hard-on. I gave Kristen an apologetic look, but she squeezed my hand, smiled and bit her lower lip, giving me a look of encouragement.

We kept talking and hanging out but I can't remember a word we said. I kept stopping to kiss first him then her and I had my hands all over his body. His face was completely smooth and his upper body soft and hairless, with skin as silky smooth as a girl's. His legs had fine silky hairs that were barely visible and even that only in certain light. I slowly slipped my hand up his thigh and under his shorts, feeling his hard cock straining at his underwear. Kristen had stopped kissing me and was just avidly watching, touching her breasts and rhythmically squeezing her thighs in a way she only does when she's really horny. I had not had a boy on my lap like this in 20 years and it had been even longer since I'd had one this young and pretty. I ran my hand through his hair as we kissed passionately, our tongues intertwining and both of us moaning. This time it was I who suddenly got nervous and stopped. I stood up and said maybe we really should say goodnight. Both of them said "NO!" and tried to convince me to stay.

"You just have to get a bit more comfortable. Both of you do," Kristen insisted as she unzipped and unbuttoned my pants, sliding them to the ground. She then turned and pulled off Remy's shorts. Under them, he was wearing girl's underwear. I don't mean anything as extreme as lacy lingerie, just bikini style panties made of some sort of satiny material that barely covered his package in front. I pulled him to me for a kiss and cupped his ass with my other hand. The back was a thong which allowed me to explore him a bit easier. His cheeks were round, smooth and so perfectly shaped they would make any girl his age jealous. I pushed my fingers into the crack of his ass and started grinding with him, our hard members straining at our underwear as I kissed Kristen and Remy kissed my neck and chest, inflaming me even more. Remy stepped back and pulled on my underwear, releasing my dick which he then took in his hand. Kirsten pulled them all the way to the ground and nudged me to step out of them.

I was now completely naked and hornier than I'd been in ages with a gorgeous femboy staring into my eyes with a hungry look. He kissed his way down from my chest until he was on his knees. Before I could even have any second thoughts about it, he opened his mouth and took me into it. Kristen pulled an easy chair up closer and sat in it. She hiked up her dress and draped one leg over one of the arms. She leaned back and watched us excitedly as she slipped one hand beneath her panties and began to slowly rub herself, savoring every movement and eager to see where things led. He sucked my cock slowly, sensuously, looking up at me while he did it. My knees felt weak and I could barely stay on my feet. HE stopped and smiled at me, then licked from my balls, up the shaft to the head, swirling his tongue on the tip while he moved the foreskin with his hand. I tries to stay quiet but couldn't help crying out. HE took the head in his mouth again and moved up and down, getting gradually faster. Kristen increased her rhythm too and called out encouragement to him. I grabbed hold of his hair and started fucking his mouth but I didn't get too far.

This was the best blowjob I'd had in 2 decades and after just a few minutes I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me as I filled his mouth and my seed spilled out of his lips and down his chin. My knees unlocked and I nearly collapsed. Kristen interrupted her furious rhythm and moved her hand away, crossing her legs and saying "fuck" under her breath.

"Did you cum?" I asked her already suspecting the answer.

"No", she said, with a look of barely controlled focus on her face, "And it feels amazing. I'm going to see how long I can keep it going"

For the past few months, her favourite new game was edging until she was painfully close to climax, then stopping and prolonging that feeling as long as she could. I had seen her go 4 days before and now with this trip it had been nearly 2 weeks.

She sat forwards and slid off the chair, going to Remy and kissing him deeply, their tongues dancing this time. She licked some of my cum off his face and asked if that was his first time.

"Well...sort of," Remy replied, I've been sucking dick and getting sucked since I was 12. I once even fucked one of my ex-boyfriends, which was nice, but what I've always really wanted was to get fucked by a real man".

"You mean you're a virgin!" Kristen exclaimed, "Or maybe not as a boy but certainly as a girl. I think there might be something we can do about that," she said curiously while giving me a knowing smile.

Remy and Kristen were now sitting on the bed and I was trying to stand up again from where I had ended up on my knees on the floor. Despite the earth-shaking orgasm I'd had, my cock was still semi-hard and I felt like I wanted more, needed more. I moved closer and stood between his open legs.

"Remy, there is nothing I want more than to make love to you, but I'm already nervous about what we've done. Are you really sure this is what you want? IS it just the alcohol talking?"

"No," he replied,"I really didn't have that much. I paced myself and a lot of what you saw me drinking was mixers. You had a good bit more though. If anything, I'm the one taking advantage of you".

"Well in that case we need to fix something," I said. I then reached with both hands and pulled his panties down and then off.

It was a measure of how desperately horny I had been that I had allowed them to stay on this long at all. I prefer any boy I take to be completely naked from the moment I take him in my arms. HE did not disappoint. His cock was perfectly formed, uncut and small just the way I like them. His balls were bigger than I expected and his pubic hair was as soft and blonde as the hair on his head. I kissed him hungrily, tasting myself on his tongue, as he worked my dick with his hand, getting me fully hard again, and Kristen kissed and licked my neck. I knelt in front of him and gently kissed his inner thighs, running my tongue up the smooth skin and stopping to give him more kisses, teasing him and moving slowly closer to his package. I have always loved giving oral pleasure to boys, and I take pride in my skill at it. I took his whole cock in my mouth and started sucking, pulling back to flick his foreskin back and forth with my tongue.

Kristen had momentarily walked away and now returned with some lube. For the past 10 years she and I had had an anal only relationship so we always had it close at hand. She had slipped her dress down over her shoulders and taken off her bra. She was playing with her nipples as she watched me sucking on Remy. Now she lubed her fingers and started teasing around his beautiful tight opening. As I sucked him and caressed his balls, she inserted first one finger, then two and eventually three into his pussy while using her other hand to masturbate. Our rhythm slowly increased as he moaned and encouraged us to keep going and bucked back and forth between my mouth and her hand. He cried out that he was about to cum and I felt his cock spasm as I sucked harder and tried to swallow as much of his load as I could. A spent Remy rolled on his side, panting, as I kissed Kristen, squeezing her breasts and giving her a taste of Remy's cum.

I stood admiring Remy's sweat slick form, glowing in the aftermath of his orgasm with my cock so rock hard it ached. Kristen stepped forward, leaned down and softly touched Remy's gorgeous ass. She used her hands to gently part his cheeks, revealing his pretty virgin hole as she bit her lower lip and inclined her head slightly, motioning me forward. I eagerly stepped up to the edge of the bed and as Remy slightly raised his ass and looked back at me longingly. I lined up the head of my dick with his entrance, already generously lubed by Kristen, and pushed in, causing him to gasp at the first exquisite moment of penetration. I slowly slid all the way in until my balls touched his ass. She had prepared the way for me and I had no difficulty getting all the way in. I withdrew most of the way, then plunged back in as I covered him with my body, holding him tight and running my hands down his body as I kissed his neck and licked the sweat from his body.

I reached his cock with my hand and it was already hard again as he rose to meet my thrusts. I fucked into him with ever more urgency, pumping his cock with my hand and Kristen kissed my neck, grinding on my ass and pressing her ample breasts to my back. He was tighter than anyone I'd fucked in years and I sped up my thrusts, pounding into him harder and harder which only seemed to get him more excited and before long, he erupted in another orgasm, cumming more as I rammed into him and squeezing my naked cock and provoking my own explosive orgasm, rocking my whole body as I filled him with my seed. Kristen moaned as she withdrew her hand from between her legs to avoid cumming, rolling off of me and towards the wall. I slowly withdrew my softening dick from inside Remy, and raised myself off him. He rolled toward Kristen and I lay in front of him looking into his eyes. We kissed deeply, our legs intertwined as Kristen caressed us and watched with a satisfied smile. Exhausted, we soon fell asleep, he and I naked and Kristen naked from the waist up, all three holding each other.


We awoke in the early morning looking into each other's eyes. We were both already hard and started frotting our penises together, holding each other and softly kissing, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. We made out and help each other with our need growing. I reached for the lube on the nightstand behind me and applied it to my cock, I maneuvered him so he was in front of me on his back and I entered him again, unhampered by condoms or any other barrier and this time I made love to him slowly with his legs wrapped around me as we lovingly kissed. Kristen had awakened now and was running her hands over our bodies, eagerly enjoying the show while touching herself. As our pleasure built, I slightly sped up and leaned back, giving her a chance to touch his cock. She told me to fuck him good but not to cum yet. She bent down and took his penis into her mouth, bobbing up and down on him and sucking him eagerly. I fucked him harder and pounded him just a few times before he spasmed on my cock and came in her mouth. Kristen raised her head and the last few ropes of cum shot on his stomach and her tits. She told me it was time now and I knew exactly what she meant. She still hadn't cum in all this time and had worked herself up to a fever pitch.

I pulled out of Remy, threw her face down on the bed and lifted her dress up to her waist, I pinned her arms up with one hand so she couldn't touch her pussy and aimed my cock at her backdoor with the other. Her ass was wider than his and not as tight, but she could move in ways that drove me wild and I easily entered her, telling her it was time for her to play the boy's role. That inflamed her more as I started fucking her from behind. I normally fucked her more gently than I had him but I was too eager to worry about that now. I fucked her hard and fast, driving her to orgasm after orgasm after weeks of edging as she remembered she had seen the night before and that morning. As wave after wave of pleasure shook her, I could take it no more and I seeded her as I had done with Remy the night before. We shared threeway kisses and held each other for a while and then slept for bit again.


Later on as we packed to leave for the Basel Airport, I asked them if this would just be a fondly remembered adventure once we went home. Remy looked to Kristen who asked me what I meant. I explained that if it bothered her or made her jealous, this could be a one time thing.

"Hell no!" she exclaimed, "Don't you dare try to break this up now! Of course we'll keep it going!"

" I have wanted an arrangement like this for a while and that makes me happy, but I am very curious why you're so eager for it to continue. What's in it for you?"

"You're a 45 year old married man. And all men your age in your situation want and need mistresses. I would far rather have you fucking a beautiful teenage boy so I can watch and maybe even participate a little than have you fucking some manipulative young slut that you could knock up by mistake. Or who might get too comfortable and want me to do things to me, or worse yet, want me to do things to her. Ew, by the way."

She shuddered at this last thought. Remy and I gave each other a happy, loving look and she squeezed our hands, smiling at us.

As we left that day, the pretty stylish brunette at the front desk asked if we had a fun time the night before. She gave us a knowing smile and I nervously asked her what she meant.

"My room shares a wall with the one you were in", she said while still giving that same smile. "The three of you are obviously lovers."

The colour drained from my face as I started trying to think of an explanation.

"Don't worry, I meant nothing bad by it," she said " My parents had boy mistresses when I was growing up and they were always very happy together."

A younger teenage girl who resembled her had joined her from the back room and stood next to her, nodding her head in agreement.

"My sister and I both dream of being so lucky and finding something so beautiful and happy when we find husbands" the younger girl said, and the elder one eagerly nodded her head in agreement.

"Your love is beautiful and should be celebrated. Don't let anyone tell you different. You are always welcome here together and unashamed ."

We thanked them for their kind encouragement and walked out all holding hands. I was already planning our next trip to France and thinking of how to keep the relationship discreet back home. We had a beautiful future ahead of us.

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