Andrew Robinsons Story

By col bou

Published on Dec 21, 2011


I don't own these characters or actors, this is a story and not real. Feedback welcome via email.

Rhys got home from work; he'd had an awful day and was in a really bad mood. He walked into the kitchen, it was a tip, no clean plates at all, and he slammed his first down on the table and stormed into the living room as Kyle arrived home.

"Have you seen the state of the kitchen?" shouted Rhys

"Chill dude" said Kyle as he smiled

"I will not chill, you need to learn to respect me" roared Rhys

Rhys lunged at Kyle pinning him to the wall

"You really need to learn to obey your elders and seniors Kyle, I'm better than you, I'm more intelligent, better looking, richer, have a better job, more popular, sexier and all round, I deserve respect. You're just a worthless odd jobs man with no money, no future and no prospects"

Kyle stared at Rhys as he laid into him with a tirade of abuse.

"You're going to learn your place in the world Kyle, the hard way" warned Rhys

He threw Kyle to the floor and spat on his face.

"You disgusting faggot" taunted Rhys

"Lick my shoes" he ordered Rhys

"No way man" Rhys then kicked Kyle in the ribs

"DO IT NOW" emphasised Rhys

Kyle was a quivering wreck, he was scared so he stuck out his tongue and started to lick Rhys black leather shoes that were actually quiet clean. The leather tasted horrible though, Rhys made Kyle do the second foot also.

Rhys then took his shoes off and made Kyle, lick his sweaty socks and suck his sweaty toes, the socks came off and he made Kyle do the same to the bare flesh, Kyle didn't like the smell or sweat, it was pretty rank but Rhys had him in his control now

"Good bitch" smiled Rhys as he sucked his big toe

Rhys yanked Kyle by the hair and thrust his hardening crotch into his face, it was a sizeable piece of meat, Kyle could tell. Rhys released Kyle's hair and slapped him on the face.

"Strip to boxers now"

Kyle did and Rhys ordered him to the bedroom.

"On all fours"

Kyle again obeyed, Rhys then started to spank Kyle's bare ass, hard, 20 blows, 10 on each cheek in quick succession, Kyle yelped in agony.

Rhys reached under the bed and put a ball gag in Kyle's mouth, another 20 spanks, no one could hear Kyle scream, his ass was red raw now. Rhys then removed his belt and brought it down on Kyle's back, 10 strikes and Kyle was now crying, he was shaking in fear and pain, Rhys loved it, his 8" cock was rock hard.

Rhys then did 5 whacks with his belt on each of Kyle's legs; he then brought out a wooden stick and whacked the balls of Kyle's feet, 5 each.

Rhys then cuffed Kyle's ankles together and his hands, he ripped his boxers off and with the wooden stick (a bit like a ruler) he whacked his balls 5 times and then his cock 3 times. Kyle screamed in pure agony but Rhys just got harder.

Tears ran down Kyle's cheeks as Rhys pushed Kyle onto his back, uncuffed his hands and then cuffed them to the bedpost on either side, the same was done with his ankles so Kyle was spread eagled.

Rhys then got out a box, a "torture box" of sorts, first came the clippers on Kyle's pubic hear around his cock, and then shaving cream finished them off. Rhys then got some sort of machine out and plugged it in; Kyle had no idea what this was.

Rhys attached some sort of clips from the machine onto Kyle's nipples and flicked a switch, a bolt of electricity ran through Kyle's body via his nipples, he screamed again, the voltage was turned up and Rhys did this 5 times as Kyle screamed into his gag every time.

Relief swept through Kyle as the clips were removed, Rhys then lit candles which Kyle found very odd, and this was not romantic.

However, things could only get worse, Rhys attached some pads from the machine onto Kyle's balls, turned the voltage up high and pressed the switch, and Kyle couldn't have yelped and screamed more as the electricity ran through his balls and cocks

Ten minutes of this and Kyle was just on the bed limply, any fight from him had gone now; he just wanted this to end.

Rhys then got a can and held it to Kyle's cock, Kyle thought it might be some sort of lube or a relief spray, it wasn't, it was deep heat, Kyle's cock had never felt pain like it as deep heat was sprayed on his cock and balls, he sobbed like a baby as the abuse continued.

Rhys disappeared and brought back a bag of ice and just dumped it on Kyle's cock, the quick transition from hot to cold did not help Kyle, the pain intensified even more.

As Kyle got his breath back, Rhys got the biggest dildo ever, a 10" black dildo, it was as thick as a beer can too, it was lubed up and the first 3" was plunged into Kyle, he screamed again, more and more was edged into Kyle until it was all in, Kyle had never been so full of cock.

Rhys started to fuck Kyle's stretched hole using the dildo, Kyle was just numb by now, the dildo caused even more pain on his battered body but it also hit his prostate which felt good. His cock responded a little bit but Rhys didn't want any pleasure so he knew he had to end this, he removed the dildo and got one of the candles.

He poured the melted wax from the candle onto Kyle's chest who again screamed in agony; more wax was poured on, not just the chest but his cock and balls too. Kyle couldn't believe that his cock had burnt wax on it, this was pure torture.

After this agony, Kyle thought Rhys was done but there was one last thing, Rhys had to fuck Kyle. He stripped and brutally rammed his un-lubed cock into Kyle's used hole; it was still tight so Rhys' 8" cock stretched Kyle.

The fucking was brutal and relentless, Rhys spanked Kyle's ass a bit more as he rammed in. Kyle was nothing but a toy to Rhys, to use for his own pleasure. He wasn't even a person, he was a thing. Rhys had stamina, his arrogance about his sexual activity was accurate, and he knew how to pleasure people.

Rhys fucked Kyle until Kyle was rock hard, he started to wank Kyle, and he removed the gag now.

"Fuck me harder Dr"

Rhys fucked Kyle and wanked his cock, Kyle's orgasm built and he experienced the most intense & amazing orgasm ever, he screamed with delight as his cum shot out, 9 separate shots came out of Kyle, seconds later Rhys came in Kyle's ass.

"That orgasm was worth the pain right?" asked Rhys

"Yeh, amazing" said Kyle

Rhys then grabbed Kyle's mouth and pissed into it. Rhys then walked out leaving Kyle still cuffed for another hour until he was ready to untie him.

"That was awesome" said Kyle

He was lying, he didn't want to upset Rhys, he had revenge in mind, a huge revenge, and it was going to be epic and utterly humiliating for Rhys.

In the garage....

Chris was working on a car as Lucas worked at his desk on the accounts.

"Lucas, you know how you're addicted to gambling?"

"Yes Chris"

"Well, why don't you satisfy it with bets that don't involve money?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, say I bet you that I could do 50 press ups in 1 minute, and then if I won you'd give me a car, if I lost, I'd have to work for free"

"Ah right OK"

"Well, let's write each other's bet down so we don't know what it is"

"OK" said Lucas

"The bet is that I have to build this engine correctly in 30 minutes"

"Ha, fine, no chance" smirked Lucas

Both boys wrote their bets down and folded them up, Chris got to work...

30 minutes later...

"Times up" remarked Lucas

Chris hadn't finished, this was on purpose though as Lucas unfolded his bet.

"What's this?"

"The bet" said Chris

"No way man, I can't do this, I'll get in trouble!"

"I won't say anything" said Chris

"Nah mate, sorry, something else will have to happen"

"Fine" said Chris as he reached for the phone

"What you doing?"

"Phoning my Dad, telling him that you touched me"


"That's my forfeit for the bet"

"This is blackmail"

"I know" smirked Chris

"OK, let's do this, just once"

Chris smiled, walked up to Lucas and gently kissed him, this kiss felt great to Lucas and something snapped inside of him, passion ignited.

The kiss quickly became frantic and passionate, tongues everywhere, hands roaming each other's bodies. Lucas tore Chris' overalls off and admired the young smooth teen body and hard cock. Lucas slipped out of his and his hairier body with 8.5" hard cock came into view, Chris gasped in awe.

"Suck it" ordered Lucas

Chris got down and took in Lucas' cock.

"I bet no one else has ever taken all of it" said Chris

"No, no one ever has"

Chris then took in all of the cock; Lucas was in heaven as Chris deep throated him.

Lucas gently fucked Chris' face while Chris wanked his cock.

"Lie down on the mattress" said Chris

Lucas kept a mattress for moments like this. Chris fetched lube from his locker and rubbed it onto his hole and Lucas's cock and squatted down onto his boss' hard penis. It hurt a little bit but he soon started to ride it.

"Don't move, let your assistant do the work" smiled Chris

Soon, Chris was moving up and down the cock at some speed, sweating a lot as was Lucas as he felt the passion. He'd never felt anything so tight in his life, this was amazing.

Chris was wanking his cock hard also and he sprayed his cum everywhere, all over his boss chest and face. This caused Lucas to explode into Chris ass, Chris collapsed onto Lucas and they fell into each other's arms.


Andrew had Noah just where he wanted him, riding his cock. His manipulation had worked again.

Next time.. Andrew & Noah's story is revealed Rhys is gang fucked by Andrew, Chris, Lucas, Dane, Kyle, Noah & Mal Kennedy

Next: Chapter 4

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