Andrews Stormbreaker

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Feb 19, 2007


Really sorry this has taken as long as it has - please stick with me for any future updates.

Disclaimer: This is a work fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexual orientation of the celebrities mentioned in this work. I have had to change some situations slightly to fit the story, but nothing major!

Andrew's Stormbreaker - part 004

"I may come across, as young and sweet and innocent. But i assure I am rarely sweet, and rarely innocent. I also think we've flirted enough today for our feelings to be known don't you?"

"Yeah, i guess so."

"Come on then Andrew, let's see what you're made of!"

Alex's face was now about an inch from Andrews; staring each other in the face; each guy wondering who was going to make the first move, the atmosphere was electric and yet the silence was piercing. Andrew could literally hear Alex's heart beating, and vice versa.

"So you wanna see what i got right?"


"Here goes"

With his hair still dripping he undid the towel but held it in position.

"You sure you wanna see what's under here?"

"Put it this way, i wish i had some special Alex Rider gadget to see through that towel right now"

"You mean, you dont have x-ray vision?"

"Wrong guy, i think that's the one that wears his pants on the outside of his clothes."

"You know i wouldn't mind seeing you in your pants"

"First things first, lets deal with you, and then we'll see what we can do about me wearing my pants on the outside."

"I meant just your pants, nothing else"

"Yeah i gathered that's what you meant."

Alex and Andrew were almost buzzing with the amount of sexual energy pouring off of them. Alex was leaning in towards Andrew and their lips were literally millimetres away from touching when there was a knock at the door. Andrew couldn't hide his disappointment. He was having trouble hiding his excitement aswell but that was another matter.

"Fuck it. Yeah?"

It was Sam.

"Is Alex in their with you at the moment?"

"Yeah i was just getting changed after my shower what is it?"

"Security are getting pissed off with the amount of kids hanging around out on Wood Lane, they all want a glimpse of Alex and an autograph."

"OK fine we'll be out in a second."

Andrew carefully holding on to his towel retreated into the shower room and got dressed, torn jeans which were low slung so you could see a great deal of his boxers, and a plain salmon coloured t-shirt. Alex could see the outline of andrews nipples through the fabric, and although he'd just seen them for real - it made Andrew all the more sexy.

"Come on then, lets go and face your public."

"Sorry about this"

"Dont apologise, you cant help being young sexy and gorgeous."

"No i guess not"

"Modesty not one of your strong point then?"

"I'm only kidding. Anyway i guess like a lot of people i fail to see what's attractive about me."

"You fail to see it?"

"Yeah, and before you say anything, you havent seen most of it yet"

"Oh i can see the outside, and i know i'm not supposed to judge a book by its cover but if the covers is HOT! then i'm more likely to read the contents"

Alex and Andrew smiled knowingly at each other. They knew that before the end of the day they would have had sex with each other. Opening the door they set off down the corridor of the giant concrete doughnut. (A term used to describe the look of the BBC Tv centre as viewed from the air). Andrew and Alex were acting more like mates than potential lovers now, they laughed and joked as they made their way across reception and out into the White City air. Immediately met by hoards of screaming fans. Andrew was surprised to see, as Alex had pointed out in his interview, that there was a fair number of teenage boys mixed in amongst the screaming girls.

Alex stopped and turned to Andrew.

"Have you got Swimming trunks?"

"I've got Speedos. why?

"Thought you could model them later. If you wanna?"

"Oh i wanna."

Alex smiled and left Andrew standing as he went forward to the screaming fans; they were after autographs and pictures and just a chat and to ask him various things like if he had a girlfriend what food did he like? Would he marry one of them? After a little while he made his excuses and he and Andrew set off down he road, just engagaed in general chit chat.

"So didn't find yourself eyeing up any of your young male fans then?"

"Well actually the only with the jet black hair kind of did it for me."


"Yeah really, you see he passed me this piece of paper"

"What is it let's see?"

Alex handed over the slip of paper. On it was a landline telephone number, a mobile phone number, and email address and a postal address, which was in South London.

"He was hoping wasn't he?"

"He's cute and I'm cute. Besides I told him i'm gay."


"Relax i didn't announce it to all and sundry, i have a rainbow ribbon badge pinned under the cuff of my jacket, i just rolled it back and smiled at him. And he rather dreamily smiled back, I'll probably call him and have some fun."


"Yeah and i apologise if this freaks you out or anything, but as long as we are both as safe as possible, what's the problem?"

"No problem, i just... well just surprised i suppose."

"Oh you thought i was giving you the cold shoulder in favour of the black haired hunk."

"Maybe, sorta..!"

"Never fear, i was rather hoping that you would consider joinging in for a threesome?"

"The three of us you mean?"

"That's usually what a threesome means."

"Of course I'll join in, however there are two conditions."

"Go on"

Andrew's head was all over the place now and he thought 'fuck it' and went for it.

"One, the two of us have a little one on one first"

Alex smiled, a cheeky yet sexy smile.

"Definitely. You can count on it. So what's the second?"

"And two, we don't make it three, we make it four. I know someone that has quite liked me for a little while, and i reckon he'd take very little persuading."

"Is he hot?"

"Of course. Almost as hot as me!"

"So do you fancy grabbing that drink now, or shall we save it for another day?"

"Let's save the drink, and get on with what's in hand. Why dont you call that lad, and I'll call this guy, they could come on over to my place later after we've been acquainted a bit more closely"

"Get dialling then, nine? Ten o'clock shall we say?"


Alex got his mobile phone out and then he took the slip of paper from his pocket and dialed the lads Phone number, he was called Ryan. Whilst Alex was doing that Andrew took out his phone and selected from his contacts list and called it.

"Hello mate, how you doing, listen have i got some news for you...?"


Hope you enjoyed Part 4 - Would anybody like to read a part 5?

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