Andrews Summer

By hubert.plutecki

Published on Apr 25, 2023


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The following story was told to me lately by my younger colleague Andrew. At first I didn't really believe him, then he showed me over a hundred photos of him in the company of these young girls and boys. They were all naked posing for pictures, and I've also seen pictures of them having an orgy together. Although I've had a rich sex life of mixed male-male and straight sex, I envied him like hell.

When I became convinced that he was telling the truth, I asked him to tell everything from the beginning, and I recorded him and with his permission I wrote down his accounts and now publish them on Nifty. For obvious reasons, I changed the names of the characters.

Andrew's summer 2020, part 3. by Hubert Plutecki

Andrew was about to leave the cabin when he remembered that he was completely naked. He put on only his jeans and ran barefoot to the gate he opened.

A large Nissan pickup truck pulled in and parked next to the cabin.

Andrew was shocked.

Uncle was not in the car, and his daughter Beata got out from behind the wheel

  • Hi Andrew! - The girl approached him and kissed him on the cheek, not paying attention to the water pouring from the sky.

  • Hi, how did you get here?

  • Sorry, I can see that I must have replaced my father unnecessarily. He was supposed to bring you food, but I was bored like a pug at home and I said I would gladly help him out, but I can see that you already have some company - she looked at the scooter and opened the Nissan cargo cover.

  • Take these boxes and I'm getting out of here.

  • Beata, come inside, because you're already all wet. I'll explain everything to you, and you'll tell me why you're here at all.

  • Okay, I'll help you - she said and grabbed two boxes, Andrew took three others and they headed for the cabin. Andrew went to the car one more time and got three more cartons and a large bag.

  • Tell your girlfriend that I don't bite and she can come downstairs - Beata said loudly and looked at the stairs, where Ania and Kasia appeared.

  • Hi - they said and introduced themselves.

  • Hi - Beata replied and looked at Andrew.

  • You've always amazed me with your physical condition - she said and laughed.

  • It's not what you think.... Andrew was a bit embarrassed.

  • Do not make excuses. I must admit one thing to you, you have good taste.

  • You're not Uncle Bogdan, are you? - said Pawel, who appeared together with his brother and Tomek

  • No, I'm not an uncle - Beata laughed - I'm his daughter.

  • You know, you never know these days, I wanted to make sure.

  • Beata, take off your sweatshirt because it's wet, you have to wring it out and hang it by the fireplace, it will dry up - Kasia suggested - why are you so wet? Your pants are completely wet too.

  • Everything is wet, even my panties - Beata laughed - on the way, in the middle of nowhere, I saw a car in a ditch. It didn't even topple because the ditch was wide and shallow, but the ground was grassy and clay. I noticed the driver was trying to get onto the road, but the wheels were only spinning, so I stopped and offered to help. The driver turned out to be a young woman and there was a couple of terrified kids in the car. I turned around, faced her car, unwrapped the rope from the winch, attached it to her car, and hauled it out onto the road without any problems. The woman thanked me as if I had really saved her life, wanted to pay me, but I refused. I just wanted to roll up the rope, get into the car and quickly find myself in a dry and warm place. But this woman insisted on having to pay me back, in the end she almost forcibly pushed me a carton of red wine that she had the entire trunk. Her husband is said to be an importer of this drink. I didn't have the strength to argue with her, so I just threw the cardboard in the trunk and hit the road.

  • Undress and take a hot shower, and I will take care of your clothes - Kasia suggested.

  • Your clothes seem to be wet too - Beata noticed and took off her sweatshirt. She was wearing a T-shirt underneath, which was also quite wet.

  • Our clothes have dried up a little. Andrew saved the three of us from melting in the downpour and freezing - Pawel talked about the meeting with Andrew, drying clothes, hot shower and where Tom and Kasia came from.

However, he omitted what happened next.

Beata touched Kasia's blouse and asked with surprise

  • Why are you in wet clothes? You said you were drying them?

  • We didn't want to parade naked in front of your father, and we don't have a change of clothes - said Michal with a broad smile.

  • Oh, so before I arrived your clothes were drying on a string, and you were all naked? It must have been an interesting sight - Beata smiled again and in one move pulled off the T-shirt, under which she was wearing no bra.

  • What are you waiting for? - Beata asked - take your clothes off and hang them by the fireplace again, because they will never dry out and you will catch a cold.

No one needed to be repeated this proposal, and after thirty seconds they were all completely naked.

  • Andrew, please put some wood on the fireplace and call your mother on my cell phone, because I think your phone is dead. You didn't answer several calls, so your mom got upset and called my dad. That's why I came here. Now I am going to take a warm shower, and then I will do something for all of us to warm up - having said, Beata went to the bathroom.

Andrew threw two thick logs into the fireplace and called home. He talked for a few minutes, assuring his mother that everything was fine with him, he rode slowly and even picked up two young boys and one girl on the way who missed the local bus to Gizycko and were soaked and terribly cold, and now they are warming up by the fireplace. He also reassured his mother that there would be enough food for everyone even for a week, because Beata had brought half a Nissan load box of food. Finally he ended the call and connected his phone to charging.

  • Your mom cares so much about you? - Kasia asked.

  • Normally, she would have called in a week or so and asked how I'm doing with my project, but she was watching TV and panicked for the first time. It is said that rainstorms are over half of Poland, there are also storms that break trees, many road accidents and the police urge people to sit in their houses on their asses and not move until the rain ends. It is said to continue pouring for two or three days. Oh, my mother sends a warm greeting to those who are cold. Andrew looked at the twins and Ania.

  • Thank you - they replied simultaneously

  • By the way, Kasia, call your mother too, you Ania too. Why should they worry.

Twenty minutes later the cabin was downright hot and a little muggy, with a whole collection of clothes hanging around the fireplace. Beata left the bathroom and immediately took care of one of the cardboard boxes on the counter. She took three bottles out of it and looked at the label.

  • Italian semi-dry wine, just the way I need it - she said and took a corkscrew from a drawer.

  • Could any of you guys open these three bottles? - she asked and opened the cabinets hanging on the wall.

  • I remembered well - she smiled - your mother, Andrew, keeps all spices in airtight containers, so they can be used for a long time.

From the bottom cupboard she took a large pot, threw some cloves, cinnamon, anise, and ginger into it, poured the wine into it and set it on the stove. From another carton, she took a few oranges, washed them, and sliced ​​them into slices, which she also dropped into the pot.

  • Andrew, put seven mugs, those with handle in the sink and pour hot water over them to make them warm - she said, stirring the pot, which she covered with the lid.

  • I see that you've been here before and you know where what is lying - Ania remarked.

  • Of course! I spent many holidays here. My dad and Andrew's dad aren't related, but they've known each other since high school. My dad is a car mechanic too and once our both dads ran a workshop together before we were born. Dad moved to Gizycko after marrying my mother, because she comes from there and opened his own workshop. Then Andrew was born, and a week later I. As a family legend goes, we were conceived the same night in the mountains where our parents went together and lived in the same room for savings. It is said that one bed creaked a lot at night and made the other bed creak too.

  • I didn't know that story - Andrew admitted - but it means our parents were very at ease too.

  • Andrew put these mugs on the tray - Beata changed the subject and through a dense strainer poured mulled wine into the mugs, then set the tray on the low table by the huge bed.

  • Careful - Beata warned - as the name suggests, this wine is hot.

Everyone reached for their cups, and there was silence for a moment, followed by murmurs of delight.

  • Beata, sit down and talk about what happened next. I like family legends so much - Kasia asked and she made the girl a place next to her.

  • Some time later my grandmother died, and my father inherited a large, pre-war apartment in Krakow - continued Andrew.

  • My father did not intend to move to Krakow because he already had his workshop in the suburbs of Warsaw, which prospered quite well. So he sold a Krakow apartment and with this money he managed to occasionally buy this large plot of land, and a year later this small house was ready for summer holidays.

  • Little house! - Michal interjected - I counted at the top of four large rooms.

  • Add more cellars under the whole house and two hectares of forest around, everything is fenced, and there is a small lake less than a kilometer away - Beata added.

  • When my dad saw this property, he wanted to buy a plot nearby and build a cottage for the summer, but uncle Adam, Andrew's dad said it was pointless, because our family can also spend holidays here, there is enough space - said Beata

  • And since then, our mothers spent several months here with me and Andrew every year, from June to mid-October, and our fathers always closed their workshops and came to us in July. As you can see, Andrew and I have known each other almost from birth. We slept in one room here, the one with a large bed, we argued, sometimes there were fights between us, but it was basically a scuffle about who is stronger and who is cleverer. As soon as the weather was nice, we spent most of our time at the lake, actually in the lake. Moms took off our nappies and we bathed naked for the next few seasons. Later, I envied Andrew that male pee device because he would stand under the tree, unzip his fly and pee, and I had to take off my pants. I told him then that I envy his male tap.

  • Man's tap! - Tom laughed - I haven't heard such a term yet!

  • Beata, is there a refill of this mulled wine? - Kasia asked lovingly.

  • It's so delicious and warming, I feel I have a red face already.

  • There's one more mug for each, I'll pour you right away.

  • I'll pour, you continue with the story - Kasia picked up the cups, rinsed them and poured hot water over them for a moment, then filled them with mulled wine and turned off the stove.

  • Later, when we were twelve or thirteen, our parents came to the conclusion that although we still bathed in the lake naked, we should have separate rooms.

  • They feared for your virtue? - Pawel asked with a cheeky smile.

  • The fathers decided that it is better not to provoke and encourage us.

  • You've never been a couple? Didn't you make love? - Michael wanted to know.

  • If you mean feelings, we never talked about it, there were no declarations, but if you ask if we had sex, I probably will not reveal a secret, because it was never a secret. Our first time was in this house full of people, when we were fifteen years old, and then we fucked many times passionately, in various configurations - Beata laughed at the sight of Michal's cock suddenly standing, and a second later his brother's cock also presented itself in in all its glory.

  • Ah, the youth! - Beata laughed again - the sight of three naked girls lying next to you for an hour did not excite you, but at the announcement of a spicy story you immediately have a beautiful erection.

  • Beata, do not worry about them, the twins already have it. Keep on talking, because I'm also excited to see you making love to Andrew - said Ania.

  • It was another July holiday that we spent with two families in this house. I slept in the smaller room and Andrew slept in the one with the large bed. Anyway, there are similar large beds in two other rooms that traditionally were occupied by my parents and Andrew's parents. Nothing foreshadowed the cataclysm that happened three days after our arrival here.

  • It was raining the same as today? - Tomek asked unexpectedly.

  • Do not interrupt, because Beata will lose her inspiration - Kasia admonished him.

  • No, it was not raining, it was beautiful weather, silence, ease, in a word it was almost like in paradise, until suddenly the rest of Uncle Adam family appeared unannounced - Beata continued her story.

  • His sister with her husband and two toddlers and uncle's brother with his wife and three pesky brats. Uncle Adam looked like a grenade with the pin removed, because they had barely arrived, they wanted to take my and Andrew's room, and put us on this couch along with five little screaming brats.

  • A nightmare! - Andrew exclaimed -I said that I am studying for the retake exam, which I failed earlier, and that I must have absolute peace, so I won't get out of my room anywhere. It was a lie, of course, but somehow they swallowed it. I ended up staying in my room with Beata, for whom an air mattress was supposed to be. In her room my aunt was placed with her husband and two of their unbearable offspring, who were also supposed to sleep on the mattresses, and my uncle with his wife and three brats were placed on this sofa.

  • You keep talking about the wrong things - Kasia was getting impatient again - go to the details.

  • Okay, okay, let's go to the details - Beata agreed.

  • In the evening, dressed nicely in pajamas, I left the bathroom and went straight to Andrew's room, who was also in pajamas, although we never used them before, because since I can remember we always slept naked. There was an inflated mattress on the floor and sheets for me, but as soon as I got in, Andrew locked the door and took off his pajamas and lay on the bed, tapped the seat next to him, and said I'd be more comfortable next to him than on the mattress. When he was lying on his back, completely naked, I noticed that in the lower parts he had grown a lot from the previous year - Beata paused for a moment, moved her feet a bit, put them on Andrew's crotch, then continued

  • I kicked off my pajamas and lay down next to him and tried to put the duvet over us, but Andrew held me back, saying that I had been beautiful since our last vacation and that he wanted to take a look at me. He turned off the overhead lights and only the small bedside lamp shone on the table. I was lying on my back, and he looked at my face, a little longer at my breasts and whispered that I was beautiful, that I had a beautiful breast and that he wanted to check how I taste. These words tickled me pleasantly and at the beginning I didn't understand how he wanted to check how I taste. Andrew, meanwhile, kissed me gently on the lips, then kissed my eyes, my neck equally gently, and made his way down. As his lips touched my breasts, I felt a pleasant tingling sensation throughout my body. I asked in a whisper that he would not stop caressing me, even though he did not intend to. He licked and sucked alternately both my tits, then my stomach and thighs, and his hands caressed my breasts. I waited for him to kiss my shell, but he slid even lower until he reached my feet, which he was kissing and licking, and I felt that I was getting more and more aroused and wet. When he finally reached between my legs and licked my shell, I groaned loudly but said I was ashamed because I was so wet there. He said that I taste delicious and that I have nothing to be ashamed of.

  • Cute! - Kasia interjected.

  • Do not interfere, do not spoil the atmosphere - Ania scolded her and moved her feet with which she embraced Tom's cock, sticking out like a flagpole. Kasia spread her legs a bit, putting her feet on the crotches of the twins.

  • Andrew was very gentle in his caresses, which turned me on even more - Beata continued.

  • He licked and sucked at my petals, then he used his fingers to pull them apart and shoved his tongue into me, and I groaned and chewed on the pillow because I didn't want anyone to hear me. After all, the house was full of people - Beata unconsciously massaged Andrew's cock with her feet.

  • Andrew strengthened the pressure of his lips and tongue against my pussy, I felt his fingers, which he gently slid inside me and all his oral caresses transferred to my pearl. It was amazing! The world was spinning around me, I covered myself with a pillow so that no one could hear me, but Andrew took it from me because, he said, he wanted to see my face. My legs were spread wide, and with both hands I pressed his head against my crotch and felt every movement of his lips and tongue on my pussy, I moaned silently, just gasped for air like a fish taken out of the water, finally bit my own arm and jumped with my whole body on the bed, I got a mega orgasm, but he kept licking me, so literally after a while I had a second mega orgasm, after which I fell into nothingness. I don't know how long I was gone, but when I came to my senses, I heard his whisper that I was the greatest girl in the world - Beata paused for a moment because her attention was drawn to loud moans of Tom, Andrew and the twins.

  • Do not stop! - asked Tom, whose dick glistened from the precum between Ania's feet.

  • Put this beautiful dick in my pussy and fuck me hard - the girl opened her legs, and Tom immediately pushed his swollen cock, lay on the girl and moved like a battering ram.

Beata took her feet off Andrew's cock, grabbed it by the hand and pulled it towards her

  • Andrew, over three months I haven't had any dick in me and I need a good fuck.

  • Are you still taking the pills, or should I get dressed? - the boy wanted to make sure.

  • I'm taking the pills. Get inside me and fuck me!

  • This is an invitation! - Kasia exclaimed with a laugh. Her laughter stopped immediately, because Pawel put his cock in her mouth, and Michal unceremoniously

drove his dick into her pussy.

The house was filled with moans and wild fucking sounds, the girls groaned and the boys groaned with effort because they were doing their best. Their thrusts were not gentle, on the contrary, they fucked the girls with all their might, almost brutally, and they moaned with delight. The great bed creaked again and creaked on the floor. It wasn't very clear who was more excited about this situation, guys or girls who, apart from moans, made loud pleas or comments.

  • Harder!

  • Come on!

  • Oh yes!

  • You have a wonderful dick!

The orgy went on and on, the girls moaned all over the forest especially when they were getting orgasms. The boys who had had a few shots behind them that day needed more fucking to cum. The first to shoot was Michal and he fell on the bed, and Pawel immediately replaced him in fucking Kasia, who was moaning the loudest of the girls and who after a while had another orgasm.

Ania under Tomek squirmed and gasped, moaned loudly when she climaxed once again, Beata embraced Andrew's neck with her hands, her legs were entwined on his buttocks and repeated

  • Yes! I needed that!

  • Harder, Andrew!

  • You have the best cock in the world!

Another five minutes and Andrew shot into Beata's pussy who screeched in another orgasm. Almost simultaneously, Tomek led Ania to another orgasm and filled her pussy with his sperm. A minute later, Pawel gave Kasia another orgasm and he came by himself.

Nobody moved for several minutes and there was silence in the cottage. It meant incomplete silence, because you could hear the loud breathing of seven people sprawled on the big bed, the fire that roared the fireplace and the rain outside the window.

The first one who spoke with a tired voice was Kasia

  • Beata, what did you add to that mulled wine? What made our boys so excited? After all, they had several shots before you showed up. Where do they get their strength and ammunition?

  • What? I just added the cloves, cinnamon and ginger. Oh, and anise, nothing else - the girl replied unconsciously.

  • Did you add anise? Now I understand. After all, anise increases potency!

The house was filled with laughter from seven people, the loudest were the girls who couldn't stop.

  • Thank God, we have a large supply of wine, and the anise supply would be enough for the army regiment - Beata said, causing another burst of laughter.

Finally, the company went to the shower, then the girls unpacked the cartons and bags that Beata had brought with her.

  • Mother of God! - Andrew exclaimed -what did you think of bringing so much food? You didn't know there was anyone else here besides me. That would be enough for a whole host of scouts for a few weeks.

  • You owe yourself - the girl replied.

  • I'm guilty?

  • Yes, if you had thought, charged the phone and picked up when your mom called, I wouldn't be here at all, and there wouldn't be any supplies.

  • I prefer to be guilty, I admit in that case, mea culpa - Andrew embraced Beata and kissed sweetly.

  • Your mother, seeing what is happening in Poland with the weather on TV, decided that all the shops nearby will be either closed or empty and that you will be starving. She asked my dad to come over to you and dropped some food for you.

  • A little!

  • Oh, as if you didn't know my father. He hates shopping, so if he has to, he buys everything in bulk.

  • That poppy seed cake and that cheesecake he bought too? They look familiar.

  • No, these cakes were made by my mother.

  • Your mother makes the best cakes in the world, even better than aunt Stasia.

The girls cut both cakes, prepared plates and cups of hot tea, and put a large tray on the low table.

Andrzej changed the sheets again, added some more pillows, and everyone took comfortable positions with plates in their hands.

  • Yum! - every now and then someone praised Beata's mother's pastries.

  • Beata, you ended your story with your own orgasm, which Andrzej gave you orally - said Kasia between the poppy seed cake and the cheesecake - you can continue about your sexy story.

  • When I cooled down a bit, I said that now I want to see him carefully, because he has grown here and there since the previous year. I started like him with tender kisses with which I descended lower and lower. I didn't have as much patience as Andrew, so I got there quickly. His cock was already erected and it looked huge. I could barely put my hand around him and slowly moved my hand up and down. Then, remembering the porn movies I often watched with my best girl friend, I started to lick his full length and taste it. Andrew was either holding his breath or gasping with excitement every now and then. He was leaning against the pillows, so from time to time I looked him in the eyes, looking for his approval, and he kept saying that I was divine and that I was doing great.

Finally, I took it in my lips and slipped a large piece of this wonderful dick into my mouth and caressed it with my tongue, simultaneously moving my head up and down. At one point, Andrew hissed loudly. I looked at him and he calmly told me to try to keep my teeth away from his cock, especially from the head. I was terrified to cut it, so I examined his cock carefully, then kissed it and took it in my mouth again. I never touched him with my teeth again - Beata smiled and kissed Andrew on the cheek.

  • It's getting interesting again - Kasia interjected - look at the twins.

Both Michal and Pawel had a great boners again, to which the girls reacted with a giggle, then Beata continued

  • Andrew told me what to do, which means not only lick but also lightly suck, so I got down to work. I guess he was fine because he closed his eyes and again was either holding his breath or gasping like a steam engine. At one point he almost screamed

  • Watch out! - so I panicked and immediately spat his cock out of my mouth, and then his cannon started firing volleys so hard that some of his sperm flew all the way behind the bed. When the shots stopped, Andrew pulled me to him, or rather on himself, and hugged me tightly, kissing me alternately gently and passionately, at the same time stroking my back and buttocks, which I liked very much and hugged him. After a few minutes, I felt, that he is standing back again. I looked him in the eye and he said I was acting on him like that and asked if I was ready and if I wanted to continue. I was a little scared it would hurt, but I was excited and I wanted to feel his cock inside me for the first time, so I nodded and lay down on my back. Andrew took a condom from under the pillow, tore open the wrapper with his teeth, and quickly put the rubber on his cock. I chuckled at the sight of it, and Andrew said he would rather me laugh at him than he would become a father. I parted my legs, then he placed one of the pillows under my butt and slowly slid his big cock inside me, all the time looking into my eyes. He did it slowly, and I wanted him inside me, so I grabbed his buttocks and pressed him tightly against me.

  • It didn't hurt? - Kasia wanted to know.

  • Oh my God! You always have to meddle at the least appropriate moment! - Ania groaned. Beata continued calmly

  • I felt a stronger sting, but the pain immediately passed and a divine feeling overwhelmed me. It only took a few moves and I had an orgasm! I barely cooled down, felt like more and more. I crossed my legs over Andrew's bottom and told him to fuck me with all his might. He didn't need to be told. He lay down on me, kissed me passionately, and he accelerated and strengthened the thrusts more and more, and I was in cloud nine. Before Andrew came, I had two more orgasms!

  • Oh my God! Andrew, you're gonna fuck me right now! - Kasia she pulled Andrew's towards her, spread her legs apart, grabbed his cock and led him to her pussy.

  • Don't play foreplay, just fuck me right away like a steam engine, like a breeding bull, even like a bunny, but fast and hard.

Ania shifted on the bed, also spread her legs wide and winked at Tom. The boy smiled, put a large pillow under her ass, put his dick to Ania's slit and pushed hard.

Surprised Beata realized what was gonna happen when Pawel's cock was in her pussy and Michal's cock was in her mouth, but she did not protest.

For three quarters of an hour, the bed squeaked mercilessly and at first moved across the floor in different directions, but after a few minutes the boys played their thrusts in one rhythm and the bed stopped against the wall, still squeaking as if it was about to fall apart, the girls were moaning and screaming in the middle of the forest , the fire roared in the fireplace and the boys worked their loins not like steam locomotives, but well-oiled engines of a train that traveled three hundred kilometers an hour. Their cocks, anesthetized by the previous shots, took a lot longer to get to fire up again.

Pawel was the first to shoot, in the meantime Beata had two orgasms.

Barely the boy fell on the bed, his place in Beata's pussy was taken by Michal. The girl, having her lips free, took a deep breath and groaned like the others.

Ania, after three orgasms, begged Tom to stop. Just Pawel shot at Beata and fell next to his brother, so Tom took pity on Ania, moving his dick to a new hole for him. Beata groaned loudly, but embraced him with her legs, pulled his head with her hands to her and said

  • I was wrong. Not in three months, but for six months I haven't had a dick inside me, so do your best, just hard!

Tomek immediately turned on the afterburner like in a fighter plane and fucked the girl with the power of a warship.

Kasia, after several orgasm that day, fell into nothingness, so Andrew almost brutally turned Tom and Beata on the boy's back, reached for the gel, which he generously lubricated his dick with and slowly introduced it into Beata's ass, waited a moment, then moved slowly, then he matched his movements with those of Tom and for several long minutes they fucked the girl simultaneously. Beata protested a bit at first, but when the pain in her ass passed, she moaned and begged herself more, and then she howled at the next orgasm, and her moans merged with the wild roars of both boys who filled her pussy and ass almost simultaneously.

For a while, it could be heard the three of them breathing deeply and the crackling of the fireplace, as well as rain outside the window and powerful thunder.

Andrew woke up for two reasons. His back hurt above his ass and he felt cold. He raised his head and didn't quite know which legs were his, so he was moving his legs and then he noticed that he was lying bent back at an unnatural angle, and his legs were entwined with those of Tom and Beata. He gently released them, stood up, did a few squats and bends, then tossed a few dry logs to the nearly dormant fireplace and went to warm up in the shower. His best friend was limp and slightly flushed.

  • Hey, my friend! You weren't expecting such hard work, huh? - he said loudly and washed his cock thoroughly, then wiped himself off and returned to the living room, where a large fire roared happily in the fireplace. Andrew looked at the clock on the wall, but immediately remembered that he hadn't had new batteries in, so the clock had been stopped for several weeks. Anyway, time also stopped and he didn't care what time it was. It was dark outside, night and day, so why bother.

The company was also slowly waking up and running to the shower, and then the girls offered something to eat. Nobody was hungry, but everyone wanted cakes and tea again.

  • Beata, you can continue telling us about you and Andrew's sex story - Kasia leaned comfortably on Pawel's shrunken legs and sipped hot tea with two slices of lemon in small sips.

  • Still not enough?! - Ania was surprised - you want to provoke at least twins again?

-I think they've had enough for now, and I like real love and sexy stories so much, not some made up Harlequin books.

  • Okay - Beata agreed and leaned comfortably against Tom.

-What did I end this on? Oh, at my first time. That night, Andrew fucked me two more times, and I had four more orgasms. I even wondered if he had planned fucking me this summer and had a stockpile of condoms ready, but he assured me he wasn't planning anything, it came out spontaneously, but he didn't want to say where he had the rubbers from.

  • My dad gave them to me - Andrew interjected.

  • WHAT?! - Beata was surprised and shocked - when?

  • That night, when his family invaded us and you were supposed to sleep in my room, my dad discreetly took me aside and said that I must not hurt you and it is better for me to hold back, but if I have to do this, I have to protect myself and gave me two large packs of rubbers.

  • God! But I'm ashamed now! - Beata shook her head for a moment - I thought that nobody knew about it.

  • Everyone knew, because from the very morning you were as cheerful as a spring thistle. Only your dad looked like a bunch of grenades with the pins out, and he didn't quite know who to murder, me or my dad. Eventually he caught up with me in private and only asked if I had protected myself. At first I wanted to pretend I didn't know what he was talking about, but he grabbed my hand with his steel grip and said that the milk had spilled anyway, but he wanted to know if I had secured myself. When I told him yes, he exhaled deeply, put the pins back into those grenades of his, let go of my hand, and then slapped me on the back so hard that it pounded. Then he smiled.

  • God! - Beata was shocked - now I know why, before the next vacation here, my mother took me to a private gynecologist to give me pills!

  • You see Ania, you will not find such stories in books - Kasia said, causing general cheerfulness.

  • Your dad finally calmed down that morning, but my dad got furiously pissed when he saw more guests in front of the gate - Andrew interrupted again.

  • She was a friend of my parents and her daughter, who went to school with me from the first grade and is my best friend to this day - Beata liked that everyone listened to her carefully.

  • Aunt Magda must have guessed the mood of uncle Adam as soon as she saw the whole family and herds of brats. She immediately reassured uncle Adam that they only stopped by for a moment, because they were going to their family, but on the way they wanted to share the fruit from their own garden. It was then that I had an idea that Agata, my friend, should stay with us. She wanted it too, because staying with her grandparents was one of the most boring time. Andrew offered to give us both his bed and to sleep on the mattress himself, because there was no more room. Aunt Magda asked if Aga could really stay, then Uncle Adam said if Andrew gave up his bed, no problem. Now I understand his discreet and diabolical smile!

Beata paused for a moment to eat a piece of cheesecake and wash it down with tea, but saw Kasia opening her mouth to rush her, so she put the plate on the table and continued.

  • Uncle Adam wanted to lead the unbearable family to the lake so that his son could study quietly, hehe, but nothing came of it, because the water is too deep, because it's too cold, because you have to go through the forest and mosquitoes there. Poor Andrew spent half a day in his room pretending to be studying, and Agata and I would bring him something to drink and eat every hour. Agata could not take her eyes off Andrew, who was only in shorts and already then looked very appetizing. When we were sitting in the garden away from the whole family, she asked me about him and finally said that she wanted him to take away her virginity. Then I confessed that I had lost my virtue with him last night. Aga asked me to tell everything with the smallest details. She was so excited that her bikini bottom was wet in her crotch. After I told her everything, I had to save her and deliberately poured a whole bowl of water on her to wet whole bikini. Later, I noticed that she had turned frown so I asked what was wrong. She replied that she couldn't seduce my boyfriend, so she would still remain a virgin. I laughed and said that Andrew was not my boyfriend and that if she still wanted him, she would lose her virtue that night. She just needs to be careful with her teeth. She didn't understand, but when I took her finger in my mouth and licked it for a while and sucked it, she immediately understood and laughed.

  • Jesus! - Anka shouted this time - I can see that you are also a nice scamp.

  • And you are innocent - Beata bit back and changed the subject a bit

  • What would you say to Aga to join us? Will there be just four guys and four girls? - Without waiting for an answer, Beata took her cell phone and called her friend via Messenger.

It wasn't until the fifth or sixth ring that a sleepy voice spoke, but the screen remained black

  • Beata, what happened? Have you had an accident? - asked a sleepy voice

  • No, it's okay

  • Then why do you wake me up at four in the morning?

  • Because I wanted to tell you, I just got fucked by four guys."

  • They raped you?!

  • No, they didn't have to, I wanted to and it was horny

  • What?! - This time the voice was already conscious, and the light in the room came on and the screen showed a beautiful girl sitting on the bed with bare breasts.

  • Hi Aga! - Andrew called, so Beata pointed the lens at him.

  • Hi Andrew! I will never forget your dick!

Beata showed all the boys and girls one by one, and they invited Agata to play together.

  • I will definitely come, but not now. I'll be around nine in the morning. Can I get anything?

  • All we need is your pretty face, your pretty tits and your sweet pussy - Andrew replied.

  • Ah, you rogue! - Aga laughed and disconnected the call.

  • Did you take her virginity too? - Paul asked.

  • At first I didn't plan it and I was even a bit angry with Beata that she invited her friend to stay with us because I wanted to have more sex with Beata, and how to fuck a girl when her friend is sleeping in the same bed. What I didn't know was that these two little snot had conspired against my virtue.

  • Little snot! We were both fifteen years old, just like you - Beata interjected and continued

  • In the evening, the first two of us went to the bathroom, obviously provoking the protests of Andrew's extended family, we washed ourselves thoroughly with jasmine gel, changed into pajamas and ran upstairs. As soon as I entered Andrew's room, I locked the door and we both stripped naked and jumped into bed, but left the duvet aside. Andrew was lying politely on the mattress, wearing only pajama bottoms. I told him the bed was four people wide next to each other, so he could go ahead and lay between us. While lying down, he said that we smell nice and look nice. I told him it wasn't fair, both of us were naked, and he was wearing pajama pants and I took them off myself, then I asked him how he liked Agata, he said she was cute, but probably too young for sex. Indeed Aga looked very young then, but we both assured him that she was our age and that it would be her first time.

Beata paused and reached for cake and tea.

  • Can I? - she asked, looking at Kasia who was already trying to urge her.

  • You can, but do it fast.

Beata ate a piece of cake, sipped her tea and made a face

  • Cold.

  • I'll make you hot one, and you tell - Kasia took Beata's mug and went to the kitchen.

  • Andrew was still hesitating about Agatha, so she spread her legs and coquettishly asked if he liked it, to which he began to kiss her without a word and caress her tits with his hand, and I lay on my side and watched them. I was surprised to find my best friend giving herself to the boy who had infatuated me the day before and made me crazy turned me on so much. When Andrew sucked on her tits, I was already completely wet, and when he was licking Agatha's pussy, I was fingering myself. Andrew quickly brought Agatha with his mouth and tongue to her first orgasm. We were both moaning softly while Andrew reached over to the bedside table, tore open the wrapping with his teeth, and put on a condom. I looked as captivated at his dick, which slowly penetrated into my friend's pussy. I was afraid she would scream in pain, so I closed her mouth with mine and we kissed passionately, meanwhile Andrew took her virginity and drove his whole cock into her pussy. He moved his hips slowly and the three of us kissed for a long time. Agatha must have liked the first cock in her pussy because she started to move her hips and asked Andrew to fuck her harder, so our hero engaged in third gear and his thrusts became faster and stronger. Still kissing Andrew and Agata, I was fingering myself and when Agatha had an orgasm I also climaxed and then fell on the bed, and Andrew took his cock out of her pussy, put Agata on all fours and fucked her from behind, which she liked too, she moaned louder and louder. I was afraid that everyone in the cottage would hear her, so I shifted on the bed, spread my legs and with my hands pulled her head against my pussy.

  • Oh my! It's a pity we weren't there then! - Pawel moaned loudly.

  • Are you still not enough? - Beata looked at the boy - besides, at that time your dick would not be useful, because they were rather peanuts and not real dicks.

  • Don't pay attention to him - Kasia interjected - keep telling.

  • Agata and I knew each other from the cradle and we often stayed at one another's. We always took a shower together and slept in the same bed completely naked. First, we played with dolls, we exchanged clothes, and then, when each of us had our own computer, we started watching porn together, both straight and less and gay, and we got more and more excited about it. First, we kissed, then caressed with our hands, until Agata once said that she would like to feel what it is like to have a dick in her mouth and have a pussy licked. We couldn't count on any boy then, so we agreed to try to lick each other's pussy. We liked it so much that since then, every time we slept together, we pleased each other. We also promised ourselves that as soon as we get to the age where the law allows sex, we will lose our virtue with some young, pretty guys - Beata paused and reached for a cake, then asked

  • Where left off?

  • How Andrew fucked Agata from behind, and you gave her your pussy to lick - Tom prompted her

  • Oh. Agata, leaning on one elbow, fucked from behind by Andrew, fingering me and licking my pussy at the same time. It seems that the sight of the girl licking the other's pussy Andrew liked a lot and it turned him on even more because he pumped Agata with great force and faster and faster, he also said that we are both young whores and he will fuck us both until the end of the holiday.

  • I confess - Andrew interrupted - the sight gave me such a kick that I could fuck a whole host of young girl scouts.

  • Agata and I found out painfully about it - Beata admitted - Agata had two more orgasms then and she fell on the bed, then Andrew put me on all fours and gave me another two orgasms. I, too, collapsed without strength and quickly fell asleep huddled on either side of Andrew. In the morning our pussies hurt, so in order to avoid another fucking, Agata and me made Andrew ice cream. My friend really enjoyed the sucking and licking of his cock and balls.

In the evening I was looking for my nail clippers in the drawer of the table and was shocked to find it was full of condom packages. I was wondering where Andrew had got them, because he didn't go to any stores.

  • Yeah, both of you were so battered at breakfast that morning that my father looked at you and me and smirked - Andrew said - then he raised his left eyebrow in a questioning gesture. At first I pretended I didn't know what he meant, but then I nodded my head slightly, at which he smiled even more and shook his head. After breakfast, both other families stated that they were leaving, after all, because there were mosquitoes, because it was crowded, and so on. I was happy as hell because I was fed up with the constant screams and crying of a gang of brats and the sulks of aunts and uncles. After they left, I was surprised by my dad and Beata's dad. They both said they were going home and taking our mothers. I was afraid the lovely holiday was over, but both dads said we could be left alone and then drove to the nearest store and brought a whole trunk of food and drink for us. Finally, my dad discreetly gave me a whole bag full of condoms, patted me on the back, and said that before he met my mom, he was participating in even bigger ballets and that I had his blood. Before leaving, Beata's dad slapped me in the back so hard that it took my breath away, and then he smiled broadly.

  • Really? - Beata was surprised - after all my father had previously acted like a mafioso guarding his daughter's virtue with a rifle and a huge knife in his belt.

  • He must have gained confidence in me and the supply of rubbers - Andrew laughed.

  • Well, you had a hut free only to yourself and two young, willing pussies. But I envy you! - Tom noticed.

  • You have something to envy - Andrew admitted - I had barely closed the gate behind parents leaving, these two insatiable nymphos tore my shorts off me and they both got to my cock orally and sucked it to the last drop, then crouched over my mouth and demanded oral caresses. When I finally satisfied them, they lay naked on the grass and told not to disturb them, because they wanted to sunbathe in the sun. I was covered in pine needles, so I went to shower and then Piotrek, my best friend, called. Of course, I boasted that I was no longer a virgin and that I lost my virtue to two horny young girls. He did not believe me and claimed that I was giving him a good deal. So I told him to come and see for himself. It turned out that he was with his parents in some center in Masuria, but he was terribly bored, because there were no young people there, only adults with young grubs. He asked his parents to come and they brought him. His mom wanted to enter the cabin, but we managed to stop them at the gate. We took Piotrek's bags with clothes and food, waved goodbye to his parents and entered the house. The girls were not there and Piotrek started mocking me, but then I told him to look out the window. Beata and Agata were lying naked on the grass and they smeared each other with cream. They did it so passionately that both our dicks immediately jumped up. I immediately took off my shorts and told Piotrek to do the same, after which I grabbed two packs of rubbers and we both went naked to the girls. They weren't even surprised to see two naked guys with their dicks sticking up. I introduced Piotrek as my best friend and said that he is still a virgin.

  • Then we said it would be fun for us to deprive him of his virtue - said Beata.

  • Piotrek had such a sweet face that it begged for kisses, so first we kissed him passionately, and then we both licked and sucked his sweet cock, which, however, did not last long, because after less than two minutes Piotrek fired as the largest volcano in the world pouring out entire layers of lava. We gave him a break and made Andrew a similar outburst orally, although it took much longer. For further pleasures, we had to wait for the gentlemen to recharge the batteries, and we were hungry, so we went to the cottage to prepare lunch for which we cooked - Beata smiled.

  • Please skip the kitchen details, focus on the sexual details - Kasia asked again.

  • Jesus! But you are impatient! - Beata sighed.

  • After lunch, we stayed at the cottage because a little rain was falling and we sat down on this couch. Andrew winked at me, so I just smiled and both Agata and I put Piotrek's mast anew, I put a condom on him and put it in Agata's pussy myself. Piotrek did not play any foreplay, but immediately moved at the speed of a bunny, but with the power of a young, lusty teenager. Agata was moaning, her legs were put on his back, one hand pressed his head to hers and she greedily kissed him, while the other hand was scratching his back. I must admit that, for a virgin, Piotrek did very well. Agatha screamed with delight twice, and Andrew and I watched them for the entire ten minutes. When Piotrek finally left Agata's pussy and lay next to her, we and Andrew first played each other orally, then he threw my legs over his shoulders and drove his wonderful dick inside me and fucked me for fifteen minutes, during which I also climaxed twice . Later, all three of us congratulated Piotrek for his first fuck, and Andrew even found some champagne.

  • Then the two girls, who were still not enough, plotted a conspiracy - Andrew said.

  • What? - Michael wanted to know

  • Agata secretly told me that she would love to see two boys please each other. We couldn't say it outright so we started licking each other's pussies. The boys wanted to join us, but we told them not to disturb us, they could only watch - said Beata.

  • As I have often said, Agata and I had so much fun and we were already well-coordinated that we had orgasms at the same time. The boys wanted to get into our pussies again, but then we said we wanted to see boys do each other well. At first they protested, but in the end they massaged each other's cock. After a while Agata said that they should lick and suck each other, or we would not let them fuck our pussies.

  • You were pretty perverted - said Ania.

  • Not perverted, just curious - corrected Beata.

  • Finally the boys settled down in 69 and licked each other and sucked their cocks. They had to do it many times before because they did it with great skill. The sight was even more exciting, so we didn't wait for the boys to shoot and we put condoms on them and spread our legs invitingly. This time Piotrek fucked me and Andrew fucked Agata. We had fun all week anyway, several times a day and at night too. I think we used up the entire supply of condoms then - Beata laughed.

  • I remember that both Piotrek and I almost cried after you left, because we stayed for another week. Piotrek he was on cloud nine, because he did not expect that this summer he would be able to wet his dick in pussy at least once, and meanwhile, for a week he was fucking two young, beautiful girls several times a day. We remembered you every now and then and sucked each other's dicks - Andrew said.

  • I was constantly so excited that I even wanted to fuck Piotr and that he would stick his dick up my ass, but he would not agree to it.

  • Did you meet in four later? - Paul asked.

  • We were here for the next vacation for two weeks, just us two and Andrew and Piotrek. This time it was more fun, because before we came here, Agata and I went to the gynecologist and he prescribed us some pills, so we didn't have to worry about rubbers.

  • Beata, your stories turned me on so much that I want to fuck you again - said Michal, whose cock resembled a flagpole again.

  • No fucking. It's the middle of the night and Agata is coming in the morning and you all four must have batteries fully charged and have the strength to fuck her well. We're going to sleep now - Beata cuddled up to Andrew, who took out three quilts from the cupboard and threw wood into the fireplace, then everyone lay down on the big bed and fell asleep quickly.

To be continued.

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