
By Angel Markley

Published on Jul 14, 2007


I know it has been a while since my last posting but I've had a busy couple weeks cause on the 26th me and some friends and driving up to Chicago and we are getting everything ready. Okay, so I don't own the rights to any of the X-Men, they belong to Marvel and not me. I don't know any of the characters and the storyline all come straight from my own mind, not the comics or the movies. As you can tell I have a little bit of a thing for Logan, what can I say I have a thing for the hot gruff guys. Remember I like a lot of feedback so drop me a line at

"True but I wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt when I took you down" I said flying backwards as a bolt of lightening cut through the air between us. I heard him curse in pain and soon felt him on my tail as I flew all around trying to lose him.

"What has Charles promised you that I can't offer" he yelled.

"Freedom, how stupid do you think I am. I've heard of you before I came here, you offer freedom but truly control your so called Brotherhood. How hypocritical is it of you to hate a group simply because they hate you" I yelled back, cut off as a ball of metal struck me in the stomach. Slumping forward I passed out, the ball of metal wrapping around my stomach and arms. ************************************************************************

I woke up on the floor of a cell, groaning I got up and sighed, rubbing my head I noticed I had a metal mask of some sort on and when I tried to pull it off found it was bolted in the back.

"Now we couldn't have you breaking out could we" came from the doorway. I looked up to see the blue woman standing with a grin.

"That and you know this is the only way you could actually control me" I chuckled. She walked across the cell and went to kick me in the face, grabbing her leg I brought it down hard onto the floor causing her to scream. Hoping it would work I let my power flow into her body and tried to take control of her, her hands shot out and grabbed the bolt on the back of the helmet and snapped it off. Dropping her to the floor to pass out I sighed as I threw the mask off and ran out into the hallway.

"Where is Mystique" came a gruff voice. I frantically climbed into vent and pulled the grate over the hole, deciding not to try to find out who it was I began to crawl my way deep into the tunnels. I came to a four-way intersection and just stopped deciding to see if I could get any lock on the professor.

Richard are you okay shot through my head and instead of jumping I almost screamed for joy.

I'm fine, I broke out of my cell and I'm hiding in the vent system of....where ever in the hell I am I answered.

I am sending Logan, Jean, Kurt, and Scott to help you. I suggest you stay hidden and Jean will find you when they arrive Charles reassured me.

Not a problem I sighed. I began to crawl around, deciding that if I stayed in one place I would get my ass kicked. I could hear people walking around all over, my guess what that they had discovered that I was free. Once I found a dark little tunnel I stopped, to afraid to stretch out my power thinking I would be found out. I could hear people scurrying around, my guess was a search had been launched for me. My mind was racing and I began to now think that if I stayed in one place I would be dead, that and if this guy could control metal then he might be able to sense me. I found a grate that dropped into a room and after looking around I found that the room was empty, opened the grate and dropped down. Looking around I found lockers and benches, I guess a locker room for Magneto's men, most of them where wide open and empty as if the owners had been in a rush.

Rich where are you shot through my head.

Some locker room I sighed looking around for anything that would tell me where I was.

We are on the way Jean responded.

"Well looky what we have here" came a gruff voice behind me. I turned to see the big furry guy from my house, I had been told his name was Sabertooth.

"You know you should really run a brush though that hair, it's looking a little matted to me" I quipped then gasped as he charged at me. I quickly jumped in the air and hit him in the chest with my feet, a little static shock catching him off guard causing him to back up and shake his head a little.

"Stop it with that shock thing you little punk" he growled glaring me down.

"Fine lets go with something a little more fun" I glared producing a ball of fire in my hand. I saw the fire reflecting in his eyes across the room as he thought about what to do next. Throwing it at his feet he howled as he jumped backwards, a wall of fire separating us now.

"Chicken shit, can't handle me on your own" he growled pacing on the other side of the fire. I had enough, kicking up a high wind I blew out the fire and sent him into the wall, kicking off the ground I used the wind to throw me across the room, landing on his chest. Reaching out I grabbed onto either side of his face and let my powers flow. My now deep blue eyes met his animal like ones, my face now inches from his.

"Is this what you meant" I growled, feeling his own anger and animal urges.

"What are you doing" he struggled out.

"This" I said knocking him out. I let him drop to the floor as I kicked off, flipping backwards onto the ground. I turned to see Logan standing in the doorway watching me with a slight grin.

"And they thought you wouldn't be able to protect yourself" he chuckled.

"What can I say" I chuckled walking over, surprising Logan by grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into a deep crashing kiss, slowly pulling away I kept hold of his bottom lip with my teeth. I could feel his lust bubbling to the surface as I felt his hands wrap around my waist.

"FUCK" he growled crashing our hips together.

"Maybe later tonight" I purred into his ear then nipped the lobe causing him to groan. Hearing a scream we broke apart and took off down a hallway to see the rest of the team having trouble with Mystique and Toad.

"So you are the new addition" came a voice beside me from a puff of smoke.

"Who are you" I said a little shocked as I looked into his yellow eyes.

"They call me Nightcrawler" he responded bowing.

"A pleasure, do you two think you can handle slimy while I take out smurfette" I asked as Jean went flying from a kick to the stomach from Mystique.

"Not a problem" they nodded as I lifted off the ground. Just as Mystique was about to jump onto Jean I sent a lightening bolt down directly in front of her feet.

"You never learn do you" I yelled touching down a small twister. She began to scream as she spun around and around faster, Jean getting up and dusting herself off.

"Thanks" she yelled at me with a smile. I sped up the tornado faster and faster till Mystique was just a blur then with a clench of my fist stopped it suddenly throwing her into a nearby wall with a thud.

"Why didn't you just break out on your own" Scott chuckled walking over after he and the rest of the guys knocked out Toad.

"I might be crafty but there is no way I would be able to take them all out at once" I laughed as we ran towards the front door. We stopped dead in our tracks as Eric slowly landed in front of is, liquid metal flew through the air wrapping around everyone but me. It seemed he was set on fighting me and after last time I wasn't so sure I could take him.

"You will find escape quite impossible" he stated smugly.

"Could you have recited a cheesier line" I chuckled as he advanced towards me. I dropped to the ground and put my hand against the stone, catching him off guard as shards of earth sprung out around him caging him. A grin crept to his lips as the earth shattered around him, obviously he had used the metal in the earth. One by one he picked up the pieces of earth and began to hurl them at me, I quickly pulled up a shield of ice, watching them bounce off but through all this I could feel something boiling inside me.

"JOIN ME AND END THIS" he yelled. Something inside me snapped and I felt a new force taking over, green flame spread across my body as I slowly lifted off the ground Eric scurrying back in shock.

"We will never join you, you use your gift to instill fear and pain that is not why it was given to you" I yelled as again earth sprang fourth this time wrapping around his legs and arms to hold him in place.

"Who are you to pass that judgement" he growled fighting the restraints.

"I am the earth below your feet, I am the air you breath, I am the water you drink, and I am the sun in the sky. From my force you were created so I MAY PASS ANY JUDGEMENT I PLEASE" I screamed, but inside I was starting to get scared. I could feel more power flowing through me that I had ever felt and it showed no slowing.

Is that you Jean asked.

Partly I answered.

"Don't worry child this body will not destroy anyone" I said turning to Jean with a soft smile then snapping back to Eric.

"You have more power than I ever imagined" Eric said in awe.

"You will not try to harm me again" I growled, the restraints on the group turned to dust and blew away. We slowly walked to the jet and I took a seat in the back, keeping Eric held in place till I felt that we were a distance away.

"Logan" I whimpered out as I felt the power leave me.

"Rich, what was that" Logan said rushing to me along with everyone else.

"I'm not sure, it almost felt like the spirit of the earth" I said holding onto the bench, I was rather shaky.

"Are you able to contact it like that all the time" Scott asked.

"That was the first time I had ever done that, I felt something boiling in me then POW I was on fire" I sighed resting my head in my hands.

"I'm sure the professor will have more answers" Jean reassured me. Logan sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder, his arm snaking around my waist to comfort me. The jet continued on its way across the sky and soon we had landed in the hanger, slowly getting out to see Charles, Tish, Ian, Aurora, and Warren.

"Are you okay" Tish said rushing over to me.

"I'm fine" I smiled hugging her.

"No kidding, he can sure handle himself" Logan chuckled.

"How are you feeling, I felt a surge of power I would like to talk to you about in private" Charles asked.

"I'm fine, a little shaky and please there is no need for privacy" I smiled.

"There is only one other time I have felt power like that, were you in control of it" Charles asked a little worried.

"It's hard to explain, like I told the group to me it felt like the earth's spirit. I was aware of everything and I could do anything I wanted to but there was this other being I guess there too. I didn't feel at all threatened, it was actually comforting" I said a little confused.

"Are you able to call up this power again" Aurora asked.

"I don't know, I could try but I think it would be best if we were on the lawn" I said looking around at the group.

"I agree" Charles nodded motioning to the hall. Soon we were on the back lawn, I had distanced myself from the group afraid of losing control. Concentrating I thought back at what had triggered it all and remembered that feeling in my stomach, that boiling energy and fixed my mind on it. I concentrated harder and harder till I heard the group gasp, opening my eyes I found the green fire again return.

Do not be frightened I will not control you like that again, I give you this gift to do as you please as I view you as the most fitting came a soft motherly voice in my head.

"Did you catch that Professor" I asked floating up.

"I did, most intriguing" Charles smiled, his brow furrowing a little.

"Lets see what you are capable, up for a little fun" Logan smiled with a wink.

"Start off slow, I'm still learning" I said floating up. Logan and Scott advanced towards me quickly. I searched my mind for an attack and it came to me, just when they were about to lunge at me the ground turned soft under their feet.

"What the" Scott got out before the ground reached his waist and turned hard. Not giving them a chance to get away I sped down towards them and touched they foreheads, sending them to sleep.

"Excellent" Charles smiled. I turned in time to see Jean and Aurora running towards me, I slammed my foot into the ground sending a shockwave towards them. Jean yelled out in surprise as she hit the ground, Aurora on the other hand took to the sky. I rocketed up as vines wrapped around Jean holding her in place.

"This seems a little more fair" Aurora smiled back as lightening clapped behind her.

"Yes it does" I smiled, concentrating on the clouds and began to twirl them around her. The spiral almost looked like the top of a ice cream cone, but I got to cocky and out of no where got a foot to the stomach.

"Stay aware" she yelled but then gasped as I caught her with a gust of wind. I tried to keep her moving inside it but she quickly moved out of it and sent a bolt of lightening into me, it didn't hurt but it sure sent me flying towards the ground fast. Thinking as best I could I brought as much water to the surface as I could and turned it into mud. I dived down deep into the mud and then used it to push myself back up to the surface. By the time my feet touched down on the same place I had just sprung from the ground was now solid again, the mud that was covering my body began to run off me as if water and fall back into the ground.

"You are quite intriguing" Charles smiled at me.

There you go, I hope you all enjoyed it, please send me a message with any suggestions or comments. I love to hear from people and I want to thank everyone that has e-mailed me,

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