
By Jo Jo

Published on Oct 18, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's continued to read. And sorry to some of you whom I promised multiple chapters this week. I tried and it just didn't happen. I'll try not to let that happen again. Anyway, here's the latest chapter. Enjoy!

Angst Episode 12 "The Perfect Couple"

I thought my life was gonna be easier once Adam and I were friends. But it turns out, it was a whole lot harder.

Fights, secrets, lies, jealousy, and stunning revaluations were things I'd never been a part of previously.

My life wasn't supposed to be some funky Passions or O.C. drama. This was real life. A real life soap opera.

Adam tried to get his gym bag from his locker. He wasn't really thinking straight.

His life was a wreck. And there really wasn't anywhere to escape to or anyone he could turn to.

"Fuck!" Adam shouted slamming his fist into his locker.

Everyone around him stopped and stared.

"What the hell do all of you want?" Adam asked rhetorically.

"There's Adam. God, he looks so upset," I said watching Adam from Gino's locker.

"Of course he's upset. He just found out his girlfriend has been cheating on him with his best friend," Gino said, eying Adam.

"He hasn't talked to me in two days. I completely understand why too. It's just, I sorta miss him," i replied.

I had to choose my words carefully around Gino. He was just as fragile as Adam when it came to me.

"So go talk to him," Gino said, nudging my arm.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Look I know how close you two are. He needs you right now," Gino replied.

I gave Gino one final glance before walking over to Adam.

Gino sighed.

"Too bad you'll never see me like that," he said to himself.

I walked over to Adam, who I heard mumbling expletives to himself.

His back was bent so that his head was sticking into his locker.

Although somehow he still saw me because he said:

"I shouldn't have even come to school today. They all know."

"No, Adam, they don't. They cant," I replied.

Adam lifted his head out of his locker and turned to look at everyone in the halls.

"Look at em. Staring at me. Pointing. Saying I'm a fool for not seeing what you and apparently everyone else has seen all along," Adam replied.

"Look, Adam I'm sorry we didn't tell you. But there's no way anybody else knows that-"

"Hey Ventura. Heard Ryan's been fucking your girl. How'd you let that happen?" some jerk asked.

"Hey suck my dick asshole!" Adam called out.

Just then a group of girls walked up to Adam.

"So Adam, I just want you to know...I mean, if you need anything....and I mean...anything....," one girl said placing her hand on Adam's chest. "you know where to find me."

The girls giggled and walked off together.

I looked at Adam.

"Oh yeah, nobody knows huh?" Adam asked running his hands through his hair.

"Have you talked to Michelle?" I asked.

"What the hell am I gonna do that for? I saw with my own eyes what's been going on. I don't need to hear the details," Adam replied turning back to his locker.

"Hey," Alex said.

Gino turned around.

"Hey," Gino replied.

Alex looked over in the direction of Adam and Brandon.

"So what do you think they're talking about?" Alex asked.

Gino didn't know if he wanted to place more doubt in Alex's mind. After all he learned recently that if you wanted someone to believe something, you'd have to set it up so that they could see it for their own eyes.

"What's it look like to you?" Gino asked.

Alex crossed his arms. Just innocent chat, right?

"I just, don't know how much longer I can take all of this. It's like everyone's rubbing it my face. Maybe I should have moved-"

"Hey, hey. Adam, don't talk like that," I said soothingly.

Adam lowered his head slightly.

"I'm glad you didn't move. Everyone is," I started.

"And hey, you probably don't want to hear this, but Michelle.....she and Ryan probably would have know....even if you had."

Adam looked me in the eyes.

"You're right," he said. "I'm glad I have you here. You're the only person keeping me sane."

Adam reached over to hug me. I hugged him back.

Alex and Gino stood watching Brandon and Adam hug.

"I don't believe this. They look so fucking gay!" Alex said.

Gino smirked.

"Hey, you said it, not me."

Alex turned abruptly and walked away.

Gino crossed his arms and continued to stare at Adam and Brandon.

He couldn't have picked out better timing if he tried.

Adam stopped hugging me.

"Look I have to go to practice. I'll see you at lunch kay?" Adam said.

Adam shut his locker and left.

It felt good to know that I was helping the one true love in my life.

I turned around to leave. Maybe things weren't as bad as I thought after all.

Michelle looked all around her physics class. It seemed like everybody knew that she and Adam had broken up.

It also seemed like just about everybody was starring at her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a handsome blond haired boy walked up to her.

"So Michelle, I heard, and I just want you to know I'm sorry," the boy said.

Michelle looked the boy over in disgust.

"And let me guess Kevin. You're here if I need a shoulder to cry on?" Michelle said.

Kevin grew a slight smirk on his face.

"Well yeah," he replied.

"I'll tell you what, how about I go trash your girlfriend so she'll cry. That'll be a shoulder for ya," Michelle replied.

"Hey, what Bridget doesn't know can't hurt her," Kevin replied smugly.

"Hm but I can. Were on the cheerleading team together remember?" Michelle said.

Kevin's face looked as if he had just eaten something sour.

"Now get the hell away from me Kevin," Michelle said turning away from the boy.

What had she done to her life? She was dating the hottest, most popular guy in school. She and Adam had made the perfect couple. The football captain and the cheerleading captain. The hottest girl and the hottest guy. Not to mention the love they shared.

It's just that once Adam got involved with Brandon, he changed. He wasn't as cold and cool as he was before. He was this lovey dovey guy who actually didn't give a shit whether or not he was popular. And well, she didn't understand it all at the time. Ryan was her release. Her sexual outlet for all her frustration. She so wished now they'd never even gotten together.

She'd ruined everything. No, maybe not. If Adam wouldn't talk to her, then she was just going to have to talk to him. She was gonna fix this. She had to.

Adam suited up for football practice slowly. He wasn't exactly sure why he decided to come today. After all, Ryan was going to be here. But he'd promised himself that he'd keep his cool. No matter what.

"Hey Adam," Alex greeted.

Alex turned around.

"Hey Alex. I just wanna say sorry ahead of time. I'm probably gonna be one big shitty mess out there today," Adam said, trying to force a laugh.

Alex sat down on the bench next to Adam.

"Don't talk like that Adam. You're the team captain. If you're weak, were weak. And you don't want to lose the last game of the season do you? Think of what that'll say," Alex started.

"What'll it say?" Alex asked.

"Well, in the first game, we lost because Gino beat you....I mean because he got into a fight with you right? Embarrassing humiliation. Now, everyone finds out Michelle's been going under your nose with your best...ex best friend, your feeling ashamed, we lose the game, and then it's another embarrassing humiliation. You get what I'm saying?" Alex asked.

"I guess. I don't wanna lose again," Adam replied.

Adam and Alex got quiet when Ryan walked up to his gym locker, which was right next to Adam's.

Ryan glanced over his shoulder.

"Is there ever gonna be a time for us to talk?" Ryan asked.

"Talk about what? How you went behind my back to fuck my girlfriend?" Adam asked standing up.

Alex stood up too, just in case he was going to need to stop a fight.

"Adam it wasn't like that at all man," Ryan started.

"Oh I can see exactly how it went. You or doesn't really matter, seduced the other. Decided screw Adam, he's a loser anyway, and then it was off to god damn happy sex land for the two of you wasn't it!" Adam exclaimed.

By now several other team mates had gathered around the three to watch the drama. Watch their very own real life soap opera.

"Adam, I'm sorry. Things got way out of hand. It was only supposed to be a temporary thing," Ryan said.

"You hear this fool?" Adam asked Alex.

Alex looked down.

"A fucking temporary thing? Sounds like shit to me. You wanna know what I think?"

Adam started walking towards Ryan.

"I think, you and me need to fight and get it over with."

The other team mates started getting loud, begging for a fight.

"Adam, come on man," Alex said.

"No Alex, Ryan's been begging for this. So has everybody else in this fucking school!" Adam exclaimed with a sinister laugh.

"Fight fight fight!"

Alex tried to shut everybody up.

"Let em fight Alex. I wanna see some blood!" someone said.

"I'll knock your teeth out for ya. Then you'll see some blood!" Alex shouted.

Adam glared at Ryan.

"You and me, after school. Kicking your ass is gonna be so sweet," Adam said.

Then he turned and pushed everyone out his way, making his way to the field.

Alex looked over at Ryan.

He really did look sorry. But maybe it was because he knew he was gonna get his ass beat.

Either way, somebody was gonna see stars this afternoon.

"I don't know. I seriously think they're gonna bring Aeka back next season. When that car exploded they never found the body. And she is an alien," I said.

"Duh, they basically told us she was coming back. J almost confirmed it. But what about Almedius?" Gino asked.


Gino and I had been discussing the finer points of our favorite anime over lunch for 15 minutes before Adam decided to show up.

"Hey...." I started to say "hey tough guy". But I noticed Adam looked a bit rushed.

Alex sat down beside him.

"Ah, what's up?" I asked.

"Adam and Ryan are gonna fight after school," Alex replied.

"What? Gino and I asked simultaneously.

"He deserves it," Adam said through his teeth.

"Hasn't he been your best friend since kindergarten?" I asked.

"A better reason to kick his ass. A real friend wouldn't have done that to me," Adam replied.

"I been trying to talk him out of it. But as usual he won't listen to me," Alex replied.

But maybe he would listen to me.

"Ah, Adam. We need to talk," I said.

"Bout what?" Adam sighed.

"Just come on," I said.

I stood up and looked around. The restroom. That was a good enough place to talk.

"Restroom, now," I said, walking ahead of Adam.

Adam reluctantly followed.

Alex and Gino looked at each other briefly before turning around.

So maybe Brandon was gay......maybe. But that didn't mean that Adam was. Or that anything was going on between them regardless.

"So what do you think now? I mean I know how you feel about gay people, but to tell you the truth I've always sort of suspected that it was possible they could have something going on. They totally act like it," Gino said.

"Well, you know what? So have I," Alex stated.

Gino was surprised. Here he thought Alex thought everything of Brandon. Only he'd always suspected that maybe he and Adam-

"Lately. I've been suspecting that maybe something could be going on...lately," Alex clarified.

So what, Gino thought. There was still hope now. Still hope that he and Brandon could be together.

Adam leaned against a nearby stall while I locked the door.

"What the hell are you thinking? Fighting Ryan?" I a ked, upset.

"Hey, it's what eve body wants isn't it? Besides, he deserves it," Adam replied.

"So why give everybody what I know you don't want? And it takes two to tango Adam. You gonna beat Michelle up too?" I asked.

Adam lifted off if the stall and walked over to a nearby sink, looking in the mirror.

"You're making it seem like fighting Ryan is some kind of fault of mine,"

I walked over to Adam so that I was behind him.

"Look, I know how you are. And I know how you used to be. You don't wanna fight Ryan," I said soothingly.

Adam was hunched over a sink and starring into a mirror. I was so close behind him, looking into as well.

"You're right," Adam sighed. "You're always right."

Adam turned around so that he was facing me. We were still really close to each other.

"You always know how to make me feel right. I may not understand or agree at the time, but eventually it's your words I remember," Adam said.

We were so close, I could feel his breath on my face.

Alex sat impatiently in his chair.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" Gino asked.

"Talking......or maybe......" Alex wavered.

Adam moved closer to my face so that our lips were almost touching.

"Maybe you and I should have been together all along," he said.


I didn't have time to even try to second guess his statement because the next moment, our lips were cupped together.

I don't even know how it happened. I felt Adam's tongue press against my lips, so I let him have access to my mouth. I in turn stuck my tongue into his mouth. We were exploring each others mouths in a lust that only two 16 year old boys could have.

I was finally kissing my dream lover for real. And it was the best sensation I'd ever felt in my entire life.

I felt Adam's hand slowly trail into my shirt and rub my skin. I followed his lead and started to rub his skin as well. His deliciously soft skin was so smooth. Like he took a shower at least 3 times a day.

After a couple more minutes Adam was the one to break the kiss.

"I can't believe we just did that," Adam giggled.

"I know. It was great," I replied.

Adam stared at me.

"You're right. I can't fight Ryan. I need to talk to him and Michelle. It's the only way I'm gonna get over this," Adam said.

He started towards the door, then turned around, shot me a killer smile, and left.

I was so ecstatic I nearly fell to my knees. Was this happening? Was something really happening between Adam and I? There might have even been a chance for us to be a couple.

Alex had to stop speculating and do the thing that he needed. To ask Brandon if he was gay, straight up. Because if he was........

Adam was a little nervous. He was expecting to see Michelle any minute now. He hadn't really spoken to Michelle since Monday. He had to bottle all his feelings about her up. And he wasn't sure what was going to come out of his mouth once he saw her.

"Adam...." Michelle said from behind him.

Adam stood up and turned around.

"Michelle," Adam said flatly.

Michelle moved slightly closer to Adam and rubbed her arms as if she were cold.

"Where do I start?" Michelle asked.

"Well I already know what the end result is, did it start?" Adam asked.

"Well, I guess it was all the drama with Brandon-"

"You can stop right there. I don't wanna hear anymore shit about Brandon. Okay!" Adam said getting upset.

Michelle took step back.

"i know he's your new best bud. But the truth is, I don't like him. Neither does Ryan. You were the only one out of all of us that couldn't see that," Michelle replied.

Adam could just feel his temper rising.

"And so what if Brandon's gay and likes me. Is that so bad?" Adam asked.

Michelle rolled her tongue on the inside of her mouth.

"I see what this is about. You knew all along that Brandon was in love with you,"


"Yeah. And that's why you put up with him. Because you know what I think? I think, you were in love with him too."

Adam was a bit taken back. That wasn't what he was expecting to hear at all.


"How does it feel Adam?" Michelle asked getting closer to Adam.

"Mad at me because I cheated, when you were in love with someone else all along."

Was it true, Adam thought. It had to be. He had always felt this lingering feeling of something like love for Brandon. But-

"You wanna be with your gay boyfriend? Fine by me. You wanna be a gay couple? Fine by me. Just be prepared to be the Angst's first gay couple. Cause that's what they'll be calling you," Michelle replied.

Adam backed away from Michelle slowly, then turned around and ran. He didn't know why. But he wasn't ready for gay anything. He didn't want to be part of the schools first gay couple.

I opened my door impromptu.

"Alex? Hey..." I said surprised.

Alex stepped inside.

"Hey Alex," Jaime said.

"Hi Jaime," Alex greeted.

"You know, I still got the one girl's number if you're feeling frisky," Jaime replied.

"You know what, I think I burned it. Now go away," I said, ushering Jaime away.

"You're just mad cause you can't get a girl. I'm telling need to hook up with Jade," Jaime replied.

"Yeah whatever, shut up," I replied.

I mad my way back to Alex.

"Are you gay?" he asked quickly.

Oh my god. Did he just ask me that?

"What?" I asked, swallowing hard.

"Are you gay?" Alex repeated.

I couldn't read the feeling in his voice. Normally I could.

I can't lie to Alex. He's my best friend.

I sighed, cleared the lump in my throat, and responded.

"Yeah..." I replied.

Alex's look didn't change.

"And are you in love with Adam?" Alex asked.

I looked him in the eyes.


Alex looked down quickly.

"Alex," I started moving towards Alex.

Alex backed away quickly.

"And I...I kissed you man!" Alex said getting loud.

"Alex..." I tried again.

"You've always been a fag. Probably checking me out in all those sleepovers. God, that's so sick man," Alex said.

"Alex," I pleaded putting my hand on his shoulder.

Alex shook it off.

"Trying to get a cheap last feel huh?" Alex asked.

"What? Last..." I asked.

"I have to go. Don't call me anymore," Alex said exiting.

I stood by the door, half expecting to wake up from some nightmare. But I wasn't going to. This was really happening.

Adam. I needed to talk to Adam.

I ran upstairs to my room, picked up my phone, and frantically dialed Adam's number.

"Hello," Adam replied.

He sounded as though he'd been crying.

"Adam? Are you okay" I asked.

"Brandon?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, it me. Adam listen we need to talk. Alex knows," I started.

Oh god, Adam thought. It was already happening.

"What?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"We? I'm not gay," Adam replied.

" Adam-"

"This is your mess. You fix it." Adam said, hanging up.

I sat there holding the phone.

So about my life going from bad to good. This was beyond worse.

This was the beginning of the next saga of my life.

Next: Chapter 13

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