
By Jo Jo

Published on Sep 20, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situaions, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to

Angst Episode 35 "The Shot Heard Around the World"

Friday aside, I wish I could say that Saturday went any better, but the truth is, it was worse. A lot worse.

Adam, Gino, and I found out that our fathers had been in jail for posession of alcohol and littering. Apparently it wasn't the fact that they had alcohol that was the problem, but what they did with the bottles when they were done. Or what Adam's father had done with them. So they charged them with posession since they didn't use the privelege of having any wisely. They didn't get processed or anything like that, which was great. But they did have to go to the jail.

The next morning, none of our dads were talking. I had to force my dad to tell us what was wrong. It turned out though, Adam's father didn't like Gino's or Gino himself very well. Especially after my dad let it slip that Gino's was gay. I guess all gays were comfortable around my dad because it was easy for me to tell him and apparently, it was easy for Gino's dad to tell him too.

They'd decided it best not to tell Adam's father because he wasn't exactly a nice guy. But when he found out, he'd been giving Gino's dad a rough time, despite the fact that with all Gino's dad's money, a few well placed calls, and Adam's father wouldn't be heard from again.

Gino's dad seemed to be taking it all in stride because it looked like he really wanted to reconnect with his son. Gino, however wasn't making it any easier on him. It was like he was ashamed of his father for being gay. Gino assured me that he was okay with me being gay, yet when it came to his own father......

Anyway, the whole time was awkward, weird and no fun. It was like we had to remain loyal to our dads, Adam and me, because they didn't seem to like each other. Or at least, it seemed like that.

So Adam and I never really got a chance to talk like I wanted to.

And that was Saturday.

Today we'd woken up and packed in basic silence.

The car ride home had been pretty silent as well. I guess we all had a lot ot think about. Needless to say however, this trip wasn't very fun and I didn't look foward to going camping again anytime soon either.

"What did you do?" Adam's mother asked his father as he opened the frideg to pull out a beer.

"What did I do? What do you mean what did I do?" he asked, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Adam looks worse than he did than before he left," hes mother replied. "He told me you were in jail!"

"At a jail, not in one," Adam's father clarified. "And did he also tell you about his wide array of faggot friends?"

Adam's mother seemed to pause at that one, a bit taken aback.

"It turns out, I was on a camping trip with a bunch of fucking pansies!"

Adam's mother brought herself back to reality and walked over to his father, sitting herself at the table.

"Their sexuality has nothing to do with-"

"Ellen, you can't be serious? You insisted I take the boy on the trip to do him so good. Bond with him, but when he spends more time with all the fags, what exactly am I supposed to be teaching him?"

"You were supposed to try and connect with your son,"

"I work to provide for my son. All the other stuff oughtta be your damn job!"

Adam's mother stood up and quietly began to exit the kitchen.

"Wait Ellen.......Ellen come back!"

Adam's mother stopped and turned around.

"I'm sorry. I'll......what can I do to make it up to you?"

"You can love your son."

And with that said, she turned and left the kitchen.

"Jail?" Alex spoke. "Eh, well why not. Like father like son eh?"

"Well he didn't actually get arrested, so..." I strayed. "But the whole time I was worrying about something or someone so there was never any time to relax and just have fun."

" you never got a chance to sit down and have a nice long talk with Gino, then?" Alex asked.

"Gino....what the....why would we need to have a long talk?" I asked confused.

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone before Alex finally replied.

"Uh, so I guess next time you know to invite me, huh?" Alex spoke, ignoring the previous question and subject.

I found it a bit odd Alex would talk like that about Gino. It was my understanding that before my accident, Gino and Alex didn't really like each other. And it didn't really seem like they talked to enough to like each other now, either.

Still though, I decided not to press the question further.

"Maybe ten years from now when I actually feel like camping would be a fun idea again, I'll think of you," I replied.

"Oh come on, so you had one bad experience," Alex spoke. "Next time, with me there, you'll have fun the whole time. I promise."

"Well, I do trust you," I replied.

"Good," Alex replied.

I decided I wanted to not talk about the trip or camping anymore and opted to chage the subject myself.

"So have you talked to Jade yet?" I asked.

"No, I was too busy getting laid this weekend," Alex replied. "But I'm sure she and Michelle just did the usual. Talking about how hot Justin Timberlake is and what they would name their children."

Yeah, I bet their weekend had gone a lot better than mine had. I bet nothing too eventful had happened.

"Oh Alex, hang on a sec, I got a call on the other line," I said, switching over.

"Stephen is a complete dick!" Jade exclaimed.

It amused me to hear Jade use any type of bad word because she was usually so calm and curteous. Which meant she had to be upset to be calling Stephen a dick.

"Wait a sec, what happened?" I asked.

"He and that other asshole friend of yours were spying on all of us during the sleepover for God only knows how long," Jade spoke in a huffy tone. "If I didn't need the money and hours from my job, I'd seriously find somewhere else to work if I had enough time."

"Jade, running away isn't gonna solve anything."

"Yeah but it'd be one less place I'd have to put up with seeing him."

Why didn't it surprise me that Chris had been spying on them? After all, all the other stupid and crazy shit he'd done made that make sense. Stephen on the other hand was like Jade. Extremely smart and not much of a curse word user. So it immediately occured to me that it was Chris's doing getting Stephen to tag along with him while he played Mr. Perverted.

"And I have no idea why Chris and Stephen were together in the first place," Jade spoke. "The whole thing is weird and ticks me off thinking about it."

"I'll talk to him. Both of them," I replied.

"Don't let them lie to you," Jade said firmly. "You're way too trusting when it comes to people now."

Unfortunately, I knew all too well what Jade was talking about. I was highly suseptible to believing the things people told me. And I was a little crazy too.

"Jade, hang on a minute. I left Alex on the other line," I said switching back over.

"You know, I've had time to go and make a sandwhich and travel to Mexico and back," Alex said sarcastically.

"Sorry. Hey let me ask you something," I started, realizing that if I did this the wrong way, I'd have my best friend very pissed at me.

"Okay, shoot," Alex spoke.

I took a deep breath and decided to just go for it.

"You know how you wanted me to stay away from Chris and I didn't listen?"

"Do I? I'm constantly reminded every time I see you strolling down the halls with the guy."

"Yeah well theres gotta be a valid reason why you wanted me to stay away from him in the first place," I contined.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone again.


"You need a reason now? I mean....don't you see how bad he is for you?"

I did now but that didn't mean that I was against learning why everyone else seemed to be against him.


I was going to continue when I heard a knock on my door followed by the immediate entrance of my father.

"Um.....we'll talk about it later okay?"

"Yeah...sure," Alex sighed hanging up.

"I take it that was either Adam or Gino," My dad started, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

I sat up and rested my back against the headboard behind me.

"No, just catching up with Alex," I replied.


There was a weird moment when my dad started messing with the corner of my bedspread like it was suddenly the most interesting thing on the planet before he said anything else.

"Soooo....I guess you don't wanna go on any more camping trips with me anytime soon."

"Maybe. As long as you promise not to make nice with the cops down at precinct nine."

It was my attempt at humor but the most I got out my dad was a slight smile.

He stood up and walked over to my window and gazed outside of it.

"I guess me and your friends dads really screwed things up for you huh?"

Well, I'd never admit it to him, but yeah, pretty much.

"It's okay dad, I guess things will be fine after a little while," I replied.

"I just hate how it seems like Carlos, Luke and I didn't seem to get along," my dad said. "We were fine up until the thing with the cops."

"And when you accidentally told them about Gino's dad," I added.

My dad turned from the window to look at me.

"Maybe what we all need is a second chance or something," he said.

"Yeah....I don't know," I strayed.

If Adam's father was anywhere near as bad as I thought he was, then it would probably be best if everyones parents just stayed away from each other for the time being.

I wouldn't be surprised if Adam's dad never spoke to mine ever again.

I had quite a few things on my mind the next day at school. I knew that I had several people to talk to about a lot of different things.

For one thing, I had to talk to Gino and Adam about what happened over the weekend. We'd never really gotten the chance to discuss it and none of us had called each other to talk about it either.

And of course I also had to talk to Chris and Stephen. I had a lot to discuss with Chris. But with Stephen, I mostly just wanted to ask him what the hell he was thinking befriending Chris.

Out of all the people I actually needed to talk to, the first person I saw upon arriving to school was Ryan, who greeted me at my locker as I dug around aimlessly inside it.

"So, how was your weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the city life?" Ryan asked. "Did you and Adam swap anymore spit?"

I playfully punched Ryan in his arm as I turned from my locker.

"I wish I would have had the chance to do something like that," I said. "But between our dads getting tossed in the slammer and-"

"Whoa! Your dad was in jail?"

I frowned as I recalled what happened over the weekend.

"Yes and no. It's complicated. Let's just say that I don't think I wanna go camping again any time soon."

Ryan still locked liked he wanted details but I was thankful he didn't push anything.

"You know, if you do decide you wanna go camping again, maybe you should consider inviting me next time," Ryan stated. "I make a mean smore."

I smiled at his thoughtful gesture as I shut my locker and watched as Chris walked into the journalism room, no doubt to talk to Stephen.

I had to make my way there soon so that I could grill them, although I would have like to do it seperately so that they couldn't collaborate their stories, if that wasn't what they were doing already.

Chris walked into the journalism slowly as he looked around for Stephen. He wasn't altogether comfortable with being in such a.....well a place that had writers putting out tabloids instead of actual school papers. He'd been in the paper quite a few timews, feautred in the 'rumors' section.

Still though, he stayed because he had a few things he needed to get straight with Stephen.

"Did you come because you wanna give me the inside scoop on your superstar life or because those rumors about you being an adopted Chinese baby from Utah are true?" Stephen said as soon as he saw Chris coming his way.

"You're one sarcastic little fuck, you know that?" he said.

"Sarcasm? No, I deal in facts," Stephen replied.

"Well then, the fact is, you and I have a few things we need to talk about," Chris said, grabbing a nearby seat and sitting down in it backwards.

Stephen sighed and sat back in his own chair.

"And here I was beginning to think that what happened over the weekend was some kind of nightmare I had."

Chris smirked at Stephen.

"Well you're right about that. It was a nightmare," he said. "Call me crazy, but I actually thought I could have a little fun with you."

"You and I both must have been crazy that night because...I still hate you," Stephen replied.

Chris moved around a little in his seat.

"Yeah well I'm not ready to call you best friend of the year yet either, so..."

Him and Stephen sat looking down for a few moments.

"Look, I know what happened was kinda..fucked up, but we have to get our stories straight," Chris started. "In case somebody asks us what happened?"

"Hmmmm, and by somebody you mean Brandon, right?" Stephen asked.

Chris looked up at him.


"Well too late," Stephen replied.


Chris looked into Stephen's eyes who seemed to be looking past him, and then turned around to see that he he was staring at someone standing in the doorway.

"Brandon.....uh, hey.." Chris started, getting up.

Cornered. I always wanted to corner somebody. And yes! I finally get to.

"How was was your weekend?" Chris asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," I replied walking towards Chris.

Chris looked back at Stephen and turned back to me.

"Um....what do you know?" he asked.

"Besides your mysterious decision to befriend each other and spy on my friends, a lot," I replied.

Now it was Stephen's turn to stand up, as he got up and moved pat Chris to stand next to me.

"Look, I know it was stupid but I was stressed out and Chris was here and...."

"Oh don't worry Stephen," I started. "I don't blame you. I blame Chris."



They both seemed to be shocked by that omission so I stood a little longer to let it sink in.

"Well as long as I'm off the hook, I'm off to find some druggie with some vodka so I can celebrate," Stephen replied, leaving the room.

That left Chris and I staring at each other.


"Don't," I said, turning away from him.

"I didn't mean for-"

"Yeah, I've heard this story before remember? See the thing with you Chirs, is that you never mean to hurt people. But somehow, you always wind up doing just that!"

"'s not that, it's just-"

"What? Don't tell me you actually plan for bad shit to happen!"

Chris sighed and ran his fingers through his head.

"Brandon, I'm trying for you. I's's harder-"

"Yeah I'll bet!"

"What can I do to make things right?"

And then I turned to face him. Given all his previous mistakes and his latest half assed attempt to apologize to me, I'd pretty much made up my mind.

"Nothing," I said. "Just stay away from me and my friends."

And with that I left Chris. Hopefully for good.

"Sooooo.......I guess your weekend didn't go like you wanted it to," Alex said, as he approached Gino at his locker.

Gino turned to face Alex.

"You could say that, yeah," he replied.

"Brandon told me about what happened," Alex replied. "I'm sorry man, I know you were looking forward to having that talk with him."

Gino sighed and lowered his head as he thought about everything he wanted to tell Brandon over the weekend. And about how none of it happened.

"Yeah well, I don't know...maybe it's some kind of sign that were really not meant to be."

Alex shoved Gino enough to get him slightly riled but not so hard he would take offense to it.

"You've been trying to snag my best friend since the beginning of last year and now you're telling me that you're just gonna give up?" he said. "Maybe you really dont deserve him."

"Hey I've been trying okay! It's just...something or someone always gets in the way and you can only be knocked down so many times before......"

"So try again," Alex replied. "You know, you're problem is that you keep trying in these ultra slow and subtle know Brandon knew you were gay before."

"Yeah but he doesn't know now," Gino replied.

"He's not stupid though," Alex said. "I know he can sense your little struggles with Adam and Chris."

"Yeah well, it seems to me like that doesn't really matter seeing as though he's been with both of them," Gino replied turning back to his locker.

Alex sighed before looking around and finally back at Gino.

"I'm pretty sure Brandon gets the message about Chris now," he said. "And Adam's straight now. It doesn't matter if Brandon still wants him......bottom line is, he's not gonna get him."

Gino was the main person who wanted to think that he had a chance with Brandon. But he also was a realist. Which was why he didn't let himself get carried away with pointless fantasies. That was probably also his downfall and the main reason why he hadn't taken charge and just told Brandon how he felt about him.

"I don't wanna give up...." Gino strayed.

"Then don't," Alex replied. "Find the perfect time to tell him, and then don't let yourself get away with not telling him."

Gino decided that he was gonna have to take Alex's words for what they were worth. If he had the support of Brandon's best friend, then why not take charge and tell him?

I eventually caught up to Adam and Gino later on during the day. I guess we'd all decided that it would just be better not to discuss what had happened over the weekend. And I had to admit, it beat the hell out of pointing the finger at each other and starting more awkward moments between each other.

I did feel a little guilty about telling Chris what I had, especially when I saw him at lunch. I got over it though when my friends, who were so happy I'd stopped hanging out with Chris, actually allowed Ryan to sit at our table with me.

And by the end of the day, I was actually happy. I'd quickly forgotten all about what had happened over the weekend and what I'd said to Chris once the release bell rang.

Unfortunately, I didn't know that by the end of the same week, my happiness would be gone.

"Adam....hey why don't you come in here for a sec," Adam heard his father call as soon as he stepped foot inside his house.

It sounded like he had called him from the kitchen and Adam already was beginning to dread going inside. Every time his father had called him into the kitchen like that, he had some horrible news. Or at least something horrible happened.

He didn't know however, that this time wouldn't be any different.

He walked slowly over to the kitchen and felt even worse once he saw his mother standing near the sink, watching him as he came in. He wasn't particularly fond of his mother anymore and he still couldn't shake the feeling that she knew more about his past than she was letting on.

"Uh....hey," Adam replied.

"Why don't you have a seat sweetheart," his mother said.

Adam did sit down but made sure to avoid looking over at his father. At least until he started speaking.

"Your mother and I've been doing a bit of talking," his father started.

Great, Adam thought, he was already starting off bad.

"And she has it in her head that I'm the one who ruined your weekend with your friends-"


"Alright, alright," his father groaned. "Look, the thing is.....she wants...we..wanna make it up to she's called all your friends parents to come over for a barbeque on Saturday."

Adam jumped up.


"Adam, it'll be fine," his mother spoke. "A way for us all to get back on track."

"After what happened last Saturday.....only a week later and you wanna have another family function?" Adam asked incredulously.

"I'll be here to supervise this time Adam," his mother spoke, soothingly. "And this time all your other friends will be here too."


"Adam you don't seem to be getting that this isn't open for discussion," his mother started, raising her voice.

Adam was a bit taken back. His mother was normally such a calm person. She had have been angry before she raised her voice. So she must have been angry.

"This is happening, whether you...or your father want it to or not," she said.

Adam looked over at his father who took a swig of his beer and shrugged before he walked into the living room to watch t.v.

This was happening alright. And because of that fact was the reason why Adam felt like things were only going to get worse before they got better.

"A barbeque? At Adams?" Gino asked, as he looked through his c.d. collection.

"Yeah, I told them we'd be there," Gino's father replied. "It'll be fun."

"You just love agreeing to things you know will upset your son, don't you Luke?" Gino's mother spoke, as she looked over some of her work papers.

Gino's father sighed and ignored his mother.

"Look, I figured it would give me an opportunity to make things right with your friends' fathers," he said. "Since I seemed to have screwed things up before."

Gino stopped going through his c.d's and looked up at his father.

"I don't blame you for what happened, dad," he sighed. "You weren't the one who threw those bottles out the window."

Gino's father smiled a little at his son and Gino couldn't help but to smile back at him.

"Gino, honey, if you really don't wanna go, just say the word and I'll cancel," his mother spoke.

"I'm sure you want him to say no so you can get those hours you took off of work back, huh?"

"You know what Luke-"

"Mom, dad, it's okay," Gino started, stopping the would be argument before it got too bad. "It's fine, alright. We'll all go and have a good time."

Gino's mother and father exchanged looks before looking back at their son.

"Okay then," his father spoke.

The rest of the week went by pretty well, considering the fact that everyone was excited about the upcoming barbeque.

Jade, Michelle, Krystal and Vanessa as well as Alex, Ryan, Gino and I had all been invited to Adam's house along with all of our parents for a family get together of sorts.

I'm sure Adam and Gino were hoping, like myself, that this time things went a lot better than they had the previous weekend.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting to happen, but I was holding out hope that things would go well.

"Adam make sure your parents lock up the liquor cabinent," Michelle started. "My moms going through another phase."

"You mean she's drunk off her ass again because she broke up with yet another rich old guy," Krystal replied.

"I can't help it that we have expensive tastes....she's going through some things," Michelle replied.

"I don't really get your family. I mean, isn't your mom stilll iving with your dad?" Krystal asked.

"It's complicated," Michelle replied, rubbing her neck.

"What about your parents Ryan?" Adam asked. "The rednecks aka country bumpkins."

"So I'll make my dad wear a suit," Ryan spoke. "And I promise my step mom will leave the dogs at home."

I found all this talk about everyones parents amusing. All of our parents were so different and it seemed like I was the only one who had normal ones.

"So Chris and Stephen are definitely not invited right?" Jade spoke, picking at her sushi.

"Gosh Jade, you almost didn't sound TOO bitchy," Michelle spoke.

"Ever since we caught them spying on us, all Jade can do is trash talk Stephen like he came from hell or something," Krystal spoke, sticking her spoon in her cup of ice cream. "classic love signs."

"What? I do not love Stephen," Jade objected.

"Oh you admit that you at least like him then?" Krystal asked.

Jade looked around at everyone before responding.

"Can we just drop all this talk about Stephen and talk about something else? Please?"

"Fine," Michelle replied. "So did you guys hear about....."

And while Michelle droned on and on about the latest school gossip, there were two things that I noticed.

For one thing, Gino seemed to be the happiest I'd seen him since I'd first awaken from my coma. I couldn't be sure, but I had a feeling that there was something he wanted to tell me. It was starting to bug me. He'd been acting like he had something huge to say all week, but wasn't letting me in on it. I just wanted to know what it was already!

And then there was Vanessa. Sure I was always going on about how much I hated her.....but now, I...ugh, dare I say it.....worried about her.

She didn't try and show as much affection around Adam anymore. She even looked like she had a lot on her mind. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't about to start thinking it was because of me.

Mostly because I didn't want to, although I noticed she'd really stopped paying so much attention to me. Maybe she was finally relaxing a bit and starting to understand that I wasn't as much of a threat to her relationship with Adam than she thought I was.

"Okay so I gotta go home and figure out what I wanna wear to this party," Michelle spoke.

"Um...Michelle, were eating barbeque. Messy, messy barbeque," Krystal said. "Just wear some pants and a normal shirt."

"Or better yet, go naked," Alex suggested.

Jade slapped him on the back of the head.

"What? It'll make me happy," he said, rubbing his head.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Chris looking over at our table form his own table of friends. Sure in the back of my mind, I felt a little guilty about ending my friendship. But that was his problem, not mine.

Besides, I had a barbeque to go to.

"Well don't you just look so handsome," Gino's mother complimented her son as he walked down the left set of stairs and into the living room.

"Well it's what five grand'll get you," Gino replied. "Today anyways."

"So you did go shopping with your father then?" his mother asked.

Gino looked over at his dad.

"Yeah well, I'll be gone after this school year," Gino replied. "And I just know you'll both miss me when I'm gone so.."

"I gotta say, the boy knows how to pick his outfits," Gino's father replied.

"Okay, can we leave the whole 'queer eye' thing at home for today," Gino's mother replied. "You know Carlos has a problem with.....well-"

"Exactly, Carlos has the problem, not me," Gino's dad replied. "Besides, it's only one night."

Gino himself was really excited for one very important reason. He'd made up his mind that tonight was going to be the night where he told Brandon that he was gay. This time he was going to tell Brandon before he found out in some horrible way again. And what's more, he was also going to tell him about the feelings he'd had for him since the day he'd met him.

Yep, tonight was going to be a night that changed everything. He could feel it.

"Okay so are we all ready to go?" Gino's mom asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Gino replied, taking one last look in the mirror by the door.

He was nervous sure. But he was also sure that he'd come from this party feeling so much more better than he'd been feeling for the longest amount of time. He was completely ready.

"Let's go," he said to himself.

"You think he's gonna try and crash the party?" Jade asked, looking around as we walked towards the front door.

"Who?" I asked.

"Stephen," Jade replied. "He did it before and I wouldn't past him to do it again."

I was more worried about Chris trying to crash the party. With Stephen, it just seemed like a lapse in judgement or something. But with Chris, it was like he thought that kind of thing was fun.

"Look, I'm sure everything's gonna be fine," I replied.

I was happy for some reason. I really did think tonight was going to be a night I wouldn't forget.

"Hey! Come on in!" Adam's mother greeted everyone as she let us in.

Jade had come with us, as her parents couldn't come tonight. We'd said our 'hi's' once we were let inside and set off to look for everyone else.

"Krystal!" Jade exclaimed rushing over to hug her like she hadn't seen her just yesterday.

"They do say no white after labor day," Michelle said, coming from the kitchen and walking over to us. "But then it snows and you feel like matching."

She'd taken Krystal's advice and had actually showed up looking considerably underdressed when compared to her normal attire.

"And I didn't even think it snowed in Texas," Vanessa said. "Guess I was wrong."

"Uhhhh, when do we eat already?" Alex said, joining the group.

"I keep telling him food has to be cooked first," Ryan said as he joined the group as well. "But somehow, I don't think that's gonna stop him if he has to wait much longer."

"Alex, you're always hungry," Krystal said.

"Well I am a football player," Alex replied like that meant all the difference in the world.

"So where's Adam?" I asked looking around.

"Upstairs getting ready," Alex replied. "I swear, it's almost like he and Michelle switched places for the day."

"Well is he okay?" I asked. "Maybe I should go...."

"Brandon...." Alex said, grabbing my arm firmly. He flashed me a small nod that I understood.

I guess I was just gonna have to wait. It's just, I was excited to see him for some reason, even though I'd seen him yesterday as well.

"I guess I should go say hi to Adam's dad," I said, begrudginly.

I noticed everyone's faces drop slightly, probably for the same reason my own had. We all knew all about Adam's miserable father. His mom was next to perfect, as was Adam himself. And if it weren't for the two of them, I'm sure none of us would have agreed to come here today.

"My suggestion, offer him a beer when you do," Alex spoke. "It'll deflect some of the awkwardness."

That was actually probably a good idea. I'd have to consider it and did as I made my way into the kitchen to look for Adam's father.

I found him glazing some ribs with barbeque sauce, Alex's father standing next to him.

"I gotta say, Phoenix is gonna make it to the end," Alex's dad spoke.

"Are you kidding me? Phoenix? With Nash still on the team?" Adam's father spoke.

I approached carefully and stood back just a little ways away. I was lucky that Alex's dad noticed me first.

"Oh hey Brandon," he greeted me. "How you doing today?"

"I'm good," I replied. "And I'm with you on Phoenix. They'll probably go straight to the superbowl."

Alex's father looked over at Adam's with a grin.

"Uh. I'm gonna go say hi to your dad," he said, before leaving me alone with Adam's dad.

"You know you make it easy for me to tell you don't bat for our team," Adam's father spoke, as he continued to attend to the ribs. "Confusing sports left and right screams.....well...."

"Look, I just wanted to say hi and thanks for inviting me to-"

"Let's get one thing straight kid," Adam's father spoke, turning to face me. "None of this was my idea. And when this is all over with you can bet that I won't be playing buddy buddy with your dad or gay friends."

I didn't really get a chance to argue anything as he picked up the tray full of ribs and headed out back to start barbequing them.

When I walked back out into the living room to rejoin my friends, there was still no sign of Adam.

"Still getting ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," Michelle replied.

She and Krystal had started up a card game in the living room while Alex and Ryan were flipping through some magazines, picking out the hottest girls they could find.

And of course Vanessa was just...there, still looking like she had a lot on her mind.

Before I could dwell on that fact any longer, the doorbell suddenly rang.

We all knew it was Gino and his parents, and were right once we saw Gino heading towards us.

"Join the brotherhood my friend," Alex said. "We're trekking down to the conversion pool at eight so-"

"Shut up Alex," Jade said.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey," Gino replied.

" look nice," I replied.

Gino obviously dressed to impress tonight.

"Thanks," he replied.

"Okay somebody go check on the food again," Alex said.

"Alex....we'll eat when we eat," Jade replied. "Enough already."

Gino and I laughed at Alex's impatience.

" where's Adam?" Gino asked.

"Primping still," I replied. "Which is weird considering he's never really been so stuck on his looks."

Gino saw this as a perfect opportunity. Adam wasn't around. He could say what he had to say while he wasn't.

"Um.....Brandon..can we talk?" Gino asked.

I noticed all of my friends get a little quiter as they watched Gino and I.

"Uh, sure," I replied.

I lead Gino to a room in the back that was basically an unused study and shut the door almost all the way.

I felt a little nervous. I knew Gino had something he wanted to tell me and had been anticipating for him to all week. And I guessed this was finally the time.

"Uh, so what's going on?" I asked after Gino didn't say anything once we were inside.

"I'm.....really glad that I have you as a friend," Gino started.

Great. He was beating around the bush.

"I just....I'm lucky to have someone who supports me with everything."

"Well I'm glad you're my friend too," I replied. "I mean, not a lot of people would stand be me after everything I've been through and everything I've put you through."

"Yeah well, I haven't exactly made it any easier," Gino replied. "I mean....I had...have a lot of things in my life to tell you."

I knew and I was ready.

"Oh hey guys, where are uh, Gino and Brandon?" Adam's mother asked.

"In the back talking I guess," Alex replied, rushing into the kitchen along with Ryan.

"Smells great," Jade commented as she Krystal and Vanessa entered the kitchen as well.

Adam's mother walked over to his father.

"Hey why don't you go find Gino and Brandon and tell them everythings ready," she replied.

"And why can't you do that?"

"Just do something I ask when I ask the first time, for once," Adam's mother replied.

Adam's father sighed and headed towards the back to find them.

"Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's something about me that I've been keeping a secret from you....and it's about time that you know," Gino sighed.

I braced myself for whatever it was that was coming.

"I'm.....I'm gay," Gino replied. "And not only that....I'm in love with you and have been since the day I met you."

Wait a second....that's not what I was expecting to hear.

"What are you two fags doing back here?" Adam's father spoke.


"In here telling each other you're in love! I swear all you little fags are sick. Just fucking sick!"

"Dad!" Adam exclaimed.

Finally he showed his face at the party.

"Adam, how in the world can you be friends with these two people. They're both disgusting!" Adam's father exclaimed.

Adam looked over at me and Gino before looking back at his father.

"It's no wonder all this stuff keeps happening to you-"


"What's next, you gonna hit on my son-"

"Dad stop it! Okay," Adam shouted.

"Adam....they're fags...their..."

"Dad, so am I, okay!" Adam exclaimed.

Adam's father stared at Adam with the scariest slash weirdest look I'd ever seen.

This was like an over charge of information all in a matter of minutes.

I wasn't sure what to do or say.

All I did was watch as Adam's father slowly walked over to the door and shut it completely. And I wasn't sure, but I could have sworn I heard it lock too.

"Dad, look I'm sorry's just, it's who I am," Adam said. "And you can't go around insulting my friends for being who they are too."

Adam's father still wasn't saying much. It was like he was trying to take it all in.

"And....all those...problems you were having last year before we were supposed to move. Your late nights, your coming home drunk....your running away,"

"What? Dad that has nothing to do with-"

"Just...just shut up, okay!" Adam's father shouted.

"Um....did you guys hear that?" Jade asked.

Everyone had heard it. What sounded like shouting coming from the back where Adam, Gino, and Adam's father were supposed to be.

"I'm just gonna go check on them," Adam's mother spoke, heading for the back.

Everyone watched as Adam's father silently fumed.

"Hey, it's okay," Adam said, moving over towards my side.

Adam's father looked up.

He watched Adam and I but didn't say anything. Instead he walked over to a small cabinent next to a desk and bent down.

"Dad...what are you..." Adam strayed watching his father. "Dad no!"

Adam left my side and jumped on his father.

"Adam!" I shouted.

He and his father wrestled around on the ground.

"Honey...Adam...what's going on in there?" Adam's mother called from outside.

I started towards the door but stopped when Adam's father flung Adam from off of him and he landed on top of me, knocking me down.

Gino bent down and tried to help us up as Adam's father opened the cabintent and pulled out a small handgun.

"Honey! Open the door!" Adam's mother called.

Adam started towards the door.

"Don't you dare!" his father shouted, pointing the gun at Adam who stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around.

"Step away...from the door!" Adam's father said.

Adam looked over at me and did as his father commanded.

"Oh my god, what's going on in there?" Adam's mother shrieked.

By now, everyone had migrated into the living room. They knew something was going on but they weren't sure what.

"I tried so hard with you, and you didn't try at all. Just pushed me away," Adam's father spoke, more calmly than before.


"Shut up! I mean it, don't say a word!"

I was scared out of my mind wondering whether or not the gun was actually loaded. I wasn't about to take any chances to try and find out though.

I could hear my mom and dad and Gino's mom and dad outside the door.

"Gino! Honey can you hear me?" I heard his mother speak.

They had to know what was going on and I wanted to tell them. But that gun.....

"Dad, I understand you being upset...but a gun?" Adam spoke.

"I just want you to listen to me," his father replied. "And get the message that fags are sick!"

I noticed Adam's father looking primarily at Adam not paying attention to anything else. Gino must have noticed it too.

"He's got a gun in here!" he shouted.

"Stupid asshole!" Adam's father shouted, knocking Gino over the head with the gun.

Adm took that opportunity to jump his father again in a struggle for the gun.


I could hear banging on the door. Like someone was trying to barge their way through.

I watched carefully as Adam and his father struggled with the gun before finally.....

"Noooooo!" I shouted.

I heard a shot go off and saw neither Adam nor his father moving.

Gino was out cold.

I rushed over to Adam. Once his father stood up, I knew that it was Adam who had been shot.

"Adam......Adam!" I shouted.

Finally the door crashed open and Adam's mother as well as Gino and my parents poured in.

"He's not breathing!" I shouted.

"No...what did you do!" Adam's mother screamed with hysteria.

"I just...I just wanted him to....listen..." Adam's father spoke softly.

"Call the police," Gino's father spoke.

"It's gonna be okay Adam, I'm right here for you okay, I'm right here," I said, grabbing his hand.

"I just wanted him to......." Adam's father strayed.

He looked a complete mess. There was blood all over his white shirt and hands, which was soon on his head too, as he placed his hands to it and fell back against a wall.

I could feel and see everyone else around the room.

I didn't care about anything or what anyone thought or what they were seeing. All I saw was Adam, lying there so.....helpless.

And suddenly, I remembered something. I remembered that Adam was the guy that I loved. The the guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Like before.

I just hoped that he wasn't gone forever. That he wasn't going to leave me......with another broken heart.


I apologize for my sporadic updating schedule, but I generally focus more on the group before I think about Nifty, lol. I plan on finishing Angst by the end of this month, so I'll be updating a lot faster here than I have before.

If you have yet to visit my group and would like to do so(which I'd appreciate of you did) the link is: There you can find first draft updates of Angst as well as other stories by my and another great author.

Or you can email me with any thoughts you might have over this particular installment at: I always reply to all emails.

Copyright 2005

Next: Chapter 36

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