
By Jo Jo

Published on Jul 22, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!

Angst Episode 6 "The Rush"

I was happy. I'm not sure why exactly. Maybe it's because I was on Adam's good side for once in my life.

That's right. Adam and I had gotten closer over the past month and we'd become, dare I say it, friends.

Okay maybe not friends. Because technically we'd both made silent pacts not to act as friends in front of our own friends.

I mean, I guess that's what was going on. We'd actually never discussed that.

I didn't know if Adam was ashamed to be seen with me. And quite frankly I didn't care. I loved life now. That's all I needed.

Adam made his way leisurely down the hallway. It was weird, but his life seemed a lot simpler nowadays.

It was so confusing when he made fun of people. But he and Brandon had become...friends, sort of.

Maybe he didn't want Jade or Alex to know, or whatever, but for some reason he just didn't want anyone to know.

Of course, Adam himself didn't care either way. There wasn't any....weren't many reasons to be ashamed of Brandon. So why then----

"Hey there sexy," Michelle sorted. She'd just yanked Adam from his stance in the hall, into a somewhat dark closet. And now she was all over him.

"Michelle," Adam tried to say through a kiss.

It was kind of hard to fight her when her tongue was in his mouth.

" are...what are you doing?" Adam tried to ask.

Michelle stopped trying to loosen Adams pants zipper and stood up slightly.

"Adam, don't bitch to me about having football practice, or something to do with Alex or Ryan or whoever when I know you want this," she said, kissing his chest.

Something about the whole "sex in public" thing was really turning Adam on, so he just complied to Michelle's horny demands.

"Hey," Gino said greeting me

I turned from my locker to look up at my new friend.


"So could today be any worse of a day? Report cards suck completely," Gino said.

"Yeah, well if you don't know what you're doing..." I said, putting my arm behind my neck.

"Well, I'm thinking of two things. We get together to have a punishment party if we both do horrible, or we get together to celebrate another year of knowledge if we both do good," Gino suggested.

"What was option three again?" I joked.

Both Gino and I cut our laugh short when Alex walked up to both of us.

I couldn't help but notice that he had a somewhat pissed yet confused look on his face.

""Yeah so I'll give you back these notes later. Gotta go," Gino said leaving.

My eyes followed him until he was out of sight.

"What the hell? You two like best friends now?" Alex asked.

I turned around and tried to make myself busy with my locker.

"I don't think so," I replied.

Actually, even though I wouldn't call him my "friend" just yet, I'd have to say that we were a lot closer than Adam and me. So far.

"Yeah well you know I can't stand the son of a bitch. Runs around here like he's somebody even after what he did to you," Alex said, sounding very off-put.

"Adam did worse damage and I don't see you gripping about him," I mentioned.

"That's different. For one, Adam apologized, you said so yourself,"

"So did Gino,"

"And two," Alex continued as if he didn't hear me "Adam's been....he's cool now"

Okay, what was that supposed to mean? Besides, I didn't consider it cool that Adam insisted on not telling anyone we were friends.

Like he was ashamed of me or something.

"Guys," Jade said, popping outta no where "I'm stressing out major behind these report cards."

"Jade, you've just about always gotten strait A's on all your report cards," Alex said.

"You're right, and that's what I'm worried about. Mr. Stokes, a.k.a. Devil Man, is a total biased little man. I really think he's gonna give me a B just to prove a point."

"Oh boo hoo Jade's getting a B while the rest of us haven't seen the right side up of a D-. It's the end of the world!" Alex mocked Jade.

Jade must have been really flustered not to reply back to Alex's statement.

"Krystal, I'll find Krystal. She's gotta help me," Jade sorta just left.

"So I guess you and I had better get to sociology huh," Alex said walking off.

I lingered around a bit and sighed heavily. I also noticed Adam exit a janitors closet seconds later looking a little rushed. And Michelle come out a couple of seconds afterward.

Boy, they sure were subtle.

"Okay. So today, we are going to begin group assignments. You're gonna get into groups of three and begin a project where you and your group will be stranded on a deserted island, for pretend of course, and you're to come up with a syllabus of what your day would be like, the items you'd bring along, and of course the mood of your company. I'll go into more detail once you're in groups,"

Shit. Why in the hell did it have to be three people? How was I gonna decide between Gino and Alex.

Apparently I wasn't going to have to because Alex came up to me on my left, and Gino on the right.

"Liongson? What the hell do you want?' Alex asked, crossing his arms in a macho manner.

"I'm sure you'd find it hard to fathom that on occasion I actually do like having company," Gino replied sarcastically.

"Is that before or after you either beat them or get beat?" Alex asked.

Gino started to rebuttal but I interrupted.

"Guys, it's okay. I can work with both of you,"

Alex and Gino glared at each other before they both sat down slowly.

I can tell you that things didn't get much better.


I stopped working my combination and turned around.

It was Adam.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked.

"i don't know. I feel like you and I barely see each other," Adam replied.

"That's because we don't. Something you wanna tell me?" I asked sullenly.

I wanted Adam to tell me himself that he didn't want anyone but him to know we were friends.

"Ah, nothing. And you?" Adam replied.

"Well, I think I worsened the fallout between Alex and Gino," I replied.

"I still don't understand why you hang around with him," Adam started.

I shut my locker and started walking, Adam alongside with me.

"You and Alex both. And the weird thing is, neither one of you want to give him a chance," I said.

Adam seemed to wince a little.

"He's...just...a loser,"

"Really? And isn't that what you said about me before-"

"Okay I get it. But you never acted like some stuck up idiot who managed to get himself beat up twice," Adam cut me off.

"So getting beat up would have put me under your radar?" I asked, temper flaring.

It was one thing to have him shut me out in front of his friends, but now he was trying to pick apart mine?

"Brandon, I'm not saying that-

"Adam." Michelle said joining Adam on his left side. She kissed him on his cheek and then stared at me.

"Bryce? What do you want?" Michelle asked.

"Actually, it's Brandon. And Adam and I....ah...."

Now suddenly I didn't want to admit we were friends. I didn't want to embarrass him?

"Look Michelle, there's something you should know," Adam started.

Adam stared at me while Michelle rolled her tongue on the inside of her mouth.

"Adam, I'm not interested on it right now. What I came to tell you was that Krystal, Ryan, and a couple of other people are going up to Shadow Peak to bungee. Well, not me of course, but its like a report card celebration of sorts," Michelle said.

Adam sighed within himself deeply while trying to avoid looking a me.

Michelle gave me a weird look.

"Sorry but I don't think it's really gonna be your thing, ya know. Besides who would you know?" Michelle asked me.

Ah, Adam. Duh.

"Right, and I so wanted to come too," I said sarcastically.

I walked off, knowing that when Adam got some time he'd come after me.

Michelle chuckled a bit.

"Can you believe that?" she asked.

"Yeah, listen I have to go get...something from my locker, I'll catch you later," Adam said heading backwards.

Michelle stared down the hall. Something was going on with that loser and her boyfriend.

"Hey, have you seen Adam?" Ryan asked.

Michelle stared at him offhandedly.

"Say Ryan, how much do you know about that Brandon kid always hanging with Alex?" Michelle asked.

"Not much. Only that Adam totally hates him," Ryan replied.

Michelle thought to herself. Not anymore.

"Well I did it," Jade said.

I stopped eating and looked up.

"Let me guess, strait A's?" I asked.

"Yup. I guess I'm not as hated as I thought. So what you get?" Jade asked.

"The usual. Three A's, two b's and three c's," I replied.

"And even that's better than what Alex got," Jade replied.

"Hey, I try. Just between fucking so many women, and football, my mind kinda wanders," Alex said.

"So have you guys heard about this bungee trip Michelle's planning on Saturday?" Jade asked.

"Of course. Everything she plans, I have to go to," Alex replied.

"And unfortunately me too since she knows Krystal," Jade replied.

"Oh and that's such a drag getting invited to everything huh?" I said sarcastically.

Jade and Alex stared at me.

"Ah, Alex can you get me some napkins please?" Jade asked.

Alex sighed and got up.

"You mean Adam hasn't invited you. I thought you two were like joined at the hip now," Jade replied.

"Obviously not if we separate around other people," I sighed.

"I'm sure he's not doing that on purpose," Jade reasoned.

I sighed and shifted in my seat.

"It's not just Adam. Gino is acting so weird too. It's like nobody wants to be seen with me,"

"You know that's not true Brandon"

I didn't look too comforted. Jade must have noticed.

"Talk to both of them. That's all I can say," Jade said.

Two seconds later Alex came back.

Both of us stared at him.


I slowly got up.

"Ah, you now what? I'm gonna go get something from the vending machine. I'll be right back," I said.

I didn't need to talk to Adam or Gino. What I needed was to go think. Splash cold water on my face and think.

I passed everyone in the busy cafeteria and made my way to the hallway.

Adam was eating an apple when he noticed Brandon heading for the hallway.

"Ah, Michelle, I'm gonna go pee. I'll be right back," Adam jumped up.

Michelle stared into the hallway at Brandon.

"He tells you when he's gonna piss?" Ryan asked, surprised.

Adam passed person after person, with some difficulty to add, because most of them wanted to talk to him because he knew them.

"Adam?" I asked.

Just what I thought, talk to me when no one's around.

Michelle got up and headed for the hallway.

"Brandon, what's going on. I tried to find you after Michelle.....I'm sorry," Adam replied.

"It's not your fault. And hey, she was right huh?" I chuckled.

"No, she's not right. You're better than that. Better than her, really,' Adam sighed.

He shuffled around and moved beside me on the wall I was leaning on.

"I just, I don't think it's such a good idea for me to go on that trip with you Saturday, maybe-

"No what are you talking about. Of course it's a good idea. Michelle won't care, I'm sure-"

"You're absolutely right Adam. I think it's a really good idea for Brandon to come," Michelle but in.

"Michelle? What are you-

"I came to check on you. You've been gone a little while," Michelle replied.

"Yeah well I ran into Brandon and I was just-

"Adam it's okay. I think Brandon coming on this trip with us will change things completely," Michelle said crossing her arms.

"Really?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. Listen now I'm gonna go to the little girls room. Why don't you go back and sit down," Michelle replied.

Adam looked at me.

"Brandon you can go too if you want," Michelle said.

I hesitated for a moment. Just because Michelle was cool with us being friends, it didn't mean that everyone else would be.

"That's okay. I think I'm just gonna go find Jade and Alex," I said leaving.

Adam followed.

Michelle glared at the two of us from behind.

"What was that all about?" Ryan asked.

"Ryan, I'm gonna need you to do something for me," Michelle said, still glaring at Brandon.

"What?" Ryan wearily asked.

"I need you to make sure that this trip goes exactly how I want it to," Michelle smirked.

It was Saturday and I was super excited. Bungee jumping sounded terrifying but not so much when I knew Adam was here.

I couldn't invite Gino. Adam and Alex both hate him for what he did to me even though he apologized and more than made up for it.

So really it was Krystal, Jade, Alex, Adam, Michelle, Ryan, and me. This was gonna be some day. I could just feel it.

"Okay so who's jumping first?" Jade asked.

"Not me. Id die before I hit the ground," Ryan said.

"You wont hit the ground Ryan," Krystal said.

"And what makes you so sure of that?" Ryan asked.

"Technically these things have an 89

.2 percent guarantee rate. But then there's that other eleven percent," Jade spoke.

Michelle laughed to herself . An eleven percent failure rate that they'd all witness today.

"Gino?" I said.

What was he doing here?

"Liongson? You following us now?

Alex asked.

"Don't get your hopes up. I come up here every Saturday to read," Gino replied.

"what's going on,"

I made sure Adam wasn't looking and pulled Gino to the side.

"Sorry I didn't invite you," I spoke lowly.

"It's okay. I know Alex and Adam hate me," Gino replied.

"Well, now that you're here, you might as well join us," I said.

"Actually I think I'll just read in the corner over there. I don't think I wanna lose my lunch," Gino replied.

"Ah, Brandon, to show how sorry I am about..everything, why don't you jump first," Michelle suggested, handing me the equipment.

I glanced quickly over at Adam.

"Actually, I'm kinda afraid of heights," I replied.

Michelle looked annoyed.

"Oh come on Brandon. You gotta get over it someday," Michelle replied.

Adam must have saw the sick look on my face cause next thing I know:

"You know what, I think I ougtta go first. Just to show everybody how it's done," Adam laughed.

"Yeah right," Alex chuckled.

Adam took the equipment from me.

"No, Adam I don't think you should-"

"Michelle, come on, it's okay," Adam said starting to suit up.

"Adam don't. Take that stuff off like now. Please, I'm scared," Michelle said frantically.

Adam was suited up and had climbed upon to the support beams around the bridge.

"Adam! Adam don't," Michelle just about threw a fit.

"Okay everybody. 3-2-1-!" Adam jumped.

"Adammmmmm!" Michelle screamed.

Suddenly the rope half snapped and flung Adam to the side of the bridge, near the jagged rocks of the rapids.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

All of us ran to the side of the support beams.

"Helllppp!" Adam screamed.

"This wasn't supposed to happen," Michelle said.

"It happens sometimes Michelle," Jade spoke.

"How are we supposed to get him back up here?" Krystal asked.

Gino rushed up beside me.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Adams rope broke. We have to help him," I replied.

Alex, Gino, and I moved around to the side of the ravine.

We would have asked Ryan to help but he was freaking out worse than Michelle.

"Okay here's what were gonna have to do. Were gonna have to climb up to the side of the ravine and lower the rope down to the left side of the rocks ," Gino spoke.

"You sure that's gonna work?" Alex asked.

"Let's pray it does," Gino replied.

Alex, Gino and I got to work.

"Alright just stay still Adam, were coming," I shouted.

Alex jumped down to the left side of the rocks while Gino and I worked to free the rope from its snag.

"Please don't let him die," Michelle said.

Gino managed to undue the snag while I started to slowly swing the rope over to Alex.

It took about 2 minutes before Adam was low enough for Alex to reach him.

"They have him," Jade shouted.

"Oh, my god," Michelle said rushing down to the rocks.

"You alright man?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Almost pissed my pants though," Adam chuckled.

"Well, I guess I better-" Gino started.

Hold on a second man."

Gino turned around.

"Thanks for what you did. It was really cool of you to help me even after everything I-"

Don't worry about it, " Gino said.

"Yeah, we owe you one," Alex added.

"Adam!" Michelle hugged Adam like a little girl would a teddy bear.

Whoa, whoa," Adam said hugging back.

"I was so scared," Michelle spoke.

"It's okay baby. Just promise to let me plan the next party," Adam said.

Michelle forced a laugh.

Adam turned to Gino and I.

"So who's idea was it to play Indiana Jones?"Adam asked, starting to walk.

"Oh mine. It was definitely my idea," I lied.

"Don't you wish," Gino replied.

"What about me? I helped," Alex asked.

So I guess even with what happened things turned out for the best. Better than I could possibly dream.

Michelle stared at everyone walking.

There Adam was again putting Brandon before her even after trying to kill him. Well, now she had to play even dirtier.

Okay, due to circumstances beyond my control, as of the moment, I will only be able to reply to emails once or twice a

week. This also means that I can only submit new parts of the story once or twice a week as well.

But like always, if you loved or hated this latest chapter, then drop me a line!

Next: Chapter 7

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