Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Feb 5, 2018


Still Another Chance Delay

Still Another Chance

I should have done this months ago, but have been a bit stressed. =================================================================

On 8 May 2017, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Then on 12 May 2017, we were told that it is incurable stage four. She IS getting chemotherapy and had her second treatment on 7 July 2017. They thought since it was her second visit that they could give it a little faster and almost killed her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last night, 10 July 2017, she went into the hospital, probably from a reaction to the fast chemo treatment. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On 14 July 2017, after talking with several different medical professions, family and friends, my mom has decided to discontinue chemotherapy. Suffering for more two-thirds of the time is not how she wants to live and while I don't want to lose my mom, I don't like seeing her suffer like she has. I don't know how long she may have, but I do know that I have faith in God and believe that if it is His will, he can cure her. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As of 26 July 2017, she is starting to not feel the effects of the Chemo, which is good, her birthday is the 27th. Wouldn’t it be great if God decided to give her a birthday present and heal her? It CAN happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Originally, the Physician’s Assistant (PA) that was looking after me scheduled my home visits to be on Tuesday, and then she saw me on Fridays. Then, after my 40th visit, she had me see Dr. Le. Dr. Le said that I was draining too much and she ordered my home visits to be on Mondays and Wednesdays and I would then see the PA on Fridays. My first day seeing the PA again, she changed it back to Tuesdays only. The drainage was eating my skin and I was in so much pain on Monday that I barely ate and couldn’t sleep. On 25 July 2017, I was sent to the ER by my Home Health Care nurse because my right leg was in so much pain and the smell was nauseating. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As for the next chapter, it IS in the works, but I don't know when it will be completed. My mom is more important to me than the story.

Any questions, please contact me at Zarek Dragon

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