Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on May 11, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay erotica between teenage boys so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. If you like this story, I also have the series "Josh: sex slave" continuing to run. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. The author of the story which is referenced in this one was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did. I have discussed the idea of some of his characters visiting, but that won't happen for some time and he will have a chance to read and suggest revisions before it does.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

This chapter is moving the timeline along. It takes place right after the last chapter, but since no real dates have been given at this time, it sets one.

Another Chance

Chapter 15

The hospital staff finished examining Cheyenne and said that everything looked good. When the staff left, Jim came back into the room and Dusty looked at Cheyenne. "I love you."

This brought a smile to Cheyenne's face and she mouthed, "I love you also."

Dusty asked if she wanted a sip of water to quench her throat and she nodded her head. Jim looked at Dusty, "Zac and I are going to head out. Cheyenne's family are going to bring your car, but if you need anything, give one of us a call."

"Thanks, man. I am so glad you are a friend."

"Yeah, well, you kinda forced me to be, but I'm glad you did." Jim smiled.

As they headed towards Zac's truck, Zac held Jim's hand. "Do we have that kind of love?" Zac asked.

"I hope we do. I know that I'd be devastated if anything happened to you." Jim said.

"I could see all kinds of emotions going through Dusty's eyes. I could see how much he loves her, even looking like she does right now. I could see the pain he was feeling for her. I could see the anger at whoever did this. And whoever did better hope that the police find him before Dusty does. All I could see from Cheyenne was pain with a slight hint of love for Dusty. I've heard that some women push those that they love away when they've been attacked, but Cheyenne seems more drawn towards Dusty. I hope that we never go through anything like this, but I really hope that we don't push away if it ever does happen."

"I have to agree." Jim said as they got to the truck. "Can we stop at a flower shop? I'd like to send some to Cheyenne."

"Only if we can send them together." Zac said with a smile.

"OK, but if it's from both of us, we have to go big, and maybe include a stuffed animal."

"We'll see what they have. You thinking teddy bear or what?"

"I don't know until we see what they have. If I don't like any of their selections, we may have to go buy one and see if they'll add it." Jim stated.

"There is a build-a-bear beside the florist. I've heard that they've sent stuff from there on several occasions."

Jim and Zac walked into the florist and something caught Jim's eye right away. He walked over and Zac followed him. "Can I help you?" a young man asked as he walked up to them.

"We want to send flowers to a girl in my class. She's in the hospital." Jim stated.

"And were you wanting to send one of these stuffed dogs with the flowers?" the young man asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking either the yellow or black lab. She helped get me two puppies a few weeks ago and they look almost like these two."

"Well, they are six dollars each, or you can get two for ten dollars." The salesman suggested. "But if you get two, you'll want more flowers."

"We are wanting to go big, so perhaps we will do both." Zac said. Jim smiled.

The salesman suggested that they send a potted plant of flowers instead of cut flowers as they would last longer. Jim and Zac agreed and picked out some beautiful mums. Then the salesman wanted to know if this would be for delivery or if the boys would pick them up. They opted for delivery. When the salesman quoted a price, Jim pulled cash out of his wallet and Zac pulled out a debit card.

"Let me take the cash, first," the salesman suggested.

"If it would be easier, I can just put the whole thing on my card and he can give me the cash." Zac suggested.

"Either way is fine with me." The salesman said as he took Zac's card. Jim handed his cash to Zac.

After everything was taken care of for the delivery, they headed back to the truck. "If you're still wanting to go riding, we can." Zac offered.

"Yeah, I need to do something to get my mind off of Cheyenne. I can't believe someone would hurt her like that."

"This world is full of crazy people. We may never know who did it or why. I'm just glad that they didn't kill her."

"So, Christmas is coming up. You and your mom have any plans?" Jim asked.

"As a matter of fact, we do. My mom told me about them right before we left for school." Jim looked down with a disappointed look on his face. "Apparently, your mom invited us to come to your house." Zac added with a smile. Jim raised his head and smiled back.

"That's what I was going to suggest if you didn't have plans. My mom beat me to it."

Zac pulled into the ranch's long drive. When he got to the parking lot, he pulled into his usual spot. Jackson came out of the office. "How's your friend, Cheyenne?" he asked looking at Jim.

"She was beaten pretty badly, but she'll be alright. She looked terrible." Jim started to cry and Zac put his arm around him.

"Important thing is, she's young and the physical wounds will heal rather quickly, I suspect. Her emotional and mental wounds may take a while and need some help. I'm heading to the florist, would you like for me to send some flowers for you as well?"

"Thanks for the offer, Jackson, but we already sent some." Zac said holding Jim tight.

"OK, see you after bit if you're still here. While I'm gone, think of some ideas for a Christmas party. I'd like to have it, maybe, on the twenty-first. The Saturday before Christmas. Employees and their family and friends are all invited."

"You get a tree yet?" Zac asked.

"Sure did. It's in the new barn waiting to be decorated. Decorations are in the office if you have time."

"We were going to ride horses, but I think decorating the tree will lift our spirits more. You fine with that, Zac?" Jim asked.

"I think you're right. Nothing lifts a sad spirit like decorating a Christmas tree."

"When you're done, I have presents in the office to go under it." Jackson stated.

Jackson left and Jim and Zac headed to the office to get the decorations. With boxes in tow, they headed for the new barn. When they walked in, they saw the biggest tree they had ever seen. It was easily over twenty foot tall. "I don't think we have enough decorations." Jim said with a chuckle.

They did their best to evenly decorate the tree and when they ran out of decorations, it still looked somewhat empty. Zac pulled his phone out. "Jackson, we used up all the decorations that were in the office. This tree is so big that we need more."

There was a pause as Zac listened to what Jackson told him. "Yeah, there were plenty of lights and surprising, they all work. We just need ornaments and tinsel, or something. I'm thinking maybe a couple boxes of ornaments would do for the tree, plus some decorations for the barn as well."

"Yeah, I know where you keep it. I'll put the receipt with it when Jim and I get back." Zac closed his phone and looked at Jim. "We are going to go buy decorations. Jackson said to try and keep the cost below five hundred dollars, but get whatever we thought we needed."

Zac and Jim got in his truck and headed out. They were talking about what kind of decorations they wanted and Zac wasn't really paying attention to his speed. A sheriff car got behind them and flipped on his lights. Dusty pulled over and pulled out his phone. When he could see the deputy was close enough to hear him, he flipped open his phone and said, "Scotty, two to beam up, we may have attracted some indigenous life-form."

The deputy walked up and smiled. "Cute, I like that. Have any idea how fast you were going?"

"To be honest, sir, no I don't. We were chatting about Christmas decorations for the Ranch tree, and I neglected to look."

"You were doing fifty-eight, and this is only a forty-five zone." The deputy informed him.

"Yes sir, I know it's forty-five, I just neglected to watch my speed." Zac said.

"Well, you brought a smile to my face, so how about I bring one to yours. Consider this a verbal warning and watch your speed. Have a Merry Christmas and be safe."

"Thank you, sir. And Merry Christmas to you, too." Zac said. The deputy walked back to his car and pulled away as soon as he was in.

"Man, you got lucky." Jim announced.

"Tell me about it. Seriously doubt something like that would work again." They went on to the store and started getting the decorations that they thought they needed.

Heading back to the ranch, Zac kept a close eye on his speed and when he passed the deputy who had pulled him over, he saw the deputy give him a thumbs up. They got to the ranch and went back to decorating the tree and barn. Zac put the credit card and receipt where Jackson normally kept them.

With the tree decorated, they grabbed the present to put under the tree. Being nosy, they looked at all the names on the presents. Neither one of them found one with their name on it. There was something for all the other employees, but nothing for them. "Do you find it odd that there's no present for either of us here?" Jim asked.

"Maybe, but I'm betting that Jackson knew we'd be putting the presents under the tree and didn't want us to get any ideas what he was giving. The way he treats us, there's no way that he would purposely leave us out." Zac suggested.

"I believe you're right, and I know Jackson wouldn't do anything to hurt us, but I am a little hurt seeing everyone's present but ours." Jim stated.

"Just relax, come time for the party, I'm sure he'll have a present for us." Zac assured. "And if it makes you feel any better, I have a present for you."

"Just you being with me is all the present I really want." Jim said.

"Well, I can't return what I got for you, so you're gonna have to accept it as well." Zac stated.

"Fine, but only if you kiss me." Jim said smiling.

Jackson walked in as their lips touched. Jim jumped. "Hate to see how you react to kissing at the altar whenever they approve gay marriages in this state." Jackson chuckled.

"That would be different. I wasn't expecting anyone to come in right then." Jim stated in his defense.

"So, when is your last day of school before Christmas?" Jackson asked.

"Wednesday, next week, the eighteenth," Zac replied. "Then we go back the sixth."

"So you get two complete weeks off. Those two weeks, you're allowed up to forty hours if you want them. Christmas day, we won't be open and I'm have ranch hands that live on the grounds who already volunteered to take care of the horses, so don't come in that day."

"We put all the presents under the tree for you." Jim said hinting. "Hope we made 'em look good."

"They look fine, but I think you missed two. No worries, I'll take care of them." Jackson said with a smile. Zac grinned at Jim.

Next: Chapter 14

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