Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Jan 31, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay erotica between teenage boys so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. If you like this story, I also have the series "Josh: sex slave" continuing to run. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

This chapter is still part of the introduction and set-up. The main character doesn't have anyone 'special" in his life yet though he is starting to meet new friends. That might or might not happen in the next chapter, but it will happen. I know, but you'll have to continue reading to find out. My original draft was 8 pages. I took the next 2 pages of that and fluffed it out a bit. Next chapter will finish up my original draft and then we'll have to see what cards are dealt and what will happen. I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more.

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Another Chance

Chapter 3

It was Saturday. Jim decided to try and make his Mom happy so he went with her. As she drove, Jim told her about his conversation with Dusty. He told her that Dusty's dad was on the list of counsellor's and that's who he wanted to see. Mrs. Bolt just smiled and told him that she was glad he was finally opening up. "You watch, before the end of the month, you'll have dozens of friends. If you don't, I'll buy you a new car."

"Umm, Mom, that wouldn't be a fair bet. I could sabotage it to get that car." Jim said.

I know, but I would have to believe you really tried before I bought it." Mrs. Bolt assured.

"I have a better idea. If I have a dozen or more friends by the end of the month, I'll serve you breakfast in bed the following week. If I don't, you serve me." Jim offered.

Mrs. Bolt leaned over and kissed her son's cheek. He made a fuss like he was getting too old for that but Mrs. Bolt didn't care.

They got to the first house they were to look at and the realtor wasn't there. Her teenage son was waiting. "I'm Zac, my mom's running late. She's with another client showing another house but she told me to show you around. She'll be here in about half an hour to answer any questions."

This kid looked to be fifteen or sixteen and had jet black hair. When his hazel eyes met Jim's, Jim's heart skipped a beat. "Do you live close by?" Mrs. Bolt asked.

"Just across the street." He said pointing. "Would you like to see inside, I have the combination to the lockbox for the key?"

"Yes please." was all Mrs. Bolt said. She noticed that Jim's spirit lifted some more. Jim was finally showing signs that he was heading back to normal.

The house was huge. The kitchen was the same size as the one where they currently lived, but this house had a dining room as well. Their current home didn't. The front room had a big picturesque window.

When they went upstairs, there were three bedrooms, each with their own full bathroom. The smallest room was bigger than the master bedroom where they were living. Mrs. Bolt could tell that Jim was falling in love with the house. Fact that Zac lived across the street didn't hurt, either.

The back yard was massive. The house sat on ten acres of land. The property wasn't a ranch, but for starting over and getting another chance, this property was massive. Zac and Jim went out and played in the back yard as Zac's mom pulled up. Mrs. Bolt continued looking around the house a few more times. "So, did Zac show you around?"

"He did a wonderful job. My only concern is why is it selling so cheap?" Mrs. Bolt asked.

"Family needs to sell it fast. It's been on the market for a couple years and if they don't sell it soon, the bank will be auctioning it off. All they are asking is to pay off their bank loan plus my commission. I can't go any lower unless I waive my share."

"Wish I knew this house was for sale when we moved here." Mrs. Bolt said.

"Well, they wanted $300,000 until three days ago. You're the first person to look at it since they dropped it. I was about to put an ad in the paper when you called me."

"Well, I had been saving for a down payment. I have the $50, 000 they are asking saved up. And I saw a glint of hope in Jim's eye."

"I do have two other houses that we can look at if you would like before you decide."

Just about that time, Zac and Jim came inside. "What do you think, Jim? Want to check out a couple more houses?"

"You can. Zac asked if I'd like to go see where he works. It's some ranch close by."

Zac chimed in, "You don't mind, do you, Mrs. Bolt?"

"Not at all. I'll just go with your mom and check out these other houses, but I'm leaning toward buying this one." For the first time since they left Montana, she saw not a hint but an actual smile on Jim's face.

"We're just looking at the other houses as a formality, right? Based on your son's face, I have a feeling you'll be buying this one."

"Yea, he loves this house. I don't even need to see the others to know I want this one. He's had it so rough. If living here helps, I'm all for it. And it looks like the boys hit it off, too. Thanks for 'being late'."

"After talking with you on the phone, it was my pleasure. Zac was reluctant to do it, but I promised him half the commission if he did. He's been a loner ever since his father left. This could be good for both of them."

Jim climbed into Zac's truck. It was an old beat-up '98 Dodge Ram. They drove a few miles out of town and turned onto a dusty road. There was a sign that read Another Chance Ranch. "This is where the ranch starts," Zac stated.

"How long is this road?" Jim asked.

"We have six miles until we get to the main ranch. The property extends another six miles past. The owner is friends with a guy who runs a ranch and a Horse Rescue. He's talking about doing the same, but Horse Rescues are not always easy. Sometimes the horses are so bad off it makes you sick. Other times, you grow too attached to the horse, it tears you up when they leave. The ranch just bought a new horse and it's being delivered today. Wanna see it?"

"We can." Jim stated not sounding too enthused. While Jim was excited about learning more about Zac, he wasn't sure he was ready to see another horse yet. His mind started thinking about Gold.

As they pulled in, the horse trailer was just being opened. All Jim could see was the tail end, but that was enough for him to know it was a Palomino quarter horse. This started breaking Jim's heart as he thought more about Gold. "That's one beautiful stallion." one of the workers said. "Any idea who'll ride him?"

A tall thin man walked up. "Don't rightly know just yet. People that owned him said they've never been able to ride him since the day they bought him. We may just use him for stud service."

They backed the horse out and Jim couldn't believe his eyes. He thought maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. If that wasn't Gold, he sure could pass as a twin. The horse seemed a little agitated and started to rear. The rancher holding the lead lost his grip and the Palomino started running around the corral. Suddenly he turned and started heading towards Zac and Jim. "Watch out!" Zac advised but Jim had jumped into the corral.

The Palomino stopped in front of Jim and just nudged him. "Will you look at that?" the tall thin man stated. Jim just hugged the big horse. "Young man, do you know this horse?"

"I sure do. He was mine but we had to sell our ranch in Montana and I had to get rid of him. He was my best friend." Jim said with tears running down his face.

"Sold him about six months ago?" Jim nodded. "So, I'm guessing that you're the only one he's let ride him. Are you working anywhere?" the man asked.

"Not at the moment, but I do have school."

"Zac normally works on the weekends and some nights. His mom asked him to do a favor today or he'd have been here earlier. Would you be interested in working weekends and maybe a few nights when you can?"

"Would I get to work with Gold?" Jim asked.

"Make you a deal, obviously the horse loves you as much as you love him. I'll pay you $16 an hour and you'll work Saturday from six until three and Sunday from six until noon. You can also pick up a few nights a week as your schedule allows. You'll get paid each week and you can give me whatever you feel you can afford and we'll keep track. Once you've reimbursed me what I paid for Gold, he'll be yours again. And as long as you're using the horse for the ranch, we'll supply feed and board even after you own him. In the meantime, he'll be yours to use on the ranch. I will expect you to work hard."

"Sir, if it means I have my best friend back, you won't find a harder worker." Jim started to cry as he couldn't believe what had just happened. There wasn't any hesitations, Jim shook hands accepting the offer. Zac led Jim to the office so he could fill out his new hire paperwork. Once it was complete and the owner looked it over he told them that Jim's mom would need to sign a few spots since Jim was still a minor. After that, Zac and Jim headed back to Zac's house.

Next: Chapter 3

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