Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on May 18, 2015


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Jim are inspired by bits and pieces of my life. Parts of the character is fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. Mr. Todd was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 37

Colt, Jared and Brook had reached the lake. Colt laughed and Jared asked what was so funny. "It's just that all of this land and everyone always seems to find this lake," Colt explained.

"It's intoxicating," Jared said.

"And I think we all enjoy swimming. Last one in has to kiss whoever is first," Brock said as he was getting off his horse. He didn't really care who was last, he was making sure he was first. Jared and Colt dismounted from their horse and Brock already had his shirt off. Colt didn't want to kiss or be kissed, so he tried to not be first but worked fast enough to not be last. That wasn't an easy task, or was it?

Brock was naked and running for the water as Colt slid his shorts down. Jared was undressing slowly because he WANTED to kiss Brock. Colt caught on to that and quit rushing, but still moved fast enough that he let his cousin be last. "You really love him, don't you?" Colt said as he removed the last piece of clothing.

Jared smiled and finished taking off his clothes. Colt headed for the water and jumped in. "This water is freezing," Colt yelled.

"Give it a few minutes, your body will adapt. Now I need to claim my prize," Brock said as he headed towards Jared making his way into the water. "Took you long enough."

"Had to make sure I was last so I could kiss you," Jared told him. He placed his arms around Brock and pulled him in. As he pressed his lips to Brock's he felt Brock's lips part his. He felt Brock invade his mouth with his tongue. Jared could have gone like this all day long until his train of thought was derailed.

"Get a room," Colt quipped and then started laughing. With that, Brock and Jared finished their kiss and swam towards Colt. When they reached him, they started splashing the water at him. Not to be out done, Colt returned the splashing at both of them.

"Too bad we don't have a ball to pass around," Jared said.

"Well I have two balls, but I'm not passing them," Brock joked.

"Yeah, you're not passing mine, either," Colt stated, catching what Brock meant.

"Why not," Jared started and quickly added, "Forget that I asked. No, only one person will ever get mine." He smiled as he looked at Brock.

As the boys were swimming, Colt thought he could hear some horses headed in their direction. He looked at the main trail and saw two, but they looked like they had a harness instead of saddles. Then he saw the wagon. Jackson and Ryan were in the front, Jared's dad and some lady were riding in the back of the wagon. "Umm, guys, we have company."

Jackson stopped the horses alongside theirs. "What's the meaning of this," Jackson yelled.

"We're just swimming, Dad. You know we do this, you've done this with me before," Colt answered.

"I don't have a problem with that, but you didn't tie up your horses or take their tack off so they could be comfortable while you swam."

"Sorry, that was my fault, I called a race into the water and maybe cheated a little," Brock admitted.

The lady with them was looking at the clothes scattered about. "Jared Michael Dylan, are you naked in that water?"

"Yes I am, Mom," Jared admitted.

"Get your clothes on this instant," she insisted.

"Ummmm," Jared was hesitant. While she may be his mom, being adopted as a teenager, she had never seen him naked and he wasn't ready to let that happen.

"I got this," Jackson said and grabbed one of the large beach towels he keeps in the wagon. He held it up at the edge of the water so that only he could see the boy as he came out of the water.

As he got close enough, Jackson wrapped the towel around the boy. "What is the meaning of this?" Elizabeth asked.

"Relax, Honey, it was only them when they went skinny-dipping. They didn't know we were coming, so I don't see anything wrong with their actions."

"I have to agree with your husband," Jackson stated as he was holding another towel for Brock. Colt opted to come out last. Jackson swatted his wet bare behind when he did. "That's for the horses," he stated. Colt smiled and hugged Jackson, getting him wet.

"I suppose maybe I was overreacting. Were you having fun before we came?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes Mom, I was," Jared said with a smile.

"I guess swimming with nothing hindering can be fun. Too bad the pool at our house is so open," she replied. Jacob smiled at her.

"You could always put a fence around it," Jackson suggested.

"We could, but can't afford it right now," Elizabeth said.

"Well, I've missed Jacob's birthday, or do you prefer Jake? Anyway, I missed it for twenty-three years. Would it upset you if I offered to pay for it to cover those missing years?" Jackson asked.

"I actually do like Jake, but I use Jacob until I know the person enough. We're family, so you can call me either. Elizabeth, would you like a privacy fence?" Jacob answered.

"We've discussed this before, so you already know my answer. If you want to accept this gift from your brother, I have no problem with it," she told her husband. Then she turned to Jackson, "Thing is, we don't have anything to give you for all the birthdays we missed, or rather Jake missed."

"True, but the thing about gifts, they needn't be reciprocated. And I had the gift of Mom all this time," Jackson said.

"That's not your fault. It was just something that happened, and no one is really to blame," Jacob stated. "So my wife can skinny-dip in our pool when she wants, I accept your gift." Jackson hugged Jacob.

Joe rode to the lake, "I'm going to leave in a few minutes if you want a ride, Brock."

"We'll give him a ride if he wants to stay for a bit," Jacob offered.

"I need to call my dad," Brock said, picking up his pants and pulling his phone out. After a few minutes, he put the phone back in the pocket and laid his pants back down. "Dad said that I can stay as long as I want, even said that he won't be home as he and Tonya are going to England on a business trip," Brock said with a big smile on his face.

"Who's Tonya?" Elizabeth asked, "She a business associate?"

"No, she's a lady that cooks for Dad and me. She also cleans the house except the bedrooms. I have been trying to get Dad to date her for a couple years, close to three. I finally got it to happen and he proposed," Brock stated grinning more.

"Sweet!" Joe yelled almost scaring the horse he was on. He headed back for the barn once he knew Brock didn't need a ride.

"So, would you like to spend the night with us, then?" Elizabeth asked.

"Seriously, I'd love to spend the night with Jared," Brock was smiling so hard his face was starting to hurt, but he was too happy to care.

"Do I need to stop and get condoms on the way home?" Jacob asked.

"Dad, we aren't going to do anything to need them," Jared said, obviously embarrassed.

"Just kidding Champ, but know that while I think you are too young for sex, if you do decide to have it, I want you protected."

"Thanks Dad, and I hope Brock understands, but for now, kissing is as far as I want to go. I'm not ready to be a father yet," he said with a grin.

"You can't be a father if." Brock started. Then he started to grin, "Never mind, and I do understand. Not sure I'm ready for much more either."

"I'm glad to hear that," Elizabeth stated. "So are you ready to start school on Monday?"

"Actually, public school starts on Tuesday. I'll be attending an online class and start Wednesday," Brock stated.

"Online, what does that cost?" Jacob asked.

"It's free, the state puts out the program. Dad thought that it was a great idea, you have certain things that must be done by certain times, but they let you work at your own pace as long as you meet that criteria. Only downside is that I don't get to meet my classmates."

"It's free? What do you think Jared? Want us to check into it?" Jacob asked.

"Let's see what happens at this school first. Joe and Jim will be in some of my classes so I already will have two friends here. And they both know I am gay," Jared replied.

"Don't know about Joe, but Jim and Zac are boyfriends, so they are gay, too. I probably shouldn't have said that as it's not my place, but I don't think they would mind," Brock stated.

"Mind what?" Zac said as he came up riding Silver.

"I just told them that you and Jim were boyfriends. Then said that I was wrong for telling them but didn't think you would mind," Brock said. He looked a little solemn as he confessed.

"Jackson already knows, and Jim and I don't hide it, yeah it wasn't your place, but I think I can speak for both of us. We don't care who you tell," Zac gave Brock a smile. Brock felt more at ease but knew it wasn't his place to out anyone.

"Is everyone at this ranch gay?" Jacob asked just out of curiosity.

"I'm trying to get a girlfriend," Colt stated.

"And Josh at the Rescue has a wonderful wife and the cutest son. So no, not everyone is," Jackson said. "And many of the hands, I haven't a clue. I'm close with Josh, Zac, Jim and Joe. As I said, I've met Josh's wife. You already know Zac and Jim are together. And I've met Joe's significant other. Not saying if he's gay or straight as it's not my place."

"But if he were straight, you probably would have said as much like you did with Josh," Elizabeth deduced.

"Guess I did kinda give it away, didn't I?" Jackson said chuckling.

"Doesn't matter either way, as long as he does the job you hired him to do, who he loves is his business. Apparently, he is a good instructor, look how quickly Jared picked it up," Elizabeth stated.

"Jared deserves some of that credit. I've had students come through here and finally told them that they were wasting their money. Very few pick it up as fast as Jared did," Jackson admitted.

"I was motivated and wanted to learn. Jim told me that Brock said he wanted to go riding with me if I learned how," Jared told everyone.

"I never said that until after you said that you were going to learn real fast. Is that why you said that?" Brock was starting to understand that day's conversation better.

"So he lied to me? Don't get me wrong, I'm kinda glad he did, I was distracted and didn't learn anything the first day," Jared said smiling.

"And I'm glad you learnt how to ride," Brock leaned over and gave Jared a kiss.

"Well, I just came out to tell Jackson that everyone has gone home. I'm heading to Jim's house so I'll smack his lips for lying," Zac said with a grin.

"Something tells me that your punishment won't be a deterrent," Ryan stated. Everyone laughed.

"So I'll use a little tongue and do some invading, too," Zac grinned. He knew that he better get to Jim quick, just thinking of these things was making him horny and the saddle a little uncomfortable.

"Still not sure how much you'll deter him from lying. You might make him lie more often," Ryan responded.

"Not if I tell him that he won't get any more of it if he lies again," Zac replied.

"Ooooo that might fall under cruel and unusual punishment" Jackson said.

With that everyone laughed and Zac headed for the barn. "When you're out here, do they always come out like that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Heavens no. Most of the time they're already out here with me," Jackson chuckled.

Didn't take long before Zac was walking into Jim's house. "Just so you know, Jared knows that you lied to him. I promised to punish you for him. Said I'd smack you in the mouth."

"Yeah, but your smack isn't much of a punishment. Might make me want to do it again," Jim said grinning.

"Funny, that's what Ryan said," Zac said as he smacked Jim's lips with his. Then as promised, he used his tongue.

"Yeah, if that's the punishment, I may have to lie again. Your eyes are purple." When Jim said that, Zac gave him a light pat on the cheek. Jim stuck his bottom lip out like he was pouting and Zac grabbed hold of it lightly with his teeth. Jim started to chuckle as best he could with his lip in someone's mouth.

Zac finally let go and gave Jim a quick kiss. "No more lying, or else."

"I don't know, this seemed kind of fun. Seriously, I only lied to get him to want to pay attention. I don't make a habit of it, nor do I have a desire, but this was fun," Jim said smiling.

"I know, and it was fun. Makes me almost want to make you skip supper and take you someplace more private," Zac had a twinkle in his eye.

"Mom, I think I've been bad and need to go to bed without any supper," Jim said laughing.

"You may have been bad, but I think you should be punished by having to wait to go to bed," Heather said smiling. Jim started pouting again, but had a difficult time doing it laughing at Zac acting like he was going for the bottom lip again.

"Get a room," Joe said.

"Not until AFTER supper," Heather ordered.

"She's no fun," Jim said looking at Zac.

"I heard that. Now you really have to wait until I go to bed before you can go," Heather enjoyed picking on the boys as much as they pick on each other and her.

"You're getting sleepy, very sleepy," Jim started telling her.

"Not with that, I'm not. You're just making me laugh and want to stay awake longer."

"Oh, poo," Jim said.

"Zac, put something in that dirty mouth for me please," Heather requested. Zac didn't need to be asked twice. He pushed his tongue in it. Joe rolled his eyes.

"I think I may need to go visit Buster if this keeps up," Joe stated.

"Call him over," Jim told his brother.

After they ate, Joe called Buster to find out that he and his family were camping and wouldn't be home until tomorrow. Buster promised to meet him before school started Tuesday. Jim grabbed Zac's hand and started up the stairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Heather asked.

"To my room," Jim said.

"No, I think I said that you had to wait until I went to bed. Come down here and sit on the couch until then," Heather said with a straight face. Zac thought she looked like she may lose it any minute but played along.

"Seriously," Jim said as he headed for the couch.

Just as Jim sat down, Heather started snickering, "No, I wasn't serious. Go have fun, but don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Well, there went all MY plans," Jim teased.

Once they got in the bedroom, Zac looked at Jim, "OK time to really punish you. This is going to hurt me more than you, drop your pants and assume the position."

Jim did as he was told, smiling the whole time. He didn't know what Zac planned, but was sure he would really enjoy it. He felt Zac inserting his fingers into his ass with lots of lube. Zac was thorough in his lubing. Then Zac took off his belt and laid one crack across Jim's ass. Jim jumped when the belt connected. "Hey!" Jim squealed.

Zac didn't respond. He threw Jim unto his back on the bed. Then he lifted Jim's legs and entered him. He pushed in hard and deep with one motion. Jim gave a slight grunt. Zac's face stayed stoic as he began fucking his lover. "If this is the punishment, I think it is working. I don't like this. I want both of us to enjoy our time together. Please smile or something," Jim begged.

"Nope, you lied and have to be punished," Zac said. Then after a few more thrusts, the look on Jim's face, tears running down his eyes, Zac couldn't help but smile, "Baby, I do love this. Look of sadness on your face is priceless thinking I was just going through the motions and not really enjoying it. But I never want to do that again."

"I'm so sorry," Jim was crying, "You know why I told Jared what I did, and then to just give me sex, and this doesn't feel like when we make love. I don't like it."

Zac stopped his thrusting and held Jim tight. "Baby, I was only kidding with you, it was hard for me to keep from smiling. You want me to pull out?" He didn't realize the affect this would have on his lover. Maybe he did go a little too far with joking.

"No, but hold me tight before you continue," Jim responded. Zac held Jim as tight as he could. Jim sobbed into Zac's shoulder.

Zac whispered in Jim's ear, "I love you more than anything. I was just kidding with you as to punishing you. Sorry if I hurt you in any way. And look on the bright side, I don't have a shirt on for you to get wet." Jim chuckled a little.

"I love you, also. Now if you want to make love, you can continue, but if it's going to be just sex, I want to stop."

"You deserve nothing but love, sweetheart. I never want to just have sex with you. I'm so sorry for making it feel like just sex," Zac said as he started making love to Jim.

Jim had his arms wrapped around Zac, "Now this feels like you love me. This is what I want and you never have to stop as far as I'm concerned."

"If I never stop, it WOULD really hurt me more than you," Zac teased. "I'd get raw down there."

"Well, maybe the motion can stop, but I don't want you to ever pull out. At least not until I fall asleep," Jim said with a smile.

"If it wasn't for everything else that we have to do like eat and go to work or school, I could stay like this forever," Zac stated. "I love you so much."

Zac had stopped moving and the boys rolled over. Jim kissed Zac on the cheek and they went to sleep.

On Monday, the boys didn't go to the ranch but started getting everything they would need for the first day of school. They each made a list of what they were lacking and headed together to get the missing items.

As they were heading out the door on Tuesday, Joe saw someone sitting in his jeep. He couldn't see who it was as the seat was blocking his view, so he approached cautiously. He started smiling when he saw Buster's face. "How did you get in? I thought I locked it," Joe asked.

"Passenger door was unlocked," Buster stated. "Told you that I'd see you before school."

"Jim, did you forget to lock your door last time?" Joe asked.

"No I locked it," Jim said. The boys started looking the jeep over. Not finding anything suspicious, Joe started the vehicle. Immediately, smoke started coming out of the vents. Joe turned off the engine and everyone got out. They called the fire department thinking that there might be a fire.

After a thorough investigation, a fireman told Joe that someone had been in his vehicle and a police officer would be by after school to talk with him. The boys got in Jim's car and headed for school. They had to rush to make it to their homeroom to not be late. Dusty gave Jim a "what's up" look as the boys walked in. Jim just mouthed, "Tell you at lunch." And Dusty nodded.

Being the first day of classes, the teachers mainly introduced themselves and went over what they expected the students to learn this semester. Spanish class, the teacher had each student give their name in Spanish. He also explained that they were more of a Hispanic class than Spanish. Jim likes that his name is Diego, just like the character who becomes Zorro, Don Diego Della Vega.

After their science class let out, Jim was walking with Dusty. "You guys just barely made it. I thought sure you were going to be early, what happened?" Dusty asked.

"We planned to be, but apparently, someone broke into Joe's jeep and when he started it, smoke came out of the vents. Joe's a little shaken, but other than that," Jim explained.

"Wow, I bet he's shaken, probably feels violated some," Dusty said. They made their way to the cafeteria. Joe and Buster were already there. Joe was sitting in his usual seat with Buster rubbing his shoulders. Dusty sat opposite side of Joe from where Buster's tray was and Jim sat across from Joe. Zac showed up and sat beside Jim. "You guys were getting in the jeep when I left. I waited in the parking lot as long as I could. What took so long?" Zac asked.

Jim explained what had happened and said that they needed to head home to talk with a police officer so they weren't going to the ranch today. Zac said that he would let Jackson know.

Working the ranch was part of Zac's schooling and he had to turn in a report once a week stating what he did in the way of work. Jackson was required to sign that he did put the time in. When Zac got to the ranch, he explained what happened with Joe's jeep. Jackson immediately got on the phone and while the police wouldn't give him any details, he asked if he could be notified when the jeep was released.

Jim and Joe pulled into their drive and a police officer was already waiting to talk with them. The officer told Joe that someone named Jackson Sprayberry was wanting to have a mechanic check over the jeep, but they wouldn't let him know anything unless Joe said that he trusted him. Joe hit speed dial on his phone. "Jackson, the officer said that he wouldn't let you know anything without my approval. Would you like to speak with the officer here?" Joe said, then he paused, "Yes, other than shaken a little, I'm fine, here's the officer."

"Yes, sir, I hope that you understand our policy. We couldn't say anything without the approval of Joe since it's his vehicle. We are done with our investigation and you may have your mechanic check it out," the officer stated. After a short pause he added, "Yes sir, and thank you for understanding. I'm glad that you worry about those who work for you. And I hope you have a nice day as well."

"So, did you find anything to help?" Jim asked.

"We found a note on the driver's seat. Obviously it was placed there after everyone left and before we arrived or you would have seen it."

"What did it say?" Joe was starting to shake. Someone was watching him this morning and he didn't have a clue.

"This could have been a bomb," the officer read. "We want to have twenty-four hour surveillance on your house, your vehicle and you until this person or persons is caught. We won't go in the school, but an officer, possibly me, will be posted at the door you usually use. We just need one of your parents' permission."

Heather had good timing and entered the house at that time. "Why is a police car sitting outside," she asked before seeing the officer.

"Are you his mother?" the officer asked. When she confirmed that she was, the officer went over what had occurred, their findings and what they wanted to do. Heather signed a paper giving permission for the surveillance. They also told the officer of their suspicions of who might be behind it.

"I thought the jeep had an alarm, how did they bypass it?" Joe asked.

"They obviously did their homework and were able to find the wire and cut it. My personal opinion, you should never trust a factory installed alarm. They are too easy to find their specs on the internet. You want an alarm, have one added so they are unique to your vehicle," the officer recommended. With having everything that he needed, he went out to his car. He said that he would stay until the first surveillance team arrived.

Tow truck driver rang the doorbell. When Joe answered he introduced himself as Ben Andrews. He told Joe that Jackson called him and Joe handed the guy a key to the jeep.

During supper, Joe just picked at his food. Heather asked him if he was upset and gave a smile. "Someone broke into my jeep. Still not sure what they did, but must have been watching to be able to place that note. I'm a nervous wreck right now," Joe stated and started crying.

"I can understand that, Honey. Police are doing everything they can to keep you safe, so try to relax and eat something," Heather placed her arms around Joe trying to console him.

Jackson called shortly after Ben left with Joe's jeep. "Did John show up yet?" he asked.

"John?" Joe answered feeling scared. If John was supposed to show up, who was Ben and how did he know Jackson sent anyone? "Someone introduced them as Ben Andrews, and his truck said Andrews' Towing. He said that you sent him."

"You can relax Joe. Ben is John's brother. John must be busy in his shop," Jackson explained. Joe could feel his heart racing but it was beginning to slow back down now that he knew his jeep wasn't taken by someone out to hurt him. Jackson chuckled, "Maybe I should have asked if John or Ben showed up, but I really thought John would have come personally. Your jeep is in good hands."

"You really did a number on my heart. You had me worried," Joe told Jackson.

"I could tell by your voice and breathing. Sorry for scaring you like that."

Joe barely slept all night. When morning came, Heather looked at him, "Honey, I can understand if you don't want to go to school today. Want me to call?"

"Thanks for caring, Mom. I want to go to school today. If they are watching, I don't want to give them the satisfaction," Joe stated. Heather gave him a hug. Not to be out done, Jim slid in and gave Joe a hug, too.

As Jim walked out to his car, he called the officers doing the surveillance over. Big piece of cardboard was covering his windshield. It said, "Ka-Boom. Leave the state or else."

"We were watching the house and vehicles all night. How did they get that on your windshield?" one of the officers stated. The other officer started looking the Challenger over. As soon as he touched the vehicle, the alarm started sounding.

"Why didn't it sound when they put the sign on?" Jim asked as he turned off the alarm with his remote.

"No idea, they must have been very careful. I can tell you that the vehicle is safe," the officer that checked it out stated.

Jim and Joe got in the Challenger and started for school. As he exited the cul-de-sac, Jim spotted a black car sitting and waiting. Joe received a text that said, "Relax, this is Officer Jenkins in the black car. I'll be following you to school and watching the entrance all day until you get out. To prove who I am, I discussed getting an aftermarket alarm with you to make it unique to your vehicle." Joe shared with Jim what the text said and that eased Jim's nerves a bit.

As they parked, the black car parked so they had to go past it. Joe recognized the officer who spoke with him in the passenger seat and pointed him out to Jim. Joe did have trouble concentrating in his classes. When any of the teachers asked if he was having a problem, he explained what was happening and the teacher said that they understood.

In woodworking class, better known as shop class, the instructor asked that Joe work with Jim. In Joe's condition, he didn't think it would be safe for Joe to handle any of the machines. Joe admitted that he was probably right and Jim said that he was thankful that the instructor cared enough about his brother.

School went out and Jim asked Joe if he wanted to go to the ranch or home. Joe opted for the ranch. They stopped by the black police car and Jim told them that they were going to the ranch to work. The officer said that he understood and would keep an eye out while they were at the ranch. The black car followed them.

Zac was at the ranch working in the office when they pulled up. "Glad you're here, Joe. I have a student who wants to learn to ride," he stated.

"Where's Jackson?" Jim asked.

"He's with Elizabeth giving her lessons. Can tell that she's not as motivated as Jared was," Zac explained with a smile.

Zac took Joe to meet the new riding student. It was a young girl around fifteen years of age. Joe thought to himself that if he weren't gay, he might have been attractive. Colt came home from school and the girl looked at him, "Hey Stallion."

"Ummmm, don't you mean Colt?" he asked.

"Not in my book. You're more of a stallion than a colt," She replied smiling. Colt started to blush.

"If you would rather Colt teach you, it can be arranged," Joe offered.

"Oh my, I would but I think he's too cute for me to learn anything," the girl stated.

"Really?" Colt asked. "I think I'd be too distracted to teach, but if you would like to go out." Colt stopped there.

"I've wanted to date you for some time. I was afraid when you lived with that woman that we'd never get to date," the girl explained. "I was so glad when I heard that you moved here. My name is Kensi."

"Such a pretty name for such a beautiful young lady," Colt said with a smile. "So what are your plans for Friday?

"I don't know, I'm thinking maybe going out with you," Kensi said. Colt smiled and said that he'd talk with her when her lessons were done. Then he went into the office.

"Are you alright?" Zac asked.

"I don't know. My heart is racing and I really feel weird down below. I've never really felt that before."

Zac smiled, "I think you are in love. I watched as you were talking with Kensi and you definitely show signs of being bitten."

"Don't you mean smitten?" Colt asked.

"No, I mean bitten, as in by the love bug." Zac smiled. "I can tell you that when I first met Jim, I was so nervous. I offered to bring him here to see what he thought about this place. I found out a lot about him. But I wanted to kiss him and didn't have a clue if he was gay. My gaydar was saying maybe, but I wasn't sure if I really detected it or just was hoping so. My stomach felt tied in knots until we kissed."

I know the feeling, my stomach is so tight that I don't think I can keep anything down, and she said that I'm more of a stallion than a colt," Colt was rambling not really sure he was making sense. Zac was smiling

Colt sat in the office watching Kensi trying to learn. She kept looking at the office and Joe kept trying to get her attention. After an hour, he asked what she learned. "That Colt is a really cute guy and wants to go out with me," she responded.

"Did you learn anything about riding?" Joe asked.

"Oh, right. Ummmm, you need to make sure the stirrups are the right length and the cinches are taut but not too tight. You should brush the horse and check the tack to make sure no burrs get under the saddle to irritate the horse. And do you know if Colt is seeing anyone?"

"Surprised that you learned all that. You seemed totally distracted the whole time. As for Colt, I think he's interested in you as much as you are him," Joe told her. She ran to the office and found Colt.

Colt stood up and asked, "Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes, this," Kensi stated and then kissed Colt on the lips. Colt wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss. Jackson walked in as they were locked together.

"Hello, I'm guessing that you two know each other," Jackson stated. Zac started laughing.

When the two came up for air, Colt looked at Jackson, "Hey Dad. This is Kensi and we are going out Friday. I'm hoping that maybe she becomes my girlfriend."

"And what do you have to say, Kensi?" Jackson asked.

"I'm so glad he no longer lives with that witch. He seems so happy now and he's a great kisser. As to being his girlfriend, I've been hoping for that for over a year but afraid of the witch."

"Yes, that is one word you can call her, I can think of a few others. As for you dating my son, I just hope you don't break his heart. He's a great young man and I wish only the best for him."

"I have no intention of breaking his heart. I even decided to learn to ride horse because I know he enjoys it. So far Greg is a good teacher."

"Don't you mean Joe?" Zac asked.

"Yeah, that might be it. I'm surprised with how much he actually taught me. I know that I wasn't the best student." With that, Colt walked her out to her parents' car. They immediately asked who Colt was and how her lessons went.

"Arrrrr, why do I keep getting the love struck teenagers?" Joe asked as he walked into the office. Zac laughed.

"If it helps any, she said that you are an excellent instructor and managed to teach her though she really wasn't paying attention. She also said that my son was an awesome kisser."

"Great, maybe I can have Jim lie to her," Joe chuckled.

"If he does, I'm not punishing him, this time," Zac stated.

"What happened, he didn't like the kiss?" Jackson asked.

"Oh, he loved that part, but I pretending like I was just giving him sex for a punishment and he didn't like it. He wanted me to make love. While I was pretending to punish him, I hurt him enough that he started crying," Zac explained.

"Look, I may be only six years older than you, but I learned a long time ago that you should never use sex as a punishment. It was one thing when you were playing that smacking your lips to his, but to actually give sex without love is just wrong when you are with someone you love," Jackson explained.

"I know that now, and I promised him that I would never do that again," Zac was looking down.

"Glad that you learned early. You keep the punishments to smacking his lips with yours, especially under the circumstances, you'll be fine."

"Thanks Jackson," Zac said as he went out the door. He found Jim in the barn checking to see that the horses are fine. "Don't expect any sleep tonight. I want to make so much love to you that we produce grandbabies," Zac stated.

"Not sure that's possible, but you love me that much, I'm willing to try," Jim said with a big smile.

"I am so sorry that I hurt you in any way, you do know that, right?"

"Yes, now if you don't leave me alone to finish this, I may just rape you here and now," Jim stated.

"Mmmmm, you can't rape the willing."

Jim started laughing. He pulled Zac into an empty stall and pulled his jeans down. He pushed him down onto the hay covered floor and started sucking his cock. Once it was hard, Jim pulled his own jeans down and worked Zac's cock up his ass. As he started riding his stallion, he leaned in and started kissing. Zac felt a geyser getting ready to erupt and tried to hold off. Jim worked harder to get his prize.

Just as the first shot entered Jim's ass, they heard Joe's voice calling for Jim. Zac went instantly limp with his load still leaking into Jim. Joe found them still connected. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know," Joe said chuckling.

"Spoil sport," Jim teased.

"Yeah, just thought I'd let you know that I'm ready to head home when you are."

Jim got dressed and they went to his car. Jim was smiling the whole way home, but Joe hung his head. "It's alright, Bro. You had no way of knowing," Jim said.

"I feel like I'm messing everyone's lives up right now. Maybe I should get out of the state, go live with that woman for a while."

Jim slammed on his brakes and pulled over. Their tail almost hit them. "Don't you dare think that way! None of what is happening is your fault. For all we know, and suspect, she's putting whoever up to this to drive you to her." Jim was obviously upset.

"But wouldn't your life be easier if I wasn't in it?" Joe asked.

"I don't want an easier life. I'll take the most complicated life there is as long as you are a part of it. I want you to be a part of our family forever. Haven't I made that clear from the beginning?" Jim started to cry.

Joe looked at Jim and started crying, too. "I'm sorry, you have made it clear from the first day that you met me. I have never known brotherly love before as I was an only child, but what you did that day can never be beat. I have to admit, only reason that I even considered the idea was to avoid you and Mom getting hurt," Joe sobbed.

"You leave my life now, and that would be worse than death. We want you in our lives no matter what," Jim said putting his arm around Joe.

"What if they hurt Zac?" Joe said.

"Then I'll kill them, but they are not going to chase you out of my life, got me?" Jim stated.

"I never felt as much love from anyone as I do now. I mean, I feel loved from Buster, but I can't say that he would be willing to go through this like you are," Joe was wiping his tears.

Officer Jenkins walked up to see what was wrong. Jim rolled his window down and explained what they were talking about. "Relax kid, we will catch whoever is doing this. Your family won't get hurt, I promise. Maybe it is your real mother trying to get you to move with her? When did she say that she was leaving?"

"Sixth of next month," Joe responded.

"That's Friday of next week. Doesn't give us much time, but if it is her, the attacks should cease after she leaves, hopefully."

"Any chance that they'll escalate?" Joe asked.

"Perhaps, but no way to tell at this time."

As the boys got home, Joe saw his jeep sitting where it was. He called Andrews' Towing and asked what they found.

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Next: Chapter 38

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