Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Jun 9, 2015


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Jim are inspired by bits and pieces of my life. Parts of the character is fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. Mr. Todd was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 40

"I guess time will tell," Jim stated.

"So, you're thinking that maybe you're here to protect me?" Joe asked. He was starting to warm up to Jon.

"I really have no clue, but you definitely seem like a nice kid and if I ever know that you need protecting, I will be there as fast as I can," Jon said. Joe smiled and was glad to know Jon would have his back. Jim hugged Joe and smiled.

Vince had talked with Jon and asked him to come to the ranch. He told him to bring something to workout in because he was curious to see what Jon knew about defending himself. Jon complied and the two sparred. As they fought, Vince was asking Jon all kinds of questions. Jon got a good hit in and knocked Vince down. As he helped him up, Jon looked at him, "Why does this feel like a job interview?"

"Because it is. Jackson said that you may be looking for a job. You had an exemplary record in the National Guard, you've worked in Roberts, Montana on the police force with several commendations and only blemish was you wrote a speeding ticket to the Mayor's wife and she complained about you."

"Well, she was doing forty in a school zone," Jon said defending himself.

"I don't blame you, I agree that she deserved it. I'm just saying that's your only blemish. Shame that you resigned when your dad needed twenty-four, seven care, but that tells me a little about you, too. I want people like you working for me," Vince averred.

"Seriously? I was thinking about trying to get on the police force, but I'd be happy to work security here," Jon said shaking Vince's hand.

"We pay better than the police department. Now, I have an opening at night that pays a ninety-cent differential or you can work first shift. Do you know anything about horses?"

"Didn't grow up on a farm or ranch, but I do know enough. As for the shift, I can work whenever you need me, but I'd like to get to know my family better, so please bear that in mind."

"Either of those will work for that but if you work first shift, you'll be working when the boys are here. I can ask Zac or Jim to teach you anything that you may still need to learn about the horses."

"That would be great. I think I would like that. And speaking of Zac, his mom is helping me find a place. Do you know anything about her?"

"I hope so, I'm marrying her in just over a week," Vince chuckled.

"Then congratulations are in order. Was going to ask if she were seeing someone, but you already answered that," Jon said.

"May I ask why you chose the National Guard?" Vince asked.

"Well my grandfather was killed in December 1941 while he was in the Navy. I wanted to serve in honor of him, but when I went to sign up, I was still seventeen, just graduated and only way my parents would sign was if I went National Guard, so I'd be close to home. I didn't want to wait, so I agreed."

"Nothing wrong with that, ever consider going regular army?" Vince inquired.

"I did, but when I finished my first term, I was on the police force so I just stayed National Guard," Jon replied.

"Well, I believe you'll be a valuable asset to the team. I would say let me introduce you to Zac, Jim and Jackson at this point. Shall we go talk to them?" Vince asked.

"Sure," Jon simply said.

Vince let everyone know that he hired Jon. Jackson welcomed him to the team and Zac and Jim just congratulated him. Vince asked if one of the boys could help Jon learn what he still needed to know about horses. "Zac schedules who does the training, so I'll leave that up to him," Jackson stated.

"Jim has Matt and Gina coming out at ten Saturday, He should be done at one, or you could ride with him," Zac suggested. "Otherwise, I can schedule Joe to train you."

"If Joe doesn't mind, I have no problem with it," Jon said.

Zac stepped outside and called for Joe. There was no answer, so Zac grabbed a radio and keying the mike called again. When Joe responded, he asked Joe to come to the office.

Took fifteen minutes for Joe to step in. "Joe, Jon has been hired to do security during the day. He knows some about horses and needs someone to teach him what he doesn't know," Zac started.

"Can I do it?" Joe asked. Then looking at Jon he chuckled, "You're not going to be distracted while I train you are you?"

"That's why we called you in was so we could ask if you wanted to train him. We know that you felt uneasy at first, but you definitely warmed up to him," Zac replied.

"Before, I thought he was hired to kill me. Now I know that he has my back. Big difference," Joe elaborated.

"And I rarely get distracted," Jon threw in.

As the week went by, Marilyn found the perfect house for Jon. It was a three bedroom, so if he ever did find a wife, he had room for expansion. And the payments were less than he was paying for rent in Montana. She also was taking care of last minute preparations for her wedding.

Vince tracked down Zac's biological father and asked him to sign off so he could adopt Zac. At first, the jerk refused but Vince took law enforcement with him. He offered to pay the jerk's back child support if he agreed to allow the adoption.

When Marilyn received all that money, she began questioning how, when everything she tried failed. Vince refused to tell her but someone else did. She looked at Vince and told him that the money would go into a joint account. She really loved what he did, but there was no way she was keeping that money for herself. She also figured that between the ring and this, Vince had to be almost broke. She had no idea what his financial situation was.

That Saturday, Zac was all smiles as he walked his mom down the aisle. He had never seen his mom this radiant and he couldn't wait to have Vince as his dad officially. They got to the front and Zac handed his mom off to Vince. When it was time for the vows, Vince asked Joe to play I Cross my Heart while he said his, "Marilyn Schoen, ever since that first day we met, I have been drawn to you. Your beauty is so radiant that you make the angels jealous. Your charm, intellect and personality draw me closer more and more each day. You have a terrific son, who I will be proud to call my own, and you make me the happiest man on earth. As the song Joe is playing says, 'in all the earth, you will never find a love that as true as mine.'"

"Oh my, you have me all choked up, I don't know if I can say mine now," Marilyn stated. "Vincent Abrams, ever since that first day when I called you Vinnie, I knew this day would come. I am happy that you asked Zac's permission before asking me because that tells me you are the man I want in my life. You have been warm and caring since the day I met you, not only to me but to my son as well. I love you more and more each day and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I think I'm about to cry because I'm so happy."

Joe went to sit beside Jim and the ceremony continued. The couple exchanged rings and the minister pronounced them married. They held the reception in the barn. Zac walked up to Jackson, "This barn has been built for what, nine months or so, and the only thing I've ever seen it used for is parties."

"Thinking of keeping it that way. Had a few people in town call asking to rent it out," Jackson stated.

"Not that you seem to need it, but that would be another source of income for the ranch."

"Not so much, we've been doing parties, but most of them have been riding parties going out to the lake. This will generate some but it'll also cut those down a little."

After the reception was over, the presents were loaded in the back of Zac's truck. He took them to their house while Vince and Marilyn left for the airport. Marilyn had no idea of where he was taking her, just that he told her all she would need was sun block, a bikini and her beautiful self.

Jim helped Zac carry the presents inside then they walked over to Jim's house. "So where is Vince taking your mom?" Jim asked.

"Dad didn't say," Zac replied. It felt good calling Vince dad. "Guessing from what he told Mom that she needed, either Hawaii or Jamaica, I would guess."

They walked into the house and Heather looked at Zac, "Now that Jim's back in his own room, you have a choice. You can sleep on the couch or Jim has been gracious enough to share his bed."

"Yeah, it's a sacrifice, but I'm willing to make it for you," Jim sighed as though he were giving up a lot. Everyone laughed.

"Hmmmm, don't want Jim to make such a big sacrifice," Zac started. Jim feigned a pout, "OH, alright, I guess I'll share Jim's bed." Jim's pout quickly turned into a smile.

Everyone ate at the reception and Vince insisted that Heather take whatever food was left, so Heather was putting everything in the fridge. "If you boys get hungry, we have plenty of sandwiches and chips," Heather informed them. Wasn't really a lot but there was enough sandwiches that they could use them for a few meals or snacks.

Sunday morning at the ranch, Joe was working with Jon. Their Saturday was cancelled so Joe could practice the guitar for the wedding. Joe asked Jon to show what he knew about horses. He was impressed and the only thing Jon wasn't aware of was how to prep the horse before riding or when done. Everywhere that Jon rode before, they would take care of that so all he had to do was ride. Didn't take Joe long to show him. They got a couple horses saddled and went for a ride.

"So did you ask for me specifically? Jim could have taught you and you could have trained yesterday before the wedding," Joe inquired.

"Originally, I was told Zac or Jim could train me, but I guess Zac is getting to be more management. With Jim I would have had to wait until he was done taking a couple on the trails, so Zac suggested you. I was all for it as long as you were," Jon replied.

"Yeah, Zac still takes care of the horses and he'll help with the hay when it comes, but other than that, Jackson is training him to run the ranch as though he owned it," Joe explained.

"Jackson's not dying, is he?" Jon questioned.

"I hope not, but he has already had Zac run the ranch while he's on vacation. Thinking he's wanting to take more vacations now that he has Colt," Joe offered.

"I can understand that. If I ever get married and have children, I would want to take them on vacation as much as possible," Jon stated.

Joe looked at him and said, "Nope, not happening." Jon gave him a puzzled look. "If you go on vacation, how can you be here to protect me should something happen?" They both laughed.

Zac and Jim helped with the hay as usual. Jim noticed that it was no longer bothering him. It was just a week away from his anniversary of working at the ranch and his muscles were used to this now. All along Jim thought it was getting easier, but he never really noticed that he wasn't worn out until today. He was surprised when it was done.

As Zac was driving home, his truck died. He pulled off to the side of the road and pulled out his phone. Jim and Joe got out and Jim saw either steam or smoke coming from the hood. Looking underneath the engine, Jim didn't see any flames but the engine was glowing red. He had Zac pop the hood to help it cool. "Wouldn't it cool quicker if you opened the hood?" Joe asked.

"It would, but you run a risk of scalding yourself from the steam," Jim explained.

"OH, I didn't think about that," Joe confessed.

Zac got out of the truck and walked over to the side. "Jackson's on the way to pick us up and he's having his mechanic pick the truck up to check it out. In the meantime, he's letting me use his truck since he's been using the SUV."

Next day, Heather was checking the mail before leaving for work. She loved having early morning deliveries. In the mail was a letter for the guardian of Joseph C Walker. It came from the office of Speedwell and Winslow, but Winslow was crossed out. Heather quickly opened it and the letter stated that she and Joe were required to attend a meeting on Tuesday at four in the afternoon. She tried calling to find out what it was about but the person said that she couldn't divulge that information over the phone.

Joe was curious what the meeting could be about. Winslow was the lawyer that worked for his parents but she was in prison. That might explain why her name was crossed off.

When it came time for the meeting, Joe was dressed in a button up shirt and tie. Jim insisted on being by his brother's side should this be more trouble. Jon was wanting to be there as well. He promised to protect Joe, but Heather thought that would be too much. The three of them walked into the meeting. Right away, Heather informed Mr. Speedwell that she worked for an attorney's office.

"That's good to know, ma'am, but I assure you, their services will not be needed. You are here because Joseph is the only one listed in Mr. and Mrs. Walker's wills." Mr. Speedwell stated.

"Oh, I see," Heather let out a sigh.

"Before we begin, I would like to apologize for the actions of my former partner. Had I known what she was doing, I would have called the police on her myself. I hope that you can forgive this law firm."

"Nothing to forgive, you didn't do it," Joe stated.

"Thank you, I appreciate that," Mr. Speedwell stated. "I don't know what this will says, Miss Winslow handled it. All I know is that they wrote it out shortly after you were born."

"They didn't revise it after they kicked me out nine months ago?" Joe was surprised.

"Apparently not. Shall I read it?" Mr. Speedwell asked.

"Yes please," Joe responded.

Mr. Speedwell began by stating this was a joint will should something happen to both of them but also included individual wills should only one pass. Then he began reading their names and all the usual stuff people put at the beginning of their wills. Then he got to the actual will itself, "To our adorable son, Joseph Charles Walker, we leave everything that we own. Should he be under the age of eighteen at the time of our demise, we request that everything be placed into a trust and his legal guardian be the trustee."

When the lawyer finished reading the will, Joe just looked at him and said, "Wow."

"Young man, with the selling of the house plus what was in their checking and savings accounts, you now have a trust fund of over five hundred thousand dollars. And there is still the matter of the truck that Mr. Walker bought before going to prison."

"How. how. how much?" Joe was in shock. The lawyer told him again.

"Now as I said, it is a trust fund. It is set up so that both you and Mrs. Bolt have to be present for anything to be withdrawn. Would you like to take ownership of the truck or would you like for us to sell it and add the funds to your account?"

"Can I drive it for a while to see what I think?" Joe asked.

"It's your truck. If you want to drive it that's up to you. If you would like for us to sell it, the money received will go into your account, but after two months, we won't be able to sell it for you. You can always sell the truck yourself, then you are free to do with that money as you please," the lawyer told Joe.

The lawyer handed Joe the keys to the truck. "Jim, can you drive it? I think I'm too shocked to be able to drive," Joe stated. Jim took the keys and climbed into the driver seat. Joe got in the passenger seat and Heather offered to follow them home.

As he drove home, Jim looked at Joe, "So what are you planning to do with all that money?"

"Figure that it'll make a nice college fund plus when I'm ready I can buy a house. With working at the ranch, unless an emergency comes up, I shouldn't have to touch it so it can keep drawing interest," Joe replied.

"I think Mom would agree with that," Jim smiled.

"It'll be enough that you can go to college, too," Joe offered

"I appreciate that, but you don't have to do that," Jim felt moved by his brother's generosity.

"I know that I don't have to do it, but you didn't have to accept me into the family so easily. You didn't have to run out and get me these boots. I want to make sure you get a good college education, too." Jim had to pull off to the side of the road.

Heather pulled behind him and when neither boy got out of the truck, she got out of her car and walked up. "Anything wrong?" she asked.

"No, Joe just made me get emotional and I needed to pull over for a few," Jim said.

"You boys do that to each other a lot, it's so cute," Heather observed.

"He said that he doesn't want to touch that trust until he's ready to buy a house other than going to college, then he said that he means for both of us," Jim stated.

"Very wise decision, Joe. I think you're maturing more each day," Heather smiled at him.

"When I tried telling him that he didn't have to do that for me, he started telling me things that I didn't have to do for him yet did," Jim said. "He's mean, I tell you, and doesn't play fair." Joe and Heather started smiling.

As Jim pulled into the cul-de-sac, Zac didn't know what to think with seeing that truck. Last time he saw it, Mr. Walker was threatening Joe but he knew Mr. Walker was dead. He sighed when he saw who was driving and Joe in the passenger seat. Joe got out and walked up to Heather. "I think this is too much truck for what I want it for. Can we either sell it or have Mr. Speedwell?"

"Entirely up to you. Want to put a For Sale sign in its window whenever you park and drive it for a few weeks? That'll give you a little more to add to your vehicle fund and if it doesn't sell, then you can turn it over to Mr. Speedwell."

"That's a good idea, Mom. I love you," Joe said hugging Heather.

"That is a lot of truck. I bet that if you drive it to school, someone will be interested," Jim stated.

Later that day, the mechanic called Zac, "Hate to tell you this, but you blew a radiator hose, the engine overheated and seized. It'll cost you more than this old truck is worth to replace it."

"Why didn't my temp gauge indicate that it was getting hot?" Zac asked.

"Either your sensor needed to be replaced or the gauge was stuck. Even now the gauge is showing running temp, so I'm guessing it stuck," the mechanic said.

Zac thanked the guy and hung up. He called Jackson up and told him what the mechanic said. "Can you afford a new vehicle right now?" Jackson asked.

"Depends on if they'll let me make payments. You pay me well enough that I can afford that," Zac stated.

"While you're driving that truck, you are also advertising for us, so if you want to keep driving until you figure something out, you can."

"Thanks Jackson. You interested in selling it?" Zac was depressed and Jackson could hear it in his voice.

"I could be persuaded to do a deal like I did with the horses. Truck stays in my name and I pay the insurance until you get me paid off," Jackson offered.

"That works for me," Zac said, almost instantly cheered up. He disconnected and placed his phone in his pocket and started telling Jim and his family about Jackson offering to make a deal with him for the truck.

Heather looked at Zac, "Jackson has a heart of gold when it comes to you boys"

"Nice thing is, both trucks are Dodge Rams but my old truck was a '98. Jackson bought this truck new when he was right out of high school, so it's a 2010. It should last me a long time."

"So how much are your payments?" Heather asked.

"We're going to discuss the cost tomorrow, but Jackson's going to let me pay him what I can until he's paid off like he did with the horses. You gotta love that guy," Zac was thrilled.

"Wonder what your Christmas present will be," Jim chuckled.

"Maybe next Christmas, but I'm sure I'll still owe way too much for it to be this Christmas."

"I don't know. I know several people chipped in for my car, but there's no way you guys came up with that kind of money. And I seriously doubt that CJ put in that much."

"CJ paid for all of Joe's jeep, so are you sure about that?" Zac asked.

"You do have a point, but still it wouldn't surprise me," Jim insisted.

Zac thought for a minute then he agreed with Jim. He wasn't going to expect it, but it wouldn't really surprise him, either.

It was two weeks before Vince and Marilyn came home from their honeymoon. Both were sporting a golden tan. Everyone started asking where they went. "Well, Vinnie and I flew to San Diego and then got on a boat. I think the boat must have taken us half way to Hawaii the cruise was so long. Once we got off the boat we were on an island owned by Vince's dad. He owns a whole island. The house was unbelievable, it has fourteen bedrooms. And the staff were so friendly."

"Dad rents out those rooms normally, kind of like a hotel, but he promised me that we would have the island to just us and the staff while we were there," Vince elaborated.

"And I enjoyed every minute of it. Sex on the." Marilyn started.

"Mom, we don't need to hear that," Zac interrupted.

"Did you think we wouldn't have sex?" Marilyn asked.

"No, I figured that you would, but doesn't mean I want to hear about it," Zac explained. Marilyn laughed and hugged her son.

"Well, we had so much sex that you may have a new brother or sister in nine months," Vince teased.

"Said that I don't want to hear about it, Dad," Zac reiterated. Everyone laughed except Zac. "I know that you and Mom will do it, but that should be private. Think I'm going to stay with Jim for a while."

"Like you need an excuse for that. So I noticed a ranch truck in the drive. Where's your truck?" Marilyn asked.

"So much has happened while you were away. Joe inherited lots of money from his parents. Guess when they disowned him they didn't even think about their wills. He also got that truck that his sperm donor bought but he's already sold it. He put a sign in the window and a senior approached him the next day. Since the truck had less than a hundred miles on it, Joe got almost full value for it. That senior will be paying the bank forever," Zac was excited.

"But what about your truck?" Vince asked.

"It died the day after you left," Zac stated. He went on to tell what happened and about the deal he made with Jackson.

"I'm glad it's Jackson that you're dealing with. I know that he won't cheat you," Marilyn stated.

"Yeah, but I'll be paying for a long time, too," Zac said with a smile.

"Speaking of vehicles, Mom, Buster and I know exactly what vehicle I want. Any chance we can go see about getting one?" Joe asked.

"What did you decide that you want?" Heather asked.

"I would like a Dodge Durango Citadel in true blue pearl. They don't have any green ones," Joe said as he pulled out his phone and started showing all the details to his mom.

"That looks like a nice vehicle and with the added features, very safe. Do you really need the DVD for the second row, though?"

"I figure that if we use it to go on a trip or camping someplace other than the ranch, we could maybe watch a movie before going to bed," Joe explained.

"I see that you've really considered this," Heather smiled.

"Buster and I have looked at several different trucks and SUVs for a few weeks. This is the one that we both like, and the color almost matches Jim's car, but not quite."

"We'll go to the dealership tomorrow when I get home from work," Heather offered.

Rest of the night, they celebrated Vince and Marilyn returning and heard stories about how beautiful the island was. Every now and then, they teased Zac and started bringing up sex. Zac was quick to scold them and change the subject. They both laughed.

After Heather got off work, she took Joe to the Dodge dealer. Joe told the salesman exactly what he wanted. "We don't have that exactly here. I would either have to order it or we have a Durango or two on the lot."

"I figured you might have to order it and am willing to wait for it to be delivered, but that is what I want," Joe politely said. The salesman looked at Heather and she just nodded.

The salesman punched in the order and told Joe that with everything that he wanted the total would be fifty-four thousand dollars and he would need at least ten percent. "The website says that it's just over fifty-two thousand dollars for the suggested price. Is your dealer mark-up really that much?" Heather inquired.

"Yes ma'am, it's usually more but I am giving you a discount," the salesman assured her.

"We can just order off the website and have it delivered here or I have a cashier's check for fifty-three thousand dollars. How bad do you want that commission?" Heather stated as she pulled out the check.

"Guess I can knock another thousand off for you," the salesman stated. "Your Durango will be here in about a week." Joe smiled.

Joe was anxious all week waiting for his new vehicle. When it finally arrived, Jim took him to pick it up. First place Joe went was to pick Buster up. Buster got in and they went out to eat.

Jim drove home and found Zac sitting at the table doing homework. "I kinda miss riding out to the ranch with you," Jim said.

"I miss having you beside me, too. Weekends we still get to ride together," Zac stated.

"I know, but through the week just doesn't feel the same. And at the ranch, you're always so busy learning the management part," Jim grumbled.

"Speaking of which, Jackson wants to start teaching you this stuff, too. He keeps saying that you are third in charge of the ranch, so you need to learn how to manage it. His next vacation, he wants us to run the ranch so Josh can stay focused on the Rescue."

Jim moved behind Zac and started massaging his shoulders. He lowered his head and his lips began kissing Zac's neck. "Keep this up and I might not get any more homework done. I'm almost finished then we can go to your room," Zac offered.

Jim opened the snaps on Zac's shirt and was caressing his nipples. "One more question, please let me finish, you're making me horny," Zac begged.

Jim's lips moved to Zac's shoulders while his hands were caressing Zac's abs. Zac closed his book and exclaimed that he barely finished. He slowly moved his chair back so Jim could get out of the way. Before Jim knew it, Zac scooped him up and carried him up to his room. Flinging Jim onto the bed, he then laid down beside him and started making out.

It was Saturday morning and Joe drove to the ranch. Jim and Zac sat in the second row and watched a DVD while Joe drove. They loved it. Joe pulled in as Jackson was coming out of the barn. He had a young man with him, looked roughly eighteen.

"Nice SUV Jim and you hired Joe to chauffeur?" Jackson kidded.

"Naw, it's his SUV. Zac and I decided to sit so we could watch a DVD on the way here," Jim replied with a smile.

"Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Caleb. He used to work as a clerk at the grocery store but wanted to work here for more of a challenge. Jim, I want you and Joe to work with him and help him become a riding instructor. He'll help you guys out to free up some of Jim's time."

"Are you cutting Jim's hours?" Joe asked.

"Would I do that? No, I have plans for Jim," Jackson stated.

"Yeah, Zac was telling me. And I really want to learn so that you can fully enjoy your next vacation."

"I enjoyed my last one. I knew the ranch was in good hands," Jackson declared.

Jeff came out of the house and saw Caleb standing beside Jackson. His heart skipped a beat when he saw him. Anytime Jeff went to the grocer's, if he saw Caleb was working, he made sure that was the lane he used.

"Are you stalking me?" Jeff asked as he approached.

"Me?" Caleb responded. "Who was it that always chose my lane to checkout? Who, when there was a lane with no waiting replied, 'No, I'm good,' and now you show up at my new job. Bet you're going to use the excuse that your brother owns the ranch or you live here."

"Well, main reason I went to that grocer's was to see you. You have no idea how many times I've been disappointed not seeing you at work," Jeff stated.

"That was the whole reason that they hired me. Didn't you know that? Then when Jackson went through my lane yesterday, I was complaining about this handsome guy who's always going through and never asking me out, so he told me to come work here."

"That's not how it happened. I was going through your lane and could tell that you wanted a change in occupation. You put on a front, but I asked if you wanted a challenge," Jackson clarified.

"Oh right, that's how it really happened," Caleb smiled.

"I was getting a vibe from you that you might be gay. I wasn't sure if it were wishful thinking or what. I've wanted to ask you out many times, but wasn't sure if it would have been appropriate," Jeff explained.

"Not sure about the appropriateness, but I would have definitely said yes if you did," Caleb hinted.

Jeff looked at Caleb, "If I can convince my brother to let you start tomorrow, would you like to grab a bite to eat and maybe talk?"

"Sure, he can start tomorrow, but you're still scheduled to work," Jackson laughed. Jeff gave him puppy dog eyes. "That doesn't work with me," Jackson chuckled.

"We can go out after we both get off," Caleb started. Everyone was giving him a look so he added, "From work."

"That'll work. So what will you be doing here?"

"Jackson thinks that I'd be good at teaching others how to ride. I was a trainer at the store, so I know how to train; just what I'll be teaching will be different."

"Mmmmm, you can train me to do anything. I'd be so attentive to you," Jeff was so attentive to Caleb that he didn't see Jackson come up behind him. It was too late for him when he noticed Jackson pouring a bucket of cold water over him.

"Hornball, am I going to need one of those every day that Caleb works?" Jackson asked.

"You have to admit that he's gorgeous, and now I need to go change," Jeff stated. Caleb was just laughing.

Jeff went to go change and Jim started to take Caleb to train him. "I have you scheduled to work forty hours a week. Until you feel confident that you can train for horseback riding, I'd like for you to use that time practicing. If Jim or Joe are here, use one of them. If they are not, you can use Horny if you want or another hand that might be available," Jackson told Caleb before Jim took him away.

Jim took Caleb to the barn and started telling him about the different horses that were available. Then he asked him to pick out a horse to use based on what riding experience he had. When Caleb picked his horse, Jim asked him why he picked that horse. Caleb explained that, while he had some riding experience, it was limited and this horse, while giving somewhat of a challenge, wouldn't overwhelm him. Jim was pleased with his answer.

"You'll eventually get to know each horse and with talking to each client, know which horse best suits them. You don't want to match a rearing stallion with a novice or a very mild horse with someone who has been riding for a while."

"That makes sense," Caleb said.

"I know a rearing stallion I want to mount," Jim heard Jeff say. Caleb began to blush.

"Jeff, do I need to call your brother? Go get to work and leave this young man alone. He'll see you in a few hours," Jim admonished. He heard Jeff whimpering away.

"He really is cute, I may have to tame him," Caleb chuckled.

"He's been horny all summer. He was dating my cousin but they decided to just be friends. I've heard him talking about you ever since, especially when he would return from a food run. 'Caleb checked me out at the grocer's again.' 'I don't smoke but seeing Caleb makes me want a cigarette,' on and on," Jim informed him.

"So, getting him should be easy. Hiring me might not have been a good idea on Jackson's part. He may have trouble getting Jeff to work," Caleb smiled. Jim could see why Jeff liked Caleb. Like Joe, if Jim wasn't dating Zac, he would consider it. Caleb broke his train of thought, "So, are you seeing anyone?"

"Yes, I have a boyfriend," Jim admitted.

"Joe?" Caleb inquired.

"No, he's my brother. And before you say we look nothing alike, my mom adopted him and he adopted us. Zac is my boyfriend," Jim explained.

"Nice," Caleb responded.

Like clockwork, Matt and Gina showed up at ten. Zac called Jim to the office and Caleb followed. "Part of being an instructor, you will take people on trails from time to time. Matt and Gina know the trails and could go alone, but he seems to like having us along," Jim explained.

"You ever consider getting your own horse Matt?" Zac asked as Jim and Caleb walked into the office.

"I would love to get a couple of horses. Dad said that while he has no problem with me riding horses with Gina, I can get my own horse when I no longer live under his roof."

"Have any in mind that you would like?" Jackson asked.

"Seen a few, I like the palomino like Gold, but I would really like the black horses with the white patch going down their face," Matt explained. Zac got up and Jackson sat at the computer. He punched up two horses that were for sale and showed them to Matt. "Those are awesome, I would love to buy them, but the site says that they were just sold."

"I know, I just bought them. I'll get them here and they'll be reserved. Only you and Gina will be allowed to ride them other than ranch hands taking them for exercise. When you are no longer under your father's roof, you can buy them from me," Jackson smiled.

"Thanks Jackson, but why?" Matt asked.

"You've been coming to this ranch almost as long as I've owned it. While I respect your father's wishes, I also can understand your desire, so this seems like the best solution I could think of," Jackson clarified. "It'll be as if you own your own horses without actually doing so at this time."

"Will they be here next Saturday?" Matt asked.

"Yes, they should be here around the middle of the week," Jackson informed him. Matt smiled.

Jim introduced Caleb to Matt and Gina. He explained that he is training Caleb so if Matt didn't have a problem with it, he would be joining them. "That's cool, but note that I still prefer you or Zac," Matt stated.

"Whatever makes you happy," Jim stated.

After they walked out of the office and headed for the barns, Jackson looked at Zac, "I swear that boy has spent so much here. I think his father is silly not letting him buy a horse and stable it out here, he'd save money."

"Yeah, but his father probably has his reasons. Matt never liked horses until he met Gina. Maybe his father thinks they are a fad and he'll move on," Zac theorized.

"I don't see that. I think they are too young to be planning a wedding, but I see them very much in love," Jackson stated.

"I don't disagree with you, but some people probably thought that of you and Ryan. Maybe not the marrying part, but you know what I mean. He was still in law school when you met and the two of you moved in together here when he graduated. And now, you've adopted Colt together."

"But Ryan is five years older than me and had his schooling done before we moved in together. And I see you and Jim being together forever, but I don't think it would be wise to marry before you both finish schooling."

"Like I said, I don't disagree with you. We both are planning to go to school. I want to get a business degree and maybe Equestrian Husbandry or something like that. Jim said that his dad never got a degree so he wants to get a business degree and maybe one in computers. He figures that his dad taught him a lot about horses and raising Gold helped, but what he doesn't know he can learn like his dad did."

"At least he realizes that he can still learn. You show me a guy who knows everything about horses and either he's a vet practicing only on horses or he's as old as Methuselah," Jackson quipped.

"Yeah, I'm going to hate seeing Jim when it's time to put Gold down. And he's never been around a horse really sick. Jim will be devastated," Zac fretted.

"We had a boy at Second Chance who lost his horse. As bad as he was, I'm afraid Jim will be worse. Luka had someone to help him through, so fortunately Jim has you, his family and several friends. And if Gold lives a full life, Jim's still young now, but he should be fully mature by then," Jackson said.

Jackson and Zac continued talking until they spotted Jim returning with his group. "If you don't mind, I want to try something. When Jim was in the hospital we were talking about how Gold let me ride him to rescue Jim. We were wondering if he'd let me mount him without Jim needing rescued but haven't tried yet," Zac stated almost asking Jackson for permission.

"Just be careful," Jackson warned.

Zac ran out and got to them before Jim started removing Gold's tack. "What's up?" Jim asked.

"Remember what we discussed while you were in the hospital?"

"There were a few things, but I think I know which one you meant," Jim replied. "You're wanting to try now?"

"If you don't mind?" Zac said looking tenderly at Jim.

"Is this something that maybe we should leave?" Matt asked almost in a joking manner. Zac smiled and then grabbed Gold's reins. Matt was surprised, "Is he going to try and mount Gold? Gold will let someone besides you on his back?"

Jim gave the story about him being thrown and Gold getting Zac. He said that they were curious as to whether Gold would let him mount now. Zac was talking to Gold, "Hey boy. Remember me? You let me ride you to rescue Jim. Will you let me now?" Zac moved beside Gold and the animal moved backwards. "That's cool, I love you anyway, just promise me that if something happens to Jim again, you'll let me so we can go rescue him, alright?"

Gold used his head and pushed Zac as close to his side as he could. Then he moved so Zac was beside the stirrup. Zac looked into Gold's eyes and the horse nodded his head. Zac put his left foot into the stirrup and pulled himself onto the saddle. Gold ran around the corral for a few minutes then ran to Jim. Jim was a little surprised watching this.

Zac dismounted and said, "We have an understanding. That was his way of saying that you are his rider but he would let me ride him if you needed help."

"I'm not even going to try. I thought about asking if I could, but after watching that I know," Matt said holding his hands out.

Joe was walking by leading Sunshine from the arena. "Hey guys," he said waving.

"Joe, come here a minute," Jim hollered. Jim's curiosity was getting the better of him. Joe walked over and asked what was up. Jim asked him to see if he could mount Gold. Joe was shocked. "Well, he'll let Zac ride him if I were in trouble. He knows that you're my brother, so I'm curious."

Joe looked at Gold, "What say you? I am Jim's brother." Gold shook his head and backed up. "What if Jim were in trouble and Zac wasn't around?" Gold approached Joe. "Should I?" Joe asked.

"Go for it, see if he does like he did for Zac," Jim was loving this. He always swore Gold understood everything anyone said. Joe mounted Gold and did exactly like he did with Zac.

"That settles it, Gold is still a one-rider horse, but he will let that rider's loved ones mount to rescue him. One smart horse if you ask me," Matt stated. Jim was beaming with pride.

Jackson had been watching the whole thing. Something ever happen to Gold, Zac was right, Jim would be a total mess, even if it was twenty years down the road. Jon Bolt was walking by and looking at Gold. He walked over. "That's only the second horse I've ever seen with a coat like that," he stated.

"Second? Who was the first?" Jim asked.

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Next: Chapter 41

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