Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Sep 24, 2015


Disclaimer: This story is fictional. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Jim are inspired by bits and pieces of my life. Parts of the character are fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. This story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. Some people have compared my writing style to that of Mr. Todd's and for that, I am flattered. While Another Chance does pay tribute to "Riding Lessons", it is a story of its own and has its own plot and agenda. If you have any suggestions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me at . Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

Also wanted to comment on the Park County, WY Sheriff's Dept. While the current Sheriff's name is real, I have no reason to believe he is retiring. From my understanding, he is doing an excellent job and I wish him the best. As to anything happening in the story concerning the Department, everything is fictional and reflects nothing actually happening to my knowledge.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 53

"I'd like to introduce you to Mason Williams," Principal Duncan announced.

"Actually, it's William A. Mason," William said as he walked up to the podium. "Question, how many of you are friends of or even know Jim Bolt? I see him sitting there beside Dusty. Nice impromptu speech there, by the way, Dusty. I, too, am glad that you are alive and back in school." Most everyone in the auditorium raised their hand to at least knowing Jim.

"Then you may not like me much. See, for my twenty-first birthday, friends took me out to drink. I never had a drink before and had no clue how it would affect me. I got behind the wheel of my car on that icy road and I started to skid. Not sober enough to think how to correct, I slid into a truck. Unfortunately, Jon Bolt was between my car and that truck. He went flying and my car got wedged under his truck. Yes, I am the stupid idiot who took Jim's dad from him," William started. He went on to explain how different his life had become because of that one drink and getting behind the wheel. He explained how he hated himself for what he had done and how, when he apologized to Jim and his mom, though he wasn't expecting it, and didn't feel that he deserved it, they forgave him. William was in tears and had trouble speaking throughout most of his speech.

When William was finished, Pearl Wallace stood up, "Young man, I've only recently met Jim, and I am sorry for his loss. My father was a drunk and was the one who hit Aron. My grandfather left me more money than I know what to do with, so I'd like to help cover the cost of you speaking around the country, and I know that Aron has talked about doing something similar once he graduates. Perhaps the two of you can work together?"

"Ma'am, if Aron would like to join me once he graduates, I would be honored," William sobbed. "Perhaps hearing from a victim and one who's been in prison for drinking and driving, more people will realize how dangerous it can be. I was lucky that I only took one life, and as bad as that was, it could have been worse. I was seriously considering suicide before I met Jim and his mom. I don't even want to think how bad I would have been had more lives been involved. Mind you, while I won't touch another drop of alcohol, I'm not advocating going dry, but if you do drink, don't drive. Even if you think you are sober, your reflexes and thinking are greatly reduced."

William went and sat back down and Principal Duncan walked back up to the mike. "Jim, you lost your father and almost lost your best friend to drunk drivers, would you like to add anything?" Jim walked up on stage and leaned against the podium.

"When William took my dad from me, I hated him so much. And I became very depressed. When we had to move down here because we ended up losing the ranch, I almost became somewhat of a hermit. I was lucky though, I met Dusty, who wouldn't let me be a loner. He almost forced me to be his friend. Then, I met William and originally planned to yell at him. When I was sitting across from him and he started telling his story, I didn't see the monster that I thought he was. He was just a person who made a stupid costly mistake. He was no different than me, or any of you. He never drank before that day, and look what one drink did. It cost me my father, cost me the home where I grew up, and it cost me my dog that I raised from a pup. But it also cost William. He is now an ex-con and though he is out of prison, he still doesn't have all the rights that he had before. And the guilt that he can't get rid of, even though I've forgiven him, he'll never be rid of knowing that he took my dad's life. Ask him and he'll tell you that if he could go back and stop himself from getting in that car, he would. I'm thankful that I can consider William a friend, but I'd be more thankful if we could have become friends without what happened. Drinking and Driving are a bad idea. You've heard from two victims, well three if you count me, and you heard from someone who was behind the wheel after just one drink. It's not worth everything that can be lost. Call a friend, call a taxi, or arrange for a designated driver, but please, don't drink and drive. It's too costly," Jim was holding back tears while he spoke, but when he was done talking, the tears started flowing.

Zac came up and helped Jim off the stage. With him crying, Zac wasn't sure how good he'd be at walking down the stairs. "Thank you Zac for helping him," Principal Duncan commented as he stood at the microphone. "If anyone would like to comment about what we are discussing here, there is the microphone in front of the stage. If no one wishes to speak, we will adjourn this general assembly in fifteen minutes."

An elderly gentleman came forward and stood at the microphone. "One thing that none of you mentioned was the family of the drunk driver. See, I spent seven years in prison for hitting a boy and killing a girl. My own daughter doesn't even recognize me because I may have spent seven years in prison, but I've aged so much more. William, you are lucky that you got out after two, I wasn't so lucky. I am lucky that my daughter turned out the way she did, but that was because of my father, not me. I may have lost her because I was stupid. I also had two sons, because I was a mean drunken bastard, sorry if that offends anyone, but I was one. And because I was, my two sons are going to prison. Now their actions were their own, but I am as much to blame as they were. Since I've been sober for seven years, I can see how much alcohol has cost me and especially drinking and driving. And Aron, I don't expect you to forgive me for putting you in a coma, but I am thankful that I only took one life that day. I truly wish that I didn't take any." Pearl gasped as he was speaking when she realized who he was and though part of her never wanted to forgive him, she could see a change in him, and he was her father. She walked over to him and hugged him.

"Mr. Wallace, I hold no ill feelings towards you. I do hope that you stay sober," Aron offered.

"Believe me, some people may be able to drink one drink and be fine, but I know that if I touch another drop, it's the first step to losing everything all over. As Mr. Bolt said, it's too costly," Mr. Wallace cried.

Principal Duncan was showing signs of fighting tears, "Does anyone else have anything that they would like to say?" No one responded so Principal Duncan concluded the assembly.

"Papa, Grandpa would be so proud of you today. You have a place to stay?" Pearl asked.

"Just got into town, I heard that Aron was speaking here and I wanted to come. I'm not planning to stay," Mr. Wallace replied.

"Can you stay at least a few days? I have room, and I'd love to get to know you again," Pearl almost pleaded.

"I can stay as long as you want me," Mr. Wallace answered, "You make me so proud, Dad raised you right. I'm glad that I didn't have a hand in it or you might have ended up like your brothers."

"You can't take all the blame for them, sure some of it may have been because of you, but not all of it. And so long as you stay sober, I wouldn't have a problem with you staying forever," Pearl and her father wiped a tear from their eyes at the same time, and then laughed about it.

Aron walked over, "Mr. Wallace, I didn't know it was you that hit me until Miss Wallace let me know. I truly am thankful that you wanted to make amends, but that person no longer exists so I can't forgive him. You are a new person, and I believe that Miss Wallace is happy with this new you."

"I can only hope so because I plan on this me staying, I never want to revert back to that other person," Mr. Wallace stated.

"Will you join William and I when I graduate and travel with him?" Aron asked.

"I don't know, I'm ashamed of who I was but, if my story can help stop drinking and driving, I need to tell it. I would also like to spend time with Pearl since she graciously accepted me back into her life," Mr. Wallace considered.

"You can do that, I need to set up my headquarters and with Miss Pearl's offer to help sponsor me, I'd like to set it up in Cody," William came over to thank Pearl and when he heard Aron ask Mr. Wallace to join them, he was elated at the idea. "Once a month, I need to meet with my parole officer for two years. They told me that wherever I set up a base of operation, they would transfer my case there and let them know of our agreement. While I am visiting with him or her, the two of you can visit with Miss Pearl."

"I would love that," Pearl gleefully offered.

"If I can do any good, and it makes Pearl happy, then I would love to join you," Mr. Wallace stated. Pearl kissed her dad on the cheek.

"And I would like to help sponsor you as well. The name is Jackson Sprayberry, but my friends call me Jackson," Jackson introduced himself to William.

"Jim has mentioned you in his letters. He warned me to never call you Mister if I ever met you," William responded. Jackson laughed.

It was lunchtime when the general assembly concluded so the students went to lunch and then their afternoon classes. All the students that saw Dusty welcomed him back, and a few even asked if they could push his chair to his next class. It was motorized, so he thanked them for the offer but declined.

When the last class let out, Jim walked with Dusty out to the van that his dad had rented until Dusty no longer needed a wheelchair. "See you tomorrow, I'm headed to the dojo," Jim told him as the lift raised him to enter.

"See you at the dojo, I may need help getting my gi top on," Dusty grinned.

Jim waved to Dr. Bear as he walked towards Joe's SUV. "Ready to go train?"

Joe was surprised to see Dusty getting out of the van at the dojo. Jim hadn't told him and laughed at the look on Joe's face. They walked with Dusty to the locker room. Jim and Joe changed quickly, while Dusty struggled pulling his shirt up while sitting in his chair with his legs slightly elevated. Jim came over and helped him change. The entire dojo clapped as Dusty exited the locker room.

Dusty sat off to the side and practiced the upper body portions of the katas that they were doing. Sensei smiled at him as he was doing his best under the condition he was in. Sure, he had to struggle a little and made some mistakes due to the restrictions caused by his chair but he never gave up or said that it was too hard.

After the class was over, everyone told Dusty how much he was missed and that they were glad to see him back. Sensei complimented Dusty on his effort and told him that once he is back on his feet, he should make an excellent martial artist. Jim and Joe went to change while everyone was talking to Dusty so that Jim was able to help Dusty if he needed.

Life had become quiet, no one was trying to hurt the boys, Dusty was back in school challenging Jim to maintain their high GPA, and Nick was taking Heather out every Friday. One Friday coming up, they made no plans to go out. They decided that this Friday would be spent with the family. This Friday was the thirteenth of March, when Joe turns seventeen.

Joe was a little surprised when Jackson didn't plan any surprise party, but was happy knowing that Jackson's family was coming to the house to help celebrate. Buster came dressed in the bear outfit. Joe told him that he was spending the night so he could cuddle with a live teddy bear. Dusty and Cheyenne came over as well. While they were celebrating, Jim walked up to Jackson, "You know, Easter is less than a month away, and then Spring Break. Are you planning an event like last year?"

"I'm glad you asked," Jackson said. "Can I have everyone's attention? First, I want to congratulate Joe on reaching another birthday. I know that this past year was rough on him, but thanks to his family and friends, he made it through. Second, Jim asked me if I have plans for a Spring Break Celebration. The arena for the junior rodeo has been completed, including a dorm room for those who come for the camp during the summer. We are going to hold our anniversary at the arena. We'll have a few stunts going on through the day. Jim, Mr. Brodie would like for you to demonstrate barrel racing sometime during the week. We'll make mention of your dad and announce the first rodeo being dedicated to him."

"I'd be honored to do it and I'd like to do it in honor of my dad," Jim smiled.

"When will the first rodeo be?" Joe asked.

"We're actually doing it earlier than usual. Mr. Brodie says that normally, he wants to have it the first weekend after school lets out, but this one, he wants a three day event starting Friday night on April the twenty-fourth." Jackson answered.

"That's my dad's birthday," Jim said as he started tearing up.

"That's why Ben wants to do it that weekend. He thought what better way to celebrate your dad. William Mason has agreed to speak on that Friday. I'd like for you to introduce him," Jackson requested.

"Yeah, I'd like to," Jim said with a sniffle.

"Back to the Anniversary Celebration, Ryan has agreed to drive a wagon shuttling people from the arena to the barn and back for those wanting to go horseback riding. The event will run from nine to seven Monday through Saturday, but we won't open up the riding until noon. Zack, I want you to set up when everyone is working and remember, students can't work more than forty hours that week."

With that, everyone went back to celebrating Joe's birthday. Joe blew out all seventeen candles in one breath. After everyone had a piece of cake and some ice cream, Joe began opening presents. Compared to last year, Joe was expecting the gifts to not be so lavish, but Jim and Zac did get Joe a new pair of boots. He had grown a little and the pair he had was getting tight. Joe couldn't believe seeing the four boots and chuckled thinking about what he said when he got the three boots his first Christmas. "Did I grow another foot that I'm not aware of?" Joe teased.

"No, but we had to buy both pair this time. They do match, so you still only need to change the left boot," Jim explained.

Buster gave Joe a heavy-chain silver necklace. He also bought a teddy bear charm but thought that might be a little girlish. Instead, he found a charm that read "Joe". Joe said that the teddy bear was going on his keys. Joe finished opening his presents, and as expected, nothing was anywhere as extravagant as last year, with the exception of the boots. Everything that everyone had bought, Joe could tell that they were thinking of him and that is what mattered; he loved all his gifts just as much.

After the party, everyone had gone home except Zac, who usually spends the night with Jim, and Buster who was spending the night with Joe. Buster and Joe went up to Joe's room. Once inside, Joe locked his door. "You don't really have to keep that bear costume on if you don't want to," Joe stated.

"Though my parents said that I could if you wanted me to, I wasn't expecting to spend the night. I didn't wear anything underneath," Buster said sheepishly.

Joe's eyes got big. "Seriously!" he exclaimed and started unzipping the costume and looked. "You're not even wearing undershorts or anything under it."

"Nope, I hope that doesn't upset you," Buster solemnly replied.

"So were you planning to sleep in that thing all night when I said that you were spending the night?" Joe asked.

"If you want me to, I will," Buster said.

"What I want is for you to be comfortable. I have no problem with you being naked if you don't," Joe offered.

"We've been dating for a year and a month as of tomorrow. I'm not sure that I'm ready for anal, but if you're interested in experimenting, I'm game," Buster stated.

"I know that I'm not ready for anal yet. Don't know that I ever will be until we actually do it, but I wouldn't mind trying masturbating together, or maybe oral. I'm actually surprised that we never masturbated together yet, but happy that neither of us pushed the other," Joe averred.

"I am, too. Have you ever tasted your own cum?" Buster asked.

Joe chuckled, "Have to admit that I have, but I pretended that it was yours. And boy did you taste good."

Now Buster laughed. "I thought that I was the only one. I would imagine us sucking each other and in my mind, it was your cum that I was tasting."

"I love you, Buster. Maybe more than you realize. I definitely want you to be my first, my last and my only cock that I ever suck," Joe lovingly stated as he stared into Buster's eyes.

"I feel the same way, and when we are ready to go further, you will be the one who takes my anal virginity," Buster declared.

"Like I said, I may not ever be ready until we actually do it, but when we get married, if we haven't done it by then, I definitely want to that night," Joe suggested.

"That would make it so much more special, wouldn't it?" Buster smiled at Joe making Joe kiss him.

"It would, you've made my mind up. If we decide that we like oral, which I'm sure we will, we can do that whenever, but I want to wait until we get married for anal."

"I love you so much, Joseph Charles Bolt."

"I love you also, now get that bear costume off," Joe chuckled.

In the morning, Joe was down in the kitchen making breakfast. Jim looked at him because he was wearing the bear costume. "Isn't that..." Jim started.

"Yep, and he didn't wear anything under it, plus he's too tall for my clothes to fit him, so he's stuck in my room naked until I go back up," Joe smiled.

"I see, he's naked, does that mean you guys did anything? And, if you feel that's too personal, you don't have to answer," Jim inquired.

"For just anybody, yeah, that would be a bit personal. We did finally have oral, but agreed that we want to wait until we get married before doing anything anal," Joe admitted.

"I think that'll be a perfect time for the two of you. I am proud of you, Joe," Jim gave Joe a hug. "Wow, you feel like a big teddy bear."

"I know, right. Whoever Jackson had make this did a good job."

"Did you see the dragon that I gave Dusty? A friend of his made it and I would bet almost anything that she made that costume," Jim declared.

"Would you bet Gold?" Joe asked.

"That would be why I said almost. As sure as I am, I would never risk losing Gold. And before you ask, Zac is off the table, too."

"What table?" Zac asked coming in.

"We were talking about this bear costume," Jim replied, "and whether the same person made it as the dragon."

"Isn't that Buster's?" Zac asked and Jim and Joe started cracking up. "I know that I'd be willing to put up Silver on who made it, and Jim. I was with Jackson when he had requested that and the dragon be made. I kept trying to remind him to make the dragon blue, but he must not have heard me. Same lady did make both. Dusty ever name that dragon?"

"Hug Joe, he feels like a live teddy bear," Jim told Zac. "And he named it O'lapid."

"Joe!" they heard Buster call from upstairs.

"Is he naked up there?" Zac asked.

"Until I take his costume off," Joe grinned. "I may just wear it to the ranch."

"Don't do that, he may never come back," Jim advised.

"Fine, but I go upstairs, I may not be back for a few," Joe said with a wink.

Jim finished cooking the breakfast while Joe went upstairs. It was over half an hour before he came downstairs. He and Buster still had wet hair. Joe's breath was more minty than usual. Jim gave him a sly look and winked. Joe smiled.

"So, what are your plans today, Buster?" Zac asked.

"Have to take the car back to Mom by noon, but then plan to have her drop me off at the ranch so I can go riding. Don't know any cute guys that can ride with me, do you?" Buster asked smiling at Joe.

"We might be able to get Caleb to ride with you," Zac teased.

"Or what was the name of that new guy that just started? Connor?" Jim asked.

"No, last person that Jackson hired was named Chris," Zac corrected.

"Not Joe's and my brother. This kid looked like he was sixteen, maybe seventeen. He had black hair and a cute smile. I saw him talking to Jackson and Colt yesterday," Jim stated. "And I heard Jackson say that he'll see him today."

"OH, that's a boy in Colt's class. He and some girl are going riding with Colt and Kensi," Zac informed them.

"Fine, if you want me to ride with him, I'll do it," Joe acted like it was going to be a chore.

"He said cute," Jim teased.

"Don't get any cuter than a teddy bear, and y'all said that I was like a teddy bear before," Joe shot back.

"But you've had two birthdays since I said that," Jim kidded. He was chuckling so Joe knew he wasn't serious.

"Are you, are you saying that I'm not cute anymore?" Joe put his arm on the table and acted like he was crying.

"Doesn't matter what they think, you are very cute to me, even more so when you took off my bear costume," Buster stated.

"Yeah, well you were cute when wearing it and maybe cuter when you took it off. Face it, you're damn cute, period," Joe grinned.

"Don't they make a cute couple?" Jim looked at Zac.

"Were we ever that cute?" Zac asked.

"Just as cute, and you still are," Heather said as she entered the dining room. All four boys gave Heather a kiss on the cheek. Buster headed home and the other three went to the ranch.

Like clockwork, Matt was at the ranch at ten on the dot, this time though, he had his dad with him. "Where's Gina?" Jim asked.

"She left me for some other guy, so I thought I'd bring my dad today," Matt chuckled.

"You don't seem too upset over it, what really gives?" Jim questioned.

"Her dad is taking her to lunch. With his job, he's gone three months, home for a month and gone another three months, and so on. He just came home last night and is taking the whole family to lunch. I was invited but decided that I wanted to spend today with my dad," Matt explained.

"That's cool, I've never met your dad," Jim commented.

"Though I haven't met you, I feel like I have. Matt is constantly telling me about you and how you've become a really big part of Zac's life. You are Jim, right?" Mr. McCrery asked. "These the horses that you said you want to buy after you marry Gina?"

"They are, what do you think of them?" Matt responded.

"You want my honest opinion?" Mr. McCrery queried.

"Other than wanting to spend time with you, it is why I brought you out here," Matt answered.

"My honest opinion is, you and Regina are too young to think about marriage. I do understand that the two of you have been in love with each other as long as you've known each other, and I understand your reasoning for wanting to get married. Most couples who get married right out of high school, don't last. But I believe that you and Regina may be an exception to that. Aside from that, these are beautiful horses, and I believe that you have really come to love them and not just because Regina loves them. I still don't really want you to buy them, I'd like to buy them for you." Mr. McCrery shocked Matt with what he said.

Matt threw his arms around his dad, "Thank you, I love you so much."

"Let me go talk to the owner and pay him. After that, boarding fees and everything else will be your responsibility, not like you can't afford it," Mr. McCrery chuckled.

As Mr. McCrery headed to the office, Jim looked at Matt, "I'm guessing that Gina is short for Regina?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't really like Regina. She lets him get away with it out of respect of him being my dad, and she's never told him that she doesn't like it. She told me that I better never tell him either," Matt grinned.

Zac was sitting in the office when Mr. McCrery walked in. "How are you? I was surprised to see you getting out of Matt's truck, what can we do for you?"

"For starters, you haven't been to the house since before Christmas. Are you upset with me?"

"Not at all, sir," Zac responded. "I've just been busy with school and this being my senior year, the closer it gets to graduation, the busier we will be. I'll try to make some time, though."

"Good, now the real reason I'm here, I understand that the owner is holding those two horses for Matt. I told Matt that I wanted to buy them for him and Regina, and I'd like to pay for them," Mr. McCrery stated.

"Jackson, are you busy? I have someone wanting to buy a couple of horses," Zac spoke into a radio.

"I'm on my way but let them know that it may be twenty minutes before I get there. Which horses are they interested in?" Jackson called back.

"Fareyr and Kearis," Zac answered.

"Why didn't you say that it was Matt? He can go ride instead of waiting on me and I'll get the paperwork ready for when he's done. Did his dad change his mind about Matt buying them?" Jackson questioned.

"It's not Matt," Zac answered and started to laugh after letting up on the button.

"Then tell them that they're not for sale and apologize for me," Jackson requested.

"He would really not sell those two horses out from under Matt like that?" Mr. McCrery asked.

"He made Matt a promise, and he's always kept his promises, to my knowledge," Zac replied.

"I like him. Matt and I will go for our ride and I'll come back after to pay for them."

"Was nice seeing you again, maybe when we get off work tomorrow, I can stop by. I may have Jim and his brother with me, though," Zac stated.

"Bring them, I know that Caroline would love to meet Jim. Matt talks about him almost every time he mentions your name. As for his brother, we already consider Jim family, so by default, he is as well," Mr. McCrery said as he headed out the door.

Jackson walked into the office about twenty-five minutes after he talked with Zac. "Were they upset that I wouldn't sell the horses?" he asked.

"Not really, he said that he admired you for that. He did say that he'd stop in after he was done riding with Matt so he can pay you for them," Zac chuckled.

"He didn't understand that I'm not... Wait, did you just say that he was riding with Matt?" Jackson gave Zac a funny look and Zac started cracking up.

"Yeah, it's Matt's dad," Zac laughed.

"Well, shoot, he's buying them for Matt, why didn't you say so? I'm guessing then that he did change his mind," Jackson started laughing with Zac.

After their ride, Jim and Matt took the horses to the cross ties to remove their tack and groom them. Mr. McCrery went to the office. "Nathan, this is Jackson," Zac introduced them.

"I hear that you refuse to sell those two horses except to Matt," Mr. McCrery stated.

"That's right, unless you're wanting to buy them for him," Jackson stated firmly.

"Do you have the papers ready to transfer ownership to him? If so, I'd like to pay you for them," Mr. McCrery asked.

"I've had them ready ever since I took ownership. I always knew that Matt would eventually own them, so why wait to prepare them," Jackson replied, handing the papers to Mr. McCrery.

"This can't be right, says that you're selling them to Matt at the same price that you bought them," Mr. McCrery commented.

"That was the deal that I made with Matt," Jackson said.

"You can't make money like that," Mr. McCrery argued.

"I am a business man and aware of that. I make plenty of money off my cattle, stud fees, and the other horses that I sell. I consider Matt a friend, and though I know he can afford to pay more, I don't do friends like that," Jackson refuted.

"The more and more I get to know you, the more I like you. You have a lot of character and I am proud to have you as my son's friend. You're not selling them to Matt and you didn't make any deal with me, so if you want to add some on for a profit, I won't get upset," Mr. McCrery averred.

"Can I call you Nathan? It's not my nature, the price stands as what I told Matt that I would sell them to him for. But I wouldn't argue if you threw in extra as a tip," Jackson offered as a way of keeping his word and appeasing Mr. McCrery.

"You can call me Nathan if I can call you Jackson. I really do like you and hope that we can be friends. I'll write the check out for what I think you should sell the horses for and you can consider the excess as a tip," Mr. McCrery laughed as he wrote the check for ten percent above the selling price.

"All my friends call me Jackson, it is my name," Jackson chuckled.

Jim and Matt had just finished putting the horses away when a Toyota Highlander pulled up. Matt started walking quickly to it. Gina and her family got out and Gina ran towards Matt. They hugged and kissed, then Matt asked what they were doing here.

Mr. McCrery came out of the office and saw his son hugging Gina. He walked over and shook her dad's hand. "Derek, I heard that you were in town, good to see you."

"Good to see you as well. Gina was telling me that she normally rides with Matt on Saturdays and wanted me to see the horses that he plans to buy," Gina's dad stated.

"He's not buying them," Mr. McCrery stated.

"Once he moves out of your house, you can't stop him," Gina's dad argued.

"Think I did, they are his, but I bought them," he chuckled and handed Matt the paperwork.

"Well, that's different, I'm glad that you gave in," Gina's dad smiled.

"Wouldn't say that I gave in, I just came to believe that they're not just a fad for Matt. And as you said, he was going to buy them anyway. This way, he can have his horses and not feel like he's defying me."

"I know that the two of you just went riding, but can we all go riding, you, me, our dads, my mom and Roger? Jim or Zac can be our guide," Gina asked.

"I would love to go riding again if it's with you, Regina," Mr. McCrery responded. He saw her dad cringe when he said her name. "Regina is her name isn't it?"

"It is, but she never liked it. We call her Gina," her dad answered.

"You don't like such a pretty name as Regina? Why didn't you say so?" Mr. McCrery asked Gina.

"To be honest, not really, but I respect you too much to say anything about it," Gina answered.

"Nothing disrespectful in asking me to call you by the name that you prefer," Mr. McCrery told her. She walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "Matt, if you decide to not marry this girl, I might. But don't tell your mother I said that." Matt grinned at his dad.

Buster's mom just dropped him off and he went to the stables to find Joe. "You ready to ride?"

"Yes, let me get Aurixi and Sunshine while you pick out a horse for you," Joe replied.

"Is it safe for you to ride Aurixi? Her belly is getting big," Buster voiced his concerns.

"She has a little over four months until she is due. Jackson said that it would be fine to ride her until the last month, but we may not be able to put a saddle on her during the last three or four months," Joe answered.

"Joe, Gina wants to go horseback riding, unless you and Buster want to be alone, would the two of you like to join us?" Jim offered.

Joe looked at Buster, who was nodding his head and smiling. "I'm guessing that Buster would like that, so sure," Joe responded.

"Can I go as well?" Zac asked.

"You never have to ask to ride me, er, um, I mean ride with me," Jim fumbled. Joe and Buster just laughed.

As they were riding, Mr. McCrery rode up to the left side of Jim. "Did Matt tip you for our ride earlier?" he asked.

"He sure did, Matt always tips," Jim stated.

"Thanks Jim," Matt responded overhearing them.

"Probably not enough, here take this and don't tell Matt that I gave it to you," Mr. McCrery offered. Jim slipped the money in his pocket with what Matt had given him. Matt laughed at his dad's antics.

When the ride was over, it was almost time for the boys to head home. Jackson approached Jim. "What's up?" Jim asked.

Jackson scratched underneath his chin like he was thinking of a way to tell bad news and that made Jim nervous. "How busy are you with school?" Jackson finally asked.

"We have midterms this week, but after that, it'll slack up for a few weeks before we start prepping for finals, why?" Jim responded.

"Ben is wanting you to spend time preparing for your barrel racing demonstration. He can pay you up to twenty hours a week and if you need to cut back your regular ranch hours, I can accommodate you. We want your demonstration to be awesome."

"I'm not sure that I want to put Gold through all that stress, riding him so hard that many hours in a week," Jim commented. Jackson went back to scratching his chin. "You're not wanting me to ride Gold for this?"

"I didn't say that. Ben, on the other hand, thinks that you should use Gold for all the showy stuff, but then he has a horse that's full of fire and has trained only for barrel racing. He thinks that this horse, with a barrel racing saddle, will be just slightly faster than Gold."

"Now, I don't know if I even want to do it," Jim huffed.

"I told Ben that I'd ask you to give him a week, let you ride Gold during half your practice and his horse the other half. Then if you insist on using Gold, I would back you. I reminded him that this is our celebration, but we were allowing these demonstrations to promote the Junior Rodeo," Jackson told Jim.

"I guess that sounds fair, but I can't do it this week. School has to come first," Jim demanded.

"I couldn't agree with you more. Maybe you can practice next Friday night and then the following week with both horses. If you ask me, I believe in you and Gold, but I don't think you should do your best in the demonstration. You don't want to show your cards like that," Jackson offered.

"Thanks, maybe I will ride this other horse for the demo and save Gold for the actual rodeo. What do you think?" Jim said looking at Gold. Gold nodded his head and then used it to pull Jim closer as in a hug.

"He knows that you love him and wants to use him, but he approves of you using the other horse, I think," Jackson was learning to understand Gold more and more.

Zac walked up seeing Gold "hug" Jim. "Should I be jealous?" he teased. Gold shook his head as if saying no and Zac laughed. He went to pat Gold and next thing he knew, the horse was pulling him in for a hug.

Sunday when they got home from the ranch, Jim was helping Joe prepare for his mid-terms, he wasn't too worried about them. The teachers, with the exception of the math teachers, gave them lists of what could be covered on their mid-term. Jim read the chapters and then started asking Joe questions that he thought they might have. "Jim, I've never seen you study for a test before. You normally just read the book and that's it," Heather looked surprised.

"Joe asked me to help him study. I'm not really so much studying as looking for questions that might be on the exam to help Joe," Jim responded.

"Not that you need it, but that will help you remember as well," Heather smiled. "What days are your exams on?"

"Monday is math and history period, Tuesday we have Spanish, Wednesday is English and Thursday is science. Then Friday, we get to see how we did," Jim told her.

"Why two on Monday, why not have one a day and you can wait until the next week to find out how you did?" Heather questioned.

"That's how our schedules worked out. They're doing first and fifth periods, second and sixth periods, and so on, but we have no mid-term for wood working, study hall, Home Economics, or gym," Joe explained. "I do have to bake a cake on Wednesday in Home Ec, though."

"I guess that makes sense, then. It should make these exams a little easier." Heather left the boys so that Joe could study.

As the week progressed, Joe was feeling more confident that he aced his exams thanks to Jim. Friday came, and as the teachers handed back the exams, they put the papers face down. In Calculus, Jim couldn't believe that he saw a big red zero bleeding through to the other side. There was no way that he missed every question. He was afraid to turn the paper over, he was so upset. The teacher commented that some students surprised him with how well they did, others shocked him with how poor they did, and a couple proved to be consistent.

Jim finally turned his paper over, ready to ask what gives, why the zero. Then he saw that it wasn't a zero but the circle of a smiley face. Jim sighed in relief when he saw the hundred percent below the face.

At the end of the school day, Jim was pleased knowing that he still had a straight A average. Joe made sure that Jim knew he also was getting straight A's thanks to his help. They were walking toward the exit when Mr. Duncan looked at Joe, "Can I see you in my office a minute?"

"Sure, I'm not in trouble am I?" Joe asked.

"Should you be?" Mr. Duncan asked with a smile.

"Not that I'm aware of," Joe responded as he went in the office.

"As you know, when you switched to this school, you were an A, B student. You improved your grades last year when you switched to here, and you're mainly getting A's now with an occasional B, but still maintaining an A average. Now, none of the teachers think you are cheating, but they are hoping that you can shed some light so that maybe they can help other students. I do have my theory but would like to see what you think."

"I'm not sure how it can help other students, but the truth is, since I moved in with Mom and Jim, I've not been so stressed. Sure, we've had plenty to stress about, but that was from outside the house. When I was at the other school, I was always worried about my parents finding out I was gay. When they finally did, I found out that I was right to worry. And now, my life is almost stress free. Also, Jim has been helping me make sure that I understand what we're going over. He checks my homework, and if he sees everything is correct, he'll tell me good job. When there is a mistake, he always asks if I am sure everything is right, but never tells me that something is wrong, let alone what it is. He wants me to figure it out. Sometimes, I do, and other times, I get a B, but it helps me learn the subject better and that is reflected in my tests," Joe explained.

"Wow, you made that more complex than I was thinking. I was just going to say that you were happier since you moved in with the Bolts and it shows in your work. Your Algebra teacher agrees it's a bit late to advance you to Calculus this year, but he thinks you should skip it next year and go to Advanced Calculus with Jim. You have two months to think about it, and maybe you can work with Jim during the summer so that you have an idea of what you're doing. If during the first month, you feel like you are struggling, you can drop back down. You are a very bright young man, and I believe you can do this," Mr. Duncan encouraged Joe.

"I want to say yes, but I think I should talk it over with Jim and Mom first," Joe replied.

"Like I said, you have two months to decide, as long as we know your answer by the end of the school year. Head on home, or to the ranch, if that's where you and Jim are heading," Mr. Duncan stood up and shook Joe's hand.

Joe was excited as he told Jim what they discussed. "I'd be happy to go over Calculus with you so we can share all of our classes," Jim smiled.

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