Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Nov 21, 2015


Disclaimer: This story is fictional. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Jim are inspired by bits and pieces of my life. Parts of the character are fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. This story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. Some people have compared my writing style to that of Mr. Todd's and for that, I am flattered. While Another Chance does pay tribute to "Riding Lessons", it is a story of its own and has its own plot and agenda. If you have any suggestions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me at . Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 57

The judges had considered calling the race as the EMTs were on the other side of the arena, but Gold continued to run and circled that last barrel. Then running back to the entrance, Gold had set a time of 14.946. It wasn't the record time for all barrel racing but definitely a newsworthy time and definitely a record for this arena. More importantly, it was the winning time for this event.

Gold no sooner won the event when he raced over close to where Marilyn was in the stands. Jim quickly dismounted to go check on Marilyn. EMTs already were there putting her on a gurney to rush her to the hospital. "I don't think that the baby wants to wait," Marilyn warned. Sure enough, they didn't have her out of the arena when the baby started coming out.

The EMTs decided it would be best to deliver the baby there and then transport mother and child to the hospital. Jim watched Vince and had to laugh at how he can be strong as a rock when it came to security, but in this instance, he looked a nervous wreck. Marilyn was holding his hand and with each contraction, she seemed to squeeze his hand tighter. Heather was on the other side of Marilyn, mopping her brow with a towel and encouraging her.

Finally, you could hear the cry of the baby, and Ben Brodie announced to the crowd that it was a baby boy. Marilyn looked at Heather and smiled, "Today would have been Jon's birthday so I was thinking. Would you be upset if I give Zayne his middle name?"

"You want to name your baby Zayne Alexander?" Heather asked, then she looked at Jim. "What do you think?"

"I think Dad would feel honored," Jim smiled.

The EMTs loaded Marilyn and Zayne into the ambulance and took her to the hospital. Vince rode in the ambulance with his wife and new baby. The rodeo continued with the next event, eight and under calf riding. Jackson looked at Jim and Zac, "We won't be giving awards out until nine, go to the hospital and if you're not back, I'll hold your buckle and ribbon for you. Awesome run, Jim."

"Thank you Jackson, but Gold deserves all the credit," Jim grinned.

"Maybe I should give him the buckle and ribbon," Jackson kidded.

Jim laughed and told Jackson that maybe he should. Then he and Zac jumped into Jim's car and raced to the hospital. They found Joe, Jakey and Heather in the Maternity Ward waiting room. "They're running tests to be sure that the baby is fine, he is nearly a month early," Heather stated. "Vince is with Marilyn."

"Would have been cool if she would have had her baby on my birthday, but I really like the fact that his birthday is Dad's," Jim grinned.

"So, I was distracted with Marilyn while you were racing, what was your time?" Heather asked.

"It was awesome, 14.946," Jim grinned. "Glad I was on Gold, I heard Marilyn scream and was distracted, just about the same spot as during the demo."

"I'm hungry," Jakey said.

"So you won, when are they giving out the awards?" Heather inquired.

"Nine o'clock," Zac answered as Jim took Jakey to the vending machines.

Jakey had a hotdog in his hand and Jim was holding a couple of small bags of Frito chili cheese chips and three cans of Coke as they came back to the waiting room. He handed one can to Zac. Vince just came out from the room, "They said that the baby is a little premature, which we already knew. He has to be on a respirator until his lungs fully develop, but they gave him a shot of betamethasone which they said should help. He weighed five pounds and fourteen ounces, and he's sixteen inches long. The doctor says that's about average for this stage of the pregnancy."

"How's Mom?" Zac was concerned.

"She's fine, worried like I am, but otherwise, she's fine. She's going to need lots of rest, Jackson is giving me six weeks of paternity leave so I can be home to help her, then we can play it by ear. This is my first baby, so I don't know what to expect. Jon will be running security at the ranch, but all of the officers are very well trained, so I expect no surprises that they can't handle."

"My graduation is in five weeks, so I can help wherever I can and give you and Mom a break sometime. I'm sure that Jim and I would be happy to take time to watch Zayne so the two of you can go out on the town," Zac offered.

"Yeah, it'll help Zac and I be ready if we decided to adopt a baby later on," Jim agreed.

"Well, Marilyn will need to rest and we won't be going out for the first six weeks, but I will keep you two in mind, and I appreciate the offer," Vince looked a little more relaxed. "Anyone want to go see him? Zac, you can go in and hold your brother if you want, but you'll have to wash your hands and wear a gown and mask in the NICU. Sorry, everyone else, but hospital is only letting family, unless Heather wants to claim to be Marilyn's sister," Vince smiled and winked.

"If Mom is Marilyn's sister that would make Zac my cousin. Or worse, I call Marilyn Mom, so I am my own cousin," Jim chuckled.

"Sounds almost like the country song, I'm My Own Grandpa," Vince laughed.

"Is that even possible?" Joe asked.

"Well if you listen to the song, it is possible, but not probable. If you go to YouTube, Ray Stevens has the song with a diagram of how things worked."

"YOU watch YouTube?" Jim asked Vince.

"That surprises you?" Vince chuckled. They gathered around the nursery window and looked at Zayne for a few minutes before Vince took Zac back to scrub and dress to hold his new brother. Jim was holding Jakey and pointed at the baby Zac was holding.

"Who is dat?" Jakey asked.

"He's Zac's new brother," Jim explained.

"Daddy's new brudder? I'm older den my uncle?" Jakey asked somewhat bewildered.

"Yes you are," Jim grinned watching Jakey wave at the baby.

"We knew this was going to happen eventually, but we never really talked about who will watch Jakey during the day until you boys are out of school. If Marilyn would have gone to her due date, we would have only had a week until school let out and I was going to take vacation time," Heather voiced her concern.

"Any chance of getting him into a daycare for the next five weeks?" Jim asked.

"I can try, but no guarantees. I really have no idea what we will do at this point, but we will figure it out," Heather promised.

Vince came out of the ward and Zac was having a ball holding his brother and showing him to Jim. "What do you think, Jake? You going to help me take care of Grandma and the new baby when they come home?" Vince asked.

"Uh huh," Jakey smiled.

"We couldn't ask you to watch Jake, you'll have your hands full. Marilyn will need most of your attention and so will the baby," Heather protested.

"First, you didn't ask, and second, Jake is such a good kid. I seriously believe that he will be an asset and help. Besides, you're at work while the boys are in school, Marilyn won't be able to watch him, so that leaves me," Vince argued.

"OK then, but if it gets to be too much, you need to let us know," Heather conceded.

"You have my word on that. As much as I enjoy Jake being around, Marilyn and the baby have to come first, but I don't think we will have any problems," Vince agreed. "What do you think, Jake?"

"I wanna help wif da baby," Jakey stated.

"OK, but you have to do whatever Grandpa Vince tells you to do, understand?" Heather strictly stated.

"Geesh, just had my first child and I'm already a grandpa," Vince chuckled.

"What about Zac?" Jim asked.

"He's my son, I love him just as much as Zayne, but as much as I wish to take credit for Zac, I didn't have any part in his birth," Vince explained.

"I understand," Jim stated.

Zac finally had the nurse put his brother back in the crib and he came out all smiles. "Dad, you and Mom did a good job there. Since there was no way you could go back to my birth, I am so glad that you were there for his," Zac said as he hugged Vince.

"Well, your mom did a good job raising you, and your brother has you to look up to, so I have faith that he'll be in good hands. I just hope that I can be an asset in raising him," Vince stated.

"That's the biggest step, right there," Heather chimed.

"It's heading towards nine, you need to get back to the ranch to get your award, I need to get my truck and Dad needs to get his Hummer," Zac stated.

"Come on, Jakey, we have an award to go pick up," Jim told him.

"If you want to wait, Vince, I can run you to get your Hummer," Heather offered.

Jim, Zac and Jakey entered the arena as they were starting the ceremony. "We will be giving out the ribbons and prizes to the events in the order that they had run. Starting with the barrel racing, coming in third with a time of 16.225, we have fifteen-year-old Joseph Lutherman who rode his black quarter horse gelding, Midnight Passion." He came up and was handed a white ribbon. He was getting ready to head back down but Ben told him to stay on stage until they handed out the last award.

"In second place with a time of 16.22, we have sixteen-year-old Brandon T. Russell. He was riding a painted stallion named Scout." The boy who challenged Jim to beat his time walked up on the stage. After being handed a red ribbon, he stood beside Joseph.

"Now with an amazing time of 14.946, not a world record, but definitely a record for here, we have sixteen-year-old Jim Bolt. Jim was riding his palomino quarter horse stallion by the name of Gold. During Jim's run, we had a lady go into labor, making this an even more impressive run. I am proud to give Jim the first ever Jon Bolt Belt Buckle with an image of his dad's face on it."

Jim walked up carrying Jakey in his left arm. Ben shook his hand and then handed him the buckle and blue ribbon. He asked Jim to make a small speech. "First, I want to thank this rodeo for honoring my dad and making this day so special. You have no idea what this means to me. Second, I want to say what a good job those in the barrel racing did. From studying barrel racing videos, I can tell you, times below seventeen seconds are not easy. I think they all deserve a round of applause," Jim paused for the crowd to do just that. "And finally, I want to give my belt buckle to this little guy. Right now, he's my foster brother, but as soon as I marry the love of my life, we plan to make him our son. He already calls us Daddy and we want to make it official." Jim hugged and kissed Jakey's cheek and then handed him the buckle.

"For me?" Jakey said and the audience laughed. Jim went to stand with the other two and they shook his hand and congratulated him.

"I really thought that I had a chance, but you blew me away, really good job," Brandon said.

"You had an awesome run, and I know that I had better times during practice, but I wasn't a hundred percent sure I would beat you when the pressure was on. Then when Marilyn went into labor..." Jim acknowledged. "I'm just glad that I was on Gold.

"You wanted the belt buckle?" Jakey asked.

"I did, but your daddy won it fair and square, and it has your grandpa on it, so it's fitting that you have it," Brandon said.

"Too bad they don't give them for second place as well. You had an awesome time," Jim stated.

"Yeah, I am happy with my time, definitely nothing to be ashamed of. Will you be competing in the fall?" Brandon asked.

"I haven't decided. I'm told that this was Dad's event and I always enjoyed barrel racing just for fun. Practicing every day for the rodeo wasn't so much fun," Jim replied.

"I can understand that. If you do, I'll look forward to trying to beat you then, if not, then hopefully I'll win that buckle. It won't be the same, but still will be nice," Brandon responded.

"If I decide to run, I hope you give me a challenge, maybe you can beat the record and I'll have to try and beat your time," Jim grinned.

"If I beat your time today and you still win, you will have worked really hard and I would consider it an honor to have been beaten by you a second time," Brandon smiled.

"You live close by? You're always welcome to come practice here," Jim offered.

"We just moved a couple weeks ago to the edge of the Cody school district. My parents bought a five hundred acre ranch with fourteen bedrooms, I think it was meant to be like a lodge or something. There are actual bears on the grounds," Brandon explained.

"Fourteen bedrooms? How many brothers and sisters do you have?" Jim questioned.

"I have a fifteen-year-old brother named Cody, and that's it. He likes to think that this is HIS town," Brandon laughed.

"At least you don't have to share your bedroom," Jim chuckled. "Listen, I have a birthday in seventeen days, it would be cool if you can attend the party."

"Are you like this with everyone? I mean, you seem cool, but we just met," Brandon stated.

"Unless you give me a reason to be otherwise, then yeah, I am," Jim grinned. "Besides, you said that you just moved, it would be a great way to make friends."

"Well, I'll have to think about the party. I prolly should warn you though, you might want to be careful around the new senior starting school Monday. I don't want to spread rumors, so I won't go into detail, but he could pass as Taylor Lautner's twin. We were in the same school before both our families moved here. All I will say is if he befriends your boyfriend, keep your eyes on him," Cody warned.

"Prolly? What's that? And what did he do, steal your boyfriend away from you?" Jim questioned.

"You don't text much, do you? Prolly is shorthand for probably. As for Josh, I won't go into details, but he didn't steal mine, that's all I'm saying at this time," Brandon warned.

"Well, even when I do text, my phone is smart enough to suggest probably once I get started enough. Besides, my best friend's uncle is a purist when it comes to the English language, I can imagine him cringing if you ever use the word around him. When I play World of Warcraft, I have a friend named Mack. She says that I'm anal because I don't shortcut my phrases," Jim informed his new friend. "I may use btw, rofl, or lol, but that's about it that I can think of off the top of my head.

"I might have to corrupt you a bit then," Brandon smiled.

"If you see me in the cafeteria at school, feel free to come sit with us. I'll introduce you to my friends and Zac," Jim suggested.

"I may do that, but it's a decent size school, so if you see me walk in, feel free to signal me. The school that Josh and I come from isn't even half the size," Brandon said.

"Are you sure that he didn't take your boyfriend? You seem to know a lot about him," Jim teased.

"He split me and my boyfriend up, but I'm the one that he stole, and then he dumped me," Brandon admitted hanging his head down.

"Couldn't you go back to your boyfriend?" Jim was feeling his pain.

"No, he felt so hurt and betrayed and I don't blame him. Josh just laughed and said that's what I deserve for cheating on him. I can't argue with him," Brandon stated, still holding his head down in shame.

"I'm sorry that it happened to you, but Josh definitely sounds like a jerk. Admittedly, you shouldn't have cheated, but you did and you did it with him. I'm guessing that he tricked you into it?" Jim questioned.

"My boyfriend and I were really close, felt like soulmates when Josh's family moved into the area. His dad works under my dad and they came to our house for a visit. We became friends and he started hitting on me in front of my boyfriend. I defended him when my boyfriend and I got into arguments about him always being there, saying that he was just playing. Then one day, we got into a really big argument, my boyfriend told me that I had to choose between a friend and him. I told him that wasn't fair and he stormed off. Josh started kissing me, telling me that he would never force me to choose. Before I knew it, he had me in the boys' bathroom and unbuttoned my shirt. He kissed down my chest and opened my jeans. He pulled out my cock and started sucking on it. Next day, he was telling everyone what a good lay I was. I was stunned and my boyfriend said that we were through. I agree that I was wrong to go along with it and I tried to apologize, but it was no use. And when I tried talking to Josh, he said that he didn't want anything to do with a cheater," Brandon confessed.

"Wow, sounds like he just had a goal of breaking the two of you up. Zac and I are already planning our wedding, so I doubt he'll have a chance of doing that with us. Besides, now I have an idea of what to watch for," Jim replied.

"I bet you that the first time he's with you and Zac, he'll call one of you a stud muffin to see the reaction. If he calls you one, and you smile, he'll go after you and you're lucky that you've been warned. If he calls Zac one, that's who he'll go after. Just don't argue with Zac or give him an ultimatum. That's when he'll move in for the kill," Brandon advised. "I have to live with what I did. I regret it, but I allowed it to happen. I advise you to keep away from Josh if you can."

"Mistakes do happen, you make it sound like you weren't fully aware of what he was doing to you at the time. I'm sure that Zac and I have nothing to worry about," Jim grinned.

Saturday was a busy day at the ranch. The rodeo started at noon and ran all day. George Strait was singing from three to six. He heard about the rodeo and offered his services for charity. Jim caught Zac talking to him just before he went on. George left before Jim got to them. "What did you talk to him about?" Jim asked.

"I asked if I could get his autograph before he leaves," Zac smiled wryly.

During George's "concert" he sang a wide variety of his songs, including The Cowboy Rides Away, I Can Still make Cheyenne, and Cowboys Like Us. What surprised Jim was just before five, he started talking, "This next song is dedicated to a couple of love birds. I know that they would love for me to sing it at their wedding and I will consider it. I also know that it's at least one of their all-time favorite country songs. It's a couple of young men and I don't know if they are out, so I don't want to mention their names at this time." Then George Strait looked back at his band and they started playing Jim's favorite country song. "Our love is unconditional, we knew it from the start..."

Jim looked at Zac, "Was this what you were really talking to him about?"

"Yup, I'm guilty as charged," Zac smiled.

"I can't tell you enough how much I love you," Jim stated as he kissed Zac right there.

After George's performance, he left and the rodeo continued. Everyone seemed to have a good time and the rodeo was making lots of money for the charities. When they gave out the awards at the end, everyone was just as excited as when the rodeo began.

Sunday was a shorter day, but just as energetic. Ben and Jackson were very happy about the turn out and the money raised. They decided that they will do another rodeo weekend on Saturday and Sunday after the high school's graduation ceremony.

Monday morning, Jakey went with Vince to the hospital. They called right after Jake was dropped off, saying that Marilyn and the baby were being released to come home. Marilyn saw him and smiled, "I hear that you're going to help Grandpa take care of me and the new baby."

"Uh huh, but I'm too little to carry da baby. I'll mainly let Gwampa know if he cwies," Jakey said.

"That you are, but maybe we can set you in a chair and have you hold the baby for a picture. You'll have to be very still, though," Marilyn suggested.

Jakey smiled, "I be as still as I can. Don't wanna dwop da baby."

"No, that wouldn't be a good thing," Marilyn agreed. It amazed her how mature Jakey was being about the baby. "Baby will be in the room with me, maybe I can read to you or you can play in my room until I am stronger and the baby moves to his own room."

"I would like dat. What's his name?" Jakey responded.

"Zayne, his name is Zayne Alexander," Marilyn answered.

"Hi Zayne Alexander," Jakey said putting his finger up to Zayne's hand. Zayne grabbed hold of it and Jakey smiled.

"You are so precious," Marilyn laughed.

"Aunt Salwie said that's how you tell if a baby will like you," Jakey informed her.

"She did?" Marilyn questioned.

"Uh huh, and he does," Jakey grinned. Marilyn didn't have the heart to tell him that almost all babies do that, but then hate is a learned trait, love comes natural.

In school, Jim and Dusty had just sat down when Jim spotted Brandon coming in. Jim stood up and Brandon spotted him. Brandon sat down with them and Jim introduced him to Dusty. Then as Joe and Cheyenne joined them, he introduced them. Zac came walking in and Jim did a double take. Brandon wasn't kidding about the new kid looking like Taylor. Jim was a little upset about him being with Zac, but he tried hiding it. "Jim, look who I came across this morning. It's weird but he's in all my classes," Zac was smiling.

"You must be Josh, I heard a little about you," Jim said being friendly.

"If you heard it from this guy, don't believe a word he said. He was dumped by his boyfriend for cheating and now he's upset because I won't fuck his cheating ass," Josh stated flatly.

"Why don't you tell the whole story, Josh?" Brandon asked.

"I think that they know enough. I don't want to tarnish your reputation any more than necessary," Josh stated. "So Jim, I hear from this stud muffin that you and he are planning to get married. You are very lucky."

"Zac, can we talk in private?" Jim asked.

"Of course, we can," Zac replied. They walked to the bathroom. Looking under the stall doors, it appeared empty.

"Zac, I don't trust him. Did he tell you anything about him and Brandon?"

"Just that they went to school together, Brandon cheated on his boyfriend and tried to be Josh's but Josh refused him," Zac replied.

"Josh more seduced Brandon and then once he got them to break up, he dropped him. Brandon warned me that he may try the same with us, said that whoever he called a stud muffin was the one he would be after. Now, I'm not telling you that you can't be friends, but I would rather not be around him," Jim stated.

"I was thinking about hiring him at the ranch," Zac said.

"Then either he works when I'm not there or I will give Jackson my notice," Jim wasn't feeling easy about saying that, but he hoped that Zac would understand his feelings towards Josh.

"You would seriously quit working for Jackson if I hire Josh?" Zac couldn't believe his ears. "You know, Jackson would fire him in a heartbeat to get you to stay."

"Then save him the trouble and don't hire Josh, please. Like I said, if you want to be his friend that is your call. You can give him the benefit of the doubt, but I saw Brandon's face when he told me what happened. I believe that he was telling the truth and you know I am friends with almost anybody. I don't feel easy around Josh," Jim admitted.

"OK, but we're going to fight over this. I'll take Josh to a different table and see what happens," Zac demanded. Jim smiled.

They walked back to the table looking mad at each other. "He's my new friend and if I want to see him, I will," Zac spoke in a high voice.

"Fine, do what you want, I just don't want to be around him," Jim shot back. Everyone at the table thought they saw beams of anger shoot from Jim's eyes.

"Come on Josh, let's go sit somewhere else," Zac stated.

Josh and Zac left and Jim sat down where his food was. "Dude, I told you not to argue with your boyfriend, you need to go apologize before Josh moves in on your territory."

"I'm not worried about Zac, he's a smart boy," Jim stated.

Jim and Zac purposely avoided each other the rest of the school day. Zac took Josh out to the ranch with him to introduce him to Jackson. "I need to speak with my boss in private," he told Josh before taking him into the office.

"You thinking of hiring this guy?" Jackson asked.

"If I do, then Jim said that he will turn in his notice. I haven't seen it yet, but I hear that he likes to break up happy couples. I want to give him a chance to prove it one way or the other. And then, I would like to take him to the dojo where Jim practices, maybe scare him a bit. Whatever I say, do me a favor and go along, please," Zac requested.

"Sure, I can do that," Jackson agreed.

Zac opened the door. "Jackson would like to see you now," he stated.

"You're really wanting me to fire Jim and hire this guy?" Jackson said.

"Not so much to fire Jim, but he and I are on opposite sides concerning Josh here. He said that if I hire him, then he would quit. Can you believe that?" Zac stated.

"Well, if you and Jim are arguing, then I need to let one of you go. I can't have that hurting the morale of the rest of the staff. If Jim gives his two week notice, I won't have to worry about him collecting unemployment," Jackson looked as serious as a heart attack.

Zac took Josh to the barn. Josh turned on the charm, "Look, I didn't mean to cause problems between you and your boy toy, but if you're unhappy with him, I would never do you wrong. I would treat you really special." Josh started rubbing Zac's shoulders and then leaned in for a kiss.

"Dude, what do you think you're doing? You are NOT my boyfriend to be trying to kiss me like that," Zac was a bit agitated.

"You know that you want it, you want a real man who will treat you like you deserve to be treated. Besides, when I tell everyone what a great lay you are..." Josh started.

"Go get in my truck, I need to take you someplace. I'll be there as soon as I let Jackson know that we are heading out," Zac demanded.

Josh walked to Zac's truck and stood outside because Zac had it locked. Zac walked into the office, "I can't believe that he just tried to kiss me. From what Jim told me that Brandon said he would do, Brandon was a hundred percent right. I'm going to take him to the dojo and see if I can't get him to spar with Jim."

"Does that mean that I don't have to pretend to be hiring him anymore? I'm glad that you let him prove himself, but I had a bad vibe from the moment he walked in the office. Yeah, he could pass as a twin to that movie star, but he's like a total opposite, or evil twin of him. If you never bring him back, I won't get upset."

"He didn't bring a vehicle so I was thinking of leaving him at the dojo."

Zac left Jackson smiling and headed for his truck. Seeing Josh standing outside it, he pulled out the remote and unlocked the doors. "Where are we going?" Josh asked as he climbed into the truck. "If you want someplace secluded, we could have climbed into that loft. I bet you and your cute boy toy did it a few times up there."

Zac was getting agitated but he remained quiet until he pulled into the dojo's lot. "I figure that if you're going to be starting shit, you might want to learn how to defend yourself. First lesson is free," Zac told him as they walked in.

Zac nodded at Jim and then told the sensei why he brought Josh to the dojo and Sensei asked Josh what he knew about martial arts. "I have a black belt in Kung Fu, Jujitsu and Aikido. I'm currently studying Kunoichi," Josh claimed. Zac gave him a funny look when he said that last one.

"In that case, would you like to spar with me so I can see what you know, or would you like to try my top student, Dusty Bear? Or, I have faith in my students and I wouldn't mind seeing you go against Jim Bolt. He is my second best student, getting ready for his brown belt."

"Yeah, let me spar him and then I'll move up," Josh sounded cocky and arrogant.

Sensei walked over to Jim and started talking, "I doubt he knows any of those other martial arts, and that last one..."

"Yeah, not sure where he heard it, but I have a female dog named Kunoichi," Jim grinned.

"Don't beat him up too much, just enough to let him know that he doesn't know crap. That's not why we study," Sensei exhorted.

"I will try, but that bastard has already tried taking Zac from me. That's one of the reasons Zac brought him here. We made a plan that if he started anything, he would."

"You want me to have another student, maybe Joe or Chris, take him on?" Sensei asked.

"No, that would give him the impression that I chickened out. I'll mainly block his attacks and then after he wears himself out, just give him a punch or kick. I promise that I won't give him what he really deserves by taking it out on him," Jim offered.

"Good, I am glad that you see and believe what I try to teach with martial arts," Sensei smiled.

Brandon walked into the dojo and was standing beside Zac. "I saw you and Josh enter and was curious as to why."

"Well, Jim warned me about what you said he would do and you were right. I brought him here under the guise that he may want to learn, but I'm hoping that Jim beats the crap out of him."

"Are you aware that he's studying Kunoichi, whatever that is?" Brandon asked.

"Jim has a dog named Kunoichi, it means female ninja. Josh is just so full of crap that I'm surprised his eyes are green instead of brown or hazel like Taylor's," Zac informed Brandon. "When I first came across Josh, I thought sure that Jim would like him, he almost idolizes Taylor, but when he told me what Josh did to you, we formulated a plan to teach him a lesson."

"Seriously, you're doing this for me?" Brandon was moved.

"Just do me a favor, don't tell anyone else about you cheating, though I agree with Jim, you didn't seem to know what he was doing, so I'm not sure you were technically cheating. Then, find yourself a good boyfriend and be faithful to him."

"Can I have Jim?" Brandon kidded. Zac just laughed. "Seriously, part of me is glad that he tried with you guys, but only because he wasn't successful."

"I like to think that even without your warning, he would have never succeeded, but I am glad for the heads up. I do have a friend who is single and gay if you would like to meet him," Zac offered.

"Wouldn't hurt meeting him, I don't know too many people in this city yet. Just no pressure to hook up with him."

Josh came out of the locker-room wearing a borrowed gi. He looked at Jim, "I'm going to mess your face up so bad. Your boyfriend will kiss me way before he would even think of kissing you."

"You can try, but a, you just told me where to protect and b, you could rip my face off and Zac will still prefer me over you. It's not just about looks," Jim insisted. True to his word, Jim blocked every attack that Josh threw at him. None of it looked even close to any form of martial arts.

"Wow, I wish that I would have fought him, he sucks. I don't know any martial arts, but I can fight better than him," Brandon commented.

Sensei was standing on the other side of Zac and overheard Brandon. "Would you like to learn? I'll give you the first four lessons free to see what you think."

"Sure, but after four lessons, I don't know if I'll be able to continue. I have no income and my parents have always told me that if I want to learn, I have to pay for it, myself," Brandon stated.

"At least you seem honest, I am looking for someone to help me set up and take down for different classes. You may only get ten hours a week, but that will be ten hours of pay as well as learning for free so long as you work for me," Sensei offered.

"Seriously, yes, I will work for you," Brandon seemed excited at first, but then his facial expression changed a bit. "Wait, I won't be waxing cars or painting fences will I? You know, wax on, wax off?"

"No, that was just a movie," Sensei laughed. "I'll give you the four free lessons, and if you wish to continue, I can give you a hire packet explaining your duties. You'll need your parents' signature since you're a minor."

Sensei had watched the match going on the entire time he was talking with Brandon. A match was definitely not the right word. Josh was looking tired and Jim did nothing but block his attacks. "OK, I think this has gone on long enough."

"No, I haven't pounded his face in yet," Josh argued.

"Pound my face in? Tell you what, you try and I will demonstrate the kick I used to defend my brother," Jim chuckled. Zac and Joe winced, worried about Josh. Jim started walking away and Josh charged towards him. Hearing Josh breathing hard and coming towards him, Jim jumped up doing the roundhouse. He didn't want to do as much damage to this kid as he did to Joe's spermy, so he didn't put as much force into it, and he aimed for the chest.

Josh was glad that Sensei had him wear chest protection, it absorbed most of the hit, but he still reeled backwards before dropping to his hands and knees. He started to groan. Jim walked up to him, "Just so you know, I held back. Stay away from Zac, or any other couple at school. Relationships are hard enough without some asshole causing problems. Oh and I am so glad that you are studying Kunoichi, you may need one to protect you."

"That was so awesome, will I learn that to be able to protect myself?" Brandon asked.

"He learned that in Montana. It's actually not part of the style that I teach, but I may incorporate it into it," Sensei stated.

"Holy fucking shit you were...holding back? I...hope" Josh was moaning, in so much pain that he couldn't finish.

One of the students walked over to talk to the sensei, seeing Zac, he just let Sensei know that he had a question for him and walked over to Zac. "Are you planning to start attending?"

"No, I just brought the trash that Jim whooped up on. He tried making a move on me, so I thought he should have a better idea of who he was up against. I didn't know that you were studying," Zac greeted his friend.

"Yeah, been coming here since I was in seventh grade. How long has Jim been studying?" he chuckled.

"I really don't know, he started in Montana, but I'm not sure at what age he started. He started here about a year and a half ago. I'd like to introduce you to a friend of Jim's and mine, he just moved into the area. Brandon, this is my friend that I was telling you about."

"Seriously, but you never told me his name," Brandon pointed out.

"My name is Scott, but most of my friends call me Scooter. You can call me whichever you like best. I'm guessing that he offered to introduce you to a friend who is gay and single, that would be me," Scott introduced himself.

"But he didn't tell me that you'd be handsome," Brandon smiled.

"I'm no Austin Mahone, but I do try to take care of myself," Scott said.

"Who?" Zac and Brandon said at the same time.

"Austin Mahone, he started out on YouTube doing Bieb covers. And he is HOT," Scott stated. Zac pulled out his phone and googled him, then showed the pic to Brandon.

"Wow, he is hot, almost as hot as you, Scott," Brandon stated.

"No, he's hotter, not as hot as you but hotter than me. Thank you for the compliment, though. Listen, I don't usually go out with guys that someone tries hooking me up with, but you seem like you're nice, you are very attractive, maybe if no one else has asked you out yet, maybe we could go out on Friday?"

"I would like that, we each pay for our own so it's not like a date. We can have a chance to get to know each other and be friends at least. Then, we can go from there," Brandon smiled.

"That sounds logical, give me your address and I'll pick you up," Scott offered.

Brandon wrote down his address on a flyer sitting on the counter near where they were standing. "Do you know of an old hunting lodge south of Cody with lots of land?" Brandon asked.

"You mean the one with the fourteen bedrooms? Dad and I went there for the last couple of years, were planning to go there again this year, but they closed up and put it on the market after last season," Scott replied.

"My parents bought it, that's where I live," Brandon explained.

"Cool, are they planning to re-open the Hunting Lodge back up?" Scott asked hopefully.

"I have my doubts, though that would give Mom something to do and an income. Dad is working about fifty hours a week so I don't think that he would have time," Brandon shared.

"If your mom does open it and needs someone to help, I'd be up for it," Scott averred.

"I'll let her know," Brandon smiled.

As they were talking, Josh limped by. "If you're thinking about dating him, he's a cheater," Josh warned as he headed for the locker room.

"I can explain that," Brandon stated hanging his head down.

"No need, right now we are just friends, and you can't cheat on friendship. If we do decide to be more than friends, then all I need is your word that you won't cheat on me," Scott was quick to reply.

Zac looked at Josh, "Leave Brandon alone. He didn't cheat as much as let you seduce him before he knew what was going on. You're just jealous because Brandon is better looking than Austin Mahone. Just try being a real friend for once instead of an asshole."

"Who?" Josh asked.

"Never mind, google him if you want to know, or do you need someone to help you figure out how?" Zac told him. Josh finished limping into the locker room.

"If what Zac says is true, then you really don't need to explain," Scott said, lifting Brandon's chin and kissing him tenderly on the lips. Brandon was surprised, but he felt like he really needed that. "I'm sorry," Scott started.

"Don't be, I'm glad that you did that. Maybe for once, I can leave my past behind me. As for the kissing, you can do that whenever the urge strikes you," Brandon smiled.

"Good, because I feel a connection with you that I can't explain. I am sure that there will be more kisses coming," Scott replied. "Zac, thank you."

"I didn't do anything, really. I just planned to get you two to meet, everything else was totally between the two of you," Zac said modestly.

"But if you wouldn't have brought Josh in, I wouldn't have come in, and I might not have met Scott. I can't explain it, but that connection I thought I had with my ex, is nothing compared to what I feel with Scott," Brandon stated.

"So you feel it too? You want Friday to be our first official date then?" Scott asked.

"No, I still want to be friends first, but I know we will be more soon," Brandon had a smile on his face that lit up the room. Scott reached over and gave him another kiss, slipping some tongue.

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Next: Chapter 59

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