Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Feb 26, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay erotica between teenage boys so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. If you like this story, I also have the series "Josh: sex slave" continuing to run. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. The author of the story which is referenced in this one was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did. I have discussed the idea of some of his characters visiting, but that won't happen for some time and he will have a chance to read and suggest revisions before it does.

This chapter may be a little emotional, and you may cry. If you do, let me know if I need to buy stock in tissues. You'll get that last part after you read it. :)

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 9

It was the last class for the day, it was their P.E. class. Jim was getting anxious to find out where Dusty was taking him. The football coach was the instructor for class. "I'm passing around permission slips. Make sure you take them home and get them signed. We are going out to a ranch on Thursday. Also, if you rely on the bus to come and go to school, you will need to find transportation home that day as we will be there until after the busses leave here. IF you have to, you may leave at the time school lets out, but those that want to may stay longer. Any questions?"

"What ranch are we going to?" Dusty asked.

"That one over off Trail Creek Road, it's called Another Chance." Coach Jenkins said.

"Isn't that where you work, Jim?" Michael asked.

"Yea, though I've only worked one day so far." Jim answered.

"Cool, so I'll get to meet Gold?" Dusty asked.

"That is where he's at." Jim started.

"Something, you boys would like to share with the class?" Coach Jenkins asked.

"We were just asking Jim about Another Chance. He works there and has a horse stabled out there." Dusty offered.

"Is that right. Well, we'll be riding horses on a trail, I'm guessing your horse will be your mount."

A boy named Shawn raised his hand and Coach called on him. "We just riding horses, so we won't need our PE clothes, will we?"

"Glad you asked that. Part of the property is on Newton Lakes. That's where we'll be riding. You may want to bring swimming trunks unless you want to skinny-dip. It'll only be guys there, so I don't care either way. Not like you haven't seen each other in the showers. The owner will be cooking half a cow so if your families want to show up after four, they're welcome to stay and eat. At that time, skinny-dipping will no longer be an option."

"Sounds like a lot of fun, Dad." A boy Jim knew as Dylan said.

"I hope so. School gave permission to do this but it isn't paying for it, I am, so anything you boys can provide to help will be appreciated, but not necessary."

"Is Jackson giving you any discount?" Jim asked.

"You mean the owner, Jackson Sprayberry? Yea, he's cut the cost way down, but still $225 on a coach's salary is a lot of money at one shot. Considering we'll have twenty-two people there counting me and one other chaperone, and that covers use of twenty-two horses, a hand to act as a guide, plus the food, that's not bad."

"Guys, if we all gave $10, then Coach would basically only have to pay for him, the other chaperone, and Dylan's way. What do you think?" Michael suggested.

"That would be nice, but don't feel that you have to. If you can afford it, again, it will be appreciated, but if you can't, don't fret, and don't let that be a reason to not go." Coach said.

The discussion of going to the ranch took the entire class. When it let out, Michael and Dusty took Jim to Dusty's car. It was a 2013 Dodge Challenger. Zac and Cheyenne came out a few minutes later. Michael and Cheyenne got in the back seat. Dusty took out a black piece of cloth and blindfolded Jim. "You have your fuzzy pink handcuffs, Chey?" Dusty asked.

"Sounding even kinkier here." Jim joked.

Dusty guided Jim into the passenger seat and fastened his seatbelt. Then Jim felt the cuffs being placed on his wrists and felt them being pulled down. Dusty secured them so Jim couldn't raise his hands to move the blindfold. As he walked around to the driver side, he told Zac to follow him.

Jim wasn't sure how far they went, but Dusty drove for fifteen minutes. He took several turns so Jim had no clue which way they were heading. Jim felt the car pulling off to the right a little and stopping. He didn't know if they were on the side of a rode or where they were. "This looks like a good spot. Chey, you get his shirt and Michael and I will get his pants." Dusty said with a chuckle.

Jim was hoping that Dusty was just kidding as he seemed so friendly so far, but he really didn't know. He trusted that Zac wouldn't let them do anything. Everyone got out of the car on Dusty's side, then came around and helped Jim out. Dusty guided Jim someplace then instructed Jim to sit on the ground.

With a little help, Jim sat down and Dusty removed the handcuffs. "Don't take the blindfold off. Your surprise is on its way."

Jim was listening to see if he could tell what the surprise was with his ears. He thought he heard the whimpering of little puppies and started to cry. This made him think of Shadow. Suddenly he felt a tongue licking his face. "Zac, not here, there are people watching." Jim joked. Another tongue started licking his ear. Jim couldn't help it, he had to take the blindfold off. He was surrounded by puppies, all labs, some were black and some were yellow. Two were licking him and the rest were just running around.

"Your mom gave us permission to get you a puppy, but she said that YOU have to clean up after it. Which one do you want?"

Jim looked around at the puppies and was having a tough time choosing. He knew that he wanted one of the two that licked him as they seemed drawn to him whereas the others didn't. "The black one looks an awful lot like Shadow, even acts like she did at that age, but I also like the yellow one."

"Well, we're looking for good homes for all of them, if you can keep both, you're more than welcome to them." The owner said.

"Really, I like both of them. Just not sure what Mom will say if I take both."

"We'll take both, if his mom says he can only keep one, my mom and I were talking about getting a puppy also." Zac said.

"Well, the black one is female and the yellow one is male. Unless you want them to have puppies later, you may want to take precaution."

"If they do, will their puppies be weird? Aren't they siblings?" Jim asked.

"No, they have different parents, so, that won't be an issue."

Jim had tears running down his face. "Shadow would be happy for you." Zac said.

"I know, these tears aren't sad tears, but happy remembering how much Shadow loved me. Happy that I have such good friends. And happy that I feel so loved." Jim stated.

"You are loved. So what are you naming them?" Zac asked as he put the puppies in the truck.

"Shouldn't we wait to see if I can keep both of them?" Jim asked.

"No, they are both yours, but if your mom won't let you keep them, I'll keep one for you. But he or she will still be yours."

"Yea, are you naming the black one Shadow? You said she acts just like her." Dusty asked.

"No, there's no replacing Shadow, so can't have the same name. The black one will be Kunoichi and the yellow one will be Colby." Jim said.

"Kunoichi? What is that?" Michael asked.

"It's a female ninja." Jim stated.

"OH, I get it. She's a female and black." Michael said.

"Thanks guys. This was a great surprise. I'm glad I finally allowed myself to have friends like you." Jim said with more tears running down his face.

"I think I'm buying stock in tissues." Dusty kidded.

"Sorry, I've just never been this moved with emotion." Jim said.

"Don't be sorry, Dude. You've been hurting for so long. I think your heart is just starting to heal. Speaking of which, my dad says that you haven't called yet." Dusty said.

"I know, with moving and everything, we wanted to wait. Mom was planning to call today to set up an appointment for next week. Personally, I think the puppies were the last piece I needed to be whole again, but won't hurt to talk to your dad and see what he thinks."

"Well, you can always talk to me, and I'm a lot cheaper than my dad." Dusty joked.

"Can always talk to me, too, and I only charge hugs and kisses." Zac said with a smile.

Cheyenne looked at Jim. "You can talk with any of us here. We are all your friends and want you to be happy."

"And right now, I am happier than I have ever been. Only thing that could make me happier would be a hug from all of you."

"Group hug," Michael demanded. Everyone moved in and hugged Jim. Then Dusty Cheyenne and Michael got in Dusty's car while Jim and Zac started getting in Zac's truck. One of the puppies pooped on the floor. Jim took a tissue and carefully picked it up and took it to a trash can.

When they got to Jim's house, Jim grabbed one puppy and Dusty grabbed the other. They took them out to the backyard. Mrs. Bolt came home a few minutes after they got there. Jim ran to his mom and took her out back. The puppies were playing together. "Two puppies? The one resembles Shadow so much."

"Doesn't she? I think that was Shadow's way of telling me it was alright." Jim said. "Can I keep them both? If not, Zac said that he would keep one of them."

"As long as you clean up after them, and take care of them, you can. I'll help with feeding them, other than that, they are YOUR responsibility."

"Thanks, Mom. You are the best." Jim said hugging her.

"So, have you named them?" Mrs. Bolt asked.

"Yeap, Kunoichi and Colby." Jim said.

"Like the cheese? I guess that's the yellow one."

"And Kunoichi means." Jim started before his mom interrupted him.

"I know, I watched all those ninja movies with you, and I'm the one who took you to your martial art classes. Remember?" Mrs. Bolt said.

"And now that I'll have money, I'd like to start taking them again." Jim asked.

"Between school, working at the ranch, and these puppies, will you have time?

"I can do one day a week to start and see how things go." Jim offered.

"It's up to you, but you can't let your school work suffer and YOU have to take care of these puppies. Understand?"

"I love you, Mom." Jim said hugging her again.

"And you have an appointment Monday right after school with Dr. Bear. You going to need me to give you a ride?"

"No, either I or Dusty will make sure he had a ride." Zac offered.

"Speaking of rides. Thursday, our gym class is going out to Another Chance. Family is welcome to come after four and we're having a cookout. I also need you to sign this permission slip." Jim said.

Mrs. Bolt glanced over it and signed it. Jim hugged her again as his eyes started tearing up. "I have one more favor, Mom. Can I borrow some money to get pet supplies? I'll pay you back when I get my first check."

"Tell you what, you unload my car, and I'll give you money to get another cage." Mrs. Bolt said.

"Another? Don't we need one before we can get another?" Jim asked.

"Just go unload my car." Mrs. Bolt said.

Jim walked out to the car and there was a fifty pound bag of Puppy Chow, a bag with a blue collar and leash as well as toys, and a dog cage. Jim unloaded it and his Mom handed him a fifty dollar bill. "This isn't a loan, and there should be enough for another collar and leash as well. Anything left is yours."

Jim's eyes started watering again. "I think I agree with Dusty. I'm really gonna need to invest in tissues." Zac said.

Next: Chapter 8

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