Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Dec 3, 2016


Disclaimer: This story is fictional. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Jim are inspired by bits and pieces of my life, but parts of the character are fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. This story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. Some people have compared my writing style to that of Mr. Todd's and for that, I am flattered. While Another Chance does pay tribute to "Riding Lessons", it is a story of its own and has its own plot and agenda. If you have any suggestions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me at . Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 89

Anniversary Week went better than expected and the ranch was booked clear through summer with people wanting to learn how to ride. Jackson, Jim and Zac were discussing hiring more people to give lessons. Buster agreed to work through the week during summer, but insisted on going back to weekends once he started college.

Patrick returned to school for the first time since using the robot. Several students stopped him to ask about the robot. Sean looked at him, "Boy you were missed. I mean, it was cool that you could use that robot, but that's not the same thing."

Patrick laughed, "That's what I told the doctor. I hated not actually being here."

"Stupid fag," commented a boy Patrick didn't recognize. "If it were me, I'd have taken the time to rest and forget about school."

Sean looked irate, "Excuse me. Patrick is not stupid. His little pinky is probably smarter than you."

"What? Are you two boyfriends?" the punk sneered.

"No, Walker is my boyfriend," Sean confessed to the punk. "I used to be a punk just like you, maybe worse. I was probably the biggest bully in this school. Patrick helped me see that I didn't need to be."

"You mean that this fag sissified you," the punk continued.

Sean tried staying between Patrick and the punk. He argued, "Being gay doesn't make me a sissy. I'm man enough to admit that I love another guy. Are you?"

The punk took a swing at Sean. Before the punk connected, Patrick did a roundhouse kick like Jim had taught him. His foot landed dead center of the punk, sending him reeling. When the punk hit the wall, he looked at Patrick. Patrick could see anger in the punk's eyes. Sean looked at Patrick with disbelief.

The punk was getting ready to charge at Patrick when a teacher approached. The teacher looked at them sternly, "You three to the principal's office... NOW!"

The boys walked to the office with the teacher following them. Principal Davenport couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Patrick and Sean being marched into his office. "These boys were fighting in the hall, sir," the teacher explained.

Patrick blurted out, "Sir, Sean wasn't fighting. That boy took a swing at him and I stopped him."

Principal Davenport eyeballed the punk for a reaction. "Sean, did you hit him or anything?"

Sean replied, "No sir, he was calling Patrick a fag and said that he sissified me. I told him that I was man enough to admit that I love another guy and then asked if he was. He took a swing at me and Patrick surprised me with his kick." Then he looked at Patrick, "You shouldn't have stopped him. I could have easily taken his punch and then you wouldn't need to be here."

Patrick looked down, "You're my friend, I know you could have, but instinct took over."

The punk looked at Patrick and said, "Thanks Fag, now I'll probably get suspended. When I return, I will kill you."

Patrick looked at Sean and then back to the punk, "I've heard that before. I'm not scared."

Principal Davenport looked at the punk, "Don't worry, you're not getting suspended, I'm expelling you. You will need to repeat this year but not here. Your parents will need to take you to a private school, home school you or take you to school in another city because you're not welcome in this school. Sean, you are free to return to class. Patrick, I need to call your parents."

Patrick looked down, "I understand. Will I be expelled too, or just suspended?"

"Come into my actual office and we'll discuss it," Principal Davenport ordered. Once they were in, Patrick sat in a chair and Principal Davenport got on the phone. "Good afternoon Zac. This is Principal Davenport and Patrick's in my office because he was in a fight."

"Was he hurt?" Zac asked.

"No, he's not hurt, it seems as though he was trying to keep Sean from being punched and he stopped the bully. The bully is being expelled. Normally, Patrick should be punished for fighting, but I've never punished Walker for stopping bullies, so I'm not going to punish Patrick." Patrick couldn't believe his ears.

Zac responded, "Well thank you for letting me know. Do I need to have a talk with Patrick?"

"No, while I don't want him to fight for any reason, I can understand him standing up for a friend. I find a little humor in it being Sean that he was defending. I just wanted for you to hear it from me. Have a nice day." Once he put the phone down, he looked at Patrick, "I think you can understand why I didn't want to say anything out there."

Patrick grinned and replied, "I do and thank you." The principal wrote something and handed Patrick a pass to get into class.

When Jim and Zac picked Patrick up, Patrick had his head down. He got to the truck and asked, "Are you disappointed in me for getting into another fight?"

As Patrick climbed into the truck, Jim shook his head, "No, you were defending a friend. I think that's admirable. I would rather you get a teacher, but I will never be ashamed or disappointed in you for defending a friend. I do think it's ironic that it was Sean that you were defending."

Patrick lifted his head and smiled, "He said that I should have let the bully hit him. He was relieved when I told him that I didn't get into any trouble."

Zac asked, "So what grade was this bully in? Principal Davenport didn't tell us any details, he just said that you were in a fight with a bully."

Patrick grinned a little, "He's an eighth-grader and he took a swing at Sean, so I did that kick Dad taught me."

Jim interrupted to clarify, "You mean the round house kick?"

Patrick was grinning more, "Yeah, and I couldn't believe that it sent him reeling into the wall."

Zac stopped him, "Wait, did you say an eighth-grader? Didn't it scare you? He's two years older than you and probably bigger."

Patrick looked at Zac and responded, "At the time, I didn't even think about any of that. I just saw a kid attacking a friend. Once I calmed down, I thought about it."

Jim gave Patrick a serious look and stated, "One thing that worries me is, some day you may come across an older bully who has taken martial arts, and he may mess you up."

"I never even thought of that," Patrick admitted. "I guess that's why I probably should go get a teacher. With Sean, it all just happened so fast."

Jim averred, "I can understand that Bud, but yeah, you should go get a teacher if you can. Since Sean could have defended himself against this bully, I want you to take time and think about what you could have done differently. How about a year without getting to see the horses?"

"A year?" Patrick looked shocked. "You wouldn't do that to me, plus you said you would reserve that for something serious."

Jim grinned, "Well, this IS serious, but you're right, I wouldn't do that to you, but I do want you to think about how you could have done things differently. Fighting should always be a last resort."

"Yes sir, I understand that," Patrick agreed. "In this case, the only thing I can see where I may have done it differently is to let Sean handle the bully while I went to get a teacher."

Jim nodded his head, "That's probably what you should have done, but I'm still proud of you for sticking up for a friend. I love you, Bud."

Patrick responded, "I love you too." Zac smiled, thinking of the first time, he said "I love you too" to Jim.

Over the following week, the fence between the two ranches was completely removed, and transferring the rescue horses to the new rescue had begun. Jackson asked Jim and Zac if they would be interested in taking control of the ranch early, "I know that you boys want to wait until Jim graduates before taking over, but I would like to help Jacob with The Rescue before heading to Colorado. So, do you mind?"

"You're still the owner, so if you wish for us to cover so you can help Jacob, we can do that," Jim responded.

Jackson gave Jim a hug, "Thank you, if you would have said no, I would have understood. Your schoolwork and family have to come first, so if it gets to be too much, I will be around. And I'll be here on Tuesdays while Zac is in classes."

Zac shook his hand, "That's all that we ask."

Jackson added, "And before I forget, Brock Radcliffe will be by with a construction crew. Now that the horses are moved, he would like to renovate the old rescue's structure and prepare it as a dorm for when you boys start taking in those boys needing a safe place to live. I hope you don't mind, but I gave him permission."

Jim looked surprised, "Why would we mind? We would have had to eventually, so yeah, sure. You'll be saving us some money."

"Not really," Jackson chuckled, "He would have offered to do it for you once you owned the ranch. I'm just allowing him to do it earlier than planned. He wants to see you boys succeed."

Zac chuckled, "With everyone wanting us to succeed and doing their best to see it happen, for us not to, we would really have to screw up."

Jackson asserted, "And I don't see that happening."

Brock Radcliffe had hired Gerry Ryder's team to do the renovations to the former rescue. He not only changed the stables into a dorm area, but he also built a house beside it. The bottom floor could be used as classrooms but the top floor was a home for Joe and Buster to use when they were ready. Gerry had spoken with Buster and Joe to help design a place they would love. Gerry was taking his time to make sure everything was as perfect as he could. He told them that it would be ready for them upon graduation.

As it was getting closer to Jim's dad's birthday, Jackson, Ben, Zac and Jim were in the office talking about events for Jon Bolt Day at the rodeo. Patrick and Jake were outside playing. Jim stated, "Patrick would like to do the barrel racing again."

Ben looked serious, "Technically, he's too young, but Brandon would like for him to as well. Patrick's times won't count on the national circuit, but we can allow it."

Zac looked puzzled, "Do any of the children who participate actually do the national circuit of Junior Rodeo?"

"You would be surprised, and I do send a report to them for those who do," Ben explained.

"Well Patrick doesn't care about the National Circuit yet. When he's old enough, he might and Zac and I will support him if that's what he wants to do," Jim assured.

Jim looked outside and saw Patrick, but he didn't see Jake, so he opened the door and looked around. He called out, "Patrick, where's Jake?"

Patrick replied, "He said that he wanted to go see Platinum. I didn't think you and Papa would mind."

"No, that's cool," Jim started to say, but it turned into, "OH SHIT!!!" Jim had looked towards the barn and there was Jake walking Platinum. Platinum had just started taking off causing Jake to fall. Fortunately, Gold was following and raced in front of Platinum, stopping him. Jim took off towards Jake. Reaching the boy, he helped him up and asked, "Are you alright?"

Jake was crying, "I wanted to walk Platinum like the other Patrick walked his horse."

Jim gave Jake a hug and responded, "Patrick's older and if you remember, Dad walked with him. Would you like for me to put a lunge line on Platinum and let you work with him in the arena? At least in the arena, if you stand in the center, he can only go in circles."

"Uh huh," Jake replied through his tears.

Jim gave Gold a hug and thanked him. Gold seemed to acknowledge it and nodded his head. Jim chuckled and asked, "Are you reading my mind now? I was thinking of asking you to keep an eye on them in the arena." Gold just nickered.

Jim hooked up the lunge line and took Jake to the arena along with Platinum and Gold. He showed Jake where to stand and told him a few tricks to use. "Gold is willing to help you, so just tell Platinum what you want and Gold will help him to listen." Wiping the last of his tears away, Jake thanked Jim. Jim walked back to the office, looking back a few times to be sure Jake was alright.

Jackson asked, "What do you think about the idea of Jake doing the lunge line at the start of the Rodeo?"

Jim thought for a few minutes, "If Gold is a part of it, I might not mind, but Zac and I would need to discuss it before I make up my mind."

Zac smiled and said, "As long as Gold is there to assist, I think it would be a cool idea."

Jim nodded, "I guess we just discussed it. As long as Gold is a part of it, we are for it."

Ben smiled, "Of course, Gold should be a part of it."

Jim kept looking out the window watching Jake as they continued talking. Gold was running on the outside of Platinum. Jake dropped the lunge line and Gold stopped Platinum from running. Jake put his hands over his eyes and Jim figured that he was getting dizzy. "We may need to teach him how to focus on something or he might embarrass himself," Jim advised.

Jackson concurred, "You can work with him on that."

The rest of the week, Jim did what he needed to do until picking up the boys, but then he worked with Jake on being able to do the lunge line without getting dizzy.

This year, Jon's birthday fell on a Saturday, so that was the day of this one-day rodeo. Ben stood at the microphone and did his spiel thanking everyone for coming. He told them that the ranch was sponsoring it again so that everything could go to help discourage drunk driving. As he spoke, Jim led Jake, Platinum and Gold to the arena. He handed Jake the lunge line and then walked off. Platinum looked antsy but Gold made sure that he didn't move. Ben continued to talk. "I'm sure some of you are wondering what's going on here. Jake is one of the sons of the two young men who will own the ranch in another month or so. While the ranch won't train your children for this, it just shows how young we will go for training to ride horses. The horse on the lunge line is ten months old and has not been broken yet. His name is Platinum. The horse on the outside is Gold. Those of you that were here last year should remember him as winning the barrel racing. Jake, if you are ready..." Ben took his seat and Jake started calling out commands to Platinum.

After a few minutes, Jake stopped the horses and everyone clapped. Jim came and led Platinum away. Jake then started calling out commands and everyone watched Gold following his orders without having a lunge line. When Jake was finally done, Gold came over to him and knelt down. Jake was able to climb onto the saddle and they rode out of the arena as everyone gave him a standing ovation. Jim led them all back to the center of the arena and Jake waved both hands, saying, "Thank you."

Ben stepped up to the microphone as rodeo hands were setting up the arena for the barrel racing. Brandon approached Patrick, "I wish you the best. When we did the race for Patrick Henry, I made you earn that victory, but I'm glad that you won. This time, I'm hoping to win, but if you beat me, I'll be happy for you. Just please, make sure I earn it as well."

"Do your best," Patrick grinned.

Patrick's name was called first. Ben was standing at the microphone announcing him, "Our first rider is eleven-year-old Patrick Bolt. He is the brother of young Jake, whom you just watched. He is riding Patrick's Dream. Some of you may remember them from the special rodeo we put on early last November. Let's see if Patrick can break that record of 14.940 seconds that he set in November."

Patrick started his ride hard and fast. He could almost feel the barrels against his legs as he raced. His performance looked flawless. When he was done, Ben announced his time, "Folks, he proved that his time in November wasn't a fluke. While he didn't beat it, he did have a time of 14.942 seconds. Everyone has to work hard if they expect to beat it. Our next contestant is Joseph Lutherman."

Ben continued talking as Joseph took his place. Joseph ran the best time that he's ever shown, but couldn't break the fifteen-minute mark. The other riders took their turns and they saved Brandon for last. Patrick wished him luck and Brandon shot back, "I was wanting to break your dad's record but now you made me want to try for yours."

Patrick grinned, "If you break my record, I'll be the first to congratulate you." Brandon just smiled.

Jim stood behind Patrick and put his arms around his son, pulling him back into him. He whispered, "I'm so proud of you. Even if Brandon wins, you did awesome, but more importantly, you are showing true sportsmanship towards Brandon." Jim could feel Patrick smiling.

Brandon did his race and Patrick was there congratulating him on his awesome time. Ben walked up to the microphone and shook his head, "I don't believe this. You folks remember in November how Patrick and Brandon tied, well, they did it again. Brandon, all of your hard work has really paid off."

Jim looked at Brandon and chuckled, "You beat my record like you set out. Good luck with beating Patrick's."

Brandon, being a true sportsman, responded, "Thanks. It would have meant more if I actually beat you in a race, but I can understand you not wanting to race against Patrick."

"So I guess we will be doing another tie-breaker?" Patrick questioned.

Ben was still talking, "In November, we did a tie-breaker. Jackson felt like both boys deserved to win so we were prepared for a tie this time. Both boys, Patrick and Brandon will receive a first place trophy and there won't be a second place. Both boys have shown that they are true champions and have encouraged each other."

Patrick looked at Brandon in surprise and Brandon did likewise. "I don't believe it, we both won."

Brandon laughed, "Yea, you deserve it. You've proven that you were worthy of that trophy in November. I'm happy for you."

"Me?" Patrick looked shocked. "What about you? You've consistently bettered yourself with each race. You've earned my respect."

Jackson walked over, "And you wonder why I wanted a first place trophy for both of you if you tied again. Congrats to both of you."

Brandon looked at Jim and suggested, "You, Zac, Scott and I should get together, maybe go out. Patrick and Jake would be welcome to join us."

"Scott?" Patrick questioned. "You know Scott?"

"It's a different Scott," Jim told Patrick. "You've met him, he goes to the dojo, but you call him Scooter."

Patrick looked sheepish, "Oh, him. Yeah, he's a really nice guy. You deserve a guy like him. I have a boyfriend named Scott also."

"Then you should bring him, too," Brandon chuckled.

Jim smiled at Patrick, "Boyfriend, eh?"

Patrick was grinning from ear to ear, "Yeah, we decided not to wait until we can date to be boyfriends. I'm hoping that smile means that you're not mad about it."

Jim shook his head, "All Papa and I want for you is to be happy. We knew that the two of you would be boyfriends eventually, dating or not."

Patrick's grin got bigger, if that was possible. He threw his arms around Jim and said, "Thanks Dad."

The rest of the rodeo went very well. William A. Mason was surprised with how much it raked in. With the ranch's sponsorship, MADD and he received almost twice what they received last year. William gave them an update stating that every high school in Wyoming is wanting to book his group. Also, he had completed his parole so he'll be able to travel more freely.

The next few weeks, Jim, Joe, Buster, Dusty and Cheyenne were working together, preparing for the finals. Jim and Dusty would ask possible questions that might be on the finals while Joe, Buster and Cheyenne would answer. The week of finals was also the week when Jim's birthday fell. With that in mind, Jim asked Jackson to hold off celebrating his birthday until that Saturday, which was Patrick's birthday.

Throughout his years at Cody High, Jim didn't have too many issues with fellow students over him being gay. The school had a strict "no tolerance" rule, so even those that were homophobic seemed to just leave Jim be. And it didn't hurt that everyone was aware that Jim took martial arts.

On Monday, as they were preparing to take the Calculus II final, a classmate that barely spoke a word came over to him. He looked Jim straight in the eyes and said, "It's degenerates like you who have made this country the laughing stock of the world."

Jim was taken aback by the comment and responded with an "Excuse me?"

"You heard me faggot," the boy said. "Your kind are ruining America and all the nations are laughing at us."

Jim took a breath, "Dude, we are this close to graduation and then you'll never have to see me again. You're free to think what you want, even if it is close-mindedness. Just leave me be and there won't be any trouble."

The boy sneered, "You want to be a bitch, I'll let you suck my dick every day at lunch and then there'll be no trouble."

Jim gave the boy a "you must be crazy" look. He replied, "First, I don't think my husband would like that. Second, if you want to be gay, I might be able to hook you up with someone but it won't be me."

"You like sucking dick and my girlfriend broke up with me, so you will do it. Know your place, fag," the boy snarled.

Jim couldn't help himself, "With your charming personality, I can't understand why your girlfriend broke up with you. As for knowing my place, I already do; it's with my husband."

Curling his lip, the boy barked, "I need to get to my seat, you better be in the bathroom on your knees when I get in there, bitch. If you're not, you will be sorry."

Jim just shook his head as the boy took his seat. Joe leaned forward and asked, "What was that all about?"

"I have no idea," Jim answered. "I've never seen him talk to anyone all year and then he comes over here trying to make me feel like a second class citizen."

Jim had trouble concentrating on his exam, curious what the boy plans to do. He still completed his exam on time and believed that he aced it, but he wasn't as sure about this one as he usually is. He turned in his exam and headed for the cafeteria.

After lunch, the seniors were practicing for graduation until time for SWO. Jim saw the boy sneering at him. Joe was sitting beside Jim and commented, "He looks pissed. I'm guessing that he really expected you to be there."

Jim nodded his head, "Yeah, but he's not my superior and I don't take orders from Zac so why would I from him?"

When it was time for Jim and Joe to head to the ranch, they were walking to Jim's truck. The boy chased after them, "Faggot, you weren't there."

Jim turned around and looked him straight in the eyes, "No, and I'm not going to be. My husband doesn't tell me what to do and neither will you!" Joe rarely hears Jim use this tone of voice and thought, "This dude better back down before Jim gets really mad."

The boy pushed Jim against his truck and demanded, "Tomorrow, you will suck my cock before our exams and at lunch. This will be your last chance or you will be sorry."

Jim's eyes went almost white; he was so pissed. "You might as well do whatever you plan because I won't be there. Go ahead, the security camera already captured you pushing me. My son took down a bully just like you only a few weeks ago. I advised him that fighting should be the last resort, but if necessary, I am prepared." The boy just walked away stating again that Jim had better be in the bathroom.

When Jim and Joe arrived at the ranch, Zac looked at Jim and asked what was wrong. Jim explained the whole ordeal and Zac held him in his arms. He whispered, "I'm glad that you didn't do it, but if worse comes to worst and you feel like you have no choice, I will understand. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to do it, but if he put a gun to your head, I don't want to lose you."

Jim cried into Zac's shoulder, "Thanks Babe, that's the only way he could get me to do it. I mean, who does he think he is to boss me like that?"

Joe walked in and said, "I'm guessing he told you."

Jim nodded his head and Zac answered, "Yeah, who is this kid?"

Joe replied, "His name is Sebastian Hardin. He's always been quiet, only speaking when a teacher specifically asked him a question. I have no idea what brought this on."

Zac looked thoughtful, "Does Principal Duncan know about it?"

Jim shook his head as Joe spoke, "The last confrontation was in front of the security cameras aimed at the parking lot, so he might, but I don't know."

Zac pushed away Jim just enough so he could see his face. "It's your call, but I think you should talk to Principal Duncan. The school does have a zero tolerance rule."

Jim was quiet when he and Zac picked up Jake and Patrick. Patrick looked at him and asked, "What's wrong Dad? Did Jake or I do something to upset you?"

Jim quietly said, "No, seeing the two of you actually lifted my spirits a lot. I love you boys so much."

"Dad's dealing with a bully at his school," Zac added.

Patrick grinned, "Did you talk to a teacher or your principal?" Zac almost laughed.

Jim shook his head, "Not yet, but I plan to talk with Mr. Duncan tomorrow. I'm just hoping that it doesn't come to fisticuffs."

Patrick had never heard that term before and asked, "What's that?"

Zac answered, "In other words, Dad's trying to avoid fighting. Fisticuffs is fighting and that's his last resort."

Patrick looked like he had a lightbulb go off in his head, "I understand. I'm glad that you're trying to avoid fighting. It teaches me that you really believe it should be a last resort."

Jim smiled for the first time since Patrick got in the truck, "Yeah Bud, I really do, but as I told the bully, it doesn't mean that I'm afraid or not going to fight if I have to, but if I can avoid it, I should. My dad used to tell me that there are no real winners in a fight. Both sides lose and it's just a matter of who loses more."

Patrick put his hand on Jim's shoulder and spoke compassionately, "I hope that you don't end up having to fight. I know that you'll do everything you can to avoid it, but if you do, I hope you lose less."

Jim smiled, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

Patrick chuckled, "Yes, but I never get tired of hearing it. I love you and Papa just as much."

Tuesday, Jim went to see Principal Duncan before going to his Physics Final. He explained everything to Principal Duncan including what happened in the parking lot and Principal Duncan reviewed the recording for that time frame.

Jim took his seat for the exam and the boy walked over to him. "Instead of sucking my cock at lunch, you're going to let me fuck you. I swear, this is your last chance to know your place bitch, or else."

In an irritated tone, Jim asked, "Or else what? What are you planning to do? I've already told you that I'm not showing up so give me your best shot."

The bell rang and Principal Duncan was giving the announcements. He concluded them with, "Will Sebastian Hardin please come to my office immediately." The boy stood up, glared at Jim and left the classroom. He never came back to class.

During graduation rehearsal, Jim and Joe looked over but the boy's seat was empty. Joe asked, "Do you think he was suspended or expelled?"

Jim looked down as he spoke, "It's possible, and it wouldn't matter which. During final exams week, you wouldn't want to get a suspension because you can't make up the exams. He'll have to come back or take summer school for the classes that he missed. Is it strange that I feel a little sorry for him?"

"Not really," Joe chuckled. "The way you care about everyone, I'm not surprised."

Jim woke up Wednesday morning with two of the cutest underwear-clad boys climbing into his and Zac's bed. He looked over and Zac wasn't there. He asked, "Where's Papa?"

Patrick answered, "He woke us up early. He said that today's your birthday and asked if we wanted to help make breakfast for you."

"Uh huh," Jake added. "He's bringing it up but we wanted to hurry and wish you a happy birthday."

Jim chuckled, "Seeing you two makes it a very happy birthday. What time is it?"

"It's six o'clock," Zac stated, carrying a tray of food. "Happy birthday!"

Jake kissed Jim on the cheek and then scurried out of the room. Patrick kissed Jim on his other cheek and said, "We have to get ready for school. I hope you enjoy your breakfast." Then Patrick rushed out of the room.

Jim sat up and Zac placed the tray over his lap. "Patrick made the pancakes, he was a little disappointed that they didn't look like your puppy pancakes. I cooked the bacon and Jake buttered your toast." Jim gave Zac a smile. He looked at the toast and it was very well buttered. Jim thought Jake must have used almost half of the container for the two slices. Zac added, "I thought about scraping some of it off, but I thought you'd like to see the effort he made. I did bring the container up."

Jim chuckled, "Once I eat the pancakes, they'll look the same as if he did. I like that he tried. And I'm glad you brought the container up. This is a lot of butter, well margarine actually. At least they tried and thank you for letting them help."

After eating breakfast and showering, Jim walked over to Heather's house; Joe was driving them this morning. Zac dropped the boys off at their schools and then went to fill the tanks on their truck. The gas gauge was almost on empty so he thought it would be a nice gesture.

As he filled up, there was a young man on the other side of the pump. Zac noticed that his plate was out of county. He asked, "Albany County, how close to Laramie are, or should I say, were you?"

"I'm actually from Laramie," the young man stated. "How did you know?"

Zac smiled, "I helped a friend, well actually he's my cousin by marriage now, but I helped him move his horse here from Laramie about two years ago."

The young man rubbed his chin and said, "That's interesting. Your friend wouldn't happen to be Zarek Bolt would he? I know that's about when he moved his horse. My name is Tucker, Noah Tucker."

Zac started to laugh, "Zarek's mentioned you. He said that you were his prom date. My name is Zac Bolt. Zarek is my husband's cousin."

Noah grinned, "I kinda got that from you saying cousin by marriage; I just didn't know if you were gay or straight until you said husband. It's a small world. So you would know if he's seeing anyone? Or if he still has his computer business?"

Zac replied, "As far as I know, he's still single. He's tried dating but ended up just being friends. And yes, he still has his business."

As Zac was speaking, a blue Mustang screeched it's brakes and then pulled in behind Zac. He chuckled as Zarek Bolt got out of the vehicle. "TUCK!" he shouted, "I thought that looked like you; I couldn't believe my eyes." Zarek walked over to Noah and gave him a hug.

Noah returned the hug and said, "I came here looking for you, I missed you. And I hear you're still single."

Zarek responded, "What can I say? I've met a few nice guys, but none of them compared to you. I've really missed you."

Noah looked like he was extremely pleased. He said, "I am so glad to hear you say that. I know that I broke up with you after the prom, but that was so you could patch things up with Tanya. All these years later and I still can't get you out of my mind. I love you Zarek and am hoping that we could give it another shot."

Zarek looked a little surprised but happily so, "Seriously? I knew why you broke up with me but it still hurt a little. Yet, I never stopped loving you. I think that's why I never found another boyfriend."

Noah gave Zarek a peck on the cheek, "I'll be moving to Cody next week. I'm here now so I can look for a place to stay. I knew you lived here and wanted to see if I could sleep on your couch while I looked; plus, I really wanted to see you."

Zarek looked very much in love with Noah, "I have a spare bedroom, that is, if you don't want to share my room. I would love to have you back in my life."

"I would like that very much. I remember when we were just boys in school, having sleepovers and sharing a bed, I always felt so comfortable with you beside me, even before I realized I was gay," Noah whispered.

Zarek stated, "There is just one thing. If we're sharing my room, I do use the spare bedroom spare. I foster boys needing a safe place."

Noah grinned, "I'll have them run a background check on me right away. And if one comes along that you would like to adopt, I'd be willing."

Zarek gave Noah a full-mouth kiss. When they parted, he cooed, "Thanks Tuck, I love you so much." Zac couldn't wait to see Jim and share the news.

Wednesday had two exams so there wasn't any graduation practice. After finishing his English Literature exam, Jim went to lunch. He looked around for Sebastian and was relieved at not seeing him all day. Part of him felt sorry for the boy, but that passed quickly when he reminded himself that Sebastian brought this onto himself. After lunch, he and Joe had their Advanced Spanish exam and then went to the ranch for SWO. He chuckled thinking SWO was one class where he didn't need to study, not that he really studied anyway. Like gym class, it was more attendance oriented, and as long as you didn't miss too many days or get fired, you passed.

When he arrived at the ranch, Zac was all smiles, "Hey birthday boy, you'll never guess who I ran into."

Jim looked thoughtful, and asked, "Would I know him?"

"You've heard of him," Zac stated, "but you've never seen him, to my knowledge."

"Hmmm," Jim hummed, "There's not too many people that I've heard of and not seen. I don't have a clue."

Zac stated, "His initials are NT."

Jim looked even more thoughtful, like he was going through a list of names in his head. Finally, his eyes opened wide, "Noah Tucker? Zarek's ex-boyfriend? Does he know?"

Zac chuckled, "I hope, he screeched into the gas station and started kissing him. You would have never realized they ever broke up. Zarek didn't even notice I was there."

Jim smiled, "Cool, I'm happy for him and I'm glad it didn't work out for him and Jeff."

Thursday was the last day that Jim and Joe had finals. It was their Civics class. After the exam, they decided to eat lunch outside. Chris had an early lunch and was chatting with them. "It must be nice to have your exams completely done. I still have to take mine next week," Chris grimaced.

Joe acknowledge his complaint, "We thought that last year when Zac did his exams a week before us. Next year will be your turn." Joe looked up, "Hey Jim, isn't that Sebastian?"

Before Jim could respond, Chris asked, "Who's Sebastian?"

Jim declared, "He's just a bully who tried to order me to give him a blow-job, and yeah, that's him."

Chris looked nervous, "He's walking this way."

Sebastian was within a few feet from where the boys were standing. He called over, "Hey faggot, come with me so you can take care of business."

Jim shook his head, "I already told you that I'm not going to do it. Do you practice being stupid or were you born that way?"

Sebastian pulled out a gun and ordered, "Yes, you will come now or else."

Jim couldn't believe his eyes. He stood up and asked, "Are you planning to shoot me?" Then to Jim's surprise, the gun went off. On instinct, Chris pushed Jim out of the way and the bullet hit him. When Chris toppled over, Sebastian ran. Seeing Chris lying there with a pool of blood forming, Jim took off his t-shirt and applied pressure to the wound. Joe called nine-one-one and explained what had happened.

Hearing the gunshot, Principal Duncan came outside and saw Jim and Joe working to keep Chris conscious. He asked, "Who did this?"

Joe looked pissed as he growled, "It was Sebastian Hardin. I don't know if he meant to fire, but he had the gun aimed at Jim." Principal Duncan pulled out his phone ready to call nine-one-one until Joe told him he already had them on his phone. Duncan called the Police Station, requesting two officers come to the school and then called the Sheriff's Department, asking for Nick.

The ambulance arrived and EMTs took over treating Chris. Jim cried as he watched them work. He looked at Joe and said, "Anything happens to him, I'll never forgive myself."

Joe tried his best, "Bro, this is NOT your fault. Sebastian should never have tried to force you to do anything and he should never have brought a gun to school. Chris loves you enough that he pushed you out of the way. Do you think he would want you blaming yourself?"

Jim cried, "No, but if I would have done what..."

Joe cut him off, "No, it's all Sebastian's fault, not yours. Don't even go there."

Jim gave Joe a hug and said, "You're right. I just hurt knowing that he might die. I can't believe that I even remotely felt sorry for Sebastian having to take summer school or redo the whole year. Now, I hope he rots in hell."

Joe was holding Jim tight when Nick found them. He asked calmly, "Boy's, what happened?" Joe explained everything as Jim just cried. Nick looked at Jim, "I understand your feelings, but know that this is not your fault. If I find that boy, I hope that he resists arrest. He's lucky that this is the police's jurisdiction, but I am over the whole county."

Jim just whimpered, "Thanks Nick." Chris was on a gurney and put into the ambulance. With the siren blaring, they rushed him to the hospital.

Looking at Jim and Joe, Principal Duncan instructed, "Don't do your SWO today. Either go home or go to the hospital, I'm sure Jackson will understand."

Jim croaked out, "He will, but we need to call him and let him know."

Joe drove to Jim's house so he could get a clean shirt and he put his blood-covered shirt in cold water to soak. Then Joe drove to the hospital. Zac said that he would be there after Jake and Patrick were out of school.

Nick waved them over as they entered the waiting room. He was comforting Heather. "Chris lost a lot of blood, they said that you helped keep it minimal or he would have bled out. If he survives, it'll be thanks to you, but he's in surgery right now."

Jim asked, "Have the police found Sebastian yet?" Nick just shook his head.

Zac walked in with Patrick and Jake, the boys ran over to Jim. Patrick commented, "Papa said that Uncle Chris was shot by that bully. Is he going to be alright?"

Jim spoke softly, "I hope so, Bud. I hope so."

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Next: Chapter 92

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