Another New School

By tom boyplay

Published on May 31, 2006


Tommy Walker reluctantly got into the front passenger seat and closed the door. His mother, Alice, backed out of the driveway of their new residence and quickly headed down the street to Tommy's new school. She tried to make Tommy see that this was a new beginning for him and that the kids here would be wonderful and he'd make lots of friends, but she was worried about him.

Tommy was 17 years old, but looked 14. He had missed two years of school due to a car accident which had put him in a coma and the recovery had taken a long time. He had fallen way behind in his school work and it was necessary to enroll him as a sophomore at the beginning of the year in a suburb of Chicago. Then, because of his small size and timidity and the fact that he had a very pretty face and features, he had been picked on from the start by the bullies. His features were so apparently delicate and yet he was very smart. His problem was being so afraid of injuries which the doctors said come from having that accident. Alice had tried to instill some confidence in him but he had developed an inferiority complex which made him vulnerable to bullies.

Her job transfer to Wichita Ks was a blessing. She was able to get him out of that school and into a safer invironment. She told Tommy that he shouldn't worry about being with younger kids. That once they understood he had been injured and out of school for two years, they would accept him. Looking at him as she drove, she saw the uncertainty and worry in his face and found herself almost wishing he wasn't so good looking, that maybe that would make things easier for him.

Tommy looked at his new school as she pulled up to the curb. Seeing his mother start to get out of the car, Tommy pulled her arm and quickly said, "No Mom, Don't go in with me please. Thats all I need now is to have my mother walk me into school on my first day. This is something I have to do by myself." Alice smiled and closed her car door. "Of course son, you're right, you'll be fine and you will come straight home after school, won't you?"

"Sure, bye mom," Tommy said as he closed the door and nervously walked into the school. Alice watched him go in and then headed for work.

Tommy went to his first class, was introduced to his classmates and all the other kids seemed to be fine. The rest of the classes went ok too and he started to relax a little and tried to be friendly with everyone. The one problem he did see happening was the same thing that got him into trouble at his last school. The girls were almost stepping on each other introducing themselves to him. The word quickly spread about the dreamboat new student and hormones were racing. The problem was the boys. They also heard all the girl talk about the cute new sophomore and they immediately resented the new kid.

At lunch time, it happend. As Tommy walked between the rows of lunch tables with his tray, a foot reached out, tripping him and he fell to the floor, spilling his tray onto the floor. Before he could get up, a hand grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up. A big kid, he did not know was laughing at him as he held him. "Hey, stupid, " he said, "You got pepsi on my shoes, wipe it off punk."

The lunch room was totally quiet now as everyone watched the scene unfolding. Tommy was scared to death and tried to apologize, but the kid pushed a napkin at him and told him to wipe his shoes off. T

As Tommy took the napkin and started to bend down, a strong hand grabbed his arm holding him up. He looked up to see a tall strong boy with his jaw set hard and pushing his face directly into his antagonist's face. Nose to nose, he heard him say, "You don't wanna fuck with me asshole, so sit your ass down or I'll fuck you up so bad that sitting is all you'll be able to do." Tommy looked at his antagonist and saw fear in his eyes as he backed up walked out of the lunch room.

"You look like you could use a best friend," he said, "My names Mark, what's yours?"

"I'm Tommy, and thank you for helping me. I didn't mean to do that, I just tripped."

"Hey," Mark said, "You didn't trip, that kid tripped you on purpose so don't worry about it, he's not gonna bother you again as long as I'm around ok, but you better be nice to me or your ass is his" Mark laughed and put his arm around Tommy and had him sit at his table where he introduced him to his friends, Ryan, John and Joe.

When the last bell rang, Tommy went to his locker and found a note taped to it from Mark. It said to meet him in the parking lot and he'd take him around town and show him where everything is.

Later, after they had cruised the town, They sat together on the river bank on some ground that Mark's grandparents farmed just talking. Mark could see that Tommy liked him and even more than that, seemed to hang on every word Mark said. Mark realized that he seemed to have a fan club of one lonely boy who needed friendship and just might be willing to do anything to keep it. Mark decided to see what could happen.

Taking off his shoes and socks, he stood up, and pulled his t-shirt off .

Mark said, "I'm going for a swim, and so are you if you want to be my friend.", and he unbuttoned his pants letting them fall and slipped his shorts off, standing in front of Tommy with a semi hardon.

Tommy flushed with embarrassment as his eyes fell on the cock bobbing up and down just a few feet from him. He could feel himself getting hard, but he wasn't going to take his clothes off in front of Mark.

Mark turned away from Tommy and walked into the river. Tommy looked at the perfect ass cheeks swaying and although embarrassed, he couldn't take his eyes off of his handsome friend's naked body.

Mark slipped into waist high water and went under for a while before bursting up and yelling for Tommy to join him. "Hey, I thought you wanted to be friends with me Tommy, guess not!"

"Yes I do," Tommy yelled back, as he undressed. Tommy wanted Mark to like him and if it meant showing his little body naked to him, he would do it. In seconds, he was naked and holding his hands in front of his penis, he moved slowly to the water, red faced and for reasons he did not know, sporting a full hardon he was trying to push down.

Mark knelt down in the water as he watched Tommy walking into the water. His hand busy playing with his cock which was hard as a rock. The boy must be 120 pounds soaking wet and probably around 5-4. Except for no breasts, he looked like a girl with pretty legs and face. Mark made a decision right then that he would push this boy into being his very special friend.

Tommy dropped into the water, hiding his privates but could not resist squeezing his cock. Mark spashed water at him and the two had a water fight for a few minutes until Mark dashed out of the water and pulled a blanket out of his car and spread it out on the sandbar. Laying down on his stomach, he watched as Tommy swam around.

Tommy now found himself the only one in the water, not knowing what to do. "Hey, aren't you coming back in?" He yelled at Mark.

"No, come on out, lets talk." Mark replied and turned over on his back.

Tommy reluctantly came out of the water and sat on the blanket with Mark, but with his back to him, partly to hide his embarrassment but to also hide his erection. He had seen Mark rubbing his own cock as he approached him.

A few minutes passed with no one saying anything. Tommy wanted to put his pants back on but he didn't want to do something wroing. He knew he was having fun and enjoyed being with a friend at last.

Finally, Mark started talking in a soft voice. Tommy had to turn his head a little to catch what he was saying and he could just see Marks hand playing with his cock.

" I really do like you Tommy," Mark continued, "And was hoping we could really be best friends. I've never had a real close friend I could trust before. One that I could do things with and have secrets with. You know what I mean Tommy?"

Tommy nodded his head and quietly said, " Yes Mark, I know too."

Mark continued, "Will you be that friend Tommy, and be loyal to me and help me when I need help buddy? You and I can have a lot of fun and it will be just between us and I'll really like you and watch out for you at school. You know that Billy wants to beat you up real bad and if we're not friends, he'll do it too, probably tomorrow if you won't help me."

Tommy could not think straight, He was sitting on a blanket with a boy he really liked and needed in his life and they were both naked and he was not understanding what he was talking about but he was feeling funny and his hardon would not go away and he was ashamed. "Mark, I want to be your friend and help you, I'll do anything you need me to do, I promise," Tommy gushed as he turned his head away again.

In that instant, Mark knew he had him. Now it was just a matter of taking the boy by the horn. "Give me you hand Tommy," Mark whispered. As Tommy extended his hand behind him, Mark edged closer and took his small hand in his and gently laid it on his cock. "Tommy, I need you to feel it and rub it between your fingers for me and get used to the feel of it ok, boy?" "Thats it Tommy, you're doing fine and thank you, you're making me very happy to have you as a friend." "Do you still want to be my friend?" he asked.

Mark heard a squeak of a voice say yes. "Now Tommy, I want you to turn around so you can see what you're doing and I can watch you and know you like doing it and not just saying that." "Turn around now." Mark insisted.

Tommy slowly turned around and looked first at his hand on Mark's cock and then into Marks face. Mark had a smile on his face and Tommy tried to smile too but he had to wipe tears away from his eyes as he did so.

Mark whispered to him, "tommy, are you crying because you're happy I am letting you be my friend or because he don't like me or don't like doing this for me?" "If you don't like me or like doing this, I'll take you home and not see you anymore, ok?"

Now more tears came to Tommy's eys as he realized that Mark would not be his friend if he didn't make him happy and he wanted to be Mark's friend more than anything. As he cried openly in front of Mark, His hand played with Mark's cock and his other hand carressed Mark's leg and he blurted out his friendship for Mark and that he'd do anythng for him.

Mark reached over and pulled Tommy's head down when it was laying on his stomach and just a few inches from Mark's cock. He carressed Mark's head as he talked to him.

"I wish I really could believe you Tommy, but I'm just not sure. If You'd maybe lick my cock for me, I might believe you and you know that whatever you do will just be our secret and nobody else will ever know. Mark could feel Tommy's tears on his stomach as Tommy slid his head towards the hard cock. Mark could feel his tongue moving up and down his shaft and he watched Tommy's head moving up and down.

"Tommy, I think you are going to be my very special friend." Mark continued. "Now I want you to put it in your mouth like it was a pop sickle and suck up and down on it boy." "I know you're crying because you're happy that I'm letting you suck my cock and that makes me real proud of you Tommy." "You're doing good boy and you're making me feel good too." "I want you to become very good at sucking my cock for me and you and I will become very good friends and I'll take care of you boy."

Mark pulled Tommy back and repositioned himself before pulling Tommy's face once again to his cock. Now he could see his eyes and the tears as the cute little 17 year old boy sucked lovingly on the 7 inch penis.

Mark watched and thought ahead of the fun he was going to have now that he had his own personal cocksucking slave. He judged correctly that Tommy was starved for friendship and his natural fear and timidity make him the perfect submissive who he could lead into deeper slavery.

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Next: Chapter 2

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