Another Weekend at the Cottage

By Master Andrew

Published on Jul 2, 2005


This story is completely fictional. It is your responsibility to ensure you are of legal age to read this in your area.

This is my first attempt at an erotic story.

My name is Luke and I thought I'd tell you about something that happened to me about a month ago. It was a long weekend in May and I had invited three friends up to my parents cottage for the weekend for a party. Usually when we go to the cottage, Andy or Jeff would bring a boyfriend along but they'd both broken up recently and weren't dating anyone. Chris was never predictable, I've known him for a little while and sometimes he'd be dating a guy and sometimes a girl but recently wasn't seeing anyone.

Before they arrived, I was sitting alone in the living room of the cottage. I showed up early because anytime I use the place I have to make sure the lawn is cut and clean up a bit and get the place ready. It's a pretty nice place with three bedrooms and looks out over a lake. It's isolated but the roads are good and there is power but no telephone. After I finished the lawn, there wasn't much else to do, so I brought my stuff inside and thought about the weekend ahead.

Andy is a pretty cute guy. I had been friends with Andy for about three years. I met him in a bar and thought he was pretty hot. We went out for a few weeks and had sex a bunch of times but then for whatever reason it just didn't seem to work out. We stayed friends but after that never really had sex again. He's 24 about 5'8, 150 pounds, blonde and has a nice thick 6.5" cock. Andy likes to top a lot and although we've had sex I've never fucked him though I have thought about it... probably more than I should have since after we stopped dating we are just friends. Andy has a little quirk that I found out about when we were having sex. He loves having his ears licked. It makes him really hot and he gets even hotter if you tongue fuck his ears. Maybe it's not a big deal but it always made him really hard. I still sometimes will walk up to him in a bar and say hello by hugging him and licking his ear.

Jeff is another "ex" of mine. Well, not really an "ex" and I guess just a friends now too. Jeff's a top too. Wow, I seem to find all the top guys. Jeff isn't a greek god or anything, although he is greek and I think he's pretty hot. He's about 5'11" and he has black hair. He's 26 years old and thin. I always think he looks younger because he's got a baby face and a hairless chest. When I slept with him he shaved his pubes so I nicknamed him "Baby!" Wow he hated that. Always got pissed at me every time I called him that and I always got a laugh. Jeff has a nice cock too. He's about 6.5" too and not as thick as Andy but he's uncut and I love uncut guys. Not sure why I like uncut guys, not that I'd ever throw a hot circumcised guy outta bed either but I like playing with their foreskin. I always like walking up to Jeff whenever he's in a bad mood and whisper in his ear "Bet you'd look happier if I took you home and licked your cock like a lollipop like I used to." as I discretely squeeze one of his nipples. His nipples are really sensitive too. He never took me up on the offer but always looked happier and a couple of times I'm pretty sure he was getting hard in his jeans.

Chris is a different story. I've only known him for about 6 months. He seems to like to hang out with us even though we are all flirts but he never seems to respond. He just smiles or laughs. He's a friend of Jeff's and Chris said that he met him at a gay bar and they've just hung out ever since. At first I thought that Jeff wasn't telling me everything and asked him how Chris was in bed. He smiled and told me he's wondered that too but Chris never seems to sleep with anyone even though he's told Jeff that he's bi and has slept with guys and girls. I can understand why Jeff would want to sleep with Chris. Chris is fucking hot. Chris is 28 and he's got shoulder length wavy blonde hair and big blue eyes. I love blue eyes and his are great. They're pure blue and the kind of colour where you think the person is wearing colour contact lenses. In fact I asked him once if he wears colour contacts and he just looked and me, smiled and said "No". I just stood there, looking at his eyes till he turned away. He's also pretty big, probably about 200 pounds and 6 foot tall. I once told him he would make a great football player and he just smiled and said, "I've never played football but used to play soccer." I asked him how the locker rooms were but he just smiled and laughed. I think he's just shy but that makes him hotter.

I guess I should tell you about me too. I guess I'm a bit of a flirt. I'm 28 about 5'11" brown hair and in decent shape but not a bodybuilder or anything. I like sex a lot and have been a bottom and a top like most guys. When I top, most guys seem to like my cock. It's not huge but I'm about 7" and cut. The only thing that's a bit different is that I've always had kinky fantasies but have never had anyone who has been into it. I'd never told Jeff or Andy that I was into kinky stuff because we weren't together long enough really. I have tried to hint about it with them both before but they just thought of me as a horny bottom. I should say that I'm always horny but not always a bottom.

Anyway, like I said, I'm just sitting there in the living room in shorts, t shirt and sandals. It's a pretty warm day and I was just relaxing after mowing the lawn and getting a couple of special things done for the night. I heard the boys pull up in Chris' car. I just sat on the couch still feeling a bit tired as they walked in. As usual they all looked hot. Chris was in jeans and t-shirt, Andy was in tight shorts and a tight white t-shirt and Jeff always being a bit of a flirt was wearing bike shorts and a wifebeater.

"We're here!" Jeff calls out as he walked in and dropped on the couch beside me and hugged me.

I hugged Jeff back and being the great host I am, I gave them a tour of the place because Chris had never been there before. Each of the three bedrooms has a double bed and I had already made sure all the beds were made with new sheets. "I can sleep on the couch unless somebody wants to give me a warm bed to share.", I said.

"I'm sure one of us can find space for you tonight. Maybe Chris would like to have a roommate? He's a great fuck Chris.", Andy said.

Chris just laughed and I noticed his face got a little red.

"Oh well, maybe I'll just top Jeff tonight." I said, slapping Jeff's ass.

Before Jeff could say anything I said, "Anyway, dinner's almost ready and I figured we could play cards and drink some beer after dinner." I pointed to the kitchen table that was already set and everyone sat down we ate a quick dinner. As always, during dinner there was lots of joking back and forth. After dinner, we all cleaned up together.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch and pulled out the cards yelling, "Andy grab the case of beer in the fridge and get your ass in here."

Jeff grabbed the poker chips and sat beside me as Andy brought in the beer and Chris pulled a couple of folding chairs closer to the coffee table.

We each grabbed a beer as I said, "So what are the stakes? Anyone up for strip poker?" I watched as Chris blushed and said, "Umm, I don't know..."

"Hey now, Chris is a virgin to our get togethers. Our horny bottom host is going to scare him off.", says Jeff

"Okay, okay, so no strip poker. You can't blame a guy for trying.", I said smiling, "We'll just play for chips right now."

"Thanks, bud", Jeff said, "Besides, wouldn't be a fair game with me dressed in a tee and bike shorts. I bet you guys are wearing more. I don't even have socks on.", he winked at me.

We played for about an hour and a half and the beer was gone. Andy had one all the chips and joked with him about being a card shark. I told Andy that there was another 12 beer and the kitchen and suggested he grab it as Chris went for a piss. When Jeff wasn't looking, I switched the deck of cards with another that I'd hidden under the couch cushions before they had arrived.

When Andy and Chris returned I held up the cards, "Everybody grab a beer and let me suggest a new game." I paused watching them grab a beer. "Here's what I have in mind. One deal. High card wins and the others have to answer any questions the winner has and do whatever the winner says for the next 24 hours."

Jeff and Andy laughed but Chris looked worried again, "Umm...."

"It's okay Chris. Anyone who doesn't want to do something can just go to their room and sleep. But once they choose that they have to stay there for the rest of the night. Nobody has to do anything they don't want to do."

"Hmmm...okay then." he said

I sipped my beer, "Okay everyone ready."

I dealt a card to Jeff first. As I knew already he got a 6 of spades and I looked at him, "Not a great card but you're still in right?"

"Yeah sure. I'm up for whatever.", he said. I dealt to Andy giving him a 10 of hearts and say "Andy's in the lead and may be in charge tonight." as I toss down the next card to Chris. "Chris has a Queen..Chris is in the lead. We still all in for this?" It was working better than I thought, the hottest guy in the room had the high card and Andy and Jeff were drooling ready to do anything he wanted and hoping they'd get into his pants.

"You bet", Andy said.

"Let's get on with it." said Jeff

I turned to Chris, "You still in for it? Maybe you don't want three gay guys at your beck and call this weekend.", smiling.

His reaction surprised me. He just looked up and smirked and said, "Deal."

I was feeling pretty good then. I dealt the last card to myself. A king.

I looked up and smiled, "I guess you're all going to do what I say until tomorrow at 9 pm"

Andy and Jeff laughed, whispering to each other and Chris just sat there, "As I said before you need to do whatever I said but if you can't handle it then you have to go to your room. Everyone agree?"

"Agreed" they all said in unison. They seemed to be a little more eager than I expected but Andy and Jeff were still smirking and seeing it as a joke.

"So Andy are you wearing underwear under those shorts?" I asked.

Andy just looked at me and smiled pulling down the front of the shorts he was wearing and showing off white bikini briefs.

"That's great, since you like them so much that's all you can wear for the next hour. Take everything else off."

Andy looked at me smiling, "No problem" and stood up stripping down to his tight white briefs. He has never been shy.

I smiled knowing that he may get a little more uncomfortable before the night is out but not wanting to rush it. "Okay big boy how about you sit in Jeff's lap for now then. Unless you'd like to just go to your room now." Knowing the last part would be enough of a challenge for him.

Andy looked at me and winked, "I think I can handle that." He sat in Jeff's lap wiggling his ass against Jeff's crotch to show that he wasn't uncomfortable at all.

I glanced at Chris who looked a little nervous but watching every move.

Jeff laughed, "So when does the tough part start?"

"Hey Chris, let's have the boys give us a show. Stand up and face each other".

As Jeff stood, I noticed he was starting to get a bit hard in the bike shorts. Must have been Andy's ass wiggling in his lap.

"Now Andy, your buddy Jeff here always used to like to have his nipples played with. How about you play with his nipples? But you can't touch him in any other way."

Andy reached out and started slowly rubbing Jeff's nipples slowly through the wifebeater. Jeff leaned in slightly and raised his head obviously enjoying it. The bike shorts did a great job of outlining Jeff's hard cock.

"Hey Jeff, your buddy is doing you a favor. Andy always liked his ears licked in the past. Let's see if he still likes it. Jeff, use the tip of your tongue and lick Andy's ear slowly. But you can't touch him andywhere else."

Turning towards Chris, "Grab a beer Chris and open it up and bring it over here for me."

I watched them as they started getting hornier and hornier and started moaning together. Enjoying the show ,I watched closely for a few minutes. I had to remind them a couple of times that they couldn't touch each other anywhere else but when reminded, they complied. Jeff's crotch was straining in the bike shorts. Those bike shorts were pretty tight to start with and now it looked like he just had a layer of black saran wrap covering his cock and balls. I bet it was starting to get uncomfortable. Andy's cock head had started peeking out above the waistband of his briefs and it outlined his tight ass perfectly. They were having fun so far and I figured the hornier they were the more they might try later.

I saw a movement beside me and realize Chris was beside me with my beer and watching Jeff and Andy make out.

I took the beer from him, "Thanks Chris. You know I won't make you do anything you don't want to do right?"

Chris leans close to me and whispers in my ear, "Yes Sir."

I'm floored. I thought this hunk was just a shy guy who would be freaked but maybe he has a submissive side too. Or maybe he was just doing his best to act the role he thought he had to play. It could be an interesting night finding out which it is....

Feedback is appreciated.

Next: Chapter 2

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