Anything for My Brother

By moc.oohay@0002cremyrreM

Published on Jun 30, 2003


Pairing: Joe/Matt Lawrence Warning: RPS,incest, slash Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: This story is intended for a mature audience. It is a slash story and contains sex between two males who are celebrities and brothers. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.


Matt and Joe checked into the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan. They had arranged for a two bedroom suite because their younger brother Andy would be flying in to join them the next day. It was two days before Thanksgiving and all three brothers were scheduled to appear in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Joe was using the time to follow up on some auditions he'd done for Broadway. Matt was happy to have some time off. He had just finished filming two movies back to back and while he wasn't happy with the projects he was hoping they would give him more exposure.

Matt mad Joe were planning to share the larger of the two bedrooms and leave the smaller one for Andy when he came. Joe headed for the shower while Matt empty their things on one of the two King size beds and began to put them away. He called their parents to let them know they had arrived safely and confirm when Andy's flight was due in tomorrow. He was grateful to hear from his mom that Andy would be in tomorrow evening. Matt promised his father they would all try to get out of New York immediately after the parade and make it home for a late Thanksgiving dinner.

"Hey Matt, do you want to order up some room service?", Joe asked as he exited the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

Matt realized he was staring and his brothers body and flushed slightly with embarrassment. "Umm yeah, that would be great. How about some burgers, fries and a couple of cokes?", Matt offered.

Joe smiled and agreed. "Let me do the honors", Joe said. "Why don't you grab a quick shower while I order."

There was something in Joe's voice that Matt didn't really want to think about. He was beginning to feel awkward talking to his brother who was just standing there with that thin hotel towel as his only covering. Matt realized he was staring again so he got up and headed for the bathroom.

Matt stood beneath the warm water rinsing himself off. What had gotten into him. Why was he suddenly trying hard not to think about his brother and where those thoughts might lead him. Well he couldn't stay in the shower for ever. He resisted the urge to jack off. He turned off the water and exited the shower. He grabbed a towel, wrapped it around his waist and went back into the bedroom.

He heard Joe opening the door of the large living room. It must be room service. He shed his towel and place his clothes in one of the hotel provided plastic laundry bags. Then he pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and joined Joe in the living room. Joe was setting the food out on the dining table near the window that overlooked Seventh Avenue. Their room was pretty far up so there wasn't much to see. Joe was dressed much the same way as Matt. He watched his brothers firm physique as he leaned over the table sharing out the meal. Matt cleared his throat and walked over to the table.

"Oh there you are. I was just about to come in and see if you drowned", Joe teased.

Matt and Joe were close. They had earlier on while filming "Brotherly Love" learned that they were both gay. Joe had been there for Matt during some difficult times when he was feeling alone. Matt in turn had been someone Joe could always talk to about things he didn't dare share with anyone else. In spite of the large number of gay actors in Hollywood many were still closeted. Being outed still could have a negative effect on one's career, especially if that career was propelled by adoring young girls.

Joe and Matt had discussed this and other things time and time again. Never had there been any physical intimacy between them but this afternoon it was suddenly what Matt was hoping for. He knew he must be misreading Joe but almost everything he said to him seemed to be flirtatious. Matt decided after eating he would go for a walk. He had spotted an ice cream parlor up the block when they were taking the taxi to their hotel. The cool air would do him good.

"Earth to Matt. Come in Matt", Joe taunted.

"Oh I must have drifted. I'm sorry Joe what were you saying?, Matt apologized.

"You've been distracted since we got here or should I say since I got out of the shower." Joe said seductively.

Matt flushed and couldn't meet his older brother's eyes. Had he been that obvious? Joe rose to his feet and stood beside his brother. He offered his hand and whispered gently "Don't be embarrassed. You can tell me anything."

Matt looked up through his lashes. "Oh Joe its just that today ... I mean for the first time I wanted to ...... I'm sorry......

Joe took Matt by the hand and pulled him up towards him. Matt stood facing him with his head down. Joe gently lifted his chin so that he could look at him. "Matt, we've shared so much over these past few years, let me share this with you." Joe leaned down and gently brushed his lips across Matt's. A sigh escaped Matt's lips. The second time Joe pressed his lips lightly against Matt's. When he broke the kiss Matt's tongue darted out and tasted where his older brother kissed him. Joe leaned in one more time and caught Matt's tongue sucking the tip until Matt opened his mouth allowing Joe access. Their kiss deepened as Matt leaned his body against Joe's. He felt them both getting hard. Joe stepped back leaving cool air where his warmth had just been.

"Are you sure you want to do this." Joe asked. He wanted Matt since the first time Matt had confessed he was gay also. But being gay and in a relationship with his own brother was more than Joe was willing to deal with at the time. But now the time seemed right if only because he knew this was what Matt wanted too.

Matt didn't answer but instead closed the space between them. Putting his hand on the back of Joe's neck he pulled him back down into a searing kiss that left Joe breathless when it stopped. They stumbled into their shared bedroom leaving a trail of clothes along the way. By the time they reached one of the king size beds they were both breathless and painfully hard.

"What do you need', Joe murmured as he slowly kissed and nipped along Matt's jaw and neck.

"You inside me", Matt replied breathlessly.

Joe groan at the sound of that. He gently lay his younger brother on the bed face up and placed himself between his legs. He stretched out on top of his brother and rubbed himself against him. The friction of their cocks together was more than either one of them could stand.

"Please", Matt moaned. "Fuck me now."

Joe shivered at his sibling urgent pleading. If he didn't take Matt now he neither one of them would last. He rolled off the bed leaving Matt feeling cold and alone. He briefly wondered if Joe had changed his mind until he saw Joe return from the bathroom with his travel kit. Joe fished out a condom and a tube of lube and settled between Matt's legs once again. He placed the tube on Matt's stomach then tore the foil packet and rolled the condom over his hard cock. Matt watched as Joe took the lube and began to rub it over his sheathed erection. Matt absently played with his own nipples as his eyes remained fixed on Joe preparing himself.

"Spread your legs for me", Joe commanded. His voice was thick with need. Matt complied and soon felt the cool jell being spread over his puckered hole. Matt thought he would come just at his brothers touch.

"Hold on Matt", Joe hissed. "I'm almost ready."

"Hurry Joe." Matt was thrusting his hips to make better contact as Joe slipped one then two fingers inside him to prepare him. Matt reached between his legs and jacked his own cock but Joe stopped him fearing Matt would come before he even entered him.

"Please", Matt moaned.

Joe didn't make him wait any longer. He kicked Matt's legs further apart and pulled them up over his shoulders. Placing his hands on his younger brother's hips he lifted him and entered him. A gasp escaped Matt's lips as his hips bucked up to make the contact deeper.

"SSSHH. Easy babe, I'll give you everything you need", Joe purred. He lowed his upper body on top of Matt's. The warmth was amazing and Matt's hands touched every inch of skin they could reach. Both brothers were breathing raggedly as Joe began to slowly pump in and out of Matt's tight hole.

"Harder", Matt cried between breaths. "I want..."

"I know", Joe interrupted as he pushed harder and faster. He knew he was on the edge and as much as he wanted this to last he couldn't. Matt's cries were driving him to the brink. He came calling Matt's name shivering as his cock was drained and filled his beautiful brother. A few quick stroke on Matt's cock and he came also crying out for Joe.

Joe collapsed on top of Matt and stayed there for a few minutes as Matt soothingly stroked his back and placed gentle kisses on his lips. Joe finally rolled over and pulled Matt next to him letting Matt rest his head on his chest. He placed his arm around him and stroked Matt's shoulder until they drifted off to sleep.

The next morning was a little awkward as Matt woke to find himself tangled in Joe's embrace. He was sticky and urgently had to use the bathroom. He tried to wriggle out from under Joe's grasp but his attempt to move made Joe hold on tighter.

"Joe", he whispered as he attempted to free himself from his lover. "Joe honey. I have to pee." Joe rolled over and slowly opened his eyes. He smiled when he realized he was still holding Matt from last night.

"What did you say beautiful", he asked groggily.

"Let go. I have to pee."

"Oh. Sorry." Joe untangled himself from Matt and watched as Matt raced to the bathroom. He heard Matt running water in the basin and assumed he was cleaning up a little. When Matt returned to the bed he smelt of soap and toothpaste.

Joe decided using the bathroom wasn't a bad idea. He got up and did the same brushing his teeth and washing up before returning to the bed. Once back he pulled Matt back into his arms and smiled as Matt let out a sigh on contentment.

"So", Joe began, "Are you okay with this."

"Yes", Matt replied letting his hand wander over his brothers half erect penis. He raised up on his elbow to look at Joe. "Are you", he asked.

Joe smiled and kissed him gently on the lips. "Definitely", Joe replied.

"Good. Can we do it again?" Matt asked shyly.

"Sure sunshine.", Joe smiled. "Anything for my brother."

Next: Chapter 2

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