Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 14, 2023


Thank you for reading the Erick and Todd story. Matan's parents arrive for the commitment ceremony and there is a celebratory dinner.

Please give generously to during this holiday season. Mac

Friday, December 13 The Light of Love

Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. Psalm 130

Yonatan was up early on Friday morning to go to W&M for his last exam. He had convinced his professors to let him take his examinations early because of the commitment ceremony and honeymoon. They had agreed since he had superior marks on all of his work but they swore him to secrecy because they didn't want other students requesting early exams.

That morning he told Matan to stay home and that he would return as soon as he finished. Matan was busy all morning with last minute preparations for their commitment ceremony. He noticed that Jeremiah had not gotten out of bed. Tim had stayed with Black and checked on Jeremiah before he left early for the bookshop. He said he needed to check in with employees. He also told Matan that Jeremiah was out like a light.

"I don't know where he slept for the past few weeks, but last night he was able to sleep in a bed. I am sure that felt good. Being a teenager, he probably won't wake up until lunch time."

Matan smiled and knew that he was a teenager also and would have loved to sleep until lunchtime. But he had things to take care of. He worked hard not to be the ultimate groomzilla that day.

Black came downstairs shortly after Tim left. He winced in pain and Matan told him to take a pain pill.

"I hate to take those when Tim is here. He still thinks I broke my arm. It was a good thing I went to the hospital because there was a bolus of infection that was dislodged when I picked up Jeremiah. They were able to clean that and they said I will heal faster now. So, something good came out of something bad." Matan nodded.

"Well, we will need to work extra hard on getting the foundation set up for gay youth. You and Tim did absolutely the right thing. We also need to pay Tayloe for his time. Oh my God, we should invite Tayloe and Eron to the commitment ceremony. Do you have Tayloe's telephone number? After a brief call, Matan was assured that Tayloe and Eron would be in attendance.

The morning slipped away and it was lunch time.

"Do we wake him or let him sleep?" Matan was growing concerned.

"Let him sleep. I will go up and check on him later."

Yonatan arrived home and the three of them ate lunch while looking across the river. A flock of geese moved overhead and then circled around Craney Island before setting down. Fishing boats were growing scarce this time of year. Only the big freighters passed by as they headed upriver to Richmond. All was quiet and peaceful on the river. The house would be quiet for a couple of hours and then the hoards would descend.

Matan got up and cleaned the kitchen. He told Black to relax because the next couple of days were going to be stressful. Black disappeared into his apartment. It was early afternoon when Matan heard a vehicle pull into the driveway. Green had arrived after a trip to the airport. He had picked up Herbert and Judy Jenner and Max Lambert at the Norfolk airport. They had all arrived for the commitment ceremony on Saturday night. There was much talking, hugging, and kissing. Yonatan had prepared some snacks for them to eat knowing they would be hungry after being on a plane for most of the day.

"By the way, your favorite steward said his invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. Etienne sends his best." Judy grinned at Yonatan and Matan. Matan grinned from ear to ear. "How did he know who you were?"

"Well, he said two of his favorite passengers flew between New York and Paris and had the same last name as ours. After playing cat and mouse for a couple of minutes we both disclosed your names at the same time. We have never had such wonderful service on a plane before. He is such a lovely man." Judy hugged them and said they did good so people had fond memories of them.

Green said he would unload the car and put the luggage in the bedrooms.

"Ahh, we have an additional guest. His name is Jeremiah. Please be gentle with him. He arrived just last night."

Matan's mother was giving him a quizzical look when Jeremiah stuck his head around the door frame. "Excuse me, Matan, do you have any socks I can wear? A blister burst on my foot and it really hurts." He realized there were several folks looking at him. His skin pinked up. He was overwhelmed by the group of men and one woman.

"Let me see your foot. I am a doctor; I work in the medical field." That was Judy Jenner's favorite saying anytime someone in their circle of friends was hurt. She didn't tell them that she was a psychiatrist.

Jeremiah sat in a breakfast room chair and Judy very gently took his foot in her hand. He winced from the pain. She knew not to let her concern show on her face.

"Let me see your other foot." She examined that one also and noticed that the blisters had burst on both feet. One was infected already, the other not far behind.

"Yonatan, I need for you to go to the store for me." She wrote out a list of medical supplies she wanted. She also asked for her pocketbook and pulled out a prescription pad from the hospital in Norfolk. She said it shouldn't take too long for them to fill the prescription. She handed the papers to Yonatan. Green smiled and took the papers out of his hand. "You stay here, boss. I've got it."

Judy immediately went into her clinical mode and suggested that she and Jeremiah go to the living room where they could have some peace and quiet. She held his arm for support even though he was taller and more robust than her. She wanted him to know that she was now his care giver. With a little coaxing, Judy was able to get the full story out of Jeremiah. She wavered between wanting to mother him and keeping her clinical distance. The clinician lost and she took him in her arms.

Before Green returned, the house started to fill with people. Ayal and Zeke arrived as did Todd and Erick. Matan had invited Mr. Reed's son and his family to join them. Gino Antonucci arrived. Lester and his partner, David, walked in and were surprised at the number of people in the house. Tim arrived about the same time that Green returned from the pharmacy. It was Shabbat and the family planned to celebrate.

Judy carefully tended to Jeremiah's feet and then bandaged them. She called out to Matan to get a pair of bedroom slippers for Jeremiah to wear.

"You are not to wear dress shoes until tomorrow night for the commitment ceremony."

"What commitment ceremony?"

"Why Yonatan and Matan's, of course. Didn't you know? That is why we are here." Jeremiah understood that in the middle of this celebration that they had seen him in need and taken him in. He was choked up with emotion when Judy said she was now his mother.

The dinner was filled with laughter and celebration. People were scattered between the living and dining rooms. Yonatan went to the kitchen to get bottles of champagne to finish the meal. Herbert looked at Yonatan who laughed and said that Matan made him do it. Matan shrugged his shoulders and said that his mother said they had to have champagne. Judy spoke up and said that Max Lambert said he wasn't coming unless they had drinks to celebrate. Max pulled a face and said it wasn't a celebration without bubbly. By that time everyone was laughing. Finally, Ayal spoke up and said it was a gift from Mr. Cohen to celebrate the happy occasion. Herbert led them in cheers to Mr. Cohen.

As they were finishing their first glass of champagne there was a knock at the front door. Green went to answer it and found two gentlemen saying they had been invited. Green was confused because one looked exactly like one of the guests already in the house. Tayloe and Eron entered carrying a large box that was beautifully gift wrapped. Introductions were made.

They handed the box to Jeremiah.

It was a like a Chinese Game. There was a box inside a box inside a box inside a box. Each box was beautifully wrapped. Finally, there was a small box which Jeremiah opened. Inside he found a gift certificate for Beecroft and Bull. It didn't specify a dollar amount.

"You need a bow-tie for tomorrow night. And a suit. And a shirt. And some shoes. Have a fun morning shopping tomorrow. Ask for Wills. He will make sure that everything you need will be ready by the time of the commitment ceremony tomorrow night."

Tayloe leaned over and kissed Eron on the top of his head. They both smiled. They were holding hands.

Erick and Todd gave each other quizzical looks.

Tayloe spoke up and said that when he heard Jeremiah's voice on the telephone that he knew he needed to help. He called Eron and they decided that instead of giving the richest men in the world a gift (at that point they pointed to Yonatan and Matan) that they would give a gift to Jeremiah in Yonatan and Matan's name.

"So, this is actually a gift from Yonatan and Matan to you."

Jeremiah got up and hugged all four men. He then hugged Tim and leaned into him. He was cottoning to the idea that Tim was to be his guardian.

"I would like to thank everyone here. Everything has happened so fast. I met Erick and Todd two nights ago, then Black and Tim showed up yesterday morning. I spoke with Tayloe on the telephone and here I am at Yonatan and Matan's house."

Jeremiah looked around the room.

"God heard my cry for mercy and sent you. Thank you."

Suggested Music: "Out of the Depths" Performer: Sinead O'Connor

Next: Chapter 14

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