Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 17, 2022


Yonatan and Matan leave for Europe, Jeremiah meets Bobby, Pate and Timmy are at the Outer Banks and Erick and Todd are in the midst of examinations at William and Mary. All is well with the world.

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Tuesday, December 17 The Light of Joy

By day the Lord directs his love, At night his song is with me - A prayer to the God of my life. Psalms 42:8

It was a busy morning in the Jenner-Ward household. The first leg of their flight was not until mid-afternoon and Judy was trying to stay on Paris time during this brief trip. She was fixing breakfast when Yonatan and Matan came wandering into the kitchen. In deference to their houseguests, they were wearing pajamas. Normally, they would have been wearing tighty-whities or nothing at all. They loved living in an all male household.

Judy has scrounged through the refrigerator and said they needed to eat up the food or it would go bad before the boys returned from Paris. The counter top was filled with various and sundry foods. She said she would also be the short order cook to prepare their eggs.

"I want an egg casserole, thanks mama." Matan smirked as he said it. Judy looked at Matan and said he was not too old for a spanking if he was going to act like a child. Yonatan volunteered to give him the spanking. That drew a laugh from Green.

While they ate, Green briefed them on their itinerary for the day and security plans while they were in Europe. There was a new security person joining them for the trip: Pink. Her primary responsibility would be when they were with the surrogate mother in Israel. After spending the night at the apartment in Paris, they would all fly to Tel Aviv to meet the surrogate mother. They would then fly back to Paris where Matan and Yonatan would take the train to Brussels. They said they wanted to learn about the countryside that they couldn't clearly make out from 30,000 feet. Green reviewed specific timelines they would follow. Before flying back to Virginia, Yonatan and Matan would return to Paris for a final overnight with the Jenners. The boys hoped that they would get some time in Brussels to relax and enjoy themselves. It was beginning to look like another trip that had a jam-packed agenda. They even had a meeting with the Chief Rabbi of Paris. Yonatan was ready to put his foot down and say it was their honeymoon.

Matan pulled Yonatan back to their bedroom for another time of love making before they left for the airport. Matan had taken the notion of honeymoon very seriously and had kept Yonatan in bed for hours on end. They kept a champagne bottle nearby in a bucket of ice. When they weren't making love, they recounted each and everything they could remember about the ceremony and the reception afterwards. They knew they were probably forgetting quite a bit. The reception had been quite a revelation. One would mention someone's name and off they would go again on another story of their special day. Matan told Yonatan they needed to spend part of their time in Brussels writing down their memories. He was afraid that over time they would forget these important details. They decided to also write thank you notes and ask that people write their memories of the ceremony and reception to mail them back. They both wanted to always remember everything about the weekend. That was impossible but courageous on their parts.

It was their first-time meeting Lester's partner, David. They would not have envisioned them as partners. Lester was their intrepid Boy Scout friend, also known as, Shiloh. He was so handsome in a swimmer kind of way. His buff body, perennial suntan, and curly blond hair was offset by a broken nose that almost gave the impression of a Picasso painting. His partner, David, was 45 years old. He was a banker and quite handsome. He had a dad body; he definitely wasn't a swimmer. It was evident that both men were madly in love. Lester had been a little reticent introducing them because he had led Yonatan and Matan to believe his partner was also a college student. David was effusive in his praise of Yonatan and Matan; he said they would have to get together when they returned to the country after their honeymoon.

Neither Yonatan nor Matan could say exactly what the Chuppah had looked like. They had been distracted by so many other things during the service. They knew that Martine had sent out squares of fabric to people and asked them to draw, paint or print messages. She had done a wonderous job putting them together and was going to quilt the entire thing. Martine had worn a tuxedo for the ceremony as she held one of the posts. She had a full square body. She stood all of 5'4" and topped that with a flat top haircut. Many of the people at the ceremony didn't realize that Martine was female. Her girlfriend, Genevieve, was a lip stick lesbian. When Martine and Genevieve took to the dance floor people moved out of the way. They could have competed in a national dance contest and probably won. Yonatan and Matan sat back and watched in awe. They were the first to jump up to shout and cheer when they finished one of their dances.

Max Lambert had seen their college friend, Lee Humbert, and was completely gob smacked. Lee was a political science major and a veteran. He was older than most of the undergraduate students and acted like an older brother to many of the guys in the LGBT group. He hoped to get accepted into law school. Gino was helping him prepare for the LSAT. Lee's back was ramrod straight and he still exercised daily to maintain his admirable physique. Max and Lee would made eyes at each other and then each would look away. Slowly, they kept moving closer to each other. Finally, when Max went up to the bar to get another glass of champagne, he found Lee was in line in front of him. They didn't speak. Lee asked the bartender for a drink and then turned and handed Max a glass of champagne. He smiled, spoke to Max in French, and asked if he would like to find a place where they could talk. Max could only nod his head. Max thought Lee looked like Hans.

In preparing for the weekend, Mr. Cohen had suggested to Black and Green they should identify extra security for the event so that Black could spend most of the time with Tim and their new ward, Jeremiah. Mr. Cohen knew of Black's initial injury and the recent re-injury. He wanted Black to heal completely because he was so good at his job. Even though not working, Black could not turn off his well- trained mind. He was constantly checking on things. Green stopped by their table several times and quietly spoke to Black. He was telling him to wind it back and enjoy the time with his new family and that everything was under control. Black would be good for about five minutes and then his security scan would start again. Tim finally got him on the dance floor for a slow dance. Tim had moves that distracted Black so that he actually enjoyed himself. Tim was smiling and enjoying this special time with his partner. Their new son was enjoying watching all of the same and opposite sex couples on the dance floor. Jeremiah had never experienced such a loving group of people who all got along. His only regret was that he was alone; he was thinking of the cute waiter from the restaurant. He felt a great desire to be dancing cheek to cheek with that fine-looking boy. He knew that since he was now living with Tim the chances to find a boyfriend were exponentially higher. That made him smile and when Tim and Black came up and asked him to join them on the dance floor, he didn't object to being seen dancing with such old dudes.

Everything was going very well except that Matan was missing and Yonatan was looking for him. Matan had started off going table to table thanking people for attending. People were mesmerized that on his special day that Matan would take the time to speak with them. The conversations were not about the ceremony but about their lives. He would hold their hands, look in their eyes, and have a meaningful conversation. Now he was missing. Yonatan was advancing to full panic mode. He realized his breathing had accelerated and his heart was pounding. He was moving quickly about the room. He couldn't help himself. Green picked up on Yonatan's movement and scurried across the room to be with him. He was trying not to attract attention but he knew Yonatan was moments away from having an event. Green also knew it would probably be a major one.

"I can't find him. Where is Matan?" Green heard the panic in Yonatan's voice. Green grabbed Yonatan's elbow and guided him to a large public area outside of the banquet room. There they saw Matan hanging onto a huge black man, laughing and hugging him. Both Yonatan and Green were astounded.

"Yonatan, oh my God, you won't believe it." Matan was giggling. "His name is....his name is..." Matan could not get the words out.

The line-backer sized man smiled and stuck out his hand to Yonatan. "Hi, my name is Yellow." Both Yonatan and Matan were like giggling adolescent boys. They fell into each other's arms laughing and giggling. For Yonatan, the panic attack had completely stopped.

"Stop, you are going to make me piss my pants." Matan couldn't help himself and then ran to the men's room which was where he had first encountered Yellow. Yellow stood back and couldn't quite make out what was so hilarious. Green was grinning. Yonatan was chasing Matan into the men's room. Shortly after meeting Yellow and finishing his tour of the people who were at their party, Matan announced he was tired and needed to go home.

Yonatan had Green notify Lester. Lester had arranged that everyone would form an avenue of people for Yonatan and Matan to walk through. Lester thought if they only had swords drawn to crown the avenue it would have been ideal. The band kicked off playing, "Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher." Yonatan loved that Jackie Wilson song and he and Matan were holding hands as they danced through the line of people as they left the Williamsburg Lodge. They were smiling the entire time they danced out of the building. They had practiced their dance steps for the departure the same way they had practiced for their first dance: "Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy". Yonatan loved Beach Music and had hired a band to play their favorite music. A limousine was waiting to take them home. Pink, another new security guard opened the back door of the car and Yonatan made a grand gesture to let Matan know he was to enter first. The back window was lowered and both guys were hanging out waving at people as the car pulled out of the drive. Just at that moment fireworks were ignited for the grand send off. The party continued until late in the night.

Now it was Tuesday morning and the fellows were packed and ready to board a plane.

Judy said she had one more thing to take care of before leaving. She had arranged for Jeremiah to see a doctor to follow up on the care she had provided. Jeremiah had spent a lot of time on the dance floor with Tim and Black and the wounds on his feet were a mess. Even when Tim and Black stopped dancing, Jeremiah stayed on the floor and would dance solo or with other people. He was in heaven. He felt like a free bird for once in his life. On Sunday morning, he could barely walk. Judy knew better than to scold him. She patiently tended to and rewrapped the wounds and she then gave him a stern warning to stay off his feet. Matan showed him all of the gay books that he had purchased from Tim's bookstore and Jeremiah laid on the sofa reading and only getting up to go to the bathroom or go to bed. He had even insisted he was too sick to come to the table and asked that a tray of food be brought to him. He never put down the books he was reading. Matan would smile and remember his own voracious reading of the gay canon.

Late that Tuesday afternoon, Jeremiah waited for Tim to pick him up to take him to the doctor. It was decided that after the medical appointment, Jeremiah would move into Tim's house while Black was in Paris and Brussels. Black had been told to stay home but he insisted he was up for the trip. He didn't want to be seen as expendable.

"Jeremiah, you are to call me if there are any problems. We will be at the airport waiting for our plane but I can make some calls before flying to Paris. I am serious. The doctors are good and I want to make sure you are going to be alright."

"Yes, ma'am. I promise. I will call you if there is any problem." Jeremiah leapt from the sofa and hugged Dr. Jenner. He had tears in his eyes as he kissed her goodbye. Matan came up to hug him goodbye and slipped an envelope into his trouser pocket. Yonatan gave him a hug also and slipped an envelope into his other trouser pocket.

There was scurrying as everyone traveling to Paris packed the vehicles and were driven to the airport. The house felt empty. Jeremiah sat on the sofa and removed the envelopes from his pockets. Inside the envelope from Matan was a note welcoming him to their "family" and saying that he would always be their brother. There were also ten $100 bills. Jeremiah gasped. He had never seen that much money before. His trembling hands then opened the envelope from Yonatan. He found a note that was an IOU. The IOU was redeemable for a trip to Brussels during the summer so that he could spend some time in Europe. Jeremiah had never felt so loved yet so alone in his life.

When Tim arrived, he found a sniveling mess of a boy. Jeremiah hugged him and did not want to let him go. Jeremiah handed him the notes and the money. "This will pay you for taking care of me. I know it isn't enough but it is all I have." Tim took the money and then stuffed it back into Jeremiah's pocket.

"It is yours. You will need it."

After Tim helped Jeremiah cleanup for the appointment they headed to Norfolk. The doctor concurred with Dr. Jenner's assessment about Jeremiah's feet and told him to stay off of them until the swelling disappeared. He commended Dr. Jenner for her good care and then prescribed another broad-spectrum antibiotic for the wound infection. Jeremiah had a follow-up appointment for the following week. When Jeremiah tried to pay for the doctor's appointment, he was told it was all taken care of. He knew that he was a total mess when his eyes welled with tears again. He saw himself as a tough street kid and here he was crying on a regular basis. He was struggling to accept this level of kindness. He had not experienced kindness and love in his life.

It was sunset when they finally got back to the car. Tim had put Jeremiah in a wheel chair and rolled him to the connected garage. Jeremiah looked at Tim with a hopeful look on his face and asked if they could eat at the same restaurant where they had gone the prior week. Tim laughed and asked if the money was burning a hole in his pocket. Jeremiah assured him that was not the case.

They were seated and the waiter from the prior visit came to their table. Jeremiah glowed. The waiter asked Jeremiah if he was okay since his feet were wrapped in bandages and he had on surgical stockings. "I am great. It is nothing. Well, it is just a little problem. I really like you." The last sentence slipped out before Jeremiah could stop himself. The waiter, Bobby, finally processed what he had heard and grinned. "I like you too."

It was as if Tim was no longer present. For the rest of the meal, Jeremiah was tracking every move that Bobby made. It was a slow night at the restaurant and Bobby spent a lot of time at their table. When he brought the check, Jeremiah pulled out a $100 bill and put it on the tray. Bobby's eyes grew large and he swallowed.

"I'll be right back with your change."

Jeremiah was conferring with Tim about how much tip he should leave. He also asked if Tim had a piece of paper and an ink pen because he wanted to give Bobby his telephone number. Tim was prepared to go to the hostess stand to get those when Bobby returned to the table. On top was a card that had a telephone number.

"I would like to go out with you. I have Saturday night off if your dad will let you go." He turned to Tim, "I promise I am a good guy and I want to take Jeremiah to the movies. I promise I am a nice person." He had a charming, appealing look.

Tim smiled and said that he and Jeremiah would talk later and that Jeremiah would call him. Jeremiah was incredulous that Tim was taking this so calmly. He had been prepared to say yes and now Bobby had thrown the decision into Tim's hands. Bobby walked off to take care of another table. Jeremiah was crest fallen thinking that Tim would not let him go.

"Jeremiah, it is okay. I am going to say yes, but maybe you shouldn't look so eager. Besides we have to talk about the fact that you are still underage. Keep him hanging for a couple of days and then you can call him and ask him which movie and tell him he has to have you home by 11 pm."

Jeremiah wanted to jump for joy but he also thought Tim was mean by setting such an early time for him to be home. Jeremiah was being the typical teenager. Tim helped Jeremiah stand and then watched as his young charge went up to Bobby, kissed him on the mouth, and told him that he couldn't wait to see him again. Tim stood by the door and just shook his head. Love was all around.

Suggested Music: "Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher" Performer: Jackie Wilson

Next: Chapter 18

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