Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 21, 2022


Happy Friday. I hope you get to enjoy the upcoming weekend. Remember in your giving.


Friday, December 20 The Light of Joy

Therefore, you are great, O LORD God. For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 2 Samuel 7:18-22

"I have something to ask you?"

"It is before breakfast, I have not had coffee, and you are already asking me questions?"

Erick smiled, slipped from the bed and was on his knees.

"Will you marry me, Todd Reynolds? I love you and like Ruth and Naomi, I will follow you anywhere. Even to Nebraska. You are the only man for me."

Todd was lying in bed when Erick asked him the question. He was stunned by the question. He then slid from the bed and was on his knees beside Erick. He turned and said a simple yes.

They were both startled by the unexpected ease with which it happened. No big dinner at the Williamsburg Inn, no party where one would ask the other in front of friends and relatives, no planned trip where the question was popped. It was in the guest bedroom of people they had recently met and after a night of making love.

They hugged each other and both started laughing and crying at the same time.

"I am supposed to have a ring to give you. I don't. I will give you my heart. We will find rings. I looked the other day but didn't like anything that I saw."

"We both know that we are in love and plan to have a commitment ceremony. That is what is important. We have made a covenant with each other."

Erick let out a huge sigh.

"It is settled. We are getting married."

Todd started singing, "I'm getting married in the morning." Erick put his hand over Todd's mouth to hush him. They were both laughing as they rolled around on the floor.

The more it was said the more it sank into their inner being about the commitment they had just made. They both knew it was right.

They took a shower and then put on their clothes from the day before. It didn't matter to them. They went to the kitchen and found Timmy and Pate drinking coffee. Timmy gave them an intense look and then started smiling.

"Okay, I only have one question. Who asked whom?"

Erick and Todd blushed.

Pate was slow on the uptake but as soon as his brain engaged, he reached out and hugged them.

"This is great. Did you really do that while you were here?"

Erick and Todd both nodded their heads.

"Well, this calls for a celebratory breakfast." Pate reached into the refrigerator and started removing food to cook. Timmy plugged in the lights of the Christmas tree to add to the celebration.

Erick and Todd found themselves kissing for no reason other than they loved each other. They couldn't believe that it had happened.

Pate and Timmy had a million questions. Erick and Todd had very few answers. It was all too fresh.

"Well, it is right that since you got engaged at our home that you are welcome to come spend your honeymoon by the ocean. You can have our house for two weeks next summer."

"Where will we be?"

"I have no idea, Timmy, but we will figure that out."

"That is why I love you so much. This goodness just flows from you. Yes, you can take me on vacation while these two gents enjoy sun, surf and sex."

By mid-morning, Erick and Todd were ready to leave but they wanted to walk the beach before heading home. Pate and Timmy agreed to take them on a five mile walk. The beach boys were very intentional walkers. This was no mere stroll on the sand. Erick and Todd were winded when they returned to the house. After hugs and kisses and a promise to get together over the holidays the Honda pulled out of the drive and headed north. They rode along each reflecting on what had happened that morning. They turned to look at each other and then would burst out laughing.

"How do we tell folks? Timmy and Pate agreed to keep it quiet until we make a public announcement."

"I don't know. How do we do this? Should I ask your parents for your hand in marriage? I know there are protocols for this sort of thing in the south. Actually, I would like to ask your parent's permission to marry you. It makes it more real. Let's invite them to dinner tonight. We will call them as soon as we get home."

"Maybe we should wait until after Christmas. I don't want Christmas Day turned into this big hoo-haw because of our engagement. We do best when we have a plan, so let's go home and write this out. What do you think?"

"Good idea, Batman."

"Where the hell did that come from?"

They both laughed because Todd didn't know the appropriate Batman response.

The rest of the drive was filled with laughter as they floated ideas about their ceremony. They arrived home thinking about the prior 24 hours and how they lives had changed so significantly. They wandered around the apartment not knowing what to do. Late afternoon, Todd made a tray of canapes, poured glasses of wine, and got a notebook that he was now calling the wedding book to start their planning. Time went by quickly as they jotted notes and ideas. They decided to talk with Matan since he and Yonatan had pulled off such a spectacular wedding though both knew they didn't have the dollars to match what their friends had done. At least they could get some ideas that might be useful. They agreed to call Erick's parents that night with the news because they wanted them present when it was announced to the world. They would need to purchase plane tickets. Todd lit the Advent candles and Erick read the lesson. They both looked at each other and starting laughing.

"What do you make of that reading?"

"I am like Pate last night. It doesn't apply."

The both pondered the reading. Finally, Erick spoke.

"I think it does. Todd, there is no one else like you. There are no other men for me except you. I worship you. You are of God and you are my God. With my eyes and ears and all of my senses you are the one for me."

They blew out the candle and went to worship each other.

Suggested Music: "Light and Gold" Composer: Eric Whitaker

Next: Chapter 21

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