Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Merry Christmas to christians everywhere. Give a present to this year. It keeps this site operating. Mac

Wednesday, December 25 Fourth Night of Chanukah Christmas Day

"But to you who fear My name, the light of righteousness shall arise with healing in His sings. And you shall go out and leap for joy like calves from the stall." Malachi 4:2

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace for those he favors. Luke 2:14

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree.

From "The Twelve Days of Christmas." The partridge represents Jesus, the Christ.

The alarm went off at 4:30 in the morning. Erick reached out and slapped the alarm. The clock fell off the bedside table.

"Bugger it."

He heard a snickering under the blanket.

Erick slid down and pulled the body close to his. Just a few hours earlier the two men had experienced some of their most intense loving making since they first met at Halloween. They had heard the rumors about make-up sex and had now experienced its power. They were sated at that time but now there were new needs presenting themselves. Erick started kissing down Todd's backbone. Todd was giggling and squirming the entire time. Just as Erick reached the promised land the alarm went off again. He was the one to chuckle this time.

"No manna from heaven today, my lover. We need to get up, shower, have breakfast, pack the car and get to your parent's house in Richmond. He slapped Todd's butt.

"You forgot that we need to get dressed. Are you going to meet my parents naked?"

"That is an idea. I can show them that I am really Jewish."

"I am not Jewish and I am circumcised."

"I know. What a shame. I would enjoy some infidel cock sometimes."

Todd popped straight up in bed. Erick could sense that Todd's eyes were ablaze but the light was not on so he couldn't be sure.

"I can't believe you said that. Did you really say that?"

Erick was smiling from ear to ear.

"Okay, shiksa queen, get up."

Todd jumped on top of Erick and held him down. "I will show you a shiksa queen." Todd fell onto Erick's chest. Then he pushed his body up and starting kissing his boyfriend. He grabbed him and rolled him across the bed.

"I give up, I give up. This is not the Six Day war. Oy-veh. You goy boys are always having to prove yourself. I guess it is because what you lack in penis size you try to make up in brute strength."

That's all Todd needed to hear before he decided that his boyfriend needed to be shown both the length of his penis and his brute strength. Todd reached into the table drawer and removed the lubricant. He slathered himself and pushed Erick's knees up to his chest. He was in ecstasy when he crossed the Red Sea and entered the Promised Land.

Mouth found mouth. Hand found hand. Their bodies worked in perfect rhythm. They reached their destination at the same time. Todd was sure that they were waking the neighbors. A deep chuckle emanated from each of them.

"I think you reached Jerusalem." Erick was enjoying the fulness.

"I think the saying is 'Next Year in Jerusalem."

"You arrived early but just at the perfect time. I love you so much. Merry Christmas, my Christian boyfriend."

"Happy Chanukah, my Jewish boyfriend."

They gave each other one last kiss before they crawled out of bed. They couldn't be late for breakfast at Todd's parents.

Erick went to the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker. Todd went to the bathroom to warm up the water for their shower. A sense of tenderness and shyness overcame them while they showered. They laid their heads on each other's shoulders. Todd thought they would look like those pictures of swans that would wrap their necks around each other. He was so in love that it almost made him want to shout out with joy. Todd felt the kiss on his neck. He moaned in deep appreciation. They stood on the mat and dried each other. Erick stood behind Todd while they cleaned their teeth and shaved. Erick's manhood was safely harbored in Todd's trench. Erick's eyes started welling with tears. Todd noticed and turned his body and held his lover.

"What is wrong?"

"I love you so much. I didn't know that love could be like this. I thank the Creator of the Universe for sending us both to the dance that night. You are my life, my everything."

Todd pulled his body back and nodded his head. He was too choked up to talk. They looked at each other and then kissed. They laid their heads on each other's shoulders and didn't want to move. Finally, Erick could sense his internal clock beeping again.

"Okay, lover boy we are officially thirty minutes behind schedule."

"Oh my God, I need to put the cinnamon rolls in the oven. The oven has to preheat. We are going to be late and my mother will kill us."

"The oven is preheating. First, clothes and then cooking. Nope. Clothes, coffee and then cooking."

They walked into the bedroom and turned on the overhead light. Both burst out laughing at the explosion of bedclothes all over the room. They put on briefs. Todd had picked out red for himself and blue for Erick. They went to the kitchen and Erick poured them coffee.

"We need to plan our work. You work the kitchen and I will do the rest of the house. Clean sheets are needed on that bed. I will pack the car. Clothes should be easy. We can make this happen. I do require breakfast though. You wore my ass out. Both literally and figurately. If you see me hobbling around today it will be because I was screwed by a big brute Christian Crusader."

"Ha, I bet you won't talk about me having a little penis again......or maybe you will." They both smiled knowing that Erick had set it up so that Todd fucked him. They had made love when they got home from church and again when they awoke. This was an all-out bout of lovemaking.

The pan of cinnamon rolls was on the counter ready to be baked. A breakfast casserole was in the oven for Erick and Todd to eat before they left town. Even though there would be breakfast in Richmond it wouldn't start until mid-morning.

The boys knew they couldn't wait that long.

The bedroom was put back together in short order. Erick then set about cleaning the living room. They had arrived home late, had a glass of wine and some canapes in the living room before going to bed. Usually the house was in order before they went to bed but earlier in the night, they were so needy for each other they left things where they were. Erick took glasses and plates to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. He stayed clear of Todd who was busy cooking.

"That is not allowed."

"What, my love. What is not allowed?"

"You come into my kitchen and are sneaking out without giving me a kiss. That is not allowed."

"Erick walked up behind Todd and ground his hips as he kissed the back of Todd's neck."

"One on the mouth and we are good."

Erick fulfilled the order.

"The Spode Christmas China is in the bottom of the buffet. We will eat on that this morning."

Erick knew it would be a day filled with Christmas so they might as well start with Christmas breakfast. When Erick opened the door he saw a set of dishes with a Chanukkiah. It was blue and white china and the Chanukkiah was in gold. He felt Todd approach him from behind and then his arms wrapped him.

"Surprise. I was at the Mall this week and saw these dishes. I counted on the fact that you never went into the buffet. A blessed Chanukah morning to you."

Erick set the table with the dishes and then lit the candles on the table. Todd had prepared fresh fruit, juice, an egg casserole and a fresh pot of coffee for their breakfast.

"Do you think we will always be this happy?'

"Yes. Todd, you are the man for me. Your consideration of my needs is amazing. I have never seen Chanukah dishes but you thought of me when you saw them. Our love will carry us through."

They finished breakfast and cleared the dining room. Todd said the Christ Candle needed to remain on the table for the 12 Days of Christmas. Todd said they would sort everything on Boxing Day. That was another new day that Erick had to learn. What in the world was Boxing Day?

After ensuring that all of the presents and the freshly baked cinnamon rolls were in the car, they departed Williamsburg heading west on I-64. Erick was trying not to ask a million questions about Todd's family. He really was trying but wasn't actually succeeding. Todd made all of his responses humorous which relieved the tension of bringing a boyfriend home for the holiday.

Erick was driving and Todd was the navigator when they exited the interstate and drove through Richmond toward Windsor Farms. Todd said they had to ride down Monument Avenue. Most of the houses were decorated and they had all of their Christmas lights blazing even though it was a sunny bright cold day.

They pulled in front of the house and Erick let out a low whistle. "Remind me again how rich you are."

Todd laughed and said they were not rich compared to some people in Richmond. Erick didn't believe it. They got out of the car, each with his arms full of presents to be put under the tree in the den. Todd said he would go back for the cinnamon rolls. Todd's mother met them at the side door.

"Oh my goodness, look at all of the presents. It looks like Santa Claus has come. Right this way." She led them to the den where it was Christmas central. There were brightly wrapped packages everywhere. Still, the tasteful decor shone through. As soon as the packages were put near the tree, Erick and Todd heard Mr.

Reynolds walk into the room and greet them.

Todd's mother came up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She looked at Erick and said they hadn't been formally introduced yet but asked if she could kiss him on the cheek also. Erick glowed and said he would like that. Todd's father walked up to Erick and shook his hand.

"Welcome. We are so glad the two of you are here today. What time did you get up this morning to get here so early?"

Mrs. Reynolds then told them coffee was in the breakfast room and looked at Todd and asked if he remembered to bring the cinnamon rolls. He smiled and said he would get them. The four of them sat in the breakfast room and Mrs. Reynolds looked at the flowers and then thanked Erick for his lovely gesture of sending them. "You know, most people don't show that consideration. They think I am wonder woman and can decorate everything myself. To have someone send flowers on Christmas Eve means one less thing for me to do, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Just as Todd was wondering about his brother, Tayloe walked in. He was still in his pajamas and was scratching his hairy navel. He walked over and kissed Todd on the top of the head and then did the same to Erick. Erick blushed. Tayloe looked like he had been out all night drinking.

"Did big brother have a rough night? You look a little hung over?"

"I was invited to parties after Christmas Eve Mass. They went on for quite some time. I am not used to drinking like I did in college."

"Well, you found your way to our house to spend the night and for that we are grateful. It is nice to have my two boys back at home today." Mr. Reynolds smiled. "And it is nice to have you join us today, Erick. I promise it is going to be full out southern Christmas so if you need to escape sometime during the day, Todd's room can be your place of refuge."

"Thank you, sir. I come from a small family so sometimes I do get overwhelmed. Todd and I did Advent services everyday so I think I am prepared."

"Ahh, Todd loves his Advent services but those are junior varsity compared to the Reynold's family Christmas gathering. Do you play football?"

Erick said that he was quarterback on his high school team.

"I hope you brought clothes for a game this afternoon. We wouldn't want you to mess up your fine clothes today; especially your bowtie. That is not regulation football gear."

Todd laughed and said he had some clothes in his room and was sure they would find something to wear.

"Are there going to be enough people here for a football team?"

"Oh no, but the Price family will meet us at the field at 2 pm. It is an annual event between our two families. We play with ever how many people we have."

Tayloe looked at Erick and said he didn't know what he was getting into. He then, in a little quieter voice, asked after Eron.

"I spoke to the family yesterday and Eron was out playing soccer. He is in Newport until the New Year."

Tayloe nodded his head.

Mr. Reynolds looked at Tayloe and told him to get dressed. Todd offered to assist his mother cleaning up the breakfast room and to finalize the luncheon plans. Mr. Reynolds asked Erick to join him in the den. At that point, Erick needed a kiss from Todd but didn't dare ask in front of his parents.

"Would you like a drink?"

"No thank you, it is early for me to start drinking."

"I wish I could say the same. On Christmas, we start drinking early and stop late in the evening. You will learn over time."

Mr. Reynolds sat down with a crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid. The men looked at each other.

"If Todd had brought a girl home, my wife would be inveigling answers from her in the kitchen. Since Todd brought a boy home it is my job to find out about you." Mr. Reynolds smiled.

"What would you like to know?"

"Everything. It seems that our son is besotted."

"If I may say so. I am besotted with your son."

Mr. Reynolds smiled.

"Well, I am from Newport, Rhode Island. I went to Yale. I have a doctorate in history and this is my first year on faculty at William and Mary. I am Phi Beta Kappa. I am not a member of any fraternities or secret societies. Those are still Christian and wealthy. I am neither. I have a twin brother, Eron who is an attorney in Washington, D.C. He works for the U.S. Eastern District Courts. He went to Harvard. After going to school together for all of those years and being constantly referred to by the wrong name, we decided to go to different colleges. My father is an accountant and my mother a librarian. We have no other family as they were all killed during World War II. I don't know family history as my parents find it too painful to talk about. Since coming to the United States, my parents have lived in the same house and I suppose will die there. They love Newport and have made many friends there."

Erick finished and the men sat in silence for a few minutes.

"What brought you to William and Mary?"

"My dissertation advisor turned out to be a somewhat difficult person. He was incredibly brilliant and was equally difficult. I thought I could overcome his difficult personality by showing him my dedication and skills. I was wrong. Lesson learned. A leopard does not change its spots. Anyway, I had been hesitant to seek employment until my dissertation was approved because that was the type of thing that would have enraged my advisor. He would have called me presumptuous. I finished my dissertation this spring and was graduated in May. I used a scattershot approach by sending my curriculum vitae to schools whose history departments I respected. That would have been in June. The first to respond was William and Mary. I came down for interviews and was hired. I signed a contract the end of July. I moved to Williamsburg two weeks later. I knew nothing of the town so I rented a studio apartment that was on a month to month lease. So that is how I ended up in Williamsburg."

"I see. It seems that you have had to overcome a lot of adversity in your life."

"I didn't see things as adversities but as the challenges we were presented in life. I have never felt picked on or discriminated against. My parents told Eron and me that we were in the United States and we could be anything we wanted to be. I have found that to be true. I feel truly privileged."

This was not the response Mr. Reynolds expected. There was no chip on Erick's shoulder. There was no brooding sense of being discriminated against. This was a cheerful, happy young man.

"So, how exactly did you meet my son?"

Erick swallowed hard and looked at Mr. Reynolds. He wasn't sure what Todd had told them so he followed his core belief: tell the truth.

"I moved here and didn't know anyone. For the first time in my life I was overwhelmed with loneliness. I decided to go to a Halloween dance. It was a costume dance so I borrowed a colonial costume from the history department. That is not very original because we are in the colonial capital. I am not creative in being able to think of outrageous costumes and that sort of thing. I am a very practical person. Anyway, I got to the dance and when I walked in this guy literally fell into my arms. He was falling and I caught him. That was Todd. I found out later that a fellow named Matan Jenner-Ward actually pushed him my way. Well, Todd and I started dating and we knew we were made for each other. I don't know how to explain it other than we know. I have found my mate for life. I love your son with every fiber of my being."

"You know Matan Jenner-Ward?"

"Yes sir. Todd and I were ushers/best men/witnesses at the commitment ceremony he had with Yonatan just a couple of weeks ago. They have turned out to be very good friends to us. We socialize with them on a regular basis."

"I see." Mr. Reynolds had a look of consternation on his face. "Are you seeing them over the holidays?"

"Possibly, sir. They have a home in Brussels and flew there after their commitment ceremony. I think they are due back on December 31st or sometime before school starts for the spring semester. We tentatively have New Year's plans with them though that is dependent on their return date.

"I see."

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Reynolds?"

"No, on the contrary. This is a strange question perhaps, but do you know the extent of their wealth?"

"I was raised to not talk about other people's money. My father is an accountant and he never talked about what his clients had in the way of money. I know that Yonatan and Matan have a lot of money but I have no idea how much. They don't talk about it and neither do we. In fact, a funny thing happened the week before their ceremony. They were taking us out to dinner as a thank you for our help and when it came time to pay, Yonatan realized that he had forgotten to bring a credit card and between them they had ten dollars in their wallets. They both found it hysterically funny. We didn't understand why they thought it was so funny. I paid for dinner and the next day a man who works for them showed up at the apartment with an envelope of cash to pay me for the dinner. He apologized on their behalf."

"The truly rich are different than you and me."

"The thing is, they say that neither of them was raised with a lot of money. Yonatan grew up on a farm in Southampton County. Matan grew up in Suffolk. I think the wealth is a fairly recent thing. They both say they have no idea how much money they have."

"I dare say. My firm has been asked to do certain financial transactions for them. I didn't know of them and was surprised at the amount of money we were dealing with. From talking to their lawyer, Mr. Cohen, this is just a portion of their wealth that is in the United States. It is surprising that someone in Virginia would have that amount of wealth and my firm wouldn't know them."

"I wouldn't know. I just know that they are two of the best friends that Todd and I could have."

"Enough of that. Has Todd told you about our family?"

Erick smiled. "He is like a living history book. Every time I touch something in the apartment, he tells me the family history. I am afraid if I break something it will be like that person has died all over again." At that point both men were laughing.

"Let's go see if Marjorie has anything for us to do. Dollars to donuts she does."

Erick felt like he had passed a test. Somehow knowing Yonatan and Matan had been the lynchpin for acceptance but he didn't know why.

Soon the house was filled with people. Most gave the fish eye when Todd introduced Erick as his boyfriend. When it was time to open presents, Mr. Reynolds said he was Santa and would hand out each present. There were lots of oohs and ahhs. The last presents were for Todd's immediate family. When Mrs. Reynolds opened the box from her husband she beamed. Todd could see that it was jewelry from Swartzchild's which wasn't unusual. Inside was a charm for the bracelet she was wearing. The charm was a Mogen David and a Cross that were intertwined. There was a diamond at each point of the star and rubies were at the four posts of the cross. Todd gasped, let out an involuntary bark of a laugh and grabbed Erick. Mr. Reynolds was pleased that not only had he surprised his wife but also his son. "This is in honor of your relationship. Now make sure that she gets to wear that the rest of her life. Next, I want to give her charms when you start having children."

Erick could only nod his head. He knew that if he tried to speak his voice would fail him. Mr. Reynolds had a pair of pliers and attached the charm while the bracelet was still on Mrs. Reynold's wrist.

"I wouldn't want it to get misplaced with all of this paper. It is too precious." The dining room table was loaded with food. Erick was surprised when Mr. Reynolds asked him to bless the table and the food. Erick tried to not feel co-opted that he was asked to bless a Christmas meal and chose a basic prayer for meals. He chose to think of it as an honor.

Blessed are You, Eternal one our God, Universal Presence, through Whose Word everything came to be. We thank you for this food today and every more. Amen.

Mrs. Reynolds went up to Erick and Todd to quietly speak with them while others were filling their plates.

"Erick, we do not keep a kosher kitchen. In fact, I don't know what a kosher kitchen is but I made sure there were certain foods that have no pork and no shell fish. I have been reading but the food rules are somewhat confusing to me." She quietly pointed out the foods that she had prepared especially for her son's partner. Erick was humbled that she had made the effort.

"Eat up, everyone, because we have a football game coming up and you will need your energy. We have a new quarterback this year who will help us win." Erick blushed and hoped that he was up to the praise that had been bestowed upon him.

"Dessert will be served after the game. You must win because I had the bakery make a victory cake." Erick was feeling overwhelmed by Mrs. Reynold's hospitality. Todd and Erick went upstairs and sorted through clothes until Erick found something to wear.

"I need cleats. I cannot quarterback in these loafers."

Let's go check out Tayloe's room. I bet there are some cleats in there. Sure enough they found old uniforms including three pairs of cleats. Everything was a little snug but the guys wore them anyway.

When they got to the field at St. Christopher's there were people walking their dogs. They gladly gave way to the two teams playing on the field. They went into the bleachers to watch the game. Everyone in the neighborhood knew of this old time family rivalry. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Price were in the center of the field for the coin toss, then shook hands and walked to the sidelines. One of the high school football coaches was there as referee. Erick felt the pressure that these folks treated everything too seriously. This was not a simple pick-up football game.

They were only playing two quarters. The sun would be down before they could play a full game. At the end of the first quarter the game was tied at 14 all. The players were having to play both offense and defense because there weren't enough players to mount two teams of players. The Price team had a hot shot high school quarterback who was fresh off the season. Erick felt they were doomed. It was deep in the second half when he felt the ball in his hands and saw that Tayloe was in an open position. He threw the ball, Tayloe jumped in the air to catch it and then ran into the end zone. After a successful field goal the score was 21-14. There were two minutes left in the game. Mr. Reynolds came on the field to tell the team to stall as much as possible and to show a strong defense. The Reynolds team kicked the ball and the Price player was running directly toward Todd when he stumbled over his own feet and the ball flew into Todd's hands. Todd ran. Everyone just stopped and watched the young man as he tore into the end zone. There was a roar of amazement. After a successful field goal and the Reynold's team felt like they had the game sewn up. Perhaps they were too confident and when the Price team scored, they were brought back to earth.

"Okay, we want one more touchdown. I am afraid we are going to have to do this the hard way: play by play, yard by yard. Let's get to the first yard line and then we will keep moving down the field." Erick was in full quarter back mode and his team was following his directions; that is what they were supposed to do. With seconds left on the clock and a play in motion, Erick realized that there was an opening in the line and the end zone was in sight. He took advantage and as the Price team realized what was happening they moved to the center and pig piled Erick. It was only when the last player was pulled off of him did the referee declare it a touchdown. Erick was a hero.

Mr. Reynolds could not have been prouder on his sons and his son's boyfriend. Sissies? Ha! That was damned fine football playing. This was better than college ball and that was saying something. They returned to the house and the boys said they needed to shower. All three ran up the stairs.

"Let's do it like we used to." Tayloe was throwing down a challenge to Todd.

"I'm not sure big brother."

"Come on, let's do it, chicken shit. Barq, barq, barq." He was trying to make the sound of a chicken or so he thought.

Erick didn't know what was going on. He looked back and forth between the two. "Okay, last one in is a rotten egg."

They started stripping and Erick realized they were going to take a shower together. When the boys had been in high school, Mr. Reynolds had a large shower built on the second floor that would hold 4-5 people.

Erick noticed that Tayloe kept looking at his cock. Finally, Erick stood in the middle of the shower, pushed his shoulders back, put his hands on his hips and thrust his cock forward. Todd noticed that Erick was doing that for Tayloe's benefit.

"How big does that thing get?"

"Why, do you want some?" Erick smirked.

Tayloe blushed. "No, I know that you are Eron are twins. Are you twins in all respects?"

"Nope, he is bigger than me."

Tayloe smiled.

"Only by one tenth of one tenth of an inch. I swear he was cheating when he measured us."

Erick laughed and then scrubbed Todd's back. Their hair was still wet when they entered the dining room. Everyone cheered the heroes from the football game. Sure enough, there was a large sheet cake in the middle of the table. Erick was asked to cut the first slice. He was declared the Most Valuable Player and Mr. Reynolds handed him a trophy. Erick realized this was some serious stuff with this family. The Price family said they were ready for the next year when they would win. Erick loved the competitiveness but also the camaraderie.

After dessert, people started leaving. They all wanted to tell Erick good bye and they looked forward to a repeat game next Christmas. Whatever they thought of him earlier in the day had been replaced with a new found respect.

Marjorie had started setting plates at the breakfast room table. "We will have a light supper in there. Leave the dining room. I will clean it later." Todd helped bring bowls of food to the table. Marjorie was the last to enter and she was fumbling with some things in her hands. It was a Chanukkiah and candles.

"I don't know how to do this. I went to one of the art galleries in Carytown and they told me what to buy. I hope I did okay. Erick, can you help me please?"

Erick gently took the Chanukkiah and set it in the window sill. Marjorie had bought a box of candles and Erick took out what was needed. He took the shammash and lit the other candles as he recited the prayers. There was silence in the room. He turned and said that Chanukah was a time for celebration and everyone looked so serious.

"Today in Chanukah we are focusing on The Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Everyone joined in the discussion about treating others fairly. Robert used the time to talk about the guiding precepts of his investment firm and that the Golden Rule was a principal that was part of their charter. That led to conversations about ethical investments in their family trusts. Robert said that he would review the investments with the boys and perhaps they should move some money around. Marjorie coughed and everyone turned and looked at her.

"Are you okay, my dear?" Robert had a look of concern on his face.

"Not really. Is this going to be a boy's club from now on? Please remember that while I am a woman that I majored in finance in college. Robert, we met in a finance class. While you are all smart, I actually had a better grade than you. Don't exclude me. I want to make sure that you consider women led businesses in family investments."

There were four sheepish looking men in the room.

To break the tension, Robert said he had presents for everyone. He left the room but quickly returned with wrapped packages.

"Erick, our son, we are learning what it means to be an interfaith family. Please teach us and we promise we will learn. I read that in Chanukah you give presents each day. I bought presents for everyone hoping that we would get through the day without us having offended you to the point that you and Todd would have left." Mr. Reynolds handed out packages to everyone as they started eating. For Erick, this had been the most remarkable day. He had never imagined that anything like this would have ever happened in his life.

Marjorie opened her present and was surprised to find another charm. It was a heart. On one side was engraved Todd's birthday and on the other was Erick's birthday.

"I can't tell you how hard it was for me to find out your birth date. I hope I got it right." He had.

When Todd opened his gift, he found a gold chain with a Cross and Mogen David. It did not have any precious jewels. Erick was given the same present. They took them and put them on each other.

Tayloe was given a gold chain with a cross. Tayloe had a sly grin on his face when he handed presents to everyone. He was prepared this time.

Erick and Todd had also come prepared and handed out presents. Then Erick stared at Todd intensely and the others noticed and stopped talking. Todd then slowly nodded his head and grinned. Erick stood while holding Todd's hand.

"Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. Tayloe. I am here tonight to tell you that I love Todd with all of my heart and soul. I would like to marry him and he has said he would like to marry me. Tonight, I would like to ask your permission for us to get married. I promise that my entire life will be devoted to making him happy and loved."

Marjorie was the first to jump up and hug the two men. She was crying and saying, "yes, yes, yes." Robert was smiling and slapping them on their backs and saying it was good thing. Erick and Todd looked at Tayloe who was saying nothing.

"Tayloe, I would like to marry your brother. I love him. Do I have your permission? I know how close the two of you are and we desire your approval."

Tayloe stepped forward and hugged Todd. He looked at Erick as tears streamed down this face. "Yes, I give my approval but if you hurt my brother in any way, I will come find you and after I finish with you, I will turn over whatever is left of you for the courts to handle."

Erick realized that Tayloe was completely serious with his response. It was not said in jest. There was no humor.

"You have my word, Tayloe."

Tayloe reached out and pulled Erick into a hug. "You lucky bastard. He is the most precious thing in the world to me. He will no longer be mine, but yours. Take care of him."

Mr. Reynolds pulled a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator and they toasted the two men. Tayloe even offered a toast. He realized that he was so upset because Todd had always forewarned him about any major events in his life but not this time. He knew that from now on it would be Erick he would turn to. He was thrilled for Todd but also heartbroken that his relationship with his brother had changed.

Todd and Erick made ready to leave. It had been a long day. Erick packed the car while Todd went upstairs to talk to Tayloe. Tayloe had become too distressed to stay with the family.

"Erick, I am so thrilled for you and Todd. You made the day wonderful for me and for everyone. You are a gift to our family. Please take care of our son." Marjorie gave Erick a strong hug.

Robert extended his hand and then pulled Erick into a hug. "May I call you son?" Erick nodded.

"It was wonderful having the two of you here today. Of course, I was thinking the best was when you led us to victory against the Prices. Little did I know it was going to get better after that. Take care of our son and I hope he takes care of you. Let us know if either of you need anything."

Todd appeared about that time. He was upset after talking with Tayloe but put on a good face. Todd thought that Tayloe was on overload from the holidays which led to the highly emotional scene they had upstairs. Tayloe was happy for his little brother but also bereft beyond his imagining.

Robert and Majorie gave them a last kiss and a blessing for traveling mercies. "The two of you have a few days off and we expect to see you here before you go back to class."

Marjorie stood in the drive waving as they backed out and then headed down the street. Robert stood behind her and pulled her into a tight embrace. Tayloe stood at his bedroom window and watched as the car tail lights disappear when it turned a corner. He knew his life had turned a corner and he had a decision to make.

Suggested Music:

"Mary Did You Know?" Performer: Clay Aiken

Next: Chapter 26

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