Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 10, 2023


Erick and Todd are in the last week of classes at William and Mary. What a week it will turn out to be.

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Monday, Advent 9 The Light of Love

Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. Thessalonians 4

Todd stretched when he awoke on Monday morning. It was the last week of classes and he could not have been happier. He leaned over and kissed Erick who started smiling when their lips met.

"Good morning, lover of mine."

"Good morning, my wonderful man."

They cuddled until the alarm clock foretold the hour when they needed to get out of bed and start to get ready for the school day.

Todd was scratching his belly when he walked into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot.

"We need to exercise lover boy. I am getting a pot belly."

Erick came in behind him pushing his abdomen out so it looked like he was pregnant.

"I have to feed me and the baby. I am eating for two."

"I knew that if we kept doing it you would end up carrying a child. It took a lot of times but we were successful at last."

"Yep, that means we can't do it anymore because I can't fuck when I'm pregnant. I don't want you to hurt the baby with that big thing you stick in me. That means you are the bottom from now on. Hell, maybe we'll both be pregnant at the same time."

Todd had a look of shock on his face. Then they both burst our laughing.

"Seriously, with all of this eating out and lack of exercise we are going to get fat and I can't abide that thought."

"Let's go to the pool this afternoon and swim. That is good exercise for our core muscles. We are in good shape except for that."

Todd packed a gym bag for the two of them.

They hurried to their morning classes before meeting for lunch. When Erick arrived at the diner, Todd was already there with two salads on the table. Erick looked at the salads and said he didn't know they weren't going to have a full meal for lunch.

"This is all we are going to eat. Rabbit food. Then swimming. Then home to fuck like bunnies."

"I need more food than this, Todd."

"Nope, we are going to start weighing ourselves each morning and we will not gain weight. I refuse to have a fat boyfriend."

"I am a long way from fat. I just need to tone up the stomach."

"The holidays are coming and there will be a lot of food. If we starve ourselves now, we will be able to eat more then."

Erick stabbed a piece of lettuce and put it in his mouth. He didn't look happy as he ate every bite of his lunch.

"Can we at least get a chef salad next time? We could share. I need the protein."

"I'll give you protein later today." Todd smirked as he grabbed Erick's hand and pulled him out of the diner.

They were the only people in the pool area. Todd pulled their suits out of the gym bag and Erick's face dropped.

"What is that?"

"Your swimsuit."

"No, my swimsuit is orange with stripes down the side. What is this?"

"You are not going to wear that baggy old pair of trunks. I brought one of my suits for you to wear. It will look good on you."

Erick held up the little piece of silver fabric.

"It is called a speedo so you can be speedy in the water."

Erick put in on and his hands immediately dropped down to hide his crotch. Todd laughed. Todd was wearing a pair of red speedos.

"Let's shower first before we get into the pool. That will wash all of the cooties away so we don't share them."

Erick was even more embarrassed when the fabric got wet, he could see the vein running down his penis. He thought it fortuitous that they were the only people in the pool.

Todd put them through a rigorous workout. They were both panting and gulping for air when they finished. But it felt very good. Erick realized that he had not been in a pool since the spring when he was at Yale and he never had workouts like he had just been through. Erick was hanging onto the side of the pool when he felt his swimsuit being pulled from his hips. Todd surfaced, threw the speedo across the deck and then laughed as he swam away. He turned his head to look at Erick and grinned. Erick took off in hot pursuit. It was only when Erick cornered Todd that he took the advantage and kissed Todd on the lips. As he did, Todd's defenses went down and Erick slipped his hands in the waistband of the speedo and in a quick move it was off. Erick let it drop to the bottom of the pool and the fellows dove trying to retrieve it. Erick won and put his head through the waist and leg holes of the suit so it draped around his neck. Todd swam up and kissed him. They were holding onto each other when they heard voices coming from the locker room: the girl's locker room. Erick took that moment of distraction to take the red swimsuit off his head and pulled it up his legs. Todd looked at him and started laughing.

"You're going to have to get the other suit and throw it to me."

"Nope, you have to get it yourself."

"Come on, lover boy. Get the suit for me."

"Nope, you're a big boy. Get your own suit. I dare you."

Todd never refused a dare. He gave Erick a sly smile and then pulled himself out of the water and walked across the deck to get the suit. He didn't bother to put it on as he walked to the men's locker room. Todd grinned as he opened the door and disappeared. The last sight was his beautiful white ass. The tittering and laughing of the girls filled the space. It was Erick who was blushing as he climbed out of the pool and ran to the showers.

They shared a shower head and soaped each other thoroughly. They were at full attention and decided that their need had to be met immediately. They held each other as cum sprayed their torsos. After more washing they left the gym. Erick dropped Todd off at the apartment and went back to his office. He had work to do for the end of the semester. He left his office door open which was seen as an invitation for a couple of students to drop in and talk about their courses. He felt good when he convinced Nash, one of his more gifted students, to agree to pursue his Master's in history. Even though he was a freshman, Nash was one of the top ranked football players at school as well as being strong academically. Erick promised him a reference letter when the time came. After completing that business, Nash stayed and made small talk. He was squirming in his chair which barely held his big bruiser body. Erick didn't want to be rude and ask him to leave but there were things that he wanted to finish before he went home.

"Can I ask you a question, Dr. Emmanuelson?"

"Yes, sure. What do you want to ask?" Nash got up from his chair and closed the office door.

"Well, it is like this. I think maybe I am gay. I am not sure."

"I see. I didn't hear a question in that statement."

"I don't know what or who to ask. I just don't know. How do you know if you're gay?"

Erick took a deep breath and spent an hour talking with Nash. Nash admitted to having sex with guys and that he both loved it and hated himself afterwards. He told Erick he wanted to find someone who would just love him back and he couldn't stand this secret sex that he was having in the men's rooms.

"Don't have sex in the men's rooms. You will get picked up and arrested. It will happen in time if you keep doing that. You don't want that on your record. There is a LGBT group here on campus. Why don't you join Todd and I for the January meeting?"

"Who is Todd?"

"Todd is my boyfriend."

"Oh. I didn't know you were with someone. All of the good guys are taken."

Erick laughed and said there were plenty of single guys available in the group.

"But what do I do until then? I mean, I get horny. Like really, really horny. You wouldn't believe how it is for a young guy like me. Not that you're that old, but it's different."

"Perhaps you should come by and have dinner with Todd and me one night."

Nash's eyes lit up.

"Yeah? Ya'll would have me over? That would be cool. I would enjoy getting together with two guys."

"Just to be clear. I was inviting you for dinner not for sex."

Nash blinked his eyes a couple of times.

"Yeah, sure. That would be good." He didn't look as ecstatic as he had a minute before.

"I will ask Todd to invite a couple of guys over for you to meet. We don't entertain enough. This will give us a reason to invite others.

"You are the greatest. I mean it. I can never repay you."

"You can repay me by doing well in school and joining the ranks of academia."

A happy Nash left the office.

Erick was in a good mood when he walked into the apartment. By habit, he touched the Mezuzah as he came in and then kissed his fingers before kissing Todd.

"I have Mezuzah mouth."

"Better than potty mouth."

They both laughed.

"What am I smelling. Mmmm, wonderful fragrance."

"Beef stew. It won't be ready for another hour or so. It will be better tomorrow but we will start on it tonight."

Crusty French bread accompanied the stew. Erick was ready to get a second bowl when Todd's hand touched his arm.

"Portion control, my love. Only one bowl. If we are going to manage our health then we manage caloric intake."

Erick looked like he had been slapped. He slumped back into his chair and then said he would clean the kitchen. Todd found him eating out of the pot when he looked in the kitchen. They both laughed and agreed they would ease into this new way of living.

"Of course, it is all your fault because you are such a good cook."

"It is all my fault because I love you with all of my heart, all of my soul, and all of my mind. I want us to be together for many years so we will take care of our health so we grow old together."

They sat in the dining room and Todd lit two Advent candles. Erick read the lesson and then elided into a Psalm. They then talked about their love for each other and their ability to laugh and have fun together. After finishing, they grabbed books and sat in the living room reading until it was bedtime. Todd said they would get up early the next day for swimming since they had other things to do after school.

Erick would have sworn that he still smelled chlorine in Todd's hair when he wrapped him in his arms as they fell asleep.

Suggested Reading: "Vergnugte Ruh"

Composer: J.S. Bach Performer: Jakub Jozef Orlinski

Next: Chapter 10

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