April Vamp

By secure secure

Published on Feb 26, 2002



In your mythology I am a vampire, of course your myths are all wrong and Dracula never existed and we don't like blood at all. I am not sure about the long-life part but that at least seems to be close. After all not long ago I was a 6'1" 60 year old man and felt like it. Now I am 5'5" look like 25 and feel even younger. Oh yes and don't look anything like a man anymore. While I am at it let me dispose of some of the rest of the myths. Garlic is OK with me, some of us don't like it but it isn't a way to drive off the vamp. Religious icons, you know cross, Star of David etc. It isn't the icon itself that keeps us away but rather the fact that if you believe the you certainly will not do the kind of things that would involve you with a vamp. For you see we draw our energy from normals not from blood but through sex. Really makes sense you know, can you think of anything that concentrates a person's energy more than good sex? A stake thru the heart? I am dead but you would be too. Sunlight? Well, the activities that I really enjoy and need do tend to take place at night or indoors but other than getting an easy sunburn I have no special problem with sunlight. So are we the rampant evil of the movies are just real sex addicts in a real world. I will let you decide. Perhaps I should start with just a normal night for me.

It is 4:30 in the afternoon and I drift lazily in the hazy world between sleep and awake. As I grow more aware of the world I am gently stroking my 8 inches and enjoying the wonderous feeling as it grows more firm and more excited as I continue to stroke. Soon I am pumping in earnest as I grow firmer and more excited until at last I explode with my first orgasm of the night. I smile to myself as I realize that of course it certainly won't be the last but somehow this self induced ritual helps me start each night out right. One of the nice things about being a vamp is being very multi orgasmic. Energized and looking forward to another night of great fun I begin to prepare for work. That's right I really do have a job, one that is perfect for me and one that I really can take advantage of. You see I am an exotic dancer at a club right here in Houston. Let's see what shall I wear red? or maybe the new green g-string. I really like the green one so the decision is easy. Quickly I assemble my outfit for the evening, work on my hair and all of the other little things needed to enhance the really stunning fem look I now have.

Then it is off to work, already my special senses are tingling as I look forward to happy hunting. Where else but a topless club can I get paid to hunt what I need and want so badly. When I arrive at the club the first thing that I do is check the DJ for the evening, very good the DJ is Tommy. He is a real loser and an easy mark. I let Tommy know that I am in and that I will come to see him after I change. His reply is a predictable lear and a little smile. I notice that his aura is green tinged with a touch of yellow. Not good I am afraid that Tommy will not be around too much longer. Oh well his choice I guess. It is good that the dressing room is nearly empty thus it doesn't take much energy to make sure that none of the other dancers notice my extra equipment. It is easy to cloud peoples mind so that they see only what they expect to see but the more there are the more energy it consumes to do so. That is what I need to see Tommy about. I can dance on stage and have done it more than once, but if the club is really busy I use too much energy and get too hungry. Not really in the best interest of everyone. It is simplier to "bribe" Tommy to keep me off the stage. Lots of the girls do this as for various reasons dancing on stage is among the least rewarding things we do.

A little bit later I am in the DJ booth haggling with Tommy over his bribe. This is a little ritual we go thru every night, but in a way I think it is funny. Tommy starts out with his claim. Worth at least $100 to keep you off stage and you know that don't you? Sure Tommy, but you know that I don't have that kind of money with me. (I never do and he knows that too) With this I step closer and brush my hand lightly over his thigh. As I continue to stroke his leg I let my hand drift higher and higher. As I do the bludge in his pants becomes more pronounced and Tommy begins to move a little closer. "Well if you don't want to pay cash, then how about a little exchange of Services?" Seeing no reason to argue the subject I agree by wrapping my hand completely around his now rock hard dick and begining to pump him thru his pants. How about this for a deal I said as I unzipped his pants and out popped his throbbing dick. Tommy was an ass-hole but he did have a nice dick something I am a real expert on. Leaning down sligtly I first licked the red head of his dick then expertly took the entire length into my mouth. As usual it took only a few quick strokes of this deep action and Tommy was ready to explode. This is when I took enough energy from him to last me for a week if I needed. Of course I also took in a couple of ounces of protein and carbs as while I sucked the energy right out thru is dick he came and came and came. I noticed that his aura was more yellow than before. Poor Tommy he was literally fucking himself to death.

So with Tommy fixed for the night I started to wander around the floor. It was early yet but there were a few interesting people in the club. It didn't really take long before I noticed something a little different and therefore interesting. There was a couple sitting by the stairs watching all the action. From the way they reacted I could tell it was the girls first time in this type of club. I slipped over to thier table and without waiting for an invitation sat down. David the guy was older perhaps forty but real good looking. Carrie was a real treat, about my height with jet black hair and a great shape. We chatted casually for a few minutes as we watched the action on the floor. A couple of table dances but of course rather mild there on the main floor. I could tell that David and Carrie were really enjoying the show so I suggested that we should go upstairs to the champange room were as I told them things were more exciting. In our club the champange room is really a no rules operation. Management doesn't care as long as the customer is paying $100 for a cheap bottle of champange every 30 minutes or so. We dancers love it because we can do what we want without worrying about dumb rules. They quickly agreed and soon we were set in one of the quiet back booths sipping some DOm, David did flinch at the $300 price so I knew that my instincts were really good. I had taken the opportunity during the move to arrange things so that I was sitting between David and Carrie. As Carrie's eyes adjusted to the dim light I felt her stiffen and then gasp quitely. Oh my god... look over there... Is that girl sucking him off? Of course that was exactly what she was seeing. I casually slipped my hand onto her knee and asked... What do you think... Do you like?... Oh yes it is so hot. What about you? Do you like to watch or what. As I laughed at the question and slipped my hand from her knee going higher and moving back and forth. My other hand was busy begining to explore David. No watching isn't really my thing, I do like it, but I like all forms of sex.

So what do you think David should I dance for Carrie and you? The response was immediate and positive so I Slipped out of my gown and began my dances. To be honest I was giving more attention to Carrie than David but judging from what I could see of the buldge in his pants that was what he wanted to see. As I danced I managed to slip Carrie short skirt even higher and soon I was stroking her very wet pussy thru her very wet panties. As each song ended I would ask David if he want me to quit and he would say no. I was beginning to have a real problem as my dick was getting really stiff with all of the contact and glamor or no glamor sooner or later they would touch it and my surprise would be out. Finally after ten dances or so I simply called a halt. I really wanted to play with this very sexy couple, but not here in the club. Even in the champange room you couldn't do the things I was thinking about. As we sat and chatted after the last dance I kissed David giving it just a little tongue and then kissed Carrie with every thing I could put into it. Look you two. You are really wonderfull and all that. But we can't really do everyhting I am dreaming of here. Would you be up for a little private party after work? If so I think I have a surprise that you will really like. David hesitated a little looking over a Carrie, I think for decision. Carrie smiled and ... Oh that sounds like fun. Where can we get together? My place is only a couple of blocks from here. Why don't you meet me there at 11. I gave them one of my cards complete with directions and got up ready to leave. David stopped me nd smiled... Aren't you forgetting something... he murmered as he pressed a wad of cash into my hand. If I was in this business for the cash I would have been in heaven David tipped me over a grand for the 10 dances...What a hero! I walked them down the stairs and out to the door. As they left I gave them each a deep kiss and a tweak on the ass. See you in a couple of hours.

After David and Carrie left I went in a real feeding frenzy. I will spare you all the details but needless to say I wanted to be totally charged before I meet with David and Carrie again and I was. I did eight men and one other dancer in the dressing room before I was ready to leave. I swear I had collected so much energy I was afraid I would glow in the dark. Not really possible but it seemed that way. No real damage to any of them either they were all young and healthy so they wouldn't really miss the energy I sucked out of them.

A short time later I was opening the door for David and Carrie. I ushered them into my living room and waited for the reaction. My living room is really a giant play room. The entire floor is covered in thick furs (fake fur but fun anyway) and there is a giant pit group which dominates the room. I led David and Carrie over to the pit group and sh0owed them the chilled bottle of Dom. Soon we were kicked back and into our second glass. Would you like me to dance for you some more? This is for fun though David so no tipping is allowed OK? Of course it was OK and as I slipped out of my gown and triggered the remote I could see David pants were begining to bulge. What fun was comming. Once again I concentrated my efforts more on Carrie than on David. Soon I had her laying back as I stroked her legs reaching higher and higher. Without hesitation I continued only now I crawled onto the couch beside her and delicately reached between her legs. She offered no resistance as I slipped my hand into her panties. David seemed to be reading my mind as he lay down on the other side of Carrie and began to slide his hand up into her top. Her breathing came faster and faster as David worked on her perky breasts and I began to play with her slit in earnest. Soon David had Carrie top completely off and I had her skirt bunched up around her waist and her panties pulled totally out of the way. As she got wetter, I got ever harder and my dick was almost totally out of the G-string anyway so I reached down and freed the snaps. I took Carrie's hand and ... Are you ready for the surprise I promised Carrie?...Oh yes surprise me anyway you want. With that I pulled her hand down and wrapped it around my throbbing dick. Her eye snapped wide open in shcok, but she didn't pull her hand away... Wow! David look at this she has a dick... With that David reached down and put his hand around hers and started a pumping motion... She certainly does! Looks like April is the best of both worlds!... With this tacit approval I rolled over onto Carrie and put the head of my dick right at bottom of her wet slit. As I rubbed up and down she started to thrust right back trying to capture my moving dick. I held still for a second and she sucked the head and the first couple of inches right in. My dick is long but slim and is really better designed for other entries but this felt good for now and its slim width gave Carrie no problem slipping it deeper amd deeper with every movement. As we rocked up and down David quickly shed his remaining clothes and then got off the couch. Soon I felt his hands exploring my cute little bubble butt... Oh so you like my favorite playground? Huh David?... Oh yes very much... Well its all yours have fun.... David needed no second invitation and thinks really heated up as he started licking my expossed rear. As I thrust forward I would lose contact with that talented tongue but each backstroke brought firmer and deeper contact. Within a few strokes David was burying his tongue into my ass as I drove my dick ever deeper into Carrie. This was almost perfect, only one thing would make it better... Go ahead David fuck my ass! I love it!.. With almost no wasted time I felt his hot dick knocking on my back door so to speak. I stopped moving for a minute to provide him with a stationary target so to speak. I was almost immediately rewarded with the marvelous streching feeling as he lodged the head of his dick in my willing ass. A moment more and I could feel the hairs around his dick as my ass sucked him into my depths and he hit that special spot just behind my swollen balls. Now we started to move in unison. It felt like his dick was driving straight thru me and into Carrie. As the pressure built I could feel the fire of all the extra energy in me swelling higher and higher. At this point there was no turning back instincts took over. On the next outstroke I slipped my dick out of Carrie's warm pussy shifted a little lower and with not warning to her buried it on the next stroke in her ass. There was only a slight resistance and a gasp of pleasure pain from Carrie, then.... Oh God April Yes fuck my ass Fuck my ass... Fuck my ass David fuck my ass... For the next eternity that was the sound Carrie and I chanting in unison FUCK MY ASS!

The came the explosion as David shot a tremendous load into my bowels and that set off a chain reaction. I flooded Carrie with cum and energy as I came and came again. As I came down from this greatest of natural highs I looked down at Carrie's crotch and saw the cutest little 4 inch dick where her slit used to be. She was going to crossover easily! David of course would be harder, but I knew I had my first conversions and it was going to be a double.

------------------------------ So let me know what you think and if you want more April ---- mailto:special1029@yahoo.com

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