Aprils Adventures

By Sebastian

Published on Jul 17, 2004


April's Adventures The tale of a man's experiences in becoming a woman By: Sebastian

Copyright 2003-2004 by Sebastian (All rights reserved)

This is a "mostly" true story about a man's introduction into cross-dressing and sex as a woman, as well as sex with groups of consenting adults some of them the same gender. If this offends you, you are under 18 or it is illegal in your country, please close the file and leave now. Otherwise, read on and enjoy!

Chapter One: Doing the laundry is not always boring

In 1989, Betty and I had been living together for about four years when I got laid off from my roofing job. That left me with a lot of time to kill. It was summer and there aren't many calls for roofing when the sun is shinning. I was looking, but not having much luck.

My being out of work was putting a little strain on our relationship so I was very diligent in keeping our apartment together. I did the laundry, shopping, cooking, and most of the cleaning. I didn't mind doing it and it let me feel that I was still contributing. Betty was a property manager at one of the better local apartment complexes. We were both on the heavy side and when we met, I was 11 years older than her 25.

I had just finished doing the laundry one morning and was busy folding and putting everything away. I was folding one of Betty's silky camisoles when I started to get excited from the feel of it. I put the thoughts away, along with the rest of the clothes. As I took care of the rest of the laundry and any thing else I could think of I kept remembering to how nice and sexy it had felt in my hands. I felt a hard-on starting so I decided that a cool shower would help calm me down.

I started the shower running and got undressed. As I was putting my clothes in the hamper I noticed that I had missed a pair of Betty's panties when I had gathered up the laundry. I picked them up and rubbed them across the head of my hardening cock. I shivered from the feel of the silky material as it slid along my cock. I wrapped my cock in her panties and started to stroke myself. With each stroke the lace trim around the legs would scrape against the head of my dick and cause me to clinch my ass and sent tremors down my spine. I kept stroking faster and harder as the pain/pleasure from those panties intensified until, with a surge that almost took me to my knees, I shot my load in her panties. I continued to rub my dick with them as I started to calm down. I had shot so much full cum into those panties that they were slick with it. The feeling of my slick wet cum, when added to that silky material of the panties was fantastic.

Now I had a problem, a pair of cum soaked panties in the hamper were bound to cause questions. I took them into the shower with me and used shampoo and soap to wash the evidence if my passions down the drain. As I was scrubbing the stains out of Betty's panties, and they were all soapy, I just started using them as a washcloth. It felt so good that my legs started to shake and my dick started to rise. Started with my face and scrubbed every part of my body with those panties, except for one area. I saved my crotch for last. The material that the panties were made from held just the right amount of soap, air, and water to glide over my skin. It was like being washed with air, I could hardly feel them as they slid along the length of my cock. My dick was just starting to get hard when I heard the front door close and Betty's voice asking where I was.

I hollered back, "I'm in the shower; I'll be out in a minute."

I was trying to think of where to put the panties as she came in to the bathroom. I heard her lift the toilet lid, I always remember to put the seat down, and I knew I only had the time it would take her to go to the bathroom before she would open the shower door. I was only paying partial attention to what she was saying as she went on about something that had happened at the office. There just isn't anyplace in a shower to hide a pair of bright pink panties. I heard her finish, flush, and pull up her pantyhose. I saw her shadow as it came to the door. She said, "How about a kiss for lunch?" and the door opened.

At the last second I had found a place and stashed the panties. I leaned out of the door, so she wouldn't get wet and gave her a big kiss. "Give me a second," I told her "and I will fix you something to eat." She closed the door, and I reached behind my back, and pulled her panties from between the cheeks of my ass. Well that was one time I was grateful for having a fat ass.

I finished my shower and grabbed a towel and quickly dried off. I had left the panties in the bottom of the shower and I didn't want her to come back in until I had put them away. I was on my way to the kitchen when I heard the TV come on. I let out a sigh and knew I had a few minutes of breathing room. I got the panties from the shower and wrapped them in my towel and dropped them in the hamper as I walked by.

I made Betty her lunch while bare-ass naked. She kept wandering through the kitchen to get this or that, but all she wanted to do was grab a feel. As we were eating Betty was playing with my dick and I was rising to the occasion. By the time we are finished eating, I am ready to go. Betty looks at the clock, jumps up, and says, "I've got to go, I am going to be late," as she headed for the door. Pausing for a moment, she bends down and plants a kiss on the head of my dick. "I promise I will take care of him after work," are her last words as she closes the door.

I did another load of laundry that afternoon and put it all away before she came home. Later that night, as we were heading to bed, Betty started to get undressed and I whispered in her ear, "Leave the panties on for now please."

With a smile she asked me, "Why?"

As I proceeded to kiss her just behind the ear, I again whispered, "I will take them off you myself later my love, but for now I think I would like you to leave them on."

With a pouting lip Betty said, "But you took yours off."

I reached around her and held her breasts and said, "I'll make it worth your while, my love, just be patient." I had her lay back on the bed, as I tenderly explored her body. "Just close your eyes and relax, I will take care of everything."

With that I started at her toes and proceeded to make love to every part of her body, except her lips, breasts, and pussy. I caressed and kissed and stroked every other inch of her body before I moved to her breasts. I brought my mouth close and softly blew on her nipple, but didn't touch her yet. She responded with a sexy purr and tried to push her nipple against my lips. I turned my head and, while not touching any other spot on her body, licked the sweat from under her breasts. Then I moved away, just far enough so she wouldn't be able to tell what I was doing.

Betty cried out, "Oh, more please! I love it when you do that."

"Relax, my love, relax," I whispered, "Breathe deep and relax."

I lightly traced little circles around her breasts and slowly moved up to her neck and face. I kissed her as softly as I could while keeping a constant caressing motion with my hands. My lips and hands were all that was touching her. She was arching off the bed to get more contact, but when she moved I moved with her, always keeping the same light touch on my love.

I moved my hands over her breasts and spread my fingers as wide as I could, letting my fingers barely touch the skin around her breasts. I drew them together stroking up towards her nipple. As if drawing her breasts away from her body I continued my stroking as her nipples got harder and harder. Betty was writhing on the bed, begging me to make love to her. I relented and kissed her hard, then softly, alternating with the motion of my hands.

Her hands were moving to the waistband of her panties, I took her hands away and placed them on my cock. She grabbed it and started to stroke me rapidly. It gave her something to focus on. I shifted my attentions to her breasts again, but only for a moment as I slid past them and began tracing lazy little circles on her stomach. Every once in awhile I would stop and lightly kiss her soft skin.

She was trying to get my cock up to where she could put it in her mouth, I knew that if she did I was lost, so I gently began turning my body until she had to let me go and I was between her legs. I moved her hands to her breasts and helped her set a slow rhythmic motion. I moved back to the waistband of her panties and slid just my fingers under it and caressed her skin where the panties had rubbed her waist. I began kissing right above her pussy enjoying the feeling of the soft and silky material between us.

Betty ground her pelvis against my face, pleading for more. I was getting so excited that I was ready to cave-in, strip her panties off, and ram myself home in her sweet pussy, but I didn't! I moved away and while stroking her through her panties I had her turn over on her stomach. I eased back up to her shoulders and started all over again. Touching and kissing her baby smooth skin as I worked my way back to her panties.

Betty had been having, what we always called mini-orgasms for some time now, when I got to her panties she had soaked them till they were transparent. She was whimpering and thrusting her hips back at me while I kissed and stroked her beautiful ass. I took the waistband of her panties in my mouth and began to pull them down with my teeth. When I had them below her cheeks, I began licking and kissing her cheeks. I used my hands to begin stroking the backs of her legs from the knees to her ass, first one side than the other, always stopping just before my fingers would touch the crotch of her panties.

Her juices were simply flowing from her pussy. She was crying out for me to, "Please fuck her!" I urgently wanted to; my cock was aching and throbbing with wanton desire. I had her rollover again and lifted her legs till her feet were flat on the bed and her legs spread for me. The back of her panties was below the cheeks of her ass, while the front still covered her pussy. I continued to caress her legs as I began licking her slit through her panties. I sucked her clit into my mouth along with the material of her panties. One flick of my tongue and she was bucking and thrashing through an incredible orgasm. I didn't let her clit go until she had returned to earth.

I slid my hands under her ass and let my thumbs rest just under the crotch of her panties, just on each side of her pussy. When I squeezed her ass with my hands, her pussy spread open and I would lick it through her panties. As I continued the crotch of her panties was slowly being forced into her pussy. I was probing her with my tongue just like a little cock, and she was humping it like it was the real thing. She was having an almost continuous orgasm as I kept up my attack on her sweet pussy.

When I felt that Betty had taken all she could stand I knelt between her legs and placed the head of my dick against the panty covered opening to her pussy. I didn't move at all. I just held my dick against her as she began to thrust against it and slowly work me into her. The panties were like a silk condom wrapped around my cock as she worked it deeper and deeper into her pussy. In a very short time she had me buried to the balls in her cunt. I held real still and let her adjust to the feel of my cock encased in the material of her panties. I could feel the muscles of her pussy rippling as she began to move her pelvis up and down on my dick.

I leaned into her and began to match her movements. As she thrust her hips against my panty-clad cock, more and more of the material bunched between us. With every movement her clit was being stroked the lump of panties wedged between us. I began to feel the need to cum for her, so I started fucking her with a passion. Every time our pelvis's met there was a groan from both of us. We were building towards a huge orgasm, going faster and harder with each thrust.

Suddenly we were there; I felt the rush of my sperm rushing from my balls and along the length of my cock as I thrust it hard and deep in her sweet pussy. As I began to pump my load deep in her, Betty cried out and wrapped her legs tight around my hips and had her own orgasm. She was bouncing and grinding her pussy on my cock. Her hands were gripping her breasts so tightly that I thought that she would have bruises for weeks.

As we both began to calm down, our movements slowed and then stopped. When my cock shrank and finally slipped out of her pussy, I reached down ad began pulling the panties out of her. As I pulled, they slid out and along her super sensitized clit and she came again, with such a violent and immediate orgasm that I thought I had hurt her.

"Oh Baby, that felt so wonderful," Betty cried, "I have never in my life cum like that. I could feel every movement of your cock through my panties, and the way the material felt as it stroked the insides of my pussy was fantastic. Where did you learn to do that, and why haven't you done it before?"

"It just came to me in the heat of passion," I replied with a grin, "So I guess you could say that I did good?"


I helped her clean up, and we slid under the covers and were quickly asleep, holding each other tightly.

After that first experience, I found that I liked forward to laundry day. I would get up and send Betty off to the office and then sort the laundry. Her panties and things would always go into a separate pile from which I would select a pair to use. When I would finish with them I put them in the laundry basket and head right out the door.

One laundry day, after a particularly intense session with her panties, I was in the laundry room getting ready to start the wash. I noticed one matronly woman staring at my laundry basket. I looked down and right there on top were the panties that I had just used. Great big strings of cum were all over them. It hadn't been long enough for them to dry or be absorbed. If that wasn't bad enough, it was on the inside of the front near the waist.

I bent to pickup the basket and I could feel my neck getting red as I blushed from the woman's intense look. I tried to regain my composure as I began loading my machines when she remarked.

"You should really rinse those in cold water first dear."

I said, "Pardon me, did you say something?"

"Yes dear, I was saying that if you don't want to leave cum-stains on your panties, you should rinse them in cold water first."

From the way she said it I knew she thought that I had been wearing them when I made my deposit. I tried to think of how to explain, this was like getting caught by your mother, and I couldn't so I just said, "Thank you very much," and tried to become invisible.

It didn't work. The woman continued, "Believe me, I have been washing cum-stains out of my husbands panties for too many years. At first it annoyed me but now I automatically soak all of his panties in cold water before I come to the laundry room. You should think about doing that as well, you do seem to get embarrassed easily dear."

Would this woman ever stop talking about panties? It was like getting a lecture from my grandmother. I was afraid that someone else would come in and hear her. I tried to divert her by saying, "I will remember that. Well, it sure turned out to be a nice morning didn't it?"

It didn't work! She just went on, "And dear, that color is just right for you."

That did it! I had to get out of there. I had finished loading my machine and picked up my smokes. I politely said, "If you will excuse me, I think I'll just step outside to smoke this. Have a very good morning ma'am," and I stepped outside.

Three cigarettes later she finally came out. I thought it was over, but I was wrong. She turned to me and with a big smile said, "Your wash was done so I popped it in the dryer for you. I hope you don't mind, but I didn't want your stuff to get all wrinkled."

"Thank you very much, I really do appreciate that," I said with a genuine smile. She really was like my grandmother, always taking care of strangers.

The dryer was beeping as I entered the laundry room. I grabbed my basket and went to unload it. There in the bottom of my basket was a pair of clean silk panties that weren't Betty's. A note attached said to try these, the color would bring out the blue in my eyes. I dumped the contents of the dryer in my basket and got out of there as fast as I could.

In the safety of our apartment, I began folding and putting the laundry away. As I was folding Betty's panties I started to get excited again, each pair I picked up made my dick get a little harder. I was almost finished when I came to the pair I had used that morning. I was thinking about what the woman had said, about the color suiting me, when I decided to try them on.

A quick look at the clock told me I still had two hours till Betty came home. I got up and took off my clothes and slipped into her panties. They felt so sexy and were quite comfortable. They cradled my balls like a silky little hand. I had a hard-on and it was being held flat against my stomach by the soft material. I had to see what I looked like! I got up and headed for the bathroom. Every step made those panties caress me like the gentlest touch in the world. It was a fantastic feeling. In an instant I was hooked, I knew that I would be wearing these panties as often as I could.

By the time I stood in front of the mirror, I was about ready to cum. I was looking at my reflection when I noticed that I had been leaking pre-cum and that now there was a growing wet spot on Betty's clean panties. I was stroking my dick through the thin material of the panties. In no time at all I felt my balls contract as they shot my load up the length of my cock, and into her panties. I took my hands away and watched, as the contractions were clearly visible through the tight material.

My dick pulsed with jet after jet of white sticky cum. It was spreading all over the front of the panties. With a smile I realized that they looked just like they did in the laundry room. I guess that woman knew what she was looking at. As I finished my orgasm, I decided to leave the panties on while I finished the laundry. The slick feel of my cock, rubbing in my juices, was fantastic; I stayed semi-hard the whole time.

Well here I was again with a big load of cum in a pair of Betty's panties, when I remembered what the woman had said, about rinsing them in cold water, and took them off and put them in the sink. While they were soaking, I took a quick shower to clean off the evidence of my mornings work. When I was done, I dried off and went to get dressed. The panties that the woman had left me were sitting on the bed. I looked at them and it just seemed natural to put them on. They fit just right and when I looked in the mirror, I had to agree that they did bring out the color of my eyes.

That morning was replayed on many, many more. I began looking forward to laundry day so much that Betty often remarked that we never seemed to have any dirty clothes lying around, and that she really appreciated the way I kept our house so together. I had several encounters with Marge, the woman from the laundry room, and we became friends. If I knew she was in the laundry room when I went, I would always wear the panties she gave me. She told me about her husband and how much she loved him.

She said that she had always found the sight of him in his panties and other sexy things made her so hot that they would make love for hours. One time she even asked if she could see me in panties. Since we were alone I agreed and closed the door. With my back to it so that no one could walk in on us I proceeded to drop my jeans. Marge was about 3 feet away as they slid down my legs. It was exciting to have her want to see me in her/my panties, and my dick was getting very hard as she stood there stared at it.

"Well Sebastian," she said with a cough, "That is a real nice package you have there. I would love to feel it, but I have never cheated on my husband, and I am too old to start now. Thank you for showing it to me! Now if you don't mind, pull your pants up and get out of my way because my husband is about to get raped!"

"Yes Ma'am!" I replied with a salute. I pulled up my pants and Marge grabbed her basket and headed out the door. As she passed me, she stopped and gave me a little kiss on the cheek, and with a smile she was gone. I hope her husband was up for it.

Shortly after that I got another job, as an electrician. Since I was gone most every day I only rarely got to see Marge. When we did meet, it was as a couple of old friends, we never mentioned that morning. She even introduced me to her husband, Roger. She had asked me not to let on that I knew about his hobby, but from the way he greeted me I knew that she had told him about mine! Well it was all right by me if it gave them pleasure.

I didn't have many opportunities to indulge in my hobby anymore. It always seemed that I was never home alone anymore. I did get to wear my panties to work occasionally, but only if I knew I was going to do the next load of laundry. However, getting a day off, during the week was almost impossible. Then about Christmas time, Betty said that she really wanted to spend a couple of weeks with her Grandparents up in Northern Oregon. I tried to get time off, but the boss said that the new person holds down the shop during the holidays.

Betty left on the Friday before Christmas, and was due back in two weeks. The first night she was gone, her mom, Edith, and step-dad, Duane, invited me over for dinner and to play some cards. We have always gotten along great. Her mom is one hot woman and Duane is just a good ole boy. They have a bar in their living room and don't go out much. We sat there and tried to kill the keg of beer in the bar. We didn't succeed; I passed out on the couch sometime after midnight. They had covered me up and went to bed.

I awoke sometime later to the unmistakable sounds of two people making love. From where I was sleeping, I could see through their bedroom door, which was wide open, and see that Edith was impaled on Duane's cock and was enjoying herself immensely. She was in profile to me and I had a wonderful view of her as she rode his cock. I was hard in an instant and was reaching for my cock when I remembered where I was, and that I had taken the opportunity to wear my panties. I didn't think that they had left their door open as an invitation to join them, but just for the thrill of performing for another. I was about to get up and quietly leave when Edith turned, and looked me in the eye and smiled. She held the gaze for a moment and then turned her attention back to Duane.

I eased off the couch and let myself out the door. It looked like it was near dawn as I headed back to my apartment. I had a raging hard-on from the memory of the look that Betty's mom had given me, as well as from the look of her making love. I let myself in the apartment and closed the door and dropped my pants, whipped my cock out, and proceeded to stroke it to a very satisfying orgasm. As I headed for bed I realized that I was alone and had two whole weeks to indulge myself. I went to Betty's under-ware drawer and got a pair of her satin panties. They were a cobalt blue and I had always loved the way they made her look. I was about to climb under the covers when I thought about the matching Chemise hanging in the closet. I hoped it would fit, and it did. It felt so nice against my nipples. I slid into bed and let my hands roam over my satin covered body. I felt so sexy that I drifted off to sleep with one hand rubbing my cock through my panties, and the other rubbing my nipples.

The sound of a door closing is what woke me up and I laid there for several minutes trying to identify the sound that had disturbed my slumber and luxuriating in the feel of satin against my skin. I needed to get up and go to the bathroom and get rid of some of the beer I had drunk the night before so I swung my legs off the bed and headed for the bath.

When I had taken care of my business I headed for the kitchen to make some coffee. There was a thermos and a white sack on the breakfast bar that had not been there last night. I peeked in the bag and found a cinnamon role, along with a note:


Stopped by to see if you wanted to go to breakfast with us this morning, but you were sleeping so soundly that I decided to let you sleep. Brought you some back though, I hope you enjoy it when you get up.

Thank you for being such a gentleman last night, we were just a little out of control. I found your clothes by the front door when I came in and I put them in the hamper for you, and I really do thank you for the fine compliment you left me.

Love Edith,

PS: I think your outfit looks sexy, it will be our secret, and enjoy your day off.

I remembered my masturbating at the front door when I came in and probably should have been embarrassed about being found out. Somehow I couldn't get worried about my future mother-in-law knowing that I thought she was sexy or what I had been sleeping in. I was feeling too good to be upset so I poured a cup of coffee from the thermos and took it, along with my pastry, to the couch and proceeded to spend the entire day right there, dressed in Betty's panties and chemise.

It was a very enjoyable two weeks. I wore a different pair of Betty's panties to work every day. We had agreed to have our Christmas after she got back so I went a little crazy shopping for her. I did a lot of it the week after Christmas and was able to buy her several complete sexy outfits. Edith helped me wrap them and made several comments on my taste. Edith, Duane, and I celebrated Christmas Eve together, we had a delightful dinner and after dinner drinks, then we gathered around the tree and exchanged gifts. Later, as I was leaving, Edith gave me one more present and told me that I should wait to open it after I got home.

When I got home and opened the gift I was blown away. It was a very expensive iridescent -blue outfit with white lace trim and accents. It was the entire set with, panties, chemise, garter-belt, stockings, a short gown, and a long one, plus a full-length robe. I looked at the card and it was signed from the both of them. I took a bubble bath and then dressed in my new outfit. When I looked in the mirror it was like looking at someone else. I was about to call and thank them, when they called me to see if it fit ok, and if I liked it. I told them it fit perfectly and that I loved it. Edith told me that they both picked it out and were glad that I liked it. I was wearing it that night when Betty called. She was lonely and depressed that we weren't spending Christmas together. She told me that she never wanted to spend another Christmas apart.

It was during the next week that I first experimented with one of her vibrators. We often used various sex toys in our lovemaking and had several to choose from. I was laying there in panties and a bra. I was imagining what it must feel like to be a woman and have a cock in your pussy. I reached in the nightstand drawer and took out one of Betty's smaller toys; it was about 6 inches long and 1 ½ inch thick, I started running it around my cock and balls. It felt nice and I was enjoying myself, so I pulled the crotch of my panties aside and slid it down my crack. I was dry and it didn't feel that good so I got some lubricating cream and tried it again, and this time it felt much better.

I began probing my ass, placing the tip at the opening and rotating it around with just a little pressure. I could feel my ass relax and open up a little so I increased the pressure and was rewarded as the head slipped in. I let it rest there for a few minutes, just enjoying the feeling of it vibrating against the walls of my ass. I slowly increased pressure and it slid deeper inside me. My cock responded by getting harder and started throbbing in time with my heartbeat. Finally I pushed it all the way in and held it there, as I grew accustomed to the pressure it was exerting on my insides. I began to stroke it in and out of my ass, as it came out I felt the void it left behind collapse, then fill again as I pushed it back in. If this is in any way what a woman feels when they make love that I do envy them their sex.

I began to piston it in and out of my ass as I stroked my cock in the same rhythm. I was bucking my hips trying to get more of it inside me. The combination of my thrusts and the vibrations of the dildo had me on the edge of cumming. I began rotating it deep in my ass until I stimulated my prostate with the vibrating tip. There was no warning or anticipation of what was about to happen; I just started cumming in buckets all over myself. It was so immediate and powerful that I wasn't even sure what triggered such an intense orgasm, but I knew that I wanted to feel it again.

You might think that in finding this side of my sexuality that my relationship with Betty would suffer just the opposite is true. I have found that I am more attuned to her wants, needs, and desires. I can better anticipate when something I am doing, or are about to do, will cause her anxiety, concern, or unhappiness. I found myself even more intent on pleasing her emotionally and physically. I tried to become more romantic, considerate and even a better friend.

This was the status of our relationship on that fateful day, the day that I took the next step in our relationship and my life. I had the day off, and as usual, I was enjoying some quality time with myself, when she came home early and caught me, dressed in a pair of her silk panties and bra and one of her vibrators up my ass. I had just shot my load and was licking it from my hands when she cleared her throat from the bedroom door. I had been so intent on my pleasure that I never even heard her come in. At first I thought she was going to freak-out, I started to try and explain (what could I say?) when she started to get undressed.

She joined me on the bed and started to play with me through her bra and panties. I usually need a long time to recover after I come, so I was amazed when I started to get hard all over again. She reached down and grasped the vibrator, which was still buried in my ass, and began to fuck me with it. She was gentle and loving as she drove me to a peek of desire, and when she had me ready to go, she suddenly got up, got dressed, and left the room. I just knew I was in for it. I heard her make a call but couldn't make out what she said or whom she had called.

When I realized that she wasn't coming back I got up and went to take a shower and clean up. I hoped she would not make a big deal about my hobby. While I was in the shower the door opened and she was standing there in her bra and panties, holding my shaving cream and razor.

As she stepped into the shower she said, "If you really want to wear my good underwear and look like a woman then you really need to lose some of that excess hair and do it right."

I thought what the heck and replied, "Sure, if you could help me."

Leaving her underwear on, Betty stepped into the shower, "I'll help, but you need to do this my way. I know what to do and you will just have to trust me, ok?"

As my cock began to harden again, I replied, "Anything you want dear."

"You did look really sexy when I walked in on you, but when I get done you are going to be a fox! We don't have a lot of time so no fooling around! Now raise your arms."

She began with my armpits and began to shave me everywhere that needed it, my chest, groin, legs, and even my ass. I am not a very hairy guy and it didn't take long. The feeling of her slowly shaving me, and the fact that she was partially dressed and unavailable was a double turn on. After she was done she told me to get out of the shower and double shave my face while she took a shower herself.

Just as I finished shaving the doorbell rang. Betty asked me to please get it. I put a robe on and went to get the door. It was Betty's best friend and co-worker (they worked as property managers at a big apartment complex) Lorie. She had several bags with her and asked if she could come in. While she waited in the living room I went to tell Betty that Lorie was here. She met me in the dressing area naked and from the looks of her pubes, freshly shaved. Her nipples were really hard and rosy. She said that she knew that Lorie was here and that she had called her to have her bring a few things over.

I didn't know what was going on and I guess I looked a little worried. Betty said that it was a real turn on to see me dressed in her sexy things. I should say that we had often fantasized about a threesome during our lovemaking and it had always led to some fantastic sex. She took my robe off and started to put some body powder all over my body, it felt incredible. I tried to remind her that Lorie was out front when a voice behind me said, "No she wasn't". I turned around and there was Lorie standing in the doorway in just her bra and panties. I was shocked but still game. She walked over to Betty and kissed her deeply and held her tits and the sight of her and Lorie kissing renewed my passion. They had me sit at the mirror and told me that they were going to have to go back to work later and would like me to come with them as a co-worker. A woman co-worker!

Lorie went and got the packages from the living room and had me open them. In the first I found a pair of red silky panties, in a size that should fit just right, also a pair of panty hose, a loose skirt, blouse, and shoes. In the second was a matching bra, an industrial strength bra. I had been wearing Betty's flimsy little bras and of course my breasts never filled them. Betty assured me that it might look formidable but when they were done I would love the effect it would have on my figure.

Well to make a long story short, they spent about an hour and a half working me over. They began with my makeup. I was amazed at the transformation happening right before my eyes. Next were my panties and hose. The hose were control top and helped to control my dick which kept getting in the way. I was so excited the whole time but they wouldn't let me touch them or myself the whole time. Every once in a while they would pause their work to fondle each other or give my breasts or dick a tweak. I was in heaven. I couldn't believe that all of this was happening.

Next there came the bra! It had a wide band under the cups that was a little constricting and the ladies had quite a time getting it hooked. Then they began reaching in the pitifully filled cups and pulling on the skin along my sides and pinching and pulling and all sorts of things. They slipped some pads in the cups of the bra and all of the sudden I noticed that I had cleavage. I really looked like I had breasts. I put my hands under them and squeezed, they felt about right, a little stiff but ok. They were about a `b' cup and kind of spilled over the top, just enough to be kind of sexy.

They finished dressing me and then Lorie went out front and got another bag and pulled out a wig and put it on me. I really looked the part of a slightly overweight woman. The only thing really wrong was the fact that my dick had gotten hard and was sticking straight out, even with the pantyhose. Both Betty and Lorie looked down and told me that they would have to take care of that, they went to there knees and took care of it real well.

With my now soft dick tucked in my pantyhose the women started getting dressed for work. I sat there and marveled as they told me some of the things that go on at work. You will get an idea when I tell you what happened to me that night. Neither of the women put any under things on and had on short skirts and loose fitting blouses. After one last check we left for the complex where they worked.

When we arrived, the office was locked and there was a man waiting out front. They apologized for being late for their appointment. He said that was OK, and could he see the unit now. We took him to see the unit he was interested in. It was a garden cottage at the back of the property, very secluded and romantic. I had a good idea why Betty and Lorie were always #1 and #2 in rental performance. Betty bent over a little as she unlocked the door and I could just see a hint of her butt as the wind gently moved her skirt, I was sure that Brian noticed as well. I walked behind the three of them as we entered the unit and began explaining the benefits of renting in this complex.

While Lorie took Brian to show him the kitchen, Betty went out the glass patio door to the garden and bent over to smell a flower. Her bare ass was open for view and her pussy lips were all red and swollen. I was just standing around and feeling uneasy that I was going to get found out. Betty motioned me to come out and join her, and when I did she put her arm around my waist and hugged me.

"Are you ok with what is happening?" Betty asked in a whisper.

"I'm just worried about getting caught."

"If you just follow our lead then everything will be fine and you might even get your wish."

"What wish?" I asked.

"The wish, you told me about, where you watch me have sex with a complete stranger."

"Have you two done this before?"

"Yes we have. Does that upset you, or does it excite you?"

"It excites me very much my love."

"You know that it is probably going to end up with someone getting fucked tonight so be ready for anything. Now here they come, squeeze your legs together, so your dick won't show, and bend over and let's show Brian what we've got!"

Brian was telling Lori what he thought about the kitchen when they came back into the living room. I could tell exactly when he noticed us on the patio because he stopped in mid word. Betty reached over and began rubbing my ass through the pantyhose.

Betty whispered, "We are going to stand up now, but you need to keep facing away because your cock is sticking straight out. I want Brian to think that you are my lesbian lover, while I fix it for you, so just follow my lead."

Betty stood up and moved behind me, and began rubbing my sides and kissing my neck. This was not going to do much good to make my dick go down, it felt much too good. Then she reached her hands around me and cupped my breasts. She let her hands move down till they were almost touching my cock. She began pulling my skirt up till it was bunched around my waist. I looked down and there was a wet spot growing on my panties. Betty slid her hands down inside my panties and repositioned my cock so It didn't show. She let my skirt slip back into place and told me to turn around and kiss her.

As I did I could see that Lorie had her back to us and Brian was staring over Lorie's shoulder at the show that Betty and I were providing him from the garden. I could see his dick growing in his pants as they had started to tent visually. Betty slowly broke the kiss, turned, and walked into the room. I followed, keeping her between Brian and myself because I still wasn't sure I didn't show.

Betty took Brian by the hand and went to show him the bathroom. Lorie took a seat at the breakfast bar and crossed her legs. Her pussy winked out at us and Brian was trying to pay attention to what Betty was saying while trying to get a look at Lorie. Betty and Brian had just turned the corner to the bathroom area when Lorie reached over and pulled me to her and kissed me hard and deeply. She started to play with my fake breasts and I naturally started to play with her more than real ones. I was really getting into it when I heard a gasp behind me. When I turned around Betty and Brian were in an embrace in the doorway. As you can imagine I was beside myself with lust at seeing Betty in the hands of a stranger.

Lorie took me by the hand and we went to join Betty and Brian as we all moved into the bedroom. Betty was rubbing the front of Brian's pants and he had his hand in her blouse. Lorie stepped in and took his other hand and placed it under her skirt. I wondered what I was going to do except watch, (which was still a turn on) when Betty eased away from Brian and started to fondle me. Brian was fully entertained with Lorie as Betty asked me to help get him undressed. Betty went behind Lorie and started undressing her as Lorie was taking Brian's shirt off. I knelt behind him and started rubbing his ass and thighs. Betty was grinning at me and encouraged me to continue with what I was doing. I thought that Brian was getting one hell of a rental. I slowly reached around him and felt the size of his dick as I went for his zipper. He tried to turn around and face me but Betty took his hands and helped him get her clothes off.

While Brian was busy I slowly undid his belt and pants and slid them down his legs. I had not touched another cock since my behind the garage experiments as a child and this was really exciting. He stepped out of his pants and by then had Betty and Lorie both stark naked. I was the only one dressed. My dick was straining to break free. I knew I had to do something quick to keep him from trying to undress me. I reached up to the waistband of his shorts and quickly pulled them down to his ankles and allowed his dick to spring free. Betty reached down and stroked Brian's dick. I couldn't see it and was dying to know if it was bigger than mine, (most are). Betty and Lorie sank to there knees' in front of Brian and started to give his dick a real working over. I was still kneeling behind him and could see the muscles of his ass twitch as they took turns at him. I gently caressed his ass and placed my cheek against the soft skin there. I was really turned-on when Betty reached down and took my hand and placed it on his dick. I almost shot a load when I felt my first adult hard-on. I still hadn't seen it but I could feel the raw power of it. It felt longer than mine and very thick. I thought, that he would really freak if he knew that the third set of hands fondling him was another man.

I could feel Betty and Lorie licking his dick and my hands, taking turns sucking on his rod making it slick as I stroked it. I looked down and saw that they each had their hands in the others pussy. Brian had his hands in their hair and was thrusting his cock between their mouths. I took my other hand and was rubbing his ass when he spread his legs and pushed his ass at my face. At first I didn't know what to do, so I nuzzled his ass and reached through his legs and felt the heavy sack below his dick. His balls were full and heavy. As I gently squeezed his balls it was natural for me to start licking his ass. He smelt clean and I was not bothered by what I was doing. Here I was, just a few hours after being caught in Betty's things, with my face in a strange man's ass, my tongue probing his hole and stroking his dick, while my fiancée and her friend gave him a double blowjob. WOW!!!!!!!!

Betty slowly stood up and turned around and leaned back against Brian. I held his cock down until I felt her ass against his belly. Betty spread her legs and I held Brian's cock against her as he began to thrust. Betty was grinding her pussy against his cock, trying to get it to slip inside. She bent over and opened herself up as I actually guided Brian's cock into Betty's cunt. He let out a moan as he sank that slab deep into her. Betty slammed back onto his cock so hard that I almost lost a hand. Lorie had moved under Betty and was lavishing her tits with kisses and enjoying the way they moved as Brian slammed his dick deep into Betty. I reached through his legs and fingered Betty's clit as he pounded her, her clit is very sensitive, and I knew that this would make her come quickly, and I was right! I felt her cunt start to spasm around his dick and felt her cum all over my hand. I reached down and slid two fingers into Lorie's sopping cunt. She rewarded me by humping my hand like crazy. I wanted so badly to touch my own dick but wanted to keep from being discovered and ruining this moment. Brian increased his thrusting and came explosively deep in Betty's cunt. His explosion pushed her over the top and she came again. He pumped so much come into her that it started squeezing out and spilling down onto my hand as I was finger-fucking Lorie. I just worked it into her cunt, as she obliged me by cumming on my hand. So everyone had got to cum but me.

Brian's cock stayed deep in Betty's cunt as she stood up and leaned back into his embrace. She ground him deeper into her as she tried to ride him some more. Lorie moved behind him and took my place as Betty tugged me in front of her. Lorie was licking his ass while making sure that his dick was staying in Betty's cunt. From my vantage point kneeling in front of her pussy, I could see her clit pulse with each thrust. I started licking her clit gently in a rhythm with Brian's thrusts. As they continued they're thrusting I began to lick further and further along her slit. Every time he entered her I could feel it through her skin. She had both hands in my hair and was afraid she would pull my wig off. I could feel Lorie's hand wrapped around Brian's dick and her guiding it in and out of Betty's cunt. Suddenly, Betty started to cum again. She rose up on her toes and Brian's Dick just slid along her slit and right into my mouth. He grunted and continued thrusting. Because of the way we were positioned, only a little of his dick was actually in my mouth but it excited me to no end. Here I was kneeling between my fiancée's legs as she rode her pussy along Brian's dick as it slides against my tongue. I came right then!

I could feel it spurting up my belly and soaking my panty hose. Betty kept humping along on Brian's dick as he thrust his cock in my mouth. I found myself wanting to move Betty out of the way so I could get the whole thing in my mouth. Lorie didn't know what was happening and was trying to move his dick back into Betty's cunt. I reached up and moved her hand under my skirt and to my still hard dick and she obliged me by stroking it through my panty hose.

Brian started thrusting harder and harder, each time getting his cock a little further into my mouth. His dick seemed to grow longer as Betty ground herself back so I could get more of his dick. I found that I wanted that more than anything. I wanted to feel that hard cock gush deep in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around both of them and shoved my face as far forward as I could. Brian's dick slid right into my mouth. I wrapped my tongue around it (just like I like it) and was rewarded when, with a great big grunt, Brian shot another load. This time it was not in Betty's soaking pussy, but right down my throat.

I kept licking and sucking as Brian's cock slowly shrank and retreated to where I couldn't get to it. Betty was caressing my face and almost in tears from joy. Lorie was still working on my dick as Brian and Betty started to separate. I got Lorie to pull her hand out of my pantyhose and pull my skirt down just in time. Brian excused himself and went to the bathroom. Betty and Lorie helped me to my feet and both kissed me deeply, while licking up Brian's cum from where it had leaked from my lips as I had tried to swallow his load.

Lorie grabbed my dick and said, with a sexy wink, that she expected some of it later or else she would tell everyone what I had done. We were all standing at the bar when Brian came out from the bath. He had gotten dressed and Betty (still naked) handed him the rental agreement. He signed it with a smile and said to me that he really enjoyed my mouth but that he hoped that next time he would get the chance to deposit his cum someplace else. I told him that thought I really would like that. He kissed us all and left with the keys to his new place. (With the sticky bedroom floor)

Betty and Lorie dressed and we left for our place. However, that story will have to wait for another time!

Chapter Two: April's Dawn

Well, it had been three whole months since Betty had first caught me wearing her sexy under things and playing with her dildos and vibrators, three months since we had had our first encounter with Brian, three months of getting to know Betty better than I have in all of our five years together. Learning her secret likes and dislikes in ways I had never imagined. I had always thought that I knew what she liked and didn't, but I hadn't a clue before. Our relationship hasn't been hurt in the least by our sexual adventures. Instead we have grown closer and our love has grown.

We have had the opportunity to repeat our sexual encounters with tenants in her complex three more times. One of these was even a couple, that was the one time I was almost found out (but lets save that for another story). I am often in the office with her and am introduced as April from the home office. None of the other agents has guessed that the guy that Betty goes to breakfast with in the morning is the same April that helps her rent to that difficult couple in apartment 3C. I will sometimes hang around the office, or go to lunch with the girls. It is such a turn on when we all go somewhere for lunch and all freshen up in the lady's room together. To everyone in the office I am just one of the girls.

Several times I have run into Brian while walking around the complex, as April. We stop and chat and have even kissed and it excites me to know that I can give him an instant hard-on if I even remotely refer to our first meeting. I have even met him when I am just Betty's boyfriend and was even invited over to have a couple of beers and watch the game. He even bragged to me about the women that had done him the night he had rented his apartment. I told him he was full of shit, and so he described, in precise detail, what had happened that night. He was pretty accurate except when he added the fact that he had fucked all three of us. I for one knew he hadn't, I know I would have remembered that!

About a month after that first night Betty was offered the managers position at her complex. It included a three bedroom garden unit free. We moved into one that she picked just for us. With all utilities and rent included we were able to afford to get rid of all our old stuff and furnish the apartment with furniture that fit our lifestyle. It was a really luxury unit when we got done. We turned one of the three bedrooms into a home office for me, and the other into a bedroom for Lorie to use whenever she wanted to spend the night.

It is a good thing that the unit has three closets because the girls are always going shopping and buying me clothes and things. The closet in my office is quite full of my sexy things. On the rare occasion that a client makes some comment about them, I just grumble about Betty taking up all the closet space. The girls has even taken me along when the go shopping, often picking out clothes for me to try on, and even coming into the dressing room to help me try them on.

I was sitting at my desk one morning, in my regular morning attire of a pair of soft panties and a chemise, when Betty calls. She has set up an appointment to show one of the super-luxury garden units to a very wealthy Asian client and is sure that I should be there for this one. She told me to what she wanted me to ware for the meeting; a pair of white lace stockings with a white lace garter belt, my red silk panties with white lace trim, and the matching bra; and a white silk chemise. I was to wear my red wrap-around skirt and matching silk blouse and white heels as well. She said she would send Lorie down to help me in a few minutes.

I stripped and jumped in the shower and used my hair remover gel to take care of any stray hairs. I did my cock, balls, and ass and was just soaping up when the shower door opened and there stood Lorie. She was naked and started checking me over to make sure I was ready. She was on her knees, checking on my ass, when she said that I had missed a spot. She jumped up and got the enema bottle and filled it up with warm water and washed my ass from the inside. After a dump and two more bottles of water and two more dumps. We scrubbed up and she checked my asshole and pronounced me ready. I turned around and stuck my hard little cock in her face and said damn right I am. She gave it a kiss and said that Betty told her not to make me cum because I was going to need all of my strength later.

After our shower it took another hour to finish my transformation into April. Damn I looked good as we walked up to the office and went into Betty's private office. She was sitting behind her desk, with her legs crossed, showing a lot of leg. There was a stunningly beautiful Asian women sitting across from Betty. I was introduced to her and learned her name was Dawn. She was about 4 foot 8 or 9 and weighed maybe 90 pounds. Her hair was a glossy black and worn short, barely touching her neck. Her face looked like porcelain, so white and smooth, almost breakable. I was trying to place her nationally, and decided that she had to be `Thai'. She was wearing an emerald green skirt and matching silk blouse. Her eyes were almost the same shade of green and they were almost hypnotizing. Everything about her said petite, wealthy, and sexy!

We all walked to the section of the property where the owners had built 4 very secluded, very luxurious, and very expensive units. They were fenced on three sides and landscaped so that they had very private back yards, which was necessary since the back wall of the bathroom was a glass door that opened into the backyard. There was a hot tub on the patio right outside the bath. It was a phenomenal place, very sexy, and very expensive! As we were walking through the apartment Betty and Lorie drifted off and by the time Dawn and I had reached the bathroom area we were alone. She was so delicate and was wearing some perfume that smelled like hot and spicy flowers. It was very erotic. The bathroom was the clincher. If I had had a contract there she would have signed it on the spot. Dawn was fussing all around the room inspecting everything.

Dawn saw Betty and Lorie standing in the back yard and ran out to tell them that she loved it and would take it. They were talking about how sexy the bathroom was. Betty remarked that you could take a shower and walk outside to air dry in the sun and never have to worry about being spied upon. Betty and Dawn were walking around the yard, arm in arm, talking about what Dawn needed to do next. Betty's hand was slowly sliding down to Dawn's ass. In no time at all they were embracing and Dawn had her face in Betty's breasts. She was unbuttoning Betty's blouse and since Betty was braless in seconds she had a nipple in her mouth. Betty responded my reaching around her and lifting her skirt and sliding her hand in Dawn's panties. She had a perfectly shaped ass, and I do mean perfect. Her ass was pear shaped with tight cheeks, and a well-defined crack. It was begging to be licked, and that is just what I was going to do.

I stood behind Dawn and began stroking her sweet ass. I slid my hand into her panties next to Betty's and began fingering Dawn's asshole. She groaned and thrust her ass back and my finger slid in to the second knuckle. Dawn released Betty's breasts and reached back and spread her ass wide and said "more please." I thought she meant faster or harder so I did both. She started thrusting harder and said "No, more fingers, I want it bigger". I was more than happy to oblige this hot Asian beauty.

Betty and Lori had stepped to the door and were waving goodbye as they went into the apartment. I thought they were teasing me until I heard the front door close. I almost panicked and ran after them, but Dawn was so fucking hot and drop dead sexy I didn't care if I got caught. I just wanted to see more of this woman. I took Dawn by the hand and led her to a lounge next to the hot tub and proceeded to undress her. When I had her blouse off and her bra unhooked I knelt and took her boyish little titties in my hands and ran my thumbs over the nipples. She trembled and pressed them harder into my hands. From where she was sitting I was sure that she couldn't see my cock sticking straight out making a tent in my panties and parting the opening in my skirt.

As I lowered my mouth to her breasts and took a nipple in my mouth she is starting to unbutton my blouse. I know I am going to get busted at any moment but I didn't care I had to see all of her. I slowed her down by reaching behind her and started unbuttoning the buttons on her skirt. I and fumbling around and can't quite get them all undone. Dawn stops unbuttoning my blouse and roles over on her stomach and let's me undo her skirt. As I started to tug it down her ass she raised up enough so I could get it off of her. I had her almost naked, only the white stockings and panties remained. I reached for her ass and she said that she wanted to be naked. I proceeded to take her stockings off her sexy legs, kissing that baby smooth skin as I went. I worked my way back up to her ass and started slipping her silk panties down her legs.

She raised her ass in the air and spread her cheeks and asked me to do her ass. I bent my face to her ass and began to kiss and probe her ass with my tongue. She was on all fours with her legs squeezed together, her head down on the lounge and her ass in the perfect position for licking or fucking. I reached under her and pinched her nipples as I fucked her ass with my tongue. It opened for me like a flower as she was groaning and thrusting her ass in my face. I wanted to taste her cunt before it was too late. I asked her to turn over and let me see her pussy. She slowly turned over, and as my eyes went to her bush, I got a real surprise it was his bush. I was shocked and immediately knew that Betty had set me up.

I wanted to get mad but I couldn't. Dawn was the perfect woman in every way, except for the cock. It wasn't a man that looked like a women (I'm that) it was a woman that happened to have a dick. I was going to get some of her/him no matter what. I knelt between her legs; that is the way I thought of Dawn as a woman, and began kissing her little cock. Like most Asian women she has very little pubic hair. Her cock was only about 2-3 inches long and about as big around as my thumb. I gently sucked it into my mouth and slid down till my nose was buried in her hair. I reached under her ass and felt for her balls. They were like two little marbles in a little bag. I changes position downward and was able to take them; and her cock in my mouth. I was a wonderful feeling to be able to do this. I started chewing very softly and licking at the same time. I had her humping up and down in my mouth trying to fuck my face. I slipped those two fingers in her ass again and she rode them like crazy. Dawn was moaning and fucking her ass on my fingers and her cock was throbbing in my mouth and I knew she was about to cum. I let her cock slip from my lips and shifted my position between her legs. I took just her balls in my mouth and continued to lick and suck them. I was rewarded for my efforts as she started to cum. Her little cock was pointing up in the air and shooting gobs of spunk up in the air. I could feel her balls contract in my mouth with each shot. I gathered as much as I could and was rubbing it into her soft skin. For such a little cock she sure shot a just of cum in just a few seconds. I had to let her balls slip out so I could watch.

I pulled my fingers from her ass and began caress her hips and tits, as I would any woman after sex. I eased up next to her and slid onto the lounge and lay next to her. She had tears in her eyes and she was silently crying. I told her everything was ok. That she was beautiful and sexy and I had really enjoyed what we had just done. She said that she wasn't upset, that they were tears of joy. She started gently kissing me and reached for the buttons of my blouse. She said "Now let me do the same for you." Little did she know that it was really going to be the same thing? She eased off the lounge and had me lay on my back as she knelt by my side and began to undress me. She started with the buttons of my blouse and after she had them undone and my blouse laid back she went to work on the ties of my wrap-around skirt. I was prepared for her to be upset when the inevitable happened and she saw my cock sticking out of my panties.

Dawn opened my skirt and I watched, and waited as she looked down at the tent my cock was making in my panties. I was so turned on that the pre-cum had soaked them and you could see the head of my cock through the red silk. At first she just stared, and then she slowly slid her hand into the waistband and wrapped her delicate fingers around my cock. She said, "You poor girl, you have the same problem I did. Let me help you with that." I just said, "Please," and let her have her way with me.

I don't look feminine when I am undressed like Dawn does. She is a woman who just has the good fortune to have a dick. While I look like a guy who would like to have a pussy, oh well. She was making me feel very good as she explored my half dressed body. She didn't try to take my bra off and was squeezing my breasts through it with one hand as she stroked my cock through my panties with the other. Her delicate mouth tracing little trails on my stomach as she gave me little love bites all over. She worked her way down my body and then started to make love to my cock through my panties. I mean she didn't just suck my hard cock. She made love to it. Aside from the fact that I was horny as hell; and that she was so damn beautiful and that we were outside in the garden, and all the rest. I would do anything to have had others do to my cock what she was doing to me. It wasn't one thing, it was everything, every movement, every caress was so sensuous and loving and so sexy. I could have taken her attentions for hours.

I was slowly starting to thrust my hips in time with her movements. She had slipped a hand under my ass and was working a finger into my ass. As I thrust back and forth in her mouth I was fucking my ass on her finger. I got harder with each thrust. I reached for Dawn and she turned so I could reach her ass and cock. I began gently stroking the insides of her thighs, and that little spot between her balls and ass. She responded with a moan and moved so that I could slip a finger in her ass again. She started humping my hand and I slipped another finger in there and she moaned and ground her ass on my hand.

Suddenly, she stopped everything and stood up and went inside. I thought what was wrong. She came back and proceeded to put a condom on my cock. Then she stepped up on the lounge chair. She was facing my head and I thought she was going to stick that cock in my face but no. While still facing me she started to squat down on my cock. I didn't believe that I would be able to fuck her ass from this angle but she aligned the head of my cock with her ass and sank down. As I went in, her cock puffed out. In no time she had me fully buried in her ass. It felt so good to be inside her. I was buried to the hilt and her cock was against my belly. I reached down and started to stroke her cock as she began riding mine. The feel of her balls rubbing that soft spot at the base of my dick, every time she came down was indescribable.

Her cock was too small to really jerk-off in the standard sense, so I took my hand and pressed it against my stomach. This caused Dawn to change from bouncing up and down on my cock, to rocking her hip's back and forth. She was dragging her cock and balls against my hand as she fucked it. I was playing with her little breasts with my other hand and time seemed to stop. We may have been at it for seconds or minutes or an hour, I couldn't tell. All I knew was that Dawn was making me feel incredible and that I wanted this to go on forever. However, that was not to be. With the thrusting action, Dawn's ass was providing way to intense a feeling along the shaft of my cock. I felt the rush of my load as it rushed up the length of my dick. I grabbed Dawn by the hips and held her tight as I pumped my load in her ass. She began squeezing my cock with her ass and milking me dry.

She leaned forward and kissed me. This trapped her dick between our bellies. Was we kissed and held each other she gave a little cry and began to shoot her load. My dick was slipping out of her ass as she continued cumming. The slippery feel of her cum as she rubbed against me, I could feel her cock pulse and jet the thick juice between us. I held her ass and pulled her hard against me and we held each other as we began to slow down and return from the intense level of excitement we had just had.

We stayed there holding each other for a long time. She was still laying on me with her head on my shoulder. It felt so natural for her to be there like that, and it was a very comfortable position, she was light as a feather. I was rubbing the small of her back and kissing her neck when I felt how warm her skin was getting. I then noticed that the sun had moved and we were probably getting a, serious case of, sunburn, or rather she was, since she was my umbrella. Dawn had begun to doze and as I shifted my hands to her sides she woke and said "Thank you April that was wonderful." I told her that we had better move out of the sun and she rolled off me. I stood and picked her up in my arms and carried her to the shower to clean up.

She finished taking my clothes off and we explored each others body as we let the water rinse the remains of our lovemaking off our skin. It was very sensual and exciting but neither of us was physically responding. When we finished we remembered that there were no towels, so we just walked back outside and moved the lounge chair under the tree and lay down on it together and let the warm air dry us. We drifted off to sleep in each other's arms in peaceful contentment.

I awoke to the feel of someone kissing my cheek. I opened my eyes and there was Betty standing over us. She was smiling and I just looked up and mouthed thank you to her. She nodded her head and looked at her watch. I could tell from the position of the sun that it was late afternoon but when Betty showed me her watch I was shocked to see that it was after 5 pm and that we had been at it for 6 hours. We awoke Dawn and the three of us gathered the clothes that were scattered in the yard, bathroom, and elsewhere. Betty helped us both get dressed and restore our makeup. As we left the apartment Dawn kissed me deeply and than did the same to Betty. I saw Betty's nipples harden and knew that they would be together soon as well. I needed to go home and recover so with a parting caress I left my Dawn to return to the office with Betty.

Next: Chapter 2

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