Arabian Adventures

By Rampage

Published on Sep 24, 2016


The next day and a half were taken up with my ancillary duties at the Conference venue. These were mainly concerned with coordinating the collection, sorting and packing of documents into boxes for the flight to London, ensuring they were firmly secured and then filling in the obligatory forms for Customs. This meant, of course, the only time I saw either of my neighbours Nazim and Abdullah or Daud and his half-brother Khalid was early in the morning or very late at night when I returned from the Conference Centre. It meant I had very few opportunities of engaging them in conversation - or more physical activities - and endeavouring to fix up another rendezvous one evening. The only bright spot was Sohan, the hot young military driver who drove me to and from the hotel each day. As he was equivalent to me in rank and seniority, he had been officially selected to be my driver during my stay in Al Dhobaia. We had become quite chatty during the rides to and from the Centre. Once or twice I had noticed him giving my crotch surreptitious glances. I thought to myself that if he was up for a bit of rumpy-pumpy, I'd find time to 'entertain' him before I left. I had allowed him a glimpse of my solid hard cock tenting my tight fitting khaki shorts. He had returned the favour and I judged him to be the lucky possessor of a traditionally large Arab prick.

My stint at the conference would be coming to an end after lunch on the last day but I would not be able to leave until the whole thing was wound up, the sealed boxes safely on board the RAF plane and I would travel back to the UK with the rest of the delegation. I calculated this would give me a whole day and a half to myself and I knew this was the chance I had been looking for. My lust was working overtime and I was finding it difficult to hide an almost perpetual hard-on. I had abandoned any thoughts of arranging a randy quintet in favour of setting up a horny sextet. I was certain Sohan would be up for it, but I would have to make certain Daud and Khalid would be off duty, available and willing. As for the persistently horny pair next door, they were still in residence and judging by the noises I heard coming through the wall, they were continuing to bang hell out of each other! There should be no difficulty in communicating with them and I was certain they would be up for it, particularly if I let them know I had persuaded Daud, Khalid and Sohan to join us.

My luck was in when I returned to the hotel that afternoon and found Daud on duty. I had already sounded out Sohan on the journey back and, as I had sussed, he was well up for it. He came into the hotel with me and we went up to the desk. Daud was on the phone, speaking rapidly in Arabic and making wild gestures with his free hand. Eventually the one-way conversation finished, he calmly put the phone down, smiled and came over to me. I noticed he had ignored Sohan's presence, which made me slightly uneasy. Arabs are very touchy about social class so I knew I might have to tread very, very carefully.

"Good afternoon, sir. You have returned early today." There was some kind of unspoken query in Daud's tone of voice as he glanced at Sohan. Careful now lad, I cautioned myself.

"Daud, my stint at the conference has finished, but I have to wait until the end and return to London with the rest of the delegation. This, by the way, is my driver Sohan."

I spoke with a slightly disapproving tone in my voice, as if to say this man might be of a lower social status but he is trustworthy, a good chap. Daud graciously inclined his head vaguely towards Sohan, who remained stoically silent. He knew I had to observe the formalities before getting down to the nitty-gritty of what I really wanted to say. After a few more pleasantries, I was about to lead up to the main topic when I heard the lift doors swish open. I turned round and to my surprise saw Nazim and Abdullah step out of it. Almost as if they knew I would be there they walked straight across to the reception desk and greeted Daud and Sohan politely. They smiled brazenly at me and Nazim did not disguise his leering at my crotch, which was beginning to respond to the discreetly lustful looks passing between us. The timing was perfect and could not have been better if I had arranged it, so without further ado I came right to the point.

"Guys, I have some time to kill until I go back to London and as we all seem to know each other quite well, I was thinking of having a little party up in my room. I would like all of you to be there, if you can. When do you come off duty, Daud?"

"Eighteen hundred hours, sir." He was being extra courteous and using 'military-speak' out of politeness. "I will get Khalid to make sure no-one will interrupt us."

I smiled at Daud as if to acknowledge I had not even thought of getting Khalid interested by giving him a hand in the arrangements. I turned to Abdullah and Nazim. "How about you two? You on for some. . . man-fun?" They grinned stupidly at me and nodded their heads vigorously.

"We stay here two more days," said Abdullah, resting a hand on one of Nazim's neat buttocks, his usual indicator that Nazim's arse was available to any one who fancied shagging it.

"Shall we meet up in the lounge after dinner, say, nine o'clock, then? Gives us all time to eat and have showers." Thus it was arranged and in due course I made a leisurely meal, although I was as randy as a jack rabbit. I had decided to adopt the local attitude in these matters and would not appear to be too eager. After a delicious meal, I wandered through to the comfortable lounge, ordered a glass of fruit juice at the bar and took a seat on a corner settee. I was soon joined by Nazim, who had changed into the standard evening wear for all under-thirties in Al Dhobaia of a tight white top, tight revealing jeans and white trainers. He also got a drink at the bar and came over to where I was sitting. Taking the other corner seat, he stretched out his arm along the arm rest, leaving his fingers quite close to my jeans clad knee. Neither of us spoke but smiled at each other and took a long drink from our glasses. I indicated to the barman that we would like two more drinks and he quickly brought them over, collected our empties and took them back to the bar, his tight bum bouncing invitingly. As he did so, the swing doors opened and Abdullah appeared, came straight over and sat next to Nazim. I had not noticed him say anything to the barman, but he was almost immediately served with a drink. I decided someone had to be brave and start some kind of conversation.

"Are we still on for a little party upstairs?"

They both grinned and Abdullah looked me straight in the eyes and asked, "Is that receptionist fucking your military driver already?" His directness flummoxed me for a moment and I could not think of a Smart Alec reply so buried my mouth in my glass and took another drink. Nazim broke into a broad grin all over his face, reached over and ran his hand lovingly along Abdullah's inner thigh. I sat there, smirking lewdly, my cock beginning to swell, almost choking on my drink. Things were heating up nicely and Sohan and Daud should not be too long. I did not want to admit it but Abdullah's direct question had sown a momentary doubt in my mind. Abdullah and Nazim had started kissing and fondling each other. Nazim's hand moved over to Abdullah's swelling crotch, groping his lover's man piece. I was becoming increasingly horny and put a hand between my legs, cradling and gently squeezing my tingling balls. I was already at half-mast. The swing door burst open as Sohan and Daud appeared, laughing with their arms around each other's waist. They came over to where we were sitting. "Space for two more horny guys?" Daud said. He sat down next to me, put a hand on my knee, his other arm encircling my shoulders. He pulled me in towards him and my hand cradled the inside of his thigh. Before I knew it we found ourselves kissing and fondling each other. Suddenly, Abdullah stood up. "Let's all go to Dick's room and start the party." We did not need any encouragement.

The journey in the lift to the eighteenth floor was crazy. Hands and mouths were going everywhere: caressing arses, unzipping crotches, exploring inside, exposing rampant hard-ons ready for a good sucking. We reached our destination, hurtled out of the lift and hurried along the corridor to my room. In spite of my hand developing a fit of the shakes, I unlocked the door without difficulty. We crashed through into my room and fell in a writhing heap on to my bed. "OK, boys, let's get out of all this," yelled Daud as he stripped his clothes off as quickly as he could unbutton and unzip. The rest of us soon followed his example and we were all stark naked with our randy erections fully on display when the door flung open and Khalid appeared. "So you could not wait for me, eh, guys?" he growled as he ripped off his white Arabian gown and stood there as naked and erect as the rest of us. "Let's fuck!" someone yelled.

Once we were sprawled on the bed things calmed down a bit. After all, we had all night and most of the next day so we resumed our gentler fondling of each other's bits and pieces, occasionally indulging in a little smooching and licking of balls just to keep things interesting. After a while, as if bidden by some secret telepathic signal, we began a slow, teasingly erotic masturbation of each other's dicks. Nazim and Abdullah seemed to be ahead of everyone else. I saw Nazim nibbling on his lover's neck while his hand gripped Abdullah's rampant cock, giving it several full-length strokes, from its base nestling in his pubic hair to the fleshy tip leaking glistening drops of pre-seminal fluid.

I could not contain my horniness any longer and turning to Daud, I leant over and took his cock into my mouth. He spread his legs wider, placing one hand on my shoulder as my head bobbed up and down on him. His cock was magnificent, a genuinely thick and solid member at least ten inches long. The rest of his body was good, too. Everything was perfectly toned, not a muscle out of place. I took his swollen, succulent cock head between my lips, sucking on him and tonguing his cock slit, as my hand slid down his rod and cradled his balls, gently tickling them to make them tighten up in their bag closer to his body. Daud allowed me to do this for a few minutes, then he lowered his free hand, gripped his cock tightly and began slowly jerking himself off. I also had my dick in my hand giving myself a slow, erotic wank. As we worked on each other, I felt Sohan lean over my back, his free hand reaching down until his index finger found my arsehole. It gently stroked and prodded at my sensitive anal ring as I sucked on Daud harder and quicker. I felt Khalid's hand stroking my other thigh and saw Abdullah's grip tighten on Nazim's cock as he began jerking him off. Sohan was wandering between us, his impressive military fuckpiece in his hand as he slowly masturbated, spreading his pre-seminal fluid around and all over his juicy cock head. I was now being engulfed by Khalid's mouth, which felt like a soft, warm glove as it enveloped my leaking dick. His tongue gently probed my slit for more juice. Slowly increasing the strength of his oral vacuum, he raised and lowered his head making my cock burn with an almost unbearable need to shoot sperm. Placing his free hand on my chest, he gripped a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing and pinching it until I was groaning with painful pleasure. I could feel the sensation speed down to my groin, causing my cock to jerk involuntarily. Sohan was now giving Nazim head as Abdullah worked on his boyfriend's nipples. Nazim's head was tossing back and forth and from side to side, as his lover worked him to his uttermost limits.

We pleasured and gratified each other in this way for some time. I could detect my balls were preparing themselves to release their contents up my shaft but it was far too early in the proceedings for anyone to cum. There was a whole night's fucking and sucking to get through and I was determined not to shoot my load just yet. I had made up my mind to cum as many times as I could before retiring from the scene. I stood up and felt Khalid's huge cock slide into my mouth and I made every effort to swallow as much of him down my throat as I could comfortably manage. He took the hint and slowly face fucked me as Sohan knelt behind me, probing my arse with his rough tongue. We found ourselves gradually changing partners and the next thing I was aware of was kneeling on the edge of the bed with Nazim licking my hole. He was adept at this and sent shards of blazing lust into my body. My cock was leaking so much pre-seminal fluid that it was dribbling on to the coverlet. Sohan was groaning and whimpering as he was being rigorously tongued by Khalid. At the same time, Abdullah had his cock head buried in Daud's arse as far up as the internal ring of hard flesh indicating the business end from his shaft. Activity increased as time went by, our groans and grunts got deeper, more frequent and our breathing came harsher and faster. Nazim finally took my cock deep down his throat doing something with his throat muscles that made my dick jump and leap like a spring lamb.

I knew my first load of sperm could not be far off, a feeling heightened as Khalid pushed a finger into my rectum and twisted it around. Simultaneously, I was giving Sohan a deep blow job, Nazim was giving me head as he squeezed and roughly handled my aching balls, and Daud was taking a strong face fuck from Abdullah. Soon it was "All Change!" again and I found myself licking out Daud's arse, Sohan was being sucked off hard by Abdullah as Nazim ate his lover's arse, Khalid had three fingers firmly embedded in my arse. Positions and partners were changing rapidly and when I heard a deep groan from Sohan, I looked over my shoulder and saw him on his widespread knees with his arse stuck up in the air and Abdullah stuffing his massive cock into Sohan's tight young arse. Every one of the six big cocks was as solid as steel, the six sets of balls were as tight in their bags as was humanly possible. I knew a big man shagging moment was about to arrive. It was at this moment that Khalid announced he had to go as he was on night duty. I for one was disappointed to see him slide into his white robe and leave.

Almost as if the same thought had come to the others, I found myself sitting down on Daud's rigid member. It was as far up my arse as it could go and I simply let all constraints out of the window, fucking myself by jigging up and down. Sohan was being truly rogered by Nazim who, in turn, was taking Abdullah's monster right up his jacksie, his balls nestling in his lover's pubic hair. As I was being fucked I had hold of my cock and jerked it off as hard and as fast as I could. I leant back, threw my head back and closed my eyes, completely oblivious to anything else going on around me. I could hear the other three's groans and heavy rasping breaths but I was no longer interested in what was happening to them. All I wanted was to bring the young cock shagging the life out of me to its climax, shoot a full load of jism into me, make me walk bandy legged for the rest of my stay. Nazim and Abdullah were fucking as if they were runaway express trains. A loud cry from Sohan heralded the arrival of the first load of cum. . . and what a load it was! I thought he would never stop shooting his thick loads of sperm all over the sheets on my bed. I felt my legs being grabbed and forced back and up, exposing my arsehole and its full load of cock pounding me. I wondered who was going to do what to me but I did not have to wonder for long. With a whoop of delight, Nazim rammed himself up me. Hell, I was being fucked by two massive cocks at the same time! I'd heard some men liked this, but it had never happened to me before. It took only a few seconds for me to accommodate my new visitor, and then. . . boy, did I get a fucking!

As Nazim and Daud fucked me in unison, Abdullah moved around behind his lover and stuffed his throbbing giant cock up the boy's arse and resumed fucking him. This was too much for all of us and it was a miracle of timing when I gave a mighty yell and let fly the fiercest, hardest orgasm I had ever achieved, flooding the bed and my body with hot creamy sperm. This sent Nazim into ecstasy and Abdullah buried himself deeper in Daud than I ever thought possible. I seemed to be going on forever, and the others felt the same. Meanwhile, Sohan scooped up as much of the spilt man milk as he could, drinking it down like a thirsty man in the desert. Some time later, we all cleaned up and took a communal shower. It did not take long - or much persuasion - for any of us to find a wandering hand fondling a stray cock or pair of balls that had drifted in their direction. The only downside to this was that I did not enjoy such a heavy orgasm the second or third time I came that night, but the next morning. . .

Later that day saw my departure from Al Dhobaia and those fantastic, almost permanently horny, young Arabs. I have never had an opportunity of going back there, sadly, but I do know that the same gang are running that hotel. Of course, we are all somewhat advanced in years now and I doubt it would be the same if I did return. But there is nothing wrong with having vivid memories, is there?


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