Araxos by the Sea

By moc.oohay@947nosirragew

Published on Jun 13, 2008


Araxos By The Sea/My Remote Assignment Part III

In December of 1969 my grandmother died and I made a quick trip home for the funeral. I think that break from the remote was more of a blessing than I could ever imagine. I spent Christmas with my family probably for the last time they were all together.

While I was home on leave I called Dennis' wife in Indianapolis. She and her parents had made a trip over to Athens in late October and Dennis was able to be with her for a weekend. They were concerned that she might be pregnant when she missed her time in November, so he asked me to call her while I was at home and find out if anything had "changed". Boy was that an awkward phone call! But with as much as Dennis had told me about her, and me to her, it was like talking to an old friend by the time we finished the conversation. Indeed, she was not pregnant. I could never tell if he was disappointed or relieved when I told him the news. Dennis was the only one of our group who was married and we were all interested in how things were going for them. We were very protective even though I would be the only one of us who would actually meet her one day.

I remember in February of 1970 Dennis, Jack and I went into Patras one night and saw "Midnight Cowboy" at one of the theaters. I was fascinated with the movie. I had only seen Dustin Hoffman in "The Graduate" and I was halfway through "Midnight Cowboy" before I recognized him as Rizzo. The storyline was very intriguing and it did bring up some conversations between Dennis and me later.

It wasn't until someone had the soundtrack to "Midnight Cowboy" and we were listening to it while playing cards one night that I questioned the music. I didn't recognize the sounds, so I went back to the movie theater and watched the movie again. I saw so many symbols and double images the second time I watched the movie that I was again intrigued with the movie enough that I saw it a third time.

At some point after long discussions about "Midnight Cowboy" Dennis and I got into some very personal conversations. We were both attracted to each other, maybe not so much by what we saw when we looked at each other, but more by what we shared in how we felt about issues in life itself. I remember the two of us talking about masturbation and how horny we could get at times in a place like where we were at the time. He told me about having jerk off sessions with guys he was in school with back in Chicago before he married. I didn't have any such experiences to share with him but I told him I thought it was really hot to think about and it sounded wonderful. We talked about how our different roommates masturbated when they didn't think or care that we noticed. I told him about the night that I woke because Jack in the bunk above me was shaking the bed so much while he was jerking off I got so hot that I jerked off too just listening to him. That was the closest I had ever come to doing anything with anyone.

I tried to talk to Jack about it at one point. I left him a stupid note about the night I woke up and joined him. I wanted to talk about it. I didn't know how to process my feelings about it. He didn't seem to want to talk about it other than he always enjoyed being in the bath tub at home with a beer and a magazine. That was how he spent his favorite times pleasing himself. But I really wanted to know how I was supposed to feel about doing it with another guy I guess. I didn't know how to talk about it, so we didn't.

One sunny day, he and I took a hike up the nearest hill that overlooked the installation and I felt very close to him even though we didn't speak a word. It was very spiritual for me, if that is a reasonable description. I not only felt close to him, but I felt like we had an unspoken communication where he let me know it was okay. I didn't get a message to answer any questions except that I was accepted by him and that was important to me. I didn't want to offend him. Even with me being as mixed up as I was, he didn't appear to want to abandon me as a friend or buddy.

It was in April after I had imbibed a drink or two, when I saw Dennis come into the club, I told him I was feeling like having a little party with myself. When he said that sounded like fun and asked if he could join me I was ready to have some fun like I have never had before but always wanted to experience. Of course, I was thinking that it would be fun to just get naked with someone and jack off in front of them while they were jacking. I had no idea that there might be more to do than that. But I found out.

Dennis suggested we take our drinks to his trailer since his roommate was on TDY and wouldn't be back for a couple of days. Once we got to the trailer he locked the door, which was very unusual because nobody ever locked their doors, and turned the lights out. Light was coming through the windows around the areas where the curtains did not block out the light from outside, but it was light enough to see around the room after our eyes adjusted.

We knew we had to be very quiet because it was impossible for someone to not hear noises in such a compact area. We went to his bed and sat on the edge after we took our clothes off. I sat down first and then Dennis sat next to me on my left side. It felt so good to be naked in the first place so it didn't take long for me to begin to touch myself like I was used to doing when alone. The thought of doing it in front of another person and that person being a guy who probably knew how good it felt had me extremely excited. It never came to my mind that he might reach over and touch me.

First he started by touching my leg and then his hand headed toward my balls. He reached over to my hand and placed it on his hard dick. Oh, it felt so good. Then all of a sudden he bent down and put my hard dick into his mouth. I was so surprised. I was so innocent and ignorant I had no idea that this was possible and it felt so good. I was in shock. Oh, but it felt so good. He performed the first blow job I ever experienced.

When he was finished with me after I just lay back on his bed and let him go at it, I reached out for him and tried to do the same to him. I didn't know what I was doing and I don't remember if I was able to get him off or if he jerked himself off on his own. I know we both said it felt wonderful and we needed to do it again sometime. Then we heard footsteps on the gravel outside and held our breaths waiting to see if whomever it was would continue to walk on past. The footsteps did not continue, but stopped at the door, knocked and tried to open the door. It was Jack. He was happy with having downed a few drinks it appeared. We froze where we were until Jack left after yelling Dennis' name a couple of times. He probably thought Dennis was asleep and that was why the door was locked. He left but before we could get dressed and out of the trailer he was back. Again we froze. Even though the door was locked it was still possible to open it enough to look inside a bit, maybe an inch was visible, but we still had the lights out. Jack yelled Dennis' name out a couple of more times, got really quiet and then left again, this time heading around to the NCO Club.

As expected, things were not the same after that night between Dennis and me. I was confused and didn't know what to do. Dennis seemed to be a bit distant to me. I don't know if he had the "guilties" or he was waiting on my response, but he just wasn't the same and I thought I was making him uncomfortable so I stayed away from him as much as possible, which is pretty impossible when you are on a remote assignment.

As many did when they needed to talk with someone or get a good perspective on anything, I went to Sam. I told him what had taken place and I cried like a baby. I remember being a bit in shock when, after spilling my guts out, all Sam said to me was, "Did you like it?" I don't know what I expected but for some reason it just stunned me when I heard that question. I couldn't comprehend what or why he would say that. It took me about thirty years to finally come to terms with that question. But at the time it was like a sharp slap to my face and I stopped crying about it.


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Next: Chapter 4

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