Archbishop College

By Steam Train

Published on Jan 13, 2022


Matthew Parker 4 - Hygiene Inspections An Archbishops College Series Story by Steam Train ( )

Copyright 2022 by Steam Train, all rights reserved.

This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

Matthew Parker 4 - Hygiene Inspections An Archbishops College Series Story

Archbishops College was a large, highly respected and extremely good school; one in which tradition ruled side by side with modern teaching methods and where the rod was rarely spared and the boys were therefore, never spoiled apart from the excellence of their education.

There are various reasons why parents send their sons to Archbishops College. With many it is tradition; the father went and so the son follows. Others perceive that the ultimate in excellent education will be obtained; some believe it will assist their son later in life via networking. For others it is pure snobbery and elitism and for others the purpose in sending their son to Archbishops College is the high traditional discipline standards.

Most parents would not sight as the main reason why they sent their son to the college as being a desire to produce a gentleman, but in fact for most parents that is actually the desired outcome. To graduate from Archbishops College as a young gentleman, is at the core of the traditions established from its founding on the 27th September 1701.

In 1701 at the time of colleges founding, the then Primate of the Church of The Unified Kingdom, Archbishop Armistead Glanville Godolphin wrote;

"A gentleman is a gentle man, who nonetheless would be aroused to righteous indignation when he encounters injustice. A gentleman is morally and ethically grounded in his faith. A gentleman is courteous and considers the feelings and opinions of others. A gentleman knows etiquette and good manners. A gentleman is educated, self confident and a good listener but never ignorant, arrogant or opinionated. A gentleman is not measured by his income, clothes, education or occupation, being a gentleman is a frame of mind!"

It was to nurture and develop this frame of mind, that the Archbishop decided to found Archbishops College in 1701.

When Matthew Parker was appointed Head Prefect of the Preparatory School of Archbishops College he set himself the aim of doing his best to maintain the core traditions established by the college since its founding in 1701!

Parker believed in leading by example in the way he handled punishments. He tried to be strict but fair, he had no favourites and if anyone deserved it, they would be punished, either by him or one of his fellow prefects. Ensuring that his fellow Prefects followed his lead, was, Parker felt, the biggest challenge that he had to overcome as Head Prefect!

The Preparatory School Prefects ranged in age from eleven to thirteen years of age, being appointed from Zeta years twelve and thirteen year olds and Eta years eleven and twelve years olds. Parker, from first hand experience knew that these hormone charged tweens and teenagers, just like himself, would find it hard not to savour, enjoy and abuse their punishment privileges.

Most of these Prefects, unlike himself, would have in their younger years at Archbishops, been on the receiving end of the slipper or cane themselves and would be very well acquainted with the pain such punishment inflicted. Parkers challenge was to try and use their prior punishment experiences, now that their moment of power had arrived, to moderate their use of punishment and not as a means to enact revenge or pleasure.

Parker himself had never been slippered or caned whilst at Archbishops College. For that matter he had never been spanked at home either. Until he met Rowena Drysdale his bottom had been virgin territory!

Parker knew that some of his prefects harboured sadistic tendencies. Some were better at concealing that trait than others, but a small number of his Prefects openly pushed their use of power as far as they possibly could!

Nigel Johns, was the worst of those Prefects, a boyishly handsome and arrogant young man, he was as far as Matthew Parker was concerned the worst by far of his cohort of Prefects! Parker believed that Johns was a sadistic nasty bully who liked to use his position of power as a Prefect to his own advantage with little or no consideration or respect for the feelings of other boys.

Matthew Parker had often pondered how Nigel Johns had ever managed to attain the exalted position of Prefect. He had not been a Prefect during his Eta year and he had not even been appointed a Prefect at the start of his Zeta year. Johns had come late to being a Prefect in his Zeta year, being appointed just before the late October half trimester justitium (holiday) of Autumnus Trimester, after Zeta Prefect Ulysses Anstruther left the college when his parents moved overseas to the Union States of America.

Fact is often stranger than fiction and in the case of Nigel Johns the fact of the matter was that in spite of all the short comings in his character, Johns had kept them hidden from the masters at school and had therefore, become a Prefect!

Johns had seemingly wasted no time in making up for his late start! Prefects like Johns did not need much of an excuse to award strokes of the slipper or cane. Johns, had been known to punish boys for being 'generally uppish' if he could find no real specific charge to level against a boy he wished to see punished.

Matthew Parker knew that if a Prefect was determined to inflict punishment on a boy, there was little he or their unfortunate victim could do to escape the punishment provided it was administered within the punishment guidelines set by the Board of Governors! Johns always made sure his punishments, no matter how outrageous, were within the guidelines!

Parker had recently overheard Johns boasting to some other Prefects that an additional part of his punishments was the spoiling of the offenders upcoming evening and by the same token, it often enhanced his own enjoyment during that evening!

Parker knew exactly what Johns had meant by that last comment, but he had also wondered if it was more boasting than fact, as Parker knew from previous hygiene inspections that Johns was no man yet, even if he had as a Prefect pretended he was! Naked at his Prefects hygiene inspection in front of Parker in the privacy of his Prefects study, it was obvious that Johns did not look like he was capable of shooting a load when he jerked off, his penis and testicles needed to do a whole lot more growing and he needed to grow pubic hair, he was definitely still a `little boy' on the college scale!

Parker also knew that his own private thoughts could well have resulted in similar thoughts as Johns had boasted and the resultant night time sessions if it was not been for Rowena Drysdale totally taking over all of his erotic thoughts and actions!.

Though nowhere near as bad as Nigel Johns, Edward Marriott was the Prefect who Matthew Parker had the next most concern about. Parker felt that both Johns and Marriott's dictum was `Do I say and not as I do'. And it was exactly this mentality, where they both but especially Johns, came very close to placing themselves above the rules which they rigorously enforced with painful consequences for others.

Edward Marriott, was known amongst the Prefects for his liberal use of both the slipper and the cane, unlike most of the cohort of prefects, who tried to follow their Head Prefects example by tempering the use of the slipper or cane on the boys!

Marriott was not the sadistic nasty bully like Johns and didn't use his position of power as a Prefect to his own advantage but he never ever showed the slightest constraint in using both the slipper and the cane. It had seemed to Matthew Parker from the beginning of his appointment as Head Prefect that any offence, however slight, which came to Marriott's attention, never escaped with anything less than a painful beating.

Marriott was not as arrogant and conceited as Nigel Johns but he seemed to be obsessed by the power he had as a Prefect, seeing himself, just like Johns, as being almost invincible and untouchable as a Prefect and seemed to show little or no consideration or respect for the feelings of the boys he punished.

Parker however had noticed that Marriott had seemed to temper his behaviour recently, since the introduction of Traditional Values'. Parker had wondered if perhaps Edward Marriott's family had introduced Traditional Values' at his home, as his recent attitude suggested that he had realised that he was not as invincible and untouchable being a Prefect as he had initially thought!

Parker had decided he needed to question Marriott about how as a Prefect, Traditional Values' was affecting him and make sure that the return to Traditional Values' naked time was also being implemented by Marriott at college in his private time!

Parker knew that Edward Marriott like Johns was barely into puberty, a fact that his Prefectorial status kept well hidden, but not from the Head Prefect during his hygiene inspections. Mathew Parker had been carrying out between eight and ten appointed Prefect inspections in a week and to him this seemed a lot. However with seventy preparatory school prefects to inspect, it meant in reality that Parker rotated through the Prefects about once every seven to eight weeks.

Both the Deputy Headmaster of the Preparatory School the Reverend Doctor Drysdale and the Head Prefect of the Senior School, Alpha year student, Jaden Stamford Ellis, who did the Hygiene inspections on Parker, had cautioned Parker that he was not carrying out enough prefect hygiene inspections. Ellis had gone so far, on the second occasion that he cautioned Parker, to warn him that if he had to do a third caution, he would consider caning Parker.

Prefects let alone Head Prefects rarely got caned, so the prospect of a caning was an extremely humiliating one for Parker and would be a painful one too if it occurred. It was a true fact that Matthew Parker had never been slippered, caned or spanked, at college or at home! He could no longer claim to never ever having been sparked or caned as Rowena Drysdale had secretly claimed his spanking and caning virginity in their second secret lustful naked adventure and had continued to spank and cane Parker regularly since that first occasion.

So as a consequence of this potentially painful threat from Ellis, Parker had radically changed the way, time and frequency of his Prefect Hygiene Inspections. Parker had lots of strengths, the prime reason he had risen to his high position, but personal organisation was proving to be Parker's major weakness.

Parker had decided that he needed assistance if he was to drastically speed up his Prefect inspections and came up with the idea of appointing a Zeta or Eta boy to assist him as a clerk'. Inspections had to be formally and property documented as required in the Board of Governors rules on Hygiene Inspections. This took considerable time to do, so with the Deputy Headmasters approval, Parker assigned all the paperwork keeping and digital input to the clerk' and would just check over the completed documents, which cleared up a lot of time that could be used for the much needed extra inspections.

The role of clerk' to the Head Prefect would be quite time consuming in maintaining all the documentation from the vastly increased volume of inspections and Parkers choice of Charles West, an ex-prefect, would save Parker considerable time in training his clerk'. West already knew from first hand experience what to document as a record from his own inspections when he had been a Prefect.

Charles West had not been a close friend of Matthew Parker but they had been on good terms and friendly since their early days at Archbishops College where they had been in the same dorm, Dunkeld-1 for their first two years in kappa and lota.

Last year when Matthew Parker had been appointed a Prefect their relationship had changed. This year as Head Prefect, Parker had a supervisory role over all the Preparatory School Prefects and that included Charles West who had been made a Prefect in his Zeta year.

Since Parker had been appointed a Prefect, a more formal relationship had developed between Charles West and Matthew Parker during their Eta year and again this year in Zeta year!

That was until Charles Wests humiliating demotion! Since then they had hardly spoken but Parker had passed a few formal good days when they had passed in corridors. `Good morning West .... Good morning Head Prefect' was about the extent of the pleasantries!

It was five weeks after his demotion that Charles received a summons to attend the Head Prefects rooms. Life had been more misery than joy in those five weeks and Charles was hoping that Matthew Parker was not going to add to his misery.

Parker did not!

Instead he asked West to clerk for him whilst he did his Prefect Hygiene Inspections. Parker informed West that he needed to speed up the number of inspections he was doing and had decided that as West was an ex-prefect, he would know from first hand experience what to document as a record of Parkers inspections.

Hygiene inspections were in two parts. It was mandated in the rules approved by the Board of Governors that an inspection of the physical living space of the boys was required to ensure cleanliness, order and good hygiene and an inspection of the body of the boy was required to ensure the boy was maintaining good body hygiene practices. In the case of ordinary Preparatory School boys but not Prefects, the shaving off of any pubic hair that a boy had started to grow was also carried out during the inspection to ensure that the boy conformed to the college `little boy' rules.

Parker had arranged for a shallow depth old style school desk and a chair to be placed in the corridor outside his rooms and pushed up against the far wall of the corridor on the opposite side to the door to his study, next to where a long timber bench seat had for time immemorial resided, which was used by boys waiting to see the Head Prefect. West would be able to carry out his administrative duties from this desk under Parkers supervision.

Parker also decided to use this opportunity to introduce surprise inspections outside of the normal roster, to boost his total number of inspections and the obvious first choices for surprise inspections were Nigel Johns and Edward Marriott.

It was a total surprise for Nigel Johns when the Head Prefect, Matthew Parker walked in on him during Blois-4 dorms scheduled weekly hygiene inspections and informed Johns that he would be carrying out a hygiene inspection on Johns immediately after Johns had concluded his inspections of the boys in Blois-4, Daniel Langlands of Zeta year, David Dowling of Zeta year, Jack Inman of Eta year, Frederick (Freddy) Evatt of Eta year, Thomas Fu of Theta year and Axel Ling of Theta year.

Before starting Johns hygiene inspection, Parker had watched Johns carry out the body inspections of the six boys from Blois-4 and had taken particular interest in the fact that Johns was required to shave off the pubic stubble of four of the six boys, to maintain their `little boy' bald look.

The two Zeta year boys, Daniel Langlands and David Dowling both had noticeable stubble whereas the two Eta year boys, Jack Inman and Freddy Evatt only had the stubble of a few stray pubes to shave off!

Parker knew his planned public hygiene inspection of Johns would be especially humiliating and embarrassing to the Blois-4 Prefect, as Johns the sadistic nasty bully who liked to use his position of power as a Prefect to his own advantage with little or no consideration or respect for the feelings of other boys would now suffer the same fate at the hands of his Head Prefect, due to Parkers power and authority over him!

To make things even worse for Johns, on this special hygiene inspection, Parker was now accompanied by his new clerk, Charles West, who was Johns old prefect and who Johns had deliberately picked on and bullied since West was demoted from Prefect back to ordinary Zeta year student. Revenge was sweet, as far as Charles West was concerned!

Johns had instantly dropped into a foul mood when Head Prefect Parker had sprung the surprise hygiene inspection on him and that was before Johns realised that Parker planned to do Johns body hygiene inspection in front of the boys of Blois-4!

When Johns did find out from Parker that his body hygiene inspection would be carried out in front of the boys of his dormitory as part of Traditional Values' naked time, he was really pissed off'! Johns immediately felt that Parker was carrying out the public hygiene inspection in revenge for the comments Johns had made about Parkers lack of development when Parker had swum naked for the first time at Sunday swimming.

Johns claimed that he was doing naked time as part of `Traditional Values' in the privacy of his study, but Parker quickly answered that objection with the telling fact that if he was actually doing that, it served no purpose as it defeated the return to traditional values of public nudity in acceptable circumstances to help reduce the occurrence of excessive modesty!

Nigel Johns had got used to conducting surprise hygiene inspections on other boys as well as the scheduled weekly inspections but he had never contemplated having a surprise hygiene inspection enforced on himself and certainly not in front of other boys.

Parker reconfirmed to Johns that he would have his body hygiene inspection as part of his naked time in front of all the boys in his dorm as this would set a fine example of reducing excessive modesty as the return to `Traditional Values' envisioned.

Nigel Johns was deathly white and close to tears as his Head Prefect ordered him to stand in front of Parker, who then deliberately began the very public stripping of Johns out of his Prefects uniform. Johns pleaded to have his inspection in the privacy of his Prefects study, but Parker refused, much to the delight of the Blois-4 boys who would be seeing their Prefect naked and inspected, probably for the very first time!

Johns then pleaded to be allowed to undress himself, but this too was rejected. Parker was determined that Johns public hygiene inspection would be as humiliating and embarrassing as he could make it in payback for Johns unsatisfactory behaviour as a Prefect.

Parker gave John's a slight smile, meant to further unsettle him and gently pushed Johns hands to his sides away from protecting his blazer, then rapidly removed Johns black prefects blazer with its thick gold braid trimming. Next he unbuttoned the black buttons on Johns black and white houndstooth checked single breasted Prefects waistcoat and removed it.

Next Parker removed Johns school tie with its repeat pattern of black and gold stripes and then unbuttoned his white long sleeve shirt. When Parker reached the waist of Johns long grey trousers he pulled both Johns shirt and his Prefects t-shirt out of his trousers, reaching around him to do so.

Parker then knelt down and undid the laces of both of Johns black shoes while Johns stared down at Parker, still in shock that he was being publicly stripped in front of the boys of his dorm. Parker then removed Johns shoes and short grey socks before standing back up and deliberately looked John's in the eye, this time with a bit more of a menacing smile, which caused Johns to blush and shake slightly from nerves.

Parker then pushed the front of Johns white shirt aside and reached under his t-shirt and undid Johns grey belt with gold buckle and then unbuttoned the top of his long grey trousers and lowered the zipper of the fly. John's looked away as Parker did this as a pang of fear and embarrassment sweep through him as he felt Parkers hand brush his underwear as he lowered the zipper.

Parker himself blushed when it happened but he only hesitated for the briefest of moments before he redoubled his attention on the job at hand and removed Johns long grey trousers.

John's blushed as he glanced at the boys of his dorm who were all still naked from their hygiene inspections and could see that they were all watching intently as he was stripped, but in particular he noticed that the two older boys, Daniel Langlands and David Dowling were both sporting full on erections!

Parker moved straight on and removed Johns long sleeve white shirt, leaving Johns standing in just his white Prefects underwear. When Parker took off Johns t-shirt, Parker noticed the older boys of Blois-4 smile as they got a brief glimpse of Johns underarms, before he clamped his arms as close to his upper body as possible.

John's had also noticed their looks of surprise and he was pretty sure that they had glimpsed that his arm pits were smooth and lacking any pit hair, he had boasted he was more developed but now Parker was about to expose a smoothness that existed, on every area of his body.

There was now just Johns white boxer briefs to remove. Parker was aroused at the thought of seeing Johns totally naked and hoped it was not obvious that he was really looking forward to stripping Johns in front of the boys of Blois-4.

Again Parker moved on quickly and whipped Johns underwear down to his ankles. There was a look of shock in the eyes of the boys watching and all six of the boys now had raging erections as they saw what their Prefect looked like naked now that he was completely exposed.

"Holy shit! He's still a bald little boy" Daniel Langlands one of the two Zeta year boys in the dorm exclaimed our loud!

John's was burning up with humiliation and abject embarrassment. His face and chest were crimson and he could see that all six Blois-4 boys were staring at his genitals!

Jack Inman one of the dorms Eta year boys and then the other boys burst out laughing as Parker stepped back away from Johns body, allowing everyone an uninterrupted view! All the boys were in total shock at what they were seeing!

Their Prefect was always bragging about how developed he was down there and how much pubic hair he had and the truth, now revealed, was, that he was still a little boy' in size and he didn't even have any pubic hair. Johns was totally bald and smooth across his lower body and his hairless look meant that all of the boys of Blois-4 now knew that Johns was no man yet as he had often pretended that he was! Naked it was obvious that he was not even close, he needed to grow pubic hair and his penis and testicles needed to do a whole lot more growing, he was definitely still, as Archbishops College defined it, a little boy'!

John's started to cover up, but it was really too late for that and when Parker saw John's move his hands towards his groin, he shook his head and remonstrated with John's not to do it.

Now that Johns was completely naked and exposed, everyone could see that his penis was fully erect at around three and three quarter inches. His testicles had recently dropped and were clearly outlined as they hung lower in his hairless scrotum.

"Wow", David Dowling the other Zeta year boy exclaimed, in shock at how undeveloped John's was. "You definitely don't look anything like what I was expecting!"

The absolute worst for Johns was looking across at Charles West and seeing him trying to hide his own laughter. Based on all the laughter and comments from the boys of Blois-4 about his lack of development, John's wondered just how hard was it going to be for him to regain his position of power over the boys of his dormitory.

Today had been a hefty reality check and inwardly Johns was going through a free-fall, though he couldn't tell whether he was falling through a hole of fear, horror or humiliation or a black hole of all three as he stood totally naked as the Head Prefect Matthew Parker carried out a very thorough body hygiene inspection on Nigel Johns body with the six naked boys of Blois-4, Daniel Langlands of Zeta year, David Dowling of Zeta year, Jack Inman of Eta year, Frederick (Freddy) Evatt of Eta year, Thomas Fu of Theta year and Axel Ling of Theta year, all intently looking on enjoying the spectacle of their Prefects most public humiliation!

At that moment, Johns hated Parker and he hated this new `Traditional Values' bullshit, which had meant that the privacy protection offered by being a Prefect was gone and his commanding Prefectural presence, his bragging rights, his edge over the dorm, were all greatly reduce or even worse gone as well, now that he had humiliatingly been seen naked.

Normally as part of the Hygiene Inspection requirements, Matthew Parker would have conducted twelve year old Edward Marriott's, body hygiene inspection in the privacy of his Prefects study at the same time as he inspected the cleanliness of Marriott's Prefects room.

As Parker considered Marriott one of the poorer performers of his Prefects, due to his excessive use of harsh punishment, the added humiliation associated with a public inspection in front of the other boys in his dormitory, seemed warranted to Parker and was now easy to justify under the return to Traditional Values' as Prefects as well as the ordinary boys were being encouraged to incorporate naked time' into their daily routines!

Parker made sure that Edward Marriott, Charles West and himself were inspecting the main dormitory of Wessex-1 and that the six boys of Marriott's dorm, Malcolm Harley of Zeta year, Louis Dauphin of Eta year, Herman Muller of Eta year, Bertram Montgomery of Eta year, Neil Watt of Theta year and Bryce Johnston of Theta year were all present and listening when he informed Edward Marriott that as part of the return to `Traditional Values' naked time, his body hygiene inspection would be carried out in front of the boys of his dormitory,

Marriott was so shocked at the news that all the colour drained from his face and the boys of his dorm were amazed to hear that their handsome Prefect, who was always fully clothed and immaculately presented, would have to strip naked and have his body hygiene inspection in front of them as part of his `Traditional Values' naked time. For Matthew Parker's it was the contents of the pleading reply of Edward Marriott that really caught his attention.

"Head Prefect, I have already experienced Traditional Values' naked time at home and as a Prefect, I am ensuring that the boys in my dorm are experiencing naked time every day as the college has requested, but a Prefect is not a little boy' and should not be naked in front of other boys, just like we are always covered and not naked at swimming!"

Parker reminded Marriott that " Traditional Values' applies to all boys and girls under sixteen years of age, with no exceptions! The privileges of a Prefect do not override the rules of Traditional Values'. The whole idea Marriott is to expose your naked body to family, friends and peers, as it makes you expose your excess modesty to others, you no longer have private secrets, it forces you to drop self imposed barriers and present yourself in a much more complete state of equality and openness."

"But .... " Marriott started to object but was cut off by Parker.

"There are no buts' Marriott, you said you have already had naked time at your home, so you know first hand the liberating benefits of Traditional Values' naked time! Tell me about your naked time at home, please Marriott. How did that happen so quickly and were you naked in front of your immediate family or wider family or friends and peers as well?

Edward Marriott reluctantly explained to Parker in front of the six boys from Wessex-1 and Charles West how his parents Luke & Angela Marriott had attended the Wrestling Gala along with his sister Liz and his uncles and aunts Matthew & Tiffany Marriott and Mark & Marilyn Marriott and their children, his first cousins, Charles, Anne, William, Andrew and Terri and heard the Headmasters call for a return to the Traditional Values', of the long established traditions of the Unified Kingdom. Edward explained how his parents and his uncles and aunts had all enthusiastically supported the idea of the return to Traditional Values'!

Marriott told Parker that before all the Marriott's had left the Wrestling Gala it had already been decided that his sister and all of his first cousins were going to be totally naked at home for the very first time, spending that evening and possibly as well, some of Sunday at a family get together. Even a friend of his first cousin Terri, named Barbara Enoch, who was also present at the Gala with her parents and who spent a lot of time at Terri's house, would also be spending naked time that evening when she arrived back at her home! Barbara's parents had even given permission for their daughter to be naked if the time was appropriate when she visited.

Edward Marriott explained how his eldest first cousin Andrew Marriott also attended Archbishops College and was in Beta Year and had been part of the Wrestling Gala, the reason all the Marriott's had attended.

Marriott told how on the next weekend after the Wrestling Gala, he and his cousin Andrew had gone home at the commencement of the nine day half trimester justitium (mini holiday) that marked the halfway point of Archbishops Colleges Autumnus Trimester. He told how both Andrew and he had suffered nervous anticipation after the Gala about going home under the new `Traditional Values' rules as they expected that they too would have to experience naked time!

Edward explained that there was also a positive side and that was the fact that for the first time that either cousin could remember, they would see the naked bodies of their siblings and first cousins and even the naked body of Barbara Enoch!

When Edward had arrived home for the half trimester justitium he was informed by his father that teenagers and pre teenagers, had no need any longer to be shy or excessively modest. The concept of `private parts', his father explained had never been a major moral concept until recently and that historically, a juveniles body in the Unified Kingdom was fully exposed regardless of how their body looked and whether puberty had started or not.

Edward told how he was made to be totally naked at certain times during the holiday break, how his Uncles, Aunts, cousins and some other adults and juveniles had seen what he looked like naked. Edward also told how he had also seen his sister and all of his first cousins naked!

He had seen his eleven year old preteen sister Liz Marriott naked for the very first time! To her abject humiliation she had reluctantly revealed her pale pink nipples on breasts that had barely started budding, the very small mounds showing that she was just on the cusp of puberty. She had also revealed a hairless, smooth pudenda allowing easy viewing of her prepubescent pink clitoris at the very top of the slit of her vulva.

He told how he had seen his three cousins from his uncle Matthew and aunt Tiffany Marriott's family naked. Thirteen year old twin, Anne Marriott, was late to puberty, a Marriott family trait it seemed! Her breast development was almost non existent. She always wore a very thickly padded bra to hide her almost flat chest with its little brownish pink nipples. Between her legs the small nub of her clitoris at the top of her vulva was just peeking from the folds of her smooth, hairless labia. She didn't shave, she was still totally bald with no sign of any pubic hair.

Her twin, Charles Marriott also had a total lack of pubic hair and an unbroken, unblemished smoothness across the whole of his body. His hairless penis was straining to reach 2 and a half inches fully erect and his scrotum was still boyishly small and tight.

Their younger brother, recently turned twelve year old William Marriott was also still totally prepubescent, his penis when soft was a little under one inch and erect just less then two inches. His scrotum was still very small and tight and there was no sign of any pubic hair. The preteen was short for his age and relatively slender, but with some slight boyish musculature in his arms and chest.

Edward Marriott then described how his two cousins from his uncle Mark and aunt Marilyn Marriott's family looked naked. This information was of particular interest to the six boys from Wessex-1, along with Charles West and Matthew Parker as sixteen year old Andrew Marriott was in Beta year at Archbishops College.

Andrew was an extremely late bloomer as far as puberty was concerned. He was small for his age, being five foot six tall, but he was very fit. He still had a boyishly thin penis which was just under three inch flaccid and four and a half inches erect along with a plump more mature looking scrotum. Not a hint of a pubic hair could yet be seen, he was still totally bald where it mattered most for teenage boys.

His sister, thirteen year old Terri Marriott was hardly more developed than Andrew. She had small rounded `AA' size breasts with light pink nipples. Though her breasts had just started to grow, between her legs, her pudenda had no pubic hair, she was bald. Her labia were still small, but the folds of her lips looked a little darker, highlighting the slit of her vulva as it ran down and disappeared between her legs, suggesting the very onset of pubertal development.

Marriott told how at the family gathering on the first Sunday of the holidays he had seen Terri Marriott's best friend, thirteen year old Barbara Enoch naked. She had breasts about the size of a half orange, with aureoles that were darkening and spreading that made her pink nipples stand out. She had a thick dark bush of public hair that hid her vulva from view, the darkness of her bush noticeably contrasted in colour to the dark blonde hair on her head.

Parker had listened with great interest to Marriott's descriptions of his sister and cousins naked bodies and what had been exposed due to the return to `Traditional Values'. He like the six boys from Wessex-1 and Charles West were now very eager to see what Marriott's sister and cousins had seen of Edward Marriott's naked body, so Parker ordered Marriott to undress.

This unexpected opportunity to see the previously hidden flesh of their Prefects most private parts exposed before their eyes, made the boys of Wessex-1 lean forward, mouths open, eyes wide, trying to get an even closer look at Edward Marriott as he undressed in front of them.

As Marriott removed his last piece of clothing, his Prefects white boxer briefs the boys present, stared intently, taking in every detail of Marriott's naked body. They could all now compare Marriott's body with their own and all apart from Parker were seeing Marriott naked for the first time and their inspection of his body was unashamed and enthusiastic.

Twelve year old Edward Marriott's penis was still boyishly thin. Flaccid it was a reasonable length of two and a half inches and erect it grew to nearly four inches. Behind hung two plumpish testicles in a scrotum that had not yet released but was almost ready to drop. There was no sign of any pubic hair to crown his boyish genitals.

Parker did the body hygiene inspection of Edward Marriott exactly like he had recently done with Nigel Johns. He began by examining Marriott's back, then his chest, his stomach, and his arms and paid particular attention to Marriott's hairless arm pits.

In addition to a visual examination, Parker made a point of feeling each patch of skin, establishing that he could touch Marriott wherever he wished and If Marriott squirmed at the touching, Parker told him to stand still and stop moving about. As he performed these parts of the examination, Parker made sure that Charles West his clerk, was making notation on his clipboard of the inspection.

After finishing the inspection of Marriott's upper body, he pulled over a chair and sat down on it in front of Marriott and performed a visual and tactile examination of Marriott's legs, much as he had done to his upper body, again making sure West was making notations on his clipboard. He gave Marriott's feet a particularly thorough look, checking for dryness and athletes' foot.

Marriott thought he knew what was coming next and although he knew it was not allowed, he clasped his hands tightly over his groin preventing Parker access to his most private parts and trying to preserve his modesty.

Parker ordered Marriott to stand up straight, move his hands away from his groin and turn around so he could inspect his rear, prolonging Marriott's anxiety about his genitals being inspected.

Parker then ordered Marriott to place his weight on the nearby table and bent over. As he did so, Marriott made sure he did not bend over far enough to expose his asshole and he also made sure he kept his legs close together. Nevertheless the position he look up, nicely accentuated the rounded curves of his bare bottom, ready for Parker's inspection.

Parker gave Marriott 's naked buttocks the same careful visual and tactile examination he had given the rest of Marriott's body so far. Parker could feel Marriott trembling with nerves as he explored the curves and crevasses of his naked bottom.

Then Parker ordered Marriott to raise back up, turn around and stand in the middle of the room. Parker looked at Marriott and saw the fear in his eyes as Marriott let out a moan of humiliation and embarrassment, the sound which secretly delighted Parker.

Marriott again moved both his hands back over his groin, knowing what was about to occur and Parker immediately went to move Marriott s hands back away from his groin. At first Marriott resisted until Parker with a stern voice commented, "Do you want a spanking in front of your dorm, Marriott?"

The threat told Marriott he should definitely cooperate and reluctantly he decided he had no choice but to remove his hands from his groin and allow Parker to begin an inspection of his most private parts.

With his left hand, Parker grabbed the shaft of Marriott's penis and lifted it up and had a close look. With his right hand he explored Marriott's scrotum, rolling each of his testicles between his fingers. He subtly stroked Marriott's penis and Parker felt Marriott's penis stiffening. Parker looked into Marriott's eyes again and he could see that Marriott was mortified because he was popping a boner right in front of everyone!

Parker was now finished with the body hygiene inspection and he smiled at Marriott and said, "You've done very well, Marriott. I know this hygiene inspection under `Traditional Values' has been stressful, but we are now done." Parker did not find anything to be concerned about with Marriott's hygiene and made sure West notated this fact.

Marriott felt a surge of relief that his ordeal was over, as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, not knowing where to face or where to place his hands as Charles West and Matthew Parker made polite conversation about the results of his hygiene inspection.

Marriott was too embarrassed and humiliated to say more than four words, "Thank you, Head Prefect!" when Parker advised him that he was now leaving and that Marriott should now have the boys in his dorm, take naked time and that he should stay naked and enjoy it with them!

As Parker and West returned to the Head Prefects rooms, Parker instructed West to make sure he updated Edward Marriott's Hygiene data in the college system before he returned back to his dormitory. Parker's thoughts were already considering which Prefect he would next spring a surprise hygiene inspection upon, having now completed those of Nigel Johns and Edward Marriott.

Parker had a short list of possible boys and they were all part of Nigel Johns coterie of fellow Prefects, Daniel Green, Jackson Chan, Thomas Whitfield and William Kingdom.

Parker had conducted hygiene inspections previously on all four of the Prefects, but Parker was yet to decide which Prefects would be next, but thanks to the return of `Traditional Values' naked time it was now an easy proposition to have any Prefect he choose, naked in front of the boys of their respective dormitories.

The Deputy Headmaster of the Preparatory School, the Reverend Doctor Drysdale and the Head Prefect of the Senior School, Jaden Stamford Ellis both knew what Matthew Parker was doing at hygiene inspections and they were enthusiastic in their support of Parkers actions in ensuring that his Prefects participated fully and equally in naked time with the boys of their respective dormitories!

The End

Next: Chapter 18: Matthew Parker 5

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