Archbishop College

By Steam Train

Published on Mar 22, 2021


Leif Sorensen 1 - Ex-Head Prefects Fate An Archbishops College Series Story by Steam Train ( )

Copyright 2020 by Steam Train, all rights reserved

          • This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * *

Leif Sorensen 1 - Ex-Head Prefects Fate An Archbishops College Series Story

Leif Eric Sorensen, was about to enter Epsilon year in the Senior School at Archbishops College. He had been last years Head Prefect of the Preparatory School but had handed over that esteemed position to Matthew Spencer Parker on the last day of classes last academic year. The year prior, Sorensen had been one of the eighteen prefects selected from Eta year, which meant that he had been a Prefect and had Prefects privileges for the last two years.

He stood about 5 foot 4 tall and had classic Scandinavian features with bright blue eyes, bleach blond hair and pale white skin. His muscular shoulders and chest were more than you would normally expect on a boy who had only just turned fourteen year old.

At Archbishops College all Preparatory boys who were not Prefects were considered to be little boys'. As well, any senior school boys without pubic hair, were also still deemed little boys' and were required to wear a uniform that reflected their stage of development. There could be no hiding your late development once you entered the senior school, the special uniform told everyone!

In the week prior to the commencement of each trimester at Archbishops College all boys were required to present to the Colleges Health & Well-being Centre for their pre trimester medical checkup.

These checkups were overseen by either one of the two school doctors, supported by one or more of the five fully qualified nurses, plus the college dentist and dental nurse allocated to the centre.

Leif Sorensen knew that for a senior school boy at Archbishops College the most important element of the check up was the five stage Tanner Pubic Hair Scale inspection. The crucial issue for any senior school boys was the difference between Tanner Stage one, which meant the boy had no pubic hair at all and Tanner Stage two, where the boy had a small amount of long, downy hair with slight pigmentation at the base of his penis and scrotum.

If you were in the Senior School and judged to be stage two, three, four or five, on the Tanner Pubic Hair scale then you could wear the full senior school uniform but if the boy was judged to still be at stage one, then they were officially deemed to still be, `little boys' and made to wear a special modified senior school uniform which comprised of a shorter black lounge jacket and black longer leg shorts which came to within a few inches of the knee in the same design as the grey shorts worn by Zeta and Eta prep boys, along with black knee socks with two bands of gold on the turnover tops.

Senior School boys who had reached Tanner Stage two or higher were deemed to be `big boys' and wore the full senior school uniform of long trousered morning suit with a coat that was waist length in the front and had tails behind.

On the Wednesday of the week prior to college commencing the new academic year, Leif, dressed casually in jeans, t-shirt and joggers had been driven by his mother the two hours from his home to the Archbishops College Health & Well-being Centre for his pre Autumnus Trimester medical checkup.

His sister Lissa had accompanied them to the college, but both his mother and sister stayed in the waiting room whilst Leif underwent his medical check up!

During his check up, his dental health was checked along with his physical health. He was poked and prodded everywhere and carefully measured and weighed. As he expected based on his many previous check ups, he was made to get naked and carefully compared to growth charts and in particular to the Tanner Scale for Pubic Hair Development.

Naked and exposed, the former head prefects penis and testicles were very underdeveloped for his fourteen years of age. His thin penis was only about one and a half to two inches long flaccid and his testicles were still boyishly small and were still pulled up tight in his scrotum. Worst of all for a senior school boy, he had no sign of any pubic hair, in fact he was totally hairless below his neck line!

Knowing what would lie ahead for him once he started at the senior school, Leif had been inspecting his body every day for the last six months, hoping to see the first growth of a public hair, as he knew his late development secret would be totally outed once he entered the senior school if he still had no pubes .

Being what Archbishops College termed a `little boy' was an enormous embarrassment for any boy entering the senior school, but immensely so for a boy who last year had been the head prefect of the preparatory school and the year before during his Eta year had been a prefect.

No one at school apart from the medical staff had recently seen him naked and at home his parents had not seen him naked since he was about nine or ten. His sister Lissa had not seen him naked since he was about seven and he had not seen her naked since she was about four!

Lief had recently noticed during the long two month `Feriae Aestivae' summer holiday break that his eleven year old sister Lissa, was starting to fill out her body, but he had not given any real thought as to what that meant in regards to what was happening to her down below in relation to what was not occurring with him.

On completion of his medical check up, Leif was asked to dress and the remain in the examination room whilst his mother was invited in so that the doctor could advise Mrs Sorensen of the outcome of examination. Leif knew that this interview was the moment he had been dreading for months and that he had been hoping, right up to the last week or so, would never eventuate, but alas no pubic hair had grown!

Leif was not at all impressed that his sister Lissa followed his mother into the examination room as Doctor Denzil McBride, the college doctor who had done his examination greeted his mother.

"Mom, Lissa should not be in here, this is a private conversation, send her back out into the waiting room please."

"Lissa, your brother is correct, you shouldn't be listening in on your brothers medical exam results, you're too young for that."

"Oh Mom, I will be twelve years old in just over a month and at my age, girls are much more mature than boys, you have often told me that yourself, when we have had our discussions about my body and puberty."

"Yes Lissa, girls are usually more mature at a younger age than boys and you are a very mature girl, however that does not mean that you should sit in on this interview about Leifs medical examination.

Mrs Sorensen, was therefore surprised when Dr McBride interjected, "Mrs Sorensen, It may actually be better if your daughter hears the important results and outcomes of Leifs medical examination. I notice on Leifs medical record that she is his only sibling. My recommendation to you later will be that you and your husband will need her help In starting to desensitise Leif before the Autumnus Trimester starts next week."

"Oh .... I was thinking she was too young and that Leif would be too embarrassed, but if you think she should stay and listen in, well, I am sure you are more experienced at these things than I am!"

"Oh no Doctor ... Mom, it will be TOO embarrassing if Lissa listens in!" Leif pleaded.

"Leif, Dr McBride stated, "Your sister seems a very mature young lady for her age. I can see just by looking at her that physically, her body is already on the way to being a young woman. You are going to need her help as well as your parents to assist you to get started in desensitising before the Autumnus Trimester starts next week!"

"Son, I sympathise with you about the fact that having your sister present will be embarrassing for you, but I'm the parent and I have decided based on the doctors advice, that Lissa stays! Now I want no more arguing! Mrs Sorensen confirmed.

Leifs obvious discomfort was not made any less by his sister, who despite her `maturity' silently poked her tongue out at him.

"Doctor McBride, what do you mean by desensitising?" Mrs Sorensen asked.

"If I may, I would like to explain my recommendations about desensitisation in a few moments, but first I think we should start with summary of Leifs medical examination today and that will lead into my recommendation about you and your husband implementing a desensitising routine for Lief with his sisters assistance before Autumnus Trimester starts next week!"

Leif just stood there blushing profusely as his sister stood near him smirking with glee. He, like his mother didn't know what desensitising was and he was certain his sister didn't know either, but what he did know was that his most private secret was about to be revealed, not just to his mother but to his sister as well.

The doctor informed Mrs Sorensen that her son was a very healthy fourteen year old, with good muscle development for his age and healthy dental hygiene. After going through his height and weight details he then dropped the `bomb shell' information that Leif had not yet started puberty and that his pubic region was still at Tanner Pubic Hair stage one!

A huge grin had broken out on Lissa's face and she couldn't stop herself from commenting "Wow Mom, does that mean that Leif doesn't €™have any pubic hair like I do?"

Lief turned even redder than he had been, if that was possible, when he heard his sisters question. It meant that his younger sister was obviously more developed than he was!

"Yes Lissa it appears as if it does, I thought for sure that Leif at his age would have started puberty and have some pubes. Who would have thought Lissa, that even though you're just over two years younger than your brother, that you would start puberty first and be more mature than he is"

Dr McBride then continued, "As your son is still at Tanner Pubic Hair Stage One, upon entering the senior school he will be subject to some special uniform requirements. As an ex-Head Prefect of the Preparatory School he will be allowed to remain wearing his white waistcoat and regulation prefects underwear, however because he has no pubic hair he will be deemed to still be a `little boys' and will be required to wear the special modified senior school uniform."

"What are the differences Doctor?" Mrs Sorensen asked.

"The differences are that he will wear a shorter black lounge jacket and black shorts along with black knee socks. Archbishops College uniform rules deem that he cannot wear the full senior uniform till he grows into stage two of the Tanner Pubic Hair scale!" Dr McBride clarified.

"Oh ... I see .. but that means everyone will know ......"

"Yes Mrs Sorensen, everyone will know by his modified uniform that Leif is still a little boy' and there will be no way to hide his late development from everyone! This is the reason that I am recommending that you and your husband implement a body desensitising program immediately at home, to help Leif get used to again being naked, as the college will classify him as a little boy'" Dr McBride bluntly stated.

"Does that mean he'll have to swim nude again, like he did before he became a prefect?" a smirking Lissa asked.

"Oh dear ... is that so Doctor?" Mrs Sorensen asked!

"Yes unfortunately, until he grows some pubic hairs that will be the case. For the last two years whilst Leif has been a prefect, he was allowed to wear swimming briefs, but this coming year as he has no pubic hair he will not able to wear his special head prefects briefs until such time as he starts to grow pubes!"

Mrs Sorensen looked over at her profusely blushing son and commented, "Poor Leif, this is going to be so embarrassing and humiliating for him, having gone from Head Prefect with all its privileges to this!"

"Yes it most likely will be" Dr McBride stated, "And that is where our health and well-being centre can help along with the college pastoral team. The college offers professional councillors trained in dealing with situations like Leif now finds himself in! He will be in Head House, so I will advise the Deputy Headmaster, who is also the House Master, so that he is on the lookout for any psychological support Leif may require, but in the four days till Lief returns for the start of the Autumnus Trimester, I strongly urge you to implement an intensive desensitisation routine for Leif at home."

"What exactly is a desensitisation routine Dr McBride, I am not familiar with the concept?" Mrs Sorensen asked.

"Desensitisation involves making Leif go around your house naked, so that he quickly starts getting used to being naked again in front of other people. Leif has been a prefect for the last two years and will not be comfortable about wearing his new uniform which will tell everyone that he is still basically prepubescent and he certainly won't be used to being naked in front of his peers at swimming."

"Naked at home!" Mrs Sorensen exclaimed.

"No hair, so it's all right to be bare!" Lissa stated with a giggle, causing the two adults to look at her!

"Yes Lissa, I guess that puts it succinctly." Dr McBride stated with a chuckle. "Leif should be kept totally naked as much as possible Mrs Sorensen, till college returns next week. Here at the Health and Well-being Centre, we are very experienced in dealing with these issues as it occurs most years at Archbishops College, as the college has historically considered nudity an acceptable tradition for little boys'! We have found that desensitisation works wonders in transitioning little boys' into the requirements of the senior school."

"I certainly agree Doctor, that boys on the whole are excessively modest at this age and my husband and I have always firmly believe in the Archbishops College traditions that `little boys' have no need for excessive modesty!"Mrs Sorensen replied. "It's just that it is a shock that Leif is still a little boy, I had not thought that would be the case and I have not planned for anything like this!"

"In Leifs case Mrs Sorensen, he has been a prefect for two years, so he has not been used to being naked in front of others, for a long time. Desensitisation by being naked around the house, will greatly help in reducing his acquired excessive modesty. It would have been even better if he had more siblings to spread the exposure, but Lissa will have to do, unless Leif or Lissa have close friends or relatives that you trust to be at your house while Leif is naked."

"Oh wow Mom, what about Bec and Cora? Remember you allowed me to invite my two best friends over this afternoon after we return home. Is that still ok mom? You trust them don't you? I am sure they would like to help in Leifs desensitisation." Lissa questioned with excitement.

"Oh I don't think involving Bec and Cora would be a good idea Lissa" Mrs Sorensen replied.

"If I may disagree Mrs Sorensen, Dr McBride politely objected, "As your daughter succinctly stated, `No hair, so it's all right to be bare' is very much a correct statement about desensitisation. It is not a punishment, it is aimed at ensuring that Leif settles in as well as possible next week. Therefore the more people involved, the greater the benefit. Time is limited for Leif to start to overcome his potential modesty issues, so having girls who he undoubtedly knows seeing him naked for the first time would be an enormous help. I urge you and your husband to involve as many people as possible, especially peers of Leif and his sister that you trust to help him out."

"But they will see me naked doctor, it's bad enough my parents and sister seeing me!" Leif exclaimed.

"Yes they will Leif, that is the whole idea! Your parents, I am quite sure, will ensure that you are only seen naked by people that they trust and who will show respect and not torment you about your late puberty development" Dr McBride stated."

"Mom, I don't want to be naked at home, it will be so humiliating and embarrassing!" Leif pleaded.

"The doctor knows best son, it's for your longer term benefit, so listen carefully to me, the moment we arrive home, you ... will ... get ... naked ... and ... you ... will ... stay ... that ... way ... until ... Monday when you return here to college" Mrs Sorensen forcefully decreed.

"Oh Leif, don't be so embarrassed, you know my friends very well and they know you very well. True none of us has seen you naked, but as the doctor said, it will be better for you to be naked in front of us first, before you go back to college, so that you are better able to overcome your modesty, isn't that so, Mom?" Lissa asked .

"Yes ... I guess so, as much as I am uncertain about you and your girlfriends seeing Leif naked, I don't think we will have time to organise any visits from your aunts, uncles and cousins before college resumes and Leif has no close friends near home that I would trust, as he spends so much time at college, so your friends may well be the only chance to get some peers involved to assist!" said Mrs Sorensen .

"Yessss .... and I'm sure Bec and Cora's mothers will agree to allow them to come over earlier and meet us when we get home, Mom. You can even ring their parents during our long drive home and organise."

"Sounds like a plan Lissa" Mrs Sorensen replied.

"Well Mrs Sorensen, it has been a pleasure to meet you and remember if you suspect Leif needs additional help apart from family and friends in dealing with his ` little boy' status, don't hesitate to contact me or the health and well-being centre, here is my card!"

Leifs last hopes at avoiding additional humiliation and embarrassment was ruined when on the mobile phone as they drove home, the mothers of both Bec and Cora agreed after a number of phone conversations, that their daughters could assist his sister in helping him desensitise his modesty!

Lief had listened with disbelief as the mothers had discussed his impending nudity and how the opportunity to help him overcome his modesty would also assist the three girls, as all three hoped to start babysitting children very soon. Lissa was still eleven and could not start the local babysitting accreditation course until she turned twelve but Bec and Cora had both recently turned twelve and both their mothers thought the opportunity with Leif would give their daughters a head start when they did the accreditation course.p

It seemed to Leif that the ladies gave little thought for how he was feeling about being naked in front of the three girls, girls who he knew very well! The mothers had decided that the opportunity that had presented itself with Leif needing to be naked, would give their girls the chance to overcome any nerves and become much more confident around naked boys with this opportunity with Leif, as their girls knew Leif so very well .

Bec and Cora were already waiting at the Sorensen house by the time Mrs Sorensen, Lissa and Leif arrived home.

Lissa quickly alighted and raced over to her two best friends. Leif was much slower In alighting.

"OMG Lissa!!! I can't believe we are really going to be allowed to see your brother naked!" Cora exclaimed.

"Yeah like totally naked, I'm so excited! I couldn't believe it when I heard the conversation and the fact that Leif is actually still a little boy, I never imagined that!" Bec added in a loud voice.

"Yeah, Leif certainly won't be a pain in the neck and as stuck up as he was last year as Head Prefect, now that his naked secrets are about to be exposed to us when we all get inside!" Lissa exclaimed.

Leif had thought that it was bad enough that sister was going to get to see him naked, but this was a hundred times worse! Oh why did he have to be the unlucky one to be so late in developing his manhood????

Almost as soon as they were in the house Mrs Sorensen assembled the three girls and Leif in the living room and instructed him to undress.

He tried again to change his mothers mind but she not prepared to go against Dr McBride's desensitisation recommendations.

Slowly with Bec, Cora, Lissa and his mother all watching, he began to remove his joggers and socks, white t-shirt, blue jeans, leaving him standing there in his blue plaid boxers.

"Hurry along Leif, as the doctor advised, there is no need for a `little boy to be so modest in front of girls who though younger than you, are undoubtedly like Lissa more physically mature" Mrs Sorensen stated.

The three girls knew that Mrs Sorensen's statement was not totally correct, but they kept poker faces and no one noticed that Bec was suddenly blushing almost as much as Leif!

The girls had seen each other naked and knew that Lissa and Cora had started puberty, with Cora being slightly more advanced than Lissa, but that Bec despite being the oldest of the three girls by one month was actually yet to start puberty.

They knew that the small mounds that Bec sported on her chest so that she looked like Lissa and Cora was all padding and that under her training bra, Bec's chest actually sported no real breast tissue at all and that unlike the other two girls, her pubis was still as bald as Leifs!

Leif turned his back to the four females and reluctantly took off his boxers!

"Leif, turn back around and face the girls and stop being so modest!" Mrs Sorensen ordered.

So very slowly Leif began turning back around to face the girls and his mother, making sure to force his hands tightly in front of his naked groin!

"Oh Mom .... tell him that's enough stalling and time wasting" Lissa pleaded., "Bec, Cora and I want to see what it is, that he's so desperately trying to hide with his hands!"

"Please Mom ... please don't make me do this" Leif again begged in desperation.

"Enough modesty Leif, Dr McBride has confirmed that you are still a little boy, so stop covering up and put your hands down by your sides. Its time to reveal all and get on with your desensitising" Mrs Sorensen threatened.

Lissa, Bec and Cora all giggled at how reluctant Leif was to reveal his naked body. His reluctance just added to the massive sexual excitement that had already built up in all three of the girls.

"Is the Head Prefect scared to show us what you've got ..... what are you so ashamed at hiding Leif?" twelve year old Bec taunted.

Leif blushed anew at the comment, which added even more to his discomfort, humiliation and embarrassment.

"Leif get moving, if I have to tell you again to move your hands, I will have to spank you! Mrs Sorensen asserted!

All three girls grinned with excitement as Leif, finally resigned to the inevitability of his fate, took a deep breath, moaned with abject humiliation and embarrassment and slowly moved his hands to his sides, removing the last protection for his naked genitals.

Bec, Cora, Lissa and Mrs Sorensen stared with wide eyes as Leifs totally bald flaccid penis and testicles came into view.

The three girls in particular soaked up their first view of Leifs previously most private parts and the opportunity to totally turn the tables on this boy, who previously had so often lorded his age and esteemed position at Archbishops College over them .... the look on their faces said that this role reversal felt ever so very good!

Leif blushed profusely, knowing what the girls and his mother were now able to see.

The three girls immediately began giggling as they stared at his boyhood, seeing for the first time, what he looked like naked!

Discovering with their own eyes what until today had been his secret, that despite now being into his fourteenth year and about to start in the Senior School at Archbishops College , Leif Sorensen was still very much a little boy!

The three girls stared at his hairless boyish penis and tight ball sack, sniggering with a look of smug satisfaction and superiority on their faces. The three girls and Mrs Sorensen now knew exactly how immature his genitals were instead of just imagining from Dr McBride's description.

Blushing ever so profusely, Leif was feeling totally embarrassed, humiliated, inferior and immature as he resigned himself to his fate, so much so that he was very close to crying despite his age and being an Ex-Head Prefect of Archbishops College Preparatory School!

The three girls were so very excited at what lay ahead for them with Leif Sorensen being made to stay naked till Monday morning whereas Leif was totally dreading the days ahead!

Soon all of Archbishops College would know that he was still a totally hairless `little boy'!

The End.

Next: Chapter 9: Leif Sorensen 2

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