
Published on May 18, 1992



This article contains a fantasy/reality story involving relationships, decisions, and some graphic sexuality. If this will offend you, please stop now.

It involves a motss relationship - for those of you who are offended by non-heterosexual incidents, I recommend hitting the 'n' key as well. For those of you who are still with me at this point, I'll warn you before we hit the rot13ed portion of the script - so let's move along.


For the folks in a.s.b., I apologize ahead of time for the fact that there is no bondage in this story - I'm posting it in a.s.b. because many of the people who have specifically asked to see this are in a.s.b., and aren't in a.s. or soc.motss - if you're only interested in bondage stories, here's your opportunity to bail out by hitting 'n'.

For those of you who are still interested, what follows is a brief explanation of the story - we're not ready for rot13 yet.


The story I tell here could have been true - and in many ways, it is. All the experiences are my own - the main characters are based on real people. For the most part, it deals with my first MOTSS SO - and what could have happened if I had made one simple decision just slightly differently. Some of the actions may have occured with other people - friends, other SOs... I've drawn on later experiences to create this fantasy...

Consider this as you would a historic novelization... a re-creation of events, not totally factual... in an alternative reality. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed "living" it....

Any resemblance to individuals living or (god forbid) dead is purely intentional - but probably not the person you think it is. Remember, this took place quite a while ago.... ||||||||||||||||||||

Eight-thirty. Late enough - the sun's gone down, the stores have been closed for hours, and the streets will be deserted. Quietly I slip out of the dorm - not that anyone would really care where I was going, and most of them know anyway. I head off down the hill - down into the heart of the city. As I expect, the streets are quiet - there's some noise coming from the bowling alley as I walk past, but not much.

I walk down a few more blocks, then turn to head behind the Atrium - down Broadway, to Monument Square. As soon as I round the building, I can see them standing there - on the corner by the pay phone, eyeing the cars that are circling the block. "Three times 'round the block" is the traditional signal. I notice a few of the drivers eyeing me as well - the tall kid with the deep auburn hair, dressed in snakeskin pants, tight black shirt, and black leather jacket - I cut a striking figure, a true creature of the night.

One of the drivers pulls up to the curb, and calls out to me - he's mistaken me for one of the hustlers. I flash a smile at him and shake my head - thanks, but no thanks. Even if I were interested, I have plans for the evening. I reach the opposite corner, and cross over to the group by the phone booth. I recognize them all - Chris, and Danny, and all the others. Over the past few months I've gotten to be friends with all of them - possibly better friends than I am with anyone up at school. We exchange greetings, handshakes, hugs... but my eyes keep scanning for one face - where is he?

A movement catches my eye - there, in the shadow of the candy store's doorway. The best this city has to offer - not just my opinion, either. I look at him appraisingly - the firm calves and thighs, the shadow cast by the bulge barely hidden in those tight button-fly jeans. The taper of his torso as the white silk shirt hugs his body. The unicorn on it's gold chain glistening where it lays on his smooth chest. The long blonde hair contrasting nicely with his sun-bronzed skin - a summer tan that has lasted late into autumn. Jamie.

"How's tricks?" I ask, the pun long since become a standard greeting. He smiles, pearl-white teeth sparkling between darkly sensuous lips.

"Slow," he says. "Looks like it's gonna be another one of those nights. Feel like taking a walk?" He cocks his head to the side and winks. I grin, and wink back. "Sure, why not?"

We meander around the darkened streets of the city. Past the music hall, the bars, the off-campus fraternity house where the brothers are drinking beer out on the porch. They ignore us, and we ignore them. We talk as we wander from lightpost to lightpost. About the work I'm doing at school, his search for a day job, his plans for the future - our friendship, our relationship.

It's been three months since the night we met - the night I first saw him at the bars and convinced a mutual friend to introduce us. For my part, it was love at first sight; for him, something similar. At first I didn't know he was a hustler - it wasn't until I was headed home that night, after spending three hours just talking with Jamie, that the friend I had gone out with confronted me with the fact. Jeff was upset - he was older, and wiser, and had appointed himself my protector, but I didn't care - I was head-over-heels in love. Smitten. I spent the next day curled up on a couch in the student union with a pad and pencil, writing Jamie's name over and over and over....

The following night I met Jamie again out at the bars. We talked for a while, and then he breached the topic of his profession. I told him I already knew, and that I didn't care. He was surprised, but very happy. From that point on, we started seeing each other. Going out to the bars together, getting together downtown or up at school - and occasionally I'd go and visit him "at work." Like tonight. We've been together for three months, and it seems like we've known each other forever. In this time our relationship has grown to encompass every part of our lives - everything, that is, except sex. I haven't asked, and he hasn't offered. In a way, I am glad of this - I'm not sure how I'd respond if the opportunity presented itself. It's not like sensuality hasn't played a part in our relationship - it has, a large part - but not sex itself.

Two things have held me back. The first is that this is my first relationship with a guy - I'd had plenty of girlfriends back in High School, and my share of sex - but although I've fantasized about it alot, I've never had sex with a guy. The second is Jamie's source of income. While it doesn't bother me on an intellectual level, the threat of AIDS is always there in my subconscious mind. Of course, there's always safe sex, so the problem must really be my virginity....

"Hey, I need a shower. You wanna go back to my place?"

Jamie's question snaps me back to reality, as I realize that my mind has been wandering. I nod. We turn down the street, and head toward the apartment Jamie shares with his uncle. Ray is out of town, so the place will be empty. Up three flights of stairs, Jamie leading the way. I take my time, admiring the way his legs and ass ripple under the denim as he gracefully climbs the stairs.

He unlocks the door, and flicks on the lights. The apartment is much as I remember it from the other times I've been here - small and cramped. The entry/living room is Jamie's - off to the right is Ray's bedroom. To the left is the kitchenette and the door to the bathroom. Jamie's bed is against the far wall.

"Make yourself at home," he says,"this shouldn't take too long."

He heads off into the bathroom, and soon I hear the sound of the running shower. I take off my jacket, and toss it across one of the chairs, then flop across Jamie's bed. As I wait for him to finish showering, I thumb through some of the magazines that are lying around on the bed.

The water stops. The bathroom door opens, and he walks out wearing only a small tan towel wrapped around his narrow waist. His hair is still wet, water droplets sparkle on his skin. Watching him cross the room drives me wild. The smooth, hairless skin; the small, dark nipples on the well-formed, but not over-developed chest; the taper of his torso from his chest to the towel-clad hips; the long, athletic legs; and of course the package that the towel is barely hiding. He looks particularly vulnerable, and extremely edible - a gorgeous boy/man, he appears younger now, fresh from the shower. Seeing him like this, I forget that he is the older of the two of us.

He glances over to me, notices me watching him. He grins, a mischievous grin that makes him look even more boyish. "Should I bother getting dressed, or do you wanna fool around?" he asks. I remain silent, but slowly rise from the bed and cross the space that separates us. My right hand reaches out to touch his face - to caress his cheek, his neck, his shoulder. The left goes to his chest, to play with his right nipple, to run over his stomach, around his waist. I draw him to me, our lips meet, and open. Slowly our tongues explore each other's mouths, teeth, lips. His hands unbutton my shirt, as mine wander down along the base of his back, then over his towel-clad butt. The towel falls to the floor as he unbuckles my belt and opens the zipper of my pants. He starts to work the smooth snakeskin down - I break the kiss and grab his hands.

"Wait." He nods, understanding. I look at him again - oh, god, how I love him, how I want him. I take a deep breath, let it out slowly. Okay, I'm ready. Am I? Yes, I am.

Still holding his hands, I lead him back to the bed. We lower ourselves onto the mattress, hands rapidly exploring each other's bodies. I reach down with one hand to open the zippers on my black leather boots, then slip my feet out of them. Jamie slides my shirt over my shoulders and down my arms. We embrace - a long, passionate, violent embrace, which ends with us lying next to each other on the bed. Me in my open snakeskin pants and black spandex briefs, Jamie totally nude. I brush my fingers over his hairless body, as he runs his through the hair on my chest.

I lean forward, catching his lower lip between my teeth, and nibble lightly. His tongue flicks out to run along my lips. I kiss him, a light peck on the lips, followed by one on the cheek, as I work my way to his left ear. I nibble on the earlobe, running my tongue along the lower edge, then catching the small gold stud that pierces his ear. Slowly my kisses and nibbles move down his neck, along the muscles of his shoulders, to his armpit. Clean, hairless, the scent of a teenager fresh from the shower. I run my lips across Jamie's chest to one of his nipples. The sensitive nub of flesh tightens up as I play with it with my tongue and teeth. My fingers get the same response from the other. Jamie moans softly.

"Mmmmmmmmmm.... oh, yes... keep it up, that feels soooo...goooood..."

Eventually I move on. My hands slide up, over his chest and shoulders, to grasp his arms, caress the biceps. My mouth continues downward, exploring the taut, smooth skin of his belly. My tongue flicks into and around his navel. A spasm - ticklish? I guess I've found a sensitive spot.

As my hands glide down the outer contours of his body, I run my tongue across his firm stomach to the place where his right leg joins the torso. I slide an arm under his leg, raising it, to run my lips along his inner thigh. Slowly I work my way up to my goal - the perfectly shaped balls in their smooth sac, the light dusting of blonde fuzz, and the beautiful eight inch rod which has been getting harder all the time. I nip lightly at his nuts, feathering my fingers along the underside of his dick at the same time. He moans, his breathing heavy, ragged.

I take his balls in my mouth - first one, then the other - and hum from the back of my throat. My right hand wraps firmly around his shaft, and I start moving it back and forth, my thumb paying special attention to the sensitive "V" below the glans. I can feel his cock starting to pulse, his body tensing.

"Stop," he gasps, voice cracking, "not yet. I don't want to come yet." I reluctantly release him, as he struggles to bring himself back under control. I slide myself back up the bed to lie alongside him. I lie on my side, one elbow supporting me so I can look down at him. Jamie opens his eyes and looks up at me.

"Hmmm... I think it's my turn now," he says, grinning. I shrug.

"If you say so, gorgeous. Sounds good to me."

He sits up as I lie back on the bed, and works my pants down over my legs. The cold air feels strange after the warmth of the snakeskin. His hands slide up the inside of my legs, then up over my thighs, to grasp the black spandex of my briefs. He slips his hands in, and pulls them down. I'm already as hard as Jamie is, having been turned on myself by what I'd been doing to him.

He runs a hand over my hard-on, and fondles my balls. Then he stretches out, laying his body on top of mine. As his lips touch mine, I put my arms around him to hug him.

"Hey, you're interfering," he says, "it's supposed to be my turn, so just relax and enjoy yourself." Abashed, I let my arms drop to my sides and close my eyes, allowing myself to fully appreciate what Jamie's hands are doing to my body. Back and forth they flow, exploring everywhere. Occasionally he leans over and kisses me fleetingly. It's impossible to tell where he'll kiss next.

The effect Jamie is having on me is amazing - every nerve in my body is screaming with pleasure and anticipation. Eventually a pattern seems to emerge - he's slowly working his way to the center of my body, to my incredibly raging cock. Finally, he leans forward, and takes my throbbing member into his mouth. Oh, gods! I've had blowjobs before, but never anything like this. As his mouth ministers to my dick, his hands keep moving - running through my chest hair, massaging my nuts, rubbing the sensitive area behind them. I'm fighting to keep myself from shooting right now - and I don't think I can hold off much longer. My blood is pounding in my head, my breathing rapid-fire. I reach down to run my fingers through his hair, and pull his head away from my dick.

I grab his arms, and draw him back up to me. He's just as hard as he was before - his erection hasn't diminished at all. We embrace again, naked bodies pressed firmly together. I feel the heat of his hard cock against my own. We kiss, mouths merging together as we try to merge our bodies. We rub against one another, hands running along each other's neck, back, ass. I slide my hand along his right leg, which he slides up against my own. My hand moves along his thigh, between us, and I grasp our dicks together. His hand moves to join mine. We shift position, and once again I'm supporting myself over his gorgeous body, as we each caress the other's hard-on. I'm getting close - and I can tell he is too. Faster and faster our hands fly, and I can feel Jamie's beautiful cock throb as he shoots gob after gob of his creamy load all over his bare chest and stomach. The sight, and the action of his hand are too much for me - I can't hold back anymore, and spray my seed across his body as well. Spurt after spurt, until I'm left drained and exhausted, but a warm glow fills me. I let my elbow slide out from under me, lowering myself onto Jamie's supple form, slipping my arms around him to hold him to me. He wraps himself around me as well. I kiss him softly, and whisper, "I love you." He tightens his hug, as we both drift off to sleep.

"I love you too."

Gordon Lloyd Goldberg

"mens agitat molem" userGACN@rpitsmts.BITNET

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