Ark II, Launch

By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 26, 2022


Story: Ark II

Chapter: 18 A Brave New Galaxy

Author: Eric McQueen (

Mature Adult Readers due to due to sexual situations and (sometimes) graphical sexual content. Freedom of expression is precious. To do that, Nifty needs help. Your donations is greatly desired. Give to or this story as well as the others could end. That would be a crime!

Joel and the Ark residents are toward the end of the first phase of beginning of building a new home. Joel tries to get the residents prepared to defend Gaea, the Ark, and the many lives.

A Brave New Galaxy

On the way back Joel had been thinking and turned to the others and said, "I think this has been a very productive thing we just did." He sighed and looked at Adel, "You are hardly finished. We need to have the processor and smelter finished but we should have enough materials to build more sentries." He looked at Alejandro. "We should make other unmanned craft with the Alcubierre Drive and place more sentries out between us and Earth." He shrugged a nodding shake, "And send a craft toward Tau Ceti and to Canis Minor. Those were the two constellations the two other Arks were sent. We need accurate information about what's happening in those systems." He shook his head, "It will be our best proactive thing we can do." He looked at Adel. "The Alcubierre Communications should work at this great distance, right?"

Adel nodded, "It should. We may need to use some relays to make it work better. There may be delays but those should be very slight. The relays should transmit the signals and make it faster."

He looked at Joder and Alejandro, "You fit the Alcubierre Drive in the drone. A few unmanned craft shouldn't be a problem, should it?"

Alejandro shook his head and looked at Joder, "I think we could. With Adel's Communication Network, Athena should be capable of making decisions quicker."

"Excellent," Joel grinned. Then he sighed again, "I would rather be needlessly overprepared than not be prepared at all and have a dangerous situation occur. I want eyes and ears around Earth, Mars, and the mines around Jupiter." He thought out loud. "We need to find a way to have those eyes and ears there to see and hear but remain undetectable." He turned to Alejandro and pointed, "And you..." he grinned as Alejandro's left eyebrow rose. Joel chuckled. "That was very Spock-like of you. Very nice. You are not taking the deserving credit. Miguel Alcubierre came up with the physics. He did the math. He did that based on Einstein's field equations." He watched all of their eyes widen. Joel nodded, "Why look so surprised? There's more to me than my love of classic television and movies. I read! I hate to DO math, but I understand math." He defended. "Alcubierre knew that you couldn't travel at the speed of light in normal space without breaking physical laws. Jamie Fames proposed the applied dark energy and dark matter be applied to the Alcubierre metrics to expand and contract space." He looked at Alejandro. "You don't have dark matter, do you?" He saw Alejandro shake his head. "And you aren't using dark energy."

"No," Alejandro replied. "My generator uses applied energy and transforms it into a kind of dark energy in order for it to work."

Joel nodded, "Dark matter and dark energy keeps the universe expanding and galaxies spinning." He laughed lightly as three faces were looking shocked. Hank was merely smirking. "I said, I know the equations and understand them, but I do NOT want to DO them. I don't know how you made the generator, but I know it's your creation, Alejandro. You made Alcubierre's theory work! It generates the Alcubierre Field, but it's YOUR generator! You made the math work. It will be called the Rojas Generator from now on." He pointed at Joder, "And YOU provided the needed power! Your name needs to be on it. The Wurtzite Boron Nitrate in hexagonal form Power System will be called the Joder Mast Power System. The communications network will be called the Lavigne Communication Network." He grinned as Hank was just shaking his head. Not in disapproval or disbelief, Hank wasn't a bit surprised.

Hank looked at the others, "I told you, he's VERY smart."

Hank moved the Harpy-Lander much quicker underneath the Ark this time. Joel grinned as they heard the thud as the lander made contact with the Ark. 'That was perfect, Hank!"

"Practice makes perfect," Hank shrugged. He touched the controls gently, almost in a caress. "This new control and the engines made it a pure pleasure to use."

Joel nodded, "I know! Ain't it though?"

"I don't know why we didn't do this before," Hank said simply. "We could have done this on Earth."

Joel nodded, "Do you remember in history they made electrical cars? Or Hydrogen driven cars? The Oil Barons didn't want those new developments. These new means of fuel driven vehicles encroached on what they made big money from. A vessel driven by the Alcubierre Drive..." he shrugged, "threatened many industries and companies that were making a lot of money taking people and supplies to the colonies." He shook his head, "They lobbied against that." He chuckled and waved in the direction of the Ark they were about to reenter. "Having none of that, having this many geniuses working for one goal, we got it done faster. I wasn't kidding about this being the best Ark sent into space." Joel shrugged and grinned. "We did it faster."

Breathable air was added to the hanger, and they floated over to the innerworkings of the Ark. Sara Beth was a missile that impacted Joel as she slammed into him as she embraced him tightly and kissed him hard. It wasn't just Joel and Sara Beth. Hank, Adel, Alejandro, Joder, and Angus had it happen, too...with their own spouses. The no gravity meant no resistance, so Sara Beth's impact was causing them both to slowly drift. Joel reached out and took hold of one of the handles placed there for this very purpose.

Joel chuckled, "Gee, did you miss me?"

Sara Beth was smiling but said, "You know I don't answer stupid questions."

Joel chuckled, then touched Sara Beth's abdomen, caressing it lightly, "Hi, Daylia! Daddy's home!"

Getting back into their coveralls they went down to the Communal Dining Area where Joel was hugged quickly by his sons. He hugged them back and went further into the Dining Area. Others in the Dining Area began to gather around them.

"You went faster than any Humans has traveled before, Commander." Adam grinned.

Joel nodded, "You will, too. You and Xolani scored highly in small craft piloting."

Xolani grinned, "And we will pilot those craft in the future, but you were first." He leaned forward, "I agree with you about the additional sentries or spy drones."

Hank's eyes widened, "You heard what we said?" He asked surprised.

Joel chuckled, "Of course, they did. Unless we tell Athena NOT to broadcast our conversations, the whole thing is broadcast. It should be standard procedure for total transparency. Absolutely no secrets."

Hank gave a shrug and nod, "I agree, I just forgot." He leaned toward Joel and said in a attempt to be confidential, "It's a good thing we didn't talk about anything TOO personal."

Xolani wasn't finished, "The other Arks and colonies might do the same thing to us."

Joel nodded, "If they can send a craft out here and find us..." he began, "and if they have the speed will hope to use. If they can communicate as quickly..."

Adam frowned, "But you think they will come. You said we will be in stasis and they could come then."

"Yes," Joel agreed, "they COULD and one day they will. It could be a decade, a century, or even a thousand years, but they will be here. I promise that. They have to discover it after looking for us or by accident. They will find us. Athena will keep her eyes open and look for them. We'll deal with it as it happens."

Why were these brilliant minds not understanding this? It was only logical. No group of people could disappear for long. They would be found eventually. Their sheltered, nonmilitary lives was not being any help. Joel was not an alarmist...he thought. He thought himself a realist.

He saw a very sheepish Anish come toward him and the others. He looked a bit upset.

"Can I talk to you, Commander?" Anish asked.

"Certainly," Joel answered and added, "Doctor."

Anish got a small smile on his face, "I would prefer in private, Joel."

"No problem," Joel said. "Should we leave this area or..."

Anish looked over the Communal Dining Area and motioned to an area with no one around. "Just over here is fine."

Joel could see Anish was troubled by something by what was going through his mind. He and Anish walked over to the place Anish wanted to talk. Joel thought he knew about what, but Anish needed to tell him.

"I'm not a coward," Joel said lightly, but very serious.

Joel was surprised by what Anish said, "Anish, that thought never once crossed my mind."

"I will never fight for any country or idea," Anish said and held a finger up for his point, "I will fight to protect life...all life! But I won't kill. I won't!"

Joel nodded and told him, "And I promised to never ask you to do that." He waved at the Ark over their heads. "We are all fighting to protect all the lives we brought with us."

Anish smiled and nodded, "Right. I will fight to keep them alive and every Human on the Ark. Being a pacifist doesn't mean I won't fight. If it is a choice of them verses me, I will take the choice of me over them."

Anish was not a large man. Average for a man whose ethnic heritage was clearly from the country of India or Pakistan. Joel knew from his record he came from Mogo in Punjab, India. He was about five feet and eight inches which was about average. Not an ugly man at all in his mid-thirties. "I was raised Buddhist. Larisa was raised Hindu."

Joel was waiting for Anish to get to the point, but he needed to get there on his own.

"I believe in the teachings I was brought up on," Anish said. "I will fight back, but I won't kill." He sighed, "When I met Larisa she was about to be assaulted by two men. I couldn't let that happen. I stopped them. I put myself between her and the two men. If anyone was to be hurt or killed, it would be me. I was giving her the chance to get away."

"Did she?" Joel asked.

"Yes," Anish nodded. "For five minutes but came back with the police and some witnesses." He chuckled. "I was worked over pretty well, got some cuts and bruises, but nothing broken. It was the longest five minutes I ever experienced."

Joel nodded, "That must have been frightening."

Anish nodded and stated, "It WAS. I was terrified! I just couldn't let her be hurt, but I could not kill them. Her family was very traditional and had arranged a marriage for her. She defied her family and married me!"

"That sounds good," Joel smiled and touched Anish gently, "I know that terror." He saw Anish's eyes widen. "Yes, I was always terrified when fighting. Bravery is not the absence of fear, it's the actions in spite of the fear." He pushed Anish lightly, "I know you've heard that many times, but it's true. It's natural." He grinned, "I think your decision to NOT fight, or kill is so much better and very hard to do." He saw Anish relax a bit more. "The choice NOT to fight is very hard to do. My inclinations when dealing with an adversary is very primitive. I know I won't hesitate to stop someone from harming me, my wife, my children, or my friends and I WILL kill if needed." He smiled, "If needed." He shook his head, "Nature has been a cruel example to follow. I watched those nature shows and was appalled at the many acts of brutality shown on them. Yet, a part of me understood the necessity of it." He waved at the helplessness of what he said next, "The shows where the lion is chasing the deer or zebra. I found myself relating to them both. The predator because of the need to stay alive and their family and others. The prey because of the need to survive and their family. It is a horrible position to be in. The prey HAS to stay alive. So does the predator and one of them is going to lose!" He nodded at Anish and touched his own sides, "The additional problem for Humans is our very bodies." He patted himself lightly, "We have a body made to eat meat! Animals. We are predators. I hate it, but I am! I love steak, pork, chicken, fish, and even bugs!"

Anish's eyes widened hearing that, "Bugs. You do?"

Joel nodded, "I don't eat them a lot, but I've eaten termites, ants, mealworms, scorpions, and crickets." He chuckled, "Admittedly, it was part of a survival program with the military, and they wanted to override our revulsion about eating bugs and insects." He waved the concern away, "One of our trainers invited us to dinner..." he nodded a consent, "and served some pretty tasty insects. He told us when trapped and hungry eating insects was the way to go. It is done with people around the world! It was good!" He held a finger up. "But men aren't hunting men...not for food..." he hesitated and added, "usually." He waved that train of thought away. "They want something from us they KNOW we won't willingly give and THEY will hurt and even kill to get it." Joel shrugged, "I will even be a little more understanding if the Human predator is doing it to support their family when they do what they do, but not for the man that is simply greedy." Joel nodded again, "I confessed, and I will confess again, I am NOT a pacifist! When threatened, I want to strike back!"

Anish nodded enthusiastically, "I do, too!"

Joel held the finger up again, "But you won't and don't! That makes you a better man than me." He smiled again, "Believe me. I don't nor have I ever thought of you as a coward. You are scared and should be or we can't use you! We need you. I will make sure you stay alive." He looked back as Larisa and Sara Beth were comparing their respective swelling abdomens. Larisa was a little larger but not by much. Joel thought of men that compared their penis sizes. Did it matter? Not really. If it got the job done, who cared if you had a shower or a grower? "When we evolve to the point we can exist solely on solar energy alone, then we will have gotten somewhere, and we aren't the oldest species the Earth produced."

"We are the only one that made it to space!" Anish pointed out.

"That we KNOW of!" Joel countered.

Anish chuckled and hugged Joel. "Thank you for understanding."

"With your contribution to the gene pool," Joel laughed, "I know we'll get there."

Joel and Anish returned to Sara Beth, Hank, Rita, and Larisa.

"Is everything alright?" Larisa asked her husband. "You two were having a pretty intense conversation."

"It was," Joel smiled rubbing Anish on the shoulder. "I'm sure Anish will tell you about it."

"Just fine," Anish said smiling. He pointed at Hank, "You were right when you told them Joel was smart. You are right."

Hank frowned and grumbled, "I'm going to have to remember everything is broadcast when on a mission."

Joel nodded suspiciously but grinned, "Oh, you didn't mean it."

"Of course, I did!" Hank griped. "If everything we say is going to be remembered, recorded and saved for posterity. I'm going to have to make sure I say something a lot more profound!"

As great as the mission went, Joel, Hank and the others that went out on the Harpy-Lander were very tired. They had eaten lunch, of sorts, while out on the mission. When he got the tube of protein and other nutrients, he chuckled remembering his sons humor concerning what he and the others ate. The Harpy-Lander had been supplied with recycled products. The tubes were due to the lack of gravity. They would take the top off the tubes and inserted the "food" in their mouths. He was reminded of the shows he'd seen where the actor shot Cheez Whiz directly in their mouths. These tubes weren't Cheez Whiz but had different flavors like Joel had chosen a Louisiana Jambalaya flavor. Hank had chosen one that was Italian Macaroni and Gravy. (Spaghetti and Spaghetti Sauce for all non-Italians.) Having loose food and liquid simply floating around the lander was not recommended. The truth was this tube of paste was made of meals the people on the Ark had not finished...that and the solid wastes the residents had excreted. In other words, shit. Athena had taken the discarded food and waste creating a new product that was carefully processed, broken down. All e coli and other parasites were gotten rid of. There were the chemical additions to give the paste flavor. It was pretty good. His mind had told him it wasn't like the real thing. Joel had eaten many meals ready to eat when in the military, MREs. They were pretty good. He needed to tell them about the poop paste they'd eaten...and the piss drink. The recycled protein could be in paste, served like cold cuts on sandwiches, severed in casseroles or even with pasta as meatballs or in lasagna.

They'd shared a meal in the Dining Area. Joel looked at the many people here. All of the adults on the Ark were in their primes. There were different schools of thought about when that was, physically and mentally, all of these doctors were in their thirties. Men went into their prime in their late twenties, women went into their prime in their thirties. The youngest was in their late twenties at they were twenty-nine now. They all had degrees and had made headway in their fields. The time that the last of adult brain devel0pment was behind them and they were all in good physical condition. They all had their exercises they each did to maintain the condition, if not improve that condition. It was accepted policy that all people in space follow a strict regimen of exercises to keep the deterioration of the muscles and bones. Improvements in medicine had stretched the prime of life into the sixties! For those who could afford it. People were living past one hundred now. Again, if you could afford it. The Ark had what they needed to do that.

Joel wasn't seeking to create an army. He wanted a defense force that could do just that, defend! Bai Ch'en's instructions on using Tai Chi he knew would be beneficial as they learned to improve balance and improve thinking. It was used successfully to deal with pain. Meditation was key. Most of Tai Chi was about NOT being hit. Blocking hits and being aware of your surroundings. There were the pushing and strikes, but that would be taught, but as a self-defense. Anish shouldn't have a problem with that.

During the meal he grinned as he saw Sara Beth had not one, but three pickles during the meal. Her cravings were beginning and lasted throughout her pregnancies.

"Honey," Joel said. "Your cucumbers aren't mature enough. They're not ready."

Sara Beth nodded, "Fortunately, we have enough in storage. My cucumbers will be ready in another month or so." She bit into a pickle. "These are so good!"

"I know where you grow grapes is important with making wine," Joel ventured. "Will it be important with making pickles?"

Sara Beth nodded and shrugged, "It can make a difference. The hydroponic fluid will give the cucumbers the means to grow. I try to add the needed fertilizer and chemicals to grow, it does change the taste a little."

Kevin grinned, "Fertilizer. Like what you ate when putting those sentries out there?"

Joel smiled at the question. His son knew what they ate out in space when there was no gravity, "Yes, it was poop paste."

"JOEL!!" Sara Beth said quick and irritated, her eyes rolled away as she sighed in a huff.

Joel got three "ews" from his boys, Ian tried to hide his smile, but his giggle gave what was happening away.

"Well," Joel reasoned, "It is funny and icky sounding. The idea of eating garbage or sewage deserves the ew." He waved his hand out helplessly, "No one can be so mature NOT to say it doesn't earn the ew and laugh!"

Sara Beth looked at Joel and motioned at her sons, "Yes, but do you have to encourage them?"

"At least they aren't so revolted they can't see the humor," Joel reasoned. "I just beat them to the punchline. Admit it!" He pointed at Sara Beth and grinned. "We are conditioned that all garbage and sewage is disgusting and nasty. We are to leave it alone." His arms came out as he said further, "Then I come around and tell them I ate it. Everyone on the Harpy-Lander ate poop paste. I will also say it was pretty darned good!"

Jimmy smiled, "It didn't taste like poop?"

Joel shrugged, "I wouldn't know. I've eaten many things, but I have never just eaten poop. So, how would I know?" He held his hand up, "But that's only partly true." He waved at their plates, "What food you don't finish when you put it in the recycler will be broken down and recycled as the paste or even lunch meat. With the sewage Athena will use the particles to be used for making meals or Mom's hydro chemical solution. She will be eating pickles made from cucumbers raised with those chemicals." He looked at Jimmy, "My tube tasted like Crawfish and Shrimp Jambalaya! It was good." He grinned bigger, "It wasn't as spicy as MY Jambalaya, but it was warm and tasty."

"You ate from the tube because of the no gravity," Kevin stated what he knew, but wanted confirmation.

"That's right," Joel nodded. "Otherwise, loose foods could just float anywhere. We waste nothing on the Ark." He pointed at his sons, "Even your haircuts. That cut hair is used for other things, such as the fur on the robotic kittens and puppies."

Sara Beth sighed and touched her abdomen lovingly, "Take your time, but I could sure use some help out here."

Joel grinned, "Who knows? She could be a bigger prankster and think this is funnier than they do!"

The next day the lessons with Bai Ch'en began. Everyone was encouraged to participate. That included Joel and Sara Beth. There was one big class and adults, and children were instructed on the slow movements and told to concentrate on breathing, the inhalation and exhalation, being conscious of where they were, feeling the Ying and Yang about them. Feeling their surroundings and even the rotation of the Habitat Ring. Where they were in this solar system, above Gaea, in the galaxy and even in the universe. Where they were individually in the midst of all of it. Joel knew his children might not get this at first...Joel didn't know that he fully understood. He had been taught to meditate and center himself and was continually trying to do it.

Joel didn't know how many Ark residents came that morning, but it looked like all of them. Joel was holding a more advanced class for what he learned in the military. The military had combined several martial arts and the one Joel had learned was Taekwondo with a lot of kicks. Judo and Karate were also taught and had been blended, making it one Martial Art. He learned to use his opponent's movement and strikes against them.

When it was over for that morning Kevin came closer to his father. "That was interesting, but why are we doing this? I know you want us to be able to defend will this help?"

Joel smiled at his son, "This morning was to help you get in touch with yourself and what's around you. You will be more focused and able to think more clearly. You'll do better in school. I'll do better when I work."

"You're doing it every day?" Kevin asked.

"I think we should," Joel admitted. "I learned to meditate right before an intense operation and after." He shrugged. "Even during that operation, I learned to control my heartrate and blood pressure and remain calm. It works."

"You can control your HEART!?" Kevin asked.

Joel nodded, "There are some that are so good at controlling their bodies. It's good for managing pain, stress, and will help your mother bring Daylia into the world."

Looking at what they had done the day before, Joel could see much farther than before and more quickly. Adel was working on creating a relay they would place between Gaea and the Sol system. They were putting another one just outside the Sol Solar System. A sentry near Earth, Mars, and the mines around Jupiter. Another drone, or probe would go toward Tau Ceti and another toward Canis Minor. Tau Ceti would be easier as it only had one star. Canis Minor had two, but only one had planets.

He asked for those that had some martial art training to attend his class he was giving. There were about thirty who had training in traditional Judo, Karate, and even Kung Fu. The gender was not important nor was the reason why. Most he assumed were for exercise and self-defense. Robbie was teaching school in the Communal Area. He had to look for a location big enough for a class of a dozen with the room to move. There was a space on level three that was vacant. He put down the exercise mats to cushion any falls which were very well padded, and they could move on. These people on the Ark were prime examples of the Human Species. All were wonders in their fields and also in their physical conditions. He was surprised to see Anish in the class. Buddhists were a people that sought peace and compassion. Yet, they knew how to defend others. Joel was not so heterosexual to not notice that all the men here, most without shirts and wearing loose pants, they were all with well-developed muscles and attractive. Not one would he have dared to call a ninety-pound weakling. They would never be called nerds or geeks.

Damn, Xolani was big! He wore shorts and his black pigment covered his entire body showing powerful legs and a massive chest. Descended from Zulu warriors he would intimidate anyone! He was beautiful. Leif was descended from Vikings, and he also had a big build. His fair skin and muscular form were as intimidating as Xolani's. Adel was there. She also had the well-muscled form having a female's well-defined body. Yes, she was born male, but he would never have guessed it now. She had the curves women had. She wore loose pants and wore a single top like an athletic bra Sara Beth wore when exercising. Adel had to be a thirty-six or thirty-eight D. She had beautiful breasts. Hank, his friend was blond! He also had the good muscle development, and his chest was covered by pretty thick chest hair. The people on the Ark had been chosen from among millions of people that had the needed knowledge. They also had the physical development that gave them the added bonus. They also had spouses that also had the mental and physical points and finally and critically, was the mental stability and psychological fitness. They won their right to be on the Ark. Two thousand souls the Approval Board KNEW could do this job!

They were all dressed to do some work now. Exerting themselves as they did. He had asked Sara Beth NOT to attend this class. He didn't want his daughter harmed even if it was by accident. He smiled at Anish and then addressed the others in his class.

"Okay," Joel waved at them, "I'm pleased to see all of you. I am going to attempt to show you what I learned while training and serving in the military. What I learned were the different kinds of Martial Art. You will know what the best countermove to an opponent's move." He shrugged, "you apply a move to counteract an opponent's move and get the job done. There is no RIGHT martial art. Every culture in every country has a kind of Martial Art. The objective is to be able to stop someone and walk away." He held that finger up. "That is our main goal. We stop any theft or harm to anyone." He looked at them. "I don't want to build an army, but we need to build up a means of defense. I've said it before, I hope we don't have to use it, but reality tells me we will. It's inevitable. There aren't that many of us, so we have to think smart. We are the best Ark sent out into space. We need to use our resources to the greatest balance." He smiled at them, "Be it ten years from now or a few hundred. They will be here. We have had some amazing developments in propulsion and communication. We must keep that sort of development going."

He stopped again and smiled at them. "Now, someone try to come at me as if to attack." He waved at himself with both hands in the "come on" motion. "Try. Who knows, you might win. I'm a bit rusty. I doubt it, but try."

The others there looked at each other and no one looked as if they were going to do it. Suddenly, Xolani lunged at Joel who merely twisted into him and turned, pulled Xolani's arm further forward throwing Xolani off balance and he landed a few feet away. The others pulled back in surprise.

"Very good!" Joel nodded and grinned. "You knew I'd be ready so the best attack would be a surprise! Good thinking but wrong. I was ready because I invited someone to attack." He chuckled and pointed at Xolani, "By the way, that was a great war face." That's when he noticed Hank coming from behind him to strike. Joel simply leaned forward on one knee leaving one leg extended in Hank's path and he twisted a turn, again pulling and tripping Hank. "Oh, double teaming me. It didn't work." He went over and helped Xolani up and then Hank. "You could easily be attacked by one or more. The object here was to use the momentum against them and throwing them off balance. If there's a way out now, take it! Think. Defend."

Leah surprised Joel. She, like the others was in great shape. She was a Psychiatrist and a Neurologist. Science and Medicine had been her sandbox while growing up. Like Adel, she had definition and had a distinct "six-pack" abdominal muscle group. She was smaller than Adel standing maybe five feet and six inches tall. She hadn't spent her entire time in college and medical school behind a microscope or in labs. Joel had remembered many times where Sara Beth had studied while she was working out. Especially when on the treadmill. She also had her midriff uncovered and the evidence was there. Of course, Joel thought she was attractive. He thought her husband Nayef was attractive. Hell, he couldn't think of a single person on the Ark that he would consider ugly or even plain. At this moment, all of the residents were in a sort of honeymoon. All were using their best behaviors. Would there be affairs? Hell, yeah! Human history was full of accounts where there were affairs and Humans were very promiscuous sexually. For the men that was great! He could even have many wives! Hundreds if he wanted to. In India, China, and Africa there were countries that DID allow women to have multiple husbands. Neither Joel or Sara Beth had been virgins when they married. The rise of many religions had given rules about what to eat, how to act, and when to have sex. There were double standards. A man wasn't as restricted about sex and his affairs were neither surprising or unexpected. A woman, however, was expected to be a virgin and stay faithful to her husband. Daughters were sequestered and taught to be pure and a virgin until marriage. Okay, so who were the men having affairs with? Protection about sex was often forbidden. Catholics were taught prophylactics were a sin. A large family was common with them.

Yes, Joel's mind considered having sex with other people. He had no doubt Sara Beth has. He knew others had that desire about her and him! He and Sara Beth had a good sex life. She was important to Joel. He would never hurt Sara Beth. Sara Beth would not hurt Joel because if Sara Beth DID have an affair, it WOULD hurt Joel! That's why he stressed to each of his sons to never treat someone as an object for sex. Humans were built for sex! It would happen. He wouldn't tell anyone "No," except for Sara Beth. Nayef was a handsome man. So was Hank. He wouldn't turn any of them down but what that would mean for the spouses of both! He dreaded when a spouse died leaving someone alone.

Joel had them spar with each other. He wanted them to spar not based on gender or even size. Xolani was nearly a foot taller than Leah, but Joel had them spar against each other. Xolani was holding back, and Joel could see it. Xolani did NOT want to hurt Leah. The match would be over when one brought the other down. He could have done it easily, if he wanted to. If Leah let him touch her. She was blocking each attempt he made. Then Joel smiled as Leah suddenly groaned and held the back of her leg at her calf. Joel was concerned she had a charley-horse or some other issue as with everyone else was. Xolani did. He stopped trying to grab her and leaned in concerned. Leah suddenly swept Xolani's legs and pushed him backward, landing Xolani on his ass!

"Hey!" Hank objected. "That was dirty and unfair!"

Joel chuckled, "I told you to bring the other down and think. I never mentioned anything about being fair." He threw his arms out. "Who said a fight was to be fair? It WAS dirty! But she won! Only in a Dojo and other classes where pitted against a classmate is it to be FAIR." He saw Leah help Xolani stand again. "You will trust in a fight with an adversary the fight will NOT be fair and it WILL be dirty!" He pointed at Leah, "How else would Leah stand a chance against Xolani!? She thought about it, used his compassion against him, and brought him down!" He pointed at Xolani, "And you didn't come at Leah with all of what you had! You held back!"

Xolani nodded, "I didn't want to hurt her!"

Joel nodded, "That's a wonderful quality about you." He grinned, "You never used your war face on her." He cocked his head. "Did you hold back on me?"

Xolani grudged a nodding shrug, "Well, yes. You are a friend. Family. I didn't want to hurt you either."

Joel grinned hearing Xolani thought of him as family. "I think of you as family, too." He waved at them, "All of you are family, your spouses, your children are family as well. Let's try this again. Bring your opponent down. Think. Don't worry about fair. The object is to get away."

This went on for about another hour. Another feat he wanted to teach them, most knew it already, was how to fall. If knocked down how was the best way to fall to minimize injury?

Before they broke up for the day Joel reminded them of Kevin's beach party not on any beach the next morning. The start time was ten in the morning.

The next morning Joel and Sara Beth got up and came out to see Robbie had prepared breakfast for their sons.

"Greeting, Dad Joel and Mom Sara Beth," Robbie greeted.

"Good morning, Robbie." Sara Beth said back.

Joel grinned, "Good morning, Robbie! What is on the agenda for today?"

Kevin looked at his father and knew Joel was playing with him, "Come on, Dad! You know today's my birthday."

"Is it?" Joel asked going to the dispenser and got his cold vanilla latte. He looked at Sara Beth. "Are you okay for your hot tea?"

"Please," Sara Beth asked him. "I'll have my morning scones. My morning sickness isn't bad right now but being proactive is best."

"The scones are warming, Mom Sara Beth." Robbie said. "I heard you two up and thought you would. I did not know what you would want, Dad Joel."

Joel put Sara Beth's hot tea in front of her and shrugged, "Bacon, western scrambled eggs, and a short stack of pancakes?"

"I will begin preparations," Robbie said. "Please, don't tell me again I am not a servant, but family. I am serving my family."

Joel chuckled, "Okay. You know you are family." He sat with a smile at Kevin, "And how do we know it's your birthday?"

"Because operating on an Earth based calendar, I'm eleven!" Kevin said proudly.

"Yes," Jimmy began. "How are we going to deal with that? Even Gaea, we're measuring our day and year using Earth's calendar! How does that work out? Gaean days are measured in thirty-three Earth Hours. A year is four hundred and thirteen days."

"Measurement of time is not tricky," Joel said simply. "We're going to arrange a clock that's a universal constant."

"Who cares?" Kevin nearly shouted. "It's my birthday! Whatever calendar you use today, right now. Is MY birthday!"

Joel laughed and nodded, "So, it is."

"You'll have a party," Sara Beth smiled. "We'll have cake and ice cream here in our quarters later..." she held a firm finger up, "NOT for breakfast!" She smiled, "Do we wait to give you your presents or do it now?"

Joel grinned, "Well, one can be given now. He can use it at the party."

"Not in the crowded conditions," Sara Beth cautioned. She stopped and thought a second, "My goodness, am I always the buzzkill?"

Joel's eyes widened, but he had to admit, "Well, you think of everyone else's safety and ensure correct behavior. How else will they learn? You are a parent."

Kevin's eyes grew, "A buzzkill?"

Joel grinned, "When a person drinks a little too much he gets a pleasant feeling..." he waved his hand. "He has a buzz. Someone that comes in being serious or depressing will kill that buzz. Therefore, a buzzkill."

"Oh," Kevin said and then instantly went to his original statement. "We can have the cake and ice cream later.'

Joel grinned, "I'll give you the present in question now." He rose and went to the closet Robbie normally rested in when the Ark traveled in space. He brought a large flat box in brightly wrapped paper that said "Happy Birthday."

Sara Beth cleared a place on the table, and he placed in in front of Kevin. The box was big enough for a coat or many things.

Kevin's smile grew and he proceeded to rip the paper away. Once it was uncovered he opened the box. Kevin looked puzzled as he looked at what was in the box. "These look like..." he lifted a gun like thing, "is this a phasor? Like on that series you love Star Trek?"

Joel nodded, "Yes."

Kevin lifted another gun, "And this is a Romulan Disrupter?"

Joel nodded again, "That's right."

He picked up another gun, "This is Klingon ?"

"Right again!" Joel laughed. "The difference is these WORK!"

"Joel," Sara Beth warned.

"Well, they do!" Joel insisted. "They won't stun or kill but aim one and pull the trigger."

"Where?" Kevin asked.

"Anywhere," Joel said happily. "Don't ever point those guns at anyone unless you're playing the game. It's a game. Like tag. You can have the people or three teams." He waved at the weapons. "Fire!"

Kevin pointed his phasor and pressed the trigger and a line of bluish-white light erupted from the phasor and the sound of the discharge that struck the wall. No damage was done to the wall.

"Fire at me," Joel instructed.

"Joel!" Sara Beth said worried. "A game is fine, but..."

"Only these guns!" Joel cautioned Kevin.

Kevin pointed the phasor at his father and fired. The light hit Joel who didn't even move.

"Kevin." Sara Beth began, "Children have played tag since they could run. They play with toy weapons to play war, but war is not a game."

Joel explained. "In the late Twentieth Century they created Laser Tag. Players would hunt each other, get exercise, and score points on the number of hits. This is like that. You will hunt and fire at opponents and accumulate points. The hits will be kept up with by Athena. Once the opponent is hit, his phasor won't work." He picked up some other items. "There are tricorders that can scan," he picked up a badge symbol, "communicators that really work!" He grinned, "They should. According to the show, they should be out there now! Only, I've never met a Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan...there is no Federation of Planets..." he held his finger up, "YET!"

"Wow!" Jimmy said lifting a Klingon Disruptor.

"Actually," Joel began. "I restrict you from playing anywhere except the Habitat Rings. You have ten kilometers to play on. I insist you stay on those two rings." He looked at Kevin, "tell me you will do that, in words. I will make it a command and have Athena to not allow them to work." He pointed toward the door to their quarters. "There are the five kilometers out there," he pointed up to the ceiling, "and five kilometers on the level above us. Tell me in words you understand and will do what I ask."

Kevin was smiling grandly as he looked through what he'd been given. He nodded to his father, "I get it. We can use this only on the Habitat Rings. What of personal quarters?"

Joel nodded, "And there is your issue. Personal. I won't mind you playing in our quarters." He waved at the blooming roses and other blossoming plants around the room. "Your mother has some plants she cherishes in here." He waved at the plants with some smaller yellow blossoms and things growing that hung down that were the plants' product, or soon would be. Sara Beth's cucumbers that she would harvest and put in a brine Sara Beth had used for decades! Vinegar, salt, and some other spices Sara Beth wouldn't tell Joel about. Perhaps she'll tell Daylia who can keep the formula going. "Some plants more than others." He grinned at Sara Beth who smiled back in approval.

Kevin looked at Joel and then his mother, "I'd never hurt her plants."

Joel nodded and touched his son's shoulder, "I know you wouldn't. I believe your brothers wouldn't." He looked at Kevin with a firmer look. "Can you speak for Lunga? For Etera? Jiao-long? Alan?" He thought for the names of boys about Kevin's age who might play the game. "Personal space must be personal. If they agree to let you use it, fine. I'm sure your Uncle Hank will agree, but be sure your Aunt Rita agrees, and Chloe and Rachel." He looked at Sara Beth who was still smiling totally happy with what he was doing. "Is there anything else parental I need to add?"

Sara Beth shook her head, "I don't think so." She looked at Kevin, "At first I wasn't happy with this game, but I know boys. They love to play this sort of game. I think it will teach you some important skills such as strategy, tactics, and focused thinking. You will get exercise..." she shrugged, "and most important...have fun!"

Joel nodded and had his son look at him, "Now, say it. What do you understand about what I asked you?" Joel had learned to do it this way. His grandfather had done it with him. His grandfather wanted Joel to be able to articulate what was his understanding.

"We can only use this and play on the two Habitat Rings and never in any personal space. I don't think we need to risk hurting ANY of Mom's plants." He waved at the cucumber plants, "Especially her future pickles!" His eyebrows wiggled up and down.

Sara Beth smiled. Yes, Kevin was a good boy. He was calm most of the time. A little gangly, but with his father's great looks, he was a future heartbreaker. He was very smart. Puberty was already reaching Kevin as the "peach fuzz" was lightly covering his upper lip. An annoyance Joel HATED growing up and used that Laser-Razer to keep it trimmed. Yes, at eleven! The next decade of Kevin's life was going to be full of self-doubt as he leaves his childhood behind and becomes an adult. Many of the pressures were gone as they left the Earth, but there would still be pressures as he attempts to find his voice here. His body was already changing as his mother could more easily see. His shoulders were broadening, and his musculature was forming more to become a man. Right behind him was Jimmy and then Ian. Her babies would always be her babies even after they became men. Then there would be Daylia. She mentally sighed. Who knew who else was coming to their family? She wouldn't mind if Joel carried their next child, but really she preferred to do it. Matt and Mark had that artificial womb, but a child needed to hear its mother's heartbeat and feel the warmth as the mother protected it. They spoke with all their children from the moment they knew their child was coming. They played music and read to them. Daylia even heard her brothers' voices and would know those voices after she was born. She even heard Robbie's voice so she would know him. No, there were times she would love to give the burden to Joel, but also knew she would NEVER let her children go. SHE was the mother and nature had given her the determination and drive to bring a new life into the world. Those prenatal vitamins and medicines she took daily worked wonders. She felt better than she did when not pregnant. No one could make those medicines work on a woman who WASN'T pregnant and forget a man. The chemistry in a woman bringing a new life was unique and those vitamins and medicines just made it work. She knew when they told women carrying a child that she would glow. Not literally...or maybe they did.

"Let's eat up!" Joel waved at their table. "We have a party to go to!"

They went to the third level where there were two labs large enough with tanks in each that everyone could fit in. There was a passage from one to the other. Athena was projecting a very realistic image of a beach scene where you had to look carefully to see the wall. As before, there were palm trees in the distance where the frons waved in a tropical breeze that could be heard and even felt. The sounds of waves as they reached the sandy beach in the distance and seen. The call of seagulls. And had Athena added the fragrant smell growing plants, flowers and the scent of salt? It was chemical, so she probably had. Athena was there! She was always around, but now she was physically there! A holographic projection but standing there in the group of people. No one could yet touch her, and she couldn't touch anyone else, but she was standing there. Unlike the others who wore bathing suits to get in the water, she wore the short-sleeved coverall. She couldn't yet even get wet. Her body was coming, but as they say "Rome wasn't built in a day." Soon. She was not just this entity that was "up there." She was a part of them.

Joel liked what he saw. The many souls on this Ark had formed friendships and there was a feeling of community here. There was laughter as well as many conversations going on around this area and the adjacent one. Children chased each other and many were in the water splashing and having a great time. It wasn't just because if was Kevin's birthday. It was because of that sense of community. Joel thought they needed more of these times. When the tanks were needed to grow Leif's and Steven's algae and plankton they would have to think of something else, but for now...this was needed. This wasn't a perfect society. There was no utopia. No one man's or group of men's views about the perfect life was imposed on others. Those societies failed every time. They were building their own world and would have their society. These people were intelligent. There were no ignorant. There would be failures on Gaea. Joel dreaded that idea, but this was a new world They were beginning to create a brave new world. Hopefully, it would be a brave new galaxy. He wasn't kidding about the planetary alliance. He hoped there would become a United Alliance of Worlds. A Federation of Planets. If the other planets settled by men cooperated. He had no real problem with sharing technology with them as well as goods. Trade.

"Happy birthday, Kevin!" Hank said coming over with Rita and his daughters. "This is quite a party!"

"Thanks, Uncle Hank," Kevin said happily.

There was a soft chiming sound and they heard, "I'm about to come over to you." Athena's voice said and then she appeared near them. She looked at Hank, "Was that better?" She asked with a smile. She looked at Kevin and the others, "Hank took an issue with me just appearing. He wanted to put a bell on me."

Hank nodded, "Well, I did. You're not there and then you just were. That was much better." He smiled. "No heart attacks this time."

Athena looked at the others enjoying the water and each other, "How did I do? I added some chemicals based on the chemical analysis of the air of the real Hawai'ian Beach in Honolulu." Her head nodded. "And Maui and Hilo. There are only slight variances among them."

"It's beautiful," Rita said. "One day you'll be able to experience it. Feel the warmth of the sun, swim in the water and perhaps even taste poi!"

Athena smiled, "I look forward to it."

Jimmy looked at Robbie, "I will make it so you can taste and eat poi. Maybe have you feel the warmth of the sun and swim."

"I await that day with anticipation," Robbie told him.

Nayef and Leah came over, Nayef was without a shirt and wore shorts. He and Leah made a handsome couple. He had the dark hair. He didn't have the features of men from the Middle East had. His father had been Welsh! Screw all that about pigmentation and the other garbage. He was a handsome man. Leah was a beautiful woman. Judging some one based on ethnics and culture were just stupid. Nayef was very attractive. He was about forty? He probably broke many hearts in the past...and probably now. He, like Leah, hadn't spent his university time just in class or at a computer. He was also in great shape. "Leah tells me you have a great class on defense. I look forward to taking it." He shrugged, "I had an appointment, so I couldn't attend yesterday's class."

There were so many doctors on the Ark, so doctors that had patients and appointments were not unexpected.

"Leah put Xolani on his ass!" Hank said happily. "She can fight dirty."

Nayef looked at his wife with appreciation, "She doesn't surprise me." He looked at Joel and smiled at Joel's face. He looked at what Joel was looking at. He looked back and grinned. "You approve of what you're seeing."

Joel nodded and waved at the others, "Not that it needs my approval, but yes, I love what I see! We are no longer a group of doctors and scientists thrown together on this Ark and sent into space." He sighed, "We are a town! A community." His hands flew out, "And they LIKE each other!"

Nayef nodded and grinned, "That's what Humans are supposed to do."

Sara Beth smiled, "Oh, we'd invite anyone who wants to, but we spend so much time together..." she shrugged, "We've got a birthday cake for Kevin. I invite you to our quarters for some cake and ice cream." She touched her son lovingly, "He'll blow out the candles and we can continue this party there."

"We'd love to!" Leah said readily.

"Blowing out candles, eating cake, and ice cream is a tradition that will NEVER go out of style!" Hank declared. "What kind of cake?"

Rita rolled her eyes, "Is there a cake you don't like? It's cake!"

Sara Beth leaned in toward them and said softly to them looking where her sons were, "Actually, there are two cakes. A traditional sort of birthday cake and another is Nana Maria's Oops Cake."

"Oops cake?" Leah asked equally as quiet.

Sara Beth grinned and nodded, "They always expect it, but..." she chuckled, "I know others have done it, but she claims she made it by accident. It was a chocolate fudge cake, and she said her oven was set on a higher temperature and the top over cooked while the bottom stayed gooey. The top wasn't burnt, but like a chocolate brownie and the bottom was hot gooey chocolate fudge pudding and is great with ice cream."

"That sounds wonderful!" Nayef said eagerly.

Hank nodded, "I can't wait!"

The party was great and Joel didn't think there were any who didn't show up. He didn't ask for a rollcall or even ask Athena. There were some major events coming. Adel's communication relays and they were putting the ore processor and smelter in orbit where raw ore would be sent up from the mines and the smelter would begin melting it down to a usable metal. Combining the various ores to make a sturdy metal resistant to rust and with enough strength to withstand the worst storm, re-entry from space, and even impact from various space debris! Humans had made some wonderful strides for space travel and habitation.

The days of those huge vats of molten metal were gone. There was no gravity in the modern smelter used laser heat to melt the ores. The large solar collectors would capture a portion of Ran's output and would use that power to melt the ore into metal. Once those two things were used, they had brought from Earth to use to make their new home. The rest of the Ark's special space were the machinist shops Athena used to create the robots and parts for replacement.

Athena could be viewed as a demigod. She did everything. Rita and her team of computer specialists allowed Athena to learn and grow in her understanding of Humans.

Alejandro Rojas' Drive Generator was allowing them to travel so much further and faster. Dark Matter was an excepted fact. No one had seen any, but the math was sound. Dark energy was attempted to be formed, but Alejandro said it was a form of dark energy. It was used to cause space to expand and contract. The Rojas Drive, as he would refer to it from now on, along Joder Mast's power boost worked!

This moment in time, a relaxing time for everyone was very important. It was the glue that held them together.

Kevin had gotten his personality and traits from Joel. The careful dietary habits from Sara Beth had created a very calm young man. Like Joel, he wasn't impulsive of bouncing off walls about anything. Joel was never one to sneak down Christmas morning to see what he'd gotten. A present for him could sit untouched by Joel who reasoned, the present was for him and it would be given at the appropriate time. Kevin had gotten a present he seemed to like but was patient about playing with it. Sara Beth wasn't fanatical about it but controlled her sons' sugar intake and that included fruit sugar. Fructose was just as bad as granulated sugar. All three of their sons were calm. Then again, he didn't notice a single child on the Ark that suffered from Hyperactivity or Attention Disorders. Active play was expected.

Joel thought of all the residents on the Ark as friends and family. He would like to have invited all of them to their quarters to share the cake and ice cream. There were some residents he and Sara Beth spent more time with and were closer with. It was natural. Hank was the closest for Joel. Sara Beth was close to Rita, but Rita's computer knowledge caused Sara Beth to chose Leah. That was Joel's opinion from observation. Leah and Sara Beth were strong women with genius level minds in medical science. Joel liked Hank...okay, he LOVED Hank because he was funny! He was brilliant and often a clown. Something Joel cherished. Was Hank being friendly to Joel because he was Commander? Maybe, but he joked and clowned with Joel more than anyone else. Joel considered Hank as his best friend and felt Hank felt the same for him.

They enjoyed the water and the relaxing scenery all morning and into the afternoon.

Back in their quarters, the Cavills and the Rees there with their children it became a bit more chaotic. Robbie and Robot were there as well.

"Do we eat cake first or open presents?" Joel asked Kevin.

Kevin shrugged, "We're doing both. Can we do it at the same time?" He grinned.

"Alright," Sara Beth nodded. "We'll start with the cake and have you blow out the candles, cut and serve the cake and ice cream and you can get the other presents." She motioned to their dining table. "I'll bring it to you. Sit."

Kevin smiled and sat as Hank looked at the one present Kevin had gotten earlier, "Wow! This is so AWESOME!" He picked up a Romulan Phasor Disrupter.

"And they work!" Joel said smiling, "It's not harmful at all, but will fire and you can score hit points." He shrugged, "Hell, I might play with them in the game!"

"Only on the two Habitat Rings," Kevin added. "And in no one's personal quarters without permission."

Joel grinned and nodded, "Right."

"Can we play?" Nayef asked picking up a Starfleet Phasor. "It sounds like fun!"

"Sure," Kevin readily agreed.

Sara Beth came to the table holding a long sheet cake that was several layers. Elegant chocolate frosting but what was different was the soccer ball that looked like it landed on the cake and was partially sunken into the cake! On the top read "Happy Birth..." and the soccer ball was there and the next line was "Kevi..." and the ball was in the way again. Looking carefully you saw the soccer ball was icing covered black and white. The writing was elegant, as well. The candles, all eleven were lit. "Well, make a wish and blow them out!"

"Wait!" Joel stopped Kevin. "We haven't sung the song!" And he led them in the "Happy Birthday" song and then he waved at the cake, "Now blow them out!" He looked at the others. "Some rituals HAVE to be upheld!"

The others were smiling their agreement and the cake. Kevin blew and blew them all out.

Sara Beth got a knife and plates and handed the knife to Kevin, "You cut the cake."

Kevin cut a big piece and Sara Beth helped him get the piece on the plate. She would cut the cake from then on. "I know there are no chocolate allergies here. You are going to be suffering from chocolate overload today." She pointed at the three layers they could see. The bottom layer was a darker chocolate, there was a white layer in the middle and a milk chocolate colored top layer. "This is a triple-threat chocolate decadence cake. Chocolate fudge cake on the bottom, white chocolate in the middle, and milk chocolate on top. A buttercream chocolate icing. Even the soccer ball is chocolate cake!"

Rita shook her head, "I know Athena didn't do this." She pointed at the cake. "You MADE this!"

Sara Beth nodded a shrug, but Joel answered for her, "She did! While the boys were at school. She has made wonderful cakes in the past." He looked at Jimmy, "Remember your Big Top cake? The circus tent cake?" To which Jimmy nodded smiling. "And Ian had a clown cake." His hands came apart a foot or two, "I mean a clown! Not the face of a clown, but a clown with the clothes and down to the big clown shoes."

"And your military hat cake!" Jimmy reminded Joel. "You finished a tough course in that military school!"

Joel nodded, "And it looked like you could wear the damned thing! Except for it being coconut."

"You should be a baker!" Hank smiled, "Not a doctor! Hell, marry me!"

No one was worried about that as they knew Joel and Sara Beth were cemented together. So were Hank and Rita.

Rita swatted Hank, "And what about me?"

Hank grinned, "Oh, we'll still be married. I'm doing it just for the cake!" Rita rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"That might make the office situation more difficult," Joel smiled.

Hank shook his head, "Rita and I will marry both of you!" He looked at Nayef, "You're a great cook, too. I'll marry you!" He looked at Leah, "Did you cook?" He shook his head. "Who cares? I'll marry you, too."

"They told us," Leah chuckled. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." She looked at the cake slices being cut. "This is amazing!"

Kevin nodded as he shoved a forkful in his mouth, "And very good!"

Sara Beth smiled, "As a young girl. Nana Maria taught me how to cook. Even after she died and I went to another home, whenever I was upset or when I was having a tough class and was having trouble concentrating, I would cook." She shrugged. "I enjoy it and it relaxes me. It released my creative side and I enjoyed the challenge of making one-of-a-kind cakes."

"You could make big money doing this professionally," Rita said.

"I considered it," Sara Beth admitted.

"But we're glad you didn't," Joel said smiling. "We wouldn't be here if you had."

"And I have that Oops cake," Sara Beth reminded them. "There's French Vanilla Ice Cream." She waved at Kevin, "He insists."

"It cuts the chocolate taste," Kevin said logically. "You have to."

Kevin was given two other gifts. One was a ball about the size of a basketball or soccer ball. It was clear with lighted finger points on the outside. Red, green, blue, yellow, purple...that went toward the center of the ball. The clear ball allowed you to see those lights. There were a series of five lights from the outside to the center where gold light glowed in the center.

"A Game Sphere?" Kevin asked in awe.

"Yep," Joe' nodded and touched a button on the side. Those lights moved around on the inside in a chaotic manner and the center light went out. "To get that light back on, you need to rearrange those lights back into position.. It's a more complex version of my Rubix Cube you liked. This is harder." Joel reached behind him and opened a drawer and handed Kevin a long, fat, red something. He put it in Kevin's hand.

"A Swiss Army Knife?" Kevin asked.

Joel gave a grudging nod, "Sort of. It has the knives, screwdriver heads, flat heads, needle nose plyers, wrenches, scissors, clippers, even an eyehole you can take pictures or measure to see how far away it is. A compass. It has data storage that can carry terraquads of information. It's really a Swiss Army Everything. No man should be without one. I have one."

Kevin smiled and rushed to his father and hugged him, then drug his father closer to his mother and hugged them both, "Thank you. I love you both so much!"

Yes, Joel thought. This was going to be a brave new galaxy.

Next: Chapter 19

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