Ark II, Launch

By Richard McQueen

Published on Nov 9, 2024


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At dinner that night in the New Communal Dining Area they had their beloved pets from the Ark. Ian was excited about going to visit Lightening again.

"You know what to do with Lightening," Joel said more as a question.

"Sure," Ian agreed. "He needs water, oats and many other things, like a routine bath." He nodded. "You ride them, you bathe them." He quoted.

Sara Beth looked at Joel puzzled.

"Greybear of the Inuit Tribe in Alaska told him that," Joel chuckled. "Greybear knew Ian was special when Ian was four!

Sara Beth smiled, "You know what happens in forty-one more days."

Joel had to think, "Terran days?" Then he remembered, "Oh, yes. Someone turns six."

"Right," Sara Beth nodded. "And in fifty-five days?"

Joel frowned, "Yeah." He said without much enthusiasm. "I turn thirty-seven."

Jim grinned, "We're working on the antigravity fields for the gurneys and other things. They will work here."

"Mom!" Flora MacQueen raced in out of breath but not from terror, but something very exciting. She pointed out the door of the Dining Area. "The trees have dancing stars! Come look!" She grabbed Davina's hand and practically drug her mother to follow her. Davina hadn't finished her meal!

Everyone in the Dining Area was curious to see what Flora was talking about. They all gathered outside. Joel smiled when he saw them. Under the shaded canopy of trees, it was getting darker as Ran was starting to set. The stillness of the air, and it did look like there were stars. Hundreds, if not thousands of twinkling lights moved around.

The word was used again. "Wow. Look at all of them!" Kevin said in awe.

"Fireflies," Joel said happily. "We almost lost them."

"I think we found them!" Ian stated amazed. "They are pretty."

"What do they do?" Kevin asked quietly caught up with what he was seeing. "Aside from looking pretty."

Joel was caught up, too. But he answered his son's question. "Like bees, they fly from flower to flower, tree to tree eating pollen, and nectar pollinating as they go. They were hit hard by global warming and the pollutants in the atmosphere. They became rare on Earth." He chuckled. "When I would see them, I would collect some in a jar." He smiled at Kevin. "Holes punched in the top so they could breathe."

"Why?" Jim asked.

"Because they are pretty," Joel said logically. "I didn't keep them long and released them the next day."

"They're in a jar now!" Jim waved at the dome overhead.

"Why do they light up like that?" Ian asked.

"Bioluminescence," Joel asked. "To attract mates. It's how they communicate." He looked at the others in the Dining Area. "Ladies and Gentlemen. This has been an eventful day. I hope you can sleep tonight. I will be awake a while." He looked at Sara Beth. "When we move into a new home on Earth, we threw a housewarming party. I promised a celebration after we moved down here. In all fairness, I promised Larisa and Ansh we'd have a birthday party for Pontia. I say we have one in..." he left the question unfinished to allow Sara Beth to answer.

"Three more days," Sara Beth provided the answer. "Larisa will have recovered enough and Pontia will be ready," she held her finger up, "as Pontia will be more resistant to germs by then."

Joel nodded, "Meaning don't crowd to see the baby. Have one of your own." He clapped once, "So, in three days' time. We'll have that party." He waved at the firefly display. "For now, enjoy the show! Retire in your homes. We are home now."

The difference was that sunset was a little longer than they expected. The rotation was slightly slower, remember? The Nesmiths returned to their home where Joel and Sara Beth sat on their balcony/terrace and watched Ran set below the horizon. Their boys were slowing down from the long day, but the energy level only dropped a little.

"It's so beautiful," Sara Beth said.

"It was great to see those fireflies," Joel nodded and looked up at the sky. They were close to the equator, but only one ring could be seen now. There were the two moons at opposite places in the sky. That was a reminder that they were not on Earth.

"It makes sense there are so many," Sara Beth observed. "For a few years, they bred without any predators. We introduced the birds and frogs..."

Joel looked delighted hearing that, "We have frogs?"

Sara Beth chuckled lightly, "We have frogs and fish in the lake. They have to eat."

"I do so want to see that lake," Joel said excited again. "We can do it tomorrow. We could have today if Ian hadn't insisted on making friends with the colt."

"Lightening," Sara Beth smiled. "His name is Black Lightening."

Joel nodded, "Black Lightening. I think there will be a strong friendship between Lightening and Ian."

"Yes," Sara Beth agreed and looked at her husband. "Hear me. Our boys are safer here than they've ever been. I know that. However, I don't want Ian going alone. Not yet." She nodded, "There is no threat by Humans, but he could still be hurt. He must take someone with him. I don't mean just Kevin or Jim. Rob or Robbie will keep him safe. Do you agree?"

"Absolutely," Joel agreed. "I can't believe he will be six!"

Sara Beth laughed, "And he will be sixteen, then twenty-six and even sixty."

"Don't rush him!" Joel shook his head in a slight panic. He looked around and wasn't surprised to see Ian curled up on the couch overlooking the ocean beyond. "Somethings won't change."

Sara Beth rose from the couch they sat on, "We'll put him to bed."

They had pajamas for Ian, and he really didn't wake up as they put those pajamas on him. They covered him up and left Robbie at his usual place near Ian. Robbie promised his usual assurance he would watch Ian the whole night and keep him safe. Their other two didn't argue when they were told to go to bed. Tomorrow, they would try to get back to work. Sort of. The distractions would slow them down.

The windows did open and there was a shield that kept anything but air out. There were the night sounds, but these crickets were real! Fresh air hit Joel and he slept so hard! He had no idea what time it was when Ian landed on the bed on top of his father.

"Good morning, Dad!" Ian greeted happily.

Joel frowned, "Is it?" He was still used to the old ways and looked for a clock but his link with Athena he saw it was 01:24.

"Of course it is," Sara Beth said back and pulled Ian down between her and Joel making Ian laugh. "We've got a new world to break in." She nuzzled Ian affectionately. "How did you sleep? You weren't scared?"

"Nah," Ian said and then admitted. "I did wake up once during the night. I didn't remember where we were, but I saw Robbie and then remembered all of it! Can I see Lightening today?"

"Sure," Sara Beth nodded. She held her finger up, "Remember, you have school, too. You don't want to forget your music."

"My piano is on the Ark," Ian said. "I don't have one here yet."

"You'll have one here," Joel promised. "Besides, I don't think even Robbie, Rob, Robot, or Apollo will get much done this week." He sat up. "I was thinking for our party here; no one should be in those coveralls. We're all individuals and from all parts of Earth and cultures. I think everyone, if they have something to wear that tells where they are from, they should wear that. Or just something with color! Angus can wear his tartan, Xolani can wear his Zulu colors, Nayef..."

"That's a wonderful idea!" Sara Beth chuckled, "But what are we going to wear?" She asked. "You are several British cultures...English, Scotland, Ireland..."

Joel nodded, "Don't forget German and French!"

"I'm that and Italian," Sara Beth stated.

"We have time to plan," Joel agreed. He looked at Ian, "I suggest as you are making friends with Lightening you give him something besides sugar cubes. Horses love apples. We have those."

Sara Beth nodded, "And an apple grove growing more. A peach grove. Lemon and orange trees. Pecan trees..."

Joel grinned, "We have them all? Tangerines?"

"Naturally," Sara Beth replied. "Now, for breakfast. I'll make a hearty breakfast to get us going."

For the past two days, Joel nor Kevin had worked out. They were sort of busy. Joel needed to make sure Kevin didn't lose interest.

It was a beautiful morning and Sara Beth set a table for them out on the terrace. There was a table and chairs they could do that. Breakfast outdoors! The birds were singing again. They didn't care what world they were on. A sun was rising, and a day had started, they sang! It was gorgeous! Joel smiled as a bird he knew landed on the balcony wall, looked at them and chirped happily. Bright yellow and Joel knew it was a Warbler. No, Joel didn't know all birds, but he knew the ones from the South. It had a bright happy sounding song. Joel learned that most bird songs were about territory or even warnings to other birds. Who cared? How is something so pleasant bad?

"We can set out birdfeeders and things to attract squirrels to visit," Sara Beth suggested.

"Getting your flowers going," Joel began. "We can build butterfly houses, put sand in a bowl and saturate it with water for the butterflies..."

Kevin grinned, "You really like butterflies."

Joel looked surprised, "I do! They are lovely, calming and so gentle. No one can dislike butterflies." He smiled, "They and other animals like those fireflies and even frogs are living testimonies as to how we're doing." He pointed at Jim and Kevin, "I challenge each of you to make friends with as many squirrels and birds you see. Try to get a butterfly to trust you enough to land on your finger. That will tell a lot about you. Respect all life. They all have a place here."

"Even mosquitos?" Kevin asked smiling.

Joel's head wavered a bit, but he reluctantly nodded, "Even mosquitos." He shook his fork at Sara Beth. "If one bites me, it's fair game."

Sara Beth chuckled and shrugged, "They are what they are."

"We have a clean slate," Joel continued. "No robot or android burns a fuel that leaves exhaust. We have no known toxins. Ran provides all the power we need and more. "The mosquitoes will be eaten by frogs and fish. I'm fine with that." He held up a finger, "No one should swat a firefly, butterfly, or squirrel! I don't care how old the person is. We didn't bring them here to be cruel." He smiled, "Never any of my children. Hear that, Daylia?"

Sara Beth let out a little cry of surprise and touched her swollen abdomen, "I'm pretty sure she knows her name! She just kicked!"

"Another genius in the family!" Joel said happily.

Joel had plenty to do. He was glad that all the biologists, zoologists and other animal behavior personnel had more to do. Keeping up with all these animals was work. Yes, Athena kept a record of the number of birds, squirrels, insects they had and would know which species needed help when and where. Every plant and animal on Gaea were aliens here. Humans were aliens here. That was hard to think about. Since men had left the Earth, they would be alien wherever they were. On the Earth's moon, Mars, Venus, those mines around Jupiter and most definitely on Gaea.

Joel didn't need a computer now to see there were new messages from the Earth, the moon and Mars. He'd look at them later. He saw two for Amigos dos Amigos. Friends of Friends in English. That sounded friendly enough, but Joel didn't trust that. He knew of a gang of criminals that went by that name. They were always right, and as corrupt as they came. They had total control! A person they said that crossed them was executed. Period. Never mind the evidence to the contrary. If they said you die. You died. The one sending the message was Luis Barroso. Joel had dealt with this gang before and knew of a Luis Barroso, but he died over four hundred years ago. He'd deal with it, but not now.

He went with his family to the livestock pen. Lightening was out with his "mother" again and got very excited that Ian was coming back! The colt couldn't stand still. He ran up to the fence and then up and down as they approached.

"Hi, Lightening!" Ian greeted and ran for the fence and instantly got in the pen. Lightening ran up and nuzzled Ian roughly in play. Ian didn't mind. That meant the horse was happy to see him...or at least the apples Ian carried. The way to a horse's heart was through his stomach. As before, Lightening was no longer a colt, nor was he an adult. Ian would just have to befriend the horse and he was doing a great job!

"Ian," Joel shouted. "We're going to the lake and look around. Want to come?"

"No!" Ian said instantly and began chasing Lightening who could have left Ian in the dust but stayed just ahead of him. "Lightening and I will have fun."

Robbie turned to Joel and Sara Beth, "I will be here the whole time, Dad Joel and Mom Sara Beth. You should also know Lightening's mother will protect Ian and if there is an injury. She will contact you. She is an android."

Joel nodded, "Of course."

Sara Beth sighed with relief, "I guess we have a lot to learn."

"I do not fear you will not," Robbie replied.

"I forget!" Joel said helplessly. He glanced at his other two sons, "Are you going to the lake or staying with your brother?"

"The lake!" Jim said. "Lake for certain," Kevin nodded his agreement.

Joel grinned at Sara Beth, "I know pregnant women aren't ill or weak, but can you walk a few kilometers?"

Sara Beth smiled back, "Yes." Then she held a finger up, "After I pee. It's this last trimester that's kicking me, literally in the bladder."

Joel laughed and saw Sara Beth frown and pushed his amusement down, "Sorry. I know there has to be a bathroom nearby."

"I am no one's little woman," Sara Beth growled slightly. "I am not in a..." she did finger quotes in the air, "delicate condition."

Robbie pointed at the stable, "Right there, Mom Sara Beth."

"That said," she kissed Robbie on the faceplate, "Thank you. Be right back." She headed to the stable.

The lake was north of the stables. They did walk near a grove of trees that had these robots that looked more like something with multi-appendaged creature such as octopus or spiders. It raised on four legs, six arms reached and plucked apples from the trees. There were other trees with different fruit around.

The lake, or pond was pretty large. A kilometer or two wide and two or three kilometers in length. Here the waterfowl could be seen better. There were indeed ducks and even swans! The white ones and the black ones. White egrets. The white feathers were a striking contrast to the dark green and blue. Here Joel heard the croaking of the frogs he liked. He heard a splash and looked in the direction as fish leapt from the water to catch an insect. He heard the buzz of those insects and even saw a few skimmed the water surface. They were playing God here. They didn't create the life here but maintaining the delicate balance took many brains and manpower. Joel said a prayer to God, or the universe they did a good job.

There was a forest of trees on the north shore closer to the city wall and edge of the dome. Oaks and maples again, but a lot of pine trees! Thick with greens that were dark to light green. Here, it looked more like a natural forest. One more time, God placed trees. No tree was exactly set apart by the same distance. This forest was also over a hundred years old having dropped seeds and smaller trees had sprung up. It was denser around the northern edge of the lake. He knew by Athena the deepest part of the lake was about six meters or twenty feet. He saw the birds again flying in the trees, heard the digging on the ground as something was looking for that desired seed or nut. These birds and animals knew about predators from the hawks and owls. Still, it was like a paradise. Unspoiled, but put here by Humans.

Sara Beth did have another need to go to the bathroom again. She was enough of an outdoor girl to simply go behind a few trees and take care of it. All those animals went to the bathroom out here, so why not her?

She joined Joel again, "Okay. I admit to wishing this pregnancy was over. The need to pee is bad enough, the swelling ankles..."

Joel touched her abdomen, "It's not much longer."

Kevin and Jim were exploring the lakeside...even playing with the water's edge.

"Dad!" Jim said loud to be heard, "Can we swim in here?" He pointed at the water.

"You mean now?" Joel asked.

"Why?" Sara Beth asked with her husband's question. "We have that pool to swim in at home. That water is..." she frowned looking at the water, "clean."

"And we are so close to the beach!" Joel answered. He looked at Sara Beth, "This water is not that dirty. It's occupied. You are Ms. Nature!" He waved both arms at the lake. "It's natural!"

Sara Beth grimaced, "Plants. That's me, not all these animals." Her head wavered as she admitted. "I'd rather they didn't ingest fish and bird piss or poop," she held her finger up, "in the slightest way. No, thank you." That just made Joel laugh.

Joel looked up and only if you looked very carefully, you could see the dome. He sighed feeling so good. He was a movie junky. He knew that. A song came to his mind. The tinkling music as he looked at the trees, birds and other creatures here, protected. Serene. Peaceful. He saw Ran shining above. He felt a tear coming again and didn't stop it.

"Honey?" Sara Beth asked very quietly. "Tell me."

Joel smiled and gave a slight grudge, "I'm remembering a movie again." He chuckled lightly, almost silently. "A song." Then he remembered he could let her hear it.

A woman's voice was heard singing slowly and softly, "Fields of children running wild, in the sun." It was Joan Baez, "Like a forest is your child, growing wild, in the sun. Doomed in his innocence, in the sun."

Sara Beth looked at her two sons running wild here. She touched her swell and smiled. Kevin was laughing as an insect landed on his hand and then flew away.

Joan continued her song, "Gather your children to your side, in the sun. Tell them all they love will die, tell them why, in the sun. Tell them it's not too late. Cultivate, one by one. Tell them to harvest and rejoice, in the sun."

Sara Beth was now shedding her own tears as she understood. "I don't think I know the movie." She said quietly not to break the spell.

"The movie is Running Silent," Joel explained. He pointed up at the dome. "That," he waved at the lake, the trees and birds, "reminded me of the movie made in the early 1970s. Bruce Dern was the actor, and frankly, the only role he played I liked. He and some others were aboard some domed space craft that held the last forests and animals from Earth. It's a good movie! Humans were growing up," he tapped his head, "in here. The men on the ships were ordered to destroy those greenhouses and return home." He shrugged. "Bruce's character couldn't!" He nodded, "He did kill the other two people with him but was willing to do anything to save the forests and animals. He did!" He waved at New Charleston beyond. "This is a lot bigger than those domes on the spaceships, but..." tears came more. "Look at it! We are saving ourselves by saving and creating this! We had to come ten light years away, but this..." he waved at all of it, "and we will survive!"

Sara Beth put her head on Joel's shoulder, "Here he is again." She sighed through her own tears, "How could I not fall in love with this man!" She kissed him deeply. "I do love you, Joel!"

"Rejoice in the sun," Joan sang.

Next: Chapter 38

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