Ark II, Launch

By Richard McQueen

Published on Aug 21, 2022


Story: Ark II

Chapter: 9 Discussing Future Problems

Author: Eric McQueen (

Mature Readers only due to sexual situations and graphic sexual content

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that, Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Rita shares her French-Canadian ancestry. Joel expresses concern about what they may face.

Discussing Future Problems

Rita chose to go with the Boeuf Bourguignon, or Burgundy Beef for those that didn't know what it was. She decided to go with escargot as the appetizer. This meal was less about what they ate, but how they ate.

"In my home, we would occasionally entertain," Rita remembered. "Only twice was it a formal affair." She chuckled sadly. "When we could get what we needed, my mother and father would ask friends over and have a casual dinner. The two times they had the formal dinner, they had some friends come over...some close neighbors." She began to cry from what she was remembering. "When the sea levels rose...we lived in Montreal. The Saint Lawrence River had become more and more difficult to keep the water from overwhelming the shore. Lake Toronto and Lake Erie were becoming one large lake. They tried so hard to stop the waters from rising with the Saint Lawrence. My family had been in the house for five generations." Hank stopped what he was doing and came over and put his arms around her but let her talk. "They lost Niagara Falls as Lake Erie was joining with Lake Huron which was trying to join with Lake Michigan. The state of Illinois had begun moving Chicago inland which saved a lot of that city." She looked up at Joel. "I really understand how you felt losing Charleston. I remember the last heated discussion my mother had with my father. We lived on the shore of the Saint Lawrence. My father was determined to save our house." She sniffed but kept on going. "My mother begged him to evacuate with us saying he couldn't win against the rising water. He kept trying to put sandbags up in and around our house. My mother didn't want to leave him, but he wouldn't stop. I never saw him again. The flood waters did destroy our house and my father was never found. I was eight. My mother moved us to my grandparents' home in St. Jerome. My grandparents died and slowly did my mother. My grandparents left the house to their only child. I watched my mother slowly die. We lost so many communities and cities..."

Joel nodded, "We all have. You lost a home. I lost an ancestorial home. Yours is more personal. You lost your home, but more than that. You lost your father."

"And then your mother," Sara Beth added.

Rita smiled, "This is more than just remembering French-Canada. We're remembering France, too. We left France a long time ago, but France never left us." She brightened, "Viva La France!"

Joel nodded and smiled more, "We left Earth, but we should never forget who we are. We will remember the French that settled in Canada...and France itself."

The dinner took about four hours to make with Rita's close supervision. The beef was the one that needed the most time to prepare. It was made on a lower heat and cooked for three hours! Enough for all those out of stasis. Olive Oil was added along with bacon, chopped onions, carrots, salt and pepper. A red wine was added and there would be mushrooms.

The people of France took meals and made it art. Meals were more than meals, it was a time that friends got together an enjoyed being with one another. The making of the meals and the consumption was more important. Joel wasn't worried...well, not too much...about the quantity of the food. However, the length of the meal was important. It wasn't to be eaten quickly but slowly enjoying every bite. Joel knew the slower a person ate the fuller a person would be.

"So many of us are good cooks," Sara Beth observed. "Nayef, Joel, and now Rita. Why is that?"

"That's easy to answer," Rita smiled and looked at Sara Beth. "You said you learned from your Nana Maria." She looked at Joel. "How old were you when you began learning to cook?"

Joel had to think, "I always helped my grandpa." He chuckled, "I had to be able to reach the table, but I'd say about five."

Rita smiled, "My mother was the Executive Chef of the Moet and Chandon in Montreal."

Hank nodded, "One of the last holdouts for hotels in Montreal. It was all luxury even until the end."

"My love of food and cooking began very early," Rita shrugged. "Food and good meals are more than just meals. We learned how to make it spectacular. And no one did better than my mother."

Almost everything was made with wine. From the beef dish, which required a burgundy wine or a red wine. The escargot had a splash of Brandy.

Joel watched as Wei, Bia, and Nui came in with Tom and Cindy Szasz. The two children of Tom and Cindy came with their parents, and everyone had to meet Robbie and Robot.

The natives were getting restless...or rather the residents of the Ark awake now were getting hungry. The noise level in the Communal Dining Area was rising and Joel had to ask Athena to give a bell sound to get their attention.

"Thank you," Joel said with a slight bow. "We began a tradition where we remember portions of the world we left behind. We left the Earth, but we are all who we are. Sara Beth shared some of her world she got as a child about Italy." He waved at Nayef, "Nayef shared about Jordan and his Arabian heritage. I shared about my Southern upbringing from Charleston, South Carolina. I look forward to tasting and remembering where we all came from." He waved at Larisa and Ansh Bhatt, "Such as your heritage from India." He waved at Xolani, "Or your Zulu heritage in the Eastern part of South Africa." He grinned at Wei Ch'en. "I was told by my friend Wei that we in the United States, Canada, and Europe didn't know real Chinese Cuisine and I told him I'd love to find out!" He smiled at them. "We left Earth, but we won't ever forget Earth. Tonight, Rita Cavill is sharing her French Heritage."

Rita stepped up, "I was asked to remember my home in Montreal, Quebec." She even said it like they did saying Kebec. "Really, it's not just that, but France. Many French settled in Canada and in Quebec. Many didn't even learn English; never leaving Quebec. We'll start in France. Paris. The City of Lights. The French meal experience usually begins in a home and begins in a living room where guests get together, beginning their evening with champaign or some other light alcohol." She waved at the wall where the drink dispenser was, "There is champaign, but also sparkling grape juice for children or if you're like our good Commander, he doesn't really care for wines..."

Joel shrugged and said helplessly, "I'm sorry. I drink whiskey, scotch and other drinks, but wines are like licking grape juice off a two by four! Not enough grape!"

Hank chuckled, "He just doesn't have the palate."

Joel's head wavered a little, "Excuse me."

"He makes a great fried chicken!" Nayef reminded them and pointed at Joel but looked at Wei. "You'll have to try it." Then looked at Joel. "Please say you'll make it again." He shrugged grinning, "Just to share with Wei, Bia, and Nui!"

Joel nodded, "Just for them?" He grinned and then frowned, "This is about Rita, France, and Montreal!"

Nayef bowed a quick nod, "Yes, of course. So sorry, Rita."

Rita chuckled, "I would like it again, too." Then she returned again to the subject. "These meals would last for, five or more hours! Pick your beverage, we will begin with the L'Aperitif. I made baguettes topped with cream cheese, tomato, olive and basil. Then we'll go to the L'entrée or the appetizers of escargot stuffed mushrooms or French Onion Soup..."

"Can we have both?" Kevin asked telling his desire was to eat.

"What's escargot?" Ian asked.

"Snails!" Jimmy answered grinning.

Ian's eyes widened, "You can eat snails?"

"Yes," Joel replied. "You eat oysters, clams, and crawfish. Why not snails?"

Ian shrugged, "I just never knew we could."

"These I stuffed in mushrooms," Rita smiled. "No shells. If needed, we can raise more." She went on, "Then we will move to Le Plat Principal, the main course which is Boeuf Bourguignon. A small salad, le fromage, or cheese is next, le dessert, and lastly le café or coffee. We'll begin at a sidewalk café in Paris and move to a home in Montreal. So, first a café in Paris. Bienvenue à Paris, France." She waved at the room which disappeared, and a darkening evening was there. The familiar soft accordion music was playing smoothly signifying France. The street was pretty well deserted with only the sound of walking feet. The city street ended with the Eiffel Tower. As with most rivers, the Seine was still fed by the same source. Like the St. Lawrence River and even the Mississippi River were still being fed by the same source it was the rivers' deposited water at a much shorter path and the rising sea levels caused the rivers to swell. The sky was not clear like this sky was. It could be almost any century but had to be at least the early twentieth century as the Eiffel Tower was there. The famous Paris Underground was now under water. There were the usual oohs and aahs as the other residents saw the surroundings. The Communal Dining Room had the great smell of fine food having been prepared. The beef dish was almost ready but would be served after the first courses had been served. The smell of fresh baked bread filled the air, too. Joel had been there when Rita, Sara Beth, and he had prepared the escargot to go in the mushrooms. A "splash" of dry white wine was used the perfumed the room. Joel knew the added wine at dinner was to cleanse the palate. It was also to make the food taste even better. The Italians were very interested in that and did it well. Joel also had to admit the wines did make the food taste better, stronger. He just didn't seek out any wine to drink. He liked the stronger drink and that first swallow always hurt a little bit. Once the first swallow was done, he enjoyed the flavor of whiskey, scotch, or bourbon. There was no rush. They began with the French bread, cream cheese, and other toppings of tomato, basil and olives. Champaign was offered and other drinks.

Conversations again flowed naturally and easily. Wei and Bai now sat with the other scientific minds, and it occurred to Joel he was out of his league in the department of brains but not too much. The subject of their future home would come up. It was Kevin that had some of the questions.

"I was looking at the images Athena scanned," Kevin began. "Do you know where on Gaea we'll be settling? I saw several islands, but which one are we living on?"

Joel grudged a nod, "We're not really sure yet," Joel answered. "There are plenty of small island continents we can live on. We need it to be near water and have a good amount of flowing water, if possible. It will be necessary for it to be near a source of metallic ore. We need metal to construct our domed habitat."

"From what I read," Jimmy added. "There is no life at all on Gaea."

"Not that we can see for now," Joel nodded.

"Nothing?" Jimmy asked. "Not even in the ground?"

Joel shook his head, "Not that we can detect."

"Mom's plants won't grow." Kevin reasoned.

"Not without us adding what we need into the ground," Joel answered.

"Like what?" Jimmy asked.

"Nutrients," Joel answered. "Plants can't grow without sunlight and nutrients. Bacteria."

"Bacteria!?" Jimmy frowned. "Aren't they bad?"

"Not all of them," Sara Beth smiled. "We have good bacteria in us right now helping us digest what we eat."

"We do?" Jimmy asked touching a place over his stomach.

"That's right," Sara Beth nodded. "To keep the cycle of life going we need to add what is needed."

"We will start in the water," Leif said. "Just like on Earth, life on Gaea will begin in the ocean. We're just jumping ahead when we get there."

"You're dropping those air generators down to the planet," Kevin said.

"Yes," Leif nodded. "They are not just air generators. They take what air is there and changes the gasses. In the water it does the same thing. It will pump more of the good gasses into the atmosphere."

Ian finally got impatient, "How long before we get there?"

Hank chuckled, "I wondered when the are we there yet question would come up."

Joel grinned as he shrugged a nod, "Well,'s a part of every kid's natural vocabulary." He sighed and looked at his sons, "We will go back into stasis another few times. One more after this one for another ten years. Then we wake up and really begin slowing down. We'll check what more Athena's telescopes and scans tell us and determine the best landing site. We will do the reverse of what we did leaving the Earth. Stasis again for only six months we'll wake again to see if there is more. Are there anymore dangers facing the Ark? When we enter a solar system, there are debris fields, and checking the Ark's engines..." He waved at Hank. "We figure out where we want to land and we wake again, we should be in orbit of Gaea..."

Ian got a bit excited about that, "And then we go down?"

Joel laughed lightly, "Oh, no. Then six of us will take the lander down to get rock and soil samples, water samples, air samples...samples!" He moved his hands from the left to the right in one motion. "We bring the samples back and do a closer analysis." He waved at Wei. "Our friend Dr. Wei Ch'en will begin to lay plans out for constructing our Habitat Dome."

"We'll move down to Gaea in stages," Hank said. "The Space Elevator needs to be built. It is built now and, on the Ark, but we need to find where we want to live, test to be sure it's safe, then put the elevator together, bring equipment down to begin making it so we can live there."

Kevin's eyes grew, "You said it would take a lot of work!"

"It is a lot of work!" Joel nodded. "We are creating a world! A lot of work we will all be doing willingly." He waved at Wei again, "He and his team will be making a dome we will live in. We will move there first."

Wei nodded, "I will need ore and sand or dirt to make the dome. It will be a very big dome."

"We can't just build buildings down there?" Jimmy asked. "Why a dome?"

"Less wind resistance," Wei explained. "Flat surfaces give resistance during storms. Wind will just flow over a dome. Rain will simply trickle off."

Hank added, "The dome will protect us from the storms, from solar radiation, and will keep air we need to breathe inside. We'll be able to move and work under the dome."

"We'll grow crops and live under the dome," Sara Beth said.

Rita leaned toward Sara Beth, "I think we can go to the escargot."

Sara Beth nodded and looked at Joel, "Let's go, Commander."

Joel rose from his chair, "Duty calls."

The mushrooms that the escargot was stuffed in were good sized. Joel wasn't worried about running out of either as these had been farm raised and they could raise more. There was a supply of them onboard to be used to eat but they had spores and snails that could be raised anywhere the residents of the Ark wished to. Like the chicken Joel had used which were farm raised. Free range or not, they would not run out. The French Onion Soup smelled wonderful. He knew his sons were eating well...better than they had on Earth.

The crops they raised would also be raised on the new world. He knew that vineyards of grapes would be raised. Weather conditions on the new world would help the crops grow, but Joel knew the region or the world that the grapes were grown in was important. Rich soil added to how the grapes would taste. That caused certain grapes grown in France and Italy to taste superior to others. The wooden casts and presses added flavor. How would grapes grown in the soil from Gaea taste? Topsoil. Gaea didn't have topsoil. It had rock, he didn't doubt. Be it grass or grapes plants drew nutrients from soil that had been around for millions of years. Billions of years. Sara Beth and other Botanists were going to start with some very simple and basic forms of plant life. Leif's underwater world was first. After the generators were dropped around the planet. They would pump the needed gasses out. Reorganizing the structure of the gasses taken in and pumping the other gasses out. Joel knew the chemical makeup of water. Hydrogen in two parts and oxygen. Oxygen! While it was inorganic, it was very needed by all life. He had learned that in primary school! Ian knew what H2O was at five years old! Steven Combs and Leif Andersen had worked on the DNA of some special algae that lived on solar energy and carbon dioxide and breathed out oxygen into the air and water. That would reduce the work for those generators. They also worked on plankton. Those tiny creatures that were at the very bottom of the food chain but very necessary. Joel got a headache when he studied them in school like he did with math. There were so many kinds of plankton! They live in salt water and fresh water...and the air! Microscopic, for the most part, and feed many forms of life. These plankton would be released to feed on the algae. The bacteria were brought by them! You can't have dead things just lying around. The lifeforms would decay and add to the soil making it richer. They would put in larger, more complicated lifeforms slowly. You could release that bear if she didn't have something to hunt to feed her cubs, could you?

Compost! That was going to be needed to add to the rock on Gaea. Joel knew that every species they carried on the Ark would change due to the conditions on Gaea, including the Human Species. Athena and the Ark would be around for a thousand years or more. The Ark would remain in orbit and would be the source for all the genetic material they would use on Gaea. Hopefully, Joel would see a flock of birds fly in the sky. See a dolphin surface as it looked for fish to eat. That was why all these brilliant minds were here.

The escargot stuffed mushrooms were passed out. Joel grinned as he watched Ian bite timidly on the mushroom, getting a taste of the escargot in the mushroom and his eyes grew as the flavor appealed to him and he bit more aggressively with the next bite. None of his sons were lied to. They ate living creatures. He had been several years younger when he ate crawfish, so he had no problem with the snails. Neither did Chloe or Rachel. Kim, Nayef's and Leah's daughter did at first. Joel was grateful that the escargot was served without their shells attached. That might have been too much.

Once the French Onion Soup was consumed and the bowls gathered, Rita announced the scenery would change to a dining room in Montreal. Paris' Eiffel Tower, the street café and the soft, surrounding city noises disappeared and a large dining area came into view. Pictures on the walls, nicely painted walls and a fireplace blazed merrily. The Communal Dining Area could be seen if you looked hard, but it was very comfortable. The background music changed to a slow piano playing, a soft string bass was being voice sang a word. It was relaxing. You even had the soft crackle of the fireplace as the wood burned slowly. It was to ease a person's digestion. Slow down and relax. The Boeuf Bourguignon was served before each and the steaming smells of the dish served perfumed the air with the smell of rich food. The French had, once again, taken the meal to a level of art. The ambience and food just made you slow down.

Joel knew there were things he had to talk about with the leaders of the groups and their spouses about potential threats in the future. There was also the feeling that there was no hurry. It was important but not urgent. It would spoil the mood if he did it now.

Then, as the Boeuf Bourguignon was consumed again the scenery changed to a sidewalk café, but this one was in Montreal. Rita had to tell them that. There were no distinctive constructions to identify if you had never been there. Like Charleston, Montreal was destroyed now. The music changed to a soft jazz that didn't break the relaxed mood. Rita then served the small salad and cheese. Followed by the Chocolate Mousse. All of it was delicious! Rita had paid attention to her mother when she learned to cook. The end of the meal was the small cup of coffee. Now, it made sense why Hank pretended not to know how to do more than boil water.

Joel got up with a weary sigh. It wasn't that he was that tired but satisfied. He didn't believe anyone at the table tonight would have trouble sleeping. He knew they had plenty to eat. He also knew all of what they ate could be replaced. He wondered what Larisa and Ansh Bhatt would bring to the table. Xolani! Could Xolani cook? He had read that the role of men and women in the past were very concrete. Then again, the same happened in most societies. Women stayed home, cooked, and took care of the family. Men went out and worked to provide that home. If a Zulu warrior wanted to eat and he had no female to do that, did he learn to cook? He did if he wanted to eat. It was the same old hunter and gatherer thing again. Men hunted and women gathered. His grandfather let him know that women truly ruled the world. Laugh if you will but women knew how to make the men do what they wanted. Not all of them, but the smart ones did.

"We've got to stop eating like this," Sara Beth moaned touching her stomach. She looked at Rita, "It was very good. Don't get me wrong. That was the best meal."

"Very good," Joel nodded.

"I had no idea we could eat snails," Ian added. "They were very good."

Rita smiled at them, "Thank you." She waved at Hank, Sara Beth, and Joel. "They helped me make it all."

Joel grinned, "We have many things in storage, including snails." His mind went to a concern that had been playing in the back of his mind. "I'll need to speak with all of the adults." He held his hand up and said quickly, "Not right now. Our meal needs to digest...and we need rest." He chuckled. "In..." he looked at Sara Beth, "ten Earth hours?" He asked his wife. Time again. The residents on this Ark operated on a twenty-four Earth hour schedule. The time of that day was important, but only as accurate as they claimed it to be.

Sara Beth nodded as she too rose and stood up, "That should be enough time." Then she shook her finger at all of them, "I do, however, suggest we all walk to our quarters...and I mean completely around. The entire Habitat Ring should be enough exercise after a meal like this."

Joel's head wavered a little, "And, of course, we have to set the example. We'll walk past our door to our quarters and go completely around." He nodded.

"All the way!?" Jimmy asked.

Sara Beth nodded, "Yes." She turned his face toward her, "And what are you doing for exercise?"

"We rode those bikes the other day!" Jimmy frowned. "Bikes that didn't go anywhere."

"Tonight," Sara Beth began. "We go somewhere. Home to bed."

"Be glad I don't make you run home!" Joel told them. He looked up at the others, "Let's clean up and head home."

The lights in the Communal Dining Room came up and they all put their plates, dishes, utensils, cups...all in the cabinet where all scraps of organic material were removed to be recycled. It would be added for the compost they'd use on Gaea. Even the air they breathed out was being recycled. They wasted nothing.

The walk wasn't rushed but pleasant. Leah's addition to Nayef's suggestion about the lighting made the mood. It was a calm walk home through a park. The lights were very low and mostly lit to show where the individual quarters were. The night sounds were there in the form of crickets and now Joel could detect a faint rumble. Was that thunder? If it was, the storm was far away and not over them. Joel grinned to himself. He had told everyone to go home. Home. That was somewhere they were getting used to. Thinking of the Ark as home. A sense of belonging was forming. Home was no longer the world they left but here now. Sara Beth and Joel walked hand in hand accompanied by their sons and Robbie. Joel was pleased that Ian still held Robbie's hand but was letting go occasionally. Robbie was a part of their family, but Ian was beginning to separate himself from Robbie. Robbie had access to the databases the covered Human Psychology, Psychiatry, and Sociology and knew this was important.

"We need to create a Stasis Nursery," Joel said out of the blue.

"A Stasis Nursery?" Sara Beth repeated wanting to understand.

"Sure," Joel nodded. "On the third and fourth levels of the Habitat Ring are rooms we can bring plants you want out and place them in where those healthy plants that ten years have to mature. "We will have another ten Earth years in stasis. During that time, you can begin to add the plants you wish to bring out and begin their growth cycles. Trees, flowers, and whatever else you want out and the ten years can grow the trees and plants. After that ten years you should have a good many plants to put around on the ring here and in different quarters."

Sara Beth frowned, "That will mean the Habitat Ring won't stop rotating. The air will need to circulate in those nurseries. The light will have to be on in those chambers and Athena will have to keep them watered and give nutrients..."

Joel nodded, "All of which Athena can do." He smiled at Sara Beth. "That's what she was made to do. To help us on the way to our new planet. She will be the Ark's Greenhouse."

Sara Beth inhaled quickly as her mind went over what she needed to do.

Joel liked the joy that was in Sara Beth's eyes. "You will need to watch over which plant needs what and how much time, and the Stasis Gas works on plants too, so it will stop the growth at a certain point."

"That will take a while," Sara Beth informed. "Parameters will need to be laid out and followed..."

"Which Athena will do," Joel grinned bigger. "You know that." He waved at the ring they walked on. "There is five kilometers of ring on this level and the ones above that can use plants to make it even more comfortable. We will again enter stasis as we enter then new solar system. A year, then two six months stasis periods...we'll be waking everyone when we enter Gaea's orbit and begin to make Gaea habitable for us. The added plants will make it more comfortable."

Sara Beth pulled Joel into a kiss that would have melted metal, "I can't wait to get started!"

Joel smiled and nodded again, "After the meeting tomorrow. You can start setting those nurseries up. We'll have a good lunch and the return to stasis. Does that sound good?"

"Yes!" Sara Beth said louder in enthusiasm. She looked at Joel. "Is the meeting going to be about the possible..." She looked at her sons and whispered, "threat?"

Joel nodded, "Yes."

The nightly rituals were done, and everyone went to bed. Robbie stayed at his post to watch over Ian. There was a pattern that was followed. The comforting consistency.

Breakfast was once again in the Nesmith quarters. Joel looked at the quarters around him. Each of the quarters were basically the same. Rooms were made and used as they were needed. They had the four bedrooms, the bathrooms, Joel's and Sara Beth's office to work, the was the individual touches added by each family that gave the "lived in" look. Colors chosen as in cushions, curtains (or no curtains), rugs on the floors, pictures on the walls...Joel knew Sara Beth loved her plants and knew their quarters would have plenty of plants in the common areas, in their bedrooms...a lot of green! The word "stasis" was not entirely accurate. It slowed the life functions down so far it was just this side of death. They would still age...a little. If they stayed in the Stasis Pods a thousand years, they would age just a fraction. Joel wasn't stupid but trying to figure out how it worked gave him another headache. He just knew it worked. They weren't frozen.

"Just remember," Joel cautioned Sara Beth. "Every plant you bring out goes back in those Stasis Nurseries."

"Sure," Sara Beth nodded. "I'll need help doing that."

It was in the Control Room Joel began to talk about what he was concerned about.

"Soon," Joel began. "We will be out of stasis for longer periods of time." He motioned to Sara Beth, "She will be bringing plants out to decorate the Habitat Ring and various quarters." He smiled at all the scientific minds who were listening and saw a few smiles grow on several faces. "Remember, the plants you take to your quarters you will be responsible for. Think about that before you ask Sara Beth to bring out a plant for you." He chuckled, "I think when we do reach Gaea, we should have a..." he thought for a word, "a welcome home party." He shrugged. "A sort of Planet Warming party?" He motioned with his right hand, "You know? Like a Housewarming party when you move to a new house? This will be for a whole planet?" He got a few chuckles and nods of understanding. "I'm concerned about something I feel we must address." He looked up at Rita, "Are we broadcasting what we're doing and where we are going back to Earth?"

Rita looked a bit surprised, "Athena does send an update every few months."

"Can we stop those?" Joel asked and saw concerned looks from the others. He went on, "The people that sent us out here are probably dead." He said a little harshly. "It's been about forty years on Earth or more..." he shrugged, "I don't know if anyone on the Ark is getting messages of any personal nature anymore. Time, the bombs, and the deaths on Earth have probably taken anyone looking out here at what we're doing has taken these people out. The launch of the Ark III was what caused me to think." He went on. "I told Sara Beth all we're doing is changing locations. For some of us who were raised in the protected communities on Earth, we lived there to stay safe from other men who thought nothing of taking whatever we had. Trucks from the many farms to bring groceries to our stores were like armored cars bringing money. We didn't think about it because it kept our families safe." He shrugged, "We had to." He pointed off the Ark. "Now, there are other men out here."

"They are an ark like we are," Nayef reasoned.

Joel nodded, "They may be." He worked out what to say. "Desperation and need drive men to do things men might not do otherwise." He held a finger up, "However, that is my concern. We will be in stasis for hundreds of years." He added, "The Earth will not. I pray the Earth survives, but I know they will progress. Think what we did since the beginning of the Twentieth Century. We perfected flight, space travel, and we learned to split the atom. We began colonizing other worlds such as Mars and two moons around Jupiter. We developed stasis so we can travel out here!" He waved at the Ark and where they were. "Who knows what will be developed during our long periods of stasis! We transmit updates about us." He held out his hands in desperation. "To whom? Friends we left behind are dead or dying of old age. The leaders of our home nations are dead...if from those bombs if not from old age!"

Hank frowned, "What do you think we should do?"

"We need to be ready." Joel said frankly. "For the unknown." He gave a grudging nod, "Eventually, there will be ships carrying men from Earth in our skies. We won't know anything about them except where they're from. Will it be peaceful? I hope so. They may be friendly, but they may also be aggressive and want what we will have."

"And take it?" Hank asked.

"They've done it before," Joel nodded. "Trade with them would be fine..."

"But they may simply take," Adam provided.

"Even occupy us," Xolani added with a nod.

"Which I hope never happens," Joel said to reassure them. "I want us to be able to defend ourselves."

"You mean guns," Rita said to clarify.

"I hate guns," Joel stated firmly. "If someone comes here and strikes at us, we need to strike back!"

"We left to get away from all that," Sara Beth frowned.

"Are they going to come here without them?" Hank asked.

"It won't be tomorrow," Joel laughed. "Or will it?" He asked. "As far as I'm concerned, we've only traveled about a month. I look at the messages from Earth and see it's been decades. What will happen in a hundred years? Or two? We need to be ready."

"What are you suggesting?" Kurt asked.

"We have all these geniuses onboard. They should be able to think of something," Joel said. "For now, we quit sending messages back to Earth. We will no longer send the updates." He pointed at Rita. "We need to keep up with what's happening there, but we will not give away our position or he paused a little before he said, "...simply vanish."

"Okay," Hank nodded as he worked things out in his mind. "We do that, but they know we're out here somewhere in this general direction."

"Out here somewhere," Joel agreed. "We're not talking about a few thousand miles. We're talking about light years." He stressed the difference. "We will be ten to twelve light years from Earth. We will be about the same distance from Tau Ceti. To get to Gaea they will have to come here on purpose. When we invented the automobile, going over twenty-five miles an hour seemed impossible. Then we invented the windshield. We then broke the sound barrier. It won't be long before we break the light barrier."

"We?" Larisa asked to clarify. "Do you mean we as in Mankind or us on the Ark?"

"Yes," Joel nodded. "We left Earth with the smartest people all gathered and sent out with a job we can do. I know we will do that job." He shrugged. "We are two thousand brilliant people all in one place. I am no Mahatma Gandi. If pushed, I will push back." He pointed at each of them, "No one will harm anyone where I'm concerned. I will defend to the death to protect my wife, my children, my family I have now on the Ark." He looked at Hank, Nayef, Xolani, and the others. "I don't want to be aggressive with anyone, but I will not risk anyone on this Ark. I will not risk the Ark and certainly not Athena." He sighed and looked at Rita, "We need to defend Athena and the Ark. The cargo on this ship is so damned vital. Athena needs to be able to defend the Ark from more than a passing asteroid. I want her monitoring any vessel coming our way. I loath the idea of cowering but hiding may be our best defense." He chuckled, "Most all of you know of my love of the televised stories from the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries. Those cloaking devices were so great." He waved at them. "Why can't we do that? Create a way of cloaking what we will have?"

Leif cleared his throat, but not to clear phlegm; to attract their attention, "We are planning to develop the land and oceans." He looked at Wei, "Dr. Ch'en..." Leif saw Wei's face and nodded a little embarrassed, "Sorry, Wei, but why don't we consider a settlement under the water? You did that on Earth, right?"

"Yes," Wei answered. "I did twice."

"I know we will need sunlight to grow crops and any plant life we bring," Leif said and waved at the surrounding Ark. "We brought sunlight up here to grow plants out here. Any more light needed we can add." He said a bit excited. "I lived much of my adult life underwater. The idea of an underwater habitat thrills me. We could do that on Gaea. It is eighty percent water! We will start seeding Gaea below the surface of the ocean."

Steven looked at his husband curiously, "Underwater communities sound good, but they were a mystery when surface dwelling Humans encountered them. Like Atlantis, was so alien to us when everyone lived on the land." He looked at Joel, "But an underwater settlement could be picked up easily from space. The energy signature alone would be a giveaway."

"True," Greta agreed. "If we sent out any energy to detect. We need to come up with a way not to give any signature away." She said simply.

"It would free the land area to be inhabited by the animal and plant life we have to put on the land," Ansh nodded. "Granted. Our first settlement will be a smaller area, but as our population expands on Gaea, we will have set a policy if building underwater. I like it!"

Joel smiled and held his hands up to stop the discussion from going on needlessly, "Guys, this was why I brought it up. To get you thinking about it. No answer is needed right now. Tell those in your teams and let them stew on it a while. I know we will have a solution. I am not going to be a dictator." He motioned between himself and the others, "We will decide."

After the meeting, Joel stopped Rita, "I think we should stop Athena from Sending anymore updates to Earth."

"I can do that," Rita agreed. "Your right about not knowing who is receiving the updates. We don't know."

"Anyone in orbit around Earth," Joel said. "On the bases on the moon, Mars, and mined moons around Jupiter..." he nodded. "I don't know of anyone on Earth who is looking up right now."

"I'll have complete messages that Athena has sent to the Sol Solar System," Rita said. "We will still receive messages, but no messages will be sent back."

"Great," Joel replied and then brightened. "What's for lunch?"

Rita's eyes widened as she smiled, "Lunch!? Why am I responsible for lunch?"

"It's tradition!" Joel defended. "The one cooking the previous night makes lunch!"

Rita nodded, "Good thing I was prepared." She pushed him back a little. "You'll find out when everyone else does." He walked back to where she worked in the Control Room. "Now, let me do my job. We have an hour or two before lunch."

Joel checked the messages that came from Earth. He was right. The people that sent them out here were not sending many messages. There were the occasional messages in general but lacked the "personal" touch. The Ark II left Earth before many had gotten out of diapers or were even born! The death toll on Earth was leveling out but continued. The United States and Canada were working hard to keep the radiation levels down. Water was contaminated as were many crops. The death from radiated food sources and just plain starvation occurred. Joel did feel a little guilty about what they had just enjoyed. Plenty to eat with no contamination? They were very lucky. He mentally shook his head to rid himself of these thoughts. None of what happened was his fault. What happened on Earth was not one innocent souls' fault, but they died.

The Earth changed and was almost unrecognizable. The rising sea levels had submerged so much of the coastlines. Antarctica was being settled and there were cities there now. Greenland had them, too. They were growing crops now. The Artic Circle was almost gone completely. He reminded himself this was the reason they were out here. He vowed again that they would not fail.

Sara Beth had gone to the seed vault and had removed several seeds she wanted to have grown for the next time they came out of stasis. They needed the gravity for these new plants to grow straight like the elm and oak trees. The roses, ferns, and other plants just needed time to grow. She instructed Athena to be sure the ultraviolet light shone on them twelve hours at least. There was no soil they could use for now. Instead, she was using the hydroponic fluid to grow them. She looked over the parameters for the healthy growth that was set. The good thing was there were no parasites to bother the growth. No harmful insects. She was predicting no problems. The seeds were placed in large bubble shaped containers that would allow the roots to grow. The smaller house plants were put in smaller bubbles. Each bubble had hoses attached to allow new fluids in and the other to drain used fluids to be removed. The trees should grow to fit the size the roots had room to expand. There were more than a few dozen trees and plants and it would transform the habitats and the Habitat Ring. She got caught up with what she was doing she almost forgot until Joel came in and peered over her shoulder.

"Leave some plants for Gaea," Joel grinned as she jumped startled.

"Don't do that!" She swatted Joel lightly.

"You were so focused," Joel chuckled. "You lose track of everything."

"You know my passions," Sara Beth shrugged.

"And you know every plant will have to be brought out and put back," Joel pointed out.

"Yes," Sara Beth nodded. "I won't pull all of them out at the next time out of stasis. I will insist on the ones for our quarters."

"Do you know what Rita made for lunch?" Joel asked.

"Yes," Sara Beth smiled but Joel knew she wouldn't answer.

"Aw, come on," Joel begged followed her as she attended the plants.

"It's almost time to eat," Sara Beth said logically. "We'll go and find out. Let's go."

They entered the Communal Dining Area where the smell of something filled the air. Joel got a scent of bacon...sort of. There was the smell of onions and the smell of a baked something like a pie crust. There was the baguette served and a small salad.

Rita was cutting something she had put out an let cool. It was a pie of sorts. It was quiche!

"Quiche Lorraine," Rita told Joel smiling.

"Ah," Joel nodded with understanding now.

They enjoyed their lunch and went back up to the Stasis Pods.

"The needed air needs to circulate in the nurseries," Sara Beth instructed Athena.

"There the air will be needed alone," Joel added. "Unfortunately, the Habitat Ring will have to continue rotating even while we're in stasis. Understood?"

"Yes, Commander," Athena replied.

"Everyone," Joel said to those about to enter the pods again, "I'll see you in ten years!

Next: Chapter 10

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