Armed Security Leads to Fun

By Terry Green

Published on Mar 2, 2023


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As my Glock .45 caliber sent some recoil my way, I had no choice to smile. In the range with my private security boss, he was correct that the police academy would be a "walk in the park." At 6'4 and 225 pounds of muscle, and being a fairly intelligent college educated 22 year old, it was more difficult to pick which department to join. Bob was with the Cantonville Police Department, and he was pushing me to join his men and women. I really liked him on a personal level, and his training, along with how he took care of his folks spoke the proverbial values.

Yet as a young man, I knew there was a lot to consider. The state police and other counties had better benefits. Salaries for this work aren't high end, but I agreed with my folks that a pension, health insurance, and 457 financials were imperative. Cantonville didn't have a 457 plan, and this was one reason I was leaning against them. Promotion wise I'd move up the ladder quick there, but the lack of benefits really, seemed to be a real drag. Then again speaking Spanish also, I could get a job in another department, get a stipend for language interpreter which guaranteed a fast track. Eventually I wanted to get off the streets, focus on an area such as violent crimes as a detective.

As I got home, I wished my 18 year old lover was available. Brian and I we're getting along so swimmingly. We had met while I did armed security at Gabe's movie theater. A female coworker there was correct. Brian was definitely into me, and now that I had taken him several times, I was happy to see my phone messages from him. He was so cute. Damn. I was so absolutely attracted to him, as his small frame, brown hair and eyes brought me in like a magnet. Tonight he was home with his parents, getting ready for school tomorrow, but decided to be provocative with me. His naked picture made me instantly horny, as he stood in front of a mirror. That chest and shaved cock made me fill up with cum instantly. In the shower I tugged my 8 plus inches, and after yelling with pleasure, watched my sperm go down the drain. Thinking of him as I went to bed with the television local news on, finally I went to sleep, but knew we needed intimacy.

Tonight Brian wouldn't be at the theater. Yet getting my game face on, and gear in its proper places still had to happen. Putting on my black BDU pants, black t shirt, black socks, and class A shirt was a bit of choreography. Then the ballistic vest, belt with holster, asp baton, and cuffs. My shoes were shiny, and I was clean shaven. Time to drive in. Only a 15 minute drive and I was ready to check the reports/status checks completed. One of the managers had CCTV pictures, of a white male subject who stole food when a snack concession bar was left empty. The manager was kind enough to let the employee "off with a warning" as they were supposed to call for help before leaving their station.

Kid was a teen. Not many years ago, I was that same knucklehead. Actually not really as I was a "wise soul," per my then employer and quite a few employers of my own. Through college I had some crummy jobs, but responsible behavior and taking ownership was in my DNA. A lot of this was due to family examples being good, but I always had been a go getter. My mom and dad joked "I was responsible upon birth." While that was a stretch, I was willing to accept consequences and change things as needed. It was "show time ", so before rolling out to the theater areas, I inquired with the manager on duty on situational awareness materials. No change other than looking for this fire red haired idiot.

Actually take that back. Not saying his behavior was appropriate, but he did have an opportunity. My firearm was ready with one in the chamber, and I walked my first beat through the tickets area. Rule #1 is always high visibility. So many psychological surveys reinforce this, and by being so apparent, people focused on nefarious activities will think twice. There could be another one of our guys walking around. Good to keep them guessing, and a high visibility patrol by professionally dressed individuals, gives a lot of folks pause for good reason. One thing I did learn early, is that some in security or police can be very bright. Yet because they are sloppy with their clothing or appearance, people won't take them as seriously, making any environment more dangerous. Even a schmuck who looks the part, is a better deterrent.

It was good to see Jaime selling popcorn. She gave me the "I know you and Brian are an item now" smile. Gave her a half mischievous grin back. I knew she dug me, but I always liked guys so much more. There's a saying "guys know what other guys like." This is true, as my blowjob from women in college, left a lot to be desired. Hence why I had male lovers, and a man knows what has to be done to get their guys blood pumping and balls to explode. Don't get me wrong I had female friends, but all I wanted to do was literally penetrate every sexy man on campus. From freshman year on I was successful, and the talk of the campus, as Carl a hot guy from Sweden and I were an item for awhile. He was the one that I fell for, and it took some time to recover when after a year he went back to Stockholm. We still talked here and there. I had invited him over several times, but no luck as of yet. So missed his blonde hair, blue eyes, and so attractive Nordic features.

As the hours went on, throngs of teenagers descended on Hollywood's, twenty millionth version of Fast and the Furious. All appeared to be going swimmingly. General manager David let me know, "escort time." This is where they brought all the cash up, to the offices. As usual I was proactive, and had the number of employees I felt comfortable with, handling this duty. All was in order, and as I took the sentry position by the door, there was the unmistakable sound. One more two more, and looking through the CCTV I saw a large white male shooting a handgun into the air.

People were running in every direction. Screams were heard. I told David, who appeared stunned to call the police department. Crawling down the stairs, I saw the male with a jacket and jeans on. His gun was aimed at the ceiling, and he took another shot. Damn it was loud. People were mostly clear, so I decided to follow my training. Gun in hand, I got behind him and shouted "armed security, drop your weapon!" At first he seemed dazed, but he responded properly to my verbal commands. "Kick the gun away from you!" He did and just a minute before police entering in the theater, I had him cuffed. All mine as I owned him. Police grabbed him, and took him to a separate room.

It was a bit stressful, but training did override the adrenaline. Detectives and officers quickly determined no injuries, and it was a cheap Saturday night special gun. After being interviewed by the chief investigator, he thanked me "for a job well done." My boss showed up, gave me a fist bump, saying "it's time to get you in the police department." He brought me a cold bottle of water. As expected it was a well known guy who had mental illness. He was taken to the magistrate, who was very familiar with him, and held with no bond. Closing the theater that night, I was informed that repairs would be needed. It would be a quick delay, so my boss would have me work a convenience store tomorrow. Bob was proud of my work, and him reassuring me I did what had to be done, was a huge relief. I had more confidence after this, as my muscle memory training kicked in as expected.

Texted Brian and he had heard what had gone down. He told me "good job," which I appreciated as my feelings for him were growing. His compassion was always on, and now that my phone caught up, I saw he tried to call, and messaged me multiple times. He would definitely get a nice dinner, and I looked forward to our next time together. That night was Hot Pockets and microwaved French fries. Not the healthiest meal, but I had to work at the Raven Convenience Store, and wasn't too happy about it. Sure I liked the paycheck, but this retailer was on the wrong side of the tracks. Finally I slept, and did some exercising after breakfast.

Bob was kind enough to only put me on for 8 hours. Today would be 1 to 9 pm. This wasn't too bad actually, and made the twelve hour shifts seem to be a never ending encyclopedia. Contacting Brian, he was hoping to come over tonight. I hoped so as it was Friday, and all of this vigorous testosterone had to end up somewhere. Last nights adrenaline rush required some passion, and I was happy that my 18 year old lover would stop by the house. We'd go out to dinner, then I'd take him however I felt was needed. My cock was constantly hard, and I desired to drop my hammer inside of him with a lot of aggression.

Now decked out in my tactical gear, I showed up to Raven. There would be some rowdy college students, but quite possibly gang members. Working alone like this was dangerous, but I was relieved that one of the men making sandwiches, was retired PD and carrying concealed. Also to the credit of the police department, they were in and out of here often, so there was less risk than one might see looking from the outside. The store was in a economically disadvantaged part of the community, and a lot of residents called it a "blight." I wasn't sure of that, although getting paid well probably influenced my thoughts on the matter.

Actually was quite happy. Time was flying by on the clock. Manager Kimberly and staff, kept up with folks buying booze, snacks, and lottery tickets. Had a few wanna be thugs, but didn't see gang members that had been reported there. CCTV showed a couple guys a month back, but they simply walked in, grabbed a few items, and paid for them. So far crowds were limited. My best guess was the rainy weather worked it's magic. Certainly was grateful for any reprieve, especially after last nights shit show. Had a couple of drunk in public's, but these two men simply bought food and rolled out. Of course I changed positions, had my hands on the firearm, and to block any punches that came my way. At 2100 I cleared out, and texted Brian to be at my house in a half hour.

At home I walked in my apartment door, and upon closing it, dropped my ballistic vest along with gear in the foyer. Stripping myself naked, I liked what I saw in the mirror. A strong man with brown hair and the strong Irish jaw, and blue eyes that looked oceanic. Hopping in the shower I took care of some of the work sweat. My cock and balls were still relatively smooth. Hard and ready to go. Prepared for what was inevitable. All this muscle and my 8 plus inches of manhood fully aware, that my bottom bitch would be here soon. Heart beating with excitement, it had been several days. Putting on my blue Ralph Lauren boxers, I decided nothing else was needed. It was time to send Brian an unmistakable make dominance imagery immediately. Getting our booze drinks ready, with the television on, that knock I had been waiting on happened.

Opening and closing the door Brian was in. Kissing and hugging he had this fun loving grin on his face. Our tongues danced in tandem for a few, and as I pushed my hard cock up against his cock, he guessed correctly. "You've been missing me, and my guess is after the shooting, I'm going to be at your aggression tonight." Smiling and giving him the look, he kissed me again. "I love it when you wear Sauvage." Oh yes I made sure to have enough of this on, to make him aware of my needs right away. Kissing more, his hands moving down to my underwear, we were set to have a great time together.

Passionately we held hands. Our hands together, and on each other, as I had him down to his brown mesh panty like underwear I bought him. Seeing his shaved cock and ass in my mirror, the heat was going through with rapid intensity. Our touch was electrical, and I grabbed his ass, pulling his hair gently to show him he would be mine. His guttural moans told me that I owned him. As he got down on his knees like the good bitch he was, he pulled my underwear down. As usual he knew how to get the party started.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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