Around Town Masturbation

By m b

Published on Oct 25, 2007


These are true stories and if it's illegal for you to read them, then DON'T!

When I was around 16 or so I loved to jerk off outside. It seems as if the urge consumed me. I would play as usual and on my way home, while walking, do something I considered daring. This is another one of my true events.

It was a warm fall night and I was walking home from a friend's house when that familiar urge drove me towards a dark playground. No one was around, it was just about dinner time and all the area kids were eating. The area with the playground equipment was dark and I knew that I could do something to east the needs I felt. As I walked towards the grounds I was overwhelmed by the need to tear off my underwear. I was still dressed in jeans and a t shirt but I needed them off now. I reached under my shirt and pulled the front of my wight boy underwear up. Every inch more than where they should have been gave a satisfying ripping noise. the front and back began to shred in my pants, making my boycock twitch. With a mighty pull upward the waistband and a good sized piece flew up out of my pants. A wedge was still stuck in my asscrack and I could feel it rubbing my asshole. I tore off the band and continued on my way. As I got closer I walked onto the grass and pulled my shirt off. I stopped and removed my shoes and socks as well. Wearing nothing but a tattered pair of underwear and jeans I approached the playground. Carefully looking around I saw no one. I walked to the edge of a nearby tall grass field and removed my pants. Just then the moon broke through the clouds and shone on my lithe nude frame, my pulsing boycock shone in the light. I walked around, securing my clothes in a safe but away place, should I need to run. I walked over to the swing set, my semi erect cock swaying as I approached. My pulse was quickening as I reached for a chain to steady a swing. Before I sat down I removed the sole remaining piece of cloth from my ass cheeks and tossed it aside. I spread my ass so the cold hard rubber would touch my tender virgin asshole as I moved. I swang for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of the wind against my nipples and sparse pubic hair. I jumped off the swing and my cock slapped against my leg as I landed. I climbed onto the monkey bars and hung upside down. While hanging my swollen cock was leaking quite a bit of pre-come. I felt a drop hit the underside of my chin and got an idea. I angled my head and began "milking" my hard rod trying to make more of the salty liquid land in my mouth. After a few minutes of stroking my leaking hard cock a large drop formed at the slit and I shook my cock slightly so I could catch the warm treasure in my mouth. It took awhile but it slowly dripped off of my purple cock head and down towards my open and waiting mouth. I was rewarded with a good sized drop of warm salty pre-come. I swished it around in my mouth as I climbed off of the bars. I went to the top of the slide, sat and began stroking in earnest. I was moaning loudly, hoping no one would see or hear me, and I could hear the dry skin of my straining cock against my hands and fingers. After about five or so glorious moments of stroking I felt a tingling run through my body and I began to gyrate my hips with each stroke of my cock. I slowed and let my jizz fly all over my legs and the smooth metal of the slide. Exhausted I slumped against the cold metal handrail to the slide and rested. Drinking in the fact I had just come outside and in public. As my cock slowly deflated I had another urge, to slide through the mess that I had just made on the smooth cold metal slide. I watched as my fairly decent sized load oozed it's way down the slide. Without thinking too much I pushed off onto the slide. Squeaking and sticking to the metal I moved my ass onto my jizz and hoped that would help. I slid down the slide on my cum and loved it, cold steel, hot ass flesh and still warm, wet and sticky cum, what a feeling. I walked back to the field, gathered my clothing and walked as much of the way home naked as I could get. All the time feeling my cum drying on my ass, legs and soft sticky boycock.

If you enjoyed that please let me know, I still have years of my favorite hobby to share.

Next: Chapter 12

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