Around Town Masturbation

By m b

Published on May 24, 2008


Again, these are true stories. if you shouldn't be reading them then DON'T!

Tonight I came home drunk and wanted to rub my cock. I logged online and read some stories from Nifty and got a hardon. a few more websites made my cock swell to it's 6 1/2 inch steely hard glory. I left the safety of my apartment and went outside with my cock hanging out of my light pants. Once outside I lit a cigarette and watched as my cock deflated. I was halfway through when I was inspired to strip off my pants and walk into the back yard. My cock swang freely in it's half hard state. I then felt the burning urge to take a piss. Drunk as I am I walked into the yard and let go to the urge. A powerful stream flew from my cock head as I walked further into the yard. My cock swang from side to side spraying my piss on the lawn and my legs. I stopped in a dark corner and let my cock drain fully. Feeling satisfied I sat on a piece of construction equipment left in the parking lot by my landlord. My half hard cock began to swell again. I grasped my rod and rubbed it until I hit my hardest then began to jerk off in earnest. as I rubbed I thought about all of the pictures I saw online and I moaned softly. My hips began to rock on their own as I continued to run my fingers over my steel herd warm cock. After a few minutes of stroking my cock I felt a burning in my loins and an overwhelming urge to cum all over the place. I edged off and spread my asscheeks apart and sat on the bobcat in the yard. My head swirled with the need to blow my load as soon as possible. I then began to jerk my hard cock harder and move my hips to increase the white hot need to cum. Again the burning sensation began in that area between my ass and rock hard tool and I decided to just let go. My hips writhing and me moaning the white hot spunk crawled from the base of my cock to the tip where it burst out and onto the ground in three gigantic spurts. In the moonlight I could see my jizz fly from my cock onto the pavement, That turned me on so much I began to yank with wild abandon. My ass contracted as more cum spurted from my cock onto my legs and abdomen. As I came down I looked around, I was in the clear moonlight still holding my rqpidly softening cock. Oh what a feeling! My head was swimming with alcohol and blissful satisfaction of blowing my load all over the place. I got up and walked into my apartment, gathering my clothing I dropped behind and went to sleep. I haven't slept so soundly in some time.


Again, if you liked this send me an email and I'll continue to write!

Thanks to all who have read!

Next: Chapter 13

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