Around Town Masturbation

By m b

Published on Mar 3, 2006


This is a true story and it actually happened to me.

Caught in a field

When I was in my early teens I was, like others, always horny. I was walking home from high school on a path through the woods when the feeling hit me, I needed to jerk off as soon as possible. I had family at home and would not get any privacy so I walked off of the path towards a grassy open area in the middle of the woods I knew of. I had gone there in the past with friends to look at nudie magazines. When I got there I looked around to make sure no one was around. I had already begun to undress along the wooded path by unbuttoning my pants and dropping the zipper. I pulled my 6 1/2 semi hard cock from my pants and began to rub. The sunlight, the breeze and the chance of getting caught was getting me harder by the second. I took off my shirt and left my pants and underwear around my knees, in case someone came around. I was standing in the middle of the field stroking my head and sliding the skin of my shaft up and down with a growing need to cum. Overhead a helicopter was flying by. I soon noticed the same helicopter had made a pass by a few momnents earlier. At this point I was almost ready to pop all over the field when the same helicopter had begun to circle overhead. I began to try to walk to the side of the field when the familiar tingle from my cock began. I looked up and as I did I tripped landing on my side, pants around my knees and a raging hardon. I tried to roll onto my back when my cock began to twich and spew load after load of jizz all over my chest, stomach and chin. I came for about 40 seconds and still the helicopter circled getting closer to the ground. I stood up with cum all over me and tried again to get to the cover of the trees. As I wobbled along my steel hard cock bobbed and twiched still flowing with cum dribbling it onto my pants and filling my underwear. I made it to cover and began to pull my pants up and look for something to clean myself up with. I was unable to and just put my shirt on and ran to the path deep in the woods. There I felt my cum sticking to my shirt and cock. I noticed spots on the front of my pants and then remembered the jizz on my chin. I took my finger and scooped it up and put it in my mouth. I was still terrified as I ran home thinking the pilot who had seen me would know where I lived. I still today wonder if the pilot enjoyed my show. I will write more about my around town experiences as I have time.

Next: Chapter 3

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