Around Town Masturbation

By m b

Published on Dec 11, 2006


If you shouldn't be reading this then DONT!

These are all true stories from my youth.

16 1/2 years old: It was a cold winter afternoon when I was at a function in the downtown area of my town when I became horny. My cock strained at my zipper and needed some relief. I went to the public restroom and entered the handicapped stall. There was no one around so I decided to pull my underwear off by tearing it off. I sat on the toilet and poked my fingers through the holes of my tighty whities and heard the satisfying tearing noise. I shreded my underwear as I was tearing them off. There were pieces of them jammed up my crack and pushing on my choad. As the final piece came tearing off I put the shreds into my pocket. I then began to stroke my straining 6 in. cut member. All of the sudden a group of boys came in to the bathroom making a lot of noise. I became scared and pulled up my pants and took off. Outside it was just past dusk and there was a cold breeze blowing. My cock felt ice cold. That's when I realised I never zipped up! I looked down and saw a few pubes sticking out over my light white skin just over my boycock. My cock started to grow thinking about me being exposed in public. I quickly walked away from the building and towards home. It got darker and I became hornier and bolder. I pulled my cock out of my fly letting the cold air carress it. I got increasingly harder as I walked with my member hanging out the front of my pants. Traffic went by and it seemed as if no one noticed my six inches hanging out the front of my pants. I stroked as I walked. I came upon a guy walking the other way and just walked past him with my hands held in front of me. I turned off of the main road and onto a dirt path used as a cut-thru and became bolder. It was darker and the only source of light was from the nearby houses outside porches. I then unbuttoned my pants and shrugged them down over my sneakers. Now naked from the waist down I walked along the path. As I neared the end I heard some other kids coming my way. I dodged into a nearby yard behind a shed and squatted. As the laughing kids walked past I felt the overgrown grass on my asshole. It felt good so I began gyrating over the frozen grass. As I did this my boycock screamed for attention. I wrapped my cold fingers around the tip and worked them over my member rubbing slowly at first then faster. I looked around and found I was in a grove of dead trees and saw a large rock to sit on. It was ice cold on my ass cheeks. I then spread my ass to allow my hole to touch the cold rock. A zing went through me and I began oozing precum. I licked my fingers as it flowed from the purple tip of my cold hard cock. I rubbed my ass on the rock and jacked myself off. I felt amazing, cold, horny and ready to cum in someone's yard. I pulled my cock faster and moaned softly. Still rubbing my asshole on the cold rock I felt the familiar tingle at the base of my cock. My cock began to twitch and spasm. Cum blasted out of the tip and my member throbbed in my hand spewing my seed all over my legs and the rock. I slid forward so my ass would rub some of the cum on it. It was hot and steamy as I still came. As the throbbing slowed I scooped up some of the pools of cum with my finger and brought it to my lips. Shivvering I watched the steam come off of the mess. i then licked my fingers clean and put my pants back on. The rest of the walk was oddly warmer and a bit sticky.

If you liked this one please email me and tell me.

Next: Chapter 6

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