Art Class

By num lfl

Published on Mar 31, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Art Class by Chris

Michelle stopped at the bottom of the steps and looked up at the old building that had Lincoln High School carved in stone above the doors. "This building looks as old as its namesake. So this is where I will spend my senior year, oh well, might as well make the best of it." She said to herself as she bounced up the stairs.

This was her third high school that she had attended since she got out of grade school. Her father was programmer for a company that sold production software to big corporation. As such, he would go from one company to the next, converting their old software to the one he was installing. This could take anywhere from six months to three years. Her farther believed that families should always be together, so instead of going to whatever city he was working in and coming home on weekends, he took his family with him. The money he made was good so Michelle never wanted for anything, however her father was also a deeply religious man so the rules she lived under were always strict. Michelle was a very outgoing person and at times chaffed under these rules. So from time to time, she got into trouble. It was never for anything bad, just a young woman trying to express all the enthusiasm for life that she had within her.

Once inside the school, Michelle made her way to the office and filled out the paper work to get started. She then had to see the guidance counselor to get her classes. She was surprised to find that they had an art class. That was her one true passion in life, painting. You could only take the class for one year as a credit course but the teacher, who was a retired university art professor, allowed students to come to his classroom during the last class of the day to paint. Michelle talked the guidance counselor into letting her have the last period of the day free so that she could paint. She had all but a couple of credits to graduate so that did not turn out to be a problem. She had taken extra classes all through high school and finally it had paid off, she only hoped that the professor was half way decent.

Michelle made her way through the day getting to know the lay of the land and introducing herself to the other kids. But most of all she was just waiting until she could get to the art class and let out all of her pent up emotions out on the canvas. One day she knew she was going to be a famous painter; she just needed to keep painting until she did something that someone would notice. Finally, the moment arrived and she entered the art class. She stopped at the door and inhaled the smell of paint that had been used over the vast years of the building. About this time, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She saw a plain, slightly plump looking girl standing there. She had shoulder length, straight, black hair that while clean looked stringy. The girl was about two inches shorter than she was which put her at five foot six inches. She had what looked like c cup breasts. The girl said in almost a whisper "Excuse me." Michelle moved aside and allowed the girl to enter the room. She watched as the girl went to an easel at the back of the room and she began to get out her paints. By now, the other students began to arrive so Michelle went on in the room. Most of the easels were taken, as the students seemed to have their own favorite place to paint. There were a few easels left empty around the room but Michelle noticed that no one set up around the black haired girl. Being the rebel she thought she was, she headed in the girl's direction. "If no one else wants to be around her then I will." Michelle thought to herself, plus there was something about the quite girl which drew her.

"Hi my name is Michelle, what's yours?" Michelle said as she held out her hand.

"Rita." The girl said, taking the hand weakly then quickly letting go.

"Rita that is a pretty name, I like it." Michelle said. "How long have you been painting?"

"Since I was a kid, I guess." Rita said meekly.

"Me too, I live to paint. It is my one passion in life. One day I am going to be a famous painter. Just you wait and see." Michelle said, not boastfully, but with a passion that she really felt. Michelle saw the girl's face light up at her statement, like someone who had found a kindred sprit. She started to say something when the professor came into the room. He had long gray hair with a matching long beard, both of which had specks of multicolor paint in them.

"I am Professor Watson as most of you know. And to get the bad things out of the way first, I will need your fees for the paints and easels that we will use this year. I wish I could not charge you for these but the school system will not pay for them so you must. I will need them by the end of the week and if you cannot pay all at once, see me and we will try to work something out. Now that is done lets get started." The professor said as he pulled a cloth off a bowl of fruit sitting on a pedestal in the front of the room. Everyone moaned in unison. "I know everyone loves to paint a bowl of fruit but I need to see where you are with your painting. This is the best way to find that out, so quit your moaning, and start painting."

Michelle looked over at Rita and saw that her brow was knitted and she had started to paint. Michelle being a free spirit hated to paint still life but she picked up her palette and brush then started to paint. The hour and half class went by in a flash and she was jolted from her painting by the harsh bell. She could not help herself as she looked over to see what Rita had done. She was about halfway done and while her painting was technically excellent, it was too stiff for Michelle tastes. It was like there was more talent there but it was afraid to come out. Michelle noticed that Rita was trying to take a peak at her painting, so she leaned back to let Rita look and she saw Rita's eyes light up. All the fruit was there but not in the same place as that on the pedestal, and it was all not exactly in its natural state.

"Well what do you think?" Michelle asked.

"It's interesting." Rita said and then she went to clean up her brushes.

Michelle gathered her stuff and went to clean her brushes as well then she hurried out the catch up with Rita. She found her walking slowly down the hall as everyone else was rushing to get out of school for the day.

"Hey, I want to talk to you." Michelle said as she tapped Rita on the shoulder.

"Why would you want to talk to me?" Rita said as she continued to walk.

"I thought that we could be friends. We both have a passion for painting and I am new here. I am trying to find a few friends."

"You don't know who I am, do you?"

"No, I said I was new. I just moved here a week ago." Michelle said.

"Well let me tell you and then you can go on your merry way. And I can go on mine." Rita said.

"Okay." Michelle said wondering why Rita was so cool to her approach.

"My father is on death row for killing three people during a bank robbery. One of those three was the mayor's son. So my family is not exactly popular around this town and if you befriend me then you will become an outcast too. From the look of your clothes, you will fit right in with the rich kids, so go ahead and leave me alone before anyone sees you with me." Rita said as she turned and started walking away.

"Now wait a minute." Michelle said when she caught up with Rita and stopped her again. "Let me tell you something. I decide who I become friends with, no one else. Now I like the way you paint. It is a bit controlled but I can see that you have some talent, maybe as much as I have. You also seem to love to paint as much as I do. So I think we have a starting point for a friendship. If you don't want to be my friend, that is fine, but I would like you to be mine."

Michelle stood in front of Rita, as she looked her over trying to determine if Michelle was sincere in what she was saying. Finally she spoke.

"Well you can't say that I did not warn you." Then Michelle saw the beginnings of a smile come across Rita's face.

"I consider myself warned, but let me warn you of something too. I tend march to the beat of a different drummer."

"I got that from your painting. It is going to be good but different, that is for sure." Rita told Michelle as they started walking towards the doors.

"Before I am done with you, you will be painting differently too." Michelle informed Rita. Then she went on talking, "So tell me about you, I mean other than your family's tendency to kill people."

Rita stopped in her tracts and gave Michelle an angry look, a look that would kill most people but Michelle was not normal.

"I am just messing with you. I am sure that is a sore subject with you but that was your father not you. You need to start laughing it off." Michelle said.

"You don't have a clue what it has been like growing up in this town, with my father doing what he did." Rita spit back.

"You are right, I don't. However, I do know you cannot control what your parents do or what they are. God knows living with my parents has taught me that. You can control only what you do and who you are. Stop letting your father control you. Sure the other people in this town hate you but you just need to say, "Fuck them" and go on with your life."

Rita's body relaxed and she continued walking and Michelle fell in beside her. They walked through the doors and started down the steps when Rita stopped.

"I know you are right about my father but it is a lot easier to say than to do. I have tried but people keep reminding me about my father." Rita said and Michelle could see her body start to stiffen up.

"Well you got me now to help you." Michelle said and then she put her arm around Rita's shoulders and pulled her next to her body. Michelle felt Rita stiffen a bit more then relax.

"So do you want a ride home, I drove my car to school."

"No, I can't my mom won't let us ride in other people's cars. Besides I just live ten blocks from here." Rita said.

"Okay then I will walk with you. That will give us a chance to talk and get to know each other better." Michelle said as she pulled Rita along. As they walked, Michelle found out that Rita had a younger sister, Darla who was in the eighth grade. She also found out that her mother worked two jobs to keep the family going. She worked during the day as a housekeeper at a hotel and at night, she worked as a waitress at a old restaurant in town. She came home long enough to change an eat dinner which Rita and her sister was responsible for fixing. With her mom working so much, Rita had pretty much raised her younger sister. When they got to Rita's house, Michelle noticed that the house that needed to be painted, but it was well kept.

"I would ask you in but my mom does not allow us to have visitors. I am sorry." Rita told Michelle.

"When will she get home?"

"She won't be home till five-thirty but..." Rita started to say but Michelle interrupted her.

"Well we got till five-thirty don't we." Michelle said as she started up the driveway. Rita rushed to catch up with her.

"But my sister will be here in thirty minutes and she may tell mom."

"Okay, so we have thirty minutes." Michelle said as she went up the steps. Rita sighed and unlocked the door.

"It is not much, but it is home." Rita said as they entered the house. The house was small, however Michelle noticed that everything was in its place and the house was very clean. Rita led Michelle back to her bedroom, which had a double bed, and there was not much in decorations. There was one big teddy bear on the bed but not much else. It was the exact opposite of her bedroom, which had clothes everywhere and posters covering the walls.

"I have to share the bedroom with Darla, this is only a two bedroom house, and as mom keeps telling us we are lucky to have a house to live in. It helps that Darla and I get along but then we don't have much choice as we are stuck with each other." Rita said with a slight laugh.

"It looks fine to me; do you have any of your painting here? I would love to look at them."

"No, mom can't afford the supplies. I only get to paint at school."

"Well how about any drawings?"

"No, I don't have any of those either, cost too much." Rita said a little dejectedly.

"I have plenty of stuff. I will give you some of mine."

"No I am not allowed to take anything from anybody. Mom says that if we can't afford it, then we don't need it."

"Is there anything you are allowed to do?" Michelle asked a little exasperated.

"No, not much, I just go to school and take care of my sister." Rita said as she sat on the edge of the bed and Michelle saw her shoulder slump. She knew that Rita was under a lot of pressure and she needed an outlet. She also knew that she was just the person to provide it.

"Let me tell you something about myself, there is not a rule that I can't find a way around. You stick with me and your life will never be the same again." Michelle then gave Rita her most confident smile. Rita looked up and Michelle saw a little hope behind her pretty brown eyes. They then got to talking about painting and what types of things that they like to paint. For Rita that was the human form and for Michelle it was more abstract. She liked to take anything and put her own view on them. They were talking away when Michelle heard a voice at the bedroom door.

"Who are you?" Asked a young girl who looked like a younger version of Rita.

"My name is Michelle. You must be Darla. Rita has told me all about you." Michelle said as she got up and took Darla's hand. "I am very happy to meet you. Come on in and join us. Rita and I are just becoming friends and you will make a perfect third to our friendship." Michelle looked at Rita, who looked like a cat who had just was got caught eating the family canary. Michelle just smiled at her, trying to tell her it would be all right. "So would you like to become my friend too?" Michelle asked Darla.

"Sure, if Rita doesn't mind." Darla said looking at Rita.

"No, I don't mind. You know whatever is mine is yours also." Rita said and she ruffled Darla's hair to reinforce what she was saying.

Michelle then padded the bed and Darla sat in the center of the bed. Michelle then proceeded to ask Darla questions getting to know her and to show her interest in what Darla had to say. Within minutes, she had in Darla, a friend for life. Michelle knew as long as they included Darla when she was around then she would never have a reason to tell her mom about Michelle being in the house. It was almost five when Rita saw the time on her alarm clock.

"Shit, mom will be home in a few minutes and we don't have supper ready. And you do have to leave now." Rita said as she and Darla jumped up and headed for the kitchen.

"When does she get home?" Michelle asked.

"At five-thirty," Darla and Rita said at the same time.

"Now you have to go, okay." Rita said.

"Okay, I will go but let me help you both get started then I will leave before your mom gets here."

"Fine," Rita said giving up on trying to get Michelle to do anything she did not want to do.

Michelle helped Rita get the food started, and then she went to help Darla set the table. At about five-twenty, she made her way out the door and headed back to the school to pick up her car. She thought about Rita on her way home and she found that she really liked her. She normally had friends more like her, outgoing and full of themselves. However, Rita was the exact opposite; she would best be described as a wallflower. But there was something about the girl that made her want to get to know her better. There was somebody dieing to get out and Michelle wanted to know that person when she arrived.

The next day when Michelle got to the art class, she found that Rita was already at her easel. Michelle noticed that when Rita looked up and saw her, a big grin came over her face. Michelle smiled back and hurried back to her easel.

"So how was your day?" Michelle asked.

"Pretty good, I have started to take your advice." Rita said with a big smile on her face.

"What advice was that?"

"Not worrying about what everyone else thought of me or my family. When I saw someone staring at me I just said "Fuck You" under my breath." Rita said but she whispered the "Fuck you" part.

"Good for you, see being friends with me has it benefits."

"Yes it does thanks. Can you come over after school? Even Darla wants you to come over. You have made friend with her."

"I had planned on coming over if you wanted me too."

"Good," Rita said then she turned to her easel and knitted her brow as she started to paint. The class was over before Michelle knew it, and she looked over at Rita's painting. It was a perfect painting of the fruit on the pedestal.

"Very nice," She told Rita who was looking at her painting.

"That is interesting. I have never seen anyone paint as you do. The fruit looks like fruit but then it doesn't. You will have to show be how you do that." Rita said.

"It is simple. I take a look at the fruit and then I let my mind go. I then start to paint what is in my mind and not what my eyes are seeing." Michelle said proudly.

"I am not sure that I could ever do that. I am not that creative."

"Yes you are. You have to be creative to be a painter and you are a painter. I will help you. You just need to practice. I have a sketch pad and pencils for you to use."

"You know that I can't take anything from you." Rita said.

"I have that problem solved. If your mom catches you, then tell her that you are helping a girl in your class with her painting. This is her pad and pencil and you are only using them to show her how to draw." Michelle said then she continued. "Then you give it back to me and I will draw some bad pictures in it, then I will give the pad back to you."

"That might work for a while." Rita said.

"Well, when you think we have stretched this out as long as we could, I will figure something else out." Michelle told her as they went to wash out their brushes. They talked on the way home and then sat on Rita's bed and talked until Darla came home.

"What is that?' Darla asked as she got up on the bed with Rita and Michelle.

"That is a drawing pad I gave to your sister to practice her drawing." Michelle told Darla.

"But we are not supposed to take anything from anybody. You know that. Mom will be mad if she sees that." Darla told Rita.

"That is why we are not going to tell her." Rita said but the look on Darla's face told Michelle that Darla was not buying in on this until Rita added, "And you can be my model." That brought a smile to Darla's face as that meant she would be the center of attention.

Rita picked up the pad and had Darla sit still. She started to try to act like the models she had seen on TV but Rita told her to relax and just be herself. Michelle sat back, watched, and thought to herself that the sisters lack attention. They got none from their mom and no one in the community wanted anything to do with them. Then she realized that she also suffered from the same affliction. Her father was always working or at church and her mother was doing everything she could do at their church to raise herself in the church hierarchy. They would only be in this town for a couple of years but that did not matter, her mom got off on raising her stature in the church. Maybe she saw al lot of herself in Rita. But where Rita kept it all in, Michelle found ways to get the attention she needed.

Michelle then refocused on the drawing that Rita was doing of her sister. The young girl's hair was drawn exactly as it was on her head and as Darla's eyes appeared on the paper, all the brightness and youth came out. What creativity that Michelle did not see in Rita's painting of the fruit came out in the drawing of her sister. Michelle realized that Rita was even more talented than she thought she was. When Rita was done, she handed the drawing to her sister who looked at it then hugged it to her chest. She then leaped over and hugged her sister knocking them both in the floor. To get her sister back for knocking her in the floor, Rita started to tickle her and a tickling fight broke. When they were out of breath from laughing, they looked up at Michelle who was still sitting on the bed laughing at them.

"I think someone needs to be tickled." Rita told her sister.

"Yea," Darla said with a childlike gleam. Michelle got out an "Oh no, you don't." before she found herself lying back on the bed, being tickled by four quick hands that she could not fight off. They all rolled around the bed tickling each other on whatever part of body that their hands could reach. Finally, they tired out and they all lay back on the bed breathing hard.

"That was no fair, you two picking on me like that." Michelle said once she got her breath back and sat up.

"Tough, Darla and I stick together, don't we?" Rita said to her sister as they sat up.

"Yes we do!" Darla proclaimed to her sister. She then got up and started for her sister but Michelle caught her and pulled her down into her lap. She then started tickling her and then Rita got into the act. They had Darla squealing and laughing as she tried to fight them off but she did not try too hard. When they had her out of breath, they let her go and she rolled onto the floor laughing.

"Come on squirt, let's get supper started, we can't get away with hamburgers and fries tonight. Mom will want a real supper. "Nooo," Darla moaned, but then she got up and pulled Rita to her feet and then she pulled Michelle to her feet. They trekked to the kitchen and started supper. Michelle stayed until about twenty after five and then slipped out of the house.

Michelle spent every afternoon at Rita's that week as she and Rita became best friends. Michelle did notice that no one at the school would have much to do with her once the word got out that she and Rita was friends. Michelle just shucked it off as she liked Rita, and if that was the price she had to pay, then so be it. Saturday Michelle had to wait until ten, when her mother and father finally left to go to a church function, before she could take off to Rita's. She parked down the street and walked back to Rita's house, where Rita slipped her in before anyone noticed. Rita and Darla had a long list of things to do, so Michelle pitched in to help. It took them about three hours to get everything done, then Michelle pulled out a deck of cards and she taught them how to play poker as they had a late lunch. For Rita and Darla this was a big deal, as they were not allowed to have cards in the house. Then again, Michelle was not allowed to play cards either but that did not stop her. They played for a couple of hours before Darla got tired and went out to the living room to watch some TV. Michelle and Rita headed back to Rita's bedroom, where Rita showed Michelle the portraits she had done of Darla. As Michelle looked at the drawings, she became more impressed with Rita's ability.

"I cannot believe the detail you put into these drawings, I can see Darla as plain as if she was standing in front of me. You do have a talent for the human form. You should try some of her body and not just of her face." Michelle said.

"I don't know; I have only done faces." Rita replied with a little doubt in her voice.

"Well, it is time you go to other things. And once you have that mastered then we can go on to nudes."

"Nudes! Oh no, I could never do that." Rita said as her face and neck turned a bright red.

"Sure you can, you have just never tried before. But master Darla first and then we will worry about that." Michelle told her new and shy friend. She then changed the subject to lesser embarrassing things for Rita's sake. Michelle stayed until it was almost time for Rita's mother to come home. Sunday Michelle was stuck at church trying to pretend for her parent's sake that she was a good Christian girl.

The next week and the following few weeks Michelle spent her afternoons and Saturdays at Rita's. They became as close as two peas in a pod and Darla had adopted Michelle as her sister. For her she now had two older sisters to help her with her homework and to pay attention to her. As the weeks passed, Michelle found that her feelings for Rita begin to change. At first, the friendship was based on their passion to paint but now Michelle felt a closeness that she had never felt with anyone else. She found that she was touching Rita's hand or arm to make a point and at first Rita would pull away but slowly she began to leave her arm or hand in place. The contact became second nature between them. When the conversation died down, they were content to just sit and let the silence wash over them. One day when they were sitting there alone, Michelle looked over at Rita. There was an urge to just pull her over and kiss her. Instead, she put her hand on Rita's and then she turned it over and entwined their fingers together. Michelle watched nervously as Rita looked down at their hands and then over at her. It seemed like minutes but was actually seconds before Rita smiled and then squeezed her hand. Michelle let out a long breath that she did not know she was holding. Michelle wanted to say something but she was not sure what she wanted to say. So she kept quite and that seemed to be the thing to do. Darla came in a little later to get them to help with dinner as it was nearing time for their mother to come home. As she started to leave, she stopped when her eyes zeroed in on Michelle and Rita holding hands. Michelle waited for her to say something but Darla did not and Michelle was relieved, as she did not know what she was going to say.

From that day forward, Michelle found she was taking every opportunity to take Rita's hand in hers and every time that she did, she always got that sweet smile from Rita. They held hands as they walked home from school and when they were alone in the bedroom, the first thing Michelle did was to lay her hand on Rita's. Michelle felt her attraction to Rita growing everyday. She was not sure what to do with her feelings. They were growing harder and harder to ignore, and when she was not with Rita she was thinking about her. Michelle had always known that she was attracted to other girls but she never dreamed that someone like Rita would be the one she would fall for. She always thought it would be someone as wild and outgoing as she was, not a quite shy girl like Rita. But that did not change what she felt. She was falling in love with Rita and she had to do something soon. She had to let her feelings known to Rita, and then pray that they would be accepted and not rejected. This was the first time in her life Michelle had a fear of rejection and it scared her. "How do I tell her how I feel?" Michelle wondered one day as she was walking with Rita to her home. When they got there, they went back to Rita's bedroom and sat down on the bed.

"You are awfully quite today. Is there something wrong?" Rita asked as she took Michelle's hand in hers.

"No there is nothing wrong, just quite today, I guess." Michelle said but with not much conviction in her voice.

"Since the day I met you in Art class, you have not been quite a single moment. So I know there is something bothering you, so tell me what is wrong."

Michelle turned on the bed and faced Rita and she knew it was now or never. She slowly leaned toward Rita. She saw Rita's eyes widen before their lips touched. Michelle felt the excitement of finally kissing Rita course through her body. Every single nerve was alive and demanding attention from her brain, but the nerve endings on her lips got all the attention. After she pulled back, the feel of Rita's lips on hers hung there.

"What was that?' Michelle heard Rita say and she felt her heart drop.

"A kiss, I am sorry, I shouldn't have. It is just that I wanted to show you how I felt. I guess I had better leave." Michelle said as she got up and she felt tears forming in her eyes. She got to the door before she felt Rita's hand on her arm stopping her.

"Don't go. I do not want you to leave. It is just that a girl has never kissed me before; in fact, I haven't been kissed by anyone before." Rita said still holding onto her arm.

Before she knew what she was doing, Michelle put her hands to Rita's waist and pulled her in close. She stared into Rita's eyes and when Rita closed those eyes, Michelle closed hers and she leaned forward and kissed Rita for the second time. This time she felt Rita's lips respond to hers and she felt Rita's hands grip her shoulders. Michelle opened her lips and Rita opened hers. Their lips parted slightly for a second and came back together and this time they stayed together for what to Michelle seemed like forever. Finally, it did and they both leaned back slightly but stilled held on to each other. The tears that were about to fall before now started full force. Michelle was always in control but suddenly she lost it. She felt Rita pull her in close and hold on to her tightly. It took her a few minutes to get it all back under control but finally she did.

"I am sorry. I just was so scared about how you would feel." Michelle admitted to Rita.

"That is okay; you just caught me by surprise. I love you as a friend and I admit I was feeling other things but I was not sure what those things were. It's just I never done anything like this before." Rita said.

"That is okay, I will show you the way." Michelle said feeling good about being back in control of her feelings and the situation.

"So you have had a girlfriend before." Rita asked.

"Actually no. I kissed one other girl before but she could not handle it. So this was only my second kiss but it was even more special than the first one." Michelle said as she started to kiss Rita again but about that time, she heard Darla call out from the front door that she was home. Rita started to let go of Michelle but Michelle snuck in one last kiss before Darla ran into the bedroom.

"What are you two doing?" Darla asked as she saw them standing close together and Rita's face was beet red.

"Nothing," Rita said.

"Yea, right, you two have been acting strange lately." Darla said as she put her books on the bed.

"So what are we going to do today?" Darla said as she made her intention to stay close to Michelle and Rita that day. She knew something was going on and she wanted to find out just what that was. Michelle got out her playing cards and they played poker until it was time to start supper.

The next day Michelle rushed Rita home from school. As soon as they put their backpacks on the bed, Michelle took Rita into her arms and kissed her. Rita put her arms around Michelle and kissed her back with equal passion. Michelle moved her tongue into Rita's mouth and she felt Rita's tongue meet it. Their tongues moved around each other and as Michelle withdrew her tongue, she found Rita's tongue following it. When Rita's tongue was in her mouth, Michelle closed her lips around it and sucked gently. This brought a slight moan from her. They kissed this way for another minute then their mouths separated. Michelle was out of breath and she could see Rita was too. Rita's cheeks had a flush to them. Michelle just had to kiss those rosy cheeks so she tenderly kissed them both and then her mouth found Rita's again. They kissed lightly this time as their lips touched and then parted. They came back together kissing a little harder but then again quickly parting only to come back together. As they kissed, Michelle ran her hands up and down Rita's back. Michelle could feel her nipples harden and her pussy become moist. They kissed and hugged until they heard Darla slam the front door. They parted quickly and when Darla came into the room, she gave both girls a long hard look. She did not ask what was going on, but Michelle knew she was dying to do that. Again, Darla kept close to them trying to determine what was going on.

From that day on, Michelle looked for the times that she could be alone with Rita. They only had about thirty minutes in the afternoon before Darla came home and that was just not enough time for them to sit, kiss, and talk. There was so much that Michelle wanted to know about this quite girl. It took a while for Rita to open up but when she did a flood of ideas and dreams came flooding out. Michelle wanted to know every one of them. Michelle was forced to do something she absolutely hated to do. She got up an hour earlier every day so that she could meet Rita before school started. They found an alcove that nobody used and they sat there and talked. They could not do much more than talk but it did give them time together that they would otherwise not have.

Darla, of course, eventually caught them lying on the bed kissing. She snuck in quietly one day and as Michelle and Rita was in the middle of a very passionate kiss, and then they heard someone clearing her throat. They both jumped up to see Darla standing in the doorway.

"What were you doing and don't say nothing. I may be only thirteen but I know that you two were kissing." Darla declared.

"We were just practicing kissing for when we have boyfriends." Rita offered.

"That wasn't practicing, that was kissing." Darla said.

Michelle knew they were caught so she decided that honestly was the best policy in this situation. "Come here and sit between us." Michelle told Darla. Once Darla was in place Michelle thought for a second on just how to explain to Darla, her and Rita's relationship.

"Well you know how boys and girls can fall in love."

"Yes," Darla said.

"Sometimes two girls can feel the same way about each other, they can fall in love."

"You mean you two are dykes?" Darla asked

"I prefer the word lesbian but yes we are dykes."

"But that is wrong; you are not supposed to do that. The preacher at church says you will both go to hell for that. I don't want you two to go to hell!" Darla said and then she began to cry. Rita got down on her knees in front of Darla and hugged her. When she had Darla calmed down she spoke to her little sister.

"Darla, listen to me. You can't always believe everything that anyone tells you, even the preacher. Is love a bad thing?"

"No," Darla said.

"I love Michelle and she loves me. If we love each other then can anything we do be bad?" Rita asked.

"No, but what about what the preacher says?" Darla asked again.

Rita took Darla's face into her hands then said, "Have I ever lied to you?"

"No, you have always looked out for me." Darla said.

"Then trust me, believe what I am telling you as it is the truth." Rita told Darla, who thought a minute then a smile came across her face and she hugged Rita. As they hugged, Rita looked up at Michelle and she saw the relief on her face.

"Am I still your friend?" Michelle asked Darla after she and Rita separated.

"Yes, you are still my friend." Darla told Michelle as she came over to her and gave her a hug too. When the hug ended, Darla sat down between them.

"I need to ask you to do something for me, well, for us." Rita told Darla.

"I know, don't tell mom. Don't worry I won't." Darla said and then she was sandwiched between Rita and Michelle as they both hugged her. This got Darla to start giggling and squirming but she did not try to get away from the hugs. Michelle and Rita finally let her go and things went back to normal with one exception. Michelle and Rita were now allowed to show their feelings when Darla was around.

For the rest of the week, when they came home in the afternoons, they went straight to the bedroom and shut the door. This would become their signal to Darla to leave them alone for a few minutes. They would sit first on the edge of the bed and turn to face each other. Michelle would put her hand to Rita's cheek and caress it lightly and then she would curl her hand around to the back of Rita's neck and draw Rita to her. Their lips would touch and Michelle would always let out a sigh as she had quickly grown to love kissing Rita. They would kiss lightly at first but soon their lips would open and the kiss would become much more passionate. Their tongues would meet and they would gently fall back on the bed. They kissed lying on their sides and Michelle would usually run her fingers along Rita's exposed arm. Slowly Michele would turn Rita onto her back and she would move on top of her. Their kissing became a lot more passionate at this point. Michelle would cradle Rita's face in her hands and then Rita would put her hands to Michelle's back pressing their bodies together. Michelle could feel Rita's breasts pressed against hers and she felt her nipples getting hard. She could also feel Rita's nipples through her bra and blouse. Just about the time that the kissing would get to the point that Michelle would want to do more, she would hear Darla come into the house. At that point, Michelle would give Rita a last kiss and they would get up to straighten their hair before opening the door and let Darla into the room. As the week passed, Michelle felt her desires and urges get stronger. She let her hands roam down to Rita's arms and then under her shoulders. When she began to press her hips down against Rita's and she felt her push back.

When Michelle woke up Saturday morning, she knew that this was the day that she and Rita would take their relationship to the next step. She was not sure how, but she did know that she was going to make it happen. She first took a shower and put on some of her favorite perfume. She then had to wait for her mother to leave for the church. She did everything she could to hurry her mother out the door but her mother was not cooperating. She was taking her sweet old time about leaving but eventually she did leave. Michelle waited until she was sure that her mother was not going to return, before she hurried out the door.

"Morning," Darla said as she opened the door for Michelle.

"Morning sweetie," Michelle said as she hugged Darla and then gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Where is Rita?"

"She is in the kitchen, waiting for you. But you better watch out, she is in a foul mood this morning." Darla told her.

"Well let me see if I can put her in a better mood." Michelle told Darla and she went toward the kitchen with Darla in tow.

Michelle found Rita in the kitchen down on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor. She walked over to her from behind and then walked in front of her.

"Darla, I don't want you on my clean floor and get to work!" Rita said without looking up.

"First, I am not Darla and I will get to work when I get good and ready." Michelle said and then Darla started laughing at her sister from the doorway.

"I am sorry. I thought you were Darla." Rita said as she jumped to her feet.

Michelle saw Rita's red cheeks from working so hard and she had to kiss her. Without thinking, she took Rita's face into her hands and she kissed her. Rita resisted for a second but then gave into the kiss. Michelle felt Rita grip her shoulders and pull her in close. Michelle opened her mouth and she felt Rita's tongue with her own tongue. They kissed for a minute or so then their lips parted. Michelle quickly lost herself in Rita's pretty, brown eyes and was content to stay lost but then she heard Darla going "Ooooohhhh" from the doorway. It was only then that Michelle remembered that Darla was even there.

"Now that is what I call a kiss!" Darla said.

Michelle felt her face warm up and she knew that she was blushing and then she glanced at Rita and her cheeks were even redder. Darla then decided to break out into song "Michelle and Rita up in a tree, k i s s i g g" and then she doubled over laughing.

"Come here squirt, I am going to get you for that." Michelle said as she took off after Darla who had already scooted away laughing even harder. Rita ran after the two of them hollering "We don't have time for this, mom left us with too much work to do." Michelle ended up trapping Darla in the bedroom where she tossed her onto the unmade bed. There she turned her over on her stomach and playfully spanked her. It was not until Rita arrived that the game was broken up and they set about doing all the jobs left for Rita and Darla. Michelle pitched right in and they made quick work of the all the jobs to be done. At about two, Michelle and Rita retired to the bedroom leaving Darla to finish the laundry. When they got to the bedroom, Rita started to pull out her drawings.

"I want to do something more interesting." Michelle said as she took the pad from her hands.

"What would that be?" Rita asked with a shy smile.

"This," Michelle said as she leaned over and lightly touched Rita's lips with her lips. They kissed lightly, using only their lips for a minute or two. Their hands moved to each other and they began to caress the others arms. As the kiss became more intimate, Michelle eased Rita on down to the bed. They lay on their sides and kissed. Michelle moved her right hand up and down Rita's side. As Michelle opened her mouth and eased her tongue into Rita's mouth, she moved her hand to just below Rita's breast. Michelle felt Rita tense a second and Michelle left her hand in place. As Rita relaxed, Michelle moved her hand upwards and she felt the swell of Rita's breast. Michelle eased her hand on, until she was cupping Rita's breast. Michelle felt the excitement course though her body; she was actually feeling the soft tissue of Rita's breast. When Michelle began to caress the breast gently, she heard Rita moan slightly as they continued to kiss. Michelle ran her fingers over the breast and she could feel Rita's nipple harden through the tee shirt and bra that Rita was wearing. Michelle eased Rita onto her back and she brought her left hand to Rita's other breast. As she tenderly caressed them, she began to move her kisses to Rita's neck. Rita moaned again, this time a little deeper and the moan went on a little longer. Michelle squeezed Rita's breasts and tried to pinch the nipples but the clothes were getting in the way. Michelle went back to Rita's lips and kissed her for another minute before she sat up and pulled Rita with her. She then put her hands to the bottom of Rita's tee shirt and started to pull it up but Rita stopped her.

"I don't know if we should, what if Darla comes in and sees us." Rita said slight out of breath and her face flush from what Michelle had been doing to her.

"The door is closed, Darla won't bother us." Michelle said as she put her hands back to the bottom of Rita's tee shirt.

This time Rita did not stop her. Michelle pulled the tee shirt on up and then off as Rita raised her arms. This left Rita with only her old-fashioned white cotton bra covering her breasts. Michelle came in and kissed Rita as she reached around her to unhook Rita's bra. She eased back and brought the bra with her. She watched as the bra came loose and she got her first look of Rita's breasts. Rita's C cupped breasts dropped slightly and Michelle focused in on her half dollar sized areola that was of a delicate rosy hue. Michelle felt her nipples harden and she felt moisture come to her pussy. She hesitated a second and then she brought her mouth down to the left nipple. She took it into her mouth. She sucked and she felt the nipple harden a little more and then she heard a louder moan come from Rita. She brought her hands up and cupped both breasts as she went from one to the other sucking and gently biting on the nipples. Rita moaned more and more. The soft flesh felt so nice in her hands that Michelle never wanted to let go. She then felt Rita's hands tentatively touch her breasts. The touch felt like electricity touching her and she let out a moan of her own. Rita went from there to cupping her breasts in her hands squeezing them. Michelle continued to kiss and suck on Rita's breasts until she felt Rita's hands leave her breasts and slide down to the bottom of her tee shirt. It was only when Rita started to pull up on her tee shirt, that Michelle let Rita's breasts leave her hands and mouth. She raised her arms to let Rita pull her shirt off and then take off her bra. Now her B cup breasts and her light colored areola were revealed. Michelle watched and waited as Rita slowly raised her hands to her breasts and then she grasped them. She let out a slight moan at the contact and a louder one when she felt Rita's mouth take her left nipple into her mouth. She did not think anything could feel better than this. Rita sucked and kissed her breasts, Michelle moved her hands to Rita's breasts, and she began to caress and pinch the nipples. They went this way for a minute or two and Michelle felt her panties get more and more soaked with her juices. She then took Rita by the shoulders and moved her back. As Rita's mouth was pulled from her right nipple, Michelle heard a wet pop. She took Rita's face into her hands and kissed her. They kissed a few minutes as their hands caressed each other's breasts. Michelle then moved her mouth back to Rita's breasts, kissing and sucking on them. They went on doing this for about twenty minutes, kissing, and sucking on each other's nipples and breasts, before Michelle could take no more. She eased Rita down on the bed and moved her hands to Rita's pants. Michelle looked at Rita's face as she unsnapped her jeans. She saw Rita bite her lower lip as she pulled the zipper down. She then put her hands at Rita's hips and began to pull the jeans down. Rita lifted her hips and Michelle eased her pants down. Michelle saw that Rita was wearing white cotton panties and as the jeans cleared Rita's hips, she saw the unmistakable wet area that covered Rita's pussy. Michelle pulled the jeans on down and off with Rita's help. She then crawled back up in the bed and began to peel Rita's panties down. She watched as Rita's black pubic bush came into view. She then held her breath as the panties cleared Rita's pussy and she caught a whiff of her arousal and she could just see Rita's slit hiding underneath her full bush. Michelle hurriedly pulled the panties off. Michelle then felt the desperate need to finish undressing so before Rita could move she got up on her knees and pushed her jeans and panties down and then off. She then dropped down on the bed and crawled between Rita's legs. She gently parted Rita's public hair and got her first real look at another girl's pussy. The labia were swollen and she could see the moisture seeping out. She did not think that she had seen anything a beautiful as Rita's pussy. She lowered her mouth to her pussy and took her first lick. The taste was slightly salty but very sweet. As Michelle began to lick, she heard Rita moan. Michelle moved her tongue up and down the slit drinking down the juices that Rita was producing. Once those juices were licked up, Michelle went deeper with her tongue, parting Rita's labia. The deeper her tongue went the more Rita moaned and this made Michelle want to go as deep as she could. Rita began to push her hips upward to get Michelle to lick harder. Michelle used her fingers to part Rita's lips and she pushed her tongue into Rita's pussy. This caused Rita to moan even louder. Michelle glanced up at Rita and she saw that her eyes were closed tight and she seemed to be in another world. Michelle also noticed Rita's clit peeking out from its hood. She licked at Rita's pussy a minute more before she went to the clit. As she sucked the clit into her mouth, she felt Rita push hard upward driving her pussy into Michelle's mouth. Michelle used her tongue to lick at the clit and this caused Rita to twist and turn in the bed. The harder Michelle licked the more Rita moaned and groaned until she let out a long moan and Michelle knew she had just made Rita have an orgasm. Michelle licked her clit a minute more as Rita moaned and cried from the intense pleasure she was experiencing. Michelle then went to Rita's slit and licked up the girlcum that was pouring out of her pussy. As Rita came down from her orgasm, Michelle moved up in the bed and held her friend and now lover.

"That was great." Rita whispered to Michelle.

"I am glad you liked it. You know you are the first girl I have ever gone down on." Michelle confessed to Rita.

"Well I hope that I can do it as well." Rita told Michelle as she kissed her then pushed her over on her back.

Michelle laid back and when Rita climbed on top of her, she wrapped her arms around her. Rita kissed her then moved down to her breasts. There she sucked and kissed them and Michelle felt herself getting even more excited. She felt Rita's lips on her nipples sucking and kissing them. However, she was so hot that she could take only a few minutes of this. She then put her hands on Rita's shoulders and pushed her downward. Rita kissed her way down to Michelle's light blond and trimmed pubes. Michelle felt Rita's fingers comb through her pubic hair and then she felt Rita's warm breath on her pussy. This sent a shiver through her body and then she felt Rita's tongue touch her outer lips. Rita licked hesitantly at first but as she got more confidence, she began to lick a little harder and deeper. Michelle could feel Rita's tongue part her labia and go into her pussy. Michelle let out a moan and she pushed upward with her hips. Rita was now getting into licking her pussy. She would go deep and then back to the lips and the slit. Michelle cried out in pleasure, "That feels so good Rita." This really got Rita to going. She used her fingers to open Michelle's pussy and she drove her tongue in deep. Michelle moaned as she felt Rita's tongue swirl around inside her. Rita eventually made her way to Michelle's super sensitive clit. As Rita started to suck on her bud, Michelle began to have her orgasm. The more Rita sucked and licked the more intense Michelle's orgasm became. She twisted, turned, and moaned as the orgasm washed over her. She finally had to push Rita's head away and she lay back to enjoy her orgasm.

As she came down, she felt Rita still at her pussy licking. She reached down and pulled Rita up to her. She kissed her and tasted her juices on Rita's face. This felt so sexy to her to know that her best friend had her pussy juices on her face. They kissed for a few minutes before parting.

"You don't know how much I love you." Michelle said to Rita as she kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I think I do, it is as much as I love you." Rita replied and then she rolled Michelle onto her back and kissed her passionately. The kiss only ended when Darla banged on the door and hollered, "Hurry up you two, it is four o'clock and mom will be here soon.

"Oh shit!" Rita said as she jumped up from the bed and started to grab her clothes.

"I believe we need to wash off, I would say that we have the smell of sex all over us." Michelle told Rita stopping her from getting dressed.

"Darla, go to the kitchen for a minute. We need to go to the bathroom." Rita hollered out to her sister. She waited a minute then cracked the door to make sure that her sister had done as she was told and then they streaked to the bathroom. There they washed their faces and their pussies getting the juices from them. Once they were clean, Michelle took Rita's naked body into her arms and kissed her. She felt Rita warm body against her own naked body. Their breasts pressed together, Michelle wanted to stay this way forever but the kiss ended, and they got dressed. When they got to the kitchen Darla gave them a look saying that she knew what they had been doing in the bedroom but she did not say anything. Michelle helped them get supper started before giving Rita a kiss and then sneaking out of the house.

On the way home, all Michelle could think about was how she and Rita had finally made love. It was everything that she had dreamed that it would be. She so wanted to turn the car around and spend the rest of the evening and night with Rita but she knew that could not be. She also then realized that it would a week before they could make love again. Nevertheless, she knew that at least they would be able to see each other at school and that was enough. If she could not make love to her friend, at least they would be able to be together and talk. That is what they did the following week. Monday morning they met early before school and talked. Then after school, Michelle walked Rita to her home and as soon as they were inside the door, they started to kiss. They kissed their way to the bedroom and shut the door. Once there they sat on the edge of the bed and began to kiss. Their hands were not idle as they quickly found the other's breasts and they caressed each other as they kissed. Soon they were lying down on the bed and Michelle slipped her hand under Rita's jeans and panties and found her pussy. Michelle found that Rita was already wet as she slid her fingers over Rita's pussy. She used her fingers to first stroke Rita's lips and once she had Rita moaning she slipped a finger into Rita's pussy. She slowly moved her finger in and out never going too deep as Rita's jeans were restricting her movement. However, once she did get her finger deep enough to find that Rita's hymen was still intact. She was careful to go no deeper than that as she frigged Rita's pussy. After a few minutes of this and when she had Rita moaning so much that she was unable to continue kiss her, Michelle moved her fingers to Rita's clit. She slowly massaged the clit until she felt Rita clinch her legs together and cum. About the time that Rita had recovered from her orgasm, Michelle heard Darla slam the front door closed and Rita groaned.

"Tomorrow is your turn." Rita told Michelle as she jumped up and went to the bathroom to clean up.

The next afternoon as they entered the bedroom Michelle took Rita into her arms and she started to kiss her. Just as the kiss was becoming passionate, Michelle found herself pushed backwards onto the bed. She reached back to catch herself and as she landed, she felt Rita at her jeans. Rita quickly unsnapped the jeans and unzipped them. Michelle lifted her hips as Rita peeled her pants down and off. This left her naked from the waist down. Rita got down on her knees in front of the bed and pulled Michelle's pussy toward her. Michelle opened her legs and she felt Rita start to lick her pussy lightly. It only took her a minute of this to feel the moisture come to her pussy as she got more excited. Rita then went to her slit and she parted Michelle's lips with her tongue. This brought a moan to Michelle's lips and she raised her legs up and parted them even more. This opened her pussy to Rita's mouth and she went even deeper with her tongue. Michelle pulled her top up and she pushed her bra out of the way. She started to pull on her nipples as Rita continued to lick her pussy. Rita then used her fingers to pull Michelle open and she twisted her tongue inside her. Michelle was really moaning now and she pulled hard on her nipples. Soon Rita went to her clit and sucked it into her mouth. She sucked and licked a minute getting Michelle close to a climax. Michelle then felt Rita slip a finger inside her pussy. Like Rita, Michelle was also a virgin and she felt Rita push against her hymen. However, Rita did not push any further and she back to fuck Michelle with the end of her finger. Michelle knew she was moments away from an orgasm, as Rita played with her pussy with her finger and sucked on her clit. Michelle tried to hold off her orgasm but she was no match for Rita's mouth and finger and she cried out as her orgasm hit. Rita licked Michelle though her climax. When Michelle came back to earth, Rita lay down on the bed beside her and they kissed a minute but they soon heard Darla announce her arrival by slamming the front door.

Their friendship and love affair continued to grow as the fall passed into winter. They talked as often as possible and made love when they could but this ended up being mostly on Saturdays. On Sundays, Michelle was tied up with her parents at church and Rita spent the morning at her church with her mom and Darla. She then spent the rest of the day at home, as that was the only day that her mom had off. Their lovemaking slowly developed as they learn more about their own bodies as well as each other's bodies. They learned what each other liked and what turned the other person on the most.

Then came Christmas break and Michelle was over at Rita's every day. They world first complete what ever jobs that Rita and Darla had to do then they would spend some time with Darla or practiced their drawing. Darla was becoming a great model after having spent so much time modeling for Rita. Michelle got better at the human form but she could not hold a candle to Rita. The day before Christmas Michelle decided to challenge Rita's ability.

"I think it is time for you to try drawing a nude." Michelle announced as she started to take off her clothes.

"No I can't do that and you can't undress in front of Darla." Rita protested.

"I don't have anything she doesn't have and we are not making love in front of her. You are just doing a drawing so shut your mouth. Darla, give her the drawing pad and pencil." Michelle said as she took off her bra and pushed her jeans and panties down. She then lay down on the edge of the bed and waited for Rita to pose her.

Rita sighed then said, "Put your arm on your side and bend your top knee a little."

Michelle did, and then Rita said, "Bend your knee a little more... Okay now look toward me." She started drawing Michelle with Darla looking over her shoulder. Michelle watched as the pencil went to work. She saw the concentration on Rita's knitted forehead. Her eyes went from the pad to Michelle and then back to the pad and the pencil continued to move. Michelle felt her muscles start to stiffen as Rita took her time in drawing her, but she kept in place not wanting to move a muscle for fear of interrupting Rita's concentration. After about forty-five minutes, she saw Rita make the last stroke of the pencil and she dropped the pad to her lap. Michelle got up and walked over to where Rita and Darla were standing and she picked up the pad. The drawing was beautiful. It made her look a thousand times better than she thought she really looked. Her breasts were perfect as well as her hips and legs. Moreover, when she saw her face she could almost see the love in those eyes as they looked at Rita and she knew that Rita could really capture her soul, as she truly did love Rita.

Michelle could not help herself as she leaned down. She put her hand behind Rita's neck and brought her head forward. She kissed her hoping she was showing how much she loved her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard Darla close the door and she knew that she and Rita was alone. As she ended the kiss, she moved in front of Rita and went to her knees. She reached up and started to pull Rita's tee shirt up. When it was off, she brought Rita forward and kissed her again. Their lips met and then she opened her mouth and their tongues met. She moved her tongue around Rita's and she heard her moan. She put her hands to Rita's back and unhooked her bra. She slipped the bra off and as they kissed, she covered Rita's breasts with her hands. This brought another moan from Rita. She caressed those perfectly soft breasts with her hands. She teased the nipples with her fingertips. Rita moaned some more, Michelle broke the kiss off and moved her mouth to those breasts. She cupped them in her hands and kissed each nipple. She sucked one then the other into her mouth. She then stayed at one breast kissing and biting the nipple. From there, she went to the other breast doing the same to it. Soon she had to get a taste of Rita's pussy. She gave a last kiss to each breast and she kissed her way down Rita's belly. When she got to her jeans, she sat back on her knees and unsnapped the jeans. Rita lifted her hips off the seat of the chair and let Michelle pull her jeans and panties down. Michelle put her hands to Rita's hips and brought her hips to the edge of the chair. She opened Rita's legs and watched as Rita's pussy opened up for her. She slowly lowered her mouth to that pussy and started to lick. This caused Rita to moan loudly and she felt Rita's hand to her head holding her in place. She licked up and down the slit, getting all the juices that she could. She knew she could drink Rita's juices all day long and never get tired of them. It was like sweet honey to her taste buds. She pressed her tongue deeper into the slit parting Rita's labia. There she was rewarded with more of Rita's honey. She sucked them up and went to the hole. She pushed her tongue inside and she felt Rita push her hips toward her. She moved her tongue around and Rita squealed with delight. Eventually she made her way to Rita's clit. It was standing out proud for her and she sucked it into her mouth. She licked and sucked as her fingers moved to Rita's pussy. She slipped a finger inside Rita's pussy going in until she met resistance and then she stopped. She fucked Rita with her finger as she licked and sucked on her clit. Soon she felt Rita's hips start to jerk and she knew that she had brought Rita to an orgasm. She licked and sucked on her until Rita pushed her head away. Rita sat there panting with her eyes closed as the waves of her orgasm passed over her. Michelle just looked on as she watched her lover experience the pleasure that she had brought to her. She felt so good when she was able to please her friend, which meant more than anything did to her.

When Rita recovered, she got up and put her hand down to Michelle, who took it. Rita helped her up then pulled her in close to kiss her. They kissed and Michelle held onto Rita tightly. She loved the feel of their naked bodies pressed together. They kissed for a few minutes then Rita pulled away and led Michelle over to the bed. Michelle lay down but as Rita started to lie on top of her but Michelle decided to do something different. She had Rita move around on the bed so that they were head to toe with Rita on her hands and knees above her.

"What are you doing" Rita asked.

"This way we can do each other at the same time." Michelle replied and then she saw Rita look between her legs and smile. Rita lowered her head to Michelle's pussy and started to lick. Michelle moaned loudly at the touch of Rita's tongue on her pussy then she pulled Rita's pussy down to her mouth. They both began to lick and suck. Michelle could not believe how good this felt, to lick and be licked at the same time. Michelle started with the left over girlcum that Rita still had on her pussy and then she slipped her tongue deeper into Rita's pussy as she felt Rita go deeper into her. Their tongues explored each other, leaving no part left untouched. Michelle used her fingers to open Rita up and she pushed her tongue in deep. Rita was not far behind as she did the same to her. Then Rita went to her clit and Michelle was so excited from making Rita cum a few minutes before that her orgasm hit her before she knew what was happening. She cried out to Rita "I am cumming baby!" and she had to stop licking as the waves of her orgasm washed over her. She felt Rita's tongue on her clit making the orgasm more intense. When she came back around, she found that Rita was at her pussy again licking up the girlcum she felt flowing out of her.

After her climax, she rested a minute and then went back to Rita's pussy. This time she pressed her middle finger into Rita's pussy again going in until she felt her hymen. She stopped there and started to fuck Rita with just the end of her finger. She felt Rita's finger enter her and that felt so good but suddenly she wanted more and obviously so did Rita.

"Go deeper." She heard Rita say.

"Are you sure?" Michelle asked.

"Yes." Came the throaty reply.

"Let's do it together, at the same time." Michelle said as she opened her thighs even more.

"Okay." Rita said and she pressed her finger in deeper. Michelle felt the pressure on her hymen and she pressed her finger against Rita's hymen. They both moved their fingers in and out going deeper and deeper until they broke through at the same time. Michelle felt the pain of her hymen breaking and she heard Rita groan as she herself was groaning. She pushed her finger all the way in and left it there a second as Rita got used to it deep inside her. Rita left hers in place as well. They both rested a minute then Michelle began to move her finger out. She saw a little of Rita's blood from her broken hymen on her finger as it came out but then she pushed it back in. She felt Rita's vaginal muscles clinch down on her finger and she could feel Rita's finger move in and out of her. It hurt as first but soon the pain turned to pleasure. Soon they were both fucking each other with their fingers. Michelle was the first to put a second finger inside Rita and she heard Rita moan from the increased fullness. Michelle then felt a second finger slip inside her. It did make her feel fuller and the pleasure better. They used their fingers on each other for a while. Michelle watched as her fingers went deep into Rita and then come out. Now there was more girl juice than blood on her finger as she plunged them into Rita. Michelle felt Rita fucking her harder and she felt Rita press her mouth down on her clit. "God that feel so good!" she cried out. She got a muffled reply from Rita as she pressed her mouth to Rita's clit. Michelle moved her tongue around and across Rita's clit and she felt Rita moan onto her clit. These vibrations on her clit made Michelle moan. Michelle felt Rita increase the speed and pressure of her fingers and she started to move her hips against those fingers. she felt like every nerve in her body was on edge. Her body was alive. It was all that Michelle could do to keep fucking Rita and suck on her clit. This went on a few more minutes before Michelle felt her body tense up and she felt her orgasm hit, the last thing that she remembered was Rita's vagina clamp down on her fingers and she knew that Rita was cumming with her. Rita collapsed on top of her and they lay that way for a few minutes before Rita got up and she lay beside Michelle. They kissed a minute then Michelle saw her blood on Rita's fingers and she looked at her own fingers and saw a trace of Rita's blood. Michelle took her hand and entwined their fingers joining their blood together.

"We made each other women today." Michelle said solemnly.

"Yes we did. I love you so much, you just cannot know." Rita said as a tear fell from her eyes. Michelle kissed the tears, and then she realized that she was crying too. They cried, kissed, and hugged each other for a long while before they knew that they had to get up. As they got up, they again came together, kissed, and hugged before finally streaking down to the bathroom to clean up. That afternoon they held each other a long time before finally letting go and then Michelle slipped out the door to go home, a new woman. What she did not know as she drove home blissfully was that the gods had become jealous of her love for Rita and Rita's love for her.

Christmas day brought a huge snowfall that covered the roads and stopped everything moving. Michelle was not able to get out and see Rita until two days before school was to start. As soon as her mother left, Michelle was out the door and headed for Rita's house. As soon as she got inside the house, Rita took her into her arms and kissed her. They did not care that Darla was there watching them and giggling. All they saw was each other. It had been almost a week since they had seen or talked to each other and it was killing them. The kiss went on for what seemed like forever before they broke apart.

"We will be back in a few minutes. Why don't you get started on the house and when we are done then you can have the rest of the day to do whatever you want. Michelle and I will finish what ever is left." Rita told Darla.

"Does that mean I can boss you both around the rest of the day?" Darla said with a gleam in her eyes.

Michelle laughed and replied, "Yes, you can be the boss."

"Good, I will start in the kitchen, which is the easiest to do." Darla said with a laugh as she went toward the kitchen, which was in the back of the house away from the front door and the bedrooms.

Rita led Michelle into the bedroom and shut the door. They immediately came together and started kissing as they pulled the clothes from each other. When they were naked, they kissed and pressed their bodies together. Their hands roamed to each other's backs and asses. Michelle caressed Rita's ass cheeks with her hands and she felt Rita's hands do the same to her. They kissed and kissed until they were both out of breath. Then Michelle led Rita over to the bed. Rita lay on the bed and she directed Michelle to get on top of her so that they were in the sixth-nine position. Michelle lowered her head to Rita's pussy and inhaled the fresh aroma before she started to lick. Soon she was lost in their lovemaking. It felt so good to be making love to Rita again. She had missed her so much and not being able to talk to her about drove her crazy. She kissed and sucked on Rita's pussy, drinking in her honey and she felt Rita's tongue separating her labia and going deeper into her pussy. Michelle squealed in pleasure then she heard a loud voice. "What are you doing to my daughter?" Michelle looked up to see a strange hard looking woman standing in the doorway.

"Mother, what are you doing home?" Rita said.

Michelle knew they were in deep shit now; they had been caught making love. She got off Rita and they both tried to find their clothes but they were by the door where Rita's mother was standing and she looked mad as hell. Her face was red as a beet and Michelle could see the veins sticking out of her neck. She and Rita tried their best to cover up but there was nothing there to use as a cover.

"I asked what were you doing to my daughter?" Rita's mother screamed in Michelle's direction.

Michelle said the only thing she knew she could say, "We were making love. We love each other."

"Yes we do." Rita echo.

"That is not love! That is sin!" the raging woman screamed. About this time, Darla came running in from the kitchen. She saw her mother and then Michelle and Rita. Michelle saw Darla first and gave her a look she hoped told Darla to play deaf and dumb. There was no reason for to get her in trouble. The woman noticed Darla about this time.

"Get out of here!" she screamed at Darla, "You don't need to see this." "No wait a minute young lady. Did you know this was going on? Tell me the truth girl."

Rita's mother was looking at Darla, who was looking at Rita and Michelle. They both shook their heads "No." Darla hesitated a second and then lied to her mother, "No, I didn't know anything about it."

Rita's mother then turned to Michelle, "What is you name, and who are your parents. I am going to call them and let them know just what you have done to my daughter. I know you did this to her, I know she would not have done what she was doing unless you were making her."

Rita started to say something but Michelle grabbed her hand and stopped her. "My name is Michelle Waterson and my parents are Harry and Ellen Waterson. My phone number is 555-4078."

"Now get dressed and get out of my house. And don't ever come back." The woman said in a clam but menacing tone.

Michelle got her clothes and quickly got dressed. She gave a quick look back at Rita who was standing firm. Much different from the wallflower that she had met a few months earlier.

As she got to the front door, she heard the woman holler, "Darla, get me the strap and hurry or you will get it too." Michelle started to turn around and protect her friend.

"Go on home; I will take care of Rita for you. We will be all right. I will let you know when it is safe again." Darla said as she pushed Michelle out the door.

Michelle ran to her car crying. She worried about Rita and she worried about how long it would be before she could see her again. She drove around all afternoon crying and longing for the comfort of her friend's arms. She did not get home until about three and as she walked into the house, she found her mother and father waiting for her. It was only then she started to worry about herself.

"Have a seat, we need to talk." Her father said in a calm voice that scared her more than, if he was yelling. Michelle sat down as far away from them as possible and still be in the same room.

"You mother got a call from a very irate woman this morning. The woman was saying some very bad things about you. You mother and I know you would never do such bad things. We raised you to be a good Christian young woman and Christian women do not do such awful things. Now tell us the truth and I will go to that lady and set her straight."

Michelle knew better than to lie at this point. Her father would check out whatever she said. "What the woman said was the truth. I am a lesbian and I love Rita and she loves me."

"Oh Dear God no!" Michelle heard her mother say.

"I can't believe you are saying that. You know that is wrong in God's eyes. Don't you hear and understand what the bible says? You are a sinner in the eyes of God and you must be punished for those sins. We will get that sin out of you and make you a good Christian woman again." Her father said as he calmly got up and began to take off his belt. Michelle watched as he got up and walked over to her. She wanted to run but her muscles would not work. When he got to her, she felt his hand grasp her forearm tightly and he pulled her up harshly. She tried to pull away but she could not get loose. He grip was just too tight. Michelle found herself being dragged her into her bedroom. He pushed her down onto the bed so that her feet were on the floor and her torso was lying across the bed. .

"Mother, take a hold of her arms and hold her in place and we will beat the sin out of her."

Michelle felt her mother grab her arms and she pulled them toward her. Michelle was pinned to the bed and unable to move. A second later she heard the belt swish through the air and it landed across her ass. She felt like a explosion went off in her head as the pain hit her brain. Before she knew what was happening she felt the belt hit her ass again. This hurt even worse that the first lick. She wanted to cry out and beg her father to quit but then she got her back up. She was not going to give in to him. She was not going to cry so she bit down on her lower lip as the belt came down on her ass and thighs repeatedly as her father quoted scripture to her. The belt went back down onto her thighs and back to her ass. The pain was intense and Michelle did not think she could take it. It hurt so damn bad. He asked her to repent but Michelle refused to say anything so the whipping went on. A few minutes later, her father again asked her to repent and again she remained silent. The belt kept coming down on her ass. Michelle became even more determined to remain quite no matter how much her ass hurt. The whipping went on and on until finally her father stopped.

"You will get this every night until you repent young lady. In addition, you can forget about ever going back to that school again. There is a good religious school here in town and that is where you will be next week and every week until you graduate and then it is on to a good Christian college." Her father said as he and her mother left her alone in her room. But as they left, Michelle heard them lock the door, leaving her trapped in her room.

It was only afher she was sure that they were gone that the let the tears go, as much for the pain as the fact that she knew it would be a long time before she saw Rita again. After crying for a few minutes, she gingerly pulled her jeans off her sore ass. She reached down and gently touched her ass and she feel the heat coming off. She pulled her panties off and then her tee shirt and bra. She slipped her nightgown on and curled up on the bed. She laid there for a long period of time thinking about how bad the day had gone how much she was already missing Rita. She also wondered if Rita was in the same pain as she was. When she did fall asleep, the dreams that she had made her wish that she had stayed awake. The dreams were about her and Rita and in the dreams; she knew that they would never get back together. Early the next morning, her mother unlocked the door and let her go to the bathroom and take a shower. She then escorted her back into her bedroom and locked her inside. Michelle immediately noticed that her TV, phone, CD player, and all her books had been taken from the room and a white covered bible was sitting on the middle of the bed. She threw the bible across the room and lay down on the bed in her nightgown. She did not bother getting dressed, as there was no place to go. She missed Rita so much and worried about how she was doing. She had no way to contact her. She took a nap during the afternoon and was awaken about five for another visit to the bathroom. Her mother then escorted her to the kitchen table. There was the normal food on the table but at her plate there was a single roll and a glass of water. Michelle smiled to herself as she picked up the roll and slowly ate it. She was starving to death but she was not going to show that to her parents. After everyone had finished eating, including chocolate cake for her parents as they knew she loved chocolate cake. She was then escorted back to her bedroom. About an hour later, her mother and father came into her room with out knocking. Her father had his belt in his hand. Before she knew what was happening she was back across the bed and her mother was holding her down. She only had her nightgown on with no panties. The belt began to rain down on her ass. The pain was even more intense that yesterday as she butt was still sore and she had less padding. The whipping went on and on with her father quoting scripture. Again, he asked her to repent and again she remained silent. The pain was more than she could bare but she bared it all the same. She was determined to do that for herself and Rita's sake. She would not admit her love for Rita was wrong. When her father got tired of whipping her, he left her to contemplate her sins. Her days and nights went on like this for a week. She had only bread and water to eat and drink and she received a whipping every night. However, she did remember to put on extra panties and thick jeans at night but the whipping still hurt like hell. It was only on the six day in her room when her hunger was at its greatest that she saw the errors of her ways. She still did not think what she was and what she had done was wrong but she also knew she could not take this for much longer. Her father would win in the end so why not let him win now. Then she could get on with her life and she could see Rita sooner because she would see her again. She had spent the past week to plan her future with Rita and it was time to start that future. That night as her father was whipping her and when he asked her to repent she cried out, "I have sinned. I was wrong. I will change my ways."

"Are you sincere?" Her father asked as the belt continued to rain down on her ass, harder than before.

"Yes father. I am sincere. I am a sinner and I pray for forgiveness. Please God forgive me" Michelle cried out as she let a few tears run down her face to convince her father and mother. It was only then did her father quit the whipping. Her mother hugged her tight and told her how proud of her she was.

The next day her mother drove her to her new school. She dropped her off and told her that she would be back as three o'clock sharp. Michelle went into the small school and she got stares from everyone. She knew then that the whole school had been told that she had been caught in the bedroom of another girl. No one would talk to her and that was fine with her, she had a plan and soon she would be with Rita. The school was more of a church than a school. All lessons were based on the bible and very little learning on normal subjects was conducted. Moreover, forget about evolution that never happened according to the school. Nothing had changed in their world since Adam and Eve arrived. However, Michelle just smiled to herself. She was on her best behavior and slowly some of her stuff was returned to her. It took two months to get her car back but once it did, she set her plan in motion.

She first went to her old school and she found a girl that knew Rita. The girl told her that Rita had dropped out of school; she had never come back from Christmas break. That bit of information worried Michelle but she went to plan B. She parked down the block from Rita's house. She walked up close to the house and waited for Darla's bus. About ten minutes later the bus went by her, she saw Darla, and she was sure that Darla saw her. Michelle started walking down the street trying to time her arrival at where Darla got off the bus. She ended up about ten feet behind Darla and some of the other kids that got off the bus. Darla did not turnaround but talked to the other kids as they dropped one by one off at their houses. Soon it was just Darla in front of her and she heard her say, "Don't talk to me. As I get to my house, I will drop a note. Pick it up and go on."

"Okay," Michelle said. When Darla got to her house, she dropped the note and kept on walking. Michelle walked to the note and casually went down to her knee and started to retie her shoelace. She scoped the note up and kept walking. Once she got to the corner of the street, she opened the note.

"The neighbors are watching Rita and me, so you can't stop by. Drop by tomorrow and I will leave you a note from Rita. She loves and misses you." Darla had written on the note.

The note made Michelle cry. Rita still loved her. She wanted to rush over to Rita's house that instant but she knew better. She would wait to see what Rita had to say. Then they could plan how to work it all out. The next day she was waiting for Darla at the same place. Darla got out of the bus and they played their game again. As she got to her house, she dropped a folded piece of paper. Michelle walked by, scooped the paper up, and kept on walking. This time she waited until she got to her car before opening the paper.


Mom made me drop out of school but I had enough credits to graduate. As Darla's note said, Mom has all the neighbors watching the house so you will are not able to come here. I still love and miss you so much. I don't know how you feel about me but I assume that since you are here then you feel the same way. I was scared that you did not love me anymore but now you are back. I want to be with you so much. You are my best friend in the world and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. However, wherever we go we have to take Darla with us. I will not leave her here alone to face mom. I can't do that to her. Figure out a way to make this happen.



Ps: Wait a week from today and then get in front of Darla when she gets off the bus. Drop two papers on the ground; one for Darla to give back to you and then one for Darla to give to me.

Michelle again started to cry, Rita did still love her, and she wanted to go away with her. Taking Darla along would make it much harder and she did not know how she was going to make it happen. Michelle went on home and straight to her bedroom. She got the phone book and started to make phone calls. She was still had some details to work out when the time came to drop off her letter to Rita. She wrote the letter the night before and she left the details out of her note.


I love you too and we will spend the rest of our days together. I have a plan coming together but including Darla makes it a little harder. However, I don't blame you for not wanting to leave the Squirt behind. I love her as a little sister and I would love to have her join us. Just make sure she understands that when we leave, we will not be coming back. I have so much to tell you but soon we will have the time and freedom to talk so I will leave that to then. I miss you so much.



Michelle timed her walk and she was walking past the bus as Darla was getting off. She paced herself and as she passed Rita's house she dropped one of the notebooks that she was carrying but she kept on walking.

"Miss, you dropped something." Darla cried out to Michelle who stopped and turned toward Darla.

"Oh, thank you." Michelle said as Darla ran up and handed her the notebook. "So how are you doing Squirt?"

"Better now that you are back. So is Rita, she is finally smiling instead of crying all the time. She told me to give you this." Darla said as she pulled Michelle to her and kissed her on the cheek. Darla then took the note and raced off to her house. As Michelle passed the house, she got her first look at Rita in three months, as she was standing at the door. She noticed the little wave of Rita's hand and Michelle return the wave with a big smile on her face. She then turned toward the sidewalk and went on her way. Michelle noticed that Rita had lost some weight but she look good. In addition, the smile on Rita's face was priceless to her. Michelle went straight home and got back on the phone. After school the next day, she went to the courthouse and got all the papers that she would need. She then went home and started the paper work. Over the next week she did all she could in filling out the forms. She also got the last piece of the puzzle into place. She then wrote her letter to Rita.


Okay here it is. We are going to Paris, France the day after Darla gets out of school; to attend an art school. All you have to do is fill out the rest of the forms and get the paperwork required. Just tell me when you and Darla can sneak away for the afternoon, as we have to get our passports very soon. Then it will all be set. I can't wait to see you again and to hold you in my arms. I love you.



The next week Darla left her a note.


Meet us Friday at the corner of First West Street and Main at one. Darla knows that she can't come back and she is okay with that. She says that as long as she is with her two sisters then it will be fine. Thank you for taking her along. I did not want to have to decide between the two of you. However, being the person that you are, you did not make me do that. That is another reason why I love you so much. See you Friday.



Friday could not come fast enough for Michelle but it did. At lunch, she said she was sick and left school. She made one stop to pick up the most critical parts of the plan and headed off to meet Rita and Darla. Shortly after they arrived at the meeting place, Michelle saw Rita and Darla heading toward them. Michelle jumped out of the car and ran toward Rita. They met halfway and they hugged each other tightly. Michelle started to cry and Rita was doing the same as they kissed repeatedly. It was not until she felt Darla tug on her arm that they quit.

"We don't have much time. We need to get back home before mom knows we are gone. You two will have all the time in the world to do that later." Darla told them.

"You are right squirt. You know I have missed you so much." Michelle said as she hugged Darla and kissed both of her cheeks. Michelle then led them to her car.

"I want you two to meet our moms for the afternoon. This is Helen and Carla, they are members at the church that I go to and have been lovers for twenty years." Michelle announced. The women introduced themselves, as Rita and Michelle piled into the back seat and Darla sat between Helen and Carla in the front seat. Michelle immediately took Rita's hand in hers and they turned to each other. They took their time as they slowly came together and kissed. They kissed softly and slowly both wanting the kiss to last forever. When it ended, they told each other what they had been through the past few months. When they got to the courthouse, they finished the paperwork and their "Mothers" signed what parts that they had to sign. Therefore, when they left, everything was set in place. When they got back, Helen, Carla, and Darla got out of the car and gave the lovers a few moments alone.

"I think the neighbors are getting suspicious of you walking by the house. I think the notes will have to stop until we leave." Rita told Michelle.

"Okay, I will miss not getting a note from you but we don't have much longer to go. In a few weeks, we will be away from here forever and we can be together. I wish it was today that we were leaving."

"Me too, I can't stand being apart from you. You are my only true friend. I love you." Rita said as she started to cry. Michelle kissed her tears away and she whispered, I love you too." They held and kissed each other a few minutes more before they heard Darla knocking on the window. Rita gave Michelle one last kiss then got out of the car. Michelle watched from the car as Rita and Darla walked home.

The next six weeks went by so slowly for Michelle. She received the passports in the mail and picked up the plane tickets two weeks before they were to leave. She waited until the day before to withdraw the money that her grandmother had left her and then she went down to a local car lot to sell her car. She did not get its real worth but she did get the car dealer to let her drop the car off the next day. When morning arrived, she kissed her father and mother as they left, which surprised them both. Michelle did not love either of them anymore but she knew that this day would be the last day she would ever see them. After they left, she packed her bags and left. She dropped her car off and took a cab to the airport. She had three hours to kill before the plane was to leave. She hoped that Rita and Darla would be there when she got there but they were not. She checked in her bags and went through security to wait for them. An hour passed and Michelle began to worry a little bit, as they were still not there. After two hours, was worried. As each minute of the last hour passed, she started to get scared. She began to pace the floor. The plane arrived and she watched the passengers unloaded and still no Rita and Darla. Michelle did not know what to do now. Get on the plane or go after Rita. They called for the passengers to start boarding and Michelle made her decision. She turned to go after her friend when she saw Darla and Rita running toward her, hollering at each other to hurry up. Michelle ran to them and hugged Darla and then Rita.

"You two scared the shit out of me! Where have you been? The plane is boarding." Michelle said as she started to cry.

"Mom took her sweet time in leaving. I think that she suspected that something was up. Darla here almost let the cat out of the bag when she tried to rush Mom out the door. I tried to shut her up but no she kept it up." Rita said as she hugged Michelle to her body.

"I did not try to rush her... well not too much, but you were rushing her too and you know it." Darla countered.

Rita started to turn to Darla and say something when Michelle got herself back together.

"Quit arguing you two. They are making the last call. Let us get our asses into gear. You can argue all the way to Paris if you want to but we need to get on the plane." Michelle scolded them.

"Did not!" Rita spat at Darla.

"Did too!" Darla said laughing as she ran toward the gate.

Michelle took Rita's hand in hers and said; "Are you ready to start our life together?"

"Yes, I love you, you know." Rita replied as she kissed Michelle on the cheek.

"I love you too."

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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